U:1W 314r1&ian Daily "Uli-Tell You What-I'll Settle For Hair" hen Opinions Are Free, Trutb Will Prevail" Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVEP SiTy OF MC1IUGA> UNDER AUTHORITY OP BOARD IN CONTROL OP STUDENT PUBLICATIONs STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone No 2-3241 .--K %' + "'' , . ,'" . AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Trap ezew;' Swvingys Into Stan da rd 1ctilo ESPITE ALL of the publicity aNid iditenatonal attention which it has received, "Trapeze." the new flecht and Lancaster production, is a routine circus melodrama about flying artists. Burt Lancaster is cast as a retired aerialist who has been injured while performing his top trick. a triple somersult in the air. While Lancaster is working in a Paris circus, putting up the ropes and nets, young Tony Curtis persuades the ex-artist to teach him the trick and Editorials printed in The Michigan.Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mist be noted in atl reprints. l Y, JUNE 29, x956 NIGHT EDITOR: DONNA HANSON Action to Limit Court Power Would Be Unwise / . {. ;; . , r 1 "',, '; : .; .r a , . Ott; _,. ,' :. _ : 9 if i I 'I 1 t RECENT ATTACKS on the Supreme Court have ranged from sincere alarm by some over recent decisions to charges by Senator James Eastland, the arrogant witch-hunter from Mississippi, that the Court is pro-com- munist. Disregarding extreme accusations. by frus- trated congressional investigators it still seems safe to assert the present Court is the most controversial since that which struck down President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal legislation. A host of recent bills introduced in both houses of Congress aim to limit the court's power. In an unprecedented move (at least since Civil War days) 101 congressmen signed a ~manifesto" expressing determination to strike down a Court ruling. Court opponents base their attacks mainly on one issue: Chief Justice Earl Warren is trespassing on state's rights and the powers of Congress-he is, they claim, making law in- stead of interpreting it. MOST CONTROVERSIAL decision, of course, was to desegregate public schools in the South, written by the Chief Justice in May, 1954. Other recent decisions which have disturbed numerous observers include striking down state laws on sedition (on the ground that the Smith Act gives the federal government sole jurisdiction), declaring a New York City firing of a schoolteacher who refused to answer ques- tions before a congressional committee uncon- stitutional, denying the Loyalty Review Board authority to review a case after an administra- tive agency had cleared an employee, and de- claring a federal statute granting immunity from prosecution to persons whose testimony may incriminate them valid. The most recent controversial decision was that federal employees cannot be dismissed on security grounds unless they occupy sensitive positions. THAT THE Warren Court is more concerned with application than with deciding consti- tutional questions seems clear. Warren has, on occasion, indicated that he feels the law must be interpreted in a social context as'much as on{ legal grounds. It is also clear that the Court, under Warren's guidance,, is laying great emphasis on protec- tion of individual rights. It does not follow from either of these, though, that the Court has exceeded its bounds or that there is any base for congressional action to limit its authority. Individual rights have suffered recently at the hands of Congress, particularly at the 'ands of a minority of congressional investi- gators. Treatment of witnesses, neglect of pro- cedural safeguards, establishment of security boards and loyalty oaths have caused grave concern, If the Court, then, has stepped on congres- sional and state toes in an effort to restore these rights it has done so with good cause-- it is time for the pendulum to swing the 'other way. (LAIMS THAT the Court is more concerned with application than with constitutional considerations may be valid but they are not sufficient base for congressional action to limiting the Court's authority. There is ample room for reasonable differ- ence of opinion on interpreting of legal prin- cipals. Eminent legal authorities have claimed that law must be treated as a function of its social context. Controversy is not new to the Supreme Court. History shows many of its most noted decisions have forced the Court to ride the crest of controversy. It would be unfortunate if, in the heat of the moment, Congress stripped the Court of a part of its power - for in so doing it would be stripping the people of their most important instrument of democracy and freedom. -LEE MARKS S Y- t G P t T. q - M UA R PEASIO blY b bb1 1 iYIO 4 . , 4D9Sbt6 ~e LO#h.tfr4TO#'4 ?o s r c wmmlNn69imwF :0 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND- Facts on Ike Leaking Out By DREW PEARSON_ Stone Monuments Worthless THE BLOCK of stone school of monument erectors has won once again. The House Armed Services Committee has passed' a pro- Posal to erect a "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" for the Korean War. This tomb, which will be similar to the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of World War II, will be in Arlington Cemetery and will have the same honors paid to it as the World War I monument. There will be provision for a twenty-four hour honor guard, tourists, and a place to sell picture postcards, It is not reported how much money will be spent on this tomb. The initial cost of the stone may be low yet the upkeep and the maintenance of the troops that will be neces- sary to give it proper honor guard will be high. In following the traditional method of honoring war dead the committee exhibited traditional lack of imagination. THE FUNDS which will be appropriated for this project should be spent to honor the Korean War dead. No one can quibble with this. Yet must they be spent on a lifeless block of stone? The University's memorial to dead of World War II points the proper way to recognize the services and sacrifices of those who have fallen in battle. By providing a living monument, the Phoenix Project, the University not only honors the dead but also helps to improve the future. Why then can't the United States carry out a similar program to honor the dead from Korea? There are many things which could provide a living memorial to these men. The list can start with scholarships to aid the child- ren of those men. Or perhaps the establish- ment of scholarships to enable Koreans to study here would be a fitting memorial. Nations are built of people, not blocks of stone. Monuments should be built the same way, -KEN JOHNSON WASHINGTON-More facts are gradually leaking out regard- ing the crucial days which preced- ed President Eisenhower's illness. They show the strain under which he worked, the vital decisions heE faced in the pressing burden thatI is the presidency. . Shortly before the illness he had called in House Representatives leaders to urge reinstatement of one billion dollars in foreign aid. The President did a magnificent, eloquent job, talking for 30 minutes in two 15-minute periods. "I am talking to you as a mili- tary man," he said. In detail he explained how cer- tain types of American bombers could make a certain number of missions over Moscow if they flew from European bases, as compar- ed with far fewer trips if bigger bombers flew from the U.S.A. He wanted money for these overseas bases. ThE PRESIDENT was sincere and effective. His listeners were impressed. But he became flush- ed with the exertion. His face, pale before he started talking, was crimson when he finished. It was a brilliant, impassioned plea, but not the kind to be made, by a man with a heart condition or high blood pressure. When he had finished, Speaker Rayburn said: "Mr. President, this meeting should have been held two weeks ago. The foreign aid bill is now out of committee. However, we will do our best." Rayburn carried out his promise -only to be reversed. The re- verse was a defeat for him, but, more important, it was a defeat for Ike himself, who had laid his reputation and his leadership on the line. The crushing vote against him occurred a few hours before the midnight he was taken ill. ONE DAY before his illness the President had been quizzed at a press conference regarding his failure to support GOP Sen. Alex- ander Wiley of Wisconsin, a faith- ful Eisenhower supporter on for- eign aid. Ike had appealed to re- publican leaders for support on foreign aid. Though Wiley nas consistently gone down the line for him despite political opposition back in Wis- consin, the President did not sup- port him when anti-Ike, pro- Mc- Carthy forces conspired against him for renomination. When the President was queried about this in a press conference one day before he became ill he became flushed and noticeably unhappy. Wiley, he replied, had not wanted White House aid: he, Eisenhower, had not intervened in other Republican primaries. A newspaperman asked why he had intervened in Oregon to help ex-Secretary of the Interior Mc- Kay. Ike replied he had not known other Republicans were running. This also was embarrassing. For newsmen knew that four Republi- cans had already entered the Ore- gon primary before Eisenhower wrote his letter endorsing McKay. Suddenly at his press conference the President seemed to realize that his aides had given him poor adivee. All these problems seemed to converge at once. On other occas- ions Ike has had stomach upsets when he faced disagreeable decis- ions, as when he testified for the 1950 reduced military budget and faced bitter criticism of his own military comrades. Illness that fol- lowed forced him to spend over a month in Key West, * * * AND ON THIS crucial first week in June there occurred two other unpleasant crises. One was his statement sympathetic to neutral nations which so aroused the Phil- ippines and Pakistan that the White House had to issue a state- ment next day correcting the President of the United States. This occurred just a few hours be- fore the fateful midnight. Also, just a few hotvs before, Ike had an unpleasant session with ex-Sen. Harry Cain, the bitter Re- publican critic of the Eisenhower loyalty program. Senator Cain had scarcely set foot inside the President's office when the sparks began to fly. Cain got into a shouting match, not with Ike but with White House Counsel Gerald Morgan, who sat in on the interview.. Morgan accused Cain of shoot- ing from the hip and attacking the President's loyalty program with- out talking to the White House first. Testily he charged that Cain was not a "team player"-a ser- ious accusation in the Eisenhower vernacular. Cain shot back that he had re- ported to the White House but had been rebuffed by the palace guard. He had tried to get information to Ike about abuses in the loyalty program, he snorted, but had been unable to crack through the ring of aides around the President. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) re-enter the entertainment busi- ness. THE TWO MEN have no sooner begun work when they are inter - rupted by hip-swinging Gina Lo- lobrigida who wants to be a third rtner.Mis Lollobrigida wants security, and she is willing to 'pit one man against the other--she needs a job and nothing will stand in her way. So she flirts with one, then the other, back to the first, gets angry with both, takes the second one back: she has had a Shardchildhood, and although basi- cally an honest one-man woman, the lure of day-to-day eating can turn her into a tigress. There is the inevitable kiss in the air and there is the inevitable finale, where the three partici- pants, emotionally churned to sour cream. begin their death-defying routine. *k * * IF THERE IS any merit in this production it does not belong to to take any everyday story and tor Carol Reed, who Knows how the three performers, but to Direc- keep it pitched at holiday speed. Director Reed concentrates on the natural excitement of high flying, which is sometimes enough to make "Trapeze" extremely enter- tainIng, if hardly original,. h As for the performers - they have little to do. Lancaster grim- aces through his usual role of the. hard-as-steel hero who has real heart beneath the metal. Miss Lollobrigida is. as the movie stills indicate, twenty per cent bosom, an attribute which she heaves more forcefully in dramatic scenes and shimmies lightly in her less intense moments. Curtis gives what is probably his best per- formance, and there is little doubt that Director Reed worked very hard with him in getting Curtis to suggest more than youth. "Trapeze" is undoubtedly just what the Hecht-Lancaster team intended, a way to pass a summer evening for the audience and a financial jackpot for the produc- -Ernest Theodossin AT ARCHJ A III): .Green Pasture' Has Charm 4) NE VIEWS and enjoys "The Green Pasture" with mixed emotions, which Jesse Owens yes- terday defined as watching your mother-in-law drive your new Cadillac over a cliff. The movie is an attempt, as it plainly admits in the beginning, to portray the Negro's simple con- ception of God ds a human being with troubles of his own. As the kindly, white-bearded God himself. complains: "Being God ain't no bed of roses." The story moves from God's de- cision to create earth and follows his troubles with mankind through Adam and Eve, Cain's slaying of Able, and the deluge of His de- cision to send a Redeemer even after declaring he was thruogh for good with his creation. The beauty of the story is in this simple conception which gets along quite well without meta- physical disputes, an approach ex- tremely hard to come by in these modern days of confusion. Al- though, like the movie, the ap- proach of the Negro is not new, it has a certain freshness, at least for an hour and a half. What mixes up the emotions is that things are oversimplified. It's hard to put up with pistols in Noah's time and battling with everything short of the hydrogen bomb Before Christ; or with clothesunbecoming the time of the story and only a five-second interval between the time the Pharoah's son is struck dead and the time he is brought in on a I stretcher. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Universty IofT Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assunes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. FRIDAY. JUNE 29, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 4s General Notices Play Opportunity for Children Ann Arbor elementary school children i hose who have completed the second or third grade) will be offered the op- portunity to participate in a series of lessons in .basic movement and play activities this summer. Sponsored by the department of physical education at the University Joan Whaley of Liver- pool, England, will be here to conduct the classes a Barbour Gmn sium. The course will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, July 11 through July 24. Recreational Swimming - Women's Pool Women only: M. W., Sat. 2:30-4:30, M. T. W. Tb, 5:10-6:10, Friday 4:00-6:00, M. 'T. Th. 7:15-9:15 p.m. Co-Rec Swims: Wed. 7:15-9:15 p.m., Sat. 7:15-9:15 p.m., Sun. 3:00-5:00, Faculty Family Night: Friday 6:30- 8:00 p.m., (For Faculty with chlidren under eight years old), Friday 8:00-9:30 p.m. (For other Faculty families). Michigan Night: Sunday 7:15-9:15 p.m Women Students A number of unlicensed bicycles have been left in the racks at the Women's Athletic Building. Owners are asked to claim by July 5th. All bicycles left after that date will be turned over to the police. PARKING PERMITS Parking permits for the fiscal year 1956-57 will be required on the cars f all eligible staff members using U~~- versity parking lots on July 1, 1956. Application for permits can be made at the Information Desk second floor Administration Building and at the Ad. ministration Office second floor of the University Hospital. Annual staff permits costing $25 may be obtained by payment in full or for the payment of $5 for the initial period, summer session, and signing payroll de- duction authorizations for the balance. The dleductions will be made in the pay period ending closest to September 30 and February 28. Staff permits for thesummer session only are also available at a cost of $5. These permits expire September 10. Permits for metered lots for the year and for the summer session are also available at no cost, REGISTRATION OF SOCIAL EVENT: Social events sponsored by student organizations at which both men and women are to be present must be ap- proved by the Dean of Students. Appli- cation forms and a copy of regulations governing these events may be secured in the Office of Student Affairs, 1920 Administration Building, Requests for approval must be submitted to that of- fice no later thai noon of the Monday before the event is schedultd. A list of approvedsocial events will be pubish- ed in the Daily Official Bulletin on Thursday of each week. Exchange and Guest Dinners may be held in organized student residences (operating a dining room) between 5:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. for weekday dinners and between 1 p.m. - 3 p.m., for Sunday dinners. These events must be an- nounced to the Office of Student Af- fairs at least one day in advance of the scheduled date. Guest chaperons are not required. Calling Hours for Women in Men's Residences, In University Men's Resi- dence Halls, daily between 3 p.m. -- 10:30 p.m.; Nelson International Howse, Friday, 8 p.m. - 12 p.m.; Saturday 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. and from 8 p.m. - 12 p.m.; Sunday, 1 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. This privilege applies only to casual calls and not to planned parties. Women callersainsmen's residences are restricted to the main floor of the residence. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT All students, graduate and under- are notified of the following standards of conduct; Enrollment in the University carries with it obligations in regard to conduct not only inside but outside the class- rooms and students are expected to con- duct themselves in such a manner as to be a credit to themselves and to the University. TIhey are amenable to the laws governing the community as well as to the rules and orders of the Uni- versitly offic~ials and they are expected to observe the standards of conduct ap proved by thc University. Whenever a student, group of stu- dents, society, fraternity or other stu- dent orga.nizt-ion fails to observe eith- er the general standards of conduct as above outlined or any specific rules which may be adopted by the. proper University athloritiesz. Specific ruled of conduct which must be obtained are: Intoxicating beverages. The use or presence of intoxicating beverages in student quarters is not permitted. (Committee on Student Conduct, July, 1947.) Women Guests in Men's Residences. The presence of women guests in men's residences, except for exchange and guest dinners or for social events or during calling hours approved by the Office of Student Affairs, is not per- . I INTERPRETING THE NEWS:W Khrushchev Critics Too Pat t1f By J. M. ROBERTS Y CONCENTRATING their thoughts on whether the Communist disturbance over the downgrading of Stalin was prearranged, Western observers are themselves downgrading what may be a very important factor. Secretary Dulles to the contrary, there is a growing stack of evidence that the criticism and questioning of Khrushchev has been guided and perhaps inspired by Kremlin agents. The critics, such as Togliatti of Italy, Thorez of France and Dennis of the United States, follow one another too patly, sometimes word for word. There may be a tendency among Western observers to place too much emphasis on the whole business as a primarily international manifestation, The Stalin system had failed within Russia in many ways, but had fastened itself tightly on the thinking of vast numbers of people. The new regime felt it had to be changed, and set about changing it in a number of ways, But there had to be an explanation, sooner or later, of the reason for change. T IS NOT TRUE, despite the widely held im- pression abroad, that Khrushchev's "down- grading" speech last February was kept secret in Russia, although it was not published. The heirarchy moved step by careful step. Finally, an incomplete transcript was allowed to reach the hands of the foreign power most likely to publish it, Foreign party leaders began, by their criti- cism, to support the Khrushchev group's deci- sion for changes. At the same time they are demanding explanations of why Stalin's asso- ciates permitted the excesses of the old regime. Western observers jump to the conclusion that international communism has been weak- ened, adding to the soporific effect of the smile offensive, Western Communist parties escape, or try to escape, the onus of strict allegiance to the Kremlin. One thing to remember in trying to assess all these developments is there are many ang- les, enough to fill a book. There is no room in a column, or time at a news conference, even if there were sufficient knowledge available to do so, and there is not.. 25 YEARS AGO: Campus Problems Don't Change By ROBBIE SCHULTZ Daily Staff Writer 'AMPUS problems dont change hoverthe years - as a look at The Daily 25 years ago, in 1931, proves. Sept. 22, 1931-School opened and the lead story claimed enroll- ment would exceed that of the preceding fall-it was an alarming 1400. Walter B. Rea, then assistant dean of students, clarified the driving ban. Exemptions, in 1931, were "a) Those who are 28 years of age or older, b) Those who are receiving credit for not more than five hours work and c) Those who hold University positions which entitle them to the faculty rating of teaching assistant." Rules would be strictly enforced and violators punished. UNIVERSITY Oratorical Asso- ciation presented among other lec- ture attractions Winston Spencer Churchill, "the famous British statesman" and Bertrand Russell, all is that college students in America, under the present system of mass education, are not attain- ing the desired results, namely: a better fitness for life and a certain degree of culture. "Some have laid the blame on the institutions themselves while others have tried to impress the fact that students today do not try to attain a better fitness for life or culture." And there were only 1400 students here to prompt the charge of mass education. DEFERRED rushing was an issue back in 1931. There was a pos- sibility it might be postponed for a year, owing to the poor financial condition of some houses. Prop- erty rights were mentioned and committees set up to review the situation. Fraternities, outraged at prices, had set up a committee to look into cooperative buying. The com- mittee was charged with looking into discounts offered by produc- ers for bulk buying. three reasons: "to get into Uni- versity golf course, even if the winter is no time to play golf; to get into speakeasies into which students can get anyway; and to get into football games for which they have to buy tickets regard- less." Student-Ann Arbor merchant antagonism is not novel to the present decade. * s MIMES WERE to present the 25th Union Opera after a year of omission, due to an attempt at presenting an all-campus re- view. (Mimes is making the attempt again next year.) STUDENT Council was going to j try 10 freshmen students for fail- ing to wear their "beanies" and students greeted the plea for liquor regulation with boos. MICHIGAN football teams were playing double-headers. In the first twin bill the Wolverines de- feated Central State Teachers +f I J# X i AND UNAVOIDABLE as it may be to have a certain gentle humor in a story of this kind, with God creating firmament because he was "sick and tired" of not enough firmament to go around and man's sinfulness being limited by the Johnson Code, Marc Con- nelly did not have to push it to extremes. The flag of the "Palace Protective Association" in the Pharoah's residence was too remi- niscent of a Bugs Bunny cartoon. Much of the movie seems to suf- EditorialNStaff New Books at ihe Library LEE MARKS, Managing Editor Night Editors Dick Halloran, Donna Hanson, Arlene Liss, Myers, Henry-The Signorina; NY. Crown Pub., 1956. Okumiya, Masatake and .IHorikoshi-Jiro-