Ar MAYOR'S REQUEST DESERVES REFUSAL (See Page 2) Y A6F A6F -A- 941mpq It ki ft.tr4 t 7qWr'MVn Pati FAIR, WVARM1ER Latest Deadline in the State a11.WWM VOL. LXVIT, No. 3S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1956 FOUR PA P S I I I 1I Veterans Aid Bill Passed By House: Benefits Offer Increased Pensions With Special Aid to WW I Vets WASHINGTON (A)-The House, after hectic debate, yesterday passed and sent to the Senate a bill to increase veterans' pensions and extend special benefits to World War I veterans-even those who are not disabled. The 364-51 roll-call vote came in a topsy-turvy session that saw the House decide at one point to kill the bill. This decision was quickly reversed, however, and the measure was voted along to an un- certain election year future. In addition to increasing the pensions of veterans who are rated permanently and totally disabled, the bill would provide $90-a-month pensions for all World War I veterans at age 65 who come within specified income limits. How Pension Benefits Some Opponents succeeded in knocking from the bill, by a parliamen- tary maneuver, all provisions for boosting nonpensions benefits to 'CONTRIBUTIONS OF NEGRO' SERIES: Morrow Asks Inte gration of Youth By ADELAIDE WILEY x Tall and gray-suited. E. Fred- eric Morrow came to lecture in Ann Arbor yesterday, commenting, "You know, this is the only speech I've given recently where I haven't had to wear a gown." Saying that he enjoys speaking to students more than anyone else, this White House executive branch officer prepared to give his speech, first in the University special summer session' series: "Patterns of American Culture: Contributions of the Negro." Morrow has been in the oast a field secretary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, with CBS-TV public relations, and an advisr for business affairs to the federal Department of Commerce. Executive Branch Liaison He nowy carries a black leather folder with "Executive Branch Liaison, The White House" engrav - ed in gold on it, including his name. "I have lots of fun being Ad- ministrative Officer for the Spec- ial Projects Group at the White House." Morrow smiles. "Most people don't believe me when I say that I'm with the gov- ernment. For instance, a few days ago at an airport I had to call my office. "So I went to the airport desk to ask about placing the call, and told the lady in charge there who I was and so on. She put her hands on her hips and said,p Lookrbuddy, so I'm Mother Goose-you can go on your way'. "That's the kind of thing I run into all the time. When people come to meetme, lots of them don't believe that I'm Fred Mor- row. Well, you just have to grin and bear it." Coordinates 'Special Projects' In his job, Morrow coordinates the activities of the Special Pro- jects Group, the budget, personnel and internal management. The Group includes the Coun- cil of Foreign Economic Policy, headed by Joseph M. Dodge, the offices of Harold E. Stassen and Nelson A. Rockefeller, special as- sistants to the President and the Office of Major Gen. John S. Bragdon, special consultant on Public Works Planning. Though his lecture yesterday was titled, "The American People in Government," Morrow said he had seen on the summer program, "The Negro in Government," a lecture to be given by Judge Wade H. McCree, Jr., of Detroit Circuit Court, and would not "trespass on his territory." Morrow continued, saying that our country is faced with a new challenge-"the frontier of the heart." Calling for a decision from the nation and his race, Morrow com- mented, "It has been my experi- Official Hints rOf Navy' New Weapon .. WASHINGTON (/)-Secretary of the Navy Thomas, outlining for Congress the latest advances in the seagoing service, made cryp- tice reference yesterday to a new secret weapon "which will revolu- tionize antisubmarine warfare." Thomas did not elaborate on the nature of this development. He said only that the Navy has such a weapon "on hand." The new device to which Thom- as referred is believed by unoffi- cial observers to be an atomic depth charge. However, the Navy ,has steadfastly declined to com- ment on recurrent rumors that such a weapon has been under £ development. His statement, mde before a Senate subcommittee investigating the relative strength of United States and Russian air power, was considered significant because So- viet sea power is concentrated in submnari es. Symington Questions That the Navy is ready to meet the Soviet submarine threat was questioned by Chairman Stuart Symington (D-Mo). After hearing Thomas' report, Symington said Russia's produc- tion of far greater numbers of undersea craft "is not being rec- ognized as it should be by the United States Navy." Thomas hotly disagreed, saying the Navy is moving as rapidly as possible to push its own program of building atomic-powered subs. Protection Prime Objective Protection of the Navy's carrier task forces against undersea at- tack is a prime objective because, Thomas said, the crippling of land air bases might give the Navy "the balance of power in a strug-. gle for survival." Thomas said the Navy air arm is "far more powerful than many of us have realized." He said carrier-based bombers can trans- port hydrogen bombs to all but " a few important targets in the world." The Skywarrior bomber, he said, canmake a round trip combat run of 3,000 miles, operating at ex- treme altitudes in all weather and carrying "high yield nuclear bombs." The Skywarrior, a two engine jet, is designed to operate either from carriers or land bases. Bares Censored Document The subcommittee yesterday made public an officially cen- sored transcript of recent Army testimony on its work in the mis- sile field. Lt. Col. Woodrow B. Sigley, chief of the air defense branch of the missiles division, said the Army is "confident we can achieve a successful counter-weapon against ballistic missiles, including the In- ter-Continental. Ballistic Missile. Steel Union Seeks New Agreement veteIns with service-ncurrei - - ability and to widows and depen- dents of veterans. This was done in an effort to ruin the measure's chances of passing the Senate and winning approval from President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Chairman Olin E. Teague (D- Tex) of the House Veterans Af- fairs Committee said any bill that did not give priority to veterans disabled because of military ser- vice would be rejected by the Sen- ate or vetoed by President Eisen- hower, even in an election year. Wagner Comments J. Addington Wagner, national commander of the American Le- gion, termed the action on World War I pensions "dramatic proof that the nation has not forgotten or forsaken its defenders." He said he is now asking the Veterans Affairs Committee to ap- prove separate legislation to in- crease compensation payments to veterans with service-connected disability and to their widows and dependents. Teague said he may summon his committee for a meeting on these proposals next week. Backed By Legion The bill was backed by both the Legion and the Veterans of For- eign Wars. But the size of the pension increases, and the over-all scope of the measure, were not nearly as great as originally ap- proved by the Veteran Affairs Committee over Teague's opposi-' Lion. Teague estimated the first year cost of the new bill would be 356 million dollars. The administra- tion had estimated the first year cost of the original proposal at 1% billion dollars. Bill Raises Rates Under present law, veterans who are rated permanently and totally disabled can get a pension of $66.- 15 a month or $78.75 a month if they are age 65 or have been on the pension rolls 10 years. That's provided their annual incomes are no more than $1,400 if single or $2,700 if they have dependents. As sent to the Senate, the bill would raise these rates to $75 and $90 a month, plus an added 10 per cent premium for anyone with 3 Odays or more overseas service. World War I veterans in general could qualify for the $90 monthly at age 65 if they came within the income limits because the bill- for pension purposes-would have them automatically deemed per- manently and totally disabled at that age. T 1 rack Star Owens To Talk In 4U' Summer Lecture . , ence that the white person who frustrated my dreams, hopes and aspirations most was always the person whose own social position was in question, Blunted My Hopes' "He blunted my hopes to bolster his own bitter failures and denials. Therefore, we must direct part of our program of change at that man." Morrow also emphasized that in his own group, "we must concen- trate upon ... the unfinished busi-. ness of America." He said America's youth, white and black, should be prepared for the integrated life which they must lead, without guidance from adults who are too often opinion- ated. "Where there is lack of com- munication between the races, de- mocracy dies, and you get the kind of crises and blind spots currently on view at Tuscaloosa, Montgom- ery and Birmingham." Speaking for most of his people, Morrow said their desire "is the right to walk this land in dignity and peace, unfettered by restrict- ing bonds of race, color caste or previous social condition. It is as simple as that." Democrats Unin ,tructed NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP)-Ten- nessee Democrats headed off a knock-down family row yesterday with an agreement between Gov. Frank Clement and presidential hopeful Sen. Estes Kefauver to send an uninstructed delegation to the party's national convention. The agreement, reached on the eve of the party's state convention here, provides that Tennessee's 32 votes in the national conclave at Chicago in August be left free to support "any Tennessean who has an opportunity to be nominated" president or vice president. Kefauver, a candidate for the presidential nomination, said he regards the agreement as a "fair solution" to the dispute which had threatened to rip the party apart in the senator's own home state. The agreement came in the form of a resolution announced by State Democratic Chairman H. S. Hub Walters, who said he would intro- duce it in tomorrow's convention. Until Wednesday, Kefauver had been plugging for a Chicago dele- gation from Tennessee pledged to him. Clement, touted by some as a "favorite son" candidate, has in- sisted all along he wanted an un- pledged delegation. He lost BEACONSFIELD, E n g l a n d Humphrey Crum - Ewig, who was driving a golf ball the 55 miles from London to Oxford, gave up after 20 miles Wednes- day. He suffered from that old golfing hazard-lost balls. "It was all right," he told sympathizers, "in London round about midnight because the place was well lit but out in the suburbe the streetlamps were out." Famed track sprinter JesseJ Owens will speak at the University for the second time in six weeks today. Now with the Illinois Youth Commission Owens will give the lined his recent trip to India before more than 1.000 people. The Summer Lecture Series is titled "Patterns of American Cul- ture: Contributions of the Negro." Tito Plans Con ference BELGRADE, Yugolsavia ({A- President Tito came home in tri- umph from his Moscow trip yes- terday. His government immediately an- nounced that he plans a confer- ence with Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and Indian Prime Minister Nehru next month. Tito reached the frontier rail- road station of Kikinda after 25 days in the Soviet Union and Ro- mania. He told 60,000 cheering Yugoslavs that Russia is "ready to struggle for peace together 'with all progressive peoples." Yugopress, semiofficial news agency, said the Tito-Nasser-Neh- ru meeting would be on Brioni, Tito's summer resort island in the Adriatic. The agency said the conference would have "far-reaching influ- ence on the future development of relations in the world" and "will show new possibilities of finding a new road to agreement in the world." "The stiff bloc frameworks in the East and West are gradually disintegrating," the agency de- clared. "This process imposes new responsibilities on Tito, Nehru and Nasser.- MAYOR WILLIAM E. BROWN ... Wants Compensation from 'U' Red Report Criticizes Khrus h he v MOSCOW {P)-Pravda published yesterday an unprecendented crit- icism of the present Kremlin lead- ership. It asked indirectly whether the current leaders ever tried to stop Stalin in his latter-day excesses. It did so by reprinting an article that contained the question. The article was by Eugene Dennis, gen- eral secretary of the Communist party in the United States. It ap- peared in the New York Daily Worker of June 18. First Criticism The Communist bellwether Prav- da, in copying it, carried the first present or implied criticism of the. present Soviet leadership ever pub- lished here. It also carried the first locally published report that Nikita, S. Khrushchev, boss of the Soviet Communist party, had denounced the late Prime Minister Stalin in a secret speech to the party's 20th Congress in February, and that the United States Departient later had issued a purported partial text of that speech. The Pravda reprinting, running on three pages, marked a radical shift in Soviet propaganda policy. It created a sensation among Mos- cow people, many of whom could be seen reading copies posted on walls. Dennis had written: Questions Arise "In the discussion on the 20th Congress currently being centered around the special Khrushchev re- port, questions frequently arise about the present Soviet leader- ship. "Did some of them try to bring about changes before the last three years? Could the past evils havef been checked earlier? "Many questions remained un- answered. The Khrushchev report, which was primarily a document- ed supplement to his main political report to the 20th Congress, re- flects only a part of the probing that has gone on, and which mayM continue for years to come, in the! CPSU Communist Party of the Soviet Union and among the So' viet people." With the article Pravda printed an editor's note that read: "The author has in mind mater-, ial which the State. Department of the United States has published in the press calling it Comrade Khru- shchev's report to the 20th Con- gress of the Communist party." To Compensate For Tax Loss Upset Because 'U' Didn't Consult City Before Buying Hoover Plant By LEE MARKS Daily Managing Editor Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., has declared that the Univers should reimburse the city for the tax loss $95,000 incurred as a : sult of University purchase of Hoover Ball and Bearing Co. , The Mayor also said the University should have consulted w: city officials before purchasing the vland and buildings. University Vice-President Wilbur K. Pierpont said yesterday t matter had not been discussed with President Harlan Hatcher or I Board of Regents yet and declined to comment. Contained In Letter The Mayor's requests were contained in a letter to Vice-Preside Pierpont dated June 20 and made public yesterday by the Mayor. The tax loss suffered by the city is estimated by Mayor Bro' at $95,000. This figure covers city,, school and county taxes. While there was no official indi- cation of University attitude to- ward the request, informed sources said they thought it unlikely the University would comply. Already Made Concessions Vice-President Pierpont pointed out the University has already made considerable concessions to the city to compensate for loss of taxes. These include a $65,000 payment to cover fire protection, The University Vice-President said further he had not expected the Mayor's letter to be released. Because of zoning difficulties it appears unlikely the Hoover plant will be able to relocate in Ann Arbor. If it relocates in Washte- naw County, county taxes will not be lost. Scheduled For 1957 Actual acquisition is scheduled for 1957. Because the University is tax-exempt, the city will lose the tax money as of that time. In his letter, Mayor Brown claimed, "This matter is very very serious to the people of Ann Arbor, and I believe that the University of Michigan should take steps to reimburse the city for this terriffic yearly loss. "I think you, as a citizen of Ann Arbor, should and probably do op- preciate my feeling about this situation." The Mayor also declared, "I do not lnow whether or not you know it, h'.t the tax loss to this community from the sale of the Hoover Ball and Bearing Co. will in the neighborhood of $95,000." 'U' Not Unaware Vice - President Pierpont told The Daily "The University was not aware of the taxes paid to the city by the Hoover plant when it purchased the land and buildings." Other losses to the city claimed by Mayor Brown were the families that might leave because the Hoover plant was relocated and the loss of industrial zoning space. The first point made by the Mayor was that the University should have consulted city of- ficials. The Mayor said: "For some time I have heard rumors about the sale of the Hoov- er Ball and Bearing Co. to the University of Michigan. However, I couldn't believe this would ever happen unless the city was con- sulted. "Of course, there is no legal obligation to consult the city on any matter of this character, but this proposal*is so vitally import- ant to us that I cannot help but feel it should be discussed with the city." To Remedy GI Incidents HEIDELBERG, Germany (P)-- The United States Army in Eur- ope announced yesterday a drastic crackdown on troublemaking GIs. The action was ordered by its commander in chief Gen. Iy. I. Hodes, as German protests against misbehaving Allied soldiers reached Backs Court At Hearing WASHINGTON P)-The head of Americans for Democratic Ac- tion said yesterday it was "arrant nonsense" for Sens. James 0. Eastland (D-Miss) and Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis) to say the Supreme Court has handed doWn "one pro-Communist decision after another." Joseph L. Rauh Jr. told Senator Eastland to his face the attack# of the two senators Tuesday ,v- denced a continuing drive td credit the Court. "That's where you are wrong, Senator Eastland broke in. "The Court has discredited itself." Rauh, national chairman of the ADA, which described itself as an anti-Communist political organiza.- tion dedicated to liberal principles, testified at a Senate Internal Se- curity subcommittee hearing pre- sided over by Senator Eastland. Rauh said attacks on the Supreme Court have reached a "violent pitch" because of its defense of in- dividual rights. Senator Eastland took occasion to repeat his statement that the court has handed down "one pro- Communist decision after an- other." He said the people are "amazed" and "dumbfounded that the court evidently is being in- fluenced by pro-Communist ele- ments." Rauh testified against pending bills to nullify the court's 6-3 de- cision of June 11 ruling out appli- cation of the federal employe se- curity program to nonsensitive government jobs. Referring to Justice John M. Harlan, who wrote the majority opinion, and Chief Justice Earl Warren and Justices Hugo Black, Felix Frankfurther, William 0. Douglas and Harold Burton who concurred in it, Rauh said: "I find the suggestion that men of this character could be follow- ing the Communist line is arrant nonsense." Union Rejects Steel Industry'8 Conditions NEW YORK (A)-Steel manage. ment and union leaders yesterday rejected counter-proposals to ex- tend the present wage contract beyond the Saturday midnight strike deadline. Negotiations were not broken off, however, in efforts to reach a settlement before the scheduled walkout. Company negotiators rejected an offer by the United Steelwork- ers to extend the present contract from June 30 to 12:01 a.m., July 16, on the ground that a retroac- tivity condition stipulated by the union was unacceptable. The union in offering the exten- sion to mid-July rejected an ear- lier company extension proposal. ADA Chief JESSE OWENS Famed Track Star second talk in the University's Summer Lecture Series. He will speak on "Athletics and American Life" at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Owens last spoke here May 15 at Ferry Field as the guest of In- terfraternity Council during Greek Week. At that time he spoke on American responsibilities and out- LOCAL COMPOSITIONS SLATED: Stanley Quartet To Give Three Concerts Featuring quartets and quintets by Mozart and Bartok and com- positions by Professors Ross Lee Finney and Leslie Basset f the Music School, the University's Stanley Quartet will perform three times for its summer series. Quartet members are violinists Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, viola player Robert Courte and Oliver Edel, cellist, all University music school instructors. another Mozart composition, "Quartet in C major, K. 465" will be played for the first appearance. jTwo Mozart compositions are scheduled for each of the three performances. Also on July 3, an original com- position by Ross Lee Finney, com- poser in residence at the Univer-. sity, "Quartet No. 7" will be pre- miered. Finney, who composed the quartet last year, is on sabbatical and others which have been played by major symphony orchestras. Clyde Thompson, double bassist, will perform Bassett's composition. Thompson is an instructor in the music ' school and has appeared with the Quartet before. The last program on July 31 in- cludes Mozart's "Quintet in G minor, K. 516" and "Quintet in E-flat major, K. 614," and Bar- tok's "Quartet No. 6." ~r