A "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MicH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: LEE MARKS If 'U' Can't Get Authority, It Should Forget Enforcement VIVE ITY attempts to secure state police authority to enforce driving regulations have stagnated. While there has been no official ruling yet it appears unlikely that Michigan State Police Commissioner Joseph Childs will authorize University deputies to stop cars pri- marily to enforce the driving ban. Childs is now on vacation. The Attorney General's office says it has not even been asked for a ruling on legality of using public law agencies to enforce rulings of private bodies. (Although a public institution, the regulations of the University have no more legal weight than the commands of parent to child.) Uni- versity officials seem pessimistic about getting the needed authority. The issue is this: while police officers may stop a car for violation of law or suspicion of a violation they are not empowered to stop cars solely to enforce private rules. The University contends it cannot enforce its driving ban unless security officers have the power to stop cars and check registration. Ex- perience last year proves their contention is justified. Enforcement was chaotic and the only people caught were those either too honest or too stupid to come up with a good story for the Dean of Men's office. THERE are many devious ways to bypass the legal technicalities involved and it is dis- heartening to note that the University is con- sidering some of them. Regent action could force students to waive their legal rights as a condition of admission much in the way students now agree to abide by other University regulations such as drinking and women's late hours. Then the only risk, that of false arrest, would be in stopping non- students. Protecting security officers with surety bonds would mitigate that risk. Another possibility would be to have uni- formed security officers simply stop cars with- out authority but in such a way that they didn't claim to have authority. The gimmick here is to prey on normal inclinations of law- abiding people to stop for a man in uniform. Of course the security officer has little recourse against the student who tells him to get out of the way before he gets run over. AN EVEN more unethical plan that has been at least mentioned, if not seriously con- sidered, is to claim that cars are being stopped on grounds other than checking University reg- istration; to claim that the pretext on which they are stopped is suspicion of violation and that checking registration is incidental. There is not even subtlety in the immorality under- lying this sort of thinking. The trouble with all of these possible ways to circumvent lack of legal authority is that essentially they are ways to operate around the law rather than within it. It is beneath the dignity of the University to consider ways to get around the law. No matter what action the Regents or Uni- versity takes they will not have, until a recog- nized law enforcement agency grants it, the power to stop cars for the purpose of checking student registration. And until that power is granted the Univer- sity ought to forget about efficient enforce- ment of the driving ban. We are familiar with last year's chaos and we would be sorry to see it repeated. But en- forcement just isn't worth compromising the University's integrity. For that matter the driving ban itself isn't worth it. We would be sorry to see the University adopt some legally shady manner of enforcing its driving ban. If they can't get the authority they need, it would be better to junk the ban altogether or leave it unenforced. -LEE MARKS "Step Aside, Everybody. Let's Keep Things Open Here" '%L,, aa I- WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: two Huddle Over Politics By DREW PEARSON Three Ring Circus Underway With Clement, Roosevelt, TV THE THREE RING CIRCUS which every four years meets to nominate "The Next Presi- dent of the United States" is well underway. . After a brief flurry of introductory speeches, the Democrats fired the first big gun Monday evening when they showed a film titled "Pursuit of Happiness." This was a significanty incom- plete documentary designed to show that the Party is "now, as always, our nation's best and greatest hope." What the film actually demonstrated most people knew before the projector ever started, namely tht Franklin Roosevelt had an extra- ordinary speaking voice, and that, with the advent of war, people had jobs again. Ostensibly, this film was designed for the edification of the delegates, but perhaps some- thing of the real deep-down purposes may -be deduced from Paul Butler's criticism of CBS for not showing the film to TV viewers. CBS was less disturbed than Butler, but promised to show his movie sometime later, maybe. AFTER the film presentation, Governor Frank Clement of Tennessee delivered the so-called keynote address. The key was uncertain, but certainly the note was one of dismay, loudly expressed. Clement, a gravel-voiced orator said to be popular with Tennessese voters, is a close friend of Billy Graham. Both are obviously strangers to logical reasoning, but this seems to be no drawback to either. After a few sly remarks about Eisesnhower's heart and liver, Clement exhumed from its grave the aged argument, "The Democratic Party is close to the heart of the people. unbound by ties to any special group." He noted that once more, U.S. foreign policy has dropped American standing to "an all time low"-A low which gets lower with each succeeding convention. AFTER any speaker has shouted at a group for about ten minutes, he has seriously de- pleted his carbon dioxide supply by rapid breathing, and has raised his blood alkalinity. This phenomenon results in a general feeling of light-headedness as the brain cells stew in a broth of unfamiliar composition. Some of Clement's more extreme remarks may doubtless be forgiven in view of this; although his re- marks were obviously designed to raise the roof, not face the facts. And the roof was raised. Editorial Staff LEE MARKS. Managing Editor Night Editors Richard Halloran, Donna Hanson, Mary Ann Thomas, Adelaide Wiley Sports Editor, Dick Crasher Shortly after his speech, for the benefit of TV addicts, Clement spoke with the two juvenile winners "$64,000 Question" and "Big Surprise." Although they have picked up some- thing like $200,000 this year, the two children claimed to be non-voting Democrats. They spoke with intense feeling of the 50 cent dollar, parity, loose construction, free silver, protective tariffs, segregation, free trade, and slave-labor laws. Unfortunately, Clement had neglected to turn on their microphones, so most of this childish wisdom passed unheard. THE NEXT SPEAKER was Mrs. Roosevelt, squaw of the late Big Chief. Mrs. Roosevelt, who wore an ADLAI button during her speech, cunningly dismissed the Truman endorsement of Harriman with the phrase "Don't rely too much on elders." Tru- man took care to make no reply. "I want victory." Said Mrs. Roosevelt. Every- one cheered. Considerable attention was paid to Mr. Tru- man, however as the cameras followed his every twitch. Stevenson and Harriman allowed themselves to be cornered afterwards by news-hungry TV reporters. Both candidates agreed that the speeches were good, that the Democrats would win, and that the weather was fine. NE[THER WOULD comment on the inevitable suggestion that Clement's powerful lungs and compelling voice make him an obvious choice for the vice-presidential nomination. Perhaps both Stevenson and Harriman have made other commitments. Thus ended the TV coverage of the greatest show on earth, followed closely by the Midnight Movie, and then oblivion. Tuesday afternoon, the curtain came up again, to the discordant sounds of seven (count 'em) Democratic congresswomen who proclaim- ed that, among other things, the Republican party "Puts money ahead of people," practices "government by stagnation," and "had no foreign policy." Certainly this convention shows signs of be- ing extremely entertaining, and the cast of characters has been chosen to provide an ever- changing panorama of political intrigue, ora- tory and display; with this trend already estab- lished, the convention is being more and more directed toward the TV audience rather than the delegations. Like most trends, this one will probably be reversed before it gets out of hand, we hope. -DAVID KESSEL New Books at the Library Fryer, Katherine-Kathy; NY, EP Dutton, 1956. GordonR iard--rtonw. o+ T a.o'n. M am._ CHICAGO - Convention politics in this sprawling vibrating city can be as changable as the Canadian breeze off Lake Michi- gan or the hot wind off the prair- ies. It can be as clean as the tower along the lake front built on chew- ing gum or as putrid as the stock- yards or as tawdry as the dives along Wabash Avenue. In brief, Chicago is unpredict- able and so is convention' politics . . . but in a city which has seen Warren G. Harding's name pulled out of a smoke-filled deadlock be- tween General Leonard Woods and Governor Frank 0. Lowden, that saw Harry Truman's name come out of a smoke-filled room to be vice-president, and which saw Richard Nixon's name zoom out of another smoke-filled room to soar from a relative unknown to one of the more famous names in the na- tion against this background, a strange thing happened at this convention . . . two men sat down in a smoke-filled room in which neither smoked and neither pro- posed a deal. The two had fought each other through Minnesota, Florida, California, had said some unkind things about each other. But in a hotel room in Chicago they sat down and talked things over together . . . they talked for an hour and a half. Estes Kefauv- er outlined the delegates he thought were weak and might not go to Stevenson: also the delegates that were likely to follow his ad- vice and support Stevenson. He went over the political chart of the U.S.A. state by state; Adlai Stevenson listened. . . Kefauver asked for nothing in return. Stev- enson offered nothing in return-- a rarity in American politics. TWO DAYS before the conven- tion opened tall, handsome Lyndon Johnson of Texas had no more idea of taking his candidacy seri- ously than he did of abandoning his campaign to help big gas, oil producers. Suddenly on the Hil- ton's 23rd floor carpenters began nailing together a Johnson booth. Suddenly Johnson placards blos- somed from nowhere; red silk "Love That Lyndon" ribbons were passed out to anyone looking re- motely like a Texan. Suddenly, also, Lyndon flew to Chicago . reason: Lyndon heard via his old friend and political mentor Sam Rayburn, that Harry Truman was coming out for Averell Harriman-which meant a possible deadlocked con- vention, a race in which a dark horse might win. Truman's an- nouncement was to be at 3:30. That was why Lyndon, one of the smartest political operators of this generation, beat him to it with his own announcement at 1:30 p.m. that he was in the race to stay .. . Whether he stays or performs a holding operation for his friend, Sen. Stuart Symington of Miss- ouri, remains to be seen. In either event, cardiac Lyndon was mis- sing no tricks--even if he did knock another prop out from under the best campaign issue the Demo- crats have, the health of cardiac Eisenhower. Almost none of the Kefauver- Stevenson faithful knew their chiefs had huddled alone in a non- smoke-filled room, had discussed their delegates, but made no deals. They also didn't know that Harri- man's men had been all over Chi- cago and by telephone all over the U.S.A., wooing Kefauver's re- leased delegates . . . complacently, Stevenson men had sat by, wait- ing for delegates to come to them. This didn't happen. Said Minne- sota Bob Short, "We voted against Adlai Stevenson and for Kefauver. We're not going to back the man we voted against unless he takes Kefauver for vice president." -. - Out in Idaho, where Harriman's Union Pacific Railroad is power- ful, some Kefauver delegates switched fast to Harriman. Some even had their way paid to Chi- cago by Harriman , . .dbelatedly after Harry Truman electrified the convention, after Lyndon John- son announced his holding opera- tion, complacement S t e v e n s o n managers got busy. * * * EX-PRESIDENT Truman wrote to several friends before leaving for Chicago. "Come out to Chi- cago," he urged. "Something dra- matic is going to happen." . . Adlai Stevenson's 1952 running mate, Alabama Senator John Sparkman, paid a private call on Stevenson to make clear he didn't expect to be on the ticket again . . . Senator Kefauver, who has battled with big city bosses, is backed for the vice presidency by two of the most powerful bosses- Vhicago's Jake Arvey and Pitts- burgh's Mayor Dave Lawrence. They want him because they are convinced he would add the most strength to the Democratic ticket . Coincidentally, Kefauver is also favored by most midwest farm delegates who sent Minnesota's Don Wozniack and Bob Short to notify Stevenson that they would support him if Kefauver were on the ticket. All Stevenson would say was that he had not promised the vice presidency to anyone else ... Governor Harriman's p o 1i t i c a l henchman, Carmine De Sapio, has sounded out Kentucky's Governor Happy Chandler about running as Harriman's vice president Earry Truman has hinted privately that he thinks Tennessee's young, Bible - quoting Governor Frank Clement would make an appealing vice president . . . Indiana's arch- Republican Senator Bill Jenner showed up in Chicago in the mid- dle of the Democratic convention. He explained firmly to curious Democrats that he had come to see the all-star football game. Los Angeles manufacturer Allan Adler is prepared to stamp out 5,000 lapel pins per day to Adlai Stevenson's famous hole-in-the- sole shoe. Stevenson headquarters plan to peddle the pins for $1.00 each if their candidate wins. * * * AFFABLE, back-slapping Happy Chandler, governor ofpKentucky and the favorite-son candidate from that state, is passing out $500 bills to visitors at his head- quarters on the 13th floor of the Sheraton Blackstone hotel. The bills are backed by the Confeder- ate States of America, though, and some delegates are comment- ing that Happy's chances aren't worth any more than the fake money. An hour after Harry Truman came out for Harrimanat a mam- moth press conference in the Crystal room of the Blackstone, Stevenson hastily called one in the lounge he maintains for delegates and visitors in the Conrad Hilton. Thousands of interested bystand- ers thronged in along with the press and as Stevenson pushed his way through the crowd one by- stander asked, "Who's that?" "It's the reservations clerk," was the reply. (Copyright 1956, by 'Bel Syndicate, Inc.) CLEMENT: Democrats Now Have Evangelist By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE Democrats have found themselves a new evangelist. When advance copies of Gov. Frank Clement's keynote speech at Chicago were distributed Mon- day there was many a smirk. Just to read it, the man seemed to have deliberately collected and adapted all of the time-honored keynote cliches. He had shucked all the corn and sliced all the ham that Iowa could produce and was fixing to give the convention an old-fashioned country political rally dinner. But when he began to serve the aroma seemed a little different. He was the lay preacher, which he is, chasing the Republican devil around the stump. He was the cheer leader shouting, "Fight, team, fight." He was the television actor, reading his speech so skill- fully from a teleprompter that most people thought he had it memorized. BUT HE was also earnest. He made flat statements, some of them questionable. He caricatured the Republicans without a smile, interrupting applause to get back to what was for him the grim busi- ness of reading an indictment, Some thought he began to lose his audience toward the end of his 43 minutes. But it could have been exhaustion rather than apathy which cut the vigor of the last bits of applause. The crowd ap- plauded on the average of once every minute, Jim Farley and Sam Rayburn sat as though they had heard the speech in advance and were anx- ious to get back to their political knitting. Harry Truman laughed and clapped as though he could see a young man growing up in his own "give 'em hell" image. There was no way of telling how well the audience, in the hall and around radio and television sets, would be able to separate the sta- tistics and the record from the corn. But they had liked the meal. They knew they had witnessed the emergence of a new figure which would be familiar hereafter on the national political scene. Stocs Higher NEW YORK () - The stock market pushed higher in quiet trading yesterday although there was a liberal share of small losers. Leading issues turned higher soon after the opening and held steady through the session. Vol- ume picked up toward the close and a renewed advance raised oils, aircrafts and coppers narrowly. Volume totaled 1,170,000 shares, compared with 1,730,000 traded in another slow session Monday. The advance failed to recover all the ground lost in Monday's mild decline. During the past several weeks, the market has fluctuated just under its all-time high of last Ap- ril when the Associated Press av- erage hit $191.50. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 19:56 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 365 General Notices Veterans enrolled in eight-week ses- sion who expect to receive education and training allowance under Public Law 5.50 (Korea G. I. Bill) must submit instructors' signatures form for August (finals) to Dean's office before 5:00 p.m. Aug. 20. Monthly Certification, VA Form 7-1996a, may be filled in between 8:30 and 4:00 p.m. In Office of Veterans' Affairs, 555 Administrataion Building, Aug. 16 or 17. Art Print Loan Rentals: All sum- mer school students who have rented prints from the art print loan col- lection must returnrthe pictures to 113 Administration Building (basement) by Fri., Aug., 17. The office will be open to receive returned pictures from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wed., Aug. 15 and from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Aug. 16 and 17. A fine of 25c per day will be charged for each overdue picture. University Library Library hours after summer session. The General Library will close at 6 p.m. daily, beginning Fri., Aug. 17. Evening service will be resumed on Sept. 20. The library will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon., t posted onl thelibrary door., cor nsy be^ obtained by calling UnitersitN Ext. 6i52' or 6,'i. Concerti Student Recital: Helen Ka Mrray, pianist, in partial flilfillnent of the re- quirements for the Master of Iusic de- gree at :15 pam. Wed., Aug. 15in the Hackham Assembly Hall. Mrs Murray is a pupil of Helen Titus, and her pro- gram will be open to the public. Summer Session Choir, Donld Piott, conductor, 8:30 this evening in Hill Auditorium. Con ositons by Vittoria, Pachelbel, Schubert, Brahms, Liartinu, Randall Thompson. Healy Wilan and others. Open to the general public with- out charge. Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, final program in the summer series of carillon recitals at 7:15 pm. Thurs., Aug. 16. The series has covered works composed by Pro- fessor Price, and during this final pro- gram he will present his Pree varia- tions on Eight well-Known Airs. Student Recital: Yvonne Beatty, p- anist, at 8:30 p.m. Thurs., Aug. 16, in. the Rackham Assembly Hall; composi- tions by Bach, Beethoven, Berg and Chopin, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. Mrs. Beatty is a pupil of Helen Titus, and her recital will be open to the public. Academic Notices Attention August Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health, School of Business Administration: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in August. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to al- low your instructor to report the make- up grade not later than 11 a.m., Aug. 23. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative August grad- uates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for departmental honors (or high honors in the College of L.S. & A.) should recommend such stu- dents in a letter delivered to the Of- fice of Registration and Records, Room 1513 Administration Building, before Aug. 23. La Sociedad Hispanica of the Depart- ment of Romance Languages wekely "Tertulia" (Spanish c on ve r sat io n group), Wed., Aug. 15, at 3:30 p.m., Snack Room, Michigan League. Re- freshments available as usual. Last meeting for this summer. All interested are invited. Doctoral Examination for John Mit- chell Gary, Mathematics; thesis: "Dual- ities in Generalized Manifold and Higher Dimensional Cyclic Element Theory", wed., Aug. 15, 3010 Angell Hall, at 3:15 p.m. Chairman, R. L. Wilder. Doctoral Examination for Robert Leonard Martin, Physics; thesis: "Re- suIts of Investigation of Low-Intensity Reciprocity Law Failure", wed., Aug. 15, 2038 Randall Laboratory, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, Ernst Katz. Doctoral Examination for Phillip Parker Mason, History; thesis: "The League of American Wheelmen and the Good-Roads M o v e m e n t, 1880-1905" 3609 Haven Hall, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman Sidney Fine. Doctoral Examination for Ernie Bill Mikus, Metallurgical Engineering; the- sis: "A Study of the Role of Carbo in. Temper-Embrittlement and the Effect of Temper-Embrittlement on the Fa- tigue Properties of a 3140 Steel," Wed., Aug. 15, 4219 East Engineering Bldg., at 3:00 parm. Chairman, C. A. Siebert. Doctoral Examination for John Rbb Carnes, Philosophy; thesis: "An Ex- amination of the Current Statue of Natural Law Philosophy", Thurs., Aug. 16, 2419 Mason Hall at 1:30 p.m. Chair- man, A. W. Burks. Doctoral Examination for Donald Earl DeGraaf, Physics; thes M"The Vibra- tional Spectrum of N-Methyl Forma. mide", Thurs., Aug. 16, 2038 Randall Laboratory, at 2:00 p.m. Chiarman, D. L. Wood. Doctoral Examination for Sylvia KI- nunen, Education; thesis: "A Compal- son Between the Readability of Digest and Original versions of Articles", Fri., Aug. 17, 4018 Universtly High School, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, I. H. Anderson. Doctoral Examination for George Mi- ovich, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; the- sis: "Stability of Rubber Closures for Injections", Fri., Aug., 17, 3201 Chemis- try Bldg., at 2:00p.m. Chairman, A. M. Mattockts. Doctoral Examination for Donald Mitchell Pollie, Psychology; thesis: "Conflict and Defense in Three Psycho- somatic Syndromes", Fri., Aug. 1, 711 Haven Hall, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, 0. S. Blum. Doctoral Examination for Stephen SmaeMathmaics;thss"eua Curves on Riemannian Manifolds," Sat. Sept.15, 3017 Angell Hall, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, Raoul Bott. Placement Notices PERSONNEL REQUESTS: All Students registered with the Bu- reau of Appointments - General or Teaching Division - should notify the office this week whether they have ac- cepted a position and where they may be located after summer school, It is assumed that everyone will be at his home address unless otherwise notified. Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich., has an opening for a young man as a Sta- tistical Analyst in the Sales Dept. For further information contact the Bu- reau of Appointments, 3528 Adminis- tration Bldg., ext. 371. The following schools have listed' va- cancies for the 1956-1957 school year, They are not sending representatives to the Bureau of Appointments to inter- view candidates at this time. Chelsea, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Elementary (early); Home Economics; Girls Physical Education; Art; Social Science. Hale, Michigan - Teacher Needs; Ele. mentary (Kdg.); Shop/Math. Howell, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Latin/English; Girls Physical Educa- tion/Junior High Science; English; Science (Gen, sci./Biology; Mathema- tics. Inkster, Michigan (Dearborn Twp District No. 8) - Teacher Needs: Ele- mentary; High School Counsellor: Eng- lish (Jr. High). St. Clair, Michigan - Teacher Needs: English/Speech. Whitehall, Michigan-Teacher Needs: Junior High Social Studies or Gen. Science; Spanish/English; Industrial Arts. z t I 31 CRISIS 1300 YEARS OLD: Egypt Sets World's Nerves on Edge By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press News Analyst T HE Arab crisis is 1,300 years old. For more than a dozen centu- ries the Arabs, their civilization cradled in the scorched Arabian Peninsula, have conquered and been conquered until the tides of history scattered them over a vast area now loosely known as "the Arab world." Today the heart and center of that world is Egypt, and Egypt has set the Western World's nerves on edge. Nationalization of the Suez Canal, focus of the im- mediate crisis, is not the only four, linked loosely by ties of com- mon religion and the Arab lan- guage. Nasser speaks for pan- Arabism, and Arabic speaking peoples are pulled strongly toward the dream. But national, racial, geographical and ideological ri- valries keep the Arab lands dis- united. The 10 million Arabs who in- habit the Arabian Peninsula are an isolated world to themselves. Only the thin veneer- of a modern civilization, induced by the flow of foreign oil royalties, covers centuries-old feudal systems. The so-called fertile crescent -. Arab occupy Morrocco, Tunis, Algeria and Libya in North Africa. Their religion is Moslem but in the mists of centuries many of the cultural ties with the Eastern Arabs have been lost. All these countries have their own cultures, some tied to Europe. Many Arabs are Christians, par- ticularly in Lebanon and Egypt. Some are Jews. The new Egyptian constitution calls Egypt an integral part of "the Arab nation," meaning the vast area in which at least 70 million* who might be described as ArabF are linked by religion A I