1r Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Wonderland Is Great, Said Tweedledum To Tweedledee S- - "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will PrevaiU" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: LEE MARKS AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Cash' Loves Fights Hr THERE is a certain conception of American manhood that is con- stantly evinced in magazine edvertisements, proclaiming the merits of everything from levis k"with that lean, Western look") tc cigars ("Ever notice? A man who enjoys cigars enjoys life!) This is the American individual, silent. rugged and unpreturbed, and only susceptible of life's two major emotions, seriousness an~d amuse- ment. The elements, the earth. the universe: all conspire to preserve his utter detachment from the world of people and places-no man can iA - Av I, ' f r Two Views on Harry's Stand Hurts Stevenson ByPuttign Foot-in-Mouth FOLLOWING last Saturday's bombshell en- dorsement of Gov. Harriman, old Harry is about to steal first place from Charlie Wilson as the "man who has put his foot in his mouth and swallowed" the most. The former president's choice of words. couldn't have been less fortunate. Before he finished his statement Republican editors across the country had coined the phrase "trial-and- error" Stevenson. A careful reading of Truman's endorsement leaves doubt as to which party he favors. Even Dmocrats will have to admit the best qualified man "who has the experience and the ability to act as President immediately upon assuming office without risking a period of costly trial and error" has to be President Eisenhower. RUMAN'S TIMING was poor. The Demo- crats are just now recovering from an all-out mudslinging campaign between Stevenson and Kefauver which left doubt in many minds as to the dignity of both. And there are more struggles to come: reconciliation of north and south on civil rights and the choice of a vice presidential candidate. Perhaps the worst effect of Harry's maneuver is that it undercuts the man most likely to emerge victorious. Despite his veilel references to other "qualified men" Truman has dealt Stevenson's presidential hopes, though not his npmination chances, a blow. It would have been far better politically for the Democrats to unite in a solid show of strength on the man they advance for the presidency and save their bickering and inter- party fights for lesser issues. FEW OBSERVERS, and we join them, believe the cocky Missourian's edorsement of Harri- man will sway the convention. It mnay postpone things a while, leave the "favorite sons" strad- dling the provrbial fence a bit longer, but it is inconceivable that Harriman will steal the show from Stevenson. In 1952 Truman was king-maker, the titular head of his party, the jaunty politician who'd shown them all he could out-politic both the Republicans and the public opinion pollsters. In 1956 the story is vastly different. Truman wields power and commands respect but he cannot name the presidential candidate. After it's all over Ave and Adlai will close ranks and fight for Adlai and the former presi- dent will retire to his Missouri home to lick his wounds. We hope his love for political infight- ing hasn't hurt the presidential chances of a well-qualified candidate-to-be. -LEE MARKS Helps Democrats Bj Guaranteeing V Audience H ARRY TRUMAN, the pro of pros, has granted the Democratic party the greatest favor in his power. This is not to say that his support of Averill Harriman has provided the present inhabitants of the Chicago Loop with a guide to Victory and The Right; Mr. Stevenson is a sincere, capable man who could easily serve in the office of President. But Saturday afternoon's press con- ference transformed the Democratic convention from a routine gathering of smoky politicians to an exciting spectacular which will hold the Hooper rating of the country in the palm of its collective hand. Home viewers and readers who would have turned to the Kraft Theater or the sports pages after an hour of senators will now hang on, waiting to see where the plot will lead next. Hitchcock has found a rival in the business of suspense, the photogenic Mr. Truman might look pretty good in a beret. E NEXT FEW DAYS may bring about a startling change in the expected November returns. Their audience guaranteed, the Demo- crats now have the opportunity to demonstrate to the nation, for hours on end, those ideas and ideals which they believe make them the logical choice in '56. Their speakers can rant or rank, their pro- jectors whirl, their glasses clink ad infinitum, but nobody, nobody, is going to switch channels until they see who wins. The Republicans, unless the President should make the unlikely choice of Tam O'Shanter over the White House, will not have that oppor- tunity. They start with two strikes against them: everybody will be just a little sick of conventions, and the thrilling race between Eisenhower and Ike will not draw much of a crowd. The final blow could easily come as the result of a strenuous whistle-stop campaign on the part of the Democratic nominee, the type of campaign which, in the light of the President's recent illness, would have to be delegated to the Republican Vice-Presidential bidder. Again, the battered name of Nixon sends shudders through San Francisco. Soon the Presidential race will enter that stage in which all predictions dissolve to guesses. Before enterting that stage, a glance at the roof-tops of America, a consideration of the tremendous part both television and radio will play in this election, and a few thoughts about the undivided attention of millions that the Democratic party will command in the week to come should cause some reevaluation of that party's chances. The next few months are certainly not as predictable as they have seemed. After all, as Mr. Truman loves to say, look at 1948! -ALAN STILLWAGON 4 LIION fYr ; 1^# J4 e1r T T -_ r. -- -) .y Copyrlgbt, 1956. The PUhtie? Publishing Co.. (Herbiock Is on Vacation) Post-Dlspatb LETTERS TO THE EDITOR- Parris Is land Merits Analsi stand in his way, no woman can melt his heart, no wind can put out his cigarette. And when he speaks (words hissed out between rows of precise and clenched teeth), every sentence is an aphor- sim, pure pith from one who watches and waits, But this man has to learn about life, and the people he meets are going to help him along the path to sagedom; before he settles down he is going to be a better man because along with seriousness and musement he will have learned he emotion that serves as a caty- lyst between the other two. It is tenderness, and it can be found in women and children. In Hollywood this man has been played for some 15 years by Alan Walbridge Ladd. * * * MR. LADD is currently on dis- play in town in an unflinchingly dull adventure called "Santiago." As the title suggests, there is a Latin flavor to this one, but it is only slight. In "Santiago," Mr. Ladd is called "Cash" Adams, "Cash" be- cause he loves money, Adams be- cause his father had the same name. He is an ammunition smug- gler, hoping to sell illegal arms to Cuban patriots during the Span- ish-American war. He is initially surly, hurt over having been ex- pelled from West Point over a misunderstanding. But "Cash," can be CHANGED. And on a boat bound for Cuba, he becomes the hypotenuse in an eternal triangle, flanked on one side by Cuba's symbol for inde- pendence, Dona Isabella (Rossana Podesta), who is RIGHT and on the other by an ex-buddy-now villain, who is WRONG. There is no doubt that "Cash" must go straight. By the time "Santiago" has cleared up its geometric difficul- ties, "Cash" has learned the fol- lowing things: , 1. R I G H T is better than WRONG. 2. West Point's motto ("Honor, duty, country") comes first, money second. 3. The Cubans are a simple, happy people who frolic when the day's work is done ("La Conga," Dona Isabella explains, watching a group of male dancers. "My people dance it all the time.") 4. Imperialism must give way to nationalism and isolationism. Having stabbed, dynamited, shot, drowned, and strangled a few score of imperialistic Spaniards, "Cash," a man's job done, puts his arms around Dona Isabella, staking his claim and asserting his tender- ness. --Ernest Theodossin On the eve of the nominating conventions, the President's health, the Republican party's as- sumption of victory, and the inter- est in local issues and personalities are the Democratic party's main long-chance hope for victory. -James Reston in The New York Times- To the Editor: Recently the thought has been repeatedly expressed, "The nation is shocked by the Parris Island tragedy," It merits, perhaps, more thorough analysis than it has publicly received. After all the majority of Ameri- cans apparently accept the con- cept that "might makes right" despite our self-righteous denunci- ations of others, notably Com- munists, who share that material- istic point of view. If this were not so, why would we accept the crushing burden of supporting a completely non-productive group such as comprises our far flung military establishment? With specific reference to the Marine Corps fiasco, what else could logically be expected? As the toughest of the tough, the Marines are systematically trained to a nice abandon in the gentle art of kill- ing. There is a ruthless efficiency about their work difficult to imag- ine apart from a callous contempt for human life. The unhappy Sergeant should not have been on trial. He was but properly enthusiastic about his "duty." The Marine Corps and a "way of life" that for one moment tolerates, let; along glories in such training-they were on trial. But now we've been served our sacri- ficial lamb and all is well again. No, the nation was not shocked at this tragedy, or if so, not for the proper reason. After the mass killings of Hiroshima and Nga- saki, how could we be? , There is but one right attitude toward the slaughter of one's fel- lowmen and that is to refuse to condone it. But a nation rapidly becoming a military garrison state wouldn't understand this, much less be shocked. Violence is an im- portant part of America's "way of life." Actually we are quite prosperous and when layoffs become serious in a specific area, it can be desig- nated "emergency" - as though the "commies" were coming-and presto, men are working again, We look aghast at cannibalism even as we figuratively eat some of our young people because our economy seems to demand a little blood along with the sweat and tears. Do our brave, crusading labor leaders say anything? Yes, they chorus, "Give us more military contracts." Do the Friends, The Women's International League For Peace and Freedom, or The Fellowship of Reconciliation denounce this hypocrisy? They do indeed, but they get very little press coverage and very few people even know they exist. If their voices were heard more widely it is likely the majority of Americans would be "shocked" at such "subversive" ut- terances! Recently on the TV program "Meet The Press," there was some discussion of the distinction be- tween "clean" and "dirty" bombs as related to the fall-out menace. And despite our collective self esteem predicated upon "religious" grounds, no less distinguished a person than Senator Anderson said he wasn't concerned about the bombs we might drop on "them," but only with those "they" might drop on us! Unless we've reached the point of no return, morally speaking, we should be utterly shocked at such statements. But were we? I have yet to see an editorial in the daily press calling us to repentance and a new way of thinking. It appears to me that we have a lot of very serious thinking to do. -R. F. Burlingame Milan, Michigan One of the characteristic fea- tures of the Soviet regime under Stalin was its creation of what George Orwell so felicitously called 'unpersons". Human beings who had lived, created ald been fa- mous suddenly vanished from sight. Today the reverse process is tak- ing place. "Unpersons" of yester- day are being rehabilitated, usual-' ly posthumously, and elaborate measures are now being taken to perpetuate their memories, to pub- lish their writings, and the like. Two of the latest examples are Vsevolod Meyerhold, once one of the brightest stars of the Soviet theatre world, and Isaac Babel, once counted one of Russia's most brilliant writers. -The New York Times DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Universit of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 35 Administration Building before 2 p.m, the day preceding publication. TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 195 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 35 General Notices Veterans enrolled in eight-week ses. sion who expect to receive education and training allowance under Publia Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) must submit instructors' signatures form for August (finals) to Dean's office before 5:00 P.m. Aug. 20. Monthly Certification, VA Form 7-1996a, may be filled in between 8:30 and 4:00 pm. in Office of Veterans' Affairs, 555 Administratalon Building, Aug. 16 or 17. Concert$ Student Recital by Eleanor Anne Becker, bassoonist, in lieu of a thesis for the degree of Master of Music in Music Education, 8:30 p.m. Tues., Aug. 14, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Miss Becker is a pupil of Lewis Coop- er, andher recital will be open to the public. Student Recital: Helen Karg Murray, pianist, in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the Master of Music de- gree at 4:15 p.m. Wed., Aug. 15 in the Rackham Assembly Hall, Mrs. Murray is a pupil of Helen Titus, and her pro- gram will be open to the public, Summer Session Choir, Donald Plott, conductor, 8:30 p.m. Wed., Aug. ,1, in Hill Auditorium. Compositions by Vit- toia, Pacheibel, Schubert, Brahms, Martinu, Randall Thompson, Healy Willan, and others. Open to the gen- eral public without charge. Student Recital: Yvonne Beatty, pl. anist, at 8:30 p.m. Thurs., Aug. 16, in the Rackham Assembly Hall; compoi- tions by Bach, Beethoven, Berg and Chopin, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. Mrs. Beatty is a pupil of Helen Titus, and her recital will be open t the public. Academic Notices Attention August Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Healt, School of Business Administration. Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in August, When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up In time to al- low your instructor to report the make- up grade not later than 11 a.m., Aug., 23. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommendtentative August grad- utes from the College of Literature,; Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for departmental honors (or high honors in the College of L.S. & A.) should recommend such stu- dents in a letter delivered to the of. fice of Registration and Records, Room 1513 Administration .Building, before Aug. 23, Classical Studies Tea: The Depart- ment of Classical Studies will give an informal tea for its students on Tues., Aug. 14, in the East Conference" Room of the Rackham Building, at 4 p.m. Anyone interested in the Classics is invited. Mathematics Colloquium: Tues: Aug. 14 at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3010 A. H. Prof. Fritz Herzog, of Michigan State 4University, will speak on "Metric Pro- Perties of Polynomials." Doctoral Examination for Raymond Jackson Pitts, Educatino; thesis: "An Analysis and Evaluation of Supplemen- tary Teaching Materials Found in Se- lected Secondary School Textbooks," Tues., Aug. 14, 4017 University High School at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, S. H. Dimond. Doctoral Examination for Charles Glenwood Rickard, Pathology; thesis: "Dissociation of Liver Cells", ues., Aug. 14, 41 West Medical Bldg., at 300 p.m. Chairman, C. v. Weller. Seminar, Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Dr. Sin-I Cheng, assistant professor, Aeronautical Engineering De- partment, Princeton University, Tues., Aug. 14 at 3:30 p.m., Room 1504, East Eng. Bldg. Subject "Hypersonic Boun- dary Layer Flow Over Solid Bodies." Doctoral Examination for John Mit- chell Gary, Mathematics; thesis: "Dual- ities in Generalized Manifolds and Higher Dimensional Cyclic Element Theory, Wed., Aug 15 3010 Angell Hall, at 3:15 p.m. Chairman, R. L. Wilder, Doctoral Examination for Robert Leonard Martin, Physics; thesis: "Re- sults of Investigation of Low-Intensity Reciprocity Law Failure", Wed., Aug. 15, 2038 Randall Laboratory, at 10:00 a.m, Chairman, Ernst Katz. Doctoral Examinationtfor Phillip Parker Mason, History; thesis: "The League of American Wheelmen and the Goad-Roads M o v e m e n t, 1880-1905", 3609 Haven Hall, t 1:30 p.m. Chairman, Sidney Fine. Doctoral Examination for Donald Earl DeGraaf, Physics; thesis: "The Vibra- tional Spectrum of N-Methyl Forma- mide", Thurs., Aug. 16, 2038 Randall Laboratory, at 2:00 p.m. Chiarman, D. L. Wood. :4 I TV Will Ar'ouse Interest WHILE THE upcoming political conventions have been Variously described as the world's greatest three ring circus and America's great- est commercial entertainment venture, this year's extensive radio and television coverage may prove a milestone in presidential politics. Since the advent of television as a communi- cative medium, the nation has twice seen great spectacles of American politics in action. First came the crime investigation conducted by Senator Kefauver, The second was the McCarthy-Army hassle. Both of these public hearings accomplished more in the way of expediting their respective issues than months of tedious hearings. Public opinion soon demanded the breakup of big city vice rings and more was accomplished than had ever been done in one burst. For McCarthy, publicity brought the excremental smell of his activities into the open and spelled the end of his reactionary movement. PERHAPS the public will respond to the political conventions in the same manner. Few people will deny that a great many Americans are dreadfully unaware of political happenings. Traditionally, this has been one of the major weaknesses and objections of our system of government. With the publicity that conventions will receive this year, a start will have been made in the right direction. Faced with the apparent machinery of nominating a president, and pointed toward its hidden workings, the public could easily come up with a healthy interest in presidential politics and a demand that more of the nominating machinery be brought out where they have a chance to observe it closely- perhaps even demand that the voter be given more influence in the choice of candidates. -DAVID GELFANID CONVENTION ANTICS: Chicago Excited, But Not Unduly Impressed Weather Has Been Good By TAMMY MORRISON C H I C A G O-With aplomp that would startle any other city unused to that sort of thing, Chi- cago has opened its broad arms to the 1956 Democratic National Convention. Long accustomed to hordes of people pouring into it from plane, train, bus, car and pogo stick, the city is excited, but not unduly im- pressed with Democratic antics within ints environs. Although the world-famous loop can only be de- scribed as a shambles, residential districts are quietly going about their business as if conventions were an everyday affair, which they are. Only a heightened in- terest in politics, common to every city at this time, betrays the pre- sence of something special. But step into the downtown area, and the something special becomes overwhelmingly obvious. Every major hotel displays the familiar red, white and blue bunting, and donkey facsimiles and signs read- ing "Welcompe Democrats" are very much in evidence. Hotel res- ervation clerks are patiently trying to take care of crowds of people eight or ten deep and rooms, even at the "Y" are at a premium. And all this before the conven- tion itself even started. Although paper men from every part of the world, all filing stories on Harry Truman's morning press confer- ence. The press has long since been moved to the Hilton's spac- ious exhibition hall in the base- ment,,as incoming reporters swell to epidemic proportions. Refreshments, in the form of free cigarettes, soft drinks, are available to legitimate delegates and workers, as well as hangers-on and sightseers. Pretty young girls stand in headquarters, hotel lob- bies and on street corners, hand- ing out hats,'buttons and stream- ers bearing the names of their favorite candidates. Stevenson headquarters is alive and bustling with optimistic stu- dents for Stevenson and his staff of workers. Harriman and Chand- ler headquarters, although quite well - staffed are comparatively lacking in enthusiastic lookers-on. Business was particularly unbrisk at Happy's hunting ground, where the Kentucky governor, wreathed in his perpetual smile, stared from the walls at a deserted reception room. On Friday, the All-Star football game gave the Democrats some stiff competition. The Hilton's cocktail lounge was jammed with people, most of whom were hailing can people gamble, even if only at -hurch suppers. * * * UPSTAIRS in the Blackstone, just a little before, Harry Tru- man made his historic announce- ment and Ave was just wild about Harry. Even half an hour before the smiling ex-president was due to arrive, harrassed members of the working press were trying, in many cases unsuccessfully to ob- tain entrance to the crystal ball- room, already crowded with tele- vision and i'adio equipment. One particularly insistant reporter al- most got past two sweating police- men, but when pushed back, shouted, "I've come a long way for this, and now I'm kept out by some fascist policeman." Immediately, all the other equally unsuccessful reporters be- gan to take sides with fascism, and they and the Chicago Police Department presented a united front against the interloper, who grumbled his way out. As a return favor, the cops opened the doors wide after Harry arrived, and everyone was allowed in. When Truman announced that Harriman was his choice, there was a general scramble for the pay phones outside and a few scattered cheers from the Ave eontingent. would do for Harriman would be to make Stevenson's first ballot nomination hopes a little dimmer, but that the former Illinois gover- nor would eventually sweep the nomination, no matter how many ballots it took. When Stevenson made his appearance there an hour later, he was greeted with loud cheers, applause and shouts of "Give 'em hell, Adlai." And when he asserted "I expect to be the Democratic candidate," a loyal supporter shouted, "You will be, Adlai." A few moments later, Mrs. Har- riman, ably backed by India Ed- wards, received the female press at a tea across the hall. Beseiged by newshens of all shapes and sizes, she said that she thought Truman's announcement "won- derful" and admitted to having nothing definite in mind for White House redecoration. And as the convention itself drew closer and closer, the circus went on. It was, and still is, a whirl of parties, statements, coun- ter-statements, speculation and plain hard work that looks like fun, a merry carousel of crowds, bright colors and gay music that covers up the clank and grind of inexorable political machinery. t 1- h SUMMER IS beginning to fade now and autumn is creeping up. It will be a while before the first frost leaves its white mist on Editorial Staff LEE MARKS, Managing Editor Night Editors Richard Halloran, Donna Hanson, Mary Ann Thomas, Adelaide Wiley Sports Editor, Dick Cramer the lawn and the twigs get brittle and the leaves beneath one's feet crackle but there are signs. Days are a little shorter and already there is a touch of gold in the green of leaves and pines. Ann Abor is vastly different in the summer-- it is less hectic, more friendly. The University seems more a place to learn to think, less a frantic center of activity. There is time to drop in and just chat with people, time to attend concerts and plays, Barbers don't seem quite as anxious to get you out of the chair as they snip and trim, salesmen don't mind if you browse without buying, waiters don't snap quite as much. + suthomilaof a Tu niare...ls -affsa- - .