POOR CHARLIE WILSON (See page 2) Yl r e Latest Deadline in the Slate 3aii4 PARTLY CLOUDY, COOLER a ._..,._ _, ..t. _f_ aQ VO. LX ~VIII, No. 2S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1956 VOtR PAOS$ _ . _ wOUR.v as XZ+ Red Inspired Students Plot In Guatamala President Armas Decrees Martial Law ! GUATEMALA () - President Carlos Castillo Armas clamped military rule on Guatemala yes- terday after a death-dealing clash ,Nonday night .between police and university students accused of Communist agitation. The police fired on students demonstrating on the Guatemalan capital's main avenue. Three stu- dents were killed instantly and two more died during the night. Seventeen others were wounded. The governmont said one police- man was killed and three were wounded. March on Palace The students, half of them girls, were marching to the palace to protest a state of alarm proclaim- ed Sunday after an antigovern- ment demonstration was put down. Castillo Armas, a former mili- tary man, declared a state of siege, a modified form of martial law. This meant stricter controls than were provided under the state of alarm. All constitutional guarantees have been suspended for 30 days. Security chief Ismael Ortiz Orel- lana said the student demonstra- tion was linked with a Communist plot to overthrow the government. He said the government knows of a plan by exiles to invade Guate-1 mala from Nicaragua and El Sal- vador late this month. Invasion Expected He said the army was expecting the invasion "at any moment." The government said a "sediti- ous Communist movement" had been hatched with many partici- peting who had been followers of Communist-backed President Ja- cobo Arbenz Guzman. Those fol-{ lowers fled Guatemala when Cas- tillo Armas overthrew Arbenz Guz- man in an armed rebellion'mount- ed from neighporing HondurasK two years ago. Series Opens . With Lecture ByMorrow E. Frederic Morrow, administra- tive officer of Special ProjectsI group in the White House, willa give the initial lecture today inf the University's special summer session program, "Patterns ofz American Culture: Contributions of the Negro." Morrow will talk on "The Ameri- can People in .Government" atn 4:15 p.m. in Rackham Lecturet Rall. The speaker is at the present responsible for coordination of in- c Daily Appeals For Help To Edit Summer Paper SURVEYING THE SCENE - Daily senior editor calmly sur- veys the scene, his arm resting lightly on the newspaper rack. Daily senior editors are known for being casual and straight. Ann Arbor in the summer can be dull for most people-but not for those who work on The Michi- gan Daily. Conference To Discuss Health, Aged A three-day conference to be held July 9-11 at the University will discuss medical problems o elderly persons. The conference is expected tc draw more than 500 medical and gerontolicdl experts from across the country. Major topics to be discussed will be the shortage of medical facilities for the aged, prevention of chronicraiments by improved hygenic measures dur- ing early life and older persons' inability to pay for -medical care either through income or insur- ance. The conference, "Health for the Aging," is sponsored by the Uni-. versity's division of gerontology and several University units, with assistance from the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the American Society for the Aged, the Geriatric Re- search Foundations; Michigan State Medical Societ yand numer- ous state agencies. In charge of program arrange- ments is Wilma T. Donahue, chairman of the division of geron- tology, Speakers who will appear at the conference include the following: Dr. E. L. Bortz, former president of the American Medical Associa- tion and medical director of Leh- man Hospital in Philadelphia who will discuss, "Healthy A d d e d Years." Special assistant to the secre- tary, United States Department of Health, Dr. L. T. Coggeshall, will speak on the topic, "The Battle against Chronic Disease." Dr. William B. Kountz, presi- dent of the American Gerontologi- cal Society and the Gerontological Research Foundation will lecture on, "Trends in Gerontology." Dr. Olin Anderson, research di- ector of the Health Information Foundation will speak to the con- ference on the topic, "Meeting the Costs of Medical Care for the 65- year-old and Over." Assistant surgeon general and deputy chief, bureau of state ser- vices, United States Public Health Service Dr. Lee Burney, will dis- uss, "Legislative Trends in Meet- ng Health Needs of Older People." Clark Tibbitt, chairman of the ommittee on aging, United States Department of Health, Education nd Welfare will speak on, "Pro- essional Training in Geronto- ogy." Also included in the conference will be special clinics for physici- ans and the Medical School and 2 workshops for welfare experts, ocial workers, public health per- onnel and others. Each of the workshops will meet between gen- ral sessions. Nationally known ersons in each field will had the The Daily has opportunities for students interested in writing photography, editing, and proof reading. (Proof reading opportun- ities are the most abundant actu- ally.) Students interested in business will find the business staff chal- lenging. The Daily offers practical business training as well as fun. The latest test by a nationally known cigarette manufacturer proved conclusively that nine out of ten people who stopped smok- ing his brand went back to The Daily. If you're interested in livening up the summer, come to the Stu- dent Publications Building, 420 Maynard, behind the Administra- tion Bldg. Ceylon Calls For British Withdrawal LONDON (P)-Prime Minister Solomon Bandaranaike c'f Ceylon called officially on the British yesterday to give up their bases at Trincomalee and Katunayake. Commonwealth officials reported the demand of the New Ceylon leader was made at a meeting with his old Oxford University friend, British Prime Minister Anthony Eden. Bandaranaike called publicly for Britain to quit the strategic Cey- lon bases shortly after his election in April but had delayed present- ing the demand. Trincomalee is the great British naval base on Ceylon's east coast and Katunayake is the Royal Air Force base near Negombo on the west coast. Loss of the naval base would make a big gap in the old British; Empire lifeline. Trincomalee, home base of the Allied Eastern Fleet in World War II, is about midway be- tween Aden at the tip of the Arabian Peninsula and Singapore, the island bastion just off the end of the Malay Peninsula. Senate Gives Air Force Extra Funds Wilson Rapped In Bitter Floor Fight as 'Inept' WASHINGTON (3--The Senate rejected President Dwight D. Eis- enhower's assessment of the na- tion's air power needs yesterday and voted nearly a billion dollars more than he wanted for the Air Force in fiscal 1957. The 48-40 roll-call vote was a smashing victory for Senate Dem- ocrats, who refused to accept as- surances of administration lead- ers that the Air Force would have enough money to keep ahead of Russia in the struggle for world air supremacy. Voting was preceded by a bitter attack on Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson, who was called inept, vain, arrogant and con- temptuous of Congress. The extra Air Force money, most of it earmarked for improved aircraft, was added to the De- fense Department's budget for the 12 months beginning next Sunday. Then the. Senate passed the 35- billion-dollar defense measure on a routine roll-call vote of 88-0. The big bill provides about 16 xi billion for the Air Force, 10 billion for the Navy and Marine Corps and 71/2 billion for the Army. The bal- ance would go for miscellaneous Defense Department needs. FCC Asks TV Change WASHINGTON ()-A tentative long-term proposal for revolution- izing television operations and a more immediate program for re- lieving current problems were made public yesterday by the Fed- eral Communications Commission. The commission asked for com- ment, to be submitted by Oct. 1, "on the possibility of ultimately shifting all or a major portion of TV operation" to the ultra high frequency channels-those num- bered 14 through 83. Meanwhile, it proposed to au- thorize all-UHF telecasting in some cities in scattered areas of the country. This shift, and others to follow, is aimed at eliminating competi- tion in a single area between sta- tions transmitting on UHF fre- quencies and those using Very High frequency channels, number- ed 2 through 13. Twister Injures One i n Michigan IONIA, Mich. 05)-State police at the Ionia post said a tornado struck last night near the town of Middleton in Neighboring Gratiot county. One person was reported injured when the twister knocked down two barns and a house. Troopers said he was taken to a hospital. Clarence Hewitt reported an- other small tornado roaring over his farm near Lake Odessa in Ionia county "with a noise like 50 airplanes pasing overhead." Hew- itt said it never touched the ground. -Daily-Harding Williams NEW P ESS BOX--Work is progressing rapidly on the University's new half-million dollar press box. Scheduled for completion by early September the new press box will add several thousand seats to Stadium capacity, bringing seating to more than 100,000 according to Athletic Publicity Director Les Etter. Etter said the press box is being built in three decks. The working press section will seat 202 reporters. The middle deck will house photographers and their equipment. A third deck will ac- commodate radio and television. Special features of the new press box, described by Etter as the "latest and most modern," will be a cafeteria food service, presidential booth, wide aisles and good working conditions. "We studied several press boxes and consulted with the press to determine most functional use of space,55 Etter commented. Congress Passes Roadbuilding Program; New Gasoline Tax To Finance Superhighways Playbill Lists Plays, Opera The University department of speech this summer will present four plays and an opera. First on the Summer Playbill is Bolton's "Anastasia," which will be performed July 4-7. "The Circle" by W. Somerset Maugham will be presented July 11-14. Also scheduled is Carroll's "The Wayward Saint," July 25-28; Fry's "The Lady's Not for Burning," August 1-5; and Puccini's opera "La Boheme," August 9, 10, 11 and ,13. "La Boheme" is to be produced in conjunction with the School of Music, under direction of Prof. Hugh Z. Norton of speech depart- ment and Prof. Josef Blatt of the music school. The four plays will be directed by Prof. Jack E. Bender of the speech department and visiting Prof. James Brock. All performances are scheduled for 8 p.m. in the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre with a special mati- nee of the opera at 2:30, August 11. Marjorie Smith and Edward An- dreasen will design costumes and scenery for summer productions. From 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. season tickets are on sale at Lydia Men- delssohn box office every day. Tickets for individual perform- ances go on sale next Monday. Freign Ad Plan ac ed B Dulles WASHINGTON 0 )-Secretary; of State John Foster Dulles made a final appeal to Congress yesterday to support President Dwight D. Eisenhower's foreign aid program and to steer clear of cutting off assistance to Communist Yugoslavia. 'Secretary Dulles told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that halting of United States aid to Yugoslavia might drive Marshal Tito "into the camp of the Russians." Expect Rapid Presidential Agreement Compromise Plan Provides 14,000 Mile Road Netwlrk WASHINGTON (AP) - The 3S- billion-dollar highway bill, bigget non-defense spending program ilk history, was passed by CongreII yesterday and sent to President Dwight D. Eisenhower.' Congressional action was coM- pleted by an 89-1 roll-call vote In - the Senate. The lone, disseter was Sen ,Russell B. Long (D-L.) Earlier in the day, the House pass- ed the bill by voice vote and witl- out debate. The roadbuilding proram in- cludes just about everything Presi- dent Eisenhower requested, exccp$ for bond financing of the federal outlays. Congressional Democrats succeeded in substituting t booststo help pay for the 437year program. Bill Called Urgent President Eisenhower ha listed the highway bill as an. "urgent" Item on his program for Congress,. Supporters of the legislation ex pect him to sign it promnptly, perhaps this week. The bill provides for a $14,8000,- 000,000 hike in taxes to be levied on highway users in the next 16 years. These will go into effect July 1 if the President signs it y that time. One of'the tax boost woild ad 1 cent to the present 2-cents-a gallon federal tax on gasoline:and motor fuels. The measure represents a comn promise, worked out last week t differing bils voter earlier by ,he two branches. Features Interstate Highwas Its major feature calls for a ,- 000 mile network of Interstat superhighways to cost some 2' billion dollars. The federal go ernment would pay 90 per cent the bill; the states the rest. The system would connect 42 stt. capitals and 90 per cent ',,&,0 < cities of over 50,000 population, Federal spending on existing road programs also would be great' ly increased under the bill's pro- visions. These outlays would total $2,550,000,000 in the next three years and would be matched 50-0 by state contributions. Additional sums would be spent on roads in national parks and forests and on Indian reservations, bringing total spending to $32,- 900,000,000. One of the major compromises in the bill involves the method of alloting federal road aid ,to the states. The conferees decided to retain the present formula-based on population-for the first three years. After that, the states would get what they needed to complete their sections of the interstate system. Long Opposes Taxes The opposition by Sen. Long to the bill stemmed from it ta provisions. He told the Seiatehe favored the, construction, features but believed the present highway, user taxes were sufficient to fi'- nance'the program Gargoyle To Strike Again "The 1958 summer Gargoyle ;is getting off' the ground," Stated Art Editor Bob Maitland, while cleaning five thousand paint brushes early this afternoon.'_ "Especially, we need good writ- ers and artists," added Managing Editor David Kessel. "They should preferably be wealthy, but other- wise properly dressed." The summer Garg will be pub- lished Friday, Sept. 21, according to present plans. Interested, well- meaning students can join the staff by appearing at the Garg Tucker Wins Nomination By The Associated Press INDIANAPOLIS--Mayor Ralph 'Tucker of Terre Haute won the Democratic nomination for gover- nor last night after a record-break- ing nine ballots in one of the most hectic and bitterly fought state conventions in Indiana history. Tucker defeated State Sen. Matthew E. Welsh of Vincennes on the final ballot after four other candidates had been eliminated one by one from the fifth ballot on. The platform advocating an "end to government secrecy," 100 per cent parity of income for farmers and a workable guaran- teed annual wage law was also adopted yesterday by the 1956 Democratic state convention. E. FREDERIC MORROW ternal management affairs in the Special Projects Group which in- cludes the Council of Foreign Eco- nomic Policy, headed by Joseph + M. Dodge, the offices of Harold E. Stassen and Nelson A. Rockefeller, special assistants to the President and the Office of Hajor Gen. John S. Bragdon special consultant' on Public Works Planning. Prior to the Commerce Depart- ment, Morrow was with the Col- umbia Broadcasting System where he served on the public relations staff and as a member of the Employee-Management Commit-i tee. He has also held the post of field secretary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Governors Like Ike ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. (AP)-_ Rp-nnhian i v-rnnrq n #: #. I 0 i C : a f s 14 a 1 c F e n SEE COMPROMISE ATTEMPT: Iceland Vote Threatens NATO Base He then went directly to a meet- ing of the Senate Republican Pol- icy Committee to argue against further cuts in the $4,502,000,000 foreign aid bill approved earlier by the foreign relations group. To Debate Tuesday The bill comes up for debate on the Senate floor Tuesday. Secretary Dulles gave a "sum- ming up" of administration argu- ments for the figure approved by the Foreign Relations Committee. This sum is 400 million dollars less than President Eisenhower origin- ally requested but 600 millions more than the House voted. Chairman Styles Bridges (R-NH) said Secretary Dulles asked for and got no commitments from the GOP Policy Committee. Long Asks Amendment The conference came as Sen. Russel B. Long (D-La) filed an amendment in the Senate to cut the aid bill by an additional $1,- 800,000,000, to bring it down to about the $2,765,000,000 which Congress voted last year. Secretary Dulles appeared at a closed session of the Foreign Re- lations Committee. The group did not make his testimony public but Chairman Walter George (-Ga) yuoted him as saying itais "highly Important" that aid tox Yugoslavia be continued. "The secretary is vitally con- cerned that we do nothing at this time to drive the Yugoslavs back into the camp of the Russians" George said. Secretary Dulles was quoted as saying it would not be in the Un- ited States interest to cut-off aid to Tito at present. That has been proposed by Sens. Joseph Mc- Carthy (R-Wis) and William Jen- ,et Site Proposed Washington, (IP1-A senate com- mittee today expressed preference for Kalkaska instead of Manistee County as the site for a proposed ia a.r u c i 7fihss Q By MARY ANN THOMAS Defeat of the pro-American In- dependence Conservative Party in Iceland has raised doubts regard- ing that small republic's future status ih the East-West struggile -and the presence of NATO troups on the island. Prof. George Kish of the geo- graphy department commented that the Icelandic elections, which gave the Progressive and Social Democrats 25 of 52 seats in the Althing, "will not necessarily mean the withdrawal of United States troups" stationed there. Under a NATO agreement, the United States maintains a radar' base at Keflavik manned by 4,000 troups. It was the Keflavik issue which forced the strategic elec-I tions after the Progressives pushed' "The presence of American troups on Iceland soil has always been a source of friction," he said. Secondly, "when the current treaty was negotiated with the coalition that has just lost power, it provid- ed for the construction of certain facilities which was to be done by local contractors." "It seems that politics were in- volved in awarding the contracts," Prof. Kish explained, "since a ma- jority of them were distributed to members of one party. This caused economic discontent." Soviets Offer Trade Another economic reason fo- menting anti-American sentiment was that neither the United States arily true Iceland will not acceptI more bases. "But it is certain," he added, "that when the current defense agreement comes up for negotia- tion, or even sooner, Iceland will demand much more stringent con- ditions. Communists Increase Strength Commenting on the increase in Communist Party seats in the Ice- landic parliament, Prof William B. Ballis, a visiting professor in the political science department from the University of Washington, in- dicated the Communists will try to oust American troups. "Communist Party line," he pointed out, "has always aimed at having us remove our bases from the perimeter around the Soviet: Union," and when Communists get - _ 4 1 -9.,..._,, . ... .... .. ,, . . Cognizant of the necessity for another coalition government in Iceland, Prof. Daniel Wit of the political science department com- mented, "Since there is no abso- lute majority available in favor of eviction of United States troups, apparently there will be some ef- fort at compromise." "The most likely result will be a coalition government which will attempt to reduce the size of the American installation and perhaps compel the United States to make some form of paymen to Iceland, w hich at present it does not do," he said, Prof. Wit cited the new Soviet foreign policy of peaceful compe- tition and deemphasis of armed forces as a possible influence on Tan ri'ccrninaracl-, "Ti in nr_- I I i 1, I I 1 ;