1 1 g t{rhigatt Bally Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSIYy OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Near The Jugular Vein r ~'wheni Opinious Are Free. 'truth ww ]Prevauft Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: DICK HALLORAN 'k -~ .~ -~ ~ [V i1~ 4 3 E I I .~. -I I.. 4 ~ ,~ - - - .. 4c. - *, ,4. ~- .; ~'. -~ ~- -~ .* DANCE REVIEW: Pearl Primus Good Entertainer PEARL Primus last night brought to Ann Arbor the first profes- sional dance program that local people have had an opportunity to witness in several years. Appearing as part of the "Patterns of American Culture: Contributions of the Negro" summer series, Miss Primus undoubtedly contributed a more memorable experience than Circus Big Top Replaced By National Conventions THE BIG tops have now passed from the American scene, but the circus will never die. National political party conventions are much like an over-sized circus, complete with noise, heat, strong lights and music. And along with this is the smoke-filled back room where a few politicians carry on the real business of the convention. The,.Democrat and Republican National Con- ventions durin gthe next two weeks will dis- play many of these characteristics, belying the importance of the occasion to the nation. With television cameras reporting a great number of the superficial, and sometimes not so superficial, aspects of the convention to an audience of millions, the circus atmosphere is often the dominating impression created in the minds of the audience. INSTEAD of paying rapt attention to the speakers, delegates will be dashing from place to place trying to gain support for fa- vorite candidates. Crowds of photographers will be snapping any person or occurance that has any possibility of being significant. Political opponents will treat each other like old friends, while their aides try to swing support from one to the other. Occasionally both music and tempers will flare and just as quickly be for- gotten. Reporters will be trailing important person- alities for stories or trying to get into caucuses to see which way the balloting will swing. Dele- gates will be holding out for favorite son can- didates o r trying to decide to jump on some- one's bandwagon now or later. Debates and sudden decisions will mark discussion of party platforms, which, in an attempt to please so many widely differing interests within the pal ty, often end up so nebulous that it takes an expert to render an interpretation. Is all this time and expense necessary to nominate a couple presidential candidates, people ask. Why not select candidates via a nationwide primary election? SUCH gestions do not take into consideration the real processes behind a national con- vention, or the structure of the United State's party system. Hectic activity and political in- trigue may seem to be an undesirable and dis- pensable element at conventions, but the fault if any actually exists, can be found in the na- ture of human beings, not in the conventions. That political parties organize and select a presidential candidate to win control of the government is a truism. And in a country as large as the United. States there are so many interest groups with differing and even an- tagonistic ideas that for one party to be able to win the support of a majority is a major feat, Thus, each political party seeks both to sW9 lect a candidate who can command the largest number of votes and to unify the divergent in- terests within the party itself. This cannot be accomplished in a presiden- tial primary. With a large list of candidates, voters are all too prone to support a local can- didate, rather than one who can win nation- wide favor in the final elections, Even a can- didate winning the largest number of votes in a primary could not be assured of full party support in the main election, especially if he were supported by an interest group that just happened to be bigger than those supporting other candidates. FURTHERMORE, party delegates would have to attend something similar to the conven- tions of today, anyway, in order to draw up a party platform. For a candidate to decide hid own platform is nearly impossible. Not only would the voters not know for what they were voting, but a president elected in such an instance would be put in the embarrassing posibion of having less support from his party in Congress than is given under the present system. In spite of all the biclerings and maneuver- ings that seem only to confuse or prolong nom- ination of a presidential candidate, the nation- al convention is the most unifying institution in American politics. --MARY ANN THOMAS Copyright, 1956. The Pulltzer Pubibi h~g C.. (HertockIs o YactionSt. Louis Post-Dispatch AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: 'Boheme' Popular Now as Ever Ike Should Take Physical Exam Now THESE are the days when a belch from Pres- ident Eisenhower will result in headlines, editorials and commentaries. Reporters tack comments about Ike's color and appearance at the end of their stories, statistics at length of survival for ileitis patients are still being pub. lished while the president and his doctors em- phatcially affirm Ike is physically fit to serve another four years in the White House. The President has recently promised the na- tion, however, just for precautionary measures, that he will have a final health examination and will assuredly tell the American people if there has been any change that would stop him from serving another term. The examination is ambiguously scheduled for "an appropriate time" - "some time later this year"-"but certainly before the election." Since Ike's health will be a big issue the Democrats will be attacking, it would seem logical that President Eisenhower should have his examination made and the state of his physical endurance announced now, before the Republican Convention, rather than "some time later this year." p OSSIBLY the Republicans are foregoing logic for strategy. After Ike is safely nom- inated at the convention and the Democrats. have exhausted themselves blasting his health -then would be the- appropriate time for an- nouncing the results of Ike's health examina- tion - providing it is good, of course. If, however, the examination happens to turn out negative, and the doctors and the President. are truthful about it, the Republican Party will be in a pretty bad fix. -DONNA HANSON.. Simple Heroism .0 Deserves Recognition BURIED in the back pages of Thursday's metropolitan newspapers was a story of simple and impressive heroism that deserves to be pointed out. The United States Navy has announced that Lt. Commander Robert Anderson of Point Loma, California gave his life in a successful attempt to prevent crashing his disabled F-73 jet fighter into the heart of El Paso, Texas. Anderson's aircraft failed during a flight from San Diego's North Island Naval Air Station. The 38-year-old father of two guided the blazing mass into a vacant lot, avoiding a school, a housing development and a refinery. We can and should be fiercely proud of a man such as Commander Anderson, who, though far from any battlefield, unhesitatingly gave his life for his fellow men. It is hoped that his country will officially honor this most unselfish of gifts. -ALLAN STILLWAGON AMONG the operas most popular today, "La Boheme" seems to enjoy a special variety of popu- larity all its own. Whether this is derived from the story of the music or the characters or the general atmosphere or, more likely, the overall combination; Boheme has a wide appeal which is almost ir- resistable to opera fanciers. With this head-start, Josef Blatt pnd Hugh Norton could hardly go wrong by choosing "La Boheme" as the summer opera production of the Speech & Music depart- ments. And indeed, in spite of the usual first-night assortment of missed -cues, orchestral fluctiations, and vocal irregularities, Boheme was overall a good job. * * *. THE FIRST QUESTION which presents itself is that of language. Boheme was originally written in Italian, for Italian audiences, in Italy. Somehow, I have always been prejudiced in favor of orig- inal-language productions; espec- ially for French and Italian opera where the flavor of the original is often lost in translation. The choice of language is this: shall the less informed members of the audience know what all the shouting is about, or shall the lin- guists be satisfied. Most a m a t e u r performances wisely choose English translations; the assumption apparently being that the audience will at least be amused by the dialogue, if not by the singing. Still, I should some- time like to hear a foreign lan- guage presentation of an opera by, the Music & Speech people, if only to see how it sounds. As for the English performance of Boheme, it was generally a good translation, with only occasional awkward passages which usually passed unnoticed. In most instan- ces, it is difficult to understand every word of a translation, but enough got across last night so that the audience laughed and cried at the proper intervals. THOMAS TIPTON as Marcel fairly well dominated the stage last night, although his beard was ob- viously false. But his voice was, one of the best, and his actions were quite natural and convinc- ing. Less impressive was Jerry Lang- enkamp as Rodolphe. Often, the high notes of the score were out- side the periphery of his vocal rance. His middle range was clear, though, and his acting was gen- eitally believable. Mussette, June Howe, was a colorful character; in contrast to Katherine Rush, who sang a some- what straitlaced Mimi. Conse- quently Mussette and Marcel often blotted out Mimi and Rodolphe in the ensemble sections. Priscilla Bickford will sing Mimi tonight. Both the women have rather small, sine-wave-pure voices that somehow always sound better in Italian than English. They were both occasionally overpowered by the room-filling voices of the men. Willis Patterson's Colline was well sung, just as Charles Hefern- an's Alcindore was well acted. Wendell Orr, Schaunard, and Earl Sayer, Benoit, were comfort- able in their lesser roles. * * * THE OTHERS in the cast, most- ly Urchins, Mothers, Children, and Students, were well trained and never tripped over each other. The Physical Education people and Esther Pease are to be thanked for this. Especially note the cute girl Student with long blond hair. Pu- ccini's schools were always full of women like this. The costumes were all well done; especially Colline's; he was the picture of elegance. Staging was somewhat above the usual for Bo- heme, an improvement over many . of the so-called professional tour- ing companies which often rely upon poor lighting to hide set de- fects. The attic scene was most effective. The weak spot of amateur opera is, of course, the orchestra. Occas- ionally misguided strings, and pre- mature horns marred the first night performance in spots. But, in all fairness, it should be said that, aside from a few unsightly blemishes, the orchestral picture was tolerable, occasionally produc- ing moments of near greatness- especially through act two and at the end of the opera. The dif- dicult synchronization between the onstage band and the orchestra in act two was managed adequately, but just barely. "Boheme" addicts should plan to see this performance. The ef- forts of ProfessorBlatt and Norton have been not unrewarding, and I doubt that many will be disap- pointed. --David Kessel I _FTTERS to the EDITOR Disa'ippointment... To the Editor: TURNING quickly to my favorite morning paper, Aug. 8, it was rather disappointing not to find more election news and results than was offered in your single, one-column story on page 1. In years gone by, The Daily, boasting the latest deadline in the State, has usually provided some election results and.in particular, those of a local nature, for the convenience of its readers. -Robert B. Vokae any of this session's lectures. Pearl Primus is a composite with tremendous power that sheI can evoke the most subtle of nu- ances, convey the most dramatic feeling. Her rage - from a thun- dering African fertility dance to the good-natured humor of the Caribbean Castillian - is amaz- ing. She isalso a poised lecturer who details the meanings of her dances, and a comedienne who has learned the valuable lesson of timing. * * , WITH. ALL of these talents, Pearl Prius emerges as a show- woman, a class of entertainer which numbers few among its ranks. Occasionally the textbook material may slip in, and some- times her material may become heavy-handed (as in the reviva- list-talking-about-freedom bit), but, for the most part, she gives her audience an evennig of fun. The first half of her program, primarily a serious business and labeled "Africa," was devoted to native tribal dances Miss Primusj learned while studying in Africa Here she danced the fertiltiy prayer (long, heavy strides and powerful arm movements) and the rhythmic Fanga. She ended the first part with the "Santos," a writhing and con-j vulsive bit of choreography repre- senting the emotional turmoil be- tween the ancient, tribal religion and Christianity. Her most serious work of the evening, Miss Primus displayed what few dramatic ac- tresses 'possess, an ability to make each part of the body speak. The anguish, despair and confusion were beautifully demonstrated. Percival Borde, a young man with the perfect dancer's body, lean, agile and smooth, performed an "Earth Magician" dance and a series of "Watusi" pieces. While he lacks the power of Miss Primus, his sinewy style provides an ex- cellent complement to the latter. Completing this section was "Drum Talk," expertly performed by drummer Moses Miann. It proved what Americans, accus- tomed to strings and brass, often forget: the drum is capable of producing the most beautiful of music. ON THE second half of the pro- gram, divided into "Caibbean" and "America," the mood was es- sentially one of lightness. The dances of the Caribbean, contain- ing the influence of Spanish and French dance movements, are per- haps best described as "saucy." The subtle innuendos of Calypso music - the catchy lyrics and the disjointed language, the emphasis upon the pleasantly wicked, and the infectious rhythm - make this form much closer to our own conventional forms of dance and music. ~ Mr. Brode here displayed what is his strongest point, the kind of predominantly male muscular power that Miss Primus does not hold, and that is vital to Carib- bean dancing. Like the sensible show-woman she is, Miss- Primus allowed Mr. Brode to carry this segment. "America" was a short move- ment devoted to Blues, Jazz and Spiritual. Except for the fast and furious closing, "Great Day In the Mornini'," Miss Primus did not seem to do justice to Negro contributions to American culture. Partly because of the brevity, and partly because Miss Primus is at her best in the more majestic dances of Africa, it seemed a weak fnding to what was otherwise an exciting evening of dance. THE QUESTION inevitably arose - over filter-tip cigarettes, under programs held above the lips, between bits of lobby gossip : Is it authen~tic? From the manner in which Miss Primus put her program together, with the wit, occasional exaggera- tion, and good fun of a storyteller, this question does not need to be answered. Probably only Miss Primus, the African natives and a stray an- thropologist really know. For the remainder, Miss Primus exhibited her talent for pleasing audiences. --Ernest Theodossin Stocks Slump After Rise Rails were the heroes and metals the villains of yesterday's stock market rise, the third straight this week, The market was higher from the 'start and looked as if it were really going places late in the aft- of many things. She is a dancer has completely under control; she DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 335 General Notices To all students having Library books 1. Students having in their posses- sion books borrowed from the General Library or its branches are notified that such books are due Mon., Aug. 13. 2. Students having special need for certain books between Aug. 13 and Aug. 17 may retain such books for that period by renewing them at the charg- ing Desk. 3. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Fri., Aug. 7 will be sent to the Cashier's Office and their credits and grades will be withheld until such time as said records are cleared in com- pliance with the regulations of the Regents. University faculty members may se- cure complimentary tickets to Teach- ers' Day at the Michigan State Fair o Sat., Sept, 8. Tickets are also available for teachers and prospective taher Calli Miss McLellan, School of Ed- cation, Extension 2973. Manuscripts for the Summer Hop- wood Awards must be in the Hopwood ' Room, 1006 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m. on Friday. Lectures Astronomy Department Visitors' Night Fri., Aug. 10, 8:30 p.m., Room 2003 An- gell Hall. Prof. F. D. Miller will speak on "Recent Advances in Astronomy." After the talk the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open for inspection and for tele- scopic observations of Saturn, Mars, and a double star. children welcomed, but must be accompanied by adults. Music for Living Series: Final dem- onstration-lecture, "Choral Training Technics," by Donald Plott of David- son College (NC.), conductor of the Summer Session Chor, 7:00 p.m., Mon., Aug. 13, Aud. A, Angell Hall. Open to the public, Play Puccini's opera, LA BOHEME, will be presented by the Department of Speech and the School of Music at 8 p.m. Fri., Sat., and Mon. in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre, with h matinee at 2:30 p.m. Sat. Concerts Recital of Contemporary Music by Robert Courte, violist, and Robert Noehren organist, 4:15 p.m. Sun., Aug. 12, in Hill Auditorium. Compositions by Paul Hindemith, John Duke, Ernst Krenek, and Leo Sowerby open to the general public without charge. Student Recital. Thomas Jack Hamil, tenor, at 8:30 p.m. Sun., Aug. 12, in And. A, Angell Hall, in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Works by Handel, Respighi and Schumann, and will be open to the public. Hamil is a pupil of Harold Haugh. Student Recital: Malcolm Brown, stu- dent of piano with Benning Dexter, at 8:30 p.m. Mon., Aug. 13, in the Rack- ham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the de- gree of Master of Music. Compositions by Bach, Mozart, Prokofiev, Bartok and Chopin; open to the public. Academic Notices Law School Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law Schol Admission Test on Aug. 11 are requested to re- port to Room 100, Hutchins Hall at 8:45 Sat. morning. Admission Test for Graduate Study i Business: Candidates taking the Ad- mission Test for Graduate Study in Business on Aug. 18 are requested to report to Room 140, Business Adminis- tration at 8:45 a.m. Sat., Aug. 18, 1956. Attention August Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music. School of Public Health, School of Business Administration: Students are advised not t.o request grades of I or X in August. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to al. low your instructor to report the make. up grade not later than 11 a.m.. Aug. 23. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative August grad- uates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for departmental honors (or high honors in the College of G.S. &-A.) should recommend such stu- dents in a letter delivered to the Of- fice of Registration and Records, Room 1513 Administration Building, before Aug. 23. Doctoral Examination for Joseph S. Lambert, Electrical Engineering; thesis: "Analysis of the Blocking Oscillator Circuit Utilizing Transmission Line Characteristics of the Pulse Trans- frer." Fri. Ai r i, 9-M n ... ..- /I INTERPRETING THE NEWS: British Position Made Clear MILITARY DEFENSE: By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst PRIME Minister Eden's international broad- cast on the Suez dispute has made Britain's position perfectly clear, but whether he im- proved it is another matter. Enough replies have been received to insure the international conference on the canal's future will begin Aug. 16. Ii the meantime, continued Allied attacks on Egypt's President Nasser can only serve to aggravate the situa- tion. Editorial Staff LEE MARKS, Managing Editor Night Editors Richard Halloran, Donna Hanson, Nasser, trying to show himself as an ag- gressive leader of the small states of the Middle East, has gotten himself nito a bad spot. The proper Allied course is not to pin him there because he has defied a couple of big countries, but to help him get off it and end end the crisis. AS FOR Russia's effort to broaden the con- ference by admitting nonmaritime nations, it isn't worth much attention. The conference was originally designed as a busniess meeting of affected nations to meet an interference with business. It is not a poli- tical conference to be attended by drawn sides with a few so-called neutrals sitting in between as umpires. There is only one thing on the agenda - to devise a means of insuring continued interna- tional operation of the canal in a situation where one man, whose word is not trusted, is Foreign Nations Set U.S. Deployment By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Associated Press Diplomatic Reporter THERE was a time when the President of the United States alone could determine when, where and how the armed forces of the United States would be deployed. But today that is a matter of the utmost concern to the Prime Minister of Iceland, the Sultan of Morocco and the King of Saudi Arabia, not to mention the min- isters of the Emperor of Japan. Every one of them wants to have a say in how the United States handles this vital affair, and all of them have some limited veto on what it does because their terri- tories are involved. America's first line of defense is based on foreign soil. retain control of some base posi- tions is hardening. The decline of war fears due to Russia's more friendly behavior over the past three years is the major underlying cause of most of the trouble that the foreign base system is in today. If the United States shows read- iness to pay higher and higher prices to keep its troops and planes stationed in positions far from home, then the nations which control the based territories, ac- cording to present thinking, will show a parallel tendency to de- mand higher and higher prices. If other countries are coming to feel they no longer need protec- tion-a belief which official Wash- ington strongly rejects-then in The positions thus created are of vital military importance in two main respects. They make it pos- sible now for medium-range Am- erican bombers to maintain a con- stant threat of atomic retaliation against the Soviet-Red Chinese land mass. For the future they provide the possibility of launching sites for medium-range missiles with atomic warheads. The bases also provide protec- tion for local sectors of the free world where Soviet military power poses a direct offensive threat. SO FAR as the maintainance of deterrent power against aggres- sive action by Russia is concerned several overseas bases are said by fha P .. rtc +A a f . arvim t , .5