CIRCUS TOPS See Page 2 YI rL A.F4 Lwt~ta :4ai~j Latest Deadline in the State COOLER VOL. LXVII, No. 33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1956 FOUR PAGES Hoover Sees Better Peace Prospects SSANFRANCISCO (-Prospects of peace are "better" today than they were four years ago," ex- President Herbert Hoover said as he prepared to celebrate his 82nd birthday today with his customary 12-hour work day. "I have no estimate at all" of when peace might come to the world, Hoover told a press con- ference, "but certainly the tension is much less" than it was four years ago. ~' Hoover declined to talk politics. He said he would cover that sub- ject thoroughly in his "third fare- well speech to the Republicans" at the convention opening here Aug. 20. This will be the sixth consecu- tive GOP convention for the ex- , president. Twice before the senior Republican statesman made "fare- well". speeches. His last previous goodbye was in 1952 when he in- timated advancing years would prevent his return. The only indication he gave of the subject of his address, came when a reporter asked: "What's the greatest problem facing this country today?" * Hoover, one of the four longest lived American presidents, did have advice for oldsters. "Find some other job." He also said: He's writing a book on his World War I actities, "the only activity in the American government that I khow of that has not been inves- tigated by Congress." "It's going to be quit a book," and should be finished in a year. It's "utterly impossible" for government to be as efficient as private business, largely because of the necessary protection of gov- ernment employes in their jobs. It is possible to reverse the vast growth of the U.S. government which has seen the budget swell from 4 billion dollars a year in his administration to 70 billion today and federal employes increase five times to 2% million. Simplification of the govern- ment's 21 million documents a year as a resulk of the second Hoover Commission on Govern- ment Reorganization is saving S420 million dollars a year and we've just made a start." His own birthday appeared to be' of little concern to the alert former President, who rattled off figures and dates covering the 40- year span of his public service Sas' though they had occurred yes- terday. Alcoa Workers Sign Contract To End Strike NEW YORK (iP)-The Alumi- Tnum Co. of America signed a three year contract with the United Steelworkers yesterday to end 'a nine-day strike in 12 of its plants. The 18,000 union members re- ceived a wage and benefits pack- age of 46 cents an hour spread over three years. It will add about 20 million dollars to Alcoa's an- nual operating budget after three years. Within a few hours of the settle- ment, Alcoa boosted aluminum prices by a cent, to 25 cents a pound. The new three-year, no-strike pack with Alcoa roughly parallels a the USW contract with the steel industry. There are some varia- tions because of differences be- tween the two industries. Included in the terms are a 9 2 cents an hour wage boost the first year, 7 cents the second and 8 cents the third year-a total of 241/2 cents. Wages now average about $2.22 an hour, The rest of the package goes for 4 holiday pay, unemployment bene- fits, jury duty pay, insurance bene- fits, pension improvements and vacation allowance adjustments. A return to work is planned as soon as possible. However, it will take several weeks to heat up melters that have cooled since the strike and get them back in full production. Student Housing Shortage Seen Lewis Doubts Serious Problem, Town Resources Not Exhausted By LEE MARKS Daly Managing Editor Housing in Ann Arbor will definitely be tight this fall according to Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis. But the Vice-President said he doubted there would be a serious shortage and predicted the community would be able to house all University students. As of the first of the week all applications from transfer women have been cut off because of lack of housing. There is no more ,University housin availabl arc- Job less Pay Bill Argued LANSING MP)-The Legislature and Governor G. Mennen Williams sparred another round yesterday on the jobless pay issue with no indication that any decision is in sight-or even on the horizon. It appeared likely that the law- makers, who returned to the Capi- tol after a three week adjourn- ment, will quit today until Sept. 19. Only Democratic balkiness on a parliamentary question made it necessary for the Legislature to meet again today for the expected adjournment. Rep. George Van Peursem (R- Zeeland), chairman of the House Labor Committee, supported the resolution for going home again. He said it was needed for com- mittee study of Gov, Williams' latest proposal on the issue, a plan for easing the unemployment tax burden of 28,000 small business- men. Williams asked that the 2.7 per cent payroll tax imposed this year on employers with four through seven workers be cut in half, and that the period during which pay- ments must remain at the initial level be cut from four years to one year. The Governor sketched out what he had in mind last week, but his formal message reached the legis- lature only yesterday. Van Peursem said the Governor gubmitted no cost estimates, no data on the effect of the proposal on the unemployment compensa- tion fund and insufficient infor- mation on the help that would be given small businessmen. Red. Ed Cary (D-Detroit), who blocked immediate adjournment to Sept. 19, told Van Peursem that "study without action is futile." The Legislature was called into special session June 13, and twice since then has gone home for ex- tended periods only to return and adjourn once more. Williams asked a steep increase in the level of unemployment com- pensation benefits and an exten- sion of the period for which they may be drawn. The Governor said action along this line was required, in the face of mounting unemployment, to keep the state's economy from de- teriorating. As the House and Senate met, the State Unemployment Security Commission reported that unem- ployment had risen on July 15 to 232,000, man increase of 8,000 from a month previous. The figure for Detroit was 144,- 000, an increase of 4,000. The statewide unemployment ratio rose to 7.8 per cent of the labor force, that in Detroit to 9.4 per cent. cording to the admissions office. The estimated freshman class of 3040 will be housed in residence halls with temporary "pools" of about 100 for both men and women. Vice-President Lewis noted that the temporary "pools" are not unusual. 22,300 to Register An estimated 22,300 students will register this fall. Last semes- ter with only 20,654 students, more than 1600 less, there was a critical shortage. Of the 1600 more, 300 will -be housed in the Northwood Apart- ments for married students. Addi- tional conversions in residence halls will drain off 100 and the Couzens Halladdition will take care of another couple hundred. The balance will have to be ab- sorbed by the community. Vice-President Lewis said the University will again issue an ap- peal to local residents to house students, Resources Not Exhausted He said he did not think the resources of the community had been exhausted and that although there would be some initial tur- moil; students would find housing. The number of students who will be unable to attend the University because of housing could not be estimated at this time, Vice-Presi- dent Lewis said. "I don't think anyone who really wants to come will be denied the opportunity because of housing but some women may decide against enrolling because of the uncer- tainty," he claimed. Letters Sent As early as last June warning letters were sent to prospective students, notifying them of the housing conditions.' Most recent letter, sent this week, "definitely discourages" un- dergraduate women from planning to enroll this fall. Despite administration claims that the community will be able to absorb the overflow, students looking for apartments have re- ported considerable difficulty. Stassen Sees Even Chane WASHINGTON (P) - Harold E. Stassen, pushing his dump-Nixon' campaign, said yesterday there is now an even chance that the Re- publicans will nominate Governor Christian Herter of Massachusetts for vice president. Stassen supplied this 50-50 esti- mate at a news conference. He said that when he started out July 3 on his effort to substitute Herter for Vice-President Richard Nixon, the chance of a Herter nomination was probably only 1 in 100. Truman Addresses Committee Arrives Too Early, Goes Home, Returns By PETE ECKSTEIN Special To The Daily CHICAGO - Former President Harry Truman should have receiv- ed a big hand from his fellow Dem- ocrats when he bounced into the P 1 a t f o r m Committee's hearing room. But, the Sheraton - Blackstone's Mayfair Room was nearly deserted when he got there. Thehexplanation was simple- true to form early bird Truman had arrived an hour ahead of schedule. He had to return to his lavish suite and enact his entrance all over again. This time the delegates stood and cheered. After a few prelimi- nary resolutions, Chairman John McCormack struck his gavel and announced that one of the world's most talented men was about to appear. Democrats glowed, re- porters snickered. A man, Mc- Cormack continued, whose re- markable voice had made him be- loved by millions of Americans. Those not in the know quickly recalled the rasping monotone of Harry Truman. Whatever his vir- tues, his remarkable voice was clearly not among them. Then, to open the afternoon ses- sion of the committee, set up to establish the party's position on the important issues of the day (the first session had opened with a prayer), the chairman introduced Phil Regan, who blissfully sang "Tura, Lura, Lura, That's an Irish Lullaby." Truman Introduced Finally McCormack did intro- duce the former President in glowing terms. He had apparently forgotten an incident earlier in the day: Whe asked what he thought of a statement on foreign policy by Mr. McCormack (Rep. John), Harry thought he heard McCormick (Col. Robert). "I don't think there is a word of truth in that," hebreported, and then couldn't back down when the McC's were set straight. If not forgotten, at least it was forgiven, and Harry's talent, if not his voice,was alsohighly praised. He grabbed a glass of water, plunked himself down in his chair, and began, without a note in front of him. The Democrats are going to "restore the government of the United States to the people of the United States," Harry told them. "The special interests" have taken over Washington. "These goos- that's what I call them,-are prey- ing on you and I." Asked about the Eisenhower Ad- ministration's handling of the Suez crisis, Truman gave a blanket evaluation: Administration Doesn't Know "I don't think the present ad- ministration knows anything about what it's doing anywhere." The farmers were being "mis- treated" by the administration, "they've given away Hell's Can- yon," and the "interests of the common people are wrappd up in a Demorcatic victory this fall." He objected when a delegate de- scribed him as an "elder states- man." "You know, a statesman is a dead politician and I am a very live politician," he said. And when he was through, there was no doubt about that in any- one's mind. Ike Onl Near Accepts Lont-don. Bid C USSR Has Reservations On Meeting Dislikes Purpose, Place and Time LONDON OP) - Soviet Russia agreed yesterday to join the West- ern-sponsored Suez conference in London-but expressed all around dissatisfaction with its purpose, its composition and the date, The only reason the Soviet gov- ernment has decide to attend, Moscow announced, is that it is a "champion of peaceful settlement of international issues" and the London conference may open up a peaceful approach to the question of free navigation in the canal. "The Soviet government cannot disregard the fact," said a note handed to all foreign embassies in Moscow, "that an increasinly tense situation is developing in the area of the Near and Middle East" and that Britain and France are re- sorting to "gross and unjustified pressure on Egypt." Conference Not Competent Russia declared she did not con- sider the London conference - to which Britain, as host, invited the United States, France, Russia and 20 other nations-was competent to settle the future of the Suez She proposesd that the invited nations be expanded to include 22 other nations, among them Red China and other members of the Co'mmunist bloc, several neutral states such as Finland, Austria and Burma, and every Arab state from Morocco to Iraq. She also suggested that the con- ference date be postponed from next Thursday to the end of August. The Soviets further suggested that Cairo, rather than London, would be a more appropriate meet- ing place. A British Foreign Office spokes- man said the first reaction was that Russia was coming loaded for a party entirely different from the one to which she had been invited. Soviets Acknowledge Interest It was pointed out, however, that the Soviets acknowledge the legiti- mate interest of world powers in keeping the canal eternally open to all nations-despite the declara- tion of the Egyptian Embassy in Paris Thursday that Cairo does not intend to revoke nationaliza- tion. The impression was that the Western Big Three would turn down Moscow's suggestions for postponing the conference and changing its makeup. Moscow's qualified acceptance left but 3 of the 24 on Britain's list to be heard from. They are Egypt, Spain and Greece. NEGRO DANCE-Pearl Primus (left), with a member of her dance troup, last night presented a program of African, Caribbean and American dancing to a crowded Hill Auditorium. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION: Truman To.A nnoue Candidate Preference CHICAGO (iP)-Harry S. Truman arrived with flourishes yesterday on the scene of next week's Democratic National Convention-and promptly reached out for a king-maker role. Before next Sunday, the former president told a news conference, he hopes and expects to announce his choice of a party presidential nominee. The convention opens Monday. Truman's timing for abandoning the neutrality he has maintained for months left no doubt that he hopes to have a decisive hand in swinging the nomination. Calls Conlference East; Russia Supporters of Adlai E. Stevenson, the man with the most committed convention delegates, are hoping for a Truman nod as the possible clincher for a first ballot victory. They were making no claims they would get it, though. Backers of Gov. Averell Harri- man of New York also were hope- ful Trumai would bestow his bless- ings on their man and strengthen his runner-up position. They made no claims, either. But at Harri- man headquarters one of them said that since the Truman news con- ference there had been "more smiles around here." In the next few days, Truman said, he intends to collect more information and "see as many people as possible"-probably "all the candidates and all the has- been candidates, too." Then he intends to lay a figura- tive hand on somebody's shoulder and "let the people know for whom I stand." While the stand can magnify the chances of one man and dull the prospects of others, there still is a question whether It would be the commanding factor in deter- mining the 1956 nominee. Harry Urges Civil Rights Statnd by P arty CHICAGO (P)-Former Presi- dent Harry S. Truman yesterday urged his fellow Democrats to stand on their 1948 and 1952 civil rights platforms-neither of which made any reference to public school desegregation or the Su- preme Court. Truman appeared before the Democratic National Convention's ,Platform Committee at a crowded, steaming session at which he in- terspersed criticism of the Eisen- hower administration with advice to his party on the platform it will adopt next week. Truman said a civil rights state- ment based on the recommenda- tions of a commission he named in 1947 should be taken into account in writing that plank. He said either the 1948 or 1952 party stands would satisfy him. In 1948, when Truman ran suc- cessfully for re-election, the party, endorsed his proposed legislative program. Congress Heads Asked To Meeting Dules and Nixon To Attend Also WASHINGTON (A)-Presiden Dwight D. Eisenhower last yes- terday invited Democratic and Re- publican leaders of Congress to confer at the White House Sunday on the Suez Canal crisis. It had earlier been planned to have this discussion at the State Department, but Pes. Eisenhower gave it added importance by shift- ing the meeting to the White House with himself in attendance. The meeting comes on the eve of the Democratic National Con- vention in Chicago. Underliningthe importance at- tached to the gathering, Senate Democratic Leader Lyndon John- son of Texas and House Speaker Sam Rayburn of Texas arranged to make the trip from Chicago, the convention city, back to Washing ton to hear Dulles. White House Text The text of the White House an nouncement: "The President has invited the bipartisan leadership of Congress to a meeting on the Suez Canal situation at the White House at noon Sunday. "Secretary of State Dulles, Vice President Nixon and Adm. Arthur Radford will also be there. "This is the briefing session for the congressional leaders sched- uled earlier today to be held Sun- day at the State Department. "The President after consulta- tion late this afternoon with Mr. Dulles decided it was appropriate to have the meeting at the White House. It will be held in the Cabi- net Room." Bid for Support Dulles had scheduled the meet- ing in an obvious bid to win broad bipartisan support for policies he will pursue in London at the emer- g e n c y international conference next Thursday, dealing with Egypt's seizure of the canal. The consulation was timed to start at 3 p.m., a few hours after Egypt's President Gamal Abdel Nasser holds an extraordinary news conference in Cairo to an- nounce his government's newest views on the dispute over Egypt's seizure of the Suez Canal. Nasser is expected to refuse to join the conference in London to which 24 interested nations have been invited. The London conference is aimed at finding a peaceful settlement of the bitter quarrel which has broken out over Egypt's national. ization plans for the canal, Brit- ain and France are pressing hard for international control of the strategic waterway. Role To Be Stressed At the congressional briefing, Dulles undoubtedly will stress that Ihis principal role in London will be to work out a compromise which both the Western nations and Egypt would accept. It is presumed that Dulles will also use the briefing to ascertain the temper of Congress in th event Nasser rejects internation. alization and Britain and France decide to use. military force to support their interests. Strike on Cyprus Engulfs Island NICOSIA, Cyprus ic) - Greek Cypriots staged a general strike yesterday in islandwide protest against the hanging of three of their countrymen by the British. SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS DAMAGE: Neon Sign Transformer Explosion Causes Auto Store Fire By MARY ANN THOMAS An explosion of a neon sign transformer at the American Auto Accessories store, 123 W. Huron, yesterday started a fire causing "several thousand dollars" in damage. Ann Arbor Fire Department received the call at 3:15 p.m. yes- terday from Norman Benzinger, an employe at the store who discovered the fire, "The light transformer went 'bang'," he said, describing what happened, "and we smelled smoke. We checked downstairs before we saw the fire and called the Fire Department." "It went up like lightning; the fire was up to the ceiling before we got the two outboard motors out of the store," he continued, saying that he was almost burned removing the motors.' Starting under the shelves holding the window display, the blaze was concentrated= in the front part of the store. The display of a complete line of fishing equipment was thoroughly destroyed and chnrred f chino, nnTa P lrornenn.. lvne ar n- n nil President Vetoes Water Measure WASHINGTON 01) - President ,, :F~m~ ~ - -