Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * PhOne NO 2-3241 Only One Step Away When Opinions Are Free, Truth WID Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: ADELAIDE WILEY Hope for Suez Settlement Lies in Mutual Moderation '1-1 (r k txJ + S t OLD IARTY CINEMA GUILD: Brando Does Well As'The Wild Onte' FOR THOSE who enjoy getting their emotions worked over occasion- ally by a director with a broken beer bottle in one hand and a sociology book in the other, today and tomorrow's selection at the Cinema Guild, "The Wild One," is a must. The production by Stanley Kramer is effective. the mood miusic (mostly motorcycle engines) is sufficiently moody, and the members of the cast all do a fine job. The only flaw comes in the story line which leaves one too much up in the air after a weak ending. Marlon Brando stars as the young punk leader of a roving band .: ', . IF THERE is to be any hope of a peaceful and profitable settlement in the Suez, both the West and Middle East must moderate their present policies. While this may sound like a mfeaningless platitude, overlooking this neces- sity and failure to correct present trends will encourage an outcome unprofitable to both sides. Moderation can only come from more specific actions on the part of all governments con- cerned. At the present, there are few signs of this. In France, internal affairs make it almost impossible for a government to survive without promoting quick effective policies. Built on a shaky coalition, haunted by the uneasy situa- tion in North Africa, and under pressure from a strong faction of radical right-wingers, the Mollet government cannot easily avoid asking for forceful action in the present crisis. ENGLAND'S propensity toward using force comes from different sources. There is the same desperate need for a secure passage to Middle Eastern oil, but armed intervention would be prompted by ultra-conservative, rather than radical forces. With the Conservative party in power and dominated' by its old guard, there is a strong temptation to intervene in a traditional manner. But no matter how conservative or radical the French, English and American governments may seem, moderation will come last in Egypt. In its dealings with Egypt, the West has found little reason to expect sobriety in that quarter. When the United States helped Egypt force the withdrawal of British troops from the Suez, the result was the further demand for financing the Aswan Dam. When the West offend to build this dam, Nasser stalled for six months while trying to make the best of playing Russia against the West. Before the Western Powers will be tempted to deal moderately with the situation, they must feel that they are dealing with a govern- ment it can trust. HOWEVER, if the West is to force a solution not unfavorable to everyone's interests, it must attempt moderation even in the face of Arab radicalism. It must also attempt to bring the more sober elements in the Middle East into position of power. Avoiding a reassertion of imperialism, subtle- ty and ciafty statesmanship must be used to encourage moderation both Middle East and West. --DAVID GELFAND i i _. ins i,, <.. ,e _ : ''., . ' t r I WC PRES DE-CY r : ",, :;° ..,rt, 4Fxs' " V a.t J' Jry" ',"Sya CopyrIght, 1958. The Pulizer Publishing e.. . ltSt. Louis Post-Dispatch. (Herbiock Is on Vacation) DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM COMMITTEE: Formulating Party Platform Height of Uselessness LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: A. D. Moore Regrets Statement ED. NOTE: "The following is our reporter's per- sonal impression after two days of hearings be- tore the Platform Committee of ThehDemocratic National Convention." IN COMPILING one's list of the most useless people in the world, it would be unjust to exclude the 108 men and women who patiently sit on their parties' platform committees. They are exceeded in uselessness only by the long parade of witnesses equally patiently wait- ing to testify on their views as to what the con- tent of the platform should be. Pittsburgh's Mayor David Lawrence symbol- ized this feeling as he sat at the head table in the Sheraton-Blackstone Hotel and devoted full attention to a series of Chicago newspapers, scarcely bothering to notice when one witness finished and another began. Perhaps Mayor Lawrence didn't do the hear- ings justice, though. They are far from devoid of excitement, human interest or an occasional spurt of intelligent comment. For excitement, delegates yesterday got a preview of the passions to be stirred up Friday and at the convention over the civil rights plank. A Negro delegate from Washington, D.C. asked a witness about the effect of race relations in America on the colored peoples of the world. The witness' reply that they dim- inished our influence among the uncommitteed nations brought a delegate from Alabama to his feet: "If the only way we can keep them with us, with all the economic and military- aid we give them, is to disrupt our local traditions and cus-. toms," he prophesied, then they're going Com- munist anyway." But no blows were struck, and the immediate tension subsided. For human interest, most amazing figure in the pre-convention deliberations is the Senate's oldest member in history, Theodore Green of Rhode Island, a durable 88 years old. Not only does he never miss a party function-let alone a convention-but he prominently sits at head table during the platform hearings. Those who aren't used to the Senator hold their breath as his knees inevitably buckle while climbing steps, but he always makes it to the top, usually without any help. Anti his questioning of witnesses. is unhesitant, un- wavering, coherent and above par for pertinence and incisiveness when compared with that of his far younger colleagues. THERE is interest, too, in the frequent Abbot- and-Costello exchanges between committee members and witnesses, with the former asking hopefully about this or that Republican plat- form pledge and the latter agreeing that, surely, the Administration has ignored or bungled everything they promised us in 1952. The witnesses themselves-one-worlders and no-worlders, pro-parity and anti-parity men, Editorial Staff LEE MARKS. Managing Editor Night Editors Richard Halloran, Donna Hanson, bigots and civil-libertarians, unity advocates and aid-to-Israel proponents--add their own color to the proceedings when they finish drone- fully reading their prepared texts and begin answering charges that big-business Republi- cans control their organizations or that they advocate peace-at-any-price. For intelligent comment, the delegates on the committee heard the Master of the National Grange futilely warn that traditional parity figures have become an obsolete standard of fair farm prices and that supply and demand factors should be allowed some way in the changing market for farm goods. And they encouraged the Chairman of Am- ericans for Democratic Action as he delivered an impassioned indictment of declining United States influence in Asia. He cited as causes overemphasis on military aid over economic, the playing down of the United Nations, the feeling that strings are attached to what aid we give, and a series of contradictory and un- called-for Administration statements on the morality of neutralism,. But what makes Mayor Lawrence prefer the Chicago Sun-Times and makes plenty of seats available for whoever cares to listen is not a lack of excitement, human interest, or intelli- gence. It is rather a lack of power and real importance on the part of the committee and the document it will eventually endorse. For one thing, the final platform will be largely the brainchild of professional staff workers, many of whom had written early drafts of their respective planks before one witness began to read his statement. Secondly, wherever the platform could be really significant or imaginative, it will largely be couched in generalities and general-perhaps irresponsible-indictments of the record of the opposing party. A third reason is that not one voter in fifty will read more than a few sentences in either party's voluminous platform. PRIMARILY, the uselessness of all this fuss over a platform is that it is binding to no one-not even the delegates,. who will half- heartedly or enthusiastically adopt it and for- get it, and least of all on the party's Presi- dential nominee, who will chart his own course on the issues with scarce regard for what the platform writers have said.-. During the 1928 campaign, for example, Al Smith was as "wet" as he ever was despite a Democratic plank endorsing prohibition. Some special interest.,groups will gnash their teeth to see their recommendations ignored, but far more will grin with pride over the "victory" they have won at the convention, though it may be years before they will hear of their program again-four at least. Negroes, for example, can seldom find serious fault with a party platform, but legislative achievements have been nonexistent since Re- construction ended and the Sons of the South were let back in congress. The statement that the platform will be without importance needs qualification. It can be a useful instrument for dividing a party, if not for committing one. Their civil rights plank may "break" the Democrats this year, though it 'U' Minor Factor«. . To the Editor: LEE MARKS has recently writ- ten an excellent series of ar- ticles on city-university financial relationships. Coming now to his editorial on this subject (August 8) I find this statement, which is true,-"City fathers are well aware of the need for more money." But it is followed by this statement, which is not true,-"Unfortunate- ly, most of their thinking has been. in terms of the University." How Mr. Marks could possibly "know" this, is beyond me. Having spent sixteen and a half years on the City Council, I happen to know that it simply is not so-that we have done most of our financing thinking in terms of the Univer- sity. As a city father and as forty- year member of the University, I know perfectly well that the Uni- versity never can be more than a minor factor in the city's problem of finding enough money with which to operate, and to make capital improvements. But it is an important minor factor, and both parties are trying very hard to work out and main- tain good relationships based solidly on fairness to both parties. These good relationships are definitely not promoted by any such careless statement as is quoted above. I regret that it was made. -A. D. Moore Councilman Benchwarmers *. To the Editor: ,T SEEMS from here that the chief mystery of the current Republican Administration is not why President Eisenhower does what he does, but why he doesn't do anything. Take, for instance, the- disagreement between Nixon and Stassen. Eisenhower has care- fully avoided backing Nixon, ex- cept for a non-committal "Would be glad to have him," which was the least he could possibly have said (one doesn't disapprove of the man most likely to replace him when one's health is tentative.) At the same time, he has given Stassen a month off to fight Nixon's renomination. Eisenhower has again washed his hands of a quarrel, reminding us of another ruler whi remained "above" the populace. It seems, however, that this is not merely apathy on the presi- dent's part, nor a distaste for political squabbles. It seems, in- stead; to be apathy with a motive, some more of the president's poli- tics in disguise. Besides making political use of dissatisfaction with Nixon as best as he can in his posi- tion, the president is benefiting directly from the distraction. Drumming up controversy over Nixon keeps the critics' barbs off the president's health for a while. And, the whole thing might get the Republicans a vice-presidential nominee whom more voters would accept on the bench waiting for the signal to go in. For that has become the Republicans' primary concern. May the Party with the strongest bench win. --Jim Dygert Review Questioned . . To the Editor: ~ CERTAIN of Mr. Brendan Lid- dell's statements in his review of the recent concert of Bach con- certi are clearly in poor taste and deserve to be questioned. When Mr. Liddell criticizes Robert Courte's bowing technique, which he found "leaves something to be desired, since it affects his tone to a disturbing degree," he is speaking of the craft of an artist who has performed for the past twenty-five years both as member and guest with world-renowned string quartets and orchestras. Mr. Courte's bowing is well-nigh impeccable, and has been acclaim- ed as such by performers and critics alike wherever he has played. Is it not curious that it should be the object of criticism by a Michigan Daily reviewer? Furthermore, for Mr. Liddell to speak of Mr. Ross as indulging in (to quote Liddell) "his usual bit of poor pitch" is the kind of heart- less observation that Mr. Ross by no means deserves. Any string player knows the pitfalls of playing on a humid night. It would have been more appropriate for your re- viewer to praise the ability by which Mr. Ross compensated for the effects of humidity while play- ing, than to score him as he did, with the additional censure im- plied by the term "usual." Mr. Liddell must not know, fin- ally, that the Stanley Quartet are not overworked, at least in the ordinary sense of that word. They are not driven to perform except as they voluntarily take upon themselves the playing of music which they love, and which they know their audiences love. Were they as jealous of their time as Mr. Liddell would have them be. we should not have been rewarded by their thrilling performance of last Friday evening. All of these remarks are by way of saying that Mr. Liddell could have used a more constructive ap- proach to his review, an approach infused with love, and one which eschewed the trivial. -Louis L. Orlin of motorcyclists who, in the course drive, tear a small town into small pieces and spread it out along the highway. We will admit that we entered the Architecture Auditor- ium ready to pan Brando on the basis of past performances but he did a superlative job. Maybe it comes naturally. Mary Murphy, the waitress in the local cafe where the worst brawls are centered also does a fine job. Like everything else shown at Cinema Guild, this movie is a couple of years old and we wonder what has happened to her since that time, Of the minor characters in the- movie, only the judge failed to do a convincing job. Possibly he can shift the blame to the writers who gave him lines which were in them- selves unconvincing. THE STORY line itself was sub- ject to much editorializing when the movie was first released, and deserved it. The question of adult delinquents with juvenile minds is a problem which has been hacking away at society for a long time. The writers quite obviously were trying to answer it, or at least make a movie that would show that it doesn't pay. Somehow it didn't quite come off. It is a good statement of the problem but the answer given doesn't carry much conviction.' 0 The program also includes a short subject on hunting and hunter's paradises. It is too b*dd that the producer hasn't ever gone hunting himself. Of the three scenes which he chose to show, only one is a place in which any self respecting sportsman would participate. --Ken Johnson FINANCE: StockGins Continue By The Associated Press - The stock market gained ground again yesterday in its second climb up from Monday's setback. At thq opening, the market pick- ed up where Tuesday's advance left off and made its biggest gains in the first hour. Some increases were trimmed slightly, but the market generally held steady until the final hour when prices again im- proved. The two-day rise was viewed on Wall Street as a sign that' the Suez Canal situation was being viewed more calmly. Brokers said this allowed the market to rise on the basis of a good business out- look and inflation prospects, The Associated Press average of 60 stocks rose 60 cents to $190.10, with industrials up $1.400, rails up 30 cents and utilities up 10 cents. In two. days the average has gone up $1.30, compared with a drop of $2.10 Monday. Trading was heavier for the second day's advance, with volume at 2,480,000 shares compared with 2,180,000 for the day before. On the American Stock Ex- change prices were mostly higher. Volume was 1,170,000 shares compared with Tuesday's 930,000. of a pleasant Sunday afternoon DAILY, OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 325 General Notices Faculty Fulbright Applicants. A rep- resentative of the Conference Board of Associated Research Councils of Washington, D. C. will be in Ann Ar- bor on Wed. and Thurs. Aug. 8 and 9, to confer with applicants for teach- ing and advanced research in foreign universities. Anyone wishing an inter- view should call the Graduate School, Ext. 372. Additional ushers are urgently needed for, the Pearl Primus Concert Thurs., Aug. 9 at Hill Auditorium. Please re- port to the east door of Hill Auditor- ium at 7:30 p.m. on Thurs., Aug. 's. See Mr. Warner at the door. Lectures Prof. Bernard Lewis of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Uni- versity of London will speak on "The Muslim Discovery of Europe" Thurs., Aug. 9, 4:15 p.m,' aud. B. Angell Hall, sponsored by the'Depts. of History and Near Eastern Studies. Open to the public. Astronomy Department Visitors' Night Fri., Aug. 10, 8:30 p.m., Room 2003 An- gell Hall. Prof. F. D. Miller will speak on "Recent Advances In Astronomy." After the talk the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell'Hall will be open for inspection and for tele- scopic observations of Saturn, Mars, and a double star. Children welcomed, but must be accompanied by adults. Concerts Carillon Recital, 7:15 this evening, by Sidney Giles. Assistant University Carillonneur, and students Julia Holl- yer and Bevery Brehm. Five Rhapsodies for Two Carillonneurs, composed by Percival Price, University Carillonneur. Academic Notices Law School Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law Schol Admission Test on Aug. 11 are requested to re- port to Room 100, Hutchins Hall at 8:45 Sat, morning. Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business: Candidates taking the Ad- mission Test for Graduate Study in Business on Aug. 18 are requested to report to Room 140, Business Adminis- tration at 8:45 a.m. Sat,, Aug. 18, 1958. La Sociedad Hispanica of the Depart- ment of Romance Languages weekly "Tertulita" (Spanish c o n v e r s a t i o n group), Thurs., Aug. 9, at 3:30 p.m., in the Snack Bar. Michigan League. Re- freshments available. ,AlI interested are invited. Doctoral Examination for Frank Les- ter Scott, Education; thesis: "A Study of the Origin of the Recreation Acti- vities of 252 Male Students of San Diego State College", Thurs., Aug.d9, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, E. D. Mitchell. Doctoral Examination for Franklin Essenburg, Jr. Engineering Mechanics; thesis: "An Improved Theory of Plates of Variable Thickness", Thurs., Aug. 9. 220 West Engineering Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, P. M. Naghdl. Doctoral Examination for George Baugh Spence, Physics; thesis: "An Investigation In the Zone Theory of the Energy of Electrons in Metals", Fri., Aug. 10, 2038 Randall Laboratory, at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, Ernst Katz. Doctoral Examination for Otto Mar- tin Riedl, Social Psychology; thesis: "Rationality in the Determination of the Soclo-Economic Attitudes of a Demographically Homogeneous Group of Semi-Skilled and Unsklled Manual Workers", Fri., Aug. 10, 7811 Haven Hall at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, Daniel Katz Doctoral Examination for Clyde Hen- derson Thompson, Musicology; thesis: "Marin Marais, 1656-1728", Fri., Aug. 10, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, H. T. David. Doctoral Examination for Joseph S. Lambert, Electrical Engineering; thesis: "Analysis of the Blocking Oscillator Circuit Utilizing Transmission Line Characteristics of the Pulse Trans- former," Fri., Aug. 10, 2500 East En- gineering Building, at 1:30 p.m. Chair- man, N. R. Scott. Doctoral Examination for Donald Maiynard Martin, English Language and Literature; thesis: "The SeaNovels of William McFee", Fri., Aug. 10. West Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, A. L. Bader. Doctoral Examination for Charles Graham McClintock, Social Psychology; thesis: "Personality Factors in Atti- tude Change", Fri., Aug. 10. 7611 Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, Daniel Katz. Placement Notices The Air Force has several vacancies for Directors and Assistants in a new recreation program in the Arizona, Texas and Nevada, Crew Training Air 4 I TODAY AND TOMORROW: Suez Parley Right Move Toward Settlement By WALTER LIPPMANN THE LONDON Parley about Suez, in which Secretary Dulles took a leading part last week, was only a beginning. But there is good reason to think that it was the right beginning. Before the Western powers can act fairly or effectively to assert their rights, it is essential that they define precisely and publicly what they claim are their rights. and in what way their rights are being violated. For they can never win support at home or abroad for coercive measures unless their case is impeccable and their rea- sons indisputable. The London parley, with Mr. Dulles's televised speech inter- preting it, have, if I am under- standing correctly, defined the is- sue in this way. The right of Egypt to buy out the shareholders and then to nationalize the Suez Can- operate the Canal as a free and open waterway. The issue between President Nasser and the three Western powers turns on the fact that they do not believe they can rely on him to resist the tempta- tion todiscriminate, as he has al- ready done in the case of Israeli ships. They believe that their rights under the treaty of 1888 will not be safe if President Nasser is in complete and sole administrative control of the operation of the Ca- nal. WHEN THE Foreign Ministers met in London last week they were in a position where, though they believed their rights were going to be violated, their rights had not in fact been violated.-, Moreover, convinced though they were that sooner or later Nasser would violate their rights, they could not argue that there was imminent danger of irrepar- measures just short of war, on the claims that you believe that you are going to be hurt. Mr. Dulles was surely right in saying that in- tervention at this stage in the de- velopment of the Suez problem would be a violation of the United Nations charter. * * * THE LONDON parley was therefore right in principle when, putting aside coercive intervention on an emergency basis, it chose to internationalize the problem. The Canal is subject to an internation- al treaty, and it is the vital inter- est of many, not merely Britain, France and the United States, but also the Soviet Union and India, for example, that this treaty be upheld and maintained. The London parley decided to call an international conference, chose the place where it was to be held, the date, and the govern- placed as the operating agent by an international authority - in principle something like that which has been set up in Western Europe for coal and steel. This would be a brilliant solu- tion of a thorny problem and, far from impairing the international prestige of Egypt, would greatly enhance it. It would be such a de- sirable solution that no effort should be spared to persuade Pres- ident Nasser and his freinds of its advantage. BUT IN the present climate of opinion, when the winds of na- tionalism are so high, we dare not expect a quick agreement. Mr. Dulles in his speech said he had been asked "what will we do if the conference fails," and that his answer is that he is assuming that the conference will succeed. He could also, so it seems to me, Y A, 4