Canal Settlement Hope
Lies In Moderation
See Page 2
4AAt C igaYi
:43 a t I#
Latest Deadline in the State
__... ..
VOL. LXVII, No. 328
To Get Final
Health Exam
Will Tell Country
If Able To Serve
Another Term /
WASHINGTON W) -Presideni
Dwight D. Eisenhower said yes.
terday he feels physically fit, bul
will have another complete physi-
cal examination before the Nov
6 election.
He reaffirmed his promise-
made when he announced for re-
J election-that he will let the Am-
erican people know if anything
causes him to think he is not fii
to serve a second term.
Eisenhower told his news 'con-
"At an appropriate time-some
time later this year, but certainly
before the election, I will have
another complete examination, to
determine that there has been no
change in my situation.
"If at any time I have any rea-
son to believe that I am not fit, as
I believe myself to be now, I will
com- before the American public
and tell them."
Eisenhower supplied this brief
mention of his health two months
to the day after he entered Walter
Reed Army Hospital for an abdom-
inal operation.
The President, during the con-
ference, said the United States
"has every hope" of a peaceful
settlement of the crisis over
Vgypt's seizure of the Suez Canal.
He said that as things now stand,
he couldn't conceive of military
force being a good solution.
le also touched on many do-
mestic matters, including politics.
He said he plans to attend the'
final day's session of the Repub-
lican National Convention which
opens in San Francisco Aug. 20.
Reporters generally agreed that
Eisenhower's color looked good,
better than it did a week ago when
he held his first news conference
since the ileitis operation June 9.
Estimate Cali
Dynamite Blast
Killed 1,800
CALI, Colombia W)-The death
toll in Tuesday's dynamite blast
in the heart of Cali was estimated
as high as 1,800 yesterday.
h Relief poured in and the task of
burying the dead went on.
Up to 2,000 buildings may have
been destroyed by the explosion,
some sources figured. Damage to
business and industry was esti-
mated as high as 40 million dollars.
TIhe blast left a crater 85 feet deep
and about 200 feet wide.
No North Americans were re-
porte. killed or injured in the ex-
plosion that destroyed the center
of the city of 285,000.
Seven trucks loaded with gov-
ernment dynamite, parked for the
night Monday in a densely popu-
lated; area of slums, warehouses,
small hotels, stores and factories,
let go in the blast.
President Gustavo Rojas Pinilla
charged that it was an act of
sabotage by his political enemies.
The only official announcement
on the death toll was Rojas Pin-
illa's. He said more than 1,000
were dead and injured.
But the newspaper La Repub-
Ilca of Bogota said the death toll
may reach 1,800 and Diario de
Colombia there estimated the dead
-at 1,200.
Poet Hughes
Explains Work
Stand Stated'
By Adlais Aides
Civil Rights Comment Seen As Blow
1 o noutnern "IIgtI1on s upport
special to the Daily
CHICAGO - The question they're asking in Chicago is a simple
one: "Why?"
Why did Adlai Stevenson with a first-ballot nomination firmly
in the bag, open his mouth-only to have his usually rapier-like
tongue collide solidly with the bottom of his foot?
The answer is not as simple, but the picture that emerged yester-
day followed these lines:
In a series of private interviews, the former Illinois governor had
indicated he would like to see a "stronger" civil rights plank than the
rather vague one adopted in 1952. Quotation of his exact remark
was not permitted, and not all interviewers agreed as to just what
he had said to them.
So far no one was excited. But then an enterprising television
film announcer requested a few
They were granted, on the condi-
tion that no "controversial" ques-
Pedtions would be asked.
A really "innocent" question was
ventured: Woui he directly pre-
1 eI* rsent his views on civil flights to the
A dl i lWplatform committee? Stevenson
replied that he had already ex-
pressed views on the issue.
CHICAGO (R')-Dixie Democrats
bristled yesterday at Adlai E.
Stevenson's more militant stand.
Supporters of Gov. Averell Har-
riman of New York, Stevenson's
top rival for the nomination at
next week's Democratic National
Convention, tried to promote th'e
idea that Stevenson had let him
self in for a majorsetback-that
the south was "running away"
from the former Illinois governor.
Stevenson's top lieutenants said
some votes have been lost, but
only a few. They stuck to predic-
tions their tnan will turn up with
a quick victory in the presidential
nominating derby.
And, so far, there are no signs
of any real stampede away from
Stevenson as a result of his pro-
nouncement Tuesday night that
Democrats, through their national
convention and platform, should
"express unequivocal approval" of
the Supreme Court decision bar-
ring racial segregation in public
Even with Stevenson taking that
position; for a party declaration
that would be highly unpalatable
to most Southerners, there still
appeared to be a good chance the
bulk of Southern delegates would
wind up in Stevenson's corner. At
this point, there seems to be no
other comfortable place they can
Harriman is the only other out-
standing contender for the presi-
dential nomination, and his views
on' civil rights and other issues
long have made his unacceptable
to the South.
Harriman said at Albany, NY.,
yesterday that he is in the battle
for the presidential nomination to
the finish and expects to win.
And a Harriman spokesman pre-
dicted in Chicago that his man
would be nominated for the presi-
dency at next week's national con-
vention on the third or fourth
lWill Change,
Says Hurley
QUEHANNA, Pa. iA')-Roy T.
Hurley, president and board chair-
man of Curtiss-Wright Corp., said
yesterday the firm "will make
some serious changes in Stude-
baker-Peckard approach to the
automobile industry."
"But I am not going into any
production racee with other auto-
mobile companies," Hurley told a
news conference at the firm's
facilities in this north-central
Pennsylvania forestland.
The aircraft manufacturing firm
more than a year ago built a large
testing ground and development
center here on 51,175 acres of land
purchased and leased from the
state. It is 150 miles northeast of
Curtiss-Wright already has com-
mitted 20 million dollars to the
project, and Hurley announced
that a 50-million-dollar expansion
is planned. Details of the project
were not disclosed because they
involve national security, he said.
In his first news conference
But when asked if his stand was'
still one of moderation-a phrase
Stevensonhas himself been known
to use-he said, "I don't know
what that means. No one has ever
defined it for me."
"That," replied the interviewer,
"puzzles a lot of us."
"I've had a very strong feeling,"
Stevenson volunteered, returning
to the subject himself, "that the
platform should express unequiv-
ocal approval of the court's deci-
sion, although it seems odd that
you have to express your approval
of the Constitution and its institu-
The Democratic party is a sym-
bol of white supremacy in the
South. Its candidate is only one
member of it, and southerners
have grown tolerant of much of
the oratory of their fellow Demo-
crats when it comes to civil rights.
Stevenson's previous adoption of
the word "moderation" appealed
to southerners. It reminded them
of "gradualism," which reminded
them of "stand-pattism." They
were clearly expecting "modera-
tion" to prevail at the convention
and their many signs of reconcilia-
tion to the north had been appar-
ently predicated on the assurance
that the Court would not be men-
tioned in the platform.
Whether or not Stevenson and
his supporters had explicitly given
that assurance is not clear. Harri-
man's campaign manager, Lloyd
Benefield, yesterday charged that
southern reaction to the new Stev-
enson statement proved the Illi-
noisian "had previously given
them reason to believe he agreed
with their position on this issue."
And if by "this issue" Benefield
means the very narrow issue of
the platform endorsing the deci-
sion, then he may be correct. The
southerners' frequent use in pri-
vate of the word "doublecross"
indicates that at least tacit assur-
ances were understood. Even in
public, Mississippi Gov. James
Coleman expressed surprise at the
new turn of events.
The net affect on the Stevensona
convention picture has not been
favorable, despite campaign mana-
ger James Finnegan's assertion
yesterday that delegate strength
had been maintained through it
Possible aims might have been
undercutting Gov. Averell Harri-
See ADLAI'S, Page 4
IKe Predicts
'Good Sense'
About Canal
Confident of Solution
Without Battle; Talks
To Dulles on Policy
WASHINGTON (R) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower confidently
predicted yesterday that "good
sense will prevail" in the Suez
crisis and a solution will be found
at the conference table instead
of on the battlefield,
Soon after making this forecast
at his news conference, Eisenhower
met for half an hour with Secre-
tary of State Dulles to go over
the further development of U.S.
policy, and presumably size up the
latest events abroad,
These include the comment from
the British Foreign Office that-
in spite of extensive British and
French military concentration in
the Suez area-Britain intends to
settle the canal crisis by peaceful
British Closer o -U.S.
That brought the British pcsi-
tion much closer to that of the
United States, on the reerd. It
also is in line with the general
attitude expressed by Russian
leaders. The Soviets have backed
Egypt's nationalization of the
canal but have argued that there
is no issue for fighting and that,
in the end "sober statesmanship"
will prevail.
Eisenhower said in response to
one question that in making his
Suez Canal comments he had been
"very careful" not to say that he
was opposed to the use of military
force under any circumstances.
"I said," he then explained,
"every important question in the
world in which more than one
nation is interested should be
settled by negotiation. We have
tried to substitute the conference
table for the battlefield.
"Now, I don't mean to say that
anyone has to surrender rights'
without using everything they can
to preserve their rights."
At that point, however, the Pres-
ident flatly declined to express an
opinion on whether British and
French military preparations were
justified in a defensive sense.
Con gress To Meet
Early Next Year
WASHINGTON (R) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
obligingly took Congress out of
the embarrassing position of or-
dering itself to meet next January
too late to count the presidential
electoral vote.
Eisenhower announced that at1
the request of "the leadership of:
both parties of both houses" he]
was killing a resolution calling
Congress to convene at noon Jan.,
Murray 'Snyder, assistant White4
House press secretary, said this1
"rare" action means the 85th Con-
gress will convene Jan. 3 as ori-1
ginally prescribed by law.
Then the legislators can count
the electoral vote Jan. 7 as pro-
vided in the law.,
NEW YORK (P)-With the
air of a man who has grasped
opportunity and squeezed it
dry, Pearly Dickens riffled a
five-dollar bill in his trouser
pocket yesterday.
It was all that was left of
$3,000 that came his way last'
Friday to lighten his job as a
building wrecker.
As a chimney came down, it
brought with it a rain of green-
backs - cached there nobody
knows how long ago by some
unknown hoarder.
"Money, money, money!"
chortled Dickens as he and his
crew rushed in for their share
of the $7,000 to $11,000 wind-
Dickens got about $3,000 of
the treasure. He promptly in-
vested $50 for whiskey and
threw a party for the house-
wrecking crew. Then he paid
off some bills and gave his wife
When the police arrived
yesterday to ask him why he
hadn't reported the find as re-
quired by law, Dickens riffled
the lonely fiver still in his
pocket and commented:
I always thought finders was
Belgium Coal
Mine Fires
Trap Workers
coal mine fire trapped 270 men
in tunnels 2,485 feet below the
surface here yesterday.
Authorities fear it will turn out
to be the worst mine disaster in
Belgium's history.
All escape routes have been cut
off by the blaze. Rescuers working
desperately with fire - fighting
equipment 13 hours after the fire
started had brought eight bodies
and seven injured men to the sur-
The dead men had been as-
Only Miraculous
One mine official said it would
be miraculous if many more of
the trapped miners were saved.
The mine engineer said the fire
was started when a coal car left
its rails, cut an electric cable and
caused a short circuit.
Twenty-five men escaped by
elevator before the flames melted
its cable and sent its cars crash-'
ing to the bottom of the pit.
Seven other men found their'
way to the surface through a laby-
rinth of side passages before these,
too, were blocked by the fire.
Flames, Fumes
Rescue workers were driven
back repeatedly by the flames,'
fumes and heat that melted their
heavy. rubber boots. A dynamite
blast breached a concrete wall
blocking one escape route.
It was through this opening the'
dead and injured men - were
brought out. But apparently it
led only to a side passage blocked
by fire at its other end.
The burning pit is the Casier du1
Bois mine, one, of the biggest in
Marcinelle, a little town 20 milesi
north of the French border. ]
FEIKENS - says he is confident of Cobo's winning
gubernatorial race. "Williams has been in office too long.'
Cobo's Primary Victo
boostLs state GOP Hoj
"An Eisenhower-Cobo ticket is the strongest we've
years, declared John Feikens, State chairman of the Michi
publican Party.
With optimism undoubtedly heightened by the Detroit
sweeping win of the Republican gubernatorial nomination,
looks forward to seeing Governor G. Mennen Williams u
Chairman of the 1952 Michigan Citizens for Eisenhower Coi
linked Albert E. Cobo and President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
ing them both as "proven vote getters and administrators
With an occasional glance at the Detroit River, visible3
office high in Detroit Penobscot
Building, the lawyer from Grosse
Pointe described campaign plans.
Leikens pointed out that Michi-
gan again has a single ballot list-
ing all the candidates. "This will
have a tremendous effect on -vot-
ing," he predicted. Efforts will be
made to "enlighten" voters on how
marking the ballot for Ike will al-
low them to vote for all the Re-
publican candidates. The party's
campaign publicity will emphasize
straight ticket voting, hoping that
the president's popularity will aid
the other GOP office seekers.,
The Democrats employed this
campaign aid when the late Presi-
dent Roosevelt ran for office.
Eventually, the Republican con-
trolled State Legislature placed
presidential candidates on separ-
ate ballots. After Eisenhower went
into the White House, the legisla-
ture succeeded in restoring the
single ballot.
In the State Senate alone, Feik-
ens observed, there are 12 Demo-
crats and nine Republicans who
won office by margins smaller
than five per cent. The Eisen-
hower-Cobo ticket should greatly
help wrestle control of the Demo-
cratic seats and strengthen the
Republican position, he felt.
Charging that Williams has
held his position so long that he
no longer is interested in the job
of governor, Feikens accused Wil-
liams of dividing his, loyalties.
Citing "research" conducted on
the incumbent's last two years in
office, Feikens said Williams had
been away 147 days, primarily in
other states. "The governor's na-
tional aspirations have little ap-
peal locally," Feikens commented.
Pearl Prim
To Perform
In Hill Tod
Pearl Primus, young Ne
cer born in Trinidad, wil
at 8:30 p.m. today in Hi
torium, as part of Unive
ries, "Patterns of Americ
ture: Contributions of the
Miss Primus came to th
try at the age of two. At
high school and College,
begun a medical careerI
desire for dancing overcat
She then switched to a r
anthropology, is working o
torate of philosophy in
pology at Columbia Unive
She has just returned
year of study in Africa, w
went on a grant from th
Rosenwald Fund.
Among the interpretati
will present in her conce
Miss Primus will perf
"Africa", with a series in
Invocation, Fanga, Earti
cian, Coronation, Fertili
Dance, Drum Talk, Tem
tusi and Santos.
Her assistants in the3
are Percival Borde, Moses
Helen Tinsley, and Mary
All seats for the Prim
gram are reserved -- ma
price, $1.50, balcony, on
The Hill Auditorium box
open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.n
In Western Nigeria,
called Miss Primus "On
meaning "child has7
home." While she was in V
Central Africa, Miss
learned not only the c
many dances, but me
forces behind such dances
She saw court dances,
imitations, abstract cere
fertility dances, dances
aristocracy, children's dan
dances of death. She learn
in African dance it "is th
which dictates to the+
since the inhabitants ra
dulge in formal analysis
technique and choreograp
Burney Becom
Surgeon Genes
E. Burney, 49, yesterday
the eighth surgeon genera
C an't Trust
Oil from Mideast
Going Through Canal
'Vital to Europe'
LONDON (A') -Prime Minister
Anthony Eden told the world last
night that Britain never can ac-
cept Egyptian President Gamal
Nasser's seizure of the Suez Canal.
He said Middle East oil that
passes through the canal is a mat-
ter of life and death in Europe.
state Eden first called on Queen Eliza-
beth II at Buckingham Palace with
a situation report on the Suez
crisis and then went before TV
cameras and radio with his mes-
sage. The radio carried his voice
around the globe.
Half the Oil
F es He said gravely:
"Through it-the canal-travels
today about half the oil, without
which the industry of this country,
had in of Western Europe, of Scandinavia
gan Re- and many other countries could
not be kept going, This is a matter
of life and death to us all."
mayor's He said Nasser cannot be trusted
Feikens to keep the canal open.
nseated. Of the 103-mile waterway, the
mmittee, Prime Minister said:
describ- "The world's commerce depends
., on it. It is in fact the greatest
from his international waterway in the
world. What Colonel Nasser has
just done is to seize it for his own
US ends . . .
One Man's Mercy
"If Colonel Nasser's actions
were to succeed, each one of us
would be at the mercy of one man
for the supplies on which we live.
We could never accept that."
Emphasis in the Suez crisis
gro dan- shifted Wednesday to a peaceful
1 appear settlement rather than deploy-
ll Audi- ment of force, despite authorita-
rsity se- tive reports that Egypt will boy-
an Cul- cott the 24-nation conference
Negro." called by Britain, France and the
Lis coun- United States to seek international
Hunter control of the canal.
she had Nineteen nations, including hesi-
when "a tant India and Ceylon, have ac-
me her." cepted invitations to the meeting
major in to begin in London Aug. 16.
n a doc- Britain's Foreign Office issued
anthro- a statement giving assurance that
rsity. "our intention is that the dispute
from a on the Suez Canal should be peace-
fro ahe fully settled." Nevertheless, Brit-
here she ain's greatest postwar military de-
ployment in the Mediterranean
continued in close coordination
ions she with similar French moves.
rt here, Eden charged President Nasser
'orm in had taken over the Suez Canal Co.
cluding:. -an international enterprise-
h Magi- without consulation and without
ty, War consent.
ne, Wa- The Prime Minister declared:
"By Egyptian law the company's
program employees are ordered to stay at
Mainn, work under threat of imprison-.
Waithe. ment. The pattern is familiar to
us pro- many of us. We all know this is
in floor how Fascist governments behave
e dollar. and we all remember only too well
office is what the cost can be in giving in
m. today. to fascism,.
natives Eden, who before World War II
mowale", gave up his job as foreign secre-
returned tary rather than appeasehMussolini
Vest and in the Ethiopian crisis, then issued
Primus this warning:
rms of Of Course'
otivating "Just now Colonel Nasser is soft-
pedalling. How can we be sure the
naturnext time he has a quarrel with
monials, any country that he will hot inter-
monathfere with that nation's ships, and
of the how can we be sure that next time
nces a he is short of money he will not
ned that raise the dues on all the ships that
outside" pass through the canal? If he is
:utside"given the chance, of course he
rely in- will."
of their Eden pledged that Britain does
hics. not seek a solution of the dispute
-- t' "by force but by the broadest pos-
sible international agreement."
ies He said none of the countries in-
vited to the international confer-
GA ence on the Suez has refused to
attend. But Britain still awaits
r. Leroy answers from Russia, Egypt, Spain,
became Indonesia and Greece.
l of the In his report, Eden referred to
Poet Langston Hughes said yes-
terday that "all of us must cope
"with the problems of the present
in segregation."
As final lecturer in University's
lsummer series, "Patterns of Am-
erican Culture: Contributions of
the Negro," Hughes read some of
his poems on jazz, Negro labor,
ending with his most recent work
,on the Montgomery bus boycott.
Explaining his start as a poet,
Hughes said, "In the eighth grade,
we had class elections. I was new
to the, school, and a Negro girl
told me it was prejudiced."
However, after class officers
were elected, the teacher asked
,for a class poet, "and a white boy
Puccini s 'La Boheme
Puccini's opera, "La Boheme,"
will begin a five-performance run
at 8 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
"La Boheme" will be sung in a
new English translation prepared
espiceally for this production by
Prof. Josef Blatt of the music
Prof. Hugh Z. Norton of the
speech department has directed
the production and Marjorie Smith
a 77