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August 07, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-08-07

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Rains Flood, Damaging
Vicinities in Ohio Valley

City Dispute
Over Costs
{C# ntnuedi from Page 1}

Curtiss-Wright Corporation
To Take Over Three Plants


SUMMER INTERNE S-Guide of the UN Visitors' Service show a model of the UN buildings
to some of the new internes
Internes Work at UN Headquarters

Ffty-f our university students
from 35 countries have begun work
at the United Nations under the
UN summer Interne Program
During the seven weeks which the
students will spend at the UN
headquarters, they will study the
organization from temporary posts
within the Secretariat.
This program was instituted in
1947 fgollowing a General Assem-
bly resolution and enables students
from different countries to work
In the Secretariat and attend lec-
tures given by senior UN person-
The primary function of this
program is to train the internes in
UN activities and to make the
organization better known abroad.
Following their UN stay many of
the internes take up careers inthe
diplomatic, consular and foreign
services of their countries. Others
will go into journalism, law, public
relations and similar fields.
Selection Board
A Selection Board consisting of
senior UN officials choose the in-
ternes from applicants who have
first been screened by their respec-
tive UN missions. Four categories
of internes are selected: interna-.
tional, or those who are selected
through their missions and are
paid by the UN; scholarship inter-
nes, recommended by the universi-
ties and paid by them: auditeurs
libre, who audit the program and
NGO internes who -are nominated
by and represent non-government-
al organizations.
In addition to the regular sum-
mer interne program, the UN con-
ducts a program in the spring for
civil servants of junior and inter-
mediate standing and a one-year
program, started last year, for
Atomic Plant
Not Hazard,
Backers Say
DETROIT (P) - Even if all
safety devices failed, the contro-
versial Nuclear Reactor Plant to
be built near Monroe would not
be a safety hazard, its backers
Bald yesterday.
Arthur S. Griswold, a spokes-
man for the Power Reactor Devel-
opment Co., said structural fea-
tures in the building will rule out
the spread of radioactivity.
Griswold and Walker L. Cisler,
president of Power Reactor and
the Detroit Edison Co., outlined
safety features to newsmen at a
meeting yesterday.
Cisler said technological know-
ledge to come out of the world's
first known plant to produce nu-
clear energy commercially will be
available to "friendly people ev-
He said the private combine al-
ready has spent about eight mil-
lion dollars in research an din de-
veloping the plant site on an iso-
lated 900-acre tract of marshland
jutting out into Lake Erie.
Groundbreaking ceremonies will
be held today.I
The Atomic Energy Commission
approved a construction permit
last Saturday, although critics
claimed the atomic plant might
be a grave hazard to public safety.

students who alternate guide serv-
Sice with their interneship duties.
Last year there were nearly 17
. former internes wrking in the
New Attempt
To Bar 'Bad
Drivers' Made
LANSING ()-A second attempt
will be made to get the legislature
to plug a gap in the state's pro-
gram for barring "bad drivers"
from Michigan highways.
This was disclosed yesterdav at
a state traffic safety commission
meeting by Secretary of State
James M. Hare, Commission
Enforcement was weakened
when the InghamuCounty Circuit
Court ruled in June that Hare
was exceeding his powers by deny-
ing license renewals to motorists
with "bad driving" records.
Before the decision by circuit
Judge Marvin Salmon, the state
driver improvement division under
Hare had been refusing new licen-
ses on this ground at the rate
of about 15,000 a year.
Hare said the administrative
burden of handling these cases
on an individual hearing basis was
beyond the capabilities of his
office staff. This meant, he said,
that persons with poor driving
records were entitled to automatic
renewal of licenses.
At Hare's request, Senator John
B. Swainson (D-Detroit) filed a
bill last month in the special legis-
lative session to remedy the en-
forcement defect.
Worded broadly it provided for
denial of a new license by the:
secretary of state when he had:
cause to believe granting one
would be "inimical to the public
safety or welfare."
Senator Cora Brown (D-Detroit)
and several other solons registered
opposition, and the bill was p-,
geonholed in committee.
Hare told the commission yes-.
terday he will try a new approach
when the legislature resturns
It will ask denial power when
the secretary has good cause
"based upon an applicant's traffic
and accident violation record
showing six or more moving viola-
tion convictions or accidents with-
in the previous 24 months."
A second ground for denial of a
license renewal, under the pro-
posed language, would be one or
more reckless or negligent driving
offenses within 24 months when
the offense resulted in death or
injury to a person or in serious
property damage.

different delegations and missions,
the Latin American and Middle
and Far East delegations having
the largest number. The United
States Mission this year has three
former internes with a total of
about 20 former internes employed
now in the Secretariat.
Many of the internes live at the
International House and partici-
pate in group activities and social
events after working hours. For
most of them, this is their first
visit to New York, and sight-seeing
and picture-taking take up much
of their spare time. Four or five
marriages between internes have
taken place in the various pro-
Taking part in this program
from the University are Mrs. Paz
B. Dominado, representing the
Philippines and Miss Rupa K.'
Mehta representing India.
Voice Confab
Opens Today
The sixteenth annual Emergent
Voice Conference opens at Wal-
denwoods, Hartland, Mich. today
and will close with a public con-
cert in Cromaine Hall at 3:00
p.m. Sunday afternoon.
The conference, founded by the
late Kenneth N. Westerman, is
in the form of a workshop for
private and school vocal teachers.
Those who will attend this year
as conference or faculty members
will come from Springfield, Va.;
Durham, N. C.; Passaic, N. J.,;
Buffalo, N. Y.; St. Louis, Mo.;
Palo Alto, Calif.; Walla Walla,
Wash., and numerous places in
Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan.
The techniques from "Emergent
Voice," which are planned with4
respect for developmental growth,
will be taught by Mrs. Kenneth N.

By The Associated Press
The Ohio Valley, raked by a
series of heavy weekend rain-
storms, began a slow return to
normalcy yesterday but kept a
wary eye on predicted flood state
waters of the Monongahela River.
At least seven deaths were
blamed on the weather. In addi-
tion, a family of three was missing
and feared drowned in an auto
that toppled into a western Penn-
sylvania creek. Unofficial damage
estimated ranged upward of three
million dollars.
The heavy rains, which began
Sunday in the Ohio Valley especi-
ally in West Virginia, western
Pennsylvania, western Maryland,
northeastern Ohio and in the De-
troit area, deposited five and six
inches in some places and set off
Pittsburgh and the surrounding
area saw subsiding flood wate-s
that caused tremendous damage
in small communities along the
whipped up Monongahela and
Youghiogheny rivers. Officials said
that in western Pennsylvania it
would take more than a week to
remove debris and repair utility
Three deaths were reported in
Pennsylvania. Near the Monon-
gahela River city of Monessan 25
mies south of Pittsburgh, search-
ers hunted for Mr. and Mrs. James
Pascarella Jr. and their 3-month-
old son, James II.
Other communities saw dimin-
ishing flood waters. Carnegie, a
suburb of Pittsburgh, was soaked
by the storm as Chartiers Creek
rose to its highest level in a half
century. The Red Cross set up
emergency shelter there for 300
Canonsburg, 25 miles from Pitts-
burgh, also bore the brunt of the
storm with 50 families evacuated.
Following torriential rains, all
main roads were reopened in
northern West Virginia. Clarks-
Board Okays
Bond Issue
LANSING, (P)-The State Ad-
ministrative Board yesterday ten-
tativelyapproved a .$25,000,000
bond issue to finance 218 miles of
four-lane superhighways.
Total cost of the projects is
$146,000,000. The Federal Goven-
ment will foot most of the bill
under the new Federal Highway
George M. Foster, Chief Deputy
Highway Commissioner, said con-
struction will start this fall on
some of the projects but that he
could not name them.
Foster said that under normal
procedure bonds could be placed
on the market in the latter part
of this month
Gov. G. Mennen Williams used,
the occasion to complain that the
Highway Department had dragged
its feet in getting the projects
under way.
The law authorizing the pro-
jects was passed in 1955, but the
legislature amended it last spring1
to clear up objections of bonding
"I signed that law about theI
middle of June and hoped we1
could get started at least by July
1. This is at best one month late,",
Gov. Williams said.
The board delayed final ap-
proval until technical difficultiest
are ironed out.

burg and Morgantown-splashed
with 5,15 inches of rain, were es
pecially hard hit.
In western Maryland, the Balti
more and Ohio and Western Mary
land railroads reopened washed
out main lines and trains wer
running a slow schedule.
Northwestern Ohio tallied fou
deaths in the wake of turbulen
wind, flash floods and heavy rains
Cleveland, Akron, Canton an
other cities had storms whic
knocked over scores of trees an
electric wires. The Youngstown
Warren area had heavy wind dam
Central Iowa had a violen
thunderstorm with winds of mor
than 70 m.p.h. The storm up
rooted trees, destroyed homes an
farm buildings and damaged util
ity lines. A Manning, Iowa farme
was seriously injured when hi
barn collapsed while he was milk
ing. At Creston, wind blew dow
the 228-foot tower of radio statio
SU' Research
Center Will
Conduct Poll
What do Americans think abou
government policy?
How do group memberships af
fect their voting behavior?
The University' Survey Re
search Center wil seek well define
answers to these squestions from
a carefully selected, nationwid
sample of more than 2,000 citizen
this fall. Thirteen major metro
politan areas and 56 countie
selected at random will be include
in the Center's second presidentia
election study.
In their first full-fledged cam
paign study four years ago, th
Center's researchers found three
general factors were important i
the voter's decision: his feeling o
identification with either of the
major political parties, his reaction
to issues involving governmen
policy, and his personal impression
of the candidates.
For individuals, the relative im
portance of each of these factors
varied widely For the nation a
a whole, however, party loyalty
seemed to have greater importanc
than the other two factors,
The 1956 study will continue t
assess the importance of party
identification, issues and candi
dates in the election, but will dig
more deeply into the importance
of government policy - domestic
and foreign -- and related issue
to behavior in the voting booth
The survey will also include pre-
liminary questions designed to see
how attitudes toward these issues
may be related to an individual's
broader feelings about the world
generally-what he thinks about
the prospects for war or peace, for
Membership in labor unions,
racial, religious and ethnic groups,
and other voluntary associations
will also be studied in more detail
than was done in 1952.
Interviewing of the nationwide
sample will start in mid-Septem-
ber, an drun through October.
Participants in each area will be
selected at random by the Center
well in advance of the inter-
views. Approximately 150 trained
field workers will conduct the in-
terviews, which are expected to
run about an hour apiece.

t* --


according to Vice President P:
pont, is that University buildir
have a lower insurance rate ti
most city buildings because
their construction.
The fire risk is iess. Also a7
cent study indicates a lai
amount of tax-free property of
er than the University in Ann.
bor - the University shouldr
be expected to bear the burdenI
all of it, Vice President Pierp
Another factor the Vice Pre
dent mentions is that our pa
ments will depend somewhat
how much we do.
For example, the level of
lice protection payments sho
depend in part on the size oft
University's security force.
Determinatitn of an equital
level of payments is the subJi
of frequent consideration and r
gotiation by both city and Uj
versity officials.
Larcom and Vice Preside
Pierpont agree it is not by an:
static issue,

NEW YORK (A -Roy T. Hurle,,
president of Curtiss-Wright Corp.,
announced yesterday the formal
signing of contracts putting into
effect his firm's agreement with'
Studebaker-Packard Corp. .
The agreement, under whichj
Curtiss-Wright will take over three
plants of the auto firm and pro-
vide guidance through a three-
year advisory management con-
tract, were announced Saturday.
After the official signing of the
contracts here a Curtiss-Wrightl
spokesman said there was nothing
to add to details already disclosed
in the earlier announcement.
In giving terms of the long-
awaited deal between Curtis-
Wright and Studebaker-Packard,
Hurley said it was planned to keep
the auto firm an "important parti-
pant" in the automobile in-
The agreement, Hurley has said,
provides for Curtis-Wright to pay
35 million dollars for long-term
leases on two of the auto firm's
plants and for outright purchase
of a third plans plus certain de-
fense assets.
The leased plants are Stude-
baker-Packard's Utica plant near
Detroit and the Chippewa plant at
South Bend, Ind. Purchased was

the auto firm's Aerophysics De-
velopment Corp. of Santa Barbara.
Hurley said Curtiss-Wright will
be able to place approximately 100
million dollars of defense sorders
per year in the leased plants,
thereby providing increased em-
ployment in the Detroit and South
Bend areas. All three plants ob-
tained from the auto company will
be operated as wholly-owned sub-
sidiaries, he said.
Fellowship Grants
Applications for Engineering Re-
search Institute Fellowships to be
awarded for the fall semester 1956-
57 are now being accepted in the
office of the Graduate School.
The stipend is $1,000 per semes-
ter. Application forms are avail-
able from the Graduate School.
Only applicants who have been
employed by the Institute for at
least one year on at least half-time
basis are eligible.
Applications and supporting
material are due in the office o
material are due in the office of
the Graduate School not later than
4:00 p.m. Friday, August 17, 1956.




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dust and dirt particles, broken quills and
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2. Feathers are cleaned and sterilized with
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the natural curl of the feathers is restored.



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dered ticking. New Ticking available at low prices.

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y I



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