1.11, a Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIWERSIfy OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN. ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Where The Water Is Hot I 'When Opinions Are Free, Trutb Will Prevsll U'IM Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, AUGUST 7,1956 NIGHT EDITOR: DONNA HANSON .. L Inj ustice Accorded Sergeant McKeon rE SENTENCE Staff Sergeant Matthew C. McKeon received from a Marine court- martial last week was unjust and unwarranted in severity. Sergeant McKeon was convicted of negligent homicide. This means that due to Sergeant McKeon's error in judgement in taking Platoon 71 on its tragic march on April 8, six men lost their lives. The maximum sentence the ser- geant could have been handed was three years' at hard labor and a dishonorable discharge. He got nine months and a bad conduct dis- charge. If Sergeant McKeon is to be judged solely by the consequences of his actions, then the penalty is a fair one and deserved. That is the letter of the law. But the law is more than letters, it is spirit. Under the spirit of the law, Sergeant McKeon was done an injustice. IF SERGEANT McKEON is guilty of negli- gence, no less so is the Marine Corps itself. The sergeant, in taking the platoon on the night march to the swamps, did nothing more than follow a time-tested training tradition. He testified that he himself had been on several during his own training. Hundreds of others stood ready to testify to the same thing. The Marine Corps knew that this and similar rigorous techniques were being used and con- doned them in an unwritten law. The Marine Corps is thus a party to the crime. But the Marine Corps is not being punished for its negligence. It has been allowed to rectify its mistakes and to tighten its lines. Sergeant McKeon will bear the brunt of the punishment, both physical and psychological. Both the Marine Corps and Sergeant McKeon were found guilty of negligence. But only Sergeant McKeon will be punished. The Marine Corps, in discharging Sergeant McKeon, has turned its back on him and refused to stand with him before the bar of public opinion. Herein lies the injustice to Sergeant McKeon. CONSIDER THE EFFECT of the discharge on Sergeant McKeon, a professional soldier. He has been barred from following his chosen career in the service of the United States. There is good reason to believe that Sergeant McKeon's error in judgment was not serious enough to warrant this severe penalty. In the light of his training, experience, environment and the tradition in which he operated, Ser- geant McKeon was ,performing his duty in line with standard operating procedure. His deviation from the norm was slight but his punishment is not in accordance with it, That he should be penalized for such devia- tion cannot be questioned. But the sentence, as it now stands, is far more severe than the spirit of justice demands. Even if modified by higher authority, the in- justice accorded Staff Sergeant McKeon last week will long remain a blot on the once-proud record of the United States Marines. -RICHARD HALLORAN 'tz r+4 L v ' " I I "" . \ V =r , y AT THE MIChIGAN: 'The Birds and Bees' Must for Gobel Fans FOR THOSE N ho like George Gobel, "The Birds and the Bees" at the Michigan is a must. On the other hand, if a half an hour of the little friend on TV is too much for you, an hour and a half. even with technicolor, vista- vision and hot buttered popcorn is just three times as bad. The story line is simple, in the typical technicolor sort of way. George plays George Gobel, slightly disguised as -IHotsy" Hamilton, the heir to the Hamilton Hot Dog Millions. Hotsy, along with his ex-truck driver valet is returning from a three year stint in the midst of darkest Africa where "the women use perfume made out of crocodile tails," when they fall into the clutches of a pair of professional card sharks, ably played by David Niven and Mitzi Gaynor. In the process of trying to take George to the cleaners Mitzi falls for his sweet lovable bumblings and his ability to carrom off the waiters, and puts the pressure on her father to keep away from the Hamilton millions, via the card route at least. * *~ * * AFTER A proposal worthy of the best horse opera, bashful George and Mitzi do one of the least affected dance scenes that has slipped 4 1 I - . ,,_N .uy . .c, , a ; -.. > _ ' . - r ism: ' .>, :: K. C. ± ', Copyright, 2956, The Pulitzer Publishing Co.. St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Herblock Is on Vacation) WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Conyflict of Interest Revealed By DREW PEARSON into a movie in a long time. It fits into the picture well and Nick Castle, who did the choreography deserves a medal for it. The story continues, with some interference from the valet, to a happy ending. George wins Mitzi, Mitzi wins George and we assume that Emma, the rare snake George brought back from Africa) gets a good home in the Bronx zoo. On the other end of the twin bill is "The Leather Saint" 'one of those low budget, sleepers that Hollywood puts out by accident every now and then. The story of a priest who has become a prize fighter to earn money for a hos- pitalfor children, it has more life and worth than most of the high budget extravaganzas which are foisted onto the movie-going public. Paul Douglas is the only major star in the show but John Derek and the rest of the cast do a more creditable job. * * * ALL IN ALL, the present pro- gram at the Michigan offers a happy and heartwarming way to spend an evening. The only gripe from this corner-Mitiz Gaynor did a good job but we still like pretty Peggy King. Also why didn't they just let George play George Gobel? -Ken Johnson Stock Market Shows Drop By The Associated Press THE stock market took its worst drop Monday since June 8 on news of mounting tensions be- tween Britain and Egypt over the Suez Canal seizure. The decline began in early trad- ing with substantial losses for oil shares with big Middle East in- terests. All sections of the market followed in a broad shift to lower levels. At mid-day there was some im- provement, but later selling left most issues tt or near their lows when the market closed. The decline represented an es- timated loss of approximately 2'2 billion dollars in the quoted value of stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Northern Negro Vote Backs Adlai RECENTLY, the Gallup Poll conducted a survey to assess the political leanings of Northern Negroes. This poll is timely in that the Negro vote and civil rights platforms are now up for consideration by both major politi- cal conventions. Perhaps the most striking fact is that of the cross section polled, voters definitely leaned toward Adlai Stevenson for President. Pre- viously, many people were assuming that Ste- venson, a moderate on matters of civil rights, would be overshadowed by both Eisenhower and Kefauver. It had been thought that of the Democrats, the definitely more liberal Kefauver - who was also the favored candi. date of the NAACP - would give the Demo- cratic party a slight advantage in the North by appealing to the Negro vote. Another interesting item is that President Eisenhower's personal magnetism has evidently been declining among the Negro voters. In 1952, Eisenhower drew 34% of the Negro vote. Today, only 21% claim that Eisenhower would be their chioice. If Northern industrial laborers vote with the Negro laborer, Eisenhower may have trouble winning in some of the industrial states. IT' MIGHT be mentioned here that the over- whelming majority of those polled indicated that a vote for Eisenhower was a vote for the man, not an indorsement of the Republican party. The Northern Negro is still a solid DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Democrat. Most Negroes seem to indicate that the GOP will have to offer more than Presi- dent Eisenhower before they will change their affiliation. Besides indicating that the Negro is a solid Democrat, this poll also reveals something rather disconcerting. It may indicate that the Negro voter is not yet aware of events in the political arena. It has been shown that the Negro is support- ing the least liberal candidate by more than twice the combined totals for all liberals. This can only be interpreted in one of two ways. Either the Negro favors moderate and painless integration, or he is only familiar with politi- cal parties in general and personalities in particular. IT IS doubtful that people who actively sup- port the Boycott in Montgomery, Alabama are the same people who intentionally advocate a policy of painless integration. Thus, Steven- son's unprecedented strength among Negro voters may best be explained by the push of Democratic loyalties and a lack of concern with specific policies involved. And so, they choose Adlai Stevenson, who in their minds represents the stronghold of the Democratic Party, not Kefauver, whose poli- cies are more in line with those the Negro seems to prefer. -DAVE GELFAND JIMMY Roosevelt of California, whose work as a Congressman has been more effective than his work as a husband, has smelled a new conflict-of-interest case in- side the Ike Administration. Con- flicts of interest have been one of Ike's betes noires, and this one involves the biggest monopoly in th nation - American Telephone and Telegraph.r Roosevelt has dug out the fact that a total of 29 American Tel and Tel employees or retired em- ployees are either employed or have been employed inside the Eisenhower Administration, and that they influenced the Justice Department in settling an anti- trust case against their own com- pany. This case, one of the most im- portant brought under Truman, showed an inside deal between a T and T and its wholly owned subsidiary, Western Electric, to freee out other electronics manu- facturers. However, after the antitrust divi- sion had spent several years pre- paring for a showdown trial, At- torney General Brownell negoti- ated a face-saving consent decree permitting the telephone company and its wholly owned subsidiary, Western Electric, to continue their monopoly relationship. They were not divorced. * * * CONGRESSMAN Roosevelt now contends that this consent decree was an inside job, similar to the placing of Adolphe Wenzell inside the government on the Dixon- Yates case. The Justice Department has now publicly admitted that the Dixon- Yates-Wenzell case-was a conflict of interest; but it took two years to make Brownell admit this. For months, the fact that Wenzell had been working inside the Budget Bureau was carefully hushed up. Attempts by Congress to subpoena information about him were re- fused. Inquiries by this column at the Budget Bureau and the White House were rebuffed. So far, Brownell has rebuffed both Jimmy Roosevelt and Cong. Emanuel Celler of New York re- garding A T & T. When Celler wrote him asking for data regard- ing the A T & T consent decree, Brownell didn't even bother to reply. Instead, his hatchet-man, William P. Rogers, replied: "This department cannot grant your re- quest to examine our files relating to the decree in U.S. vs. American Telephone and Telegraph Co., et al." Celler wrote back: "It is strange indeed that the Attorney General would cavalierly deny a request of an appropriate committee of Congress, while at the same time the White House freely supplies confidential infor- mation to a journalist who is neither elected nor appointed to office." He referred to the Cabinet meet- ing minutes and other White House files given Robert Donovan of the New York Herald Tribune. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication, VOL. LXvIII, NO. 305 TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1956 Lectures The Soviets in World Afairs, aus- pices of the Inter-Departmental Semi- nar in Russian Studies. "Soviet Foreign Policy in the Near East." Dr. John C. Campbell, director of political studies, Council on Foreign Relations, 8:00 pmn Tues.Aug. 7, West Conference Rooup Rackham. Music for Living Lecture, 3:00p.m. today in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, by Hazel B. Morgan, Northwestern Uni- versity, entitled "Where Should Ve Be Going in Junior High Music?" Open to the general public. Events Today Second Summer Square Dance spon- sored by the Office of the Summer Session and the Departments of Pay- sical Education for:Men and women. Tues Aug. 7 at 8:15 p.m. on Palmer Field or waterman Gym in case of rain. Four guest callers: Al Hards and vern Smith from Dearborn, Mr. and Mrs. Brennan from Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Hofmeyer from Ann Arbor, Academic Notices August Teacher's Certificate Candi- dates: The teacher's oath will be ad- ministered to all August candidates for the' Teacher's Certificate during the weeks of August 6th and lth in 1437 U.E,S. The office will be open from 8 to 12 and 1:30 to 4:30. The teacher's math Is a requirement for the teacher's eertificate. Classical Studies Tea: The Depart- ment of Classical Studies will give an informal tea for its students on Tues., Aug. 7, in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building, at 4 p.m. Anyone Interested in the Classics is In- vited. Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., Aug. 7 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3010 A. H. Prof. Richard Brauer, ofuHarvard Universty, will speak on "Groups of Even Order," Tea and coffee served at 3:45 in 3212 A.H. La Sociedad Hispanica of the Depart' ment of Romance Languages week? meeting Wed., Aug. 8, at 7:45 p.m. in the Assembly Hall, Rackham Bldg. Prof. Dwight Bolinger of the University of Southern California will speak in Eng- lish on "The visual Side of Language." This lecture, of special Interest to teachers and students of languages in general, is open to the public. Doctoral Examination for Basil Spy- ros Georgopolous, Social Psychology; thesis: " The Normative Structure of Social systems: A study of Organiz- 7. 7611 Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chair- man T. M. Newcomb. Doctoral Examination for Darrell V. Burras, Education; thesis: "The Busi- ness Teacher's First Year or xperence A Case Study", Wed., Aug. 8, 3019 Uni- versity High School, at 2:00 p.m. Chair- man, J. M. Trytten. Doctoral Examination for Harold Junior Nichols, Education; thesis: "The effect of Rapid Weight Loss on Se- lected Physiologic Responses of Wrest. lers," Wed., Aug. 8, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 8:00 a.m. Chair- man P. A. Hunsicker. Placement Notices PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Western Electric Co., Detroit, Mich., offers opportunities to graduate Elect. and Mech. Engrs. in the fields of Re- pair Methods Specifications,CEngineer- ing Assistance to Shops, Control of Quality of Shop Repair, Plant Layout, Service Systems Engineering, and Equipment Development. The National Aluminate Corp., Chi. cago, Ill., has openings for Chemists, Chem and Mech. Engrs. and men for Sales. An Ann Arbor Firm desires a man interested in learning the wholesale roofing and siding business to work as bookkeeper. Reader's Digest, Pleasantville, N.Y., needs a Reading Consultant for ape. :ial communities and Salesman for the Iowa, nd., Minn., and Ky. area. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., ext. 371. II i I N THOUGHTS FROM THE MIDDLE EAST: An Arab Asks: Might We Profit from History? 4 INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Effect of McKeon.Sentence J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst T HE argument over the trial and sentence of S. Sgt. Matthew McKeon is going to last for a long time, but not as long as will its effect on the Marine Corps. The Jail sentence and bad conduct discharge came as a surprise to almost everyone who had followed the trial. From the highest officers to the rawest re- cruits, McKeon seems to have the sympathy of a great majority of the corps. He had done something many others had done. This time it urned out tragically, and six men died. But since the court had ruled he was not drunk and was not malicious, mere- ly negligent, he had been expected to receive a punishment which could be expiated, THEE'S nothing expiable about a bad con- duct discharge for a career Marine. It is a Editorial Staff LEE MARKS, Managing Editor Night Editors Richard Halloran, Donna Hanson, Mary Ann Thomas, Adelaide Wiley high an dwide roadblock across the path of his whole life. Whether or not the full weight of the sen- tence is left on McKeon after all the reviews and appeals are over, the action of the court- martial henceforth will burn like a red light before the eyes of every drill instructor in the American military forces. In the corps itself it may result in ' drastic change in the whole approach to the training of recruits, which heretofore has been in the hands of the sergeants. More direct super- vision will now come from the officers. There may be a compromise between soft and tough training all up and down the line. NOT A few men have died in all branches of the services under the realistic practices emphasized in training since the last war. Military men are almost entirely agreed that the overall result, however, pays heavy did- dends on the battlefield. Experience in the noise of battle, bodily efficiency, automatic re- sponse to orders which is produced only through implacable disciplining - these are the life preservers of war. Marine training practices have been des- cribed time after time for years as "pure hell" for the recruit. It's not merely a physical thing, but a psychological thing. A Marine re- cruit has to work his way into the corps through all of the dirty guff his seniors can ByJRIUS AWAIS (Ed. Note: The author of the following is an Arab student from Jordan.) IN AN attempt to describe histo- rical events, many of us fall short of describing their signifi- cance in connection with the total development of man. It would seem that to describe an event in the light of what it will do to a certain specific group, without paying attention to what it will do to the masses of people and to the totality of man, we are simply looking through a selfish glass where greed, fear, and conceit stand as obstacles preventing us from considering others. Might it profit us to look at historical events with open mind- edness, adequate understanding, and with objectivity as much as it is humanly possible? During the last few decades we have come to see that Asiatic peoples and Africans are deter- mined to regain their selfhood, to pursue self-improvement, to be- come themselves. And it is only natural to see such peoples active- ly engaged in accelerating the coming of the day in which they become the leaders and the mast- ers of their land. Such a blessed phenomenon which reflects man's quest for finding himself and which affirms the natural right for self-deter- mination, must not be viewed with a black outlook, suspicion, jealousy, and hatred, but rather we must see in its natural course a wide step toward the affirmation of the dignity of man. For who cannot see that liberty is better than slavery, light better than minimized, nor can they be put aside for the time because of the interest and pressure of certain groups of people. Again and again, history has shown that whenever people of any land, of any color or race, are determined to achieve their independence and rights, they have achieved them, though in many instances, sadly enough, through violence, fighting, and blood shed. This determination to throw away the yoke of imperialism and exploitation, has no danger in it, the only danger lying in the souls of those who are willingly working to prevent people from getting their liberty. * * * IT IS SAID that those people who are trying to achieve their in- dependence are not ready enough, and that the colonial powers exer- cise a temporary stage during which they prepare those people to leadership. To some extent there is a little truth in this. The falacy, in this argument, however, can be clearly seen when we seek a true answer in terms of how much have the colonial powers genuinely engaged themselves in developing those people? One can say that there is scar- city in the program of the colonial powers to do so. In many instances the good that we see in the rela- tionship of the colonial powers and the colonized people is only a by-product, so trivial when com- pared to what could have been done if there had been genuine in- terest in developing those people. It is no exaggeration to say that if the American people were still under the yoke of the British and centuries dominated by foreign powers, poverty stricken, with a high percentag of illiteracy, a high rate of mortality, where feudalism overshadows the coun- try and little opportunity for the masses exists. In the last few years we have seen a movement under the lead- ership of Gamal Abdel Nasser de- termined to do away with the ills of Egypt and to secure a better life for the Arab. * * * IF THE objectives of Gamal were to eliminate poverty and ig- norance, to dispel from prejudlice and discriminataion, to afirm the dignity of man, and to lift up the Arabs from under the yolk of exploitation to a nation where it regains its place, participating ef- fectively in the world and contri- butes to peace and the welfare of man, then it is of no surprise if all the Arab people have ap- plauded him and his objectives. Truly the whole world must ap- plaud men who are dedicated to such causes. It is said that Nasser is neutral. So what? Is it not true that the neutrality of Nehru of India is contributing to peace? So any ex- isting neutrality in the present tension may contribute to peace, To declare friendship to all people seems to be a positive policy for peace and is in accord with some of the best moral- messages that man has ever received. A justifi- cation for President Nasser's posi- tion is imperative when we see that he is opening the door for ne- gotiation with any government so far as no political or economical ties which threaten his country It is still more distressing to say little about the method used, and the negative response given to help build the Aswan Dam, when the outcome of such a nega- tivity means delayance of decent living to the common Egytian. y To build the Aswan Dam means to bring life to about twenty mil- lion Arabs living in that area. It means that the economic condi- tions of those people are going to improve, which means that they can spend more to educate them- selves, to live in better homes, and to fight disease. This means that the health of the Arab in Egypt is going to improve and thereby world conditions generally. Is this a cause to be laid aside if we are genuinely interested in the development of the peoples of the world? * * * IN WRITING this article I have been prompted by the best of mo- tives, namely, first to present an attitude whcih is today shared by the Arab peoples. Then, during my stay in the United States, I have developed a liking, respect and admiration for the American people, whom I believe have good intentions to other peoples. Thus, I feel it is an obligation to pass on to them such views and to call upon their help to do whatever they can to make the relations between the American people and the Arab people of a cooperative and friendly nature, where mutual understanding and help could continue in the interest of both peoples. It is my hope that the pressure 4 S 4