INJUSTICE ACCORDED SGT. McKEON See Page 2 C, 4c Bk~b :43 a t t uuum ruw. + 4 Latest Deadline in the State PARTLY CLOUDY VOL. LXVII, No. 30S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1956 FOUR PAGES Convention Platforms Prepared Democrats Speculate Over Vice-Presidency By PETE ECKSTEIN Special To The Daily CHICAGO-It was a quiet day in Chicago yesterday as the na- tions' Democrats began prepara- tions for their convention next week. Speculation over what is usually the number one question at a convention was at a minimum, with Adlai E. Stevenson's selection of presidential candidate being conceded by all imparital ob- servers.' The lack of life in Averell Har- riman's candidacy failed to de- ter his supporters from predicting a first-ballot total of 450 for the New York Governor. A convention majority of ,6861/2 is needed for nomination. Laughing off the Harriman es- timates, Stefenson supporters are predicting 600 votes on the first tally, scheduled for next Thurs- day evening. They as yet refuse to., predict renomination for the former Illinois governor on the z first ballot, but it is obviously their aim. Premature Estimates Premature public estimates, they fear, might jeopardize Stevenson's chances if more than one ballot were needed to put him over. While there is not much doubt about the convention's presiden- tial choice, a number of questions remain to be answered during the coming two weeks: The second spot. Stevenson for- ces seem undecided as yet on whether to name their choice as vice-presidential nominee for the convention's ratification as in 1952 - or to allow free balloting by the delegates, most likely from a list endorsed by Stevenson. As to the nominee himself, most prominently mentioned are Sena- tor Estes Kefauver of Tennessee, Senator John Kennedy of Mas- sachusetts and Senator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota. Kefauver's stock rose from the bottom when he withdrew from the presidential race in favor of t Stevenson, but, primary campaign hostility has not all been forgot- ten in the Stevenson camp. If the convention itself selects, his elected delegates' support would put him in a strong, if not a winning, position. Strong Favorite Kennedy is the favortie of many Stevenson supporters who look to the senator's appeal among Ro- man Catholics and young voters, though both °his religion and his youth could prove liabilities. His ability as a campaigner and grasp of issues-plus his authorship of a current best-seller, "Profiles in Courage" - lead many to envision him as a worthy alternative to Richard Nixon. Humphrey, long an articulate leader of the party's "left-wing" is as yet the only avowed candi- date for the spot. "Volunteers for Humphrey" have set up head- quarters in the Conrad Hilton Ho- tel, and sub-committees are be- ing organized, including "Artists for Humphrey" and "Conserva- tionists for Humphrey." His man- agement of the near fatal Steven- son defeat in the Minnesota Pri- mary, together with his record of "immoderation," may prevent Humphrey from getting the nod. Civil Rights Issue The platform, civil rights is the k only potential convention-splitting issue, but both north and south show every sign of wanting a uni- fied party this year, The outlook is for a plank both moderate and vague, although National Commit- tee chairman Paul Butler yester- day predicted a stronger stand than the generalities of 1952. Even the Harriman forces, re- ported to have been banking on a strong stand to drive out the south (a major source of Steven- son strength) seem to have lost some of their earlier militancy. The Middle East - Suez and Israel -- the degree of committ- ment to- agricultural price sup- ports, the Taft-Hartley injunctioA provisions, and future tax cuts may all be sources of some dis- agreement among platform writ- ers - if they decide to 3-5 all spe- Payments Level Called Sore Spot Dispute Amount of Compensation 'U' Should Give City for Services By LEE MARKS Daily Managing Editor Editor's Note: This is the last in a series of articles dealing with Ann Arbor's financial difficulties. Today's article examines the University's role. Level of University payments to the city for services rendered has been a growing sore spot in "town and gown" relations. While the University is legally tax-exempt, its presence is a fi- nancial burden to the city. There is, both city and University of- ficials agree, a moral obligation on the University to compensate the city for the services it requires. Just how much compensation should be is the issue. University Payments Next year the University will give Ann Arbor $65,000 for fire t protection, $45,000 for police pro- Democrats Attack Ike's Dri a. Farm Plan Hit Farm Bureau rooi On Price Supports CHICAGO (P) - Democratic platform drafters heard a blister- ing attack on Eisenhower admin- istratlon farm policies yesterdayo st and then lit into the American Farm Bureau Federation for plug- ging flexible price supports. Charles B. Shuman, farm bu- reau president, got a going over , from a ntumber of platform com- mittee members after proposing that the Democratic National Convention go on record in favor olitically of the sliding scale support pro-rp t on eCh gram put through Congress by the Republicans. Robert E. Short of Minneapolis ILUabor a member of the platform com- mittee, demanded of Shuman to know whether the Farm Bureau Boston Businessmen doesn't in fact speak for "big Re- Support Gov. Herter publican farmers." Not True WASHINGTON (R')-Harold E. :No, that's not true," Shuman Stassen nudged his "dump Nixon" replied fih y s rmncampaign forward yesterday, ap- parently unconcerned over the! Shuman followed Claude R. political brickbats flying about his in Sends s to Reinl I [ore orce t . , I FaWorld News Roundup By The Associated Press COPENHAGEN, Denmark-Prof. H. J. Muller, a Nobel Prize winner from Indiana University said yes- terday he has received word from the United States State Depart- ment that he can make a speech on atomic radiation hazards here today He is scheduled to speak at the opening session of a World Health organization session or radiation studies. Some scientists say he is one of the world's leading experts on genetics. The subject of his paper is "Increased Mutation Changes Caused by Radiation." * * * * WASHINGTON-President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secre- tary of State John Foster Dulles conferred on the tense Suez sit- uation yesterday but the nature of their discussion was not dis- closed. Dulles said afterwards the 45- minute meeting dealt with "cer- tain miscellaneous matters-in- cluding, naturally, the Suez." Prior to the conference, Asst. White House Press Secretary Mur- ray Snyder told reporters the President is keeping in "constant touch" with developments grow- ing out of Egypt's nationalization of the canal. * * * - WASHINGTON-President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday signed a bill exempting from the 10 per cent amusement tax admis- sion tickets costing 90 cents or less. . Present law exempts admissions costing 50 cents or less. The tax exemption applies to admissions to all entertainment events conducted for profit, such as baseball games, motion pictures, legitimate theaters, boxing and wrestling contests and carnivals. The increased exemption does not apply to admissions to horse and dog race tracks or to per- manent boxes or seats for enter- tainment events. Pearl Prim us To Dance Here Pearl Primus, a prominent Ne- gro dance artist, will appear in concert at Hill Auditorium on Thursday as part of the University series, "Patterns of American Cul- ture: Contributions of the Negro." Born in Trinidad and brought to this country when she was two, Miss Primus became an honor stu- dent in high school and college. At first she thought she would be a doctor, but changed to profession- al dancing, is now working on a PhD. in anthropology at Columbia University. After several Broadway per- formances, Miss Primus went south to study, pick cotton, and "live with her people." Her grandfather had been the head-dancer of Trinidad, and her mother she learned many dance forms. When she returned to Broadway, Oscar Hammerstein starred her in his revival of "Show Boat." She also co-starred with Lawrence Tibbett in Chicago Op- era production of "The Emperor Jones." Miss Primus was given a one- tection, $45,000 for their share of widening State St. and will foot the bill for improvements on Fletcher and Washington. University Vice-President of Fi- nances Wilbur K. Pierpont claims' the present level is equitable. City Administrator Guy Larcomj contends it is inadequate.I Vice President Pierpont sums up the University's position by noting, "We are prepared to recognize that if there is an unusual burden, then we consider that a state-wide expense and will compensate the city accordingly. "We are not prepared to bail Ann Arbor out of financial diffi- culty." Agrees in Principle In principle, Larcom agrees. He says, "Where we can show special service and extra cost as a result of the Unviersity, we will try to get them to pay for it." City Controller Loren Jedele adds, "The University wouldn't want Ann Arbor to become a run- down town that's what it'll come to." The attitude University officials object to is that they can be used as a cure-all for the city's inabil- ity to balance the budget. They feel the city is asking for additional funds on the basis of need rather than attempting to find a fair level reflecting the ex- tra burden incurred. Not a Question of More Vioe President Pierpont con- tends, "In determining how much we should pay it is not, as the city sometimes seems to thing, always a question of more." The "proper" level of payments is difficult to find. It is not a ques- tion of fact - at best it is an informed estimate. As Vice Presi- dent Pierpont points out the prob- lem exists wherever there is a large University in a small town, and there are numerous ways to work it out. This is the first year the Univer-t sity will contribute to fire pro- tection. One of the considerations, See UNIVERSITY Page 4 Lingu1stics Talk Emmet L. Bennett, of Yale Uni- versity, will speak before the Lin- guistic Forum on "The Minoan In- scriptions." The lecture will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in Fackham Amphi- theater. Wickard, secretary of agriculture under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in setting forth recom- mendations for a farm plank the Democrats hope will appeal to the politically potent Midwestern farm vote. The platform drafters began their work Monday, a full week ahead of next Monday's conven- tion opening. Wickard, who appeared as£ chairman of the party's agricul- tural advisory committee, charged the Eisenhower administration with using the new $1,200,000,000 soil bank program in a- "brazen effort" to buy farm votes. He also called upon the Demo- crats to promise 100 per cent of parity for their products-a prom- ise Wickard said President Dwight D. Eisenhower made in 1952 but then ignored. Parity is a legal standard for measuring farm pri- ces designed to be fair to farmers in relation to prices they pay, Farm Bureau Member Some platform committee mem- bers asked Shuman whether Sec- retary of Agriculture Ezra Benson is a member of the Farm Bureau. In another attempt to link the big farm organization with the Republicans, Phillip H. Dorsey Jr., Leonardtown, Md., asked if the Farm Bureau does not agree more fully with Benson's policies than with those outlined by Wickard. Shaking his head, Shuman re- plied: "We have not agreed with all the policies of Benson. Neither did we agree with all the policies of my friend Mr. Wickard when he was secretary of agriculture." While disagreeing with the high price support position many Dem- ocrats have taken, Shuman did say he is concerned lest the soil bank program be administered in a way that would defeat its pur- pose. Shuman said his organization counts 1,623,000 farm families as its members. He said it is rela- tively stronger in states with a high percentage of small farms than in other states. head. The one-time "boy wonder" of the GOP told a news conference Vice-President Richard M. Nixon was politically weak with labor, minority and independent groups -although he declined to say why. And he said "some very solid con- servative businessmen in Boston4 are rallying to my support"-but he declined to identify them. Even as Stassen was pushing his campaign to get Governor Chritian G. Herter of Massachus- etts the No. 2 spot on. the GOP ticket this fall, Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis) loosed a blast at Stassen. Sen. McCarthy called Stassen "one of the most contemptible politicians of our era . . . possessed by an overpowering ambition to become president." McCarthy said Stassen's real goal was to get him- self-not Herter-the vice-presi- dential nomination this year and the presidential nomination four years hence. In his news conference, Stassen said John J. Schroeder of St. Louis, a national convention dele- gate from Missouri's 1st District, hed pledged his support to Stas- sen's campaign in Herter's be- half. It was just two weeks ago yes- terday that Stassen roughed the placid GOP political waters with his statement that he was going to do everything he could to have Herter picked over Nixon. He said yesterday "a strong ef- fort should be initiated to over- come the evident weaknesses of the vice president with labor, with minorities and with inde- pendents." Interplanetary Space Travel CAMBRIDGE, Mass. () - The director of the Harvard Observa- tory said yesterday interplanetary travel by 1966 may be possible, based on satellite programs now taking shape in the research lab- oratories of the nation. -Daily-Harding Williams PROF. LORENZO TURNER-"In Gullah language, 'take your foot in hand' means 'hurry,' while 'to bad mouth' means 'to curse'." Turner Lectures On Gullah Culture I By ADELAIDE WILEY Said to be the only trained field investigator to penetrate and re- cord culture of the Gullah people in Georgia and the Carolinas, Prof. Lorenzo Turner yesterday gave a report on "The African In- fluence on the Language and Folk- lore of the Gullah." "Gullah" is the term for Negroes who live in an area from George- town, N.C. to the top of Florida, in 20 to 100 mile wide sections. Prof. Turner, thirteenth and next to last lecturer in Univer- sity series, "Patterns of American Culture: Contributions of the Negro," is in the English depart- ment at Roosevelt University in Chicago. Gullah Language "The Gullah language is bais- ally English but includes various African dialects-it is Creole," he remarked. "Personal names, for instances, have origin in at least thirty dif- ferent African tribes. Parents may name their children according to nature of weather, with words that mean, storm, calm freeze. "Eartha Kitt, who was born in North Carolina, got her name be- cause her father had just had a good harvest." Some words from the land of the Gullah that have become part of American language are: gumbo, juke (as in jukebox), samba, voodoo and okra. More African influences in Gul- lah language crop up in its words conveying impressions of sound, like the phrase for "hurry" which, literally translated, means "take your foot in hand," or in "to curse" which means "to bad mouth." Explains Condition Prof. Turner explained that con- ditions in Georgia, the Carolinas and the Sea Islands, such as iso- lation of the islands, a minimum of whites, and the fact that a large majority of Gullahs came directly from Africa, lead to the Gullah's retaining much of their African culture. In folklore, he commented, some functions of African storytelling have disappeared. "Parents no longer teach African aspects of African grammer, like the high and low tones and pitches." Plays Gullah Music. Prof. Turner then played rec- ords he had made of Gullah music and dance, and one he had not made himself. First playing west African shouts and drumbeats in a religious cult- house, he played one made in an "unsophisticated" southern Negro Baptist church, which resembled the first. Then he played a "rock and roll" recording made by Peggy Lee and the Mills Brothers called "Straight Ahead," which he bought yesterday. Again there was marked resemblance to the first record. After that, Prof. Turner played a record of Africans in a religious ritual dance, in which they shouted as the tempo grew faster, then fell out "possessed, and said to be speaking in a strange tongue." Prof. Turner theh remarked with a slight grin: "Maybe this is why most people don't like rock and roll." Can Be Nominated Gov. Chandler Says NEW YORK OP-) - Governor A. B. (Happy) Chandler of Ken- tucky said yesterday he thinks he can beat both Adlai Stevenson and 'East U.S. Moves Navy Fleet From Italy Italians Speculate Over Intervention, U.S. Says Not True LONDON (P)-Britain sent more military and naval reinforcements to the Mediterranean yesterday as a show of muscle in the smolder- ing Suez Canal crisis. Meanwhile, warships of the powerful United States 6th Fleeb sailed from half a dozen Italian ports on redeployment maneuvers, and Italian newspapers speculated this had something to do with the Suez crisis. But U. S. Navy offi- cials said the maneuvers were scheduled six weeks ago. Britain's 22,000-ton aircraft- carrier Bulwark, fully equipped on a wartime "basis, steamed out of Portsmouth for a secret desti- nation in the Mediterranean. Soldiers Boarded Hundreds more soldiers, includ- ing royal artillery units, boarded the carrier Ocean, due to sail soon for the Mediterranean. Thousands of holidaymakers lined the shores of Portsmouth's harbor and cheered the Bulwark moving into the English Channel. As she passed Nelson's Flagship Victory, symbol of an age-old Brit- ish naval tradition, the Bulwark's band broke out into "Rule Bri- tannia" and a squadron of navy planes swooped onto her flight deck. Prime Minister Anthony Eden, spending the August bank holiday at his official country home, Che- quers, kept in close telephoneon. tact with Foreign Secretary Sel- wyn Lloyd and other ministers concerned in the deepening crisis over Egypt's nationalization of the Suez Canal. Eden to Address Nation Reflecting the seriousness with which Britain regards the Suez situation, an official announce- ment yesterday said Eden would address the nation over a radio. television hookup tomorrow, Britain's military activity was part of her preparation in the event of a showdown with Egypt's President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Across the English Channel, France also was holding shIps> in readiness. A crack British parachute bri- gade, nicknamed the Red Devils, already was steaming to the Medi- terranean aboard the carrier The- seus. Britain also has called up a, limited number of reservists and postponed the return of some offi- cers and soldiers from overseas posts. The U. S. State Department an- nounced Secretary of State Dulles, who is keeping President Eisen- hower clossely in touch with Suez developments, would represent Washington at the proposed 24- nation Suez conference Aug. 16. State T Vote In Primary LANSING, Mich. (P)-Michigan voters will cast their ballots to- day in a primary dominated by a Republican argument over who will oppose Democratic Governor G. Mennen Williams' bid for a record fifth term. Gov. Williams is unopposed for renomination. Republicans, hoping for their first gubernatorial victory since 1946, will choose between Albert Dial M for Murder "Dial M for Murder," Frederick Knott's murder mystery, will openI for a two-week run at the Saline Mill Theatre at 8:30 p.m. today, according to Barbara Hamel, who will direct as well as produce the play. The melodrama, which origin- ally opened in London in June, 1952 and played in Broadway a fewt months later, was made into a motion picture by Alfred Hitch- cock, starring Ray Milland and Grace Kelly. "Dial M for Murder" in which appropriately, the telephone fig- ures prominently, is the scream- in-the-night story of a famous tennis player, Tony Wendice, who plots to have his wife, Margot,; murdered by a hired assassin. Suspense mounts after the at- tack on Margot goes awry and aj police inspector enters the case. N ~ -~