Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIvERSry OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 'When Opinions Are Free, Truth WU Prevaill Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY ANN THOMAS U.S. Must Win Race For Scientists Test Of The Political Market Place - . _4S -K, - ,I- *m MUSIC SCHOOL: Bach Concerti Appreciated; Ehlers with Baroque Group THE ALL-BACH program of concerti at Rackham Hall last night. climaxed a summer of chamber music in a surprisingly exciting manner. It was a field day for solo, duet and ensemble virtuosity The high point of the evening was the appearance of Miss Alice Ehlers at the harpsichord, with Messrs Ross and Hauenstein on violin and flute respectively, in the Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D. The trio, with small ensemble, attained perfect balance in the first move- ment, an experience exceeded only by the almost demoniacal virtuosity of Miss Ehlers' candenza. The second movement flowed with smooth- ness and clarity for the three, with only a solo cello as bass continuo. The final movement was of equal stature drawing a goodly round of applause from the appreciative near-full house. I SCIENCE is in a Big Race these days. A report from the National Science Foun- dation has come in on Russian scientists as compared in numbers with American scientists. It says, significantly enough, that Russians graduated two times more scientists than the United States did last year. But the report also states that we still have more scientists than Communists do. This might make one wonder what the Russians are printing about their number of scientists-probably a colossal fig- ure. Better, however, is what one would wonder about Russians getting more scientists than the United States. At least, this is what NSF brings in: that "the gap in numbers is rapidly closing." We have seen this kind of article before. Scientists, maligned as they have been be- cause of Atom, praised as they have been for Enlightenment, bruised as they have been about Religion, are engaged in a quite awe-inspiring race. This is a race for earthly field and stream, but mostly it is a race for the track fields of the sky over this wearly little planet. EVERY ONCE in awhile papers on this race are published. Sometimes the Reds are ahead and sometimes we are. And always theie is a cry for more scientists to join the race, for more to get on the physics team, the engin- eering team, the chemical team-or whatever. The Big Race never ends, it seems, never is flagged and so far, no one has won. And what is the ultimate prize? The best atoms in the world. Despite the implications of the race, Russia is certainly not going to let up. Whatever that country wants to do, it can do, and it can win this Big Race, just as it wins in the Olympics when it wants to. Russia's system of allotment of certain duties to certain people wins the Olympics for it, and its allotment to those who are to study science can win the Big Race, for Communism. It can produce guided missiles, rockets, bombs, jets, anything else of great speed in the horsepower world it likes. Where is America? Right in first place on the race track, so far. We can't let up either, we can't let our system of freedom of choice of occupation prove to be' the wrong one. We have to provide laboratories and equipment for the Big Race, and we have to keep them secret. If this race seems bound for inevitable de- struction, as so many say, we must put our faith in Atoms for Peace, besides putting faith in more and more scientists engaged in Atoms for War. We have to work for these two things, hoping that most of us don't have ulcers in the process, or heart attacks. We have to win those track fields in the sky. -ADELAIDE WILEY AT OTHER TIMES, however, ;: I~ z e -S OLPI- a standards expected. During the firs burg No. 3 in G, Mr. Ross had his usual bit of poor pitch. The pain of a romanticized "adagio" was a none-too-welcome change from the expected harpsichord passage usu- ally heard. The finale was spark- ling and gay, as it should have been. During the Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor, Messrs Ross and Raab did very well in the first and last movements, and achieved their best playing in the impas- sioned slow movement. However, in spite of the great endeavor which they put into their perform- ance, they emerged confirmed ro- mantics, with all the style and manner of Tschaikowskyites. How- ever, in all fairness, it was indeed stirring, and well appreciated, whether it was Bach or not. The question arises whether the members of the Stanley Quartet have been overworked this sum- mer. All were in attendance last night. It could be suggested that due to an ovrload, their playing has suffered, and this has been evident on occasion. Perhaps a schedule of less concerts so close together might ease the strain. * * * st i R i performance was not up to the piece of the evening, the Branden- .DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publict-ion of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN from thebRoom 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 295 I NASSER'S BOOK: 'The Philosophy of Revolution' Copyrigct, 2956, The Puitier PubUsbing .. St. O oushs-Dispatcla (Herblock Is on Vacation) WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Congressional Closing Rush By DREW PEARSON By WILLIAM RYAN AP Foreign News Analyst GAMAL Abdel Nasser sees himself - and Egypt - at the center of two vast geogra- phical circles, the Arab world and Africa. Unity of purpose by the nations within those circles, he feels, could play a major role in shaping the future of mankind. Is Egypt's President an idealist, seeking to throw off all remnants of colonialism -- or is he scheming for dictatorial control of a vast area upon which depend the fortunes of Western Europe? When Nasser released his latest bombshell- nationalization of the Suez Canal -- diplomats could seek the answer in Nasser's own words. He wrote down his dreams in a series of bro- chures published last year as a book: "Egypt's Liberation, the Philosophy of the Revolution." The thoughts it expresses were disturbing enough to cause Premier Guy Mollet of France to call it a new "Mein Kampf" in which an Oriental Hitler laid bare his boldest dreams. Nasser at 38 is new to politics. A mliitary man since his academy days 20 years ago, he sprang almost overnight from an army ob- scurity to a commanding position in the sprawling Arab world. He has given the West- ern world one headache after another. When he seized the canal, he announced: "We shall all of us defend our nationalism and our Arabism and we shall all work so that the Arab homeland may extend from the Atlantic Ocean to the Persian Gulf." DID this mean he sought to control all the Middle East and North Africa? Did his am- bition extend to tl Africa? Nasser's own words could be interpreted that way. The book began as a series of jottings when he was an officer in Palestine, hemmed in by Israelis in the sun-baked Faluja Pocket. Con- cerned with Egypt's history of misery under corrupt regimes, he met and plotted with oth- er young officers who were to overthrow King Farouk in 1952. The last section of the book, apparently put together long after the revolution, is the one which caused the French Premier's concern. In it Nasser expounded the idea that Egypt was the center not only of the Arab world from Asia to the Atlantic, but also of Africa. He wrote: "Can we fail to see that there is an Arab circle surrounding us, that this circle is part of us and we are part of it? . . Can we possi- bly ignore the fact that there is an African continent which fate decreed us to be part of, and that it is also decreed that a terrible struggle exists for its future .. .? Can we fur- ther ignore the existence of an Islamic world with which we are united by bonds created not only by religious belief but also reinforced by historic realities? "For some reason it seems that within the Arab circle there is a role wandering aimlessly in search of a hero . . . It seems to me that this role, exhausted by its wanderings, has at last settled down tired and weary near the borders of our country, and is beckoning us to move, to take up its lines, to put on its cos- tume, since no one else is qualified to play it." NASSER told himself, he wrote, that the re- gion is all one and the enemy - the for- eigner - all the same. Thus, "so long as this is true, why do we scatter our efforts?" Rea- lizing this after the Palestine War, he said, he began ot plan and make political contacts for unifying a struggle against a common enemy "by whatever means." One means: to stir'rebellion in North Africa against the French. Another: violent broad- casts in the Swahili language against the British in East and Central Africa. He combined with Saudi Arabians and Syrians in violent attacks on the Baghdad Pact. He played the West against the Soviet Union, to make a deal for Russian arms with which to threaten Israel. STRANGE THINGS happen as the complex and cumbersome gears of Congress grind to a fran- tic halt. Queer bills are pushed across as the Congressmen, deter- mined to go home, sweat, trade, and vote on the laws which the rest of the nation must abide by for years to come. This is the time when sneak end runs are attempted when no- body's watching; and it takes time, after Congress adjourns, to see how many have scored touch- downs. Here are some of the touch- downs. Here are some of the touchdowns and some of the end runs that failed: Touchdown for Klein and Duff: for 16 years the General Public Utlities Corp., which owns Jersey Central Power and Light, Metro- politan Edison of Penn., New Jer- sey Power and Light, and Northern Penn Power, has been trying to duck an order to sell its subsidiary, the Manila Electric Company in the Philippines. Under the Hold- ing Corporation Act. the Securities and Exchange Commission ordered it to sell. But Pearl Harbor came, the Japs occupied the Philippines, the SEC order was ignored. Ih *, w IN 1951, the SEC rnwdits order to selil. But for five years General Public Utilities thumbed its nose at the Commission. While operating its plants in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, it continued to hang on to its power plant in dis- tant Manila. Finally Congressman Arthur Klein, New York Democrat, came to the rescue. Klein represents east Manhattan, the Bowery, Ellis Island, Governors Island and the Statue of Liberty in the Middle of New York harbor. He represents no voters in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, or the Philippines. But he picked up the General Public Utili- ties ball and made an end run. On July 2 he sneaked the ball across the goal line by getting the House to pass a bill, despite SEC protests, permitting the New Jersey Com- pony to keep its Manila Electric Company. Then Senator Duff of Pennsyl- vania,DRepublican, picked up the ball. Duff, an active governor of his state, has been most inactive in the Senate. He enjoys his farm in southern Maryland, but seldom pushes legislation in the Senate. However, with the 84th Congress racing toward adjournment, Duff put the General Public Utilities bill on the consent calendar and rail- roaded its through on the final day of congress. END RUN by Bridges: A brilli- ant end run was also made by Senator Styles Bridges of New Hampshire on behalf of the Hilton Hotel Chain, Conrad Hilton has been buying up so many hotels that the Justice Department has forced him to cough some of them up under the anti-trust law. So the able and kindly Bridges introduced a rider on a minor tax bill which would have excused the Hilton Chain from paying a capital gains tax after selling the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, the Jefferson in St. Louis, and the Roosevelt and New Yorker Hotels in New York, in compliance with the anti-trust order. In other words, the Hilton Hotel chain would get a tax-free gift as a result of violating the nation's monopoly laws. The Hilton bonanza, however, was blocked in the Senate by Flori- da's George Smathers, with assists from Senators Byrd of Virginia, Humphrey of Minnesota, and Douglas of Illinois. All Democrats, they will be in Hilton Hotels in Chicago next week, but they block- ed the end run. "Is this the amendment that was offered in the Finance Committee and which the Finance Committee discussed and finally rejected?" asked Senator Smathers. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) THE Branderburg No. 6 in B-flat featured Mr. Courte and Miss Rood on viola. The first movement was long and dull, helped little by the uninspired playing of the viola duo. The small ensemble fell down here, leaving the burden on Mr. Cour- te's shoulders, an unfair and im- possible task. In addition, Mr. Courte's bowing technique leaves something to be desired, since it effects his tone to a disturbing degree. In this respet, Miss Rood was ahead, on an instrument de- manding excellence in order to achieve even a fair tone. But the third movement absolved the pair from their previous faults by lively and delightful thematic interplay between them. Much should be said of the sup- porting players, at no time num- berin gmore than twelve. During the entire evening, with the one exception mentioned, the balance of soloist and group was superb. -Brendan Liddell AT THE STATE: 'Pardners' .Falls .Flat THE FILM "Pardners" begins with a fairly funny satire on typical Western movies, but un- fortunately ends being the brunt of this very satire. Martin and Lewis antic through the movie in their usual straight man, fall guy roles, complete with saloon fights, gals and Western songs, the latter of which there were far too many. "Slim" Martin and Wade Lewis seniors are "Pardners" on the Kingsley Ranch and get them- selves "kilt" courageously and single -handedly defending their land from a pack of masked riders. Wade's wife Matilda quickly and quietly returns to "civilized" New York during the battle, where, during the next 25 years, she amasses a fortune and raises her son, Wade Jr. (who, curiously enough, is the exact replica of Wade Sr., minus beard and guns). Matilda has left behind Slim's widow and baby son, Slim Jr. and her sister-in-law, also a widow, and baby daughter Carol. Appar- ently, during these 25 years, mothers and babies have success- fully defended Kingsley Ranch against the persistent attacks of the masked raiders, though it hardly seems posible. At this point, Carol and Slim Jr. journey to New York to urge Aunt Matilda for a loan so they can purchase Cuddles, a prize bull, who in turn was to propagate their diminishing herd back to normal proportions. Being a woman of few words and many scruples, Matilda emphatically said "No!" and kicked them out of her man- sion. Wade Jr. overhears the conver- sation and decides to step into his father's boots and return West to aid in defending the ranch. Slim Jr. is very reluctant, but finally acquiesces, especially with cuddles thrown into the bargain, and they both return West as "Pardners," towing Cuddles on the end of a rope. General Notices Additional Ushers are needed for the Department of Speech production of "The Lady's Not For Burning" to be presented In the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre tonight. Telephone the box of- fice, NO. 8-6300. Recreational Swimming -- Women's Pool. New hours starting August 6-12. Women Students, Monday-Friday, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thurs- day, 7:15-9:15 p.m. Saturday, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Co-rec Swimming: Wednesday and Saturday, 7:15-9:15 p.m. Sunday, 3:00- 5:00 p.m. Faculty Night: Friday, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Michigan Night: Sunday, 7:15-9:15 p.m. August 13, 14, 15, Women Students: Monday-Wednesday, 4:00-6:00 p. m, Pool closed August 16-September 20. Second Summer Square Dance spon- sored by the Office of the Summer Session and the Departments of Pay- sical Education for Men and Women, Tues Aug. 7 at 8:15 p.m. on Palmer 'ield or Waterman Gym in case of rain. Four guest callers: Al Hards and Vern Smith from Dearborn, Mr. and Mrs. Brennan from Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Hofmeyer from Ann Arbor. Lectures Patterns of American Culture Con- tributions of the Negro. "The African Influence on the Language and Folk- lore of the Gullahs," Lorenzo Turner, Department of English, Roosevelt Uni- versity. 4:15 p.m. Mon., Aug, And. A A, Angeli Hall. The Soviets in World Affairs, aus- pices of the Inter-Departmental Sem- Inar in Russian Studies, Director of pblitical studies, Council on Foreign Relations. 8:00 p.m. Tues., Aug. 7, West Conference Room Rackham. Music for Living Lecture, "Where Should We Be Going in Elementary School Music" by Hazel B. Morgan, Northwestern University, 7:00 p.m. Mon., Aug. 6, in Aud, A, Angell Hal Open to the public. Music for Living Lecture, 3:00 p.m. Tues. Aug. 7, n Aud. A, Angell Hall, by Hazel B. Morgan, Northwestern University entitled "Where Should We Be Going in Junior High Music?" Open to the general public. .Play The Lady's Not For Burning, Christo- pher Fry's comedy in verse, will be presented by the Department of speech at 8:00 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Concerts Student Recital by Fred Marzan, tuba, 8:30 p.m. Sun., Aug. 5, in Ad. A, An- gels Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Marzan is a pupil of Glenn Smith, and his recital will be open to the public. Student Recital: Elizabeth Jo Beebe, string instrument major in the School of Music, at 4:15 p.m. Sun. Aug. 5. in Aud. A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfill. ment of the requirements for the de. gree of Bachelor of Music. She studies violin with Emil Raab, cello with 011. ver Edel, and viola with Robert Courts. Open to the general public. Student Recital by Carol Jaeger,.vio linist and cellist' 8:30 p.m. Mon, Aug. 6, in Aud. A, Angell Hall, In partial ful. fillnent of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. Miss Jaeg- er studies violin with Gilbert Ross and cello with Oliver Edel, and her recital will be open to the public. Academic Notices Mathematics colloquium: Tues., Aug. 7 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3010 A. H. Prof. Richard Brauer, of Harvard University, will speak on "Groups of Even Order." Tea and coffee served at 3:45 in 3212 A.H. Doctoral Examination for Andrew Ga- briel DeRocco, Chemistry; thesis.: "The Methane and Ethana," Monday, Aug. 6, Intermolecular Potentials of Argon 2024 Chemistry Bldg. at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, J. 0. Halford. Doctoral Examnation for Basil Spy- ros Georgopolous, Social Psychology; Social Systems: A study of Organiz- thesis: "The Normative Structure of 7. 7611 Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chair- man T. M. Newcomb. Placement Notices PERSONNEL INTERVIEW: TODAY AND TOMORROW: Republican Prospects Less Bright INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Eden and the Commonwealth By 3. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst PRIME MINISTER EDEN of Great Britain predicted the other day that, if there is ever a world government such as the idealists are seeking, it will take the form pioneered by the Commonwealth of Nations. Britain is taking the lead now in discouraging use of the word British in describing the Com- monwealth. In a free association of nations for mutual consideration of mutual problems, she remains the leader only because of her position of rela- tive power devoted to defense of the other members, through economics and through the wispy tradition of allegiance to the crown. And indeed, even the latter is no longer required. Eden claims, and can produce an imposing record to prove it, that imperialism has been wiped out of British policy, and that the Com- monwealth, instead of being a possessive in- strument, plays a leading role in helping to bring into being young and independent na- tions. FROM THIS topic Eden moved without spoken implications directly into a discussion of relations between Britain and the United States. He made no attempt to relate the United States to teh Commonwealth, referring to Anglo-American relations as a fellowship which "continues to live and grow because we have methods of government, an approach to life, with a common origin now centuries old." Referring to the recent observation of the Fourth of July, Eden "ventured" to tell America that the Britis'h aleso deeply cherish indepen- dence. It was a very brief speech to the English- Speaking Union in London, and there was no amplification of the Commonwealth as the forerunner of a world government. There was no bridge between thought and the references to America. But one could not help but wonder whether there was more to the speech than a mere putting in of appearance at an Anglo-American meeting.-, CERTAINLY there was no suggestion of an invitatin for the United States to join the Commonwealth. hAt+ .rmild nrnn - - +ha rarlinra t ofirta iv By WALTER LIPPMANN RATHER suddenly, so far as the p public is concerned, Republi- can prospects have taken a turn, and have become less clear and less bright. The cause of this turn is a spreading uneasiness about the rate of the President's recovery. It is plain enough now that this is the cause of what would otherwise have been an absurd thing for a practical politician like Mr. Stas- sen to do. It alone explains his having waited until it was so late in the day. For it was about the middle of July that doubt arose about the official prognosis, on which Chair- man Hall and Mr. Hagerty have been acting. Quite evidently, the less satis- factory the rate and character of the President's recovery, the more serious a liability is Mr. Nixon. For virtually every press and public opinion has shown that there are a ajority who would not vote to elect Nixon to be President of the United States. If, during the cam- paign, Mr. Eisenhower is ailing, if he does not look and feel and act more fit than he does now, the outcome in November will be very much in doubt. This, we may be sure, is why Mr. Stassen has not been obliter- ated for challenging the plan. of It is not clear whether they have backed Mr. Stassen, or whether he has raised a flag to which they are rallying. But in any event, Mr. Stassen is no longer playing a lone hand, and on his main point, that Nixon should not be taken for granted, he has now carried the President and Mr. Hall with him. * * * MR. MAGERTY won the confi- dence and admiration of the press and the public for his handling of the publicity after the President's heart attack. He has not been equally successful since the Presi- dent's second illness in June. For he has led the country to expect that by this time the President would be fully recovered, as good if not better than before. The ex- cessively optimistic prognosis of June was an unwise gamble with fate and with the nature of things. It would have benn far better, as things have turned out, if the' country had been told that ileitis is a serious disease, that the oper- ation was a serious one, and that the President would need time for his convalescence. Then it would not have been necessary to sub- ject the President to a press agent's stunt, like taking him to Panama and compelling him to show how much weariness and boredom he can endur,. I should add that I do not think Mr. Haggerty imposed the embar- go in order to mislead the coun- try. I have no doubt that he was entirely convinced by the Presi- dent'*s doctors that the first prog- nosis could be relied upon, and that he felt a public debate among doctors would be an un- seemly thing, would be dispiriting to the patient and very unsettling to the American peoeple. * * * THE REPUBLICAN prospects, which have become darker than they appeared to be at the begin- ning of July, would surely be greatly improved if Nixon were re- placed by Herter. In fact, if they go on with Nixon, the Republican leaders will be placing a bet that by September or early October, the President will be so well re- covered that his health will not be an issue. With Herter, they would be reinsuring themselves against what might become a big secession of Eisenhower Republi- cans. But even with Herter, there is no longer any certainty, as most of us have assumed there was, about the outcome in November. More than a year will have passed since the President was first stricken, and if he is still conva-