Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNWERSrry OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Somebody Up There Doesn't Like Me" When Opinions Are Pro%, Truth ww lPmmiiu , -~ ' i^ , ._ " "- . , gw. Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY,'AUGUST 3, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: DICK HALLORAN Burma-China Skirmish May Pose Ticklish Question SOMEWHAT overshadowed by the news of the news of the Egyptian crisis, events along the China-Burma border have received scant atten- tion the past few days. What has happened there is a rather perti- nent commentary on the state of world affairs and international politics-there was a time when the invasion of one country by the armed forces of another would have started a war. The fact that such a war has not yet started is perhaps indicative that man has at long last gotten a grain of sense into his head and is willing to wait until his temper cools before flying off the handle. On the other hand, this may well be wishful thinking as events in Burma are still in an early stage of development and too little is known at this time to make any sort of edu- cated guess as'to what will eventually happen. The Chinese Communists, in occupying an estimated 1000 square miles of Burma in the wilds of the Gachin country in northeastern Burma, have invaded with a relatively small force and appear to be probing and testing the Burmans to see what reaction they get. T HAT THIS penetration is a deliberate one, ordered and planned by Peiping, cannot be doubted. The explanation given by the Com- munist government in previous and similar, though not as extensive instances has been that the local military commander acted on his own initiative without direction from Peiping. This excuse is absurd. In any Communist army, military leaders are subjected to the strictest of political and military discipline and control. For the military commander in Yun- nan, the Chinese province bordering on north- east Burma, to undertake this invasion on his initiative is unthinkable. In a regime where deviation from the estab- lished governmental policy brings swift retali- ation, to commence an operation which has such serious political implications as this one, without expressed orders from the political leaders, can result only in dismissal, at the very least. SHOULD THIS invasion develop into a major crisis, a new and extremely important prob- lem will face the United States. Burma has no military alliance with the United States nor have there been any major economic ties between the two nations, Burma having rejected American offers of economic aid. Burma is not a member of the Southeast Asia Trtaty Organization. If full scale hostilities break out, will Burma call upon the United Nations, and therefore indirectly the United Sates, for military assist- ance to repel the aggressor? And if she does, what will be the reaction in the United States, where efforts to win the alliance of Burma have previously been rejected? Will America want to go to the rescue of a nation by whom she has been rebuffed, a nation which has put all of its stock in neutralism and ignored the invitation to become partners in collective security? This question could easily come up not only with regard to Burma but with any of the nations now sitting on the fence of neutralism. Going it alone is noble and convenient when times are good, but becomes a nightmare when life gets rough. --RICHARD HALLORAN .a -y:. ,,4* i i N , , fi( t 4 ~ _I + k S'4x r . r' - -'T ' - / i i t- ;'[ : .' _. St AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Satellite' Tells Secret; Look to the Skies! "SATELLITE IN THE SKY" purports to reveal the world's most guarded secret: namely that a rocket-propelled satellite has been produced and is this very moment circling the globe, looking down on us poor sinners. The sets for this film are extensive and, of course, scientifically absurd. Somehow, the laboratories I see are never half so pretty as I , . - ; " Z Copyright, 1956, The Pulitzer Publfshing aCo at. Louis Post-Dispatch (Herbiock Is on Vacation) WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Kefauver Soul-Searches By DREW PEARSON Suez and International Control REALIZING that direct intervention in the Suez will provoke strong anti-Western feel- ings in the Near East and Asia, Britain and France, with the United States' support, are proposing that the disputed area be placed under international control. At present, the mutually favored plan is one proposed by Secretary of State Dulles. It calls for an internationalized zone around the Suez in the hands of the United Nations. Mem- bers of the canal's controlling commission would be Egypt, Britain, France, the United States, and Russia. Undoubtedly, keeping the canal open under international control is odious to fewer people than armed intervention by Britain or France. It remains to be seen if the proposed partici- pants will join. There is little doubt that Britain, France, and the United States, will back any plan that assures the free transit clause of the Constan- tinople Convention. To these two nations, the canal is a matter of life or death. % The interest of the United States cannot be minimized. After the other two nations, the United States is the third largest user of the canal, and annually ships eight million tons of oil through the Suez. PHE issue rests on the willingness of Egypt and Russia to accept the plan for interna- tional control. Moreover, the willingness of one will be very dependent upon the other. Egypt will be under strong pressure to join any plan that Russia accepts, and Russia will be extremely dubious of anything which Egypt disapproves. Both nations are extremely in- terested in preserving cooperative relations with each other. Thus, the major turning point is the ability of the interested parties to draw the Egyptian Government into the deal. Without doubt, this will not be easy. In the Arab World, anti- Western feeling is at that point where any move decreasing Egyptian control of the canal will be taken as a move back to imperialism. On the other hand, the British and French governments are not willing to allow Nasser absolute control of the Suez. In France, Prime Minister Mollet has appeared before the French National Assembly asking the country to be prepared for "energetic and severe" action. The British, who normally do more with a good deal less noise than the French, have not outwardly said that they intend to force the adoption of anything. They now send ships through the canal and are paying pas- sage with checks drawn on English banks. Since these banks are not allowed to send any cash to Egypt, and since the majority of ships pay their passage in this fashion, it remains to be seen how long the Egyptians will allow such free use of the canal. In preparation for the time when Nasser de- clares these checks invalid as payment for passage, the English are sending large ele- ments of the army and navy to the Mediter- ranean area, insurance that the free transit clause of the Constantinople Convention will not be violated. A T this point, three courses of action remain open to the Egyptian government. First, they can continue to allow passage of ships with what amounts to no payment; but since money is the major motive behind the seizure of the canal, this seems unlikely. Second, they can agree to international con- trol. Although this is possible, it would be con- sidered weakness on the part of the Egyptian government and a concession to imperialism. Most likely, Nasser will choose to test the third course, refusing checks drawn on English or French banks, thus halting traffic. Should Nasser choose to call the West's bluff, the results can only be unfortunate. -DAVID GELFAND ESTES KEFAUVER'S decision to withdraw in favor of Adlai Stevenson came only after much soul-searching and a hot all-day session with his cohorts who came to Washington from all over the U. S. A. For some time, his two top cam- paign managers, Jiggs Donohue, former D.C. Commissioner and Howard McGrath, former Attor- ney General, were adamant that he withdraw. He faced a $40,000 campaign deficit from his Cali- fornia-Florida primaries, plus a $29,000 expense for maintaining headquarters in Chicago. But be- fore he made a decision, Kefaver asked the leaders who had been most loyal to meet in a confiden- tial session in Washington. The reaction was mixed. Some almost wept. Some advised him to support Stevenson. Some urged that he make a deal with New York's Governor Harriman. Some urged that he fight to the bitter end. "I'm for my country first, my party second, and the candidate third," said Clara Shirpser, Lady leader of Kefauver forces in Sap. Francisco. She proposed that Ke- fauver withdraw. "So am I," said Joe De Silva, sparkplug of the retail clerks in Southern California, "and Adlai Stevenson is not good for the country." "We have a great man, a great leader," said Gerald Flynn of Ra- cine Wis. "It's an honor to go down fighting for him. When Ke- fauver went down fighting under the TV cameras in Chicago in 1952 that was when the Democratic Party lost an election." * * * JOE ALPERSON, the Los Angel- es stainless steel anufacturer, how- ever, moved that Kefauver with- draw. Maryland leaders urged the same thing. So did Kefauver's friends in Virginia, as well as Tom Carroll, his California chairman. One of the most eloquent pleas for Kefauver to stay in the race came from Col. William A. Rob- erts, Washington attorney who had the tough job of raising mon- ey for the Tennessee Senator's de- ficit. Another came from De Silva of the retail clerks union who large- ly carried the ball for Kefauver in Southern California. "I'm going to talk just as if I was the candidate," he told Ke- fauver advisors in the closed-door session. "Now let's see what I've got to gain or lose. "First the organization of the convention will be against me. They'll probably put my delegates off in a corner or behind a pole. "Second, the ushers and door- keepers will push my delegates around. You know how the Arvey boys told us where to go and when to come last time at Chicago. "Third, Sam Rayburn will be working against me on the stage. He'll never recognize me," contin- ued De Silva, still talking as if he were the candidate. "Fourth, Senator Lyndon John- son will be working against me backstage, while Rayburn works against me on the stage. "Finally, the Harriman boom has slowed down to a bust. "HOWEVER," continued De Sil- uva, now speaking for himself, not as if he were a candidate, "I still think Harriman and Kefauver ought to come out for a declara- tion of principle oncivil rights. Let's call a spade a spade. Let the Negro people face the civil rights issue. We know the professional Negro politicians don't want civil rights passed. They won't have an issue after that. So let 'em stand up and be counted-for or against a real declaration of principle. Let's separate the men from the boys. Let Adlai stand up and de- clare himself, too. Is he for or against real enforcement of civil rights? He hasn't stood up so far. "A man is never defeated when he goes down fighting," concluded the fiery labor leader from Los Angeles, " and I came here to fight, not to bury Kefauver." Despite this plea, a heavy ma- jority of Kefauver advisors at the closed door session urged that he withdraw in favor of Stevenson for the sake of Democratic Har- mony. He concurred in their ad- vice. Note -When Kefauver was urged to make a deal with Averell Harriman, he told his advisors: "I've got a lot of respect for a man who gets into the primaries and fights it out as Adlai did. I could- n't gang up to throw the nomina- tion to someone who didn't get into the primaries and make the race according to American Tradi- tion." F OR APPROXIMATELY 12 months, the State Department has been almost consistently wrong about Egypt's dictator, Colonel Nasser. This was largely because U.S. Ambassador Henry Byroade was sold on Nasser, said that he could be trusted as a real friend of the U.S.A. It was also because Herbert Hoover Jr., former vice-president of the Union Oil Company of Cal- ifornia, now Undersecretary of State, was vigorously pro-Arab, wanteddto protect U. S. oil rights in Saudi Arabia regardless of ap- peasement and regardless of Am- erican interest in Israel. However, there were differences of opinion inside the State De- partment. George Allen, Assistant Secretary of State for the Near East and one of the ablest career diplomats didn't trust Nasser, ar- gued against Ambassador Byro- ade's judgment. Allen argued so consistently against Nasser that he ended up in the Dulles dog-house. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Warner Brothers would have them.1 for the public to realize how hay- wire the average physics lab is. All the installations in "Satellite" look like Frank Lloyd Wright de- signed the buildings, Saarinen poured the concrete, and Dali painted the dials. The satellite is actually not purely an impractical scientific marvel, as one might think. Ac- tually, there's a big bomb inside, called the "T" Bomb. It is going to make the H bomb look like mighty thin spaghetti sauce. The crew for the satellite is a strange assortment. The Captain is a big energetic fellow, full of philosophic observations and good common sense. His first assistant is having trouble with his wife, a pretty but selfish creature with thin legs and a big bosom. Another crew member just got pinned to a fashion show girl and wishes he was back on the ground, don't you imagine? Then there's a morose character who has a deep soul somewhere; and let's not for- get the Professor. He is a travesty of all academic prototypes: a pom- pous, hysterical, inwardly disturbed character who is going to trigger that "T" Bomb and blow out about six cubic miles of space, So the satellite Is really going to be used to set off a bomb which is so big it will "end war." Ha! A dispatch from the satellite just came in and they have found a female stowaway. A reporter who has anti-scientific views, but a good figure. She'll get along. But Security will be very unhappy. Galloping Geigers! It seems the bomb has got somehow attached to the satellite and won't let go. It should have been left way be- hind to go off by itself. Now, it looks like it's going to blow up the rocket with it, and all these poor people. Warners can't let them all die, can they? They all have such fine British accents. * * * CO-FEATURED with the Satel- lite is a film containing Lon Chaney, an old monster who should have been put out to pas- ture long ago; he must have earn- ed honorable dismissal by now. "Indestructible Man" presents a problem to the reviewer. This picture is bad. So bad that it transcends the class of just "bad" pictures and creates a new and horrible category. Now bring on the Indestructible audience. -David Kessel LETTERS to the EDITOR Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit or with- hold any letter. Male Ego . . To the Editor: THEeditorial "Women on the Union Steps; Another Bit of Progress" by Miss Donna Hanson received little space as well it should have. Equality will never come to this campus and of that we women should be happy. Miss Hanson obviously does not realize the importance of the male ego! The few extra steps we have to take to the side door will make our escort feel like a hero, a con- queror, and most of all a man If that is the only way in which the University male population can become men, then I say-side door, here I come. --Mrs. R. Rae WattsI But It wmlid Drobably be dangerous DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 285 General Notices Invitations to the Masters Breakfast, Sun., Aug. 5 at 9:00 a.m. in the ball- room of the Michigan Union, honoring those students who are candidates for the Master's Degree at the close of the current Summer Session are in the MAIL mall, If you have not received your invi- tation by Wednesday and are a candi- date for the Master's Degree, you may call for your ticket at the Office of the Summer Session Roomt3510 Admin- istration Building, before 4:00 p.m., Fri., Aug. 3. The University Printing Office, for- merly at 311 Maynard Street, has moved to its new quarters in the Printing Building on North Campus. To reach the Printing Office on North Campus by telephone, dial 86 from campus phones (or NO 2-3111 from outside lines) and ask for extension 96. A Central Campus Office of the Printing Office will be maintained ta Room 102, University Press Building, 412 Maynard Street. A representative of the Printing Office will be on hand to receive material and verbal Instruc- tions when this type of contact Is de- sirable. Additional Ushers are needed for the Department of Speech production of "The Lady's Not For Burning" to be presented in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre tonight. Telephone the box of- fice, NO, 8-6300. Dr. Ralph Rabinovitch will be psy- chiatric consultant at the Fresh Air Camp Clinic on Fri., Aug. 3. Nelson International House, 915 Oak- land, is interested In securing a mature student couple to serve as houseparents. A child welcomed. Call NO. 3-3220 for further Information. Recreational Swimming - Women's Pool. New hours starting August 6-12. Women Students, Monday-Friday, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thurs- day, 7:15-9:15 p.m. Saturday, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Co-rec Swimming: Wednesday and Saturday, 7:15-9:15 p.m. Sunday, 3:00- 5:00 p.m. Faculty Night: Friday, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Michigan Night: Sunday, 7:15-9:1 p.m. August 13, 14, 15, Women Students: Monday-Wednesday, 4:00-6:00 p. m. Pool closed August 16-Spetember 20. Lectures Music for Living Lecture, "Where Should We Be Going in Elementary School Music? by Hazel B. Morgan, Northwestern University, 7:00 p.m., Mon., Aug. 6, in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Open to the public. Play TheLady's Not For Burning, Christo- pher Fry's comedy in verse, will be presented by the Department of Speech at 8:00 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Concerts Faculty Concert, All-Bach program, at 8:30 p.m. Fri., Aug. 3, in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall, featuring Alice Eh- lers, harpsichordist, of the faculty of University of Southern California, and Louise Rood, violist, of Smith College, and conducted by Josef Blatt, Profes- sor of Music and Director of Oper Production. BrandenburgeConcertos No. 3 in G major, No. 6 in B-flat and No. 5 in D major, and Concerto for Two violins in D minor. Others on the pro- gram are Stanley Quartet members Gil- bert Ross, Emil Raab, Robert Court, and Oliver Edel; Clyde Thompson double bass, John Flower, harpsichord (continuo); students' Jane Stoltz, Michael Avsharian, Joel Berman, Carl Williams, violins, George Papch viola, Mary Oyer and Camilla Doppman'n, cel- los. Open to the general public with- out charge. Student Recital by Fred Marzan tuba, 8:30 p.m. Sun., Aug. 5, in Aud. A, An. gell Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Marzan is a pupil of Glenn Smith, and his recital will be open to the public. Student Recital: Elizabeth Jo Beebe, string instrument, major in the School of Music, at 4:15 p.m. Sun. Aug. 5, in Aud. A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfill. ment of the requirements for the de- gree of Bachelor of Music. She studies violin with Emil Raab, cello with Oli- ver Edel, and viola with Robert Courte, Open to the general public. Student Recital by Carol Jaeger, vio- linist and cellist 8:30 p.m. Mon., Aug. 6, in Aud. A, Angell Hall, in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. Miss Jaeg- er studies violin with Gilbert Ross and cello with Oliver Edel, and her recital will be open to the public. Academic Notices August Teacher's Certificate Candi- dates: The teacher's oath will be ad- 14 0 4 + 5 4 INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Nasser Faces No Idle Threat DIFFERENT SITUATION: No Nationalization Threat to Panama Canal 4 By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst FI RANCO-BRMSH military measures in the Suez dispute are obviously designed as back- ground for political approaches rather than direct preparation for shooting. Egypt's Dictatoi-President Nasser would be fatally wrong, however, to assume that he can block the political and economic proposals with- out incurring the eventual use of force. The situation has developed now to the point where neither the French nor British governments could expect to remain in office unltss they are ready, in case of the failure of plans for internationalizing the operation of the canal, to re-occupy the zone. Secretary Dulles seems to have had some success in his role as friend of the court, how- ever, in that Nasser, now completely despised by the British and French, will not be slugged to his knees, but will be given a face-saving role as a partner. IT SEEMS likely that Egypt's sovereignty over the canal zone will be admitted, and her ownership rewarded by larger royalties, if she does not try to block formation of the control board. A vital question is whether Russia will come to the proposed conference of interested coun- tries for setting up the control authority, and whether she will work for a settlement. Her normal line would be to attend, back Nasser at every point, and talk loudly about peaceful settlements while doing everything possible to prevent them. She has already taken a public stand on Nasser's side. But the conference would give her a fine opportunity to promote her smile offensive in a crisis where it would benefit By The Associated Press COULD the Panama Canal-- the world's second largest man-made waterway-be nation- alized as the Egyptians have done with the Suez Canal? "Absolutely not," Panamanian Ambassador J. J. Vallarino said today. "The situations are entirely dif- ferent," said W. M. Whitman, sec- retary of the Panama Canal Co., a U.S. government corporation which operates the canal. The U.S. agreement with Pan- ama, under which the canal is operated, "does not entirely fulfill the wishes and aspirations of the country, be turned over to inter- national control. The conditions aren't quite the same, Pres. Eisenhower said, noting that internationalization of the Suez Canal had been agreed to in an international convention in 1888. While that concession runs out in 1968, he added, the Suez Canal will always be an inter- national waterway. 9* * * THE PANAMA Canal, a 40-mile' route linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, was opened to traffic in 1914. It saves 7,873 nau- tical miles on a voyage from New York to San Francisco. Co., Whitman said, the point was that the canal actually was within the boundaries of Egypt. Panama has granted the Panama Canal Zone territory to the United States, he added. The latest U.S.-Panama treaty, which took some two years to negotiate, met sharp opposition when it came before the Senate in 1955 although the vote on ratifi- cation itself was overwhelmingly in favor. Sen. Magnuson (D-Wash.) called it a "bad treaty" and predicted the next step would be a demand by Panama "to take over the zone and the canal itself." $37,450,000 in the 1956 fiscal year. Its traffic of 8,475 transits is about half of the Suez traffic, which car- ries much of the Middle East oil, Whitman said. The Panama Canal is operated and regulated financially by the Panama Canal Co., a government corporation managed by a 13-mem- ber board of directors appointed by the Secretary of the Army, acting as personal representative of the President. It is not part of the Army, Whit- man said. The Canal Zone itself, however, is governed by an officer of the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neers. Maj. Gen. William E. Pot- "}