TWO VIEWS ON THE EGYPTIAN CRISIS See Page2 C, 4c 131wA !14i C2 q4 Latest Deadline in the State LDYCOOL VOL. LXVII, No. 25S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1956 FOUR PAGES Stassen Gets OK On Month Leave Will Pursue Political Efforts to Get Massachussets' Herter Nominated WASHINGTON (A') - Harold Stassen is taking a month off from his White House job in an effort to swerve the GOP vice presidential nomination from Richard Nixon to Gov. Christian Herter of Massa- chusetts. President Dwight D. Eisenhower granted Stassen's request for a leave of absence yesterday, and now apparently Stassen will havae both hands free to try to rearrange the bottom half of the GOP ticket. The leave of absence, effective Thursday, was announced in a White House statement issued at Gettysburg, Pa., where Stassen Adm. Burke Outlines 6th Fleet's Role Navy Must Protect Mediterranean Area WASHINGTON (k)-Adm. Ar- leigh Burke says the free world would have to write off the entire Mediterranean area unless the U.S. 6th Fleet could stay and fight there in event of war. The chief of naval operations also said in recent congressional testimony made public last night that the U.S. Navy might be the only major force capable of con- tinuing retaliatory assaults after' the first furious exchange of atomic blows in another world conflict. U.S. Must Operate The admiral said that if U.S.. carrier task forces "cannot oper- ate in the Mediterranean, we have lost the Mediterranean, and we had better be able to'operate in the Mediterranean because of that." Burke testified at a special Sen- ate airpower investigation before an international crisis was preci- pitated in the area by Egypt's sei- zure of the Suez Canal, which links the Mediterranean with the Red Sea. Behind Closed Doors Some of his testimony was given behind closed doors and this was released last night. Both the State Department and the Navy yesterday denied a pub- lished report that the 6th Fleet had been specially alerted to take Americans out of the area if the Suez crises flares into violence. Both agencies said the fleet has standing orders to protect the lives and property of Americans. Burke testified that if the U.S. Fleet cannot stay in the Mediter- ranean with carriers "nobody can stay there." He said emphatically that land- based planes could not operate in the area unless the fleet was there and fighting. Prof. Tolbert To Lecture conferred with Pres. Eisenhower for 20 minutes yesterday morning. The statement said in part: Pursue Political Activities "Mr. Stassen wanted to have the time and opportunity to pur- sue certain political activities without involving his official po- sition or the White House." Stassen is the President's assist- ant on disarmament matters and has a desk in the executive offices. After he plumped for Herter last Monday, 20 congressmen an- grily demanded that he resign from his White House post. Her- ter said he would nominate Nixon for re-election. Stassen Pleased Stassen said in Washington yes- terday he was pleased that Pres. Eisenhower. had approved a leave of absence. "On Thursday, Aug. 2," he added in a statement, "I will make a further statement about my continuing endeavor to add to the strength of the Eisenhower campaign and to the Republican congressional races htrough the nomination of an Eisenhower- Herter ticket." There was immediate specula- tion on whether the President's granting of leave implied a go- ahead for Stassen or, whether it represented a desire that Stassen divorce his highly controversial political activities from his White House assignment. Arms Slash In Germany Considered WASHINGTON WA'-The Eisen- hower administration yesterday was reported considering a plan to out the size of the six American divisions in West Germany with- out sacrificing their "fighting strength." This would be done by reducing the number of support and supply units now included in each of the 17,000-man divisions,. reliable in- formants said. Proposed cuts now under study cover the period of the next two years. Top Pentagon and State Depart- ment officials are said to have in- formed West German military and diplomatic officials of this possible move. Relays Vigorous Obetion West German Ambassador Heinz Krekeler met with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles yester- day. Acting on instruction from Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, he relayed his government's vigorous objections to any idea of substan- tial American troops cuts or siz- able reductions in the strength of Atlantic Pact armies. Krekeler said he also passed on an expression of Adenauer 's ''grave concern'' over any West- ern strategy of gearing defense forces too much around use of atomic weapons. Krekeler and his aides are said to have been partly reassured about U.S. government plans for manpower cuts. Will Maintain Forces Pentagon authorities are said to' have informed them that the United States will try to maintain' armed forces capable of fighting without atomic weapons as well as with tactical and strategic nu- clear devices. German representatives here' argued that such reductions would leave Western Europe an easy vic-' timo of any surprise attack by superior Soviet and satellite divi- sions. Krekeler is said to have stressed that it is urgent for the Atlnntic, Court Won't Stop Fine Of NAACP $100,000 Contempt Penalty Invoked MONTGOMERY, Ala. UP')-The Alabama Supreme Court refused yesterday to grant an immediate stay of a $100,000 fine against the NAACP. The fine was levied by Circuit Judge Walter B. Jones for con- tempt of his court by failure to produce the NAACP's Alabama records. It was effective at mid- night yesterday. Within an hour after Jones had rejected a request by the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People to modify the fine,, attorneys asked the higher court to hold it up while they asked for a review of the contempt finding. Long Standing Policy But the Supreme Court justices said long-standing policy pre- vented their acting on the request until the other party had been notified. The other party is the State of Alabama, represented by Atty. Gen. John Patterson, who on June 1 obtained from Jones an injunc- tion against NAACP activities in Alabama.1 Patterson asked the records in an effort to sustain his reasons for the injunction. Sets Hearing for Today Chief Justice J. Ed Livingston set a Supreme Court hearing for today on the stay request. The NAACP request for a stay said the contempt penalty "now. set is so high, and such further penalties can be set, that The NAACP is in jeopardy of being unable to purge itself of contempt, in the event the court's judgement is sustained on review." NAAC attorneys offered to turn over to Jones' court some records but expressed fear of economic reprisals and the "use of actual force" if the 14,566 names of Alabama NAACP members were made public. . Fine Due To Rise Jones' turn-down left a $10,000 fine assessed Wednesday due to rise to $100,000 if the records were not in his court by midnight. The NAACP said it owns no realj property in Alabama, a list of, which Jones had ordered, but of- fered to surrender bank records, what it called a standard form for chartering branches, and corre- spondence concerning the attemptf last winter of two Negro women to attend the University of Alabama. This attempt and Montgomery's 8-month-old bus boycott were cited by Atty. Gen. Patterson as NAACP attacks on Alabama segregation laws when he obtained the injunc- tion. He also contended that the organization was doing business illegally in Alabama since it had not registered as an out-of-state corporation. The NAACP denied both charges., Ike OK's Atom Merchant Slhip GETTYSBURG, Pa. (A')-Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower yes-1 terday signed legislation authoriz- ing construction of what may be< the world's first atomic-powered merchant ship.1 Other nations, including Norway1 and Great Britain, are believed to be planning similar vessels. c Eden I gays Egypt's Unfettered Ownership of Suez Canal Death March Area Noted By Surveyor Court Martial Witness Calls Water Shallow PARRIS ISLAND. S.C. (P)-A Marine surveyor said yesterday he found no hidden pitfalls, no deep water and only a sluggish current in the death march area of Rib- bon Creek. Warrant Officer Leslie E. Volle testified S. Sgt. Matthew C. Mc- Keon would have had to lead Pla- toon 71 far out into the creek to find water that gradually would rise above their heads. Six young Marine recruits drowned in an April 8 march Mc- Keon led into Ribbon Creek. He is undergoing court-martial for their deaths. Prosecution testimony indicated McKeon, at the head of the col- umn, never went more than 11 feet or so from the bankhof the creek. At that distance, Volle said, the maximum depth of the water is only 2.3 feet. Five Foot Depth Volle testified a five-foot depth of water is found some 20 to 48 feet out in the stream in that area. "At any time, did you ever find any holes, cliffs, falloffs, spanish wells concealed, mud-encrusted pits or any other depressions out there?" Volle was asked by Col. Alaric W. Valentin, a defense lawyer. "No, sir, we did not," replied the 27-year-old warrant officer from Chestnut, Ill., and Grenns- boro, N.C. "Is there any place where a man walking directly out into mid- stream would take one step and go over his head?" "aNo Sir" "No sir," Volle said. "Two steps?" "No, sir," was the reply. "He would go gradually under water." Moreover, Volle told McKeon's court-martial, Ribbon Creek is more sluggish than the average stream and its maximum depth at high tide along its fringes is 5.3 feet "and probably less than that." The depth march took place two hours after high tide was reached April 8. Several of the platoon members testified they found themselves abruptly in water over their heads on the march. With elaborate care, Volle told how he and a team of map makers had surveyed the Ribbon Creek area and how they found no holes or drop-offs. 4 Wants Board To Insure Free Usage Britain Won't Announces Of British Shipments Halt Weapons to Egypt EGYPT HAILS HERO-President Nasser responds to cheers of enthusiastic crowds who jam Cairo streets July 28 t. volee approval of his proclamation nationalizing the Suez Canal. Jordan Asks UN To Oust Gen. Burns JERUSALEM (RP)-Jordan start- ed a move yesterday to oust Cana- dian Maj. Gen. Edson L. M. Burns from leadership of the UN's Pal- estine truce observers. A Defense Ministry spokesman in Amman said Jordan would ask the UN to replace him in the job of chief of the UN truce super- vision organization on grounds he was biased in favor of Israel. He said it was listing cases of such bias for presentation to the UN and had proposed to Egypt, Lebanon and Syria that they do the same. The four Arab countries are signers of armistice agree- ments with Israel under which. Burns' group works on Arab-Is- raeli demarcation lines. A spokesman for the truce su- pervision organization, which has headquarters here, said-it did not plan any change in its direction. Burns has been in Palestine since August 1954. His present year's contract expires next month. He was appointed by UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold. NEW FINDINGS: Disclose Andrea Doria Radar Saw Stockholm NEW YORK (M)-The Italian Line said yesterday that its Andrea Doria radar-traclood the oncoming liner Stockholm before the crash last Wednesday night that sent the luxurious Doria to the bottom of the Atlantic. The line also disclosed that vital records thought lost were saved by Capt. Piero Calamai, the last man to leave the sunken liner. What the records show was kept secret. Calamai reportedly told of the radar watch in addressing a rally of his crew Sunday. Guiseppe Ali, New York director-general of the Italian line, confirmed it yester- , 'U' PROFESSORS: Three Discuss Suez Canal Seizure day. For how long a period the Do- ria's radar was working was not made public. What was confirmed was that Calamai told the crew the device was on, that he himself watched the Stockholm's approach on the screen and that he was on the bridge from 3 p.m. on, when the heavy fog that shrouded the crash began. The collision south of Nantucket Island, off Massachusetts, occur- red at 11:22 p.m. Officials of the Italian line and the Swedish-American line have been close-mouthed about what happened. The New York Post said yester- day that both liners had tracked each other on radar for some time before the crash that apparently took at least 25 lives. The Post said a source on the Stockholm said Doria "blips" were observed for half an hour, right up to the crash. The Swedish line declined to comment. Meanwhile, the Andrea Doria's death list remained at two known dead and 18 missing and presumed dead-but the number of those additionally unaccounted for was reduced from 37 to 29. Negro Series Slated Today "The Economic Position of the Negro since the 1930 Depression" is topic of a. speech to be given by Abram L. Harris, professor of economics at the University of Chicago, 4:15 p.m. today in Audi- torium A, Angell Hall.. Tnf, a acra i ..a -- r West's Role In Near East Emphasized Communist poses no great threat in the Near East if the West comes up with some kind of constructive action, Prof. William D. Schorger said yesterday. But Communists can and do stir up a lot of discontent, the Near Eastern expert said in the Uni- versity's Summer Session Seminar in Russian Studies. "The limited technology, poverty and discontent rising from an in- crease of knowledge about how other peoples live makes the Near East susceptible to certain appeals of Communism," Professor Schor- ger said. He is a member of the1 Department of Anthropology and Near Eastern Studies. He listed five appeals that Com- munism uses in the Near East: 1. Anti-Westernism, based on the Near East's fear of colonial- ism; 2. Anti-"feudalism," exploiting' the peasants' discontent with the concentration of arable land in a' few landowners and their identify- ing the West with the land-owning elements. 3. Anti-Israelism in the Arab, states, based on power politics rather than ideology; 4. Desire for modernization, but with independence, which the Near East tends to think is possible, from the Soviet because of inex- perience with Russia and Russia's modernizing itself without West- ern entanglements; and 5. General frustration of the in- tellectuals. who are finding them-1 LONDON W-)-Prime Minister Anthony Eden announced to cheers in the House of Commons yester- day Britain's refusal to acce* Egypt's "unfettered" control of the vital Suez Canal. He also announced a curb o'all British arms shipments to Egypt. Immediately afterward, Ameri- can, British and French diplomats discussed moves to bring the 103- mile waterway under international control. There were reports the United States and Britain were balking at any idea of allowing Russia into wider talks on the question, although Egypt would be invited to take part. Stress International Angle The international angle was stressed in Eden's Commons state- ment in which he said, "No ar- rangements for the future of this great international waterway could be acceptable to Her Majesty's government which would leave it in the unfettered control of a single power which could, as' re- cent events have shown, exploit it purely for the purposes of na- tional policy." Eden did not elaborate on spe- cific measures to avert Egyptian control. But informants said the three powers, up to this time, have not discussed the use of mili- tary force against Egypt. A Brit- ish informant explained that con- siderations of force would not arise unless Egyptian took aggres- sive action against world shipping or refused to accept any interna.. tional arrangements for supervis- ing the canal. U.S. To Back Plan In the closed talks the United States was reported ready to back a British-French plan to assure free and efficient use of the canal by world shipping in peace and in war, but urging caution while seeking to maintain a common front. Diplomats said the first step under consideration involved an untimate widening of the discus- sions here to include all the mai- time countries which use the canal most. The goal for such negoitations would be the establishment of an international authority for the waterway linking the Mediterran- ean with the Red Sea. Such a move would, in effect, recognize Egypt's nationalization action and allow her to share in canal operation revenues. Egypt To Be Invited The informants said Egypt would be invitedsto take part in these wider talks. Britain and the United States, however, went to keep Russia out of the negotiations, the sources said, pointing out that ships of the Soviet Union represent less than one per cent of the traffic passing through the canal. Russia was one of the nine signers of the 1888 Constantinople Convention which declared the canal open to all na- tions in peace and war. Large crowds gathered outside the Prime Minister's residencein the atmosphere of crisis. The Brit- ish press has been urging forceful action. Yesterday's three-power talks lasted more than two hours. They resume this afternoon. Egyptian President Gamal Ab- del Nasser suddenly nationalized the canal Thursday. In Cairo, Egypt said toll charges would not be raised on shipping throgh tn Rpzfm.m.rO MARY TOLBERT school lecturer Prof. Mary Tolbert of Ohio State University will discuss "Creativity, the Spark in Music Education," to- day at 3 p.m. at Aud. A, Angell Hall. Chairman of music education in the College of Education, she was recently elected to the Executive Committee of the Music Educa- tor's National Conference. Prof. Tolbert has also worked with the State Department of Edu-_ By MARY ANN THOMAS Egypt's nationalization of the Suez Canal has created a serious diplomatic crisis, but the conse- quences are still open to specula- tion. Although they describe the Suez situation as "very serious," "la- mentable" and "explosive," three University faculty members indi- cated doubts it would foment war1 in the Near East. Accentuatng the fact that we . have very lttle information, An- drew S. Ehrenkreutz, lecturer in the Near Eastern studies depart- ment, said the United States was cool toward intervention in Egypt because it had little at stake there. "And England cannot embark on a miiltary expedition of its own," he commented, "because the waterway has international status. 3.) -Danger to the international route: "Any military action might result in destruction or obstruction of the canal." Egyptian Viewpoint Representative of the Egyptian viewpoint, Prof. Aziz S. Atiya, visiting lecturer of medieval his- tory, warned against English and French intervention. He believes "Common sense will reign in the long run when West- ern politicians realize the Egyp- tians have fought for their inde- pendence and want to keep it." "There is no indication that Egypt will block the Canal," the Egyptian medievalist commented. "Common sense dictates Egypt wants more shipping, not less." Regarding the American stand on the conflict, Prof. Atiya observ- ed, "It's now a question of whether Qm -iro- voolc. ~ - A f - f~ cussed cooly at a conference table," he commented. "No one says that Egyptians are not open to negoti- ations." "But it is the question of princi- ple that worries Egypt," he ob- served. "The canal was dug by Egyptian hands and thousands died in the process." Interference with Rights "'Furthermore, the imposition of international control over one of its provinces is to Egypt an inter- ference with its rights," he added. Clarifying further the Egyptian viewpoint, Profr. Atiya emphasized that people who think the Big Powers own the Suez concession are wrong. "Egypt gave the con- cession," he said, "and Egypt can decide when the concession should be terminated within the limits of the law."