J : Daily "Thanks, Dear. Now I'm-Uh-Going Away For Awhile" ' Whken Opinious Are Pre%, Truth WW lPrev&U"t Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS Of THE UNIVERSr' Y OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 .. ,Ti Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: DONNA HANSON Strike Setlement Brings Increased Wages, Costs, Profits f N ' 1 g LL _ Win UIII AT THE END of a pitched battle, it's always enlightening to do a post-mortem on the combatants, especially when neither appears to have won an outstanding victory. With the settlement of the steel strike, the country is breathing more easily, and most people, learning that the United Steel Workers have leeched a raise of fifty cents an hour, feel that justice was probably done, and are ready to forget the whole matter. But these people, failing to consider farther reaching aspects of the matter, are in fact doing themselves an injustice. Yesterday the strike negotiators announced that they have reached an agreement providing for a three year package of wage increases amounting to fifty cents an hour. This cer- tainly raises no eyebrows. BUT THERE is a more interesting clause in the form of a two cent an hour grant for a baby guaranteed annual raise. Although this may not raise many more eyebrows, it indi- cates that the trend toward the annual wage is here to stay-and here to grow. The three year contract provision also pro- vides something to think about. Supposedly, industry entered negotiations dead set on a five year, no-strike contract. Apparently they weren't so set on the five-year contract, or the trend toward three year contracts was too strong to be resisted. Aside from the direct struggle of labor and mianagement, the strike settlement reflects something more of the economy as a whole. Being the basic industrial commodity the nation cannot be sensitive to the price of steel. As a result of the wage increases, most authorities look for a substantial rise in the cost of steel. Predictions range from $10 to $12 on the former price of $130 per ton. Simple calculation shows the increase as being about nine per cent of the former amount. The aver- age wage in the industry was $2.46, and an increase of twenty cents is also about nine per cent. As wages do not constitute the total cost of steel, such a proportionate increase can only mean that the steel industry is using added wages as an excuse to boost its profit levels- and unduly boost the cost of merchandise. THE AUTOMAKERS are doing what amounts to the same thing. As a result of the strike, they expect to increase prices on the '57 models $40 to $60. An automobile only weighs 11/2 tons, and it is easily seen from these figures that they, too, are using the strike as an ex- cuse to pocket a little more cash. However, we will not see these added profits as a percentage increase in owner's, profits. These profits will show as an inflation of the respective stocks' prices. Although profits will have gone up, large and longtime stockholders will claim thaIt they are still only receiving four to six per cent on their apparent invest- ment. Actually, when one considers the original cash outlay of the long-standing investor, and he owns most of U.S. Steel and G.M., the profits he is making can only be called fan- tastic. This is fine for the man who owns the stock, but what about the man who has to buy the products he produces. Careful evaluation shows that he has gained little in the way of buying power. Meanwhile, U.S. Steel and G-.M. stock- holders are reaping the benefits of the increases in worker wages -and benefits. These industries are taking advantage of all occasions to boost their profits. THIS WOULD not be possible if U.S. Steel and G.M. did not control half or more of their respective markets. As long as any one or two companies are able to exert overwhelming control over price levels in their industry, any wage increase can at the least mean a corresponding price in- crease, and will probably be an excuse for greater profits. --DAVID GELFAND *Jr f m '4LA t. { AT THE STATE: Pride And Profanity Not Intimate Combination "THE Proud and Profane" is the most intimate story to come out of the war, but the intimacy is diluted with a measure of con- fusion. Briefly, it is the story of a proud lady, Deborah Kerr, and a pro- fane colonel, William Holden. Deborah is a Red Cross girl who has come to Australia in pursuit of news of her husband who was killed in combat. Her superior is Thelma Ritter, a shrewd but kindly woman who mothers everyone within range, but especially Deborah. William Holden has no use for the Red Cross people because he is a tough Marine, arrogant and cruel. (He had an unpleasant chlid- hood.) Also he is nasty to the chaplain, a serious fellow given to cast- ing penetrating glances at the audience. Nastiness to chaplains is a sure sign of a troubled soul, usually. Distant Deborah meets Wild William and, after a cool interlude, 4. Qd95d t$E CL A. = 4 "y i FLT,' R .. ;.R 1rM . f C . _ WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Stassen Letter to Nixon By DREW PEARSON I Egypt and International Law HEINTERNATIONAL legality of Egyptian President Nasser's seizure of the Suez Canal is a complicated question. Two of the salient factors involved are the ,manner in which nationalization is accomplished and the guar- antee of continued free passage of merchant vessels through the waterway. According to precedent established by inter- national law, it is the right of a sovereign nation to nationalize foreign owned property within its territorial boundaries provided, and this point should be noted well, that adequate and just compensation is made for the nation- alized property. If such compensation is not made, the seizure is termed expropriation and is deemed illegal under the precepts of international law. In the case now before the bar of world opinon, President Nasser has not yet made an offer to compensate those foreign holders of stock, primarily British and French, who now own the major portion of the Suez Canal Company, the joint-stock holding organization which has been operating the canal under con- cession from the Egyptian government. Unless he does so, Nasser's action has the appearance of being little more than inter- national piracy. SECONDLY, freedom for merchant vessels of all nations to have access to the canal is guaranteed by the Constantinople Convention of 1888, a document governing the international use of the waterway. In the two days since Nasser's unilateral action, international shipping has reportedly not been hampered. As long as Egypt continues this policy of non-interference with traffic, it would appear that the Egyptian government is on firm legal ground. If shipping is in any way molested by those now in control of the operation of the canal, Egypt will be guilty of the abrogation of an internationally recognized and accepted treaty. In this stuation, then, it seems that if Presi- dent Nasser makes just compensation to foreign stockholders for the loss of their property, and continues to insure passage of international shipping through the canal, Egypt will have acted in accordance with international law and could only be supported from the legal stand- point. IF, ON THE other hand, Colonel Nasser chooses to embark upon a course which violates established precedent for the conduct of in- ternational relations, the British and French will have ample justification for taking the case to the International Court of Justice. The Egyptian government his already ruled that it will not recognize the International Court's jurisdiction in this dispute. In this case, the British and French govern- ments will be justified in taking forceful steps. Economic sanctions, appeal to the United Nations for action due to the violation of international agreements by a member nation, even the use of military force are all possibili. ties which President Nasser and the Egyptian government may face in this mad adventure they have now undertaken. PERMIT this petulant dictator to ignore his obligations and responsibilities to other sovereign states and people is to make a mock- ery of the international law the civilized world has been trying to develop for the past several centuries. -RICHARD HALLORAN H AROLD STASSEN wrote a vig- orous two-page private letter to Richard Nixon urging him to step aside in the Vice-Presidential race, and delivered it to him before he held his dynamite-laden "Dump Dick" press conference. The letter began with a" state- ment that he, Stassen, would have preferred to talk the whole matter over with Nixon, but that since Nixon was not available, he was writing a letter. This column has obtained a copy of the letter. Nixon, meanwhile, has told friends about his talk with Eisen- hower and reported that, accord- ing to the President, Stassen men- tioned the "Dump Dick" matter to. him only "very casually." He also reported that the Presi- dent was furious over the whole incident, partly because it focused public attention away from his own homecoming. Instead of people talking about the fine job he had done at Panama, all they talked about was Stassen. This did not set at all well with the President. After stating that he was sorry Nixon was unable to see him, here are the blunt arguments Stassen wrote the man he wanted to force out of the vice-Presidential nom- ination: * * * AN EISENHOWER-Herter tick- et will run at least 6 per cent stronger than an Eisenhower- Nixon ticket. This difference is certain to reflect decisively in a number of Senatorial and House seats, and may well be the margin of majority or minority in the congress. Under some circum- stances this difference may even, be very important in the Presiden- tial election itself. This minus 6 per cent has per- sisted notwithstanding the favor- able opportunity for the incum- bency pf the Vice-Presidency. The detailed polls show that the nega- tive side is relatively highest among those best informed and among the younger voters. Thus it seems probable that the nega- tive side of ar Eisenhower-Nixon, ticket may increase as the cam- paign progresses. "On the other hand, Governor Christian Herter has a lifelong record of effective action reflect- ing thoroughly the same broad and basic philosophy as that of President Eisenhower in both do- mestic and foreign policy. He is recognized by those who know him not only in our Republican Party but specifically in labor, minori- ties and independents, for those qualities, plus an integrity and strength of character of the finest standard. Thus he will maintain a very high favorable rating as he becomes better known throughout the nation and he will not sub- tract on the ticket in any manner from President Eisenhower's own incomparable support. . * * THE INDEPENDENT people at home, important portions of the population abroad, and uncom- mitted nations of the world would have greater confidence in an Eisenhower-Herter ticket. This will improve the prospects of a lastng peace and of success for the United States leadership ver- sus Communism. It will also co,- tribute to the future stability and progress of the United States economy. "I intend to actively endeavor to bring about Governor Christian Herter's nomination for Vice- President. I wish to make it clear that I, of course, do not take this action as a personal representative of President Eisenhower. At the same time I am confident that if the Republican National Conven- tion nominates Governor Christian Herter for Vice-President, Presi- dent Eisenhower will be pleased to have him on the ticket. My own action is taken to fulfill my duty and responsibility as I see it to the President and to our country and to our Republican Party. "As a first step I have requested those delegates who have asked permission to support my name for Vice-Preseident, and those young people, who have publicly ex- pressed such support, sincerely, but without talking with me, to instead support Governor Chris- tian Herter. I have told them that it is clear to me that my name, for different reasons, would also subtract a very important per cent of voters because of the adverse feeling toward me among some within our Republican Party. I have so often been so firm against the extreme left that I have in- curred a determined opposition within a portion of my own party. "I AM DEEPLY convinced that for the good of America and for the cause of peace no honorably avoidable handicap should be placed on President Eisenhower in this election. Hi policies and his leadership should be submitted to the people without extraneous detraction. "This has been a difficult de- cision for me and I know the sit- uation is much more difficult for you." FOR APPROXIMATELY three months the House Judiciary Com- mittee has been doing absolutely nothing about a secret vote to "in- vestigate Drew Pearson." The resolution to investigate was proposed by Congressman E. L. Forrester, Georgia Democrat, and was passed by a majority of one vote. It has been unfinished busi- ness of the Judiciary Committee ever since. And since I have reported closed- door sessions about other people, it is only fair that I report this one about myself. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) they fall madly into bed; symbol- ically portrayed by a camera pen from the couple to a field of wav- ing weeds. ALAS, HOLDEN ships out, and Deborah is left in a delirious haze of reawakened love. The haze lifts when she learns that Holden has a wife back home, and Deborah is clutched. Holden returns, there is a vio- lent scene, and Deb hits her head on a bench near unto the weed patch, ironically' enough. So she is taken to the hospital where she recovers, and incidentally, conveniently disposes of a by- product of the waving-weed epi- sode. A strangely contrite William Holden unsuccessfully attempts to kiss and make out, but Deb is adamant and sulks. So the ma- rines go off to war and the weeds wave on. Now everything is untangled in a most miraculous way. Deb hears *from a buddy of her husband that he was really unhappy because she was a selfish, unkind woman. Holden is carried in with a head wound, still asking forgiveness. His wife, a dipso-psycho-nympho, has died, and the stage is set for a cosmic reconciliation with ma riage and acres of weeds in the offing. While this film is off to a prom- ising start, about half way through, the carefully built char- acterizations begin to get smeared, and at the end, everyone is thor- oughly degraded, or dead. A Short to be avoided introduces a nauseating Lanza-type singer named Oreste. Call out the Furies. -David Kessel LETTERS to the EDITOR Letters to the Editor must be signed andilmited to 300 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit or with- hold any letter. Correction . . To the Editor: IN LAST Saturday's Daily, it was reported that the Regents had granted me the title of Emeritus Associate Professor of Engineering Mechanics . This was an error irobably on the part of the University office, as I retired as Professor of Engin- eering Mechanics. Will you please have this reported correctly in the Daily as soon as possible. It's a bit embarrassing to have my friends think I have beenhde- moted upon retirement. -C. T. Olmsted It is up to our country to show flow both nationalism and imper- ialism can be bypassed. This should be the main theme of the great debate on the diplomatic and stra- tegic policies our country should follow-a debate not just about foreign affairs but about resum- ing that job of commonwealth building which was first started when this nation was founded. . -The Reporter DAILY OFFICIAL BULETIN The Daily Official Buletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 245 Lectures Lecture in Social Psycbology. The first of a series of four public lec- tures on social psychology will be given by Prof. Fred Strodtbeck, associated with a research project at the Univer- sity of Chicago Law School, Mon., July 30, at 4:00 p.m. in the Itackham Amphi- theater. Title: "Factors which Impede the Growth of Social Psychology." Sue- ceeding lectures later in the week will be announced' The Soviets in World Affairs, auspices of the Inter-Departmental Seminar in Russian Studies. "The USSR and Com- munist Movements in the Near East." William D. Schorger, assistant profes- sor of anthropology and of Near leht- ern studies. 8:00 p.m, Tues., July 31, West Conference Roorp, Rackham Play The Wayward Saint, Paul Vincent Carroll's oomic-fantasy, will be pre- sented by the Department of Speech at 8 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. Concerts Student Recital: Laura Smith, so- prano, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree at 8:30 pm. Saturday, July 28, in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Miss Smith is a pupil of Frances Greer, and her program will include works by Schubert, Wolf, Gounod, Sam- uel Barber, Virgil Thomson, Sergus Kagen, and Ned Rorem. Open to the public. Student Recital Postponed. The re- cital by June Howe, soprano, previous- ly announced for Sunday evening, July 29, in Aud. A, Angell Hal, has been postponed. The new date will be announced during the first semester 1956-57. Memorial Recital in honor of the late Harvey Spencer, M. D., Associate Psychiatrist of University Health Ser- ice, former Carillonneur of Wellesley College, and Past-President of the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America, will be heard at 5:00 p.m., Sun., July 29, on the Baird Carillon in Burton Tower The program has been planned and will be performed by his carillonneur friends at the University of Michigan, Percival Price, University Carillonneur, and Sidney Giles, Assistant University Carillonneur, and students Beverly Brehm and Julia Hollyer. Compositions by Chopin, Dvorak, Curry, DeGruytters, VanHoof, Percival Price, and J. B. Dykes. Student Recital: Eleanor Tibbals, flute, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30 p.m. Mon., July 30, in Aud. A. Angell Hal. A pupil of Nelson Hauenstein, Miss Tibbals wilfi play compositions by Han- del, Roussel, Guarnieri. Dutilleux Mo. zart, and Piston, assisted by Linda Reck, pianist, John Mohler, clarinetist, and Robert Quayle, bassoonist. Open to the public. Stanley Quartet Concert. The third and final program by the Stanley Quar- ted for the summer session at 8:30 Tuesday evening, July 31, in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. For this program the group will be joined by Louise Rood, guest violist from Smith01.. lege, in the Mozart Quintet in G mi- nor, K. 516, and Quintet in E-flat ma- jor, K. 614. Open to the general public without charge. Academic Notices Doctoral Preliminary Examinations for Students in Education. All appli- can"s for the doctorate who are plan- ning to take the August Preliminary Examinations in Education, Aug. 20, 21, and 22, 1956 must file their names with the Chairman of Advisors to Grad- uate Students, 4019 University High School Building, not later than Aug 1, 1956. La Petite Causette informal French conversation group, will meet for the last time Mon., July 30, at 4:00 p.m, in the Snack Bar of the Michigan Union. Classical Studies Tea: The Depart- ment of Classical Studies will give an informal tea for its students on Tues., July 31, in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building, at 4 p.m. Any- one Interested in the Classics is invited. Doctoral Examination for Althea Helen Whitney, Education; thesis: "The Contribution of the Factors fo Experi- ence and Individual Attention to the Improvement of Motor Skills among Elementary School Children of Tested Low Motor Ability," Tues., July 31, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, P. A. Hunsicker. ' I (+ 'i EFFECT ON ECONOMY: Costs of Steel Strike Will Come to Surface Slowly INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Nasser In Serious Straits By J. M. ROBERTS And he has promised the peop Associated Press News Analyst big dam at Aswan, on the Nile, to GAMAL ABDEL NASSER, Egypt's dictator- and provide power for industrial president, has pulled a fast one which is He thought he could get outsi even more sensational than Iran's oil expropri- the dam by playing off Russia ation attempt in 1951. Western powers, but nobody took Now he is in much the same position as Infuriated, Nasser seems to Iranian Premier Mohammed Mossadegh got just expropriate the Suez Ca into then, and the result may be even more $100,000,000 a year for work on serious for Nasser and for Egypt. he'll either have to pay the Can Nasser can operate the Suez Canal, where outlaw himself, and the canal's Mossadegh could not operate the Iranian oil actually is less than $50,000,000 wells. But the situation is far different. stump on that score. The world, almost by a flick of the wrist, was able to replace Iran's oil production at the time. In addition, the canal is rapi The Suez Canal, of vast importance to all obsolete, and a new one through nations, cannot be so quickly replaced and so already been discussed. Egypt co France and England, particularly, are under out of the shipping-toll business pressure to take drastic political action-per- she can finish the dam. haps even military action.V ple to build a aid irrigation development. iders to build against the the bait. think 'he can rial and get the dam. But al's owners or s net income 0. He's up a dly becoming Palestine has uld be frozen s long before By The Associated Press T HE costs of the just-ended steel strike are likely to keep popping to the surface for some time to come. The rising price of steel and the new wage scale pattern will plant some time bombs with delayed effects on the economy. Businessmen will note them first in increased operational costs. Consumers may see them later in higher prices-if competition per- mits manufacturers to pass along all or part of the higher costs. One educated guess, for exam- ple, is the expected steel p ice hike will add $40 to $60 to the cost of making a 1957 model car. These hidden effects, coming to light little by little, won't be noted at first in the flurry to reopen the steel mills and catch up on un- 650,40 strikers and those laid off when other industries slowed down. * * * THE STEEL companies and their customers can add up the lost tonnage, sales and profits. Government agencies can compute the added relief loads and the revenue to be lost through reduced income tax collections. Sluggish retail sales in steel mill towns and in others where men were laid off because steel was short may 6r may not be made up in revivals later on. In the 1952 steel strike of around seven weeks the total cost to the economy was estimated as high as four billion dollars, But some of the losses this time are, at least partly, on paper. During the strike this year the nation's steel output dropped to their stockpiles sufficient to keep them running through the strike and may still have cheaper steel to use up before returning to the market. The auto industry, for instance, had enough on hand to finish 1956 model output and start on 1957 generally had large stocks, al- models. The appliance makers though General Electric laid off men at its heating and air-condi- tioning equipment plant at Bloom- field, N. J., because of a shortage of steel. * * * MOST construction projects had enough steel to keep going fairly well during July. But some build- ing plans may be delayed while the mills catch up o nback orders. The oil and gas people, long plagued by the tight supply of oil field pipe, will start scrambling plished, railroads, bargelines and trucking firms will start hauling coal and ore to the mills, and steel products away. The 275 iron ore vessels idled on the Great Lakes will resume toting ore from Minnesota to the Eastern mills in a race to get enough there for the winter before the lakes freeze over. The steel wage hike is expected to give added push to the trend toward bigger wage increases, noted all year. At least half of the increases won this year have been for 10 cents an hour or more. Some 2/4 million workers got wage increases automatically un- der long-term contracts.' * * * SPREAD THIS out, no matter how roughly, over a growing pop- ulation and the total of spending money in the nation rises fast. i -t ,