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July 28, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-28

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Latest Deadline in the State




Military Law Put
On Suez by Egypt
Nasser Says Revenue From Canal
1 To Finance Billion-Dollar Aswani
CAIRO, Egypt (M) - Egypt announced yesterday military law
has been imposed on the Suez Canal zone and the minister of com-
merce declared any legal battle arising from Egyptian seizure of
the canal will be settled only in Egyptian courts.
The zone was made a military area immediately after President
Gamal Abdel Nasser proclaimed last night nationalization of the
103-mile waterway. He said Egypt will use the revenue from the canal
to finance her billion-dollar Aswan Dam project.
British embassy spokesmen said that Britain's formal protest to
the esizure of the canal was delivered to the foreign ministry yes-

Canal Crisis
Alarms U.S.
WASHINGTON () - The United
States moved into the Suez Canal
crisis yesterday, extending cau-
tious support to Britain and
France in their developing fight
against Egypt's seizure of the vital
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
conferred with his Cabinet on the
bold nationalization of the "Big
Ditch." He also discussed it with
Under-secretary of State Herbert
Hoover Jr., who is running the
State Department in the absence
of Secretary John Foster Dulles
Hoover talked with Dulles in Lima
A statement issued by the State
Department made two main
Statements Issued
1. The Suez is an "international
waterway," and its seizure Thurs-
day night by Egyptian President
Gamal Abdel Nasser carries "far-
reaching implications" for coun-
triep in both Europe and Asia.
2. The United States "is con-
sulting urgently" with other gov-
ernments. Press officer Lincoln
White said the other governments
were initially Britain and France
but that the problem will also be
discussed with additional coun-
tries. These include the nations of
Western Europe which get the
great bulk of their oil through the
The fact that the American
statement called the canal an "in-
ternational - waterway" was re-
garded as significant. It provides
a basis upon which the United
States may apt against the seiz-
Central Impulse
The central impulse in policy
discussions here yesterday, it was
reported, was to find some way to
support Britain and France. They
have primary responsibility in the
canal matter because the corpora-
tion which owns the waterway is
French and the largest stockhold-
ing. is British. White said an
American member of the board,
Pinkney Tuck, had not reported to
Washington so far as White knew.
Primary Vote
Set for Texas
DALLAS, Tex. ()-Name-calling
oratory and vaudevillian campaign
tricks ended as Texas Democrats
prepared to vote for a new gover-
nor today.
Crowding the gubernatorial con-
test for importance in the state
party primary was a three-ques-
tion, referendum on school inte-
gration, intermarriage legislation,
and interposition. The straw poll
would not be binding on the State'
Legislature but undoubtedly will
leave a powerful political impres-
All but one of the six candidates
for governor are in favor of leaving
desegregation in any form to state
and local government.
An estimated 1% million votes
will be cast between 7 a.m. and
In addition to nominating a new
governor to succeed Governor Al-
lan Shivers, who did not run for a
Sfourth term, Texans will vote on
22 congressiona races and other
state officials serving two-year
Technically, the winners in the
Democratic Primary are not elected
iitil A i ..tn s .... is... -

*terday by an embassy messenger.
The spokesman added that the
protest had to be delivered imme-
diately and that it was impossible
to arrange a meeting on such short
notice between Ambassador Sir
Humphrey Trevelyan and Foreign
Minister Mahmoud Fawzi.
In Port Said yesterday, Col. Ab-
den Hamid Bahgat, a member of
the Egyptian committee formed by
military men and civilians for
operating the internationally con-
trolled Suez Canal Co., issued an
announcement saying:
"The Suez Canal zone is now
an Egyptian military zone. Any
action aimed at harming the in-
terests or properties of the newly
nationalized company and pre-
venting the smooth functioning of
traffic will be a military crime
. and be subject to the maximum
penalty of the law."
Commerce Minister Mohamed
Abou Nosseir told reporters only
Egyptian courts are competent to
decide any challengers brought
by Britain, France, the United
I States or other interested nations
. to test the legality of Egypt's ac-
tion. The International Court of
Justice has no jurisdiction, he de-
Vote Roster
crats completed their 1,372-vote
National Convention delegate ros-
ter yesterday with selection of a
32-vote uncommitteed delegation
in Virginia.
A seventh District convention in
the same state Saturday will pick
the last two delegates to the Re-
publican National Convention, to
be composed of 1,323 delegates
with one vote each.
With all Democratic delegates
picked, Adlai E. Stevenson, the
party's 1952 standard bearer, holds
a comfortable lead for a second
presidential nomination, but is
some distance from the required
686% majority.
The latest Associated Press tab-
ulation of first ballot vote pledges
and preferences turned up in polls
shows :
Adlal E. Stevenson-371
Senator Estes Kefauver-164%
Gov. Averell Harriman-136
The remainder of the votes are
distributed this way:
Senator Lyndon B. Johnson 58y,
Governor Frank J. Lausche 54%,
Senator Stuart Symngton 47%,
Governor G. Mennen Williams 44,
Governor A. B. Chandler 30, Sen-
ator Warren G. Magnuson 26,
Governor George Bell Timmer-
man Jr. 20; others 15, and un-
committed 405.

Busy Night
Marks End
of Congress
Passes Foreign Aid,
Social Security Bill
WASHINGTON (P) - The 84th
Congress adjourned yesterday
amid songs and backslapping, aft-
er passing foreign aid, public
housing and social security bills.
A Senate attempt to rush
through a last-minute relaxation
of immigration law restrictions
was blocked in the House. Rep. F.
E. Walter (D-Pa), co-author of
the 1952 McCarran-Walter Act,
and others looked askance at the
new measure.
Allowed to die in the Senate
were House bills strengthening
civil rights and raising the postal
Home Campaigns
Members immediately began
scattering from not and humid
Washington to get ready for the
political campaigns back home.
Their briefcases were loaded with
unfinished arguments about this
or that piece of legislation.
The final gavel fell after settle-
ment of a long wrangle between
House and Senate over a compli-
cated new housing bill.
As finally passed, the bill pro-
vides 70,000 new public housing
units in the next two years, and
continues the Federal Housing Ad-
ministration FHA mortgage in-
surance, home repair loan insur-
ance and other programs.
Settled in favor of the Senate
was a battle over rates of gov-
ernment payment for military
housing built by private contrac-
tors. The House voted for pay-
ments based on current replace-
ment costs; the Senate insisted on
a formula based on original costs,
contending they were lower.
Social Security Bill
The social security bill, sent to
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
with a raft of other last minute
measures, sets up a new program
of payments to disabled persons
starting at age 50. It also lowers
the retirementeligibility age of
women from 65 to 62, giving them
lesser benefits if they apply be-
fore 65.
The social security tax is in-
creased from 2 per cent to 2% per
cent on both employer and em-
ploye, staring next Jan. 1.
The $3,766,570,000 foreign aid
bill - cut more than a billion dol-
lars below President Eisenhower's
request - was one of the last
measures approved. Senate lead-
ers reportedly held it up to in-
sure a quorom for other business.
Ike Victories
In the 84th Congress, which
started work in January, 1955,
President Eisenhower won victo-
ries, suffered defeats and had to
accept many compromises.
The President got all or much]
of what he wanted on such things
as the soil bank farm program,
defense measures for Formosa,,
draft law extensions, taxes, reor-
ganization powers, housing, pay
raises for federal workers and ex-
The legislators did major re-
writing jobs on such measures as
foreign aid, social security, high-
way construction and minimum
Lost in the shuffle were immi-
gration law changes, civil rights
bills, health reinsurance, federal

aid for school, postal rate in-

Union Ending



World News
By The Associated Press
Commission yesterday set Oct. 2
for start of a hearing on proposals
by five natural gas pipeline com-
panies to. construct $191,805,503
worth of facilities.
The faciiities are designed to
provide additional gas to areas in
Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois,
Missouri, Wisconsin and Indiana.
* * *
GARY, Ind.-The home of U.S.
Steel's giant Gary works, the
world's largest steel mill, took the
news of the settlement of the 28-
day-old steel strike calmly yes-
There was no appreciable pickup
in weekend shopping, and an
estimated 15,000 to 20,000 workers
who left the city for vacations
appeared to be in no hurry to get
Approximately 60,000 persons
are normally employed in the
mills of U.S. Steel, Inland Steel
Co., and the Youngstown Sheet
and Tube Co. in Lake County.
WASHINGTON-Federal Bureau
of Investigation agents could enter
kidnap cases in 24 hours-instead
of a waiting a week-under a bill
passed by the Senate yesterday
and sent to the White House.
, , *
WASHINGTON-Congress com-
pleted action yesterday on a bill
aimed at preventing tragic deaths
because children get. trapped in
The House passed by voice vote
and sent to President Dwight D.
Eisenhower legislation forbidding
interstate shipment of any house-
hold refrigerator whose door can-
not easily be opened from the in-
The ban would take effect two
years after the bill becomes law,
in order to give refrigerator man-
ufacturers time to incorporate
safety devices under standards to
be set by the Secretary of Com-
* * *
U.S. Air Force B47 Stratojet bomb-
er crashed and burned at the
Royal Air Force Base here yester-
day killing four crewmen.
Names of the victims were with-
held pending notification of kin.
* * *
WASHINGTON-Senator Homer
Capehart (R-Ind.) complained in
the senate yesterday against the
failure of the postoffice committee
to approve the nomination of Wal-
ter A. Smith for postmaster at
"I am very, very much disap-
pointed," Capehart said as the last
batch of postmaster recommended
for the Senate confirmation reach-
ed that body from the committee.
Payments Due
Subscription payments for
The Daily are due now.
Failure to pay may result in
withholding of credits.

Survivors Report
Conflicting Stories
NEW YORK (R) - Some survivors of the stricken liner Andrea
Doria said yesterday that the first lifeboats away from the sinking
vessel were filled largely wtih crew members.
The statements were in direct contrast to the stories of the
ship's passengers who were brought to New York City Thursday
aboard the French liner Ile de France. Some of the group aboard the
Ile de France, including Philadelphia Mayor Richardson Dilworth,
spoke highly of the crew's performance in the crash.
The criticism of the crew yesterday was voiced by members of
the last group of survivors who arrived here on the Swedish ship
Stockholm which smashed into the Andrea Doria Wednesday night
in dense fog off Nantucket.

Frank Clifton, a Toronto, Cana-
da, city alderman and senior mu-
nicipal council member, said he
escaped in a lifeboat that carried
40 crew members and four pas-
sengers. He said that soon after
the crash occurred, crew mem-
bers dashed to the deck, "yelling
and jabbering."
"From out of nowhere came lots
of the crew and got into one of the
Aboats," he recalled. "I got in
with them."
"Nobody gave me any instruc-
tions or paid any attention to me,"
he said. "It was the law of the
While this was going on, Clifton
siad there was near panic among
women and children trying to get
into other lifeboats.
Another passenger of the An-
drea Doria, Mrs. Beulah McGow-
en of Monterey, Calif., said in a
pier radio interview "The crew
members of the Stockholm told
me that the first three lifeboats
launched from the Andrea Doria
contained all members of the
ship's crew."
She said she and her husband,
Edgar, made their way to the deck
and that she plunged overboard.
She was picked up by a Stockholm
lifeboat. She said she did not
know how her husband was saved.
Calls Puller
S/Sgt. Matthew C. McKeon's de-
fense yesterday sought Lt. Col.
Lewis B. Chesty Puller as a court-
martial witness for their side.
The retired officer is a living
legend in the Marine Corps,
Defense attorney Emile Zola
Berman asked the Corps to bring
Puller here next week. At his
home in' Saluda, Va., Puller com-
"I know nothing about it. If I
go down there, the Marine Corps
will order me there."
Puller, 58, is a former Parris
Island drill instructor, a staunch
friend of the enlisted man and an
officer who thinks a Marine
thrives better on beer than ice
"Success in battle is the real
object of military training," he'
once remarked.
The court martial is in recess
until Monday when the defense
will open its case.

Reports 46
Not Found
NEW YORK ({)-Forty-six per-
sons were reported missing yes-
terday in the sinking of the Italian
luxury liner Andrea Doria-per-
haps tarpped in the interior as the
great ship went down.
The U.S. Coast Guard, revising
its previous tallies of survivors
rescued from thesdoomed liner,
said new figures show that 46 are
unaccounted for. Ten were listed
as known dead.
This information came, as the
battered Swedish liner, the Stock-
holm, struggled into port with the
last load of 533 men, women and
children saved from the sinking
Most Saved
In the urgency of the massive
sea rescue, and the dispersal of
survivors to a half dozen rescue
ships, most of the 1,706 aboard
the lost ship were believed saved.
But the new Coast Guard fig-
ures raised the possibility that
many persons were sealed-or
disabled-in the smashed quar-.
ters of the Andrea Doria as the
vessel sank in 222 feet of water.
New York Police Capt. John
Cronin, in charge of the city's
Missing Persons Bureau, said
"about 50" are missing from the
ship sinking. He said some of
them kmaynultimately, be located
in hotels or hospitals.
He said hundreds of telephone'
calls have come from desperate
relatives and friends, trying to
trace survivors of the disaster.
A number of those about whom
inquiries have been made are
"absolutely not on any of the
lists," he said.
New Mystery
Adding mew mystery to the dis-
aster was a cryptic statement
from the Stockholm's skipper,
Capt. Gunnar Nordenson, that his
ship's radar was working before
and after the collision.
"Yes," he said when newsmen
asked him about the matter. Then
he declined to elaborate, on ad-
vice of company counsel.
The two ships-Italy's proudest,
newest liner Andrea Doria and
the sleek Swedish vessel, Stock-
holm, chashed in fog-veiled dark-
ness of the Massachusetts coast

Pact Reached by


S tassen
Harold E. Stassen's financial
angels took wing into the camp of
Vice-President Richard Nixon yes-
terday thereby adding to the woes
of Stassen's stop-Nixon crusade.
Bailie W. Vinson, Republican na-
tional committeeman from Okla-
homa, wired Nixon that it was
true he had chipped in $1,000 to
help bankroll an upcoming vice-
presidential poll mastermined by
But he did so "without thinking
of the implication," he said. And
anyway, he added, he already
knew what the poll will show.
"I feel that any poll taken will
reveal your (Nixon's) tremendous
strength in its true light."
Cnts on Poll
Stassen,President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's disarmament spec-
ialist, obviously has been counting
on the poll to help rub Nixon off
the GOP ticket. He has come out
for Governor Christian Herter of
Massachusetts but Gov. Herter
has come out for Nixon-has
agreed to place Nixon's name in
nomination, in fact.
Vinson wired Nixon that he is
for a second term for Nixon, and
has been in the past. Three days
ago, in talking to a reporter, he
had been unwilling to say more
than that the vice-presidential
choice is "entirely up to President
He said yesterday he was an old
friend of Stassen and when Stas-
sen asked a contribution- to help
him out of a "tight fix" he obliged
out of friendship.
Not Disturbed
Stassen did not appear dis-
turbed by reports from several
congressional Republicans that
President Eisenhower was irri-
tated by his aide's continuing ef-
forts to get Nixon off the ticket.
President Eisenhower has said
all sorts of nice things about Nix-
on, though he has never said in so
many words he wants him renomi-
Stassen attended the first Cabi-
net meeting yesterday since the
President'sintestinal operation.
Nixon, presiding over the Senate,
was absent.
Asked if there was any discus-
sion of the Nixon-Stassen contro-
versy by the Cabinet, White House
press secretary James C. Hagerty
replied: "None at all."
Psych Lectures
'To Open Here
The second series of lectures in
social psychology, sponsored by
the doctoral program in social
psychology at the University will
be held Monday through Thursday.
All of the lectures will be given
at 4 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
Fred Strodtbeck, associate pro-
fessor of law at the University of
Chicago, will speak on Monday.
His topic will be "Factors Which
Impede the Growth of Social Psy.
On Tuesday, Herbert A. Simon,
professor of administration at Car-:
negie Institute of Technology, will
discuss "Rational Social Man:
Cognition Theory in Social Psy-'
Speaking on Wednesday will be
Abraham Kaplan, professor of
philosophyl at the University of
California at Los Angeles. He will
discuss "The Misbehavior of Be-
havioral Models."

Malcolm Crowley, writer, critic,
and advisor to the Viking Press in
New York, will be the final speaker
of the series on Thursday. His
topic will be "The Language of
Houses Available
For Faculty Use

Formal End
Next Week,
Officials Say
Agreement Provides
For Direct Wage
Increases, Benefits
NEW YORK ()--Three years of
peace was agreed on yesterday for
the nation's vital steel industry.
The formal end of a crippling,
27-day strike will come next week.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
promptly called the settlement
"good news." reflecting the admin-
istration's concern in an electio
year over a continued tieup in
such a vital industry.
The pact reached by 12 major
steel industries and the United
Steelworkers calls for direct wage
increases and other benefits for
650,000 workers. They will get an
average direct wage boost of 10.5
cents an hour in the first year,
9.1 cents an hour more in the sec-
ond year, and an additional 9.1
cents in the third year, an over-
all total in wages of 28.7 cents.
The old average wage was $2.46
an hour. -
Estimates Value
The union estimated the over-
all value of the settlement at 45.6
cents an hour for the three years,
with 20.3 cents allocated to the
first year. The industry estimated
the three-year package as worth
52 to 55 cents and somewhere
around 24 cents of this in the first
The union also won a 52-week
layoff pay plan and a union shop
A settl price increase of from
$10 to $12 on the present average
of $130 a ton has been widely pre-
dicted. This would increase the na..
tion's 14-billion-dollar steel bill
by around a billion.
The steel industry had sought a
five-year union contract but re-
duced it by stages to a three-year,
no-strike term, still the longest
contract ever reached in steel.
In previous years even two-year
contracts had an annual wage re-
opening provision. There is none
in this one, although a review
every six months provides for a -
cost of living increase if war-
Must Sign Contracts
Individual contracts between the
companies and the union remain
to be worked out in considerable
detail. Until those contracts are
signed, the steelworkers' presi-
dent, David J. McDonald, said, the
strike cannot be ended.
He said it would take "several
days" to complete those contracts,
making a return to work impos.
sible before sometime next week.
Once the men abandon their
picket lines, industry sources esti-
mate it still will require from three
to 10 days to get steel pouring
out in anything approaching full
McDonald and John A. Stevens,
chief industry negotiator, signed
the settlement before a battery of
still, movie and TV cameras.
Minutes before, the union's Wage
Policy Committee had given its
sanction to the pact.
Both Stevens and McDonald
said they were "very happy" with
their handiwork and McDonald

the history of the steel industry."
McDonald said he hoped it was
the last time the steel industry
would be shut down by a strike,
and Stevens called it "a most un-
fortunate dispute."
Prof. Harris
Next Speakr
"The Economic Position of the
Negro since the 1930 Depression"
is topic of a speech to be given
by Abram L. Harris, professor of
economics at the University of
Prof. Harris is eleventh lecturer

! -
Weather Abnormality Causes Discomfort
The long awaited heat wave has come to Ann Arbor with all
*the fuor and excitement imaginable.
While Tearra del Fuego, inbthe Straits of Magellan, dug out of
a sixteen inch snowfall, and the penguins of Antarctica shiver in
the aftermath of fresh blizzards, the unfortunate summer student
gasps for air and seeks out escape from near hundred degree weather.
Air Conditioning
While swimming, picnicking and sailing attract the adventurous,
most people search out air conditionad regions in which to spend
'?v rhappy hours.
e Acting on the general principle that one must be uncomfortable
to work, but comfortable to play, the University has never air condi-
tioned classrooms and offices, but the Union and League are cooled.
rThis results in vastly prolonged lunch hours, and greatly decreased
n'4 working time for many.

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