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Congress Close
To Adjournment
Social Security, Foreign Aid, Postal
Rate Bills.Cleared From Agenda
WASHINGTON (A) - With a compromise $3,766,570,000 foreign
aid bill virtually out of the way, Congress began clearing its slate
last night in hopes of adournment today.
The postal rate increase bill, high on President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's list of preferred legislation, was killed.
Another bill, which the administration does not want, moved
forward in the preadjournment rush. This was the social security
bill, making wome neligible for retirement benefits at age 62 instead
of 65, and setting up a new program of payments to disabled workers
at age 50.
i The social security bill,
loy le Tells
Hllis Theory
.O~f Creation
Professor Fred Hoyle explained
the essential points of his cosmo-
logical theoriesito an audience at
,Rackham Amphitheatre last night.
Prof. Hoyle, lecturer in mathe-
matics. at Cambridge University,
has proposed that spontaneous
creation of hydrogen gas in the
space between stars is responsible
for all matter in the universe.
An alternative theory is based
on the observation that the uni-
mpromise of differing Senate and
A/House bills, passed the House and
went to the Senate.
Foreign Aid Adjusted
The big foreign aid measure,
appropriating new funds for the
12 months that started July 1, rep-
resented an adjustment of differ-
ences between Senate and House
over how much should be voted.
The final figure was about one
billion dollars less than Pres.
Eisenhower requested.
It cleared the House by almost
unanimous voice vote and needed
only Senate concurrence before
going to the White House.
The Senate, meanwhile, decided
to defer until today final action
on the foreign aid and social se-
curity bills. The Senators finally
adjourned at 9:53 p.m. EDT until
10:30 a.m. today. The House quit
at 8:50 p.m., and will resume work
at 10 a.m.
The Senate repassed a bill auth-
orizing more than two billion dol-
lars worth of military construction
after inserting a requirement that
congressional committees be no-
tified six months before any mili-
tary housing projects are started.
Eliminated altogether was a pre-
vious 16% -million-dollar provision
for Talos guided missile installa-
House Votes
The Senate then sent the meas-
ure back to the House for concur-
rence in these changes. The House
voted to accept them.
Both chambers passed and sent
to Pres. Eisenhower a bill elim-
inating the 10 per cent amusement
tax on tickets costing 90 cents or
less. Existing law exempts admis-
sions costing 50 cents or less..
Action was completed on a com-
promise bill raising the pay of 600
top government officials as much
as $5,000 a year, but there were
some reports Pres. Eisenhower
might veto it because it included
a Democratic-sponsored provision
liberalizing civil service retire-
ment benefits for about 2,100,00
federal employes.
The postal rates bill was ditched
until next year.
Key to Reform
In Turkey
Reaching the people has been
the most difficult problem in the
development of modern Turkey
related Professor Niyaci Berkes of
McGill University yesterday after-
An eminent researcher in both
the rural society and intellectual
thought in Turkey, Prof. Berkes
traced the progress of democracy
in a country whose institutions
differed so radically from that of
the West fifty years ago.
During a period of two and a
half centuries, he. said, many "n
lightenec rulers" made partial re-
forms which led to a duality of
cultures, "the traditional and the
new." However, when the 20th
Century arriyed, the leaders saw
the problem as one of transform-
ing the culture of Turkey in to-
This was a difficult task, due
primarily to differences in the
written and spoken language. But
there were many other impedi-
ments including the Islamic re-
ligion permeating the atmosphere
and the low level of education.
Ataturk's program was based on
sovereignty of the people," in-
formed Prof. Berkes. Two ideals
were stressed, Nationalism and De-
mocracy, to be achieved by the
people as a whole for their bene-
fits. Not only did he want west-
Doctor Says
McKeon Not
Prosecution Rests
After 36 Witnesses
Sgt. Matthew C. McKeon yester-
day was cleared of any taint of
drunkenness on the April 8 death
march of his recruit platoon.
Shortly thereafter, the prose-
cution rested its case.
The end of prosecution testi-
mony came after 36 witnesses had
been heard. The court-martial
of McKeon for the drowning of
six recruits in a night march into
Ribbon Creek began July 16, in a
school building converted into a
After the prosecution wound up,
the court-martial was adourned
to make another of its weekend
mystery trips out of town.' Then
the defense is scheduled to call
the first of its more than 30 wit-
Earlier, a medical officer swore
not once but several times that
McKeon was sober an hour after
he led the death march of Pla-
toon 71.
Dr. Robert J. Atcheson, 27, of
Memphis, Tenn., reversed a pre-
vious finding of "possible intoxica-
tion." He testified any suggestion
the sergeant was drunk could not
be borne out medically.
The prosecution, for the first
time, had raised the possibility
Wednesday that McKeon may
have been floundering around
drunk at the head of his platoon.
"My opinion was that Sgt. Mc-
Keon was not clinically by medical
testing standards drunk, intoxi-
cated or under the influence of
alcohol," said Dr. Atcheson, a
sandy-haired, bespectacled Navy
doctor with 14 inanths active
medical experience.
McKeon is charged with man-
slaughter, oppression of recruits
and drinking on duty. If convicted,
he can be dishonorably discharged
and imprisoned for about six
Stassen May
Stassen came out of a meeting
with Republican National Chair-
man Leonard Hall yesterday and
announced he would "re-evaluate
the facts" behind his dump-Nixon
For that purpose, Stassen said,
a new, nationwide poll will be
taken next week to get a fresh,
test of public sentiment on a GOP
vice presidential candidate. Until
the results are in he indicates he
will take no more pot shots at
Vice President Richard M. Nixon.,
Stassen has called on Republi-
cans to nominate Gov. Christian
Herter of Massachusetts as Presi-
dent Eisenhower's running mate'
instead of Nixon.
GOP Chairman Hall countered'
this Stassen move by lining up
Herter toplace Nixon in nomina-
tion for a second term.
Stassen has said he is in favor
of dumping Nixon on the basis of
previous polls paid for by himself
and some unidentified associates.
Will Build
Aswan Damz
With ]Profits
Estimate $100 Million
In Yearly Revenue
Egypt will nationalize the Suez
Canal and use its revenue in
building the Aswan Dam, Presi-
dent Gamal Abdel Nasser an-
nounced last night.
Nasser declared that his gov-
ernment, through taking over the
canal, could receive 100 million
dollars a year in revenue.
"We don't have to seek Ameri-
can and British aid for building
our dam," he said. "We'll build
the dam ourselves and with our
own money."
The dam has been projected to
cost $1,130,000,000.
The 101-mile canal is operated
by the Suez Canal Co., under a
concession due to expire in 1968.
The company is an Egyptian joint-
stock company. The British gov-
ernment holds about 350,000 of its
800,000 shares. Half its board of
directors is made up of French-
Cotton Deal With USSR
Nasser made his announcement
after disclosing that Egypt's arms-
for-cotton deal last September was
with the Soviet Union, not Czecho-
Nasser said Britain and Ameri-
ca together had offered, prior to
their withdrawal, 70 million dol-
lars toward construction of the
project to harness the Nile River
at Aswan
He called this an attempt at
"economic domination as a pre-
lude to political domination" and
went on to say that of the 100
million dollars annual income of
the Suez Canal Co. Egypt now
took only three millions.
Acquire 500 Millon
"In five years, we will be able
to acquire 500 million dollars aft-
er nationalization," he added,
Nasser said the nationalization
decree has been published in yes-
terday's Official Gazette and is
therefore law,
"Egyptian officials are now tak-
ing over the cmpany," he added.
"We are taking back what is
rightfully ours. The Suez Ganal
was dug by Egyptian workers
with Egyptian money."
In London the British Foreign
Office had no comment at once
but a spokesman said there would
be plenty to say later.
Value Unknown
The value of the canal can
hardly be estimated. The British
government's holdings of about 44
per cent of the stock are held at a
value of 27 million pounds. This
would make the total, nominal;
value of the canal company about
173 million dollars.
The canal is one of the world's
from Port Said on the Mediterran-
ean to Suez on the Red Sea, thus
drastically shortening the sea
route from Europe to the Orient.
It was opened in 1896.
* *
Eight E
Egypt To Acquire Suez Canal
' .. .. ..
Ile de France Skipper
Sees Turmoil, Terror
NEW YORK (RI)-The captain
of the rescue liner Ile de France
said yesterday the scene of the An-
drea Doria disaster was "hor-
rible" and "like being back in the
war years."
Capt. Raoul de Beaudean, 53,
told his story in a radio message to
The Associated Press and later
in a shipboard interview after his
vessel reached New York with 753
His narrative was one of mid-
night turmoil, terror and gallan-
As soo nas the Ile de France
reached the side of the stricken
vessel, said Beaudean, "I turned
on all the lights on my ship. I
thought they would be a comfort
to the passengers of the Andrea
First Distress Call
The French liner, which left
New York for Europe yesterday
with 930 passengers and 827 crew-
men, received at 11:20 p.m. a first
distress call following the collision
of the Andrea Doria and the
Swedish-American liner Stock-
"We raced through the fog at
our top speed of 22 knots," the
skipper recounted. "We reached
the scene at 12:15 a.m. I saw the
ship listing at 40 degrees star-
":Already the boats from other
ships were operating, rescuing
passengers. I thought she would
capsize. I went as close as I could,
400 yards, and put out 10 boats."
Beaudean said he "gave an in-
tense mental prayer" for the fog
to lift, and shortly thereafter the
weather did begin to clear.
Boats Work Five Hours
His boats worked for five hours,
he went on, and said that of those
picked up "many were half naked,
some injured, some mourning their
In the French vessel's infirmary.
were more than 30 of the injured
Payments Due
Subscription payments for
The Daily are due now.
Failure to pay may result in
withholding of credits.
-Daily-Don Watkins.
DR. ROBERT S. JASON-"The reaction of Asia to Russia's flour-
ishing health program shows that we must attract Asia here too,
by supporting our medical schools."
Country Not Supporting
. -.
Medical Schools-Jason
Why have Americans failed to support medical education ade-
Dr. Robert S. Jason, dean of Howard University's medical school,
asked this yesterday in the tenth of the University series, "Patterns
of American Culture: Contributions of the Negro."
He said that annually Americans spend ten billion dollars on
medical care, but for every hundred dollars on this, they put out
only one dollar on education.
"One reason for this," he suggested, "is that until 1910 medical
schools were in the hands of practicing doctors, some of whom re-
ceived no money for their teaching, and some a very little."
And although most people have recognized it no longer possible
Fast Rescue
Save Most
Stockholm Limps
Towards New York
NEW YORK UP--One of the
world's great luxury liners sank
in the Atlantic Ocean yesterday
after a nightmarish collision at
sea that produced a ruassive-and,
marvelous-rescue operation.
Nearly all the 1,709 aboard were
Lost was Italy's pride of the
sea, the 30,000-ton liner, Andrea
Doria, with her elaborate furnish-
ings and appointments, and her
collection of modern Italian art.
Hauled to Safety
But her teeming human cargo,
many of them vacationing Ameri-
cans bound for home after a Eu-
ropean holiday, were hauled to
safety by a miracle of seamon-
ship, and nature.
The stunning marine disaster
came as the Andrea Doria and
another sleek, modern transatlan-
tic steamer, Sweden's 12,600-ton
liner, the Stockholm, collided in
fog and darkness late Wednesday
The Stockholm, although badly
damaged, limped toward New York
after taking aboard 533 Andrea
Doria survivors.
Eight Known Dead
Eight persons were known dead.
Hundreds more were hurt during
the perilous hours that followed
aboard the sinking Italian vessel.
But almost all were taken aboard
rescue ships-thankfully alive.
As survivors by the hundreds
arrived in New York, Thursday
night, they told of the terror and
chaos that gripped the Andrea
Doria after the accident which
came during a leisurely, relaxing
evening near the end of a voyage
from.Mediterranean ports.
S m o k e - and some flames -
swirled through corridors of the
giant liner as passengers fled
their cabins. Many of them were
barefoot and in night gowns and
pajamas. Lights went out, and
cries and shouts filled the dark-
The ship veered wildly, and pas-
sengers had to crawl on hands and
knees to keep from falling as they
streamed deckside. The steep list
prevented the ship from launching
hardly any of its own lifeboats.
But a vast array of rescue ves-
sels-military and merchant ships
-gathered quickly. 'They sent
their lifeboats to pick up the
swarm of humanity down nets
and rope ladders. Some had fallen
in the water.
As the shaken survivors reached
New York, some complained bit-
terly that a "state of complete
negligence" existed aboard the
Andrea Doria before-and during
-the flight from the doomed ship.
But others had warm praise for
the conduct of ship officers and
Steel Strike
NEW YORK (A')-A settlement
of the 26-day-old steel strike be-
fore this weekend was predicted
yesterday by David J. McDonald,
president of the United Steelwork-
ers of America.
He made the prediction during
a recess in meetings between
union and industry representatives,
and after reports that the nego-
--Daily-Don Watkins
FRED HOYLE ...Cosmologist
verse is expanding, with other
galaxies moving from our galaxy
at speeds which increase with
,their distance from us
This led to the conclusion that
all matter in the universe was
.nce tightly compressed into one
large mass which exploded about
five billion years ago.
However, this theory fails to
account for the independent deter-
-mination that our solar system is
also five billion years old; raising
the problem of the actual signifi-
,,cance of the five billion year fig-
Prof. Hoyle suggests that it may
only be the age of a local phenom-
enon, corresponding to a genera-
tion in the evolution of the uni-
'verse; much as the age of the
oldest living human corresponds
ito the age of a generation of the
human race rather than to the age
of the race itself.
Prof. Hoyle began to seriously
consider the spontaneous creation
theory when he found that mathe-
'natically it requires that the uni-
verse be expanding, while with the
.big bang" theory an expanding
'universe is only one of several
equally possible alternatives.
He proposed several tests which
may lead to partial verification
of his theory within ten to twenty
years. One consequence, already
established, is the transformation
of hydrogen gas ito other ele-
'nents. It is known that stars, by
various nuclear reactions, form
heavier elements from hydrogen.
The recent discovery of negative
protons may be accounted for by a
.simple revision, but other unspeci-
fled reasons led Hoyle to believe
.that the theory needs radical revi-
to educate doctors with part-time
today has full-time teachers. He
added that doctors earn more in
practice than in teaching, which
is "a weakness."
Puerto Rican-born Dr. Jason
also brought in the same pattern
of racial discrimination and seg-
regation which has hampered our
progress as a nation toward the
ideals of democracy has limited
the contributions of Negroes in
"Only two of the eighty-two
accredited medical schools in
America have Negroes in large
numbers in both student body
and faculty."
He said Herbert Hoover and
Dwight D. Eisenhower, (as presi-
dent of Columbia University) had
seen that "medical schools should
not be driven by need to go to
the government - they believed
private enterprise could support
the schools."
Dillon to Present CollitzLecture to Linguists
teachers, only one medical school
"Language is perpetually under-
going change," said Roman Jakob-
son, president of the Linguistic
Society of America, in his speech
last night before the Linguistic
In his paper, entitled "The Prob-
lem of Phonological Change"1
Jakobson discussed the problems
that arise for the historical lin-
guist in the changes of language.
One of the most important
things to realize, according to
Jakobson, is that several differ-
ent ways of pronunciation canI
and usually do exist at the same
time in the same speech group.
Among these different forms may
by a slang form which is derived
from the older, more accepted lan-
While it is perfectly understand-
able as long as the primary speech
continues to exist, it may replace
the primary speech, causing con-
fusion among those members of
the group who have not changed
their speech.
Many of these problems arise
when there is no real communica-
tion between the younger genera-
tion and their elders. While the
parents of the youngest generation
can speak to the members of both
groups, grandparents and grand-
children cannot communicate ef-
Jakobson also emphasized that
linguists must work in co-opera-
tion with students of other types
of communication science.
Prof. Jakobson is a member of
the faculty of Harvard University.
- 1
'rn-f ienrt fhm~nk
"I was gratified by the interest in Old Irish at Michigan. I had
to order more textbooks for my course by airmail from Dublin," said
Prof. Myles Dillon, now teaching in the Summer Session Linguistic
Prof. Dillon will present the Collitz lecture at the annual ban-
quet of the Linguistic Society of America at 7 p.m. in the League.
A member of the Dublin Institute of Advanced studies and the
RoyalIrish Academy, Prof. Dillon is teaching a course in compar-
ative Indo-European grammar along with his course in Old Irish at
this year's summer session.
Born in Dublin in 1900, Dillon received his bachelor's and master's
degrees from the National University of Ireland. He then studied at
Berlin and Heidelberg.
German System Better
According to Prof. Dillon, "The German system of education,{
which gives the student the freedom to do as he pleases, is much
better for graduate students than the English or American systems.
However, it is not as effective for undergraduates."
After completing his studies at Berlin and Heidelberg, Prof.
Dillon went to Paris where he was an "acquaintance" of James Joyce.
"When I knew James Joyce, he was a simple unassuming charitable .
ern ideas to be fully integrated,
but desired that they be meaning-