TWO T"8E MICHIGAN DAILY WMNESDAY. ' Y _ tOC- 1,099: .- i TWO THE MICHIGAN flATlY W~DN~F!MT~AV IT7TV ~ I.~H & TV - N a, C--- -- - i oreV,.1ww w iy r :, Sixty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. "The Old System Works All Right For Us-Eh, Boy?" LETTERS TO THE EDITOR a t ( C- .. ./ ." 1y Michgan's FEPC Law By CAL SAMRA T HE STATE OF MICHIGAN is, at long last, getting a Fair Employment Practices Com- mission. The bill creating the Commission was. passed by the State Legislature last May, signed by Gov. Williams June 29, and formally goes into effect Oct. 14. The Act specifically prohibits both business organizations and labor unions, in their hiring or organizing, from discriminating against in- dividuals because of race, color, religion, na- tional origin and ancestry. The opportunity to obtain employment with- out discrimination is recognized as a civil right, and the Cramton Act applies to all pri- vate employers who hire eight or more persons. Ermployers are forbidden to request from a job applicant any information pertaining to his race, creed, religion or ancestry. The law sets up a Commission of three Re- publicans and three Democrats to act as a watchdog over discriminatory practices, with the power to investigate grievances and hold. hearings. Though it cannot initiate investiga- tions, the Commission is authorized to re- ceive, investigate and pass upon charges of unfair employment practices made by indi- viduals. If the grievance is valid, redress may be sought through conciliation with the employer. Or, the Commission might hold a public hear- ing, subsequently directing a "cease-and-de- sist" order.- The law, however, rests ultimate enforcement powers in the state courts, which will inev- itably try cases when an employer defies the Commission. The FEPC law was pushed through the State Legislature by a coalition of Republicans and Democrats, and much of the credit for its en- actment should go to George Sallade, Republi- can representative from Ann Arbor. A neat compromise between those who in- sisted on conciliation alone and those who de- manded stringent punitive measures, the Cram- A ton Act has only one apparent weakness. It does not empower the Commission to initiate its own hearings and investigations. It is encouraging to find, occasionally, such constructive unity of action in a State Legis- lature that is so often rent by narrow partisan- ship. REFERENCE TO A LETTER ON THIS PAGE, in the letters to the editor column, appears a letter from one of our more loyal readers. Reader Livant apparently believes that American justice misfired in the cases of Alger Hiss, the Rosenbergs, and the Daily Worker editors. He also offers, if The Daily editors will allow it, to present the cam- pus with the real "facts" of these cases. This, unfortunately, would go against Daily policy, which explicitly forbids the writing of editorials by ether than staff members. If, however, we had more faith in Mr. Livant's ability to present the "facts," then there might be cause for leniency. Not long ago, Reader Livant came into the office with an article defending a certain Ced- ric Belfrage, editor of the left-wing "National Guardian" who is currently involved in depor- tation proceedings in New York. Asked who his sources of information were, he included the "National Guardian" as his chief source. "Assuming," we asked, "that the Govern- ment initiated deportation proceedings against William Randolph Hearst, Jr., could a respon- sible writer conceivably rely on the accounts of such proceedings in the "New York Journal- American" and "The Detroit Times?" "Of course not," said Mr. Livant. And yet Mr. Livant was quite happy with the accounts of the Belfrage proceedings in the "National Guardian." Mr. Livant stumbled into the pitfall that swallows up all those who fail to check the reliability of their sources. They read and dis- seminate not facts, but opinions. And they all tend, as Wilde put it, to have the courage. of other people's convictions. V M v =fit 0 t r: . .off ,ate The 'Facts'?, * To the Editor: EDITOR SAMRA in his column often talks of "subversive ac- tivities." He doesn't tell us what they are. But we now have from him in his last column a few ex- amples of subversives:- ". . . the Rosenbergs, the Hisses, the con- victed Daily Worker'*editors." I, and increasing numbers of people, believe the Rosenbergs innocent. I believe that anyone fairly considering the evidence, could not convict them or Morton FAMPA10 r Sobell, who was tried with them and who is now in prison. I offer to present in two edi- torial-length articles the basic da- ta of the Rosenberg-Sobell case with references. Let the Daily readers analyze and judge for themselves. These cases have more than an- tiquarian interests. If Morton So- bell wins his freedom in a pending appeal, if the Rosenbergs are vin- dicated, our security policies and our atomic policies are due for a vast change. To appreciate why this is so is to study the cases. Will Editor Samra let his read- ers have the facts. -Bill IAvant ' f *f / I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN - ,~'- A CLASSICAL EXPOSITION: The Ideals of The Fourth estate BOOK REVIEW - mom . .. BONJOUR TRISTESSE, by Francoise Sa- gan. E. P. Dutton. 128 pp. $2.75. HERE IS a neat little novelette, a precocious work from the pen of an eighteen-year- old French girl, Francoise Quoirez, who last June flunked out of the Sorbonne. Making a creditable recovery from this academic setback, Mlle Quiorez dreamed up a pen name and wrote her first novel in August.; There is a happy mixture of both chance and talent responsible for its turning out so well. Caring to say nothing about life specifically, the young writer has imagined a miniature world of her own, peopled it with characters she could handle, tossed in an amazing know- ledge of basic Gallic psychology and come up with-Bonjour Tristesse. Chiefly for its merits of economy and clar- ity of expression, the book has been highly commended by most readers. In fact, in our day of an over-written and over-extended nov- el, book critics have responded with such en- thusiasm toward Mlle Quoirez's petit roman that some usually sober judgements have be- come clouded. An example is the British critic who, in a review of the English edition, felt moved to comment that "Mlle Sagan tells her story exquisitely, in a melodic, fast moving prose that is ideally suited to her material"- all of which seems remarkable to one who wonders what extra-sensory faculty that critic possessed to permit the cadence of the auth- or's original French prose to be perceived in the English language translation. The book is good, but not good enough to lose one's head over. And I suspect it must be even somewhat better in the French. This, however, is not to say that the translation, is a careless one. Nonetheless, here and there the reader does encounter a peculiarly puzzling expression or an obscure phrase; and I can- not help but feel that it is the French reader who will get more meaning out of the heroine's statement that in the evenings she went with her father to "very mixed parties" than will the perplexed reader of the translation. Bonjour Tristesse is being nominated as "the book most likely to accompany the liter- ate American on his vacation," and all indica- tions would seem to point to its success in be- coming just that: it is a short book, one that can be taken easily in one reading after lunch and before the four o'clock dip; it is an in- expensive book ($2.75) as novels go on the mar- ket today; its publication date was "right," permitting it to be circulated, receive critical acclaim, and climb to the top of the bestseller lists by the middle of June; the people in the book themselves are, appropriately, vacationing on the Mediterranean; and finally, simply be- cause everyone is saying it's the ideal vacation book. Certainly the book will make a nice summer companion, but it is not the type of book that will excite lengthy and spirited comment among, its readers. Bonjour Tristesse is a simple, un- adorned, uncomplicated fantasy and that is all. However, the pervasive ingenuous charm with which it is written and the insight into the character of the. author-heroine, a girl thinking as an adult but acting with adolescent enthusiasm and joie de vivre, are ample re- ward in themselves. --Donald A. Yates (EDITOR'S NOTE: Thirty-four years . ago, on May 5, 1921, the "Manchester Guardian" celebrated its centenary as a newspaper. C. P. Scott then contrib- uted to the.centenary number an ar- ticle that has become something of a classical exposition on the ideals of journalism. The Daily reprints the editorial on the occasion, this year, of the "Guardian's" centennial as a daily newspaper.) A HUNDRED years is a long time; it is a long time even in the life of a newspaper, and to look back on it is to take in not only a vast, development in the thing itself, but a great slice in the life of the nation, in the pro- gress and adjustment of the world. In the general development the newspaper, as an institution, has played its part, and no small part, and the particular newspaper with which I personally am concerned has also played its part, it is to be hoped, not without some use- fulness. I have had my share in it for a little more than fifty years; I have been its responsible editor for only a few months short of its last half-century; I remember viv- idly its fiftieth birthday; I now have the happiness to share in the celebration of its hundredth. I can therefore speak of it with a cer- tain intimacy of acquaintance. I have. myself been part of it and entered into its inner courts. That is perhaps a reason why, on this occasion, I should write in my own name, as in some sort a spectator, rather in the name of the paper as a member of its working staff. In all living things there must be a certain unity, a principle of vitality and growth. It is so with a newspaper, and the more com- plete and clear this unity the more vigorous and fruitful the growth. I ask myself what the paper stood for when first I knew it, what it has stood for since and stands for now. A newspaper has two sides to it. It is a business, like any other, and has to pay in the material sense in order to live. But it is much more than a business; it is' an institution; it reflects and it influences the life of a whole com- munity; it may affect even widet destinies. It is, in its way, an in- strument of government. It plays on the minds and consciences of men. It may educate, stimulate, assist, or it may do the opposite. It has, therefore, amoral asdwell as a material existence, and its character and influence are in the main determined by the balance of these two forces. It may make profit or power its first object, or it may conceive itself as fulfilling a higher and more exacting func- tion. I think I may honestly say that, from the day of its foundation, there has not been much doubt as to which way the balance tipped so far as regards the conduct of the paper whose fine tradition I inherited and which I have had the honour to serve through all my working life. Had it not been so, personally, I could not have served it. Character is a subtle af- fair, and has many shades and news. At the peril of its soul it must see that the supply is not tainted. Neither in what it gives, nor in what it does not give, nor in the mode of presentation must the unclouded face of truth suffer wrong. Comment is free, but facts are sacred. "Propaganda," so Call- ed, by this means is hateful. The voice of opponents no less than that of friends has a right to be heard. Comment also is justly sub- ject to a self-imposed restraint. It is well to be frank; it is even better to be fair. This is an ideal. Achievement in such matters is hardly given to man. We can but try, ask pardon for shortcomings, and there leave the matter. But, granted a sufficiency of grace, to what further conquests may we look, what purpose serve, what task envisage? It is a large question, and cannot be fully ans- wered. We are faced with a new and enormous power and a grow- ing one. Whither is the young gi- ant tending? What gifts does he bring? How will he exercise his privilege and powers? What in- fluence will he exercise on the minds of men and on our public life? It cannot be pretended that an assured and entirely satisfac- tory answer can be given to such questions. Experience is in some respects disquieting. The develop- ment has not been all in the direc- tion which we should most desire. One of the virtues, perhaps al- most the chief virtue of a news- paper is its independence. What- ever its position or character, at least it should have a soul of its own. But the tendency of news- papers, as of other businesses, in these days is towards amalgama- tion. In proportion, as the func- tion of a newspaper has developed; and its organization expanded, so have its costs increased. The small-, est newspapers have had a. hard, struggle; many of them have dis- appeared. In their place we have, great organizations controlling a whole series of publications of var- ious kinds and even of differing or opposing politics. The process may be inevitable, but clearly there are drawbacks. As organization grows personality may tend to disappear. It is much to control one news- paper well; it is perhaps beyond the reach of any man, or any body of men, to control half a dozen with equal success. It is possible to exaggerate the danger, for the public is not undiscerning. It re- cognizes the authentic voices of conscience and conviction when it finds them, and it has a shrewd. intuition of what to accept and what to discount. This is a matter which in the end must settle itself, and those who cherish the older ideal of a newspaper need not be dismayed. They have only to make their pa- pers good enough in order to win, as well as to merit, success, and the resourcesof a newspaperuares not wholly measured in pounds, shillings, and pence. Of course the thing can only be done by com- petence all round, and by that the business side of a paper should dominate, as sometimes happens, not without distressing consequen- ces. A news-aper, to be of value, should be a unity, and every part of it should equally understand, and respond to the purposes and ideals which animate it. Between its two sides 'there should; be a happy marriage, and editor and business manager should march hand in hand, the first, be it well understood, just an inch or two in advance. Of the staff much the same thing may be said. They should be a friendly company. They need not, of course, agree on every point, but they should share in the general purpose and inher±- tance. A paper is built up upon their common and successive la- bors, and their work should never be task work, never merely dic- tated. They should be like a racing boat's crew, pulling well together, each man doing his best because, he likes it, and with a common and glorious goal. That is the path of self-respect; and pleasure; it is also the path of success. And what a work it is! How multiform, how responsive to every need and every incident of life! What illimitable possibilities of achievement and, excellencel People talk of ""journalese" as though a journalist were of neces-, sity a pretentious 'and sloppy writ- ter; he may be, on the contrary, and very often is, one of the best in the world. At'least he should not be content to be. much less. And then the developments. Every year, almost every day, may see growth and fresh accomplishment, and with a paper that is really alive, it not only may, but does. Let any- one take a file of this paper, or for that matter any one of half a dozen other papers, and compare its whole make-up and leading features today with what they were five years ago, ten years ago, .twenty years ago, and he will re- alize how large has been the growth, how considerable the achievement. And this is what makes the work of a newspaper worthy and interesting. It has so many sides, it touches life at so many points, at every one there is, such possibility of improvement and excellence. To the man, what- ever his place on the paper, whe- ther on the editorial or business, or even what may be regarded as the mechanical side-this also vit- ally important in its place-noth- ing should satisfy short of the best, and best must always seem a little' ahead of the actual. It is here that ability counts and that char- acter counts, and it is on these. that a newspaper, like every great undertaking, if it is to be worthy: of its power and duty, it must rely. -Manchester Guardian New Books At the Library Raymond, Allen - Waterfront Priest. New York, Henry Holt, The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bilty. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1955 VOL. LXVI, NO. 20 Notices Applications for Engineering Research Institute Fellowship to be awarded for the fail semester 1955-1956 are now being accepted in the office of the Graduate School. The stipend is. $1,000 per semester. Application forms are available from the Graduate School. Only applicants who have been em- ployed by the Institute for at least one year on at least a half-time basis are eligible. Applications :and supporting material are due in the office of the Graduate School 'not later than 4:00 p.m. Mon., Aug. 22, 1955. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: State of- Oregon, Board of Health, announces an opening for an Audio- metrist to work in an established state-wide hearing conservation pro- gram. Requires graduation from four year college or university with major in speech correction and hearing, or, psychology, working knowledge of the operation of audiometers and testing procedures, and ability to administer group puree tone and individual tests and obtain valid determinations.1 Arizona Society for Crippled Children & Adults, Inc., announces, opening for Speech Therapist with B.S. in Speech with emphasis on Correction. Board of'U. S. Civil Service Examiners announces vacancies for Chemists, Ra-.. diological Biologists, Electronic Scien- tists, Mathematicians, Physicists, Sta- ticians, and Engineers-Aero., Chem., Elect., Gen'l., Ind., Mech., and Ordnance for Research and Development in Cali- fornia with the Navy Dept. New York State Civil Service announces exams for the following positions: Sr. Chem. E., Sr. Arch. Draftsman, Highway Gen'l Maintenance -Foreman, Highway Light Maintenance Foreman, Estate Tax Examiner, Jr. Compensation Claims Auditor, Institu- tion Education Supervisor, Farm Pro- ducts Inspector, and Sr. Clerk (Under- writing). A research lab. at Wayne University has an opening for a Bio-chemist. City of Alpena, Michigan, offers posi- tion to a Civil Engineer in the City Engineer's Office and to a man with apppropriate. training to supervise the operation of the Water Filtration Plant and Sewage Disposal Plant. Hygrade Food Products Corp., Detroit, Michigan, needs a man for training In Accounting and Office Procedures. Hoff, Canny & Knight, Inc. New York, N, Y., has openings for men with PhD degrees in Pharmacology. Hurley Hospital, Flint, Mich., is look- ing for Physical Therapists who are registered with the Amer. Registry of. Phys. Therapists, men and women. Borgess Hospital, Kalamazoo, Mich., has openings for Registered Technicians, or those qualified to be registered, men and women. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: A representative from the following will be at the Bureau of Appointments: Tues., July 26. The Easterling Co., interviewing for various locations including Ann Arbor- men and women for Training Program for Supervisory and Executive Sales positions. For appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures His Excellency Abba Eban, Ambassador of Isreal, wil speak. on "The Near East - Past and Present" at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. C, Angell Hall, Wed., July 20, auspices of the Department of Near Eastern Studies. Open to the public. Special Lecture in Mathematics: Prof. Leon Henkin, University of California, will speak on "Cylindrical Algebras" Wed., July 20, at 2:00 p.m., in Room 3010 Angell Hall. Linguistic Luncheon. T. N. Sreekan- taiya, Professor of Kannada, Karnatak Foreign Funds The Associated Press reports that in the last two years nearly. $1,500,000,000 foreign funds have been poured into the "rebuilding and' rearming" of South Korea. Since the population of South Korea is approximately 19,000,000 'the foreign aid amounts to about $40 per capita per year for the University, Dharwar, India, will speak on "Meaning in Poetry: an Indian Vitw" Wed., July 20, 12:15 p.m., Mihi- gan League. French Club lecture by Mr. Poltwer, visiting professor from Harvard Uni- versity, Thurs., July 21, at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan League. "J. J. Rousseau and Language Education." Prof. Polit.. zer will speak in English. Academic Notices Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and Schools of Education, Music, and Publi' Health Tentative lists of senors for August graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby. Administration Building. Any, changes therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at Office of Registration and Records window number. 1, 1513 Administration Bulilding. Schools of Business Administration, Education, Natural Resources and Public Health and Music. Students who re- ceived. marks of I, X, or nE reports' at the end of their last semester or summer session of attendance will re- ceive a grade of "E" in the course or courses, unless this work is made up by July 20. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date. in order to make up. this. work should file a peti- tion, addressed to the appropriate offi- cial of their school, with Room 1513 Adminis ation Building, where it will be transmitted. Sociology Lunch for staff and stu. dents in the Sociology Department, Wed., July- 20, 12:00 i.-! :00 p m., Sociology Lounge, 5th floor, Haven Hall. Bring own food. Doctoral Examination for Benami >Morgan Lewis, Library Science; thesis: "A History and Bibliogrphyof Amen- 'can Magazines, 1800-1810," Wed., July 20, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, R. H. Gelsness, Seminar in Applied Mathematics will. meet Thurs., July 21, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 247 West Engineering. John Si Klein will speak on "Hankel Tran. forms." Doctoral Examination for Herma Hollis Bozeman, Education; thesis: At- titudes of Selected Racial Leadership Organizations toward Educational Pol- icies and Practices for 'Negroes During the Twentieth Century," Thurs,,July 21, 4024 University High School, A't 4:00 p.m. Chairman, C. A. Eggertsen. Department of Classical Studies:' A members of the department, students, and friends, invited by the staff of the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology to a reception and tea at the Museu' Thurs., July 21, at 4:00 p.m. Concerts University Woodwind Quintet, Nelson Hauenstein, flute, Albert Luconi, clari- net, Florian Mueller, oboe, Clyde Car- penter, French horn, and Lewis Cooper, bassoon, will be heardat 8:30 p.. Wed., July 20, in- Rackham Assembly Hall. Beethoven's Quintet, Op. 71, Le- febvre's Suite, Op. 57, Mueller's Pieces' for Woodwind Quintet, and Nielsen's Quintet, Op. 43. Concert in conjunctioa with the 7th National Band Conductor Conference July 18-22. Open to the gen.- eral public without charge. Student Recital. Frances Dell, pianist, program in partial fulfillment of th requirements for the Master of Musi degree at 8:30 p.m. Thurs., July 21, in Rackham Assembly Hall. Composi- tions by Mozart, Chopin, and Shu- mann. Open to thepublic. Miss DellI a pupil of John Kollen Events Today Meeting of all students who have attended Northern Michigan College. Wed., July. 20, Michigan League, 7:30 p.m. Notice in League. Seminar on "Contemporary Protestant Thought" led by Dr. Arnold Nash, chair- man of the Department of Religion, University' of North Carolina,'rWed, July 20, 8:00 p.m., Lane Hal Library. Heartbreak House, by George Bernard Shaw, presented by the Department of Speech, tomorrow through Sat.,July 30, 8:00 p.m. In Lydia Mendessoh Theatre. Tickets on sale at the theatre box office today from 10:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. $1.50-$1.10-75c. La Sociedad Hispanica, weekly meet- ing Wed., July 20 at 7:30- p.m., in Eat Conference Room, Rackham. :Licenci- ado Jorge Carrillo, University of Mexico, will speak in Spanish on the subject, "El humorismo del mejicano." Ques. tions and discussion, followed by Spar~ ish songs and music. Open to the public. Coming Events The International Center Teas will be held at Madelon Pound Home at 1024 Hill Street on Thursday from 4:30-5:30 p.m. "Religion in Higher Education"-. luncheon discussion led by Dr. Arnold Nash, author of "The University in the j It 4 N r 1 INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Russians Willing To Join In Peace-time Atomic Pool _, 1> 0 7I By J. M. ROBERTS STUDENTS OF RUSSIAN tactics would have been surprised if the Soviets had not come to Geneva with a couple of new angles, if not new ideas. This they did with the announcement that they would join President Eisenhower's atomic The Daily Staff pool for peaceful purposes. And by it they be- came the first to lay an actual deed of con- ciliation on the conference table. The suggestion of a freeze of foreign forces in Europe pending discussion of arms limita- tions also is an attempt to give a business-like air to their expressions of desire for relaxation of tensions. So is the announcement that they intend to demobilize the troops used in Austria when the occupation is ended. These "fringe benefits" offered by the Rus- sians, however, fall far short of signalizing any broad policy of conciliation when it comes to such major problems as that of Germany. On that point Russia is still working to break up the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and prevent the rearmament of Western Germany. The Russian announcement of participation Editorial Board Pat Roelofs Jim Dygert Cal Samra NIGHT EDITORS Mary Lee Dingier,' Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin ADave Rorabacher..........................Sports Editor Buisiness Stff