TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1955 td Sixty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OP STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3 241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. DRAWING THE BATTLE-LINES: Left, Right & Sensible "Wait A Minute, Fellows - Maybe We'll Just Bury It" Can the Liberal Survive? By CAL SAMRA N' ANY campus squabble, particularly those that relate to the problem of academic freedom, several alignments of opinion ulti- mately crystallize. Though within each align- ment there are nuances of disagreement, you can usually count on five inevitable herds. Since these groups are currently embroiled in a controversy over the rights and respon- sibilities of the University faculty, it might be useful to draw the battle-lines, which have apparently also appeared in the discussions within the Faculty Senate. 1) The right-wingers, who insist that both Communist activities of a criminally subversive nature and those who hold Communist beliefs, should be severely dealt with. This as the group which demands the subordination of the per- sonal rights of the faculty to the "welfare of the University." 2) The left-wingers, who blindly scamper to the defense of both those who are criminally engaged in subversive activities and those who merely subscribe to Communist beliefs. This is the reckless clique that also clamors mightily to the defense of the Rosenbergs, the Hisses, and the convicted Daily Worker editors. 3) The liberals, who recognize the Commun- ist conspiracy for what it is, insist that the vigilant prosecution of subversive activities is necessary for the preservation of democratic institutions, but stoutly maintain that perse- cution of unpopular beliefs tends to under- mine these institutions. 4) The compromisers. 5) And those who don't care. The distinguishing feature-and the common element-in the thinking of both the right- wingers and the left-wingers is their obstinate refusal to recognize the important distinction between prosecution of subversive activities and persecution of unpopular convictions. In black- and-white terms, the one group is intent on hanging everyone; the other is equally intent on hanging no one. The absurdity of both positions should by now be evident to the University Administra- tion. IN THE PAST YEAR, it has been only the liberal group that has offered a sensible ap- proach to the questiori of academic freedom. The others are entirely too rigid in their thinking, too obsessed with dogma to be genu- inely constructive. In future cases involving the problem of academic freedom, the Administration would be wise to listen to the counsel of the third- the enlightened--group, which was so well re- presented by the men who drafted the Senate Committee report on the Responsibilities of the Faculty to Society. They alone understand and value the true meaning of freedom. THE THEATRE IN ANN ARBOR ONE OF THE finest things about the Ann Arbor area is its patronage of the lively dramatic arts groups that perform here throughout the year. Even the Village set will admit that you'd have to go some distance to find better theatre. Few performances, for instance, could have excelled the highly-professional production of the "Fourposter" by the Saline Mill Theatre. From this corner, the Saline group comparam favorably with the ambitious, larger, Saratoga summer stock theatre, popular in upstate New York. Admirable, too, is Prof. Halsted's heroic ef- forts to produce one of Shaw's greatest plays, "Heartbreak House" under the Speech De- partment. It takes some courage to attempt a Shavian play, simply because Shaw says so much and prattles so little (which is probably why the arty crowd despises him.) The Speech Department deserves an acco- lade for its selection. (Editor's Note: The rollowing arti- cle, written by the distinguished English philosopherBertrand Russell, appeared in a recent issue of the Saturday Review.) A T THE MATERNITY hospital connected with Johns Hopkins Medical School in Baltimore a very learned professor, some forty years ago, made a careful investi- gation into the psychology of new- born infants. He discovered (what no one would have guessed) that few of them like being dropped. He discovered also that a certain percentage enjoy being gently tick- led. But it is not these discoveries, profound as they are, with which I am concerned. I am concerned with his third discovery, that bab- ies get into a rage when you pre- vent them from moving their arms or legs. lHe had not the means of investigating the subsequent home- life of these scientifically valuable specimens. But I suspect that brothers, two or three years their seniors, enjoyed constricting the babies' limbs and watching the resultant furies; though no doubt this pastime could only be enjoyed during Mother's absence. We have here, in the baby and the elder brother, the roots in human nature from which spring love of liberty and love of govern- ment. Love of liberty is the grown- up form of the baby's dislike of having his arms and legs held. Love of government is the grown- up form of the brother's pleasure in exercising power over the infant. Both of these impulses lie so deep in human nature that neither is likely to achieve a complete and permanent conquest. From the be- ginning of civilized times there has been an oscillation between em- phasis on individual liberty and emphasis on order. 'Society needs both, but there is at almost all times a tendency to undue em- phasis upon either one or the other. What are called "liberal ideals" are, broadly speaking, those which are concerned with personal freedom. The man who values liberal ideals is concerned to say, though with some limita- tions, that individuals should be free in the expression of their opinions whether in speech or in writing, and that private enter- prise should be permitted wher- ever there are not strong positive arguments against it. There is an opposite set of ideals some of which, at least, also have their place in making up a satisfactory society. These are: discipline, co- operativeness, obedience, ortho- doxy, and respect for law. We may distinguish these two sets of ideals as individual and governmental. When a society has too much of the one it becomes important to emphasize the other, and vice ver- sa. It has seemed in recent de- cades that most parts of the world are traveling towards a tighter system in which individual liberty is increasingly sacrificed to the behests of governments. There are those who think that this tendency will continue indefinitely, and that the emphasis upon the individual which characterized liberalism must permanently disappear. I do not myself believe this. And I think that history affords grounds for my disbelief. What may be called broadly the liberal outlook began in certain -44s w oceT*+zoc I WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Ike's Plan: A Neutral Germany ..__r.__.__ CURRENT MOVIES Ij~w~ At the Michigan . - MARTY, Blair. with Ernest Borgnine and Betsy THIS IS the picture that everbody liked. Martin and Lewis liked it. The Festival jury at Cannes liked it. Even Pravda liked it. Indeed in the few months since its release, "Marty" has become a modest kind of sensa- tion. Its star, Ernest Borgnine, has become very quickly an important name in the film busi- ness. Its author, Paddy Chayefsky, has earned attention as a playwright instead of a mere television writer. And some of its lines like "You're not such a dog as you think you are" have passed into the national vocabulary. Why this all should have happened is just a. little mysterious since the picture was re- leased by a small producing unit, Hecht-Lan- caster productions, and it carried no star names. Also, its promotional possibilities were practically nil since it had no element of sex or violence and it concerned characters who were not glamorous in the least degree. Films like it in years past have found a small coterie of enthusiastic boosters but few, if any, have won any widespread attention. But the surfeit. ed with Cinemascope on one hand and Coc- teau on the other, the Cannes festival jury surprised everybody by giving "Marty" its grand prize this year and the bandwagon has been rolling ever since. "Marty" is a very good film for a number of reasons. First of all, in dealing with char- Ten Thou, "IT SEEMS to us intolerable that any man, under the delusions of academic freedom or otherwise, should put his personal rights above the welfare of the university." Once every week we wash our ears and trudge over to our professor's office for a sort of acters like butchers and school teachers, it al- most has to be more direct and honest than if its subject was gangsters or pharaohs. Having this initial advantage, however, it does not dis- sipate it by pretending an artificial nobility in its characters. Marty the butcher, is noble- hearted, but he is never Glenn Ford facing a hoodlum's knife in a classroom. In "Marty," conditions are simply conditions. There is no- body pointing a finger at a social evil for us. As a result, in "Marty," the characters suffer in a way that it is very unusual to see people suffer in a movie. Here no villain need be; they are pained by their own inadequacies and still hold on to the sense that maybe something can be done about it if only they try a little hard. er. With less expert characterizations this could result in something simply pathetic. It is the fortitude of Chayefsky's hero which ov- errides that. "Marty" is also- very good comedy because its satire proceeds quite incidentally from the plot. Two women gossiping in a bar, or the "gang" discussing Mickey Spillane is all part of Marty's world. It is all complete unto itself and yet it all fits. It is not, for example like the humor of "The Seven Year Itch" where sexual frustration is one big gag with enumer- ated climaxes. Marty is frustrated and uncom- fortable too, but he cannot run off at the end because he does not live in Never-Never land. A nice surprise for summer movie-goers, "Marty" is certainly all that it was cracked up to be, -William Wiegand By DREW PEARSON GENEVA-The most important ace - in - the - hole Secretary Dulles has been preparing for Ike to spring at Geneva is a plan for the neutralization of Germany. This should satisfy Russian fears about a rearmed Germany. It should also satisfy French fears, and would take Chancellor Ade- nauer off the hook in his struggle to build up a German Army. That's why Chancellor Adenauer is vacationing "accidentally" in Switzerland, not far from Geneva where he can be consulted day or night about the Big Four conver- sations. Significantly, the Russians are also working on a German solu- tion, which isn't too far out of line with Dulles'. The Russians want to go much further, and probably won't pop all their ideas at Gene- va. They have in the back of their minds the Pan-Slav Federation idea of Czarist days-a union in- cluding the Slavic peoples of Po- land, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and, they hope later, Yugoslavia. To that end, one move they'll spring is the release of Hungary, a non-Slavic nation, from the iron curtain; also the probable release of the German part of Czecho- slovakia from behind the iron cur- tain. This is to be a big trump card to win over the Germans. U.S. TROOPS TO EXIT EISENHOWER'S idea on Germ- any were expressed briefly at the supersecret conference with congressmen just before he flew to Geneva. In reply to questions, he told Congressional leaders that Russia would not pull her troops out of East Germany unless the United States pulled its troops out of West Germany. The Dulles plan is to do exactly that. Germany would be united, and East Germany would become a buffer state, with no armament, and none permitted by UN in- spectors. This, Dulles figures, would sat- isfy Russian fears of having a militarized Germany on her west- ern border; and might supply the political key to disarmament. IKE'S SECRET CONFERENCE THOUGH THE Eisenhower con- ference with Congressional lead- ers was kept superhush-hush, the main points covered are available in Geneva and can be summarized as follows: President Eisenhower opened the discussion by saying he was sorry Lyndon Johnson of Texas could not be there. He then explained that Senators should view the con- ference "as a means of testing the basic intentions of the Soviet Un- ion." He hoped, among other things, he said, to reach some kind of understanding to avoid any more shooting down of American planes. The President then turned the meeting over to Secretary Dulles, Senators Bridges of New Hamp- shire and Clements of Kentucky joined in these questions and wanted to know what our posi- tion would be if Far Eastern is- sues were brought up at Geneva. Ike replied that we wouldn't dis- cuss anything affecting the Far East unless our Far Eastern allies are present.Later he blurted, how- ever, that he would take someone from the Far Eastern desk to Ge- neva. It was never explained why he would need someone from the Far Eastern desk if we didn't in- tend to discuss Far Eastern sub- jects at the Big Four meeting. AN AMERICAN IRON CURTAIN AT ONE point during a discus- sion on propaganda, Ike broke in earnestly: "I am greatly dis- turbed over the Communist pro- paganda that the United States has set up its own iron curtain." He pointed out that the Rus- sians boast with pride that Russia has admitted more Americans be- hind the Iron curtain than we have admitted Russians into this coun-. try, and he pleaded that we must do something to break the block- ade on people who wish to visit this country. He did not allude to the fact that his own State De- partment under the control of Mr. Dulles, who sat beside him, had complete control of admitting Rus- sians into the USA and that it would be simple for him to remove any American iron curtain. Congressman McCormack of Massachusetts asked whether we knew who the Russian delegates would be. Dulles replied that he presumed Bulganin would head the Soviet delegation. He said he didn't know whether Khrushchev would show up or not. McCormack then demanded how we could tell whether we are dealing with the top people. "We'll know after the first few hours," Dulles replied. The question also came up whe- ther we were going to Geneva with a definite disarmament plan. Again the answer was no-that we were going to discuss methods, not solutions. In other words, we in- tended to play it by ear. (Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) city-states of ancient Greece. In Greece it was largely destroyed by the Macedonian conquest, but for a long time it was influential in Rome. Rome, after a period of civil wars, achieved rest and order under the Empire. Experience of anarchy turned men against liber- ty, and government ideals pre- vailed for about twelve centuries. Liberal ideals revived with the growth of commercial cities in North Italy, whence they spread to the Hanse towns and ultimately to Holland and England. Throughout their history liberal ideas have been associated with wealth and commerce. The fact that they are now more or less in eclipse is due to the impoverishment of the world and to the decay of com- merce owing to economic national- ism. It is due also, and pehaps even more fundamentally, to the growth of fear. A schoolteacher who has to take a collection of unruly children for a holiday outing may have great difficulty in controlling them. But if thy are all frightened by a bad thunderstorm they will for the time being become com- pletely docile. War and the fear of war have the same effect upon adult populations as the thunder- storm has upon children. For this reason danger always increas- es the sphere of government, and diminishes the sphere still claimed. for individual liberty. Not only the danger of war, but other dangers also, such as pesti- lence and starvation, have the same effect. In China, from the very beginnings of its history down to the present day, the Yellow River has been a source of terror. The silt which it brings down from the mountains raises the river-bed and from time to time causes the river to change its course. Whenever this happens millions perish. Owing to lax gov- erniment the evil has never been adequately coped with. Now at last the Communist Government is engaged in putting an end to it.- This, I should think, has much more effect in converting Chinese peasants that the abstruse doc- trines of Marxist ideology. The peasants say, "What is the use of being free if you are dead?" And to such a question, in certain situ- ations, the liberal can give no adequate answer. IF, however, it is permissible to make any optimistic forecast as to the world's emergence from it present troubles, it is also per- missible to believe that liberal ideals will revive. If we can in- dulge the hope that the danger of war will be averted by the creation of an international gov- ernment, and the danger of star- vation by modern technique and control of population, then it is also permissible to hope that fear will cease todominate us to the extent to which it does at present. And, in that case, liberty may a- gain be allowed to have its legiti- mate sphere. What will this sphere be? It cannot be quite what is possible for a nomad in an empty land. When Adam and Eve left Paradise, "The world was all before them from where to choose their place of rest." IN THE modern world this degree of freedom is not possible. The Japanese would like to settle their surplus millions in Papua, and ser- ious limitations of liberty -are nec- essary to prevent this. Such limi- tations are unavoidable in a popu- lous world. If you possessed the only vehicle in existence, there would be no need of a rule of the road to control you. But the den- sity of modern traffic makes an elaborate code indispensable. In all men's dealings with nature the modern 'density of population is making control important. It is beginning to be realized that an agriculturist must not be allowed to earn quick temporary profits by denuding the soil. Such interfer- ences with liberty, though they may be innovations, are becoming inevitable. The most important sphere of liberty in the future must be not in economics, but in the things of the mind. Although most govern- ments think otherwise, it, is still desirable that men should be allowed to form their opinions freely, that evidence for unpopular views should not be suppressed, and that propaganda should be free so long as it does not urge violence. Individual freedom is important not only in matters of opinion but in all creative work in art and science and literature. People who conceive themselves merely as o- bedient soldiers in an army are not likely to produce anything of value in the realm of culture. Discipline beyond a point is fatal to individ- ual excellence. Goering used to say, "When I hear the word culture I reach for my revolver." This is the natural attitude of disciplinar- ians, whether Nazi, or Communist, or of brands to which we are VF r 3 4 4 ... DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN sand More The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of tle Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1955 VOL. LXVI, NO. 18 Notices Mortgage Loans. The University is interested in making first-mortgage loans as investments of its trust funds. The Investment Office, 3015 Adminis- tration Building, will be glad to consult with anyone considering 1;ullding or buying a home, or refinancing an exist- ing mortgage or land contract.gAp- pointments may be made by calling Ext. 2606.. Health Service. The Ophthalmology Clinic closes for the summer Sat., July 30. Summer Session students wishing refractions should make appointments well in advance of that time, PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Jewish Vocational Service, Detroit, Michigan, has openings for a Senior Psychologist and Vocational Counselor, Senior Vocational Counselor, and a V o c a t i o n a 1 Counselor-Psychologist. These positions require Master's de- gree and experience in vocational service or related field. American National Red Cross has a continuing need for college men and women to fill staff positions in service programs carried on in domestics and overseas areas. Men with degrees in social work, social studies, or related fields are needed as Assistant Field opening for an Accountant for position of Auditor. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.; Ext. 371. Academic Notices Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and Schools of Education, Music, and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for August graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby, Administration Building. Any changesmtherefromshould be requested of the Recorder at Office of Registration and Records window number 1, 1513 Administration Building. Doctoral Examination for Jeannette Johnson Robertson, Bacteriology; thesis: "An Investigation of the Alpha-Glucosi- dase of Yeast During Deadaptation," Mon., July 18, 1564 East Medical Bldg., at 8:30 a.m. Chairman, H. O. Halvorson. Doctoral Examination for Brooks Davis Church, Bacteriology; thesis: "The Role of L-Alanine and Glucose on Dormancy in Spores of Aerobic Bacilli," Mon., July 18, 1564 East Medical Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, H. O. Halverson. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics Tues., July 19, at 1:00 p.m. in room 3201 A. H. Donald Lamphiear will con- tinue his discussion of D. G. Chapman's paper. 'Estimation of Biological Popu- lation." Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., July 19, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3010 Angell Hall. Prof. H. W. Kuhn of Bryn Mawr College, will speak on "An Application of Litear Programming in Combinator- ial Problems." Lemonade will be served at 3:45 in 3212 A.H. Concerts Student Recital. Mary Ann Tinkham soprano, recital at 4:15 p.m., July 17, and March (for trombone alone), and Paul Hindemith's Sonata for Trombone and Piano. After intermission five com- positions by Biagio Marini will be played by Mr. and Mrs. Bassett, Mr. Bryan, Miss Stoltz, and Mrs. Ricks. Open to, the general public without charge. Band Concert. By Joliet Township High School Band, Bruce H. House- knecht, Conductor, 8:30 p.m. Mon., July 18, in Hill Auditorium, in conjunction with 7th National Band Conductors Conference. The program, open to the general public, will include Overture to "Russ- land un Ludmilla," by Glinka; Finale from Mendelssohn'syViolin Concerto in E minor; Come, Sweet Death, by Bach; "Festival at Bagdad," from Rinsky- Korsakow's Scheherazade; Frenk Ven- ture's "Wings of Victory" March; How- ard Hanson's March Carillon; Finale from Dvorak's Symphony No. 4 in G major. After intermission the band will perform Two Spanish Dance Forms by Frank Perkins and Louis Palange; Theme for Tomorrow by Sid Feller; and John J. Heney. In a tribute to Glenn Drum Quintet, "A Soldier's Life," by John J. Heney. In a tribute to Glenn Miller, the band will play four pieces associated with the memory of the late conductor. Concluding the concert the band will perform three type of Ameri- can march music. Most of the com- positions on the program have been especially arranged for symphonic band. Events Today Sailing Club. Rides leaving the North side of the Women's League for Base Line Lake. Sat., 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. Sun. Elimination for Wisconsin Regatta wili be held at 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m., 9:00 a~m., 9:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m. Coming Events Michigan Christian Fellowship. Sun., ld ~.1 The Daily Staff conference involving our rather feeble at- tempts at writing. We sat watching him yes- terday, as he waded barefooted through our adjectives, and the above statement-recently uttered by five learned professors on this cam- pus-came to our mind. Why, we asked our- self, looking at our Prof., should we have more freedom than he does? Does his status as a professor place him, as some sort of enigma, apart from the rest of the American population? We don't think so. Is teaching for the University of Michigan such a privilege that a man's personal rights-- and the welfare of his wife and family-should be subordinated to the welfare of the dear old "Maize and Blue?" Nothing, we would say, is worth that. Too many men have died to keep Editorial Board Pat Roelofs Jim Dygerb Cal Samra NIGHT EDITORS Mary Lee Dingler, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin Dave Rorabacher..........................Sports Editor Business Stff