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July 16, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-07-16

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See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State


Bently Reveals
Petition Signers
Five Professors Named As Asking
For Revisions in Immigration Act
Six Ann Arborites are included in a House Un-American Activities
Committee list of 36 Michigan residents who signed a petition urg-
ing changes in the federal immigration law. (McCarran Internal Se-
curity Act.)
Rep. Alvin Bently (R), who made the list public this week, sub-
mitted the information to the Congressional record. He said, "These
individuals are not necessarily Communists, Communist sympathizers
or fellow travelers."
The petition, carrying a total of 73 signatures, was sent to Rep.
Bentley by the Rev. Henry Hitt Crane, pastor of the Central Methodist
Church in Detroit.
Those included are Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb, chairman of the
social - psychology doctoral pro- ,

Trouble f





Soviets Say
Peace' Aim
At Geneva

-Daily-Hal Leeds
IMPROVEMENT-Homeowners all over Ann Arbor are building
fire escapes to comply with orders by the city's Building and Safety
Engineering Department. Of 282 multiple unit dwellings inspected
in the last year, 198 had inadequate means of egress.
1i 1"BeCS
~Citynsects 282
K~ MlUnit Buildig
A total of 282 multiple unit dwellings were inspected by Ann
Arbor's Building and Safety Engineering Department during the year
ending June 30, according to the annual report released yesterday
by John E. Ryan, head of the department.
Only 15 of the total were inspected in the six months ending
Dec. 31, 1954, after which Robert Miller joined the department as a
full-time inspector.
Inspections have been systematic since the first of the year in a
two-year program aimed at covering all the city's 1,800 multiple unit
dwellings. Ryan expects to accomplish the objective if the department
s able to inspect about 15 a week. At present, about ten a week
are being inspected.
Townspeople Comply
Townspeople have generally complied with orders to improve
their property to conform with the building code, Ryan said. Almost
all violators are working at taking care of violations, he added.
Four major violations stood out in the report. Of the 282 buildings
inspected, 198 had inadequate means of egress, 231 had electrical
wiring violations, 158 had combustible storage and 110 had inadequate
lavatory facilities.
Fifty-nine had no third floor enclosure, though the law provides
that a third floor be enclosed. Of 52 cellar dwellings inspected, 33
were okayed for continued occupancy while 19 were ordered vacated.
15 Certificates Issued
Fifteen certificates of compliance have already been issued to
property owners who improve their buildings in accordance with the
department's orders. Ten more are in process.
The department swore out only two warrants against balky prop-,
erty owners, but both cases were settled out of court with their
agreeing to comply, F1yan said.
Included in the 282 buildings inspected were 22 fraternities. The
main violation in fraternities, according to Ryan, was lack of cleanli-
ness. All fraternities with violations - most of them, Ryan said,-
have notified their alumni directors and have initiated plans to
correct the violations.
William Holland, University Sanitarian, has been assisting the
department in inspecting fraternities and sororities. He usually
follows up after the original inspection.
After an original inspection is made, a letter is sent to the propert3
owner along with a list of violations that must be rectified within
90 days. A later inspection is made to determine whether violations
have been corrected.
Strike Halts Ferry Sr
A cross Mackinac Straits

gram; Prof. Arthur Dunham,
School of Social Work; and emeri-
tus professors Philip Schenk, Eng-
lish; Leroy Waterman, semitics;
and John F. Shepard, psychology.
Also on the list was the Rev. Hen-
ry Lewis, rector of St. Andrew's
Episcopal Church.
"No Accusations"
Rep. Bentley, submitting the in-
formation on the 35 state signers
to the Congressional Record, said,
"I am making no accusations but
am merely presenting a summary,
which is necessarily not complete,
of the information regarding these
persons which is of public record
in the committee files."
Prof. Newcomb made the follow-
ing statement concerning Rep.
Bentley's list last night:
"Up to now, I had always supos-
ed that my motives, in objecting to
some provisions of the McCarran
Act, were the same as those of the
editors of this newspaper and of
President Eisenhower and Mrs. El-
eanor Roosevelt."
He continued, "I guess it's a lot
easier to publicize a list of names
linked' through 'alleged' member-
ship in dubious organizationsif
you don't bother to check on the
allegations than if you do.
"In my own case, at least," the
professor continued, "the results
of a factual check would have been
quite different from those implied
by the Congressman. If he had
the facts, I believe he would have
seen that some of us believe so
deeply in 'the land of the free' that
we want to make it more accessible
than it now is to many foreigners
who also love freedom."
Disclosed June 5
Rep. Bentley first disclosed in-
formation about the petition in a
news release June 5. He said then
he hoped to support most of the
changes in the McCarran act rec-
ommended by President Eisenhow-
He declared this week that Rev.
Crane's letter with the list of sign-
ers made him "somewhat suspi-
cious" of the motives of some who
were pressing for the revisions.'
Prof. Shepard told The Daily
yesterday he had received a copy
of the petition urging changes in
the immigration law from Rev.
Crane. "In substance, the petition
called for repeal of the McCarran
Act and enactment of a more reas-
onable measure in its place," Prof.
Shepard said.
"Rep. Bentley wants to put any-
one who is half-way liberal on a
subversive list," the former psy-
chology professor said.
Organizations Listed
He was listed as being a member

of the Civil Rights Congress, Na-
tional Federal for Constitutional
Liberties 1942, 1945; American
Council of Soviet Relations, cited
by the Attorney General in 1948;
the Mid-Century Conference for
Peace, 1950 and 1951, and was
Cocharged with publicily defend-
ing the Communist Party in 1941.
The Rev. Lewis, past member of
the American Committee for Pro-
tection of the Foreign Born, said
he could not remember specifically
what the petition urged, but he was
sure it was "not subversive."
Prof. Dunham was listed as hav-
ing belonged to the Committee for
Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlan-
tic Pact in 1949 and 1951; contrib-
uted money to "Social Work To-
day," described by the committee
in 1944 as a "Communist magazine.
Trial Opposed
Prof. Newcomb sponsored a call
to the 1949'Bill of Rights Confer-
ence which opposed the trial of
Communist leaders on conspiracy
charges, according to the commit-
tee. In addition, he was a member
of the American Committee for
Protection of the Foreign Born,
and American Youth for Democ-
Prof Waterman was cited for
the following on Bentley's list:
member of the Civil Rights Con-
gress 1947; Conference on Con-
stitutional Liberties in American
1940 and 1944; American Commit-
tee for Protection of Foreign Born;
National Council of American-So-
viet Friendship 1946-47; Joint An-
ti-Fascist Refugee Committee 1951
and 1947; National Council of the
Arts, Sciences and Professions
1952; American Committee for
Democracy and Intellectual Free-
dom 1940 and 1942; and the New
York Conference on Inalienable
Rights 1940 and 1944.
Prof. Schenck belonged to the
American 'Committee for Protec-
tion of the Foreign Born in 1948
and 1953; the Michigan Civil
Rights Federation in 1943 and
1952; and the National Federation
for Constitutional Liberties 1942.
The campus took on the at-
mosphere of a "cow college"
yesterday as students waded
through the flooded Engineer-
ing Arch in bare feet.
Those who lacked the fore-
sight of removing their pedi-
gear while crossing puddles
were forced to do so when they
got to class.
Meanwhile, window ledges
doubled as drying racks for
shoes and socks.

Bulganin Hopes
For Cooperation
MOSCOW (P-Soviet Premier
Nikolai Bulganin said yesterday
the Soviet Union is going to Ge-
neva seeking peace but it has not-
ed war preparations by other
He observed that the U.S.S.R.
has ''a very good army with all
the necessary equipment" to safe-
guard its security.
Bulganin pledged the Soviet
delegation to the summit talks to
great efforts to "attain the lofty
aims o fthe conference," and ex-
pressed hope the other powers
would exert equal efforts. The So-
viet aim, he said, will be to find
a common ground for easing ten-
sion and strengthening confidence
among states.
He read a statement, announced
in advance as a general declara-
tion on the summit conference
opening Monday. He apparently
took note of the recent suggestion
of French Premier Edgar Faure
on the possibility of using money
saved in cutting arms production
for improving standards of living.
Business-like Cooperation
The Soviet Premier said relaxa-
tion of tension could lead to "busi-
ness-like cooperation" a m o n g
states, and added:
"This would enable the states
to use the colossal funds, which
now finance armaments, for the
good of the peoples."
Bulganin received correspon-
dents at the Kremlin. With him'
were the other top members of the
Soviet delegation to Geneva: Com-
munist Party boss Nikita S.
Khrushchev, D e f e n s e Minister
Georgi K. Zhukov, Foreign Minis-
ter V. M. Molotov and Deputy
ForeignMinister Andrei Gromyko.
No Questions
He read the statement in Rus-
sian. It was translated but no text
was given the reporters. About 5
correspondents had come prepar-
ed to ask questions, but once the
statement was translated, the
Soviet leaders strode briskly from
the room. The whole thing lasted
just 20 minutes.
"Some people," the statement
said, "think capitalism is better
than socialism. We are convinced
the opposite is the case. This
argument cannot be settled by
force, through, war. Let everyone
prove in peaceful economic com-
petition whether he is right.
"It is said that even a bad peace
is better than a good war. As
broadcast by Moscow radio, this
was translated "a good quarrel."
And if we exert all efforts and
achieve not a bad, but a good, real
peace, millions of men and women
in all countries will draw a sigh of

-Datly-Hal Leeds
DEDICATION - University President Harlan H. Hatcher yester-
day formally accepted the new Architectural Research Laboratory
from Unistrut Corporation. He then turned it over to Dean Wells
Bennett of the architecture and design college for research.



House Committee Votes
To Pass New Roads Bill
WASHINGTON A) -- The House Public Works Committe voted
22-6 yesterday for a biggest-in-history road-building program over
the next 12 years, and-recommended 12 billion dollars in new taxes to
help pay for it.
Approved for House action was a bill calling for 48% billion dol-
lars worth of construction for public roads, including about 35/2 bil-
lions to be put up by the federal government. Most of this would go to
complete 40,000'miles of superhighways across the nation.
The federal gasoline tax would be upped a penny a gallon for the
next 15 years-from two to three cents-and levies on several other

Geneva Next
Stop for Ike
After Talk
Hopes Russian
Pledge Sincere
Dwight D. Eisenhower took off
for the Big Four conference yes-
terday, declaring there will be "no
trouble" with the men in the
Kremlin if they really mean their
words of "conciliation and toler-
ation and toleration and under-
The chief executive made the
qualified forecast in a dramatic
TV-radio address shortly before
his plane, Columbine III, took off
for Eisenhower's potentially fate-
ful meeting with the leaders of
Russia, Britain and France.
In the broadcast he declared
that if a 10-year-old spirit of mu-
tual distrust can be lifted at Ge-
neva, then "we will have taken
the greatest step toward peace,
toward future prosperity and1
tranquility that has ever been
taken in all the history of man-
Leaves Airport
The President, with his wife and
son accompanying him, took off
from Military Air Transport
Service Airport at 9:18 p.m. EDT-
7:18 p.m. (CST)
Only a few minutes before hie
had ended his broadcast withh
plea for every American to pray in
church next Sabbath for success
of the Big Four conference-for
an end to the threat of the "ter-
rible scourge" of war.
In his pre-flight broadcast E-
senhower promised he and Sec-
retary of StateJohn Foster Duil-
les would be firm in principle yet
conciliatory in attitude at Ge-
Eisenhower said Soviet Premier
Nikolai Bulganin "talked toler-
ance and understanding" at Mos-
cow yesterday. If that spirit really
animates the Soviets at Geneva,
he said, "there'll be no trouble be-
tween the Russian delegation and
this country."
Too Many Programs
He warned at the outset that
the world's problems are too many
and too serious to be settled at a
single conference--a conference,
he said firmly, that will last no
more than a week as far as he is
On the whole, however, the
President's attitude was one of
conciliation - of promising the
United States will not reject any
hand outthrust in true friendship,.
"Did you n9te" asked the
President, "the speech made Y
Premier Bulganin in Moscow this
morning? Every word he said was
along the line that I am now
speaking. He talked on concilia-
tion and tolerance and, under-
Words Reflective
"I say to you, I say to all the
world, if the words that he ex-
pressed are truly reflective of the
hearts and minds of the men in
the Kremlin-as we are sure they
are reflective of the hearts and
minds of all the people in Russia,
as in the hearts and minds of all

the people everywhere, then
there'llbe no trouble between the
Russian delegation and our own
at this coming conference."
Earlier in the day the President
had said that "new vistas" will be
opened to the world if statesmen
at the Big Four conference can
reach "useful areas of agreement"
on handling international prob-
In a message tinged with hope,
the President told Congress:
"There are signs that the world
may be entering a new phase in
international relationship."
Britain Abandons
Salk Vaccine Trial

State Trade .
Study SlIated
A comprehensive foreign trade
study in Michigan will be conduct-
ed by the Legislative Reference
Service of the Library of Congress,
it was announcd yesterday
The study was requested by
members of the Michigan Con-
gressional Delegation.
To be conducted in two phases
and to take approximately nine
months, the study is the first to be
carried out on a state-wide basis
at the request of a large body of
members from both parties from a
In the first phase, approximately
15,000 business firms, trade or-
ganizations and individuals will
receive questionnaires. After these
are answered and returned to the
Legislative Reference Service, the
second phase will involve selective
field trips.

I ST. IGNACE, Mich. )--Ferry
,service across the Straits of Mack-
inac was halted last night by a
Shortly before midnight, boats
began tying up in St. Ignace.
Within minutes, four of the five
ships were docked here.
The other, the Vacationland, was
expected to tie up across the
straits in Mackinaw City for lack
of docking space on this side.
Docked here were the City of
New Forum
Chapter Opens
Freedom Forum, "designed to
help citizens explore, on a grass
roots level, the role of individual
liberties in our society at a time
when many people are concerned
with the problem of how to main-
tain security without jeopardizing
the individual's liberties," has or-
ganized a chapter in Ann Arbor.
Freedom Forum is a national or-
ganization boastinga500 chapters,
The loca group was formed this

Petoskey, the Straits of Mackinac,
the City of Cheboygan and the
City of Munising.
Cars Waiting
About 100 cars on this side of
the straits were awaiting passage
when the strike hit before the
midnight deadline.
State officials at Lansing had
warned they would be striking
against the state and would be li-
able to dismissal for a work stop-
page or any unauthorized absence
from work of more than two days.
The Ferry workers asked for a'
pay boost of 30 cents an hour, time
and a half on Saturdays and dou-
ble time on Sundays. The state
Civil Service Commission granted
them a flat 15 cents an hour pay
boost recently.
"We've done all we can," StateI
Highway Commissioner Charles M.
Ziegler said. "The business of pay
is in the hands of the Civil Service
Commission. All we can do is try
to keep operating with what men
we have left."
Five Ferries
The state employs 260 men to
operate the five ferries that haul
cars and passengers across the
Georna W. L ra v .1irnAn_

O automotive items would be in-
Rep. George H. Fallon (D-Md.),
acting committee chairman, re-
ported the measure will be redraft-
ed over the weekend for technical
purposes and brought before the
House group for a final vote Mon-
Democratic Leader John W. Mc-
Cormack (D-Mass.) has listed the'
bill for early action by the House,
probably by next week.
The Senate has already passed'
a multi billion dollar highway con-
struction measure of its own,
which doesn't include a method for
financing. President Dwight D. Ei-
senhower's program for highway
expansion called for financing
through long-term borrowing's, but
this was turned down in both the
Senate and in the House commit-
In a day-long session, the com-
mittee gave its final approval to
these tax increases:
Gasoline, from2 to 3, cents a
gallon; diesel fuel, from 2 to 5
cents a gallon; truck tires larger,
than 8/2 by 18, 5 to 15 cents a
pound; inner tubes for these tires,
9 to 15 cents a pound; truck tires,
from 71/2 to 8:/2 by 18, 5 to 8 cents
a pound; camelback, a rubber
compound used in making retreat
tire, a net tax of 15 cents a pound.
'Talbott Offers
'No Apology
Of Any Sort'
WASHINGTON (A') -Secretary'
of the Air Force Harold E. Talbott
whose connection with a New York
firm is under study by Senate in-
vestigators, said yesterday he has
"no apology of any sort to offer for
any of my business associations."
Talbott has a date with mem-
bers of the Senate Investigations
subcommittee next week to dis-
cuss the business connection, which
he has maintained throughout his
service as Air Force chief.
Chairman John L. McClellan
'(D-Ark) sid the senMtre wrmlrol

Iranian Educator Visits Campus

If you've been complaining about'
the grade system here being tough
or complex, don't expect sympathy
from students attending the Uni-
versity of Tehran.
Ali Akbar Eiassi, Dean of the
College of Literature, Science and
Arts at the Iranian University and
a guest of the United States State
Department explained the compli-
cated grading system in use at his
At Tehran students receive offi-
cial reports that rank them on a
numerical scale ranging "anywhere
from one to twenty" as opposed to'
the simple alphabetical classifi-
cation used here.

some of our antiquity for some of
your modern educational advance-
ments;" the noted educator added.
A dignified, charming man,
Dean Siassis accomplishments are
not limited to the educational
Author and Playwright
Besides experience as a teacher
and, administrative official, the
Dean has written several books
including works in both French
and- Persian.
Between 1919 and 1925, a period
of modern development in the
Iranian Theater Dean Siassi wrote
several plays which were produced
in his country.
Although he ha~ s knt himnelf

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