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July 15, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-07-15

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Session Ends
In Michigan
LANSING - Republicans had
their eyes more on the 1956 elec-
tions than on the 1955 legislative
session as session business was
concluded yesterday.
The lawmakers, returning for
the two-day cleanup meeting re-
quired by the constitution, com-
pleted their work and most of
them went home.
A few will remain to hear the
gavel fall on the 1955 session at
noon today.
Committee Created
The Senate Republican caucus
ordained a five-man Campaign
Committee created and said a sim-
ilar one would be installed in the
Avowed purpose of the com-
mittees would be to fight for con-
tinued Republican control of the
legislature in the face of growing
Democratic successes.
For the first time, it was re-
vealed, the Republican State Cen-
tral Committee is expected to con-
tribute money to legislative cam-
paigns ,- at least in doubtful
The Senate Committee will ap-
portion the funds to candidates,
act as a research and legislative
arm of the main campaign, organ-
ize a speakers' bureau and gen-
erally aid distressed Republican
"O nnrgv.rl vmi T


New Reserve Bill Aims
To Strengthen Forces

REACTOR -- An artists's sketch of the medical reactor for
research and thearpy which will be built at the University of
California at Los Angeles.
First Medical Research
Atomic Reactor Planned

WASHINGTON (P) - Yesterday
the Senate passed an armed forces
reserve bill aimed at building up
a combat-ready reserve of 2,900,-
000 men by 1960.
Active reserves, including the
National Guard, now number a-
bout 800,000.
The roll call vote was 80-1, with
only Sen. William Langer (R-ND)
voting no.
Will Return To House
The Senate action virtually
assures that President Dwight D.
.. DONG KINGMAN, teacher of
art at Hunter College, will give a
lecture, "Discussion and Demon-
stration of Watercolor Techni-
ques" in the Architecture Audi-
torium at 3 p.m. today.
His talk will be a highlight of
the two-day Michigan Regional
Art Conference.
Kingsman is represented in
numerous art collections, among
them, the Museum of Fine Arts,
Boston; the Metropolitan Museum
of Art; the Museum of Modern
Art, New York, N.Y.; San Francis-
co Museum; the Chicago Art In-
stitute, and Cranbrook Academy
of Art.
* * *
dents Association is sponsoring an
International Mixer at 8 p.m. to-
day at Madelon Pound House, Hill
St. and E. University.
Arrangements have been made
by the Association's Entertain-
ment Committee headed by Nicole
Simon, Spec., from France.
* * *
GRAMMAR for the Teacher of
English will be under discussia
at the fifth session of the Confer-
ence Series for English Teachers
at the University at 4 p.m. Mon-
day, July 18, in Auditorium D, An-
gell Hall.
A group of panelists will consid-
er such problems as the ideal
course in grammar for the pros-
pective teacher of high school
English, what the teacher needs
to know about the facts of gram-
mar, techniques of grammatical
analysis, and development of
teaching materials.
* * *
Woodwind Quintet will give a pub-
lic faculty concert Wednesday,
July 20 at 8:30 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Members of the Quintet are:
Nelson Hauenstein, flute; Albert
Luconi, Clarinet; Florian Mueller,
oboe; Clyde Carpenter, French
horn; and Lewis Cooper, bassoon.

Eisenhower will get, at least in
limited form, legislation he had
tabbed near the top his "must"
The House already has passed
the bill but it will return there
because of changes made by the
However, both Senate and
House voted for 9 key provision of
President Eisenhower's program.
This would permit youngsters
aged 17-20 to volunteer for six
months of active training to be
followed by 7Y years of service
in an active reserve unit. Such
volunteers would be exempt from
the regular draft.
Adjustment Sought
A Senate-House conference com-
mittee is expected to try to adjust
differences in the programs ap-
proved by the two bodies.
Chief of these is the question of
compelling men who have com-
pleted active military service as
draftees or volunteers to do addi-
tional training with reserve units.
The House approved compulsion
for all service men drafted or
enlisted since the Korean armis-
tice, July 27, 1953.
Service vs. Escape
In the Senate, it was argued
that this would require double
service liability for veterans while
thousands of draft-age men es-
caped all military duty.
The Senate voted instead that
30 days after the bill becomes law,
any man entering the service
through the draft or enlistment
could be forced to take active re-
serve training on completion of
active duty.

Wear it
with flowers!


your legs
can't feel!
This Gossard smooths you
beautifully with its unique
shaping and lacy elastic
finish. The satin elastic front
panel is bright with pink
and green flowers-or white
flowers on white.
S-M-L. White. $750
the Van Buren Shop
Nickels Arcade





'Younr uK rsna un 1

T A A 1 T/^V T.1T T.'P!O fTll_ .E.....1



LOS ANELES - The first
atomic energy reactor specifically gamma rays and neutrons for
designed for medical treatment medical treatment and other nu-
and research will be built for the clear research. The core will be
University of California at Los located inside a 5x5x8 foot stack
Angeles Medical Center it was an- of graphite bars, shielded by five
nounced this week. feet of high density concrete. Ra-
diation ports will lead from the
The new reactor will produce core to a patient treatment room,
gamma rays and neutrons for can- laboratory, and other room where
cer. therapy, and also has been research on animals an be per-
designed to serve a variety of addi- formed. An access port will permit
tional medical and non-medicalfmerAacceprtadileit
uses. These include the production materials to be irradiated in a
of radioisotopes, and radiation for channel inside the core itself
experimental sterilization and where radiation will be the strong-
preservation of food and drugs by est.
nuclear energy. Rate of fission will be adjusted
AEC To Use Reactor by control rods made of boron
The eacor, hic is xpetedwhich can be moved in and out of
The reactor, which ns expected the core area. Boron absorbs neu-
to be completed within one year, trons, thus when the rods are near
will be available for use by the the core neutrons are "soaked up."
Atomic Energy Commission in con- As the Uranium 235 atoms are split
junction with the Atomic Energy when hit by neutrons, fission will
Project at UCLA where both classi- stop when the neutrons are caught
fled and unclassified research in by the boron rods.
biology and 'medicine is carried on.
A working model of the reactor Cancer Treatiient
was demonstrated at a press con- Either gamma rays or neutrons
ference this week on the UCLA can be obtained from the reactor
campus near, the site where the for cancer treatment. While both
actual machine will be installed in are radiated from the reactor dur-
a -new underground wing of the ing the fission process, gamma
University's Medical Center. rays or neutrons can be selected
The recator's atomic fuel is to be by use of special shielding equip-
obtained on loan from the AEC, ment between the patient's room
and will consist of about four and the reactor core. The size of
gallons of uranyl sulphate solution, the radiation port can also be
highly enriched Uranium 235, con- varied to provide radiation in the
tained in a one foot stainless steel required amounts or intensities.
sphere, or core. Gamma rays destroy cancer cells
Gamma Rays much in the same way as is done
It is the "splitting up" or fis- by X-rays, but the gamma rays
sioning of the Uranium 235 atoms penetrate deeper through tissue
in the solution which provides the and are much stronger than X-
Irradiation of cancer cells with
MICHIGAN'S neutrons is often accomplished by
ULTRA MODERN the "boron capture" technique.
This requires the injection into a
SHOP tumor of a solution containing the
AIR CONDITIONED element boron. Due to 'the particu-
AIR ~ JIIIJF~U lar nature of the cancer cell, the
6 BARBERS cancerous tissue absorbs the boron
Special Attention Given much more quickly and in greater
Ladies' & Children's Hair Cutting amounts than does healthy tissue.
When the cancer area is bom-
U of M BARBERS barded by a stream of neutrons,
715 N. University the boron atoms in the cancer cells
T.V. For Your Enjoyment release "alpha particles." These
particles, which are tiny masses
carrying an electrical charge, and
weigh about four times as much as
a neutron, are effective cancer cell
killers. Alpha particles have a
short penetration range, primarily
confining their destruction to can-
cer cells and doing relatively little
harm to healthy tissue
SW= n' S
1111 South U. ;(Begins Friday
s, Prints, Solids
son Spanning Into Fall Casuls. A lo
Casuals. A Won
to 10.
less Blouseu$6 9
nkfy preferred.., the cool" Group A.
by MACSHORE. Stressing the Medium heel wedgies
ing-pin tucked riveria collar z styled by Penajo, Sandl
OFADE imported pima in white, nia Cobblers. Values t
Sizes 30 to 38. widths AAAA to B.
s Of Our New Arrivals--

Vgl xud ns 0IMa up
Simultaneously, the "Young
Turks" in the House made a bid
for a voice in selecting top Re-
publican candidates in 1956.
Rep. George W. Sallade (R-Ann
Arbor) said the Young Republicans
would meet at his home in Ann
Arbor in about three weeks and
later hoped to embrace original
Eisenhower supporters, backers of
State Republican Chairman John
Feikens and' similar Liberal Re-
publican groups.
Sallade said the "Young Turks"
will be looking for a "Young vigor-
ous and progressive" candidate for
fthe Republican nomination for
governor and will seek "New faces"
for other state offices.
Democrats Silent
The Democrats were idle and
silent in the windup session except
for Sen. Harold M. Ryan (Dem.-
Detroit), the Senate floor leader,
Who complained that not one reso-
lution sponsored by a Democrat
had come out of committee.
The Legislature by resolution
directed fiscal officers to give State
Highway Commissioner Charles M.
Ziegler his additional gasoline tax
money monthly instead of quar-
No attempt was made to override
any of Gov. G. Mennen Williams'
five vetoes.
Band To Perfi


Going on a Picnic,
Slop at
Wino - Beer
Soft Drinks - Keg Beer
914 E I.Wiliam St.
Between Main and
Fourth Ave.
Phone NO 8-7191
10 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Noon to 7 P.M.


Read and Use
Daily Classifieds


hip High School
orm Concert

Bruce H. Houseknecht will con-
duct The Joliet, Illinois Township William D. Revelli of the music
High School Band, in a public department; "March Carillon" by
concert at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Edward Hanson; and "Finale:
Hill Auditorium. Symphony No. 4 in G major" by
Ranked as one of the finest Dvorak.
high school units in the country, Following an intermission, the
the Joliet Band will be on campus band will include a four-number
to take part in the Seventh An- tribute to Glenn Miller: "Tuxedo
nual National Band Conductor's Junction," "String of Pearls."
Conference being staged by the "Moonlight Serenade," and "In the
University music school. Mood."
The program will begin with Three types of American march
Michael Glinka's Overture to music will conclude the program
"Russlan and Ludmilla," to be with the band performing "To
followed by "Finale: Violin Con- L o ok Sharp," "Guadalcanal
certo in E minor" by Mendelssohn. March" and "The Victors."
Also to be heard are "Come, ' Several reading rehearsals are
Sweet Death" by Bach; Schera- planned for Monday, Tuesday and
zade: Part IV, "Festival at Bag- Wednesday. A demonstration of
dad," by Rimsky-Korsakow; a how a band can learn a dance step
march, "Wings of Victory" by will be presented at 7:30 p.m.
Frank Ventre, conducted by Prof. Tuesday at Wines Field.
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port and Casual Types
A.M. July 15th)
arance of Sandals - Playshoes - and
derful selection of colors in sizes 41/2

Dark Plaids
Ready For Seas


The Sleeve
Freely admired, fro
sleeveless blouse b
importance of styl
and front inserts. NC
navy, pink, apricot.
Just One Of Dozens

or pumps,
er or Califor-
o $13.95 in

Group B.
Flats and Playshoe types and a few
sizes of regular loafers. Values to
$9.95 and sizes to 10 in some styles.

x x

mm l

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