TWO THE MCMGAN DAILY THURSDAY. 3IJLY 14. 1 95!K TWO TIlE MICWIGAN DAILY hTTI?~T~AV TT!T.V1A 1O~w AJLJIUJ~aJLFM , %JUX &'I, A *.3 0 Sixty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. A RED UNDER THE BED: Comment on the Protest Text of Protest to the Committee Report on Faculty Rights, Duties I Of a Statement "maybe We Could Speak To Him Some Other Time" c4Afp,~ b r.' ' "It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things; freedom of speech, free- dom of conscience, and the prudence never to practise either of them."-Mark Twain By CAL SAMRA HE TEXT protesting the report of the Sen- ate Committee on Faculty Responsibilities -whieh appears on this page-is an interesting polemical tract. It was apparently drawn up by five faculty members whose political bear- ings are, at best, a little to the left of Ierbert Spencer. All, of course, will agree with the gentlemen that there does exist an international Com- munist conspiracy and that the American peo- ple and the Government are perfectly justified in making every effort to safeguard national security. If this means trying and convicting Com- munist lemers under the Smith Act, if it means rooting out subversion and espionage, if it means FBI surveillance of Communist activ- ities, if it means armed preparedness to coun- ter Soviet might, then no effort is stringent enough. Few will challenge the r right of the government to prosecute criminal acts against the welfare of the American people. The sur- vival of our society demands it. On the other hand, when a government in- vades the arena of political belief and a con- gressional committee vilifies a man for his convictions or utterances, past or present, it is quite another matter. Such interference is a direct violation of a man's right to privacy, of his right to believe or not to believe, of his right to speak or not to speak-and, as such, smacks of alien elements. For this reason, the very report which these five men praise so highly-the statement of the Association of American Universities-was sharply critical of Congressional Committees probing around educational institutions and explicitly informed the bloodhounds that .it was the responsibility of the respective univer- sities, and not of the government, to handle such affairs. The position of most responsible educators has been that, though we must secure ourselves against subversive activities, it is absurd to attempt to insulate ourselves against Com- munist ideas. There is, in the statement of the five, the quixotic suspicion that this University is be- ing or perhaps will be infiltrated by Commun- ists, and that there is, alas, no defense. Where are they? And whose minds are they abscond- ing with? There is, also, the underlying assumption that freedom of speech should be restricted and that a faculty member should keep his mouth shut if his opinions, made public, might jeo- Everyone pardize the reputation of the University. "It seems to us intolerable," they say, "that any man, under the delusions of academic free- dom or otherwise, should put his personal rights above the welfare of the University." This is the cult of the public relations agent: please everyone, offend no one. It is also the cult of the bookburner. Car- ried to its logical conclusion, the reasoning of the five would justify the razing of the General Library, with its hundreds of Communist books. (That, of course, would be arsony, and arsony is a felony.) There is, in this protest, a cynical lack of faith in the maturity of the university stu- dent and in his ability to examine Communist dogma and recognize it for the clap-trap it is. If this lack of faith is valid, then the univer- sity student is capable of absolutely nothing and should be enrolled in a creche-where he can be carefully nursed along-instead of a university. It is also curious to note that the report, in effect, insists that a faculty member who in- vokes the Fifth Amendment is thereby a sus- pect. Certainly complete candor before a Congres- sional Committee or any other governmental agency is something that most of us would strive for if confronted with a subpoena. Dr. Paton would. Dr. Hatcher would. This writer would. But we are not all alike. There are many educators, haled before a committee, who have invoked the Fifth Amendment, not because they were Communists or had anything to hide, but for a variety of other reasons. Some in- voked it simply as a form of protest against often intolerant, unqualified Congressmen pry- ing into their personal beliefs. Others sincere- ly objected to the inquistorial nature of some of the hearings. Others, with moral aversions, feared lest by their testimony they drag other names through the mire. Though we may be critical of them, their action alone certainly does not justify dis- missal from educational circles. if such a dras- tic move is warranted, the burden of proof should lie with the administration. It would be folly on our part, as the protest suggests, to scrap the principle that a man is innocent, until proven guilty-the foundation of the de- mocratic process. As for the protest statement's conclusion "that this lengthy and somewhat artful work intends a criticism of the University admin- istration for its handling of three difficult cas- es . . ." that perhaps is precisely the point. So what?, It's unfortunate that the Faculty Senate re- jected the committee's report, since its tren- chant insight and courageous position make it vastly superior to. the AAU statement. _. ,; '~sr~gj AS,4'GTQJ ~OY.,. a # ! :4. . R±!YMl j ww + : ,r: c ~ )' .k i - " . cr :: r * Although this report has good points, it tends mainly to con- fuse the issue. There are those of us who are persuaded that it does not express the thought and the conviction of the majority of this faculty. This report came into existence because tenure cases involving communist issues had arisen here. That is precisely why we have this report. Yet nowhere in it does the word communism appear; nowhere are the issues fairly discussed. In nature it is a lecture, not a state- ment of responsibilities. In fact, it attempts to impose ideas that would limit the freedom it pro- fesses to defend. It is an evasive document; and so dialectically skill ful that were we to accept it we should thereupon have no defense against communist infiltration of our University. We find in this report continual emphasis upon the point that we "must assume innocence until guilt is proved." But since a conspirator can hide behind this assumption as well as an innocent man take refuge in it, and since the means we have as a University of estab- lishing proof are at times inade- quate, we have had to rectify the assumption. The corrective is pre- cisely this: if a faculty member called before a lawfully appointed investigative body refuses to an- swer pertinent questions, he shall be held suspect. If he shall refuse "on the ground that his answers might tend to incriminate him," that person - according to the Trucks Act - shall be held to be a communist "or a member of a communist front organization." In this connection we are fortunate in having a statement by E. Blythe Stason, Dean of our Law School, quoted as follows: "The faculty member is, like all other members of society, subject to its laws and under a duty to comply with the obligations of citizenship. Among other duties is the obligation to testify when call- ed upon by lawful subpoena to do so. If the subpoena is issued by a lawfully constituted tribunal, it is the duty of the citizens to testify truthfully and .candidly, even though he may disapprove the tri- bunal or the end which it is seek- ing to attain, subject, of course, to the privilege against self-in- crimination." It is our belief that this state- ment expresses the judgment of this faculty. However, the report not only lacks such a statement but asserts that a faculty member has no such duty, but that he alone has the right to determine when he should remain silent. His motive is inviolate. The report has much to say about candor. We welcome the quotation on page three from a statement by the Association of American Universities. "As in all acts of association, the professor accepts conventions which become morally binding. Above all, he owes his colleagues in the university complete candor and perfect integrity, precluding any kind of clandestine or con- spiratorial activities. He owes equal candor to the public. It he is called upon to answer for his convictions it is his duty as a citizen to speak out. It is even more definitely his duty as a pro- fessor. Refusal to do so, on what- ever legal ground, cannot fail to reflect upon a profession that claims for itself the fullest free- dom available in out society. In this respect, invocation of the Fif- th Amendment places upon a pro- fessor a heavy burden of proof of his fitness to hold a teaching posi- tion and lays upon his university an obligation to re-examine his qualifications for membership in its society." Unfortunately the report goes on to undermine this statement by saying that under certain cfrcum- stances complete candor should not be required and that the individual should be the sole determinant of these circumstances. It is our con- sidered opinion that whre the University's welfare is concerned, the University should determine whether complete candor' is re- quired. The report also goes on to imply that the individual is being completely candid if he gives a reasonable explanation for not an- swering questions candidly. We might ask here if it is a reasonable explanation to say, "It is none of your business." It is our opinion that a refusal to answer reasonable questions manifests an entire lack of candor and throws doubt on the individual's integrity. Such doubt cannot help but reflect on the rep- utation of the University as a whole. In this connection the re- port states on page two: "A state university . . . cannot reqtire its teaching staff to sur- render any of their rights as men or citizens, for it is not the organ of any religious or industrial grpup, nor even of a government, but of society," and on page five, "It follows that a professor may on occasion have not only the right, but the duty, to take a position or to speak out even when doing so is embarrasing to his university - and the administrative officers of the university have a duty to de- fend and protect his freedom a- gainst encroachment from any source, whatever, even from so- ciety." In brief, if words mean anything, these words state that a professor is not only beyond the laws of gov- ernment, but beyond the restraints of society itself. We particularly object to these two statements as it is our convic- tion that every tacuty member has a responsibility to the University and to society, and that these two responsibilities should be placed above his personal privilege. It seems to us intolerable that any man, under the delusions of aca- demic freedom or otherwise, should put his personal rights above the welfare of the University. We disagree with the repudia- tion of the AAU document found in the closing section of the report and we particularly object to the statement that "it casts a shadow of authority and intimidation." In conclusion, we feel that this work intends a criticism of the University administration for its handling of three difficult cases and moreover appeals for and de- clares a complete justification of the attitude of the individuals in- volved. We therefore hold that this report is not satisfactory and that it should not be adopted. -Frederick A. Coller Ernest Boyce W. A. Paton E. C. O'Roke E. N. Goddard . t ;p WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Dixon-Yates and the Pentagon k A Judge CROSSING THE border into Hong Kong, last Sunday afternoon, three men came back. And, probably more than the rest of us, they are wondering to what. The other two American soldiers who return- ed before them are now serving prison terms. Seventeen more of the original 23 prisoners of war who refused repatriation at Panmunjom still remain behind the Bamboo curtain. One died in Red China. "Brainwashing" and "turncoats"-these are the labels that have found their most valid meaning in the minds of those who have under- gone the horrible reality of their implications. The rest of us can only sit by and hazard a guess at some semblance of a definition. It is one thing to be gored by a bull, and quite another to merely sit on the sidelines as a spectator. But, to whatever else these men might be returning, we can be quite sure that the one most certain thing is judgment. Almighty God -in creating all men in His Image-seems tQ have, inadvertently, created most of them in His Role. There are more judges in this world than cigarette butts, and every other citizen seems to have pursued jurisprudence as an avocation. It will be easy fob these men to find both sympathy and condemnation. Lest they be judged too hastily either way, it might be well to remember that their acts were committed under the impact of great emo- tional and mental pressure. It is difficult to The Daily Staff Editorial Board Jim Dygert Pat Roelofs Cal Samra NIGHT EDITORS Mary Lee Dingier, Marge Viercy, Ernest Theodossin Dave Rorabacher..........................Sports Editor hold a man, who has undergone the brutal brainwashing ordeal, accountable for his ac- tions. These men have admittedly made a mis- take under unusual circumstances, and they should be judged accordingly. Perhaps they are entitled to another chance. It might be safe to wager that they have learned more about the true meaning of free- dom than most of us will ever know. Their com- ing home could be a tribute, both to themselves. -and to America. --Roy Akers By DREW PEARSON. WASHINGTON--A Congression- al investigation into the man- ner in which retired military of- ficers use their Army-Navy ca- reers to get into big business, then use big business to influence gov- ernment, has been long overdue. Various Senators have talked about such a probe, and one might now be held in connection with Dixon-Yates. How much did certain high- ranking Army-Navy officers have to do with trying to kill off the Tennessee V a11e y Authority through Dixon-Yates? How close were they to the first Boston Cor- were they to the First Boston Cor- close were they to General Eisen- hower? These are questions a Con- gressional committee might well investigate. The facts go back to Pearl Har- bor days when Frank Denton, pre- sident of the Mellon Securities Corporation, came to Washington as a colonel working for the late Gen. B. B. Somervell. Colonel Denton in turn brought George Woods, president of the First Boston Corporation, to the Army as part of Somervell's en- tourage. It was General Somervell who pushed Denton for promotion to Brigadier General and, after the war, General Denton, head of Mellon Securities, in turn got Gen- eral Somervell made President of Mellon's Koppers Company. Also after the war, George Woods of the First Boston and Denton of Mellon Securities mer- ged their two companies; so that, after 1946, Dick Mellon and his sister, Mrs. Allan Scaife, control- led the First Boston Corp., which, it's now revealed, put Adolphe Wenzell inside the Budget Bureau to concoct the Dixon-Yates as a means of blocking TVA. ADMIRAL ENTERS PICTURE THE STORY, however, does not stop there. After the war, another high -ranking officer, Adm. Ben Moreell, was picked by the Mellons to become head of their Jones and Laughlin Steel Co. And the other day, Admiral Moreell, as a member of the Her- bert Hoover task force on public utilities, wrote a lengthy, highly technical recommendation that TVA be turned over to private companies. Admiral Moreell, a fine Naval officer, knows almost noth- ing about public utilities, and it would be interesting to ascertain who wrote the report for him. A Cnnof onmm -fc micr ^IV and for Dixon-Yates. Why was it that Ike picked this particular army officer? Who recommended him and why? Was he picked for the special purpose of gradually liquidating TVA and how close was he to the first Boston-Mellon was he to the First Boston-Mellon A great many retired generals have been appointed to high po- sition of late and they should be scrutinized carefully if we are to safeguard our tradition of being a nonmilitary nation. A GENERAL BUYS OIL LAST WEEK, Congressman Dew- ey Short, Missouri Republican, denounced as "terrible" the fact that the Air Force had hired ano- ther retired General, W. W. White, Vice-President of Esso, to nego- tiate oil and gasoline agreements for the Air Force. On Feb. 26, 1954, one year and four months before the investiga- tion by the House Armed Services Committee, this column revealed that Brig. Gen. White had been hired by the Air Force for the very dubious job of negotiating a $30,000,000 agreement to sell avi- ation gas to the Air Force over- seas. This, according to the column of Feb. 26, '54, "constitutes about tors," this column reported. "As will be used by the Air Force over- seas during the current fiscal year. C o n g r e s s men investigating White's analagous position on July 7, 1955, elicited the fact that he is still drawing pay from the Esso Export Corporation while working for the Air Force. OPPOSITION TO ADMIRAL BYRD TOP GOVERNMENT officials want to be polite about it, but they intend to tell Adft. Rich- ard Byrd, the famous polar ex- plorer, that they don't want him to head then upcoming Antarctic explorations. They favor a junior officer, Capt. Finn Ronne, instead. The Navy, however, is still back- ing Byrd. He also has strong po- litical support in the Senate where his brother, Virginia's potent Har- ry Byrd, and his in-law, Massa- chusetts' long-faced Sen. Leverett Saltonstall, can block funds for the Antarctic expedition. This presents a vexing problem to the interdepartmental commit- tee of the Antar'ctic, which in- cludes such big names as Secre- tary of the Interior McKay, Un- dersecretary of Defense Anderson, Assistant Secretary of State Liv- ingston Merchant Weather Bureau Chief Francis Reichelderfer and TT .q Tfrmo-n- h r 'anir increase U.S. knowledge of this last great unexplored continent. A Norwegian by birth, Ronne is now a naturalized . citizen living in Maryland. He accompanied Ad- miral Byrd on two early Antarc- tic expeditions and led his own successful Navy expedition to both the Arctic and Antarctic in 1946- 48. Last year, Sen. Francis Case, South Dakota Republican, intro- duced a bill authorizing govern- ment aid to the nonprofit, sci- entific American Antarctic Asso- ciation. If this had passed, Ronne would have headed up a civilian Antarctic expedition. The bill was blocked, however, by brother Har- ry Byrd and Saltonstall, whose daughter Emily married Admiral Byrd's son. The Navy also quietly let Ronne know that, as a reserve officer, he would be called to active duty and shipped as far from the Antarctic as possible if the bill passed. Ad- miral Byrd, though retired, is a flag officer and member of the Annapolis clique. He is also still the Navy's adviser on polar mat- ters. That's why the backstage battle is so intense. (Copywright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate) 14 CURRENT MO VIES DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN t is rather fortunate that Silvana Mangano, one of Italy's favorite glamous girls, has a rather strikingly attractive face. For it is this .face upon which Producer Robert Rossen focus- es all of his attention in the new "drama with a different beat," Mambo. Silvana is one of those Venetian street girls who works her way up the Terpsicorean ladder via the Katherine Dunham dance troop. Once she has achieved stardom, she must choose between no-good, alley-sneaking Vittorio Gass- man and kindly, soon-to-die-of-a-strange-di- sease Michael Rennie. It does not matter that Silvana really marries Michael for money to support Vittorio. What does matter is that she falls in love with Michael, and when he passes away, she goes back to her dancing: "In . .. the absorbing world of Mambo I could find forgetfulness of the past and in time, peace and happiness." Silvana, who prepared her musical numbers with Choreographer Dunham, seems ill at ease when she is pirouetting, but the cameraman keeps his eye pointed at her face most of the time. A very stunning woman .ilvana goes The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1955 VOL. LXVI, NO. 16 Notices Health Service. The Ophthalmology Clinic closes for the summer Sat., July 30. Summer Session students wishing refractions should make appointments well in advance of that time. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: A firm in Southern Michigan is look- ing for a Confidential Secretary for the Chief Engineer. Girl should be 21 years of age and proficient in shorthand. A knowledge of Engineering terms is desirable but not essential. Y.W.C.A., Nat'l. Board, N. Y., N. Y., offers positions to young women with B.A. degrees or higher beginning Sept. Canada Life Assurance Co., Jackson, Mich. Div. - men in LS&A and BusAd for Sales. For appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures Sixth Summer Biological Symposium, auspices of the Division of Biological Sciences. "Brain and Behavior II - Isocortical Mechanisms," Karl H. Pri- bram, Director of -the Department of Neurophysiology, Institute of Living, Hartford, Conn., 8:00 p.m., Rackham Ampitheater, Thurs., July 14. Department of Astronomy. Visitsrs' Night, Fri., July 15, 8:30 p.m. Dr. Kenneth M. Yoss of Louisiana State University will speak on "Saturn - The Ringed Planet." Following the illustrated lecture in 2003 Angell Hall, the Students' Observatory on the fifth floor will be open for telescopic obser- vation of Saturn and a nebula, if the sky is clear, and for inspection of the telescopes, exhibits and planetarium, if the sky is cloudy or clear. Children are welcomed, but must be accompanied by adults. A cademic Notices Schools of BusIness Administration, Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., July 14, at 4:00 p.m. In Room 247 West Engineering. Prof. Paul Naghdi will speak on "The vibration of Elastic Bodies Having Time-Dependent Boundary Conditions." Concerts Carillon Recital by Percival Price, University Carillonneur, 7:15 p.m. Thurs., July 14. Deyn's Andante Canta- bile, Van Hoof's Sonata, Nees' Klacht en Troost over Jef Denyn, 21art's Suite, preludium capriccioso serenade, dansje and tocccata, d'Arba's The Cattistock Suite and Price's Variation for Carillon on a Chime by Sibelius. Events Today The International Center Teas will be held at Madelon Pound Home at 1024 Hill Street on Thursday from 4:30-5:30 p.m. The "Cercle Francais" the' "French House" will sponsor a celebration in commemoration of "Bastile Day" at 902 Baldwin, 8:30 p.m., on July 14. Election of Miss Bastille. Open to public. Charge per person, $1.00. Hillel Foundation Thurs., July 14, 8:0O p.m. Musicale featuring Brahms Double Concerto in A Minor anr thA rqhai. I 1