-j TUE 3MAAMAXADA"V) ',, Sixty-Fifth Year "Now, What's Next?" CURRENT MOVIES 'l .EDITED AND MANAGED BYS TUDENTS OF xHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONiROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIO4s BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. OF DOGFACES & EDITORS: The Daily & the University By CAL SAMRA RETURNING to civilian life after two years under the heels of that charming breed af- fectionately known as top-kicks is, after all, a delightful experience. But returning as a col- lege editor is rather frightening since, judging by past experience, college editing in many re- spects means war. Keeping a daily rendezvous with cigarette butts is: a pacific occupation compared with the rigorous lot of the college editor, who-if he's worth his salt-is obliged to wage a running battle with public sin apa- thy, stupidity, bigotry, demagoguery, the forces of reaction, and in other ways help the world along. I came across the English Department's Al- Ian Seager the other day, and that learned gentleman, grinning obliquely, was bold enough to ask what I had learned in the service. After relentlessly exploring my mind, I concluded three things of importance had been learned: 1) that in all the world there is nothing like a rebelle who can cook Southern fried chicken. 2) that democracy is well worth sacrificing two years for. 3) that, as an institution of higher learning, the University of Michigan has few peers. Any expansion of the first point would; of course, be superfluous. As for the rejuvenated faith in. democracy inspired by the service, nothing can instil a deeper appreciation for the democratic process. in the mind of a recruit than the. knowledge that a paltry private first class can order you torscrub a latrine without advote on the mat- ter. Regimentation, makes devoted democrats out of all draftees. And the third illumination: at the risk of sounding like a lackey of the public relations department, gadding about the country and associating with the products of other uni- versities reinforced my respect for Michigan tenfold., Though we may be prone to be critical of it internally, the University of Michigan is held in high esteem throughout the nation. It pos- sesses an intensely faithful alumni body. Many of its faculty are acknowledged to be leaders in their fields. Its influence reaches into all sectors of the country. Lest we be smug however, it might be wise to remember too that the University really bungled in several instances, notably the dis- missal of Prof. Nickerson, and that it has not always faced the outside world courageously but has occasionally truckled to expediency.- In another respect, the University appeared puerile as regards its position on the MSC name change. THIS SUMMER, then, though we may be proud, the Daily staff will continue to re- serve the right to be critical.! The objectives of the Daily have always been to furnish objective, factual news cover- age of local, national and international events and to provide editorial comment on those events for the university community. Annually rated outstanding among college papers the Daily is well-equipped to execute its functions. For a college paper, it has one of the finest plants in the country. The Associated Press feeds it the news via teletype. Distinguishing it from other college papers, the Daily is singularly free, an entirely stu- dent-run operation. This paper has no edi- torial policy. Editorials are written by staff members and represent the opinion of the writer only. Differences of opinion are en- couraged in both editorials and letters to the editor, not to mention reviews. We do not subscribe to the notion that our society should tolerate dissension only until someone actualy dissents. We hold to the conviction that at a great university all opin-' ions ought to be welcome and that the non- conformist should be accorded the same re- spect as the conformist. One can never rule out the possibility that the quack of today might be the Jefferson of tomorrow. This ' summer the Daily will be. supervised by an editorial board that is graced with the. talents of senior editors Pat Roelofs and Jim Dygert. The job of keeping the Daily swim- ming in the black rests on the shoulders of business manager Joe Frisinger. Both the edi- torial and the business staffs extend a cordial invitation to anyone interested in working on' the Daily to drop in for a casual visit. Meanwhile, unless the staff succumbs to the excruciating Ann Arbor heat, the Daily will be persistent in its efforts to help make cam- pus life more interesting to the roughly 8,000 students enrolled here this summer. With the numerous activities scheduled in the Ann Ar- bor area, the campus should be lively this summer. The Daily will contribute its share. foetvIgti255 b.PFIVUe bumgc L56rom owSDapi WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: White House Lax on Vital Jobs WASHINGTON-It looks as if the White House is getting a bit lax in securing FBI reports on certain vitally important appoint- ments to high office before mak- ing them. In recent weeks it's beer revea- ed that John Brown of Houston, Texas, appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals, fifth circuit, had been severely rebuffed by the court on which he was supposed to sit, al- so that ex-congressman John S. Wood of i' cdigia, appoirPitc to the Subversive Activities C o n t r o l Board had been a member of the Ku Klu" Klan and had let his congressional office receive a $I,- 000 fee for introducing a private bill. On top of tik, it has Just been reveale: that the FBI began on.y; last week to chec on Ik S new appointee to the Atomic Energy Commission. Allen Whi ieid, the appointee n question was desig- nated by the President or March 17, yet the FBI began checking his record only during the first. week in June. Meanwhile here is part of the record of the man appointed to the Atomic Energy Commission, one of the most important posts in the nation*. Bank Stock Zoomed W HITFIELD, A go-getting, lik- able Des Moines attorney, ac- tive politically in the Eisenhower campaign, had been appointed trustee in 1937 for the will of the late R. A. Crawford, chief owner of the Valley Bank and Trust Company of Des Moines. With him as trustees were the late Frederick M. Morrison and the late James A. Howe. Crawford willed his stock in the Valley Bank and: Trust, after his wife died, to Drake University, the G.A.W.-Reuther's Brilliant Stroke WALTER P. REUTHER, president of the C.I.O. United Automobile Workers, has ac- complished in the past few weeks something that might be regarded as a coup in the long, sometimes turbulent, history of American labor. That something is 'Guaranteed Annual Wage, though as it stands in its present form, it is certainly neither guaranteed nor annual. And it even fails, somehow, to bear ,much re- senblance to a wage. G.A.W., as it now stands, is merely a buf- fer; a supplement to state unemployment com- pensation, that will assist in providing 65 per- cent of regular take-home wages to the work- er for the first four weeks of layoff, and 60 percent for 22 weeks thereafter. Its scope in time, therefore, is only semi-annual and its rate is, at best, a maximum of two-thirds weekly wages. The rate, since it will be fig- ured on the number of dependents, will affect many workers differently. And the actual amount required to be paid by the employers will differ with the unemployment compen- sation set-ups in the various states. The present plan will affect neither the em- ployee, nor the employer, on an equal basis. The employee's benefits will vary with the number of his dependents, and the employer's contributions will differ according to the states in which his enterprises happen to be located. And both employee and employer will be ever at the mercy of that enigma of the American scene-the politician whose saintly presence illuminates the halls of the state legislatures. But for all of its current weaknesses some of the implications, if not the exact principle, of Guaranteed Annual Wage have at long last arrived within the economic cloisters. And one might hazard the guess that-like bi- kinis and bermudas-they are here to stay. The fact that G.A.W. has been effected at all, however, was not nearly so surprising as were the methods of its attainment. Mr. Reuther was not beaten up in another "Battle of the Overpass," his proletarian pres- ence was not booted bodily from the plush* headquarters of the General Motors empire, and his workers were not required to go on strike to win a few points. This-an overt gesture of peaceful collective bargaining both on the part of labor and industry-was, it seems, on a par of importance with any of the principles involved. Most of all, though, the recent period of bargaining has been noticeably devoid of the hostile advertising and hate-propaganda that are so reminiscent of labor-management struggles in the past. Industry wore kid gloves and labor softened its rough, cotton ones with a bit of soap and water. This, alone, might give the Socialist laborites and the psuedo- Marxists something to think about before preaching their time-worn cliches in the fu- ture. The thing called understanding is just as functional in the role of a catalytic agent between classes as it is between nations. WHERE WILL labor go from here? That is something that no one knows at this point. But laying aside the labels of Free Enter- prise, Socialism, and what have you, we have seen a group of intelligent men gain an awareness that in an economy becoming in- creasingly intricate, labor, industry and gov- ernment cannot remain forever separated as an entity each apart and aloof from the other. All of them-labor, industry and government -have, in their own way, a responsibility each to the other. There are other problems to be faced in which G.A.W. will have to display a flexibility it does not now have. The very cost of Guar- anteed Annual Wage will tend to make the em-. ployer look toward the advantages of auto- mation. The human population, increasing as it is each year, will have to be taken into consideration. And some standardized plan will have to be worked out as to age limits and drawing a definite line between G.A.W. and retirement pensions. The future is never too definite, and the plans will have to be made as the problems arise. The fact remains, though, that Mr. Reuther got his brainchild through the back door. And he has been both praised and damned for it. Someday he will have to stand in the light of history and be adjudged in retrospect. He may well come to be remembered as the one man of his day who-among all others-was most instrumental in giving to society a social conscience. -Roy Akers New Books at the Library Sack, John-From Here to Shimbashi, New York, Harper, 1955. Sarton, Mary-Faithful Are the Wounds, Ten Years of The United Nations By WALTER LIPPMANN THERE WOULD be no such cele- bration, as the world will be seeing next week in San Francis- co, if in these ten years the United Nations had not proved themsel- ves to be a universal and indispen- sable institution. Nothing that can be said by the statesmen who will be there is so eloquent as the fact that these statesmen are there- that no government has wished, that no government would have dared, to refuse to come. There are still many governments wait- ing, hoping, and working to be admitted into -the United Nations. There is none that would like to resign. Among those who follow these things are, to be sure, few in -any country who are not critical of this or that in the organization or in the specific acts of the United Nations. There are, likewise, few Americans who agree with all tre policies and actions of the Amer- ican government. But those who would like to leave the United Na- tions, or wish to see the society dissolved, are no more than an eccentric minority. No memnber has threatened to resign if it could not prevail. And none has beenthreatened with ex- pulsion if it did not. conform to the views of the others. This re- flects, I believe, something new in human history, and something ofj great significance: namely, the presence throughout mankind of a will that the sovereign govern- ments shall preserve the universal society. This sentiment, so imponderable and yet so compelling, is not due to the triumphs of the United Na- tions in the specific and hard questions that have been put to universal human interest is that. issues must never be let reach a point where conflict is irreparable and inexpiable. For humanity has rights that mankind must compel all governments to respect and to defend. THAT THE United Nations have come through the past ten years, and that membership is now prized in every nation, is-if one stands off and looks at it-extra- ordinary. These have been ten dangerous years. The world is rent by the cold war-which is perhaps the deepest, widest, and bitterest schism within the peoples of the world since the long struggle be- tween Islam and Christendom. And with this cold war, along- side of it, as part of it, and at times overriding it, we have been living amidst the epoch-making rise of the peoples of Africa and Asia, and their emergence as new powers of the world. In the whole of our recorded history there have been few peri- ods, perhaps no period, when so many peoples have been involved in such deep changes in the ways of their life, or 'engaged in such a diversity of conflicts. It is as- tounding, therefore, that the uni- versal society of the United Na- tions survives, and that it is, if anything, more deeply. rooted, more tenaciously adhered to, than it was ten years ago. In human experience this is not the first enormous ideological schism when men were prepared to kill and be' killed, nor is this the first period of -widespread rev- olution. But this is the first time when in such an age of troubles there has been a truly universal society to which all the antagon- Methodist hospital, the Des Mofri- es Childrens Home and the, Piney, Woods School in Mississippi. But it ended up not in the hands of these institutions but being pur- chased by the trustees. It was a very profitable buy. For the Valley Bank and Trust today has a capitalizatii .of $1,- 000,(00 S2 s'{N0,000 in deposits, a surplus of 6500,000 and profits of about $6b,0A. Today also Whitfield control, the bank as the largest single stockholder-F69 shares. Yet he and the other trustees - sup- posed to pass this stock along to' Drake University, the Methe-dst hospital and the other instutio ;s. While it is true that the trus'. tees of these institutions agreed to sale of the stock at what now ap- pears to be a low price, and whiJe Whitfield was in the armed serv- ices during part of this time, nev- ertheless he signed the final trus- tees' report and OK'd the acts of his co-trustees. Senate investiga- tors have also run across evidence that he knew exactly what was go- ing on even though away. Senators Probe S A PESULT, Sen.Clitnton An- man of the Joint Atomic Commit- tee which must pass on Whitfield's confirmation, has written Whit- field a letter asking about certain chapters in his career. One ques- tion the senators want answered is whether his purchase of the stock was not a breach of Judi- ciary relationship. They also want to know wheth- er any effort was made to get an appraisal on the Valley Bank stock before it was sold. Investiga- tion so far indicates there was none. The senators also want to know how much Whitfield profit- ed personally from a deal in which he was a trustee. The' Senate committee already has information that he received real-estate fees from the sale of the Valley Bank Building, plus a retainer from the bank. His own shares of bank stock also increas- ed from 150 to 869 partly through purchase, partly through split stock. Another question asked by Sen- ator Anderson is whether Whit- field and his co-trustees zealously guarded the rights of Crawford's widow. The evidence obtained by Senate investigators shows that on Nov. 9, 1943, Mrs. Crawford was paid $15,000 in cash plus an agreement to pay her $9,000 a year. Since she was then 93 years old, this could not have meant an outlay of any great amount of money. As a matter of fact, Mrs. Crawford died six months later. In return for this small pay- ment to the widow, Morrison and Whitfield took over any rights she had to the stock. There ensued meanwhile a has- sle with Drake University, the Methodist hospital and the other charities, during which various. petitions were filed by the Univer- sitv a n te osita disninL the At the State. THE MAGNIFICENT MATA- -DOR, with Anthony Quinn and smaureen ('hat.a Although the magnificence of this film is still a questionable item, its appearance at the State immediately following "Son of Sinbad" helps it to acquire glories unimagined by 20th Century-Fox. The picture suffers mostly from the inclusion of Miss O'Hara in a dramatic role, and from the lack of any sensible handling of the story. Anthony Quinn is the matador in question, and there are 'mo- ments when he nearly strides his way into magnificence. Mr. Quinn has been known, on occasion, to be something of an actor, and his training peeps through here and there in this film.Most particu- larly he hits his mark when the role demands a temperamental matinee-idol swagger, or when an over-dose of tequila allows-him to cast off his passionate intensity. Mr. Quinn, called by his ad- mirers simply "matador," is the aging king of the bull-ring, and his position brings him a few ra- ther serious conflicts in the course of the movie: he Is pla- gued with a complexity of de- sires concerning his reputation, his parental duty, his parental love, and MissO'Hara. The solu- tion is so easy it might have been drawn from life, although the general plot-outline gives the lie to this supposition. Miss O'Hara, as:languorous At she has ever been, or tried to be, portrays a promiscuously rich American lady with designs upon the matador. It looks for a while as if her money is her chief virtue, but the flesh wins out after all. It is unfortunate that Miss O'Hara has been around as long as she has, for her stature as a veteran actress makes a few of her state- ments slightly absurd; are we ser- lously to believe, for'example, that in the course of this picture she experiences her first fear, her first love, and her first (In a long time) prayer? Tis is the sort of thing that Margaret O'Brien or Peggy' Ann Garner might put across, but it is ridiculous when attempted by preposterous Maureen O'Hara.- Others in the cast are Thomas Gomez and Manuel Rojas, who behave with appropriate Mexican propriety. -Tom Ape * * * dt the Michigan DAVY CROCKETT, King of the Wild Frontier with Fess Parker and Buddy Epsin. DAVYCROcK1T has been Pieced together from three hour-long Walt Disney television shows, based upon the life of the noted frontiersman, Indian fight- er, and Congressman. Like Most Disney films it avoids some cli- ches, but introduces others, evolving into a wor that some- times has originality and sparkle, at other times only overworked concepts. What is perhaps most charac- teristic of Davy Crockett is that it attempts to present the life of a single man, bridging together its many minor sequences with the. tatle song, now a 'juke-box favor- ite, and cartoon-drawn maps. In this respect, its episodic nature gives it a distinctiveness that is foundin few frontier stories. The film documents how Crork- ett rose from a volunteer in An- drew Jackson's army to a con- gressman, finally dying in the siege of the Alamo, in a blood- soaked battle. Its story is as fac- tual as Hollywood has ever made a story appear on the screen. Had' it been content to present only facts, Davy Crockett might have been a better-than-average work on early America. But the picture soon begins to interpret these facts, using them' 'to elaborate upon popularly held beliefs. The picture has honesty of presentation. There is the beauty and sadness of life and the horror of death. But these somehow get lost, most likely through its func- tion as a propaganda device for "The things America stands for." SCRIPT WRITER Tom Black- burn has chosen to embue Crockett w i t h characteristics found only in a diety, and the gentleman becomes more than the "King of the Wild Frontier": he Is the true model of~ Christian manhood- and the personification of 'Americana. Crockett rationalizes his Indi- an fighting by -saying he only, hates Indians when they are fighting the white man. And when he swings open the Con- gressional doors to stop an In- dian bill and inspires Jim Bowie with unprecedented courage at the Alamo, Crockett becomes something bordering on a minor god, a position of which he seems to have taken hold in the hearts of American youngsters. nAVY CROCKETT was un- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2 classrooms and students are expected to conduct themselves in such' a man- ner as to be a credit to theassivs ard to the University. They are4men1aieto the laws governing the community as weil as to the rules and orders of the University officials, and they are ex- pected to observe the standards of con. duct approved by the university. Whenever a student, group of stu- dents, society, fraternity, or other etu- dent organization fails to observe either the general standards of conduct as. above outlined or any apeclflc rues which may be adopted by the proe University authorities, or conducts himself or itself in such a manner. as to make it apparent that he Or it is not a desirable member or part of the ti- versity, he or it shall be liable to die. pinary action by the proper 'Univer- sity authorities. Specific rules of en. duct which must be observed are: Intoxicating beverages. The. use 6presence, of intoxicating bvergs lix student quarters is not' permittepI. (Committee on student Conduct, July, 194'?) Women Guests in Men's Residences. The presence of women guests iin men's residences except for exchange and guest' dinners or for social events ow during calling hours approved by th Offce of°-. of Student Affairs, is not' permiltted. This regulation does not apply to mnoth- era of residents. (Committee on Student Conduct. Januar'y, 147) Fraternities without resident house directors and fraternities operating as rooming houses during the sauimer have. no calling hour privileges and ay 'a tertain women guests only at exhange or guest dinners or for social 'events approved by the Office of Student Af- fairs: (See procedures, below) REGISTRATION OF SOCIAli VR NT8z Social events sponsor;l by student organizati~ns at which both then andt women are to be prese nt must be .j, proved by 'the Dean of Men Applica, tion form and a copy of eguation. governing these events may be secured in the.Office of student Affais, 1020 Administration Building. Reuests for. ' approval must be submitted to that or- fice no later than noon of the. Monday before the event is scheduled. 'A lit of approved social events' will' be publish- ed in the Daily Official Bulletin "4* Thursday of each week. Exchange and, guestkdinner, may ba held in organized student residence (operating a dining room) between 5:30 pm. 8-p.M. for weekday dinners' and between 1 pa. - 3 p.m. for Sunday dn- ners. These events must be annom eid to the Office of Student Affairs at least one day in advance of the sctheduiie date. aGuest chaperons are not ;equired If the function is scheduled within the hours indiciated. Calling hours for women in men's *eu- idences. In University Men's Residence Hails, daily between 3 p m.-i0:30 p.m.: Nelson International House, Friday, £ K 'p. 1.-l2pn. aturday 230 p.- 5: p-1 p. fi S t r a 2:6m .-l0:30 pm . This privilege appites p.m. and from 8 p.m.-12 p.m.; siday only to casual calls and not to planed parties. women callers in men's 'res.. ' deers are restricted to the main floor of the residence. Responsibility for MaintaIning Stan- dards of Conduct. Student organusa- tions are expected, to take all reasonable measures to promote among their miem- bers contdut consistent with good'tate fnd to endeavor by allreasonable mean to ensure conformity wVt,4 the foego- ing standards of conduct. University students or student organ- iaations are responsible for thei- guests' compliance with the standards of con-' duct. Any student sponsored function at which conditions arise that are injur-, sous to 'the prestige of the University may be 'abolished. It Is the Joint respounsibilty of tie chaperons and the president of the or- ganization sponsoring a social event to see that University regulations are ob- served, particularly those relating. to conduct, presence of women guests, 'and use of- intoxicants. Student Organizations planning to be active during the summer session must regiater in the Office of Student A- fairs not later than July 1. Forms 'for. registration are available in the Oficen of Student Affairs, 1020 Adntnsta , tion Building. Use of the Daily 'Official Bulletin for announcement of meetings and useof meeting rooms in University Buildings will be restricted to officially recog- nized and registered student organiza- For procedures and regulations relat- ing to student organizations officers are referred to UNEVErrY. RIGULA TIONfS CONCERNING STUDENT AF- FAIRS, CONDUCT, AND DISOIPLXNN. Copies are available in the Ofice of Student Atralrs. PERSONNEL REQUESTB: Pan American World' Airways System is recruiting stewards and Stewardesses for new classes forming June 27 and. July 5. Positions require fluency to one' of the following: French, Italian, Ger man, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Da- nish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Hun. garian, Czechoslovak, Turkish, Arable, Hindustani, or Greek. Mademoiselle Magazine announces its "Europe on' a Paycheck" feature Writ- ing contest, open to any woman 30 or under who is going abroad and will be working while there. Mich. Civil Service anounces exams for School Finanee Executive. Ill and 1V, Budget Technician, Weights and Measures Inspectors 1 and 1A,.-and Re- ceptionist B. Exams are also announced for Adult Corrections Trainee 1, Statis- tics ClerkA,-Clerical Pool Supervisor 1, Child Day Care Consultant 11, and Foods and Standards Inspector 1. For further. Infoanation- contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad. Bldg., Ext. 371. S The Daily Staff Editorial Board Pat Roelofs Foreign Language Teachers. Each Tues. at 4:00 p.m. lecture on foreign language teaching in 429 Mason Hall, open to the public. Tues., June21, Theo- doreAnderason, director of the Master of Arts in Teaching Program at Yale University. Academic Notices Business Education Get - Together, Thurs., June 23, Rackham Building, East Conference Room. 7:00-9:00 p.m. Events Today Weekly Bridge Lessons starting to- night, 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan League, Jim Dygert Cal Samra NIGHT EDITORS Mary Lee Dingler, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin Dave Rorabacher... .................Sports Editor Business Staff Joe Frisinger. . ........ Business Manager