~1 TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, J U. 1955 WEDNESD.r.aV... LUvl t. 1955 0 I Sixty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. What A Strange Crusade To Get Him Into ) a ... -s' x- ia ss t r :- "' ''. - - . , VV .. te .. .4 Eisenhower and '56 By JIM DYGERT INTERPRETING THE NEWS: The Move To Abolish War AN OLD, TESTED political principle advises never let your enemy-or enemies, if you have more than one-know what your next move will be. President Eisenhower, in public application of this principle, merely chuckles when asked to run again in 1956 by his Repub- lican colleagues. Many people have been quoted and many ar- ticles have been written, some explaining in detail why the President will again be a can- didate, and the others presenting documen- tary evidence of equal credibility to the oppo- site view. The only conclusion to be drawn from all this is that no one knows whether Eisenhower will run again; the President has been successful in keeping us guessing. Any speculation on his desire to retire from public life and other factors already well-scrutinized by prognosticators is about as valuable as a prediction of the next Rose Bowl winner. No doubt Eisenhower has revealed to a very few close, trusted friends what his plans are, cautioning them on their necessary secrecy. Whatever they say, then, is merely part of the, game that Eisenhower is playing. The. Presient's refusal to commit himself prevents, the Democrats from formulating any definite campaign plans for 1956. A program directed against Eisenhower's, personal popu- larity would be much different from one aimed at the Republican Party without an awe-in- spiring personality. If Eisenhower does not run again, the Democrats have a very strong point in arguing that they would continue the appli- cation of the Eisenhower philosophy of gov- ernment, since they have been more respon- sible for Ike's getting his way in Congress than his so-called colleagues in his own party. On the other hand, if Eisenhower does accept the candidacy, the Democrats will be in a po- sition of opposing a man whose program they have generally supported. This would not be an advantageous position. It seems that the Re- publicans, to be sure of a 1956 victory, must have Ike. But the President's enemies are not confined to the opposition party. He is gaining a. certain position of strength over his own party by not committing himself. As the situation stands now, the Republican Party has not seriously begun looking for ano- ther candidate, satisfied that it can convince Ike to run again. As long as the President does not say either "Yes" or "No," the Republicans will wait, holding up any plans for another candidate. The result will be that Ike will have no trouble with his party at convention time, because there will be no other choice. And, if re-elected for a second term, Ike will probably have considerably more control over his own party than he now enjoys. Eisenhower is probably aware of these fac- tors, and that is why he keeps mum. He knows that the longer he refuses to commit himself, the easier a 1956 victory becomes. If he does not run again, he will be deliber- ately bringing a Democratic victory, because he knows the Republicans cannot win without him. The Democrats, of course, do not want him to run again and are fighting his strategy of silence the only way they can-by silence. Stevenson, too, has not committed himself. But it's a little different in his case-he will run only if Eisenhower does not. So, Ike has the whole 1956 election in the palm of his hand. By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE LATEST move by Bertrand Russell and a group of sci- entists to focus world attention on the need for abolishing war is re- mindful of the preacher who, ask- ed about his qualifications for a new pastorate, said he was against sin. The meeting of Big Four lead- ers in Geneva next week is the di- rect result of a world demand for avoidance of war. The demand was produced by realization that a hu- man race which knows how to destroy itself should also be smart enough to save itself, The British philosopher and his nine scien- tists merely add to that. In the exchange between Rus- sell and France's Professor Joliot- Curie, however, a point is brought out which emphasizes the diffi- culties of definition and of funda- mentals which the Western nego- tiators will face. Joliot - Curie, a Communist, would ban force as a means of settling issues between nations, but not as a weapon in the class warfare which Russian commun- ism seeks to promote within na- tions. Conquest by war has never been more than a last-resort principle of Soviet policy, except as war be- tween other nations can be pro- moted and used to prepare for conquest by infiltration. The use of force as a capstone for internal revolution is, on the other hand, ranked as a neces- sity in all the Communist hand- books. You don't have to be a seer to understand the methods and plans of communism. All you have to do is remember the procedure fol- lowed in China. The old Comin- tern wrote the book 25 years ago. It was followed almost word for word by the Red conquerors in the 1940s. All this has a very direct bear- ing on the big question which the Allies will have to keep in mind at every turn of the Soviet wheel in Geneva. This is not so much the question, now so widely asked, of why Russia has suddenly de- cided that a relaxation of tensions is to her interest. Behind that to the question, what does Russia in tend to do with the time for which she is maneuvering? If the scientists and philosoph- ers could answer that one, they wouldn't need to tell us.any more about the undoubted necessity of avoiding war. ' The Conferene At the Summit 9 Tpyrigt. 1955. The Pulttser Publisbg C St Louis Post-Dispateb The 'New' International Center WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: MeCarthyism in Washington A RELATIVE newcomer cannot often make sudden changes in.an old, established in- stitution. It takes a great deal of energy and courage to change any firmly established pat- tern. However, in Dr. James A. Davis of the In- ternational Center, the University has not only a man with such energy and courage, but with a great deal of insight and foresight. Although he has been able to mold the Center's attitude and activities into a new and worth while form. Before his arrival, the Center had been ac- cused by many foreign students of being biased against certain groups of foreign students. Its counseling services were hopelessly inadequate, resulting in many misunderstandings and fre- quent poor advice to foreign students. Within less than a year's time, Dr. Davis has greatly expanded the individual counseling serv- ices so that foreign students may truly begin to rely on the Center when they are in need of a helping hand. Many of the Center's social activities have been almostly completely turned over to students, who, he rightfully assumes, know their own desires better than advisers who cannot spend a great deal of their time on this phase of the Center's activities. His most recent change in the Center is the appointment of an individual who will help vis- iting foreigners get acquainted with the Uni- versity -and with' the particular departments in which they are interested. Certainly all these changes at the Center de- serve acclaim. They will go a great way toward making the University a more pleasant place for foreign students and a more worthwhile stop on tours of foreign visitors. Dr. Davis is to be congratulated for his farsightedness and genuine promotion of international under- standing. -Dorothy Myers SALINE MILL THEATRE: 'You Touched Me!' YOU TOUCHED ME! presented by The Saline Mill Theatre. THIS IS an early play by Tennessee Wil- 'liams, written in collaboration with Don- ald Windham, and if we may judge by the present production .it is not remarkable that this is its "Michigan Premiere." It is called, in the Saline program, "a romantic comedy," and were the play able to maintain that status it might get by; Messrs. Williams and Wind- ham, however, have strewn it with serious pur- pose and low comedy, until one is often quite unable to understand where it will go next. The plot concerns the remainder of a sub- urban English family: a drunken de-frocked sea captain, his maiden sister, and his maiden daughter. The return after a five year absence of the captain's "charity boy" ward achieves the necessary reversals for the play to slip into the "romantic comedy" category. The play is packed with characters who might have been caricatured to the extent of making it very jolly indeed, but the director, Ted Heusel, seems intent upon revealing the mnore serious aspects of the story. As a con- sequence some highly laughable scenes-such as the idealistic bombast of the returning ward-are lost in the attempt to make them intelligent and touching. Surely the elements of later Tennessee Williams pathos are pres- ent, but their trappings must necessarily make them seem either a parody of things to come later in the author's career, or a very serious mistake. While the latter was most probably true when the play was written, it would not have been the work of an insensible director to magnify their ridiculous characteristics. The acting in this production has its high moments, and its very low ones. The women in the cast do their best to hold the play to- gether, but their task is not easy. Nancy Born, who appears as the spinster sister with WCTU tendencies, is generally excellent, although she is unable to overcome the play. There is a wry playfulness in her characterization which, while it opposes the director's apparent inter- pretation, does much to give the perforamnce a satiric twist. When Miss Born cares to be crotchety she can out-nag the best of them. Gillian Connable, who appears here for the first time as her aunt's apprentice in eternal virginity, does as much as is possible with her role and the interpretation given it by this production. A little more shrinking sensitivity, though, could have made her more comic than Miss Born. As she is, the girl is simply a gen- tle and serious introvert in a situation which demands more for any dramatic interest. EARL MATTHEWS is cast as the foundling who returns to his foster home in time to save his foster-sister from spinsterhood. Ha- drian, the young man, is given to spouting poetic phrases and the philosophy of progress, and it would be difficult to find likelier pros- pects for parody in the more earnest efforts of Mr. Williams. The Saline production, how- ver, plays them straight, and if there is any aughing to be done it will have to be at the expense of the characterization rather than for the sake of it. The part of the sea captain is played by William Taylor, who could have done little to seem more incredible. The captain is given the wittiest lines in the show, and could be hilarious, but Mr. Taylor seems determined to throw away every laugh he can. The fault is not easy to account for: he may either be doing his best to maintain the atmosphere By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - Senator Mc- Carthy recently was given a crushing 77-to-4 defeat in his ef- forts to hamstring and embarrass Ikeat the Big Four conference, but the friends and isms he train- ed and fostered are a long way from dead in the nation's Capital. Here are three quick news shots which indicate how McCarthyism still thrives in the following places: 1. Right inside the White House --McCarthy's closest congressional friend, ex-Congressman Charles Kersten of Wisconsin, has just been appointed a White House aide at $50 a day. Kersten, a Republican, was de- feated for re-electioon last fall in the wave of anti-McCarthyism that swept some parts of Wiscon- sin, and since then has been look- ing for a job. First he applied toj the State Department, but got no- where. Now, strangely, he has turned up as $50-a-day adviser to the White House on the direct staff of Nelson Rockefeller, in charge of Eisenhower's psychological war- fare. Rockefeller has vigorously opposed McCarthy and all he stood for, and White House insiders say he didn't want to take on the strong McCarthy supporter. How- ever, it was considered good poli- tical strategy. Kersten is the man who brought tl*i quickie divorce case of Kordas xs. Kordas before McCarthy when he was a local Wisconsin judge. 2. Inside the Federal Communi- cations Commission - Some time ago, when Christian L. Rogers, former aide to McCarthy, was ap- pointed assistant to Chairman Mc- Connaughey of the FCC, it was hotly denied that Rogers would have any influence. Already two friends of McCar- thy are FCC Commissioners-Ro- bertdE. Lee, who helped master- mind McCarthy's below-the-belt campaign against Senator Tydings of Maryland; and John Doerfer of Wisconsin who had McCarthy's support for FCC appointment. On top of this, Rogers, who had been on McCarthy's staff, was appoint- ed assistant to the new chairman. Despite denials that Rogers would have any influence, he's now slated to fill one of the key positions in the entire FCC-chief of the Broadcast Bureau. In charge of the Broadcast Bu- reau at present is Curtis Plummer, a Republican from Maine. Plum- mer, however, was appointed by the Democrats and, although a good Republican,-was promoted by the Democrats. Therefore he is suspect, and will be sent "to Si- beria," probably in charge of the safety and special radio service. The man who will take his place, McCarthy's old staff member, will security risks fired by Eisenhower and the sometimes high-handed manner in which they were fired. "What is the address of George V. McDavitt?" Barnes was asked. "Do I have to answer?" the large man from Oklahoma looked almost beseechingly at Senator Olin Johnston of South Carolina, who presided. "You were asked the question," replied Chairman Johnston. Barnes reached into his hip- pocket. His hand shook as he pull- ed out a notebook with the address of George McDavitt at 2101 S Street in Washington. McDavitt is the chief security officer of the Small Business Ad- ministration who, it was claimed, was firing Civil Service employees as security risks in Nazi fashion merely because he wanted to make room for political friends. His ad- dress - which may explain why Barnes was so reluctant to reveal it-was the building owned by the famous American Fascist and An- ti-Semite, Allen Zoll. Zoll is founder of the American Patriots, listed on the Attorney General's list of subversives as Fascist, and the fact that the se- curity officer charged with scruti- nizing alleged security risks in the Small Business Administration ap- peared to be on good terms with Zoll disturbed the Senators-as it did also Barnes. ZOLL'S RECORD ZOLL HAS quite a record. He picketed radio station WMCA in New Y6rk when it refused to permit Father Coughlin to broad- cast. He raised money for Merwin K. Hart and for Joe Kamp's Con- stitutional Educational League. With the cooperation of McCar- thy's friend, J. B. Matthews, he published the Educational Guar- dian. Later, in anonymous co- authorship with Matthews, he published "How Red Is The Fed- eral Council of Churches," also worked for the Arab cause in re- gard to Palestine and claimed cre- dit for firing Willard Goslin as superintendent of schools in Pasa- dena, Calif., as a result of inte- gration. In the 1952 campaign, Zoll hung out in Gerald L. K. Smith's headquarters working for the nomination of General Mac- Arthur. McDavitt has testified that he first met Zoll in 1949, rented a room in his building in 1954, would not talk about whether his ex-wife once worked for Zoll, said he kept files on 75,000 persons, many of them not in government. That's how another disciple of McCarthyism is operating in Washington. WASHINGTON PIPELINE SECRETARY BENSON has been predicting privately .that the Senate will not act this year on rigid farm supports . . . Govern- ter British air defenses, the United States will soon give the British some of the latest American Sa- brejet fighters and B-52 jet bomb- ers. PUBLIC HOUSING THE BACKSTAGE jockeying be- tween the White House and Capitol Hill over public housing is one of the most interesting devel- opments of this Congressional ses- sion. As usual it finds the Democrats trying to pull the President's Con- gressional chestnuts out of the fire. It even found Congressman John McCormack, of Massachu- setts, Democratic leader of the House, phoning the office of As- sistant President Sherman Adams asking him to switch at least one Republican vote inside the Rules Committee. What happened was that the House Rules Committee split 6 to 6 for and against Ike's proposal that the Government finance 35,- 000 units of public housing. This was much lower than the 135,000 figure passed by the Senate, but even so, Eisenhower's Republicans in the Rules Committee balked. Since the Rules Committee has life-and-death power to bottle up legislation, this tie vote meant that not only public housing but about $2,000,000,000 for FHA building construction loans was stopped cold in committee. Naturally this aroused a howl from the real-es- tate lobby which very much wants money for FHA but doesn't want evenmone of the public housing units recommended by Ike. Among the GOP Congressmen who opposed their chief in the White House were Leo Allen, of Illinois, former rules chairman; and Henry Latham of New York, who has been considered as a po- tential candidate for Mayor of New York or even governor. Since public housing is a hot issue in New York City, Latham's vote was a big surprise. So also was Leo Allen's. "Of course Leo will vote for pub- lic housing," gibed his Republican colleague, Clarence Brown of Ohio. "Leo's become a New Dealer. He goes down to the White House and comes back to vote the way they want him to." (Copywright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate) What Price Allies? IT DIDN'T take long for the United Nations, in what was supposed to have been a 10th an- niversary love feast, to revert to type. The conflict between the United States and Russia cropped up just as it always has when Molotov headed the Russian delegation. Secretary Dulles boiled the whole thing down to one point BY JAMES MARLOW WASHINGTON (R) - Just about the best statement which could come out of the Geneva meeting among President Eisenhower and the British, French and Russians would be one which said: "We got along together and made a little progress." To expect more than that is probably to expect too much. The Geneva meeting, beginning next Monday, is not in itself intended to solve any of the big problems separating the West and Russia. They're took big and complicated to be settled in detail in the six days which Eisenhower's White House aides now think will be the limit on his discussions with Prime Minister Eden of Britain and Pre- miers Faure of'France and Bulga- nin of Russia. The Big Four do not intend-at least as the State Department views it-to go into details on any of the problems. Rather, they will talk about them in a general way. They can agree on the problems which the four governments can try to solve later through special commissions or future meetings of the foreign ministers of the four countries. At Geneva the Big Four will probably feel successful if, through their attitude and perhaps an indi- cation of willingness to make con- cessions, they have been able to lay the groundwork for friendlier rela- tions and future agreements in de- tail. Army's reduction and the reuni- fication of Germany are two of the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN biggest issues facing them. Agree. ing on either in detail would take months. The Big Four have al- ready batted the arms problem around nine years. The schedule itself, as it standc now, will give an idea of how the conference will be held: Next Monday, July 18, 'Esen- hower, Eden, Faure and Bulganin will meet twice, in the morning and again in the afternoon. It will be the only day at Geneva when they meet twice. Starting Tuesday, their foreign ministers - Dulles of the United States, Pinay of France, Macmillan of Britain, Molotov of Russia -- will meet in the morning by them- selves. The Big Four will lunch together and every following day and then have their formal session each afternoon, accompanied by their foreign ministers. Only one formal dinner is planned. The Swiss gov- ernment is giving that. There's nothing to stop the Big Four from getting together in the evening for some conversation but that isn't planned. The Big Four will have some language problems: English, French and Russian. The speed with which they over. come that handicap depends upon whether they wear earphones and have translators filling them in word for word or depend on a roundup translation after each speaker finishes. The foreign ministers are likely to end their sessions when the Big Four quit. But they can arrange to meet again whenever they wish. .4 i The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1955 VOL. LXVI, NO. 15 Notices The Nelson House for International Living is interviewing couples for the position of house parents. Couples interested in acting as hostess and steward for a group of 30 students from all over therworld should phone NO 38506 (Mrs. Yaman). PERSONNEL REQUESTS: A firm in Southern Michigan is look- ing for a Confidential Secretary for the Chief Engineer. Girl should be 21 years of age and proficient in shorthand. A knowledge of Engineering terms is desirable but not essential. City of New York, Dept. of Personnel, announces exams for Jr. Mech. E., Jr. Civil E., Jr. Elect. E., Civil E. U. S. Air Force, Air Material Com- mand, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, announces openings for the fol- lowing: Programmer-GS-7, 9, Systems Development Analyst-GS-11, 12, 13, and Mathematician-GS-2 in the following areas: Kansas, Georgie, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Tennessee, California, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, and New York. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371., PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representative from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Fri, July 22. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio - B.S. in Elect., Mech., and Chem. guage Association staff will speak on "The Future of Foreign Languages - the Lady or the Tiger" at 4:00 pa~m. in 429 Mason Hall Wed., July 13. Open to the public. Sixth Summer Biological Symposium, auspices of the Division of Biological Sciences. "Central Nervous System In- tegration. Brain and Behavior I - Rhinencephalic Mechanisms." Karl H. Pribram, Rirector of the Departmen of Neurophysiology, Institute of Living, -Hartford, Conn. 8:00 pm., Rackham Ampitheater, Wed., July 13. Linguistic Institute Luncheon. Law* rence B. Kiddle, professor of Spacish, will speak on "Spanish Monetary Terms in American Indian Languages" at the Linguistic Institute luncheon, Wed., July 13, 12.15 p.m. at the Michigan: League. Academic Notices Students, College of -Engineering: The final day for dropping courses without record will be Fri., July 15. A course may be dropped only with the permis- sion of the Classifier after conference with the Instructor. . Concerts Student Recital Postponed: The re. citai by Mary Ann Tinkham, soprano, previously announced for Wed., July 13, in Rackham Assembly Hall, has been changed to 4:15 p.m. Sun., July 17, in Aud. A, Angel Hall. Events Today Folm Forum on Japan, Wed., July 13, 8:00 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall, the weekly Film Forum on International Education presents a program on "School and Society of Japan." Ronald Anderson will be discussion leader for three documentaries on Japan: "The Arts of Japan," "Rice Farming in Ja. pan (color), "Educational systems of Japan." Open to'the public. The Daily Staff Editorial Board Pat Roelofs Jim Dygert Cal Samra NIGHT EDITORS Mary Lee Dingler, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin Dave Rorabacher-----.....................Sports Editor