PAGE FOUR Aalp, l'rxvt rr ttil r , A Y t"Z *",i.JU ~ f 3 2.IJ *D v PAGE FOuR .~. kik!.~ L1'k.k~..'*kk~Pc~i~ 1Ni~.kk.~ A at ir4* aumafls Sixty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROLOF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH.'- Phone NO 2-3241 Te of Reacru:n clty Rights, Duties (Continued from Page 1) -VI- a good that lies, almost certainly, beyond present knowledge and un- iThnks For Y our Cooperatiou" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. FACULTY STUDIES: Review of Senate Committee Reports BY PAT ROELOFS Last year at this time the University was going through an agonizing period of ten- sion and mistrust. Representative Kit Clardy had called before his ignominious investigating subcommittee three University faculty members. and all three of them defied his undemocratic probings by standing on their Constitutional rights. A chain reaction was on its way. Following Clardy's investigation, which prov- ed nothing, the University began its own in- vestigation - after all three men had been suspended from their teaching and research positions. Two of the men were then fired by the Regents upon recommendation of President Hatcher, despite a recommendation made by a specially chosen faculty committee that one of them be retained. The third was retained by the faculty. The dismissal action incensed many. At a fall Faculty Senate meeting a resolution cen- suring the dismissals was passed. Many faculty members threatened to resign in protest of the dismissals but soon reaction against the dis- missals seemed to diedown. No one resigned, no activity against those responsible for dis- missals was instigated. Many men said they could no longer express disagreement with the administration at Senate meetings; they declared they did not dare to get up to make the motions they wanted to concerning the dismissals. They feared their jobs would be in jeopardy if they were cour- ageous and fought to publicly defend academic freedom. Something sensible did come out of the whole agonizing mess, however, even though it came too late. Five faculty committees were chosen to study in detail the problems that had arisen :- in the dismissal cases, and to make policy 'recommendations to the Senate that could dictate procedure should another similar situa- tion arise. They were I) Committee on the Role of the Faculty in Tenure Matters; 2) Committee on Severance Pay; 3) Committee on Senate Rules: 4) Committee on Appointment Pro- cedures and Personnel Records, and 5) Com- mittee on the Responsibility of the Faculty to the Society. The problem of the role of the faculty-in tenure matters arose when, following last year's suspensions, several Senate Advisory Committee chosen groups recommended Prof. Mark Nicker- son be reinstated on the faculty, and the ad- ministration refused to honor the recommen- dation. The committee studying this problem suggested that in cases where there is a charge that "conduct is regarded as potentially dis- qualifying a person for continued membership In the academic community or inimical to the welfare of the university or society," a special Subcommittee on Tenure should decide what action be taken, with a review board hearing the recommendations made by the Subcom- mittee. Departmental action would not be taken in cases of this kind. The value of this new policy is easily seen. The hearing procedures are determined now, in advance of any specific need for them, thus avoiding a hurried choice of committee members and a haphazard decision on who should study what and who should be responsible for what. Furthermore, it gives to the faculty the re- sponsibility they need in deciding matters con- cerning them, rather than allowing the ad- ministration to decide every issue that arises at this University. The problem of severance pay became a serious one when Davis was fired and did not find a new occupation soon after: The Regents de- cided when they voted to fire him not to pay him, but this was not made definite until several months later. The committee to study the problem of severance pay was appointed. This group recommended that severance pay be given only when reasonable notice of dismissal is not given. The recommendation was passed, with the stipulation that severance pay is never war- ranted when felonious conduct has been fol- lowed. The new policy is admirable - again we deplore the fact that it comes so late. Senate rules were studied by a special com- mittee because of some poorly organized meet- ings held when faculty members became excited over the whole dismissal situation last year. Under new policy, no motions may be intro- duced at a meeting unless they have been sub- mitted in writing to the Senate Secretary and included on the agenda. It is hoped more careful thought will go behind motions and resolutions, and that the new requirement will not reduce even futher the boldness of faculty members who have something to say but dare not say it. An Appointment Procedure Com- mittee study was made as the result of a question that arose during the Davis-Nickerson episode: should a faculty member disclose, even when he is not rasked about it, past political party affiliation, or should a pros- pective faculty member be dropped if his politi- cal affiliation is considered "subversive" by the hiring institution. At present state law requires signing a loyalty oath. The committee making this study found no serious deficiencies in current appointment practices. The only change they recommended was that the "Senate Advisory Committee be authorized to appoint a committee to investi- gate procedures to check on the credit rating of possible new faculty members." On the surface, investigation of credit rating seems Po go out of bounds of what should be learned by the University when hiring a new faculty member. However, according to some informed faculty members, the credit investi- gator, who, they report, is already in action, is actually a member of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and he has asked prospective- faculty members what their political affiliations are, were, and how they voted! If this is true, it is not only disgusting, but a policy that fac- ulty members should be ashamed of passing, Perhaps they are however, unaware that the credit rating investigator is just another name for an FBI agent, and maybe some persons of more authority have made this contemptible move. The whole move indicates a trend toward political conformity; Clardy didn't really lose his battle after all, for this kind of action is what he wanted! The study of Responsibilities of the Faculty to Society was made because the charge was often hurled at faculty members that the people of the state of Michigan demand political con- formity and cooperation with investigators of subversion. Therefore, the argument usually runs, because this is a state supported insti- tution, these demands must be met. The committee studying Responsibilties of Faculty to Society intelligently handle this and other arguments in their remarkably fine re- port, which appears in Daily columns. today. This writer agrees with every statement they have made. Unfortunately for this institution, the re- port was not accepted by Senate members, and consequently will not become Senate policy. Opposition to the democratic nature of the re- port undoubtedly came from the segment of the faculty that repeatedly and irrationally charges "we have in our midst a hotbed of Communists." This reactionary group believes in McCarthy tactics of investigation and does not respect a man's right to private political and economic beliefs. In their 100 per cent Americanism, they are being anti-democratic, and they have succeeded in defeating an ex- cellent statement of principles the faculty should be proud to accept. The only way the faculty can return to true academic freedom is to re-study this com- mittee's statement, and call for another vote. The report was rejected by a mere 36 votes, which cannot be taken as an indication of feeling by the majority. Perhaps the more than 400 non-voters will realize now the need to cast their vote to keep democracy ahead of totalitarianism. PEARSON: Russians To Visit U.S. BY DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - As Ike goes to Geneva for weighty confabs at the summit, a tour which might reap a bigger friendship crop in the long run will be taking place in Des Moines and points west. Ike arrives in Geneva July 16. A delegation of Russian farm officials arrives in New York July 16. Inspired by the Des Moines Register-Tribune, theirs will be the first real visit of grass-roots Russians since Russian military men and their families lived in the U. S. during the war.. . The State department is playing this one smart. It's giving the Russian farmers no dicks or security men as guards and chaperones. The Russians will go anywhere anytime, see any farm, college or experiment station...Their entertainment will be given by farm folks along the way, with the Des Moines Register-Tribune giving them the first big send-off when they arrive there July 17 . . . After Des Moines and other Iowa points, they'll visit Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, California, Chicago, and finally get back to Washington, D. C. The itinerary is entirely flexible and may change overnight. Kefauver and Adlai - Some Democratic Senators privately view the Dixon-Yates probe with mixed feelings. They recognize it as the best piece of inside work by, the big bankers they have pinned on the Ike Administration, but they also don't like to see Estes Kefauver run with the ball The link coon-skin -caner derstanding. General Legal and Moral Responsibilities and Rights Before we come to the special duties and privileges growing out of his profession, however, we must notice that the teacher has some which are independent of his position. Being a citizen, he has certain legal and constitution- al rights upon which he may stand, and certain legal obligations to fulfill. Being a man he has also various moral rights and obliga- tions. A list of these legal and mor- al rights and obligations can hardly be attempted here. Central among a teacher's rights for our purposes are, of course, those granted by the Bill of Rights. Among his responsibilities are the following: rendering public serv- ice and promoting the general wel- fare, obeying the law, honoring the Constitution and the ways provid- ed for its amendment, and pro- tecting our democratic institutions and freedoms. In short, one must be a good man, and a loyal, if sometimes critical, citizen. Certain points about the exer- cise of these general rights and duties must be underlined here. A perfect observance of all of one's legal and moral obligations is not andtcannot be asked of its staff by the university or by society. One does not show himself un- worthy of a university position by violating a traffic law. But a cer- tain not easily defined level of citizenship may be and is required of a staff member, and a violation of some laws or a neglect of some duties may rightly be followed by dismissal. Again, a high and not easily defined level of morality in conduct is rightly demanded, and conduct involving moral turpitude cannot be tolerated. Member's Rights A staff member's rights as a ci- tizen cannot be taken away by the university; he has them as long as he abides by the law. It is true that an individual may sometimes be asked to restrict himself in the exercise of certain of his rights as a condition of employment. Parochial school and business en- terprises on occasion practice such limitation. Content with limited responsibilities of their employees, they circumscribe, by mutual agreement, their rights to freedom of thought or of speech. Even cer- tain categories of governmental employees may be asked to sur- render some of their rights, al- though the principle of civil serv- ice sets limits to this. But a state university, if it is to remain true to its purpose, cannot require its teaching staff to surrender any of their rights as men or as citizens, for it is not the organ of any reli- gious or industrial group, nor ev- en of a government, but of society. In all of these matters the uni- versity must consider only what is relevant to its proper concerns, and must assume innocence until guilt is proved. Academic Responsibilities of Individual Faculty Members Besides these responsibilities and rights which he has as a man and a citizen, a faculty member has certain special ones which are due to his holding a university po- sition. Academic responsibilities differ in their sources or bases. Some are based on a special act of assignment by the university, some follow directly from the cen- tral function of a university fa- culty as described earlier, and some are simply consequences of the principles of morality as they ap- ply in one's academic relations. With the first, e.g. the duties of a departmental chairman or of a committee member, we need not concern ourselves here. The second are more crucial. Various corollaries follow from the fact that the primary task of a faculty member is to pursue truth and to cultivate intelligence in the fields with which he deals. He must show high fidelity to fact and to logic. He must have intellectual integrity and independence. He must be intellectually responsible but undogmatic, giving careful consideration to conflicting views, even on controversial questions, and trying always to follow truth and reason. As a teacher he must be scholarly in attitude, and ger- mane in his discussion, not intro- ducing controversial material un- related to his subject, and usig only scholarly methods of influ- encing the opinions of his stu- dents. The other duties to be mention- ed are moral obligations which one assumes in becoming a member of the university community, for ex- ample, to maintain the reputation and the standards of the univr- 00 CYF t , .r 3 h b rg _ v+ '.i 3 0 u9 ,: ~< "i , s~r , s~s -cry #s - a said that the professor owes his colleagues and society complete candor about, his activities and convictions, if he is called upon to speak. As in all acts of association, the professor arepts coi vei- tions which become morally binding. Above all, he owes his collcagues in the university com- plete candor and perfect integ- rity, precludin; any kind of clandestine or conspiratorial ac- tivities. lIe owes equal candor' to the public. If he is called up- on to answer for his conictions it is his duty as a citizen to seak out. It is even more d fntely his dity as a professr. Re~l to do so, on watever leal ground, cannot fail to reflect upon a profession that claims for itself the fulest freedom available in our society. in this respect, invocation of the Fifth Amendment places upon a pro- fessor a heavy burden of proof of his fitness to hold a teach- ing position and .-lays upon his university an oblig;ation to re- examine his qualifications' for membership in its society. 1This is from a statement by the As- sociation of American Uni er- sities.) Candor is not def ied in this passage, but it is clearly taken to mean both being honest or un- evasive in answering questions and being frank or unreserved in ans- wering them, Now certaily one should be honest or unevasive in replying to questions, for in this sense candor is a virtue and per- fect candor an ideal. But it is also claimed that complete frankness without any reservation, is always a professor's strict obligation, both as a, citizen and as a teacher. Such "complete candor" is said to be his strict obligation, both as a citizen anal as a' teacher. This can hardly be correct, however, for as a citi- zen he has a constitutional right to be silent in certain cases. Nor can it be argued, as it seems to be, that because he claims the fullest right to speak, therefore he must speak. Whether one talks of legal or of moral rights, his having a right to speak only implies that he must be allowed t speak, not that he must speak. To say that it implies the latter is to say that freedom to speak precludes free- dom not to speak, which is ab- surd. By the same reasoning, free- dom to worship would entail an obligation to worship. Complete Self-Revelation Others have, then, . a right to honesty on a professor's part in reply to questions about his ac- tions and convictions. But have they a right to expect comp4lete self-revelation on his part? To say so is to say that, even in a free society, no one, or at least no pro- fessor, . has a right to any priv- acy in his conviction or conduct. It is to imply that all silence Ts a sign of "clandestine or conspira- What the proponents of "com- plete candor", must mean is that if a duly appointed body asks a professor questions which are per- tinent to his fitness to continue in his profession, then he must ans- wer them. But even this is doubt- ful as a hard and fast rule. It is, no doubt, true that he ought to answer such questions if other things are equal. But other things are not always equal, or may hon- estly not seem so to him, and then the important question concerns the groud of his refusal to answer. For it is incumbent upon him to explain why he feels that he can- not answer, and the question is whether his refusing to answer on e a gonds is by itself presump- tiv evidence of unfitness 'for his profession. Individual's Motive Whether it is such evidence ,or not depends on the nature of the individual's ground or motive for not answering. If he sincerely be- lieves, on careful reflection, that the investigative agency is invad- ing his legal and moral rights and has no authority to ask its ques- tions or that the questions asked are irrelevant to his fitness for an academic position, does his refus- ing to answer on these grounds, whether he pleads a Constitutional amendment or not, establish a pre- sumption that he is unfit to be a professor? To say so is to say that a man who is wholly conscientious, and unquestionably competent both as a teacher and as a schol- ar, may yet be unfit for a univer- sity position, even if he is clearly reliable as a citizen. But in what way would such a man reflect on his profession even in keeping si- lent? Is it because he has not been candid? But has he not been? He did iot answer the questions ask- ed, but he did give a candid and sincere explanation of his reasons for not answering them. Of course, if there is evidence of the man's unfitness as a teacher independent of the fact that he kept silent, this may establish a strong presumption against him, but then it is this and not his keepingsilent that does so. It is only in this case, where indepen- dent evidence of unfitness or mis- conduct is before the investigating committee, that any burden of speaking can be said to rest upon an individual. Even in such a case, whatever burden rests upon him, it is not that of persuading the investigating body concerning the truth or falsity of the independent evidence. The near-impossibility of proving a negative makes it im- perative that the burden of prov- ing the existence of grounds for disciplinary action be placed upon the accuser, unaided by inference rom he silence of the accused., Academic Rights of Individual Faculty Members We come now to the rights which a faculty member has be- chief responsibility is to promote knowledge and understanding and to pass on to others the methods for their successful attainment, and he must therefore be granted the conditions essential for their promotion and for using and teaching these methods. These conditions are embodied in what is called academic freedom, which may be defined as the freedom of the teacher and scholar. If the teacher and scholar is to fulfill his task to society he must be left intellectually free, not only by the law but by the university; his position, salary, and advance- ment must be left unjeopardized by the content and direction of his reflection and teaching, as long as he is not guilty of incompetence, moral turpitude, or demonstrable disloyalty. He must be free to cri- ticize popular opinions and es- pouse unpopular ones if reason so requires. He must be protected when he makes mistakes in his pursuit of the truth, even on moot and vital questions. Moreover, his freedom of thought and expression must extend be- yond the classroom to his extra- curricular activities. He cannot perform his real task if he is free in the classroom or laboratory but not outside it. This means that he should be permitted to exercise his rights as a citizen without risk- ing his job, income, or advance- ment, as long as he satisfies the requirements of competence and professional ethics and citizenship, In this sense, academic freedom involves a reassertion for the fa- culty member as such of the rights of men and citizens. Right to Academic Freedom It follows that a professor may on. occasion have not only the right, but the duty, to take a po- sition or to speak out even when doing so is embarrassing to his university. If his stand is taken in the interests of reason and truth, it must be honored, not penalized. In general, if the teacher has a right to academic freedom, then society has a duty to respect his freedom and to provide for it, and the administrative officers of the university have a duty to defend and protect his freedom against encroachment from any source whatever, even from society. Oth- erwise his right is meaningless and his responsibility is a travesty. Society for its own good in the long view, and the university in order to fulfill its function with any gieatness, must be prepared to put up with any inconveniences, embarrassments, or shocks that are incidental to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom by its staff. Given these rights and respon- sibilities and citizenship in a dem- ocratic society, the faculty mem- ber has both a right and a duty to be vigilant in the cause of free- dom and truth, to participate in fli rfm irifin ofortirfinn confidence, cooperation or respect, he also has a right to expect these from them, and they have an obli- gation to return them. Among other things, he has a right to expect, if occasion arises, that they will assume him to be inno- cent until he has been proved be- yond a reasonable doubt to be guilty. Responsibilities of the Faculty As a Body Besides the responsibilities of individual faculty members, there are responsibilities of a faculty as a whole or as an organized body- for example, the faculty of the Lit- erary College, or the University Senate. These responsibilities, as determined by the Regents' By- laws, by tradition, or otherwise, are of various sorts. But here we need mention only a- few whici follow from what has been said. In external affairs, the faculty as a group of teachers has a duty to share in the difficult educa- tional task of keeping before the public a clear conception of the proper role in society of the uni- versity as a whole, its faculty, and its individual faculty members. Internally, the faculty as a body should share in the deter- mination of university policy, take part in defining the rights and duties ,of faculty members, and participate in any investi- gation and disciplining of these members. Such sharing is both a right and a duty, and a facul- ty which does not insist upon discharging this particular duty may be regarded as very ser- iously remiss. For the faculty has an obligation to help main- tain the conditions in whih free research and teaching can live and thrive, and to fight when they are threatened. If institutional policy and proce- dure were entirely independent of any possible faculty influ- ence, the faculty could have no responsibility for them. It is manifest, however, that a vigor- ous faculty can, if it wil, cre- ate a climate of opinion which- no administration or governing body could well ignore or would wish to ignore. Thus, a faculty is untrue both to itself and to so- ciety if it does not make itself felt and heard on matters vital to the health and effectiveness of the university. Conclusion In the light of the preceding, something may now be said about two other discussions of the same subject, one by the American As- sociation of Universities, and the other by the American Association of University Professors. There is a great deal of agreement between these two statements, but they dif- fer somewhat in content and spir- it. One emphasizes faculty duties, the other faculty rights; one is more administratively and legal- istically toned, the other more fa- culty oriented. These emphases are understandable, but the above dis- cussion has sought to avoid both of them. It is, however, in general agreement with the AAUP state- ment, though going farther at cer- tain points. As for the AAU state- ment-there is much in it to ap- plaud, for example its insistence that faculty members should be bold and free and should not be subjected to any special loyalty tests, but its approach and its con- clusions are in certain respects ob- jectionable. (1) As has already been pointed out, it calls in too unqualified a way for complete candor from the faculty member, and is too ready to attribute the burden of proof to him if his con- duct comes to public attention. (2) In both ways it tends to betray the principle that individuals should be regarded as innocent until proved guilty to which it it- self subscribes in another place. (3) At certain points it mnerges legal and moral considerations in such a manner as to neglect the motive or intention of the indi- vidual, as well as to condemn in advance any kind of conscientious objection, even though freedom of conscience has long been sacred in our history. (4) As a result it casts a shadow of authority and intimidation, quite unnecessarily, in precisely the region where such a shadow should least be allowed to fall, AAU Document In general the questionable fea- tures of the "AAU document result' perhaps from the fact that it waW drafted with particular possible events in mind and naturally sought to anticipate them by lay- ing down certain very specific rules of conduct, virtually without qualification. This was a mistake, and makes the AAU document un- satisfactory as a lasting statement of the responsibilities and rights of universities and their faculties. Such a more permanent formula- tion is what the present committee has tried to write, in the firm be- -t4 .4 i The Daily Staff 1 Editorial Board Pat Roelofs Jim Dygert Cal Samra NIGHT EDITORS Mary Lee Dingier, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin Dave Rorabaher.......................Sports Essitor Business Staff