TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. JULY 1. MAN TWO THE MICHIGAN DAIIA 'i'MhTRLULIlyJU IrT., 'Y IOK i Sixty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 tug . Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. "Sorry-He's Tied Up Right Now" tt "a '.w-4 ........ 1 4+ y C :Y ' 34y°x"TA + ., '" t- Ir - . te n WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Public Utilities Get A Cool billion in Bill Wisconsin's Plan To Unify State Educational Boards By JIM DYGERT THE WISCONSIN State Assembly recently re- Jected Gov. Walter J. Kohler's proposal for combining the state's nine colleges and the University of Wisconsin under a single board of trustees, and wisely so, it seems from here. Instead, it adopted a bill to set up a coor- dinating committee to direct policies for all the state's institutions of higher learning, re- taining the present system of two separate boards, one governing the University of Wis- consin, the other directing affairs for the nine state colleges. This move, it seems, accomplish- es the major purposes of Gov. Kohler's plan without adding its attendant disadvantages. Gov. Kohler wanted a 15-member board with complete authority over policies, instruction, physical plant and budgets of all ten. He ar- gued his plan would eliminate the duplication of physical plants and instruction by the uni- versity and the colleges by centralizing plan- ning under one agency. A coordination of poli- cies was also meant to provide equality of edu- cation. An opposition argument claimed that con- centrating ten schools under one board was too big a job. Yet, it is hard to believe it would be much bigger than concentrating nine schools under one board as the present set-up does. There seem to be more weighty arguments against a plan like Gov. Kohler's. A very real objection to his plan concerns an angle of which Wisconsin's legislators were no doubt aware-but those things just aren't mentioned in public. Consolidating all state schools under one board is a kind of bureau- cracy that is more likely to lead to shady poli- tics. The bigness is there, but the politics form a more real danger. There is already a certain measure of politics in state educational boards, whether they be appointed or elected. Traditionally, a post on a state educational board is not a paid one. If it is an electoral position, only those who have substantial financial resources even con- sider running for it. If appointed, the op- portunity for political appointments are ob- vious, even though only sufficiently wealthy individuals can qualify. W HE~NTHERE are two or more boards gov- erning the colleges and universities in a state, members are more- likely to take an active interest in their respective schools. Per- haps the reason for this is a certain amount of competition, which is cited as the cause of the duplication Gov. Kohler wants to eliminate. The Wisconsin Assembly's substitute bill for a co-ordinating committee can alleviate the du- plication without taking -away the competition that keeps educational board members on their toes in maintaining and improving the stan- dards of their respective schools. That this incentive should remain is very important, because the desire to improve their respective schools is perhaps all that education- al board members have to offer the education- al systems. They are almost never recognized educators; more often they know little of the operations and missions of educational insti- tutions, and due to their involvement in other businesses, cannot posisbly maintain an Inti- mate contact with the problems of their insti- tutions. Members of educational boards, ideally,, should be men or women who have spent their lives in education and are familiar with its problems and needs. That educational board members usually cannot answer to such quali- fications points to a need for a reappraisal of the educational governing system. Changes are certainly needed. But creating one centralized agency to handle all the schools in the state is not the solution, but an aggra- vation of the problem. Bureaucratizing the edu- cational system in ,that way would further re- move the policy-makers from the problems and everyday needs that they should know more about.t Michigan's arrangement, though not ideal, would be much worse if the University (now under the Board of Regents), Michigan State University (now under the State Board of Ag- riculture), and the state's teachers colleges (now under the State Board of Education) were combined under one governing body. Thus standards of all would probably gravitate to a norm. The annual battle in the Legislature for funds by each institution may seem a waste of energy that could be better used in over-all planning, but it is the competition that will do more for the universities and colleges than the. over-all planning. Wisconsin's answer provides a measure of co- ordination without removing the competition. But the problem deserves even more study. Mi- chigan would do well to examine its education- al system with an eye toward improvement. But we hope it does not consider too seriously any notions of centralizing control in one board. 'Book, Bell, and Candle' CURRENT MOVIES At Lydia Mendelssohn BELL, BOOK AND CANDLE, by John Van Druten, presented by the Department of Speech. THIS SECOND production of the Summer Playbill enjoys the advantage of working with a less pretentious play. Mr. Van Druten seems fully aware, at least through the first two acts, that he is writ- ing a play about nothing; in the third act, unfortunately, he begins to take his characters seriously, and this is a mistake because they have not proved themselves to be very real up to that time. The story, briefly, concerns ev- ents within a circle of latter-day witches. Gillian Holroyd, with a reputation for being the most pow- erful of them all, begins a play- ful game of amours with the man upstairs, and finds herself too deeply involved to laugh it off as one of her little pranks. Love, as we are told, is one thing witches can't have, unless they'd like to give up any claim to witchhood. Miss Holroyd, as we must suspect from the beginning, is willing to make the sacrifice. The role of Miss Holroyd is played by Henrietta Hermelin, a very engaging young lady. Miss Hermelin does her best to appear as feline as her Siamese cat, and seldom fails. Her wrath at find- ing herself deprived of her occult powers is a masterful perform- ance. There are times when we may readily expect her to whip out a broom and "blast off," as the younger set would have it. THE GENTLEMAN to whom Miss Hermelin becomes at- tached is portrayed by Harold Radford, who may be remembered for his hilarious performance last summer as the cook in "Mrs. Mc- Thing." He is hampered here by having one of the most serious roles in this play, and his is not a serious gift., The most delightful character in the play is created by Gertrude Slack, who appears as Gillian's aunt, a middle-aged witch of less than extraordinary powers. Miss Slack, aided by her costumes drawn from the 1920's, has an understanding of comedy which her colleagues cannot match. She manages, with no apparent effort, to spirit off every scene in which she appears. We may hope to see Miss Slack again this summer, particularly in light of the fare which is scheduled for production. Russell Brown appears as Gil- lian's brother, Nicky. We are ask- ed to believe, by some of the lines, that he is older than his sister, but this Mr. Brown fails to com- municate. He is full of youthful ebullience, perhaps to the point of being jejune, and is given to gro- tesque posturings which do not help his characterization. As a boyish prankster he would be just fine, but this, it would seem, is not what Mr. Van Druten had in mind. THE ROLE of Sidney Redlitch, the author of books on witch- craft, is taken by William Angus Moore. Mr. Moore's appearance, inebriated, in the first act is cal- culatedly ridiculous, and merits a number of laughs; but when he returns later to beg for the mercy of Gillian he is excellent. Director Hugh Norton does an admirable job, but the play might have had a more rapid pace. The deliberation with which he invests the first two acts is overcome by the lines themselves, but when Mr. Van Druten slows down, in, the third act, Mr. Norton's pace only exaggerates the lack. This is, for the most part, a play of wit, and to stretch it out is to show its barrenness. The setting, designed by Jack E. Bender, is just a bit too brown. Costumiere Phyllis Pletcher has a relatively simple job, but does spectacularly with the dresses of Gillian's aunt. This production has some of the defects of the first play of the summer season: it begins with a drama of questionable virtues, and profits little from the director's concept of the play. There are moments of great fun-Miss Slack provides the major portion of them-and there are whole scenes which may be best characterized by their dullness. -Tom Arp By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Something new has been added to President Eisenhower's superhighway bill- a cool billion dollars for telephone companies and power companies. Of Democratic origin, the billion dollars has already been approved by the Senate in the Gore bill, a substitute for the President's high- way program. So quietly was it maneuvered, however, that many Congressmen didn't even know what was going on until a militant group of House Democrats, led by Congressman Brady Gentry of Texas, tried to knock out the money in the House Public Works Committee. Since then the powerful public utilities lobby, spearheaded by the Amercian Telephone and Tele- graph Company, and working through a grass-roots lobby of back-home companies, has really been turning the heat on House members to retain the Senate pro- viso, despite Gentry's protests. The argument goes back to the fact that private utilities have long been granted free right .of way along our major highways for tele- phone lines, electric power lines, water pipes, and, to a lesser ex- tent, gas pipelines. This makes it easier for a private utility to reach its facilities with repair trucks on paved roads in case of breakdowns. In return, the utility companies sign contracts with most state road commissions providing that the company pay the full cost of relo- cating their facilities along any highway that needs to be widen- ed or diverted. The Gore highway bill, however, changed this by saddling half of the utility relocating costs on the taxpayers. In the proposed super- highway program this would be a hefty item. If the House goes along with Senate approval, it would cost the federal and state governments-in short, the taxpayers-not less than $800,000,000 and conceivably more than $1,000,000,000 in the next 12 years. Congressman Gentry, a former state highway official, happens to be a conservative Texan and a stockholder in private power com- panies that stand to benefit from Congressional approval. If the Senate proviso in the Gore bill is okayed, it would mean mon- ey in Gentry's pocket. However, unlike some of his colleagues, the Texan believes in putting the tax- payers' welfare ahead of his own. Other forthright House members who are supporting Gentry in- clude Democrats Jack Dempsey of New Mexico and Tom Steed of Oklahoma. CAPITOL NEWS CAPSULES CHURCHILL'S ADVICE - Win- ston Churchill has warned his young successor, Anthony Eden, against rushing too quickly into any deals with Russia. Churchill believes the Russians are a little too eager to settle the cold war and he's suspicious. Old Churchill believes all the sweet talk from Moscow during the last two months means Russia is far weak- LETTERS To the Editor Why So? .. . To the Editor: MR. MALCOLM has been delin- quent with his homework. His "review" of "Strange Lady in Town" really is no review. All that it amounted to was to tell us that the movie proved to be better than he expected. Sometimes we read movie re- views for their wit-and Michigan Daily reviewers are all witty men. Other times we seek to rectify our uncouth judgments of the movies we have attended. At such occa- sions it is no consolation to be told that the reviewer liked or disliked it. Surely, we want him to tell us why he did so. Beating around the bush may offer amusement, but it still does not make a review. -Michael Marmura er internally than anyone dream- ed, and he's advised Eden to lis- ten carefully at the Big Four meeting next month but make no commitments because Russia will offer even better terms six months or a year from now. Bickering over Billy Mitchell-- The original movie script for "The Court Martial of Billy Mitchell" made the Air Force hero look like a military delinquent. Reason: the script writers consulted only the Army and Navy, who hated the founder of the Air Force. However, Col. Robert Scott, of the Air Foroe, flew to Hollywood to protest to. Jack Warner, formerly an airman himself, and Warner Brothera have now rewritten the script. Secret Photo--A Photographer for the magazine Aviation Week was caught last week sneaking himself a picture of three sections of the top top-secret interconti- nental missile, the Snark. The three sections were lying near a fence in the Northrop Aviation Company's yard near Hawthorne, ;aiif., within easy camera range of the photographer. , Tougher Than the Red-Gen- eral Twining, Air Force Chief of Staff, has ordered U.S. interro- gators to take it easy on U.S. pri- soners released from China. In- te. iigence officers were so tough on the four fliers back from Red Chi- na that one of them, Lt. Roland Parks, shbi t ed: "You are treating mc worse thatn the C;).nmunistg dial." When General Twintn bea d about this, he ordered the inter- rogators to be more considerate. More U.S. Prisoners--American agents are quietly questoning re- leased Austrian prisoners to find out how many Americans are still being held in Soviet slave camps. Evidence has been collected that at least a dozen American citizens are languishing in Russian prisons ... The evidence will be given to President Eisenhower to present to Soviet Premier Bulganin at the Big Four conference. THE JOHNSON-CLEMENTS TEAM SEN. EARLE CLEMENTS of Ken- tucky who now becomes ma- jority. Senate leader, has dovetail- ed his work so closely with that of ailing Sen. Lyndon Johnson that it's hard to tell where the handi- work of one stops and the other begins. They are intimate friends, and the triumph of one is the tri- umph of the other. The two men and their staff function as a team. Shortly before Johnson suffered his heart attack, he scored a shrewd victory over Eisenhower by scuttling his atomic peace ship on the ground that it was an im- p r a c t icable multimillion-dollar publicity stunt put across by the shipping lobby. The victory, however, was by only one vote and resulted first, from the bitterness of Joe McCar- thy toward Eisenhower; second some astute maneuvering by Sen- ators Johnson and Clements. After McCarthy had voted with the Democrats against Eisenhow- er's atomic peace ship, Vice-Pres- dent Nixon with Senators Know- land and Bridges cornered him and begged him not to cast his grudge vote. But the alert Senator Clements saw what was happening. He knew that the nearest Democrat who hadn't voted was Fulbright of Ar- kansas who was about 10 miles away on the other side of Wash- ington. So Clements called Robert Bak- er, secretary to the majority lead. er. Baker, however, was ahead of him. He had already arranged for a police escort to bring Fulbright back to the Senate. So, by the time Republican Senators had sweet- talked McCarthy into changing his vote to a pair with Smith of New Jersey who was absent, Fulbright was en route to the Senate. M- Carthy's switch made the vote 44 to 40, giving Vice-President Nixon the right to cast the deciding vote in favor of Ike's atomic peace ship. At this point, however, the breathless Senator from Arkansas burst onto the Senate floor in time to cast his vote with the Demo- crats. In the end, McCarthy's re- fusal to vote for the atomic peace ship defeated it. (Copywright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate) 4 t the State.. THE LADY AND THE TRAMP. There are five new songs in the picture, authored by singer Peggy Lee, all of which well integrated into the story. They, like film itself, are neither outstanding nor ceptionally poor. co- are the ex- "THE LADY AND THE TRAMP," labelled by advertisements as Walt Disney's "happiest motion picture," presents the old problem of all Disney feature-length cartoons: exactly for whom is the film intended, adults or children? "Lady," which tells the love story of a pedi- gree she-dog and a mongrel he-dog, is en- crusted with layers of turn-of-the-century nostalgia. As a children's piece, it has less ap- parent sadism than previous full-length Dis- ney cartoons. But, being seeped in an over- abundance of romanticism and being rather short on comedy relief, it may prove rather un- interesting to youngsters. There is some indication, however, that Dis- ney was interested in conceiving something beyond a simple cartoon to amuse children. The minor characters - Russian-Revolutionary, Mexican-peon, and low-down-night-club-sing- er type dogs - appear to be aimed at pleasing a more mature audience. LADY" most resembles some of the hearts- and-flowers episodes from an earlier Dis- ney film, "Make Mine Music." And it all too often mistakes cuteness as a substitute for cleverness. Its animal performers might have been rather acceptable in a standard cartoon, but in a 75 minute feature, they wear some- what thin. Disney is perhaps attempting to change his cartoon style, but the change is a little too much toward the, kind of material he produced in the late forties, material which proved rather unpopular. ALSO ON THE program is a half-hour Dis- ney "People and Places" subject, "Swit- zerland," that presents some clear, panoramic shots of the mountainous country, while play- ing up the inhabitant's idiosyncrasies for the sake of quaintness and humor. -Ernest Theodossin At the Michigan .. THE CONQUEST OF EVEREST MOUNTAIN CLIMBING, an interesting sport, has been the subject of a number of pop- ular books and films in the last few years, none of which perhaps has been more dramatic than the account of the British ascent of Ev- erest in 1953. The release of the motion pic- tures taken during the successful assault by Colonel John Hunt's party followed last year and are just now reaching Ann Arbor. They are a more than adequate record of the expe- dition. "Conquest of Everest" is a film dazz- lingly photographed in highly sensitive tech- nicolor. It is effectively edited, clearly dia- grammed, and intelligently commented upon by the poet, Louis MacNiece. The movie also makes the effort to explain mountain climbing to the audience they half seem to fear is saying "Why on earth do they climb a mountain?" The answer offered is the classic response once given by the explorer Mallory who disappeared on Everest in 1924: "Because it is there." Mountain-climbing cer- tainly does not need any such esoteric justi- fication. It is a perfectly respectable sport to engage in, but I see no reason why the sym- bolic nature of the achievement represented by "reaching the summit" should be made any more mystic than winning the Boston Mara- thon or playing the last quarter of the football game with a broken leg. All sports, in other words, require skill and stamina and a greater or lesser amount of human courage. For some reason, however, mountain climbing and bull- fighting have been allowed the dimensions of . _ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1955 VOL. LXVI, NO. 11 Notices The Nelson House for International Living is interviewing couples for the position of House Parents. Couples in- terested in acting as host and steward for a house of thirty ptudents from all over the world should phone NO 38506 (Mrs. Yarman). PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Mich. State Civil Service announces exams for Pharmacist II and Blind School Teacher, Deaf School Teacher, and Special Education Teacher. New York State Civil Service an- nounces exams for the following: Asst. Chief Psychiatrist, Assoc. Social Psy- chologist, Dir, of Public Health Nursing, Public Health Dental Hygenist, Assist. in Teaching Certification, Institution Educ. Superv., Indust. Investigator, Dir. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., ext. 371. PERSONNEL INTERVIEW: A representative from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Thurs., July 14. Mich. Bell Telephone Co. - B.S. and M.S. in and Engrg. program and Physics and Math. For appointments contact the Engrg. Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg., ext. 2182, Lectures Linguistic Forum. Abraham Kaplan, professor of philosophy at the Univer- sity of California at Los Angeles, will speak on "A Philosopher Looks at the Whorf Thesis" Thurs., July 7, 7:30 p.m. in Rackham Ampitheatre. Academic Notices M.A. Language Examination 'in History Fri., July 15, 4:15-5:15 p.m., 439 Mason Hall. Sign list in History office. Can bring dictionary.. Doctoral Examination for Frank J. Irgang, Education; thesis: "Community Factors in the Determination of the Instructional Areas of an Industrial Arts Program," Fri., July 8, 4015 Uni- versity High School, at 1:00 p.m. Chair- man, F. W. Dalton. Clon er'p-t University Carillonneur, 7:15 p.m. Thurs., July 7. Handel's Sonata for a Musical Clock, and Haydn's "The Heavens are Telling, from "The Crea- tion," Adoro Te, Presto from Clavier Sonata 33, Serenata, and the Andante movement from the "Surprise" Sym- phony. Events Today Bell, Book and Candle, John van Drut- en's comedy, will be presented by the Department of Speech tonight at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets are available at the Lydia Men- delsshn Theatre Box Office for $1.50- $1.10-75c, 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. The International Center Teas will be held at Madelon Pound Home at 1024 Hill Street on Thursday from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Film Forum on International Educa- tion Thurs., July 7, at 8:00 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall, evening on Eng- land. Discussion leader for two docu- mentary films is Dr. W. A. G. Armytage, prof. of Education, University of Shef- field, England. Open to public. French Club Thurs., July 7, at 7:30 p.m. (sharp) at Kellogg Auditorium, (Fletcher Street), the film "La Char- treuse de Parme" adapted from Stend- hal's novel. French dialogue, English subtitles. Dr. Trenbaum of the Romance Languages Department will present the film. Admission free, open to public. 4. INTERPRETING THE NEWS: The Summit Meeting And Red China The Daily Staff 11 Editorial Board Pat Roelofs Jim Dygert Cal Samra NIGHT EDITORS Mary Lee Dingler, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin Dave Rorabacher.........................Sports Editor By FRANCIS W. CARPENTER (P) News Analyst THE UNITED STATES expects the Soviet Union to bring up the issue of Red China at the Ge- neva Big Four conference. The Chinese case is a cause of world 1. Immediate release of the 11 American airmen held as spies. 2. Quick release and repatria- tion of other American and UN prisoners of war known to be in Red Chinese camps. 3. Withdrawal of Red Chinese