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July 06, 1955 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1955-07-06

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Lauren Puts 'The Daly' To Bed Daiyt
Every weekday night at 11:30,
.us or minus one second, the
ghts flicker and a hushed air of
rpectancy -settles over the Stu-
ent Publications building.
During this awesome interval
veryone-from night editor tox
nitor-knows that the Daily's
ffable and unique head press-}
an has again arrived upon the

Lauren William Kinsley has de-
voted nearly a quarter-century of
faithful, friendly service to help-
ing put out a college newspaper
that ranks among the finest in
the land. He is a man of versa-
tile, mechanical skills, and either
his hands or feet-and somtimes
both-are involved in most of the
long and intricate processes that
start with the casting box and end
with putting the paper to bed. For,
in addition to his duties as head
pressman, Lauren also does the
flat casting and curved-plate
stereotyping for the mechanical
department of the Daily.
Weighty Job
A man of medium height and a
pudgy-though not exactly fat-
build, Lauren has developed a pair
of powerful, muscular a r m s
through handling innumerable
tons of lead. And it is his belief
that those who think a pound of
lead and a pound of feathers
weigh the same should just try
working in a print shop. They
would, he is willing to wager, apply
for a job in a pillow factory the
next day.
A cheerful outlook on life and a
happy, happy disposition-both of
which are Kinsley trade marks-
are the traits for which Lauren is
best known. His smile has often
been compared-in size, at least-1
to the bumper of a Jeep.
Coming to the Student Publica-
tions building with the furniture,
Lauren has watched a good many
budding journalists pass through
the Daily doors to become top
men and women in their chosen
profession. He says that he has
enjoyed working with the various
Daily editors through the years,
and vows that' he never forgets
them. As for the Daily itself he
thinks it is "A very fine paper
not forgetting, however, to ,add,
"but it needs more world news
Midnight Watch
The hours he works, which
ioilld try the patience of the
greater angels and lesser saints,
- re his only gripe against the job.
Iis casting duties are performed
in the afternoon, while the stereo-
typing and press work begin at
midnight. After having completed
a day's labor Lauren always finds
that he has worked both yesterday
and tomorrow,
His downright bohemian taste
in food can be attributed, no
doubt, to the equally unorthodox
working hours. After downing
three chili-laden hot dogs, a raw
onion, and a quart of chocolate
milk at a time when other people
are almost ready for breakfast,
Lauren explains away the gas-
tronomic enigma by remarking,
"It's my bedtime snack."
His favorite food is baloney,
though he has never been known
to refuse a highly polished apple
dutifully presented by a press as-
sistant who-temporarily, at least
-found himself in the dog house.
And during the midnight stint it
is Lauren's habit-when tot smil-
New Course
To Be Given
In Philosophy

Of Foreign
Students U
The first student from Nepal
ever to attend the University is in-
cluded in the 480 foreign students
enrolled in the U-M Summer Ses-
sion, it was reported yesterday.
Robert B. Klinger, counselor at
the International Center, said the
students represent 59 political en-
tities compared with the 425 from
62 political entities last summer.
Increase in Number
According to Klinger, the Far
East continues to lead in number
of students enrolled, with 189 this
year as compared to 163 last. Latin
America is now in second place,
replacing the British Common-
wealth, with 100 this year as com-
pared to 79 last.
The British Commonwealth has
79 this year and had 87 last sum-
mer. This is the only area with a
decrease. The drop, Klinger said,
is due to the availability of good
jobs in Canada this summer.
Europe and Africa number 61
now, up from 50, and the Near
East, 51 up from 46.
Other Nationalities
Countries with 20 or more stu-
dents enrolled and their figures
last year are: Canada. 74; Philip-
pines, 38, 25; China, 28, 39; India,
28, 29; Burma 28, 8; Thailand 25,
20; and Venezuela 25, 22.
Six other countries are repre-
sented by more than ten students.
They are: Columbia, Iraq, Japan,
Korea, Germany, Turkey and
Greatest significance in the fig-
ures, Klinger pointed out, is the
continued decrease in the number
of Chinese students, as would be
expected, and the rising number of
students from the Philippines,
Burma" and Thailand. The latter
he described as a carry-over from
the large number of students from
these countries enrolled during the
school year.
Holiday Deaths
By The Associated Press
Late reports showed that at least
404 persons died in traffic acci-
dents over the Fourth of July week
Drownings took the lives of 250

LANSING-()--Enough Salk
polio vaccine to vaccinate 500,-
000 Michigan youngsters be-
tween 5 and 10 years of age was
purchased by the State Ad-
ministrative Board yesterday.
The Board authorized a con-
tract with Parke, Davis & Co.
of Detroit to supply 55,556 vials
at $395,000.
Dr. Albert E. Heustis, State
Health Commissioner, said this
would provide the first of two
shots for all children between
5 and 10 except the first and
second graders who were vac-
cinated in last year's field tri-
The Detroit firm was the low-
est of three bidders at $6.977
per vial.
Dr. Heustis said he did not
know when the stae's purchase
would be released.
The Legislature provided two
million dollars to vaccinate all
Michigan children.
U.S. Steel
Raises Price
PITTSBURGH - (R) - United
States Steel Corp. published new
price listings yesterday on more
than 50 items of steel and said the
changes average out to an in-
crease of $7.35 a ton or about 5.8
per cent.
The price changes became ef-
fective at midnight. Most other
basic steel producing firms are ex-
pected to announce similar price
Big steel said last Friday it
would increase prices- partially
because of an average 15 cents an
hour wage increase granted work-
ers under an agreement with the
CIO United Steelworkers.
The wage increase ended the
shortest industry strike in the his-
tory of the 19-year-old union. Pro-
duction was halted about 12 hours
in most plants.
The union said 95 other basic
steel producing companies have
agreed to similar wage increases.
The American Iron and Steel In-
stitute said today the nation's
steel mills will operate at 89.7 per
cent of capacity this week,

-Daily-John Hirtzel
UNUSUAL MOMENT-Herman Raju, Grad., relaxes for a mo-
ment in hir office in the International Center from a crowded
schedule of activity.
Public Relations Work
Occupies Raju's Time

ing-to relax his molars against a I shedding tears, and offer the com-
fistful of salted peanuts. forting reassurance that "Tomor-
Drinks Too row - Praise the Lord -- will be
And it is not too hard, really, to better."
acquire' an opinion from Lauren Asked whether he has ever felt
regarding his preference in bev- any overt twinges of 'curiosity to-
erages. He allows that, "Milk is ward the female population, Lau-
fine for babies and water is good ren counters with the question,
for bathing-but cokes and soft "What man ain't?" And then-
drinks are better." in what one feels is the summing
Lauren, m o r e affectionately up of fifty years of philosophic re-

Talks About
"Although the dictionary of to-
day is not a perfect record of the
uses to which the English language
is put, it is still very useful," Prof.
Albert H. Marckwardt of the Eng-
lish department said yesterday.
Speaking before the third con-
ference session for the teachers of
English in high schools, Prof.
Marckwardt, director of the Lin-
guistic Atlas of the North Central
States, spoke on the topic "Let's
Look at the Dictionary".
He said that "the English lan-
guage itself determines what shall
be included in any dictionary and
in what way it will be presented.
The function of the lexicographer
is to record these facts as accur-
ately as possible," he observed.
"Since the risk capital for dic-
tionaries printed in the United
States comes from the publishers
and the book sellers, there is great-
er emphasis here in the number of
entries, not in the accuracy of the
entries. However, publishing on
such a basis means that the finish-
ed product will be available to all
of the people. America is the only
place in the world where diction-
aries are sold in chain stores and
grocery riarkets."
Prof. Marckwardt also said that,
"The acceptance of the dictionary
as the final determinant of usage
is more extensive in the United
States than anywhere else."
French Revolution
Film at Rackham
"Le Marseillaise," a Renoir film
about the French Revolution, will
be shown by the Gothic Film So-
ciety at 8 p.m. today in Rackham
Preceding the main feature,
"1848," a short story about the
1848 French revolution t o I d
through paintings of that period
will be shown.
Adimission to the movie is by
season ticket, or 50 cents to non-
ticket holders.
An air lift that carried 138,700
passengers and 170,343,000 pounds
of freight was used to build the
railroad which taps the newly de-
veloped Labrador-Quebec Iron do-


known as "Two Horns by thosej
fortunate enough to be his press
assistants, is a man of deep com-
pasion and abiding faith. It is
not enough that printing presses
are blessed with the temperament
of a red-headed actress suffering
a hangover while in the throes ofi
whopping cough, for, especially on
busy nights, presses always take
it upon themselves to display the
sensitivity of orphan humming;
birds flopping through a fog-i
shrouded sky on wet wings. And
more than once-during such de-
pressing nocturnal hours-Laur-
en has been known to sit down,
assist his distraught assistant in
Senate Approves
Funds for TVA
WASHINGTON (P)--The Senate
voted $1,377,000,000 for the Ten-
nessee Valley Authority, the Atom-
ic Energy Commission and other
It left undisturbed a conditional
6% million dollar item for the
Dixon-Yates power project.
The action means that the 6%/
million will be available, for link-
ing this private power project to
TVA lines, only if the city of Mem-
phis fails to go ahead with plans
to build its own electric plant.

action toward them, Lauren sor-
rowfully but emphatically con-
cedes, "They hate me!"
He has frequently suffered the
accusation of being a Republican.
But to this, through sheer mod-
esty, Lauren will not confess. He
always brushes aside party lines
by declaring, "Politics are a guy's
own business." His job, tending
garden at home, and being an
avid TV fan take up most of the
hours of a full day, and part of
the night Lauren's only other out-
side interest is in the role of a
devout member of the Bethlehem
Evangelical & Reformed Church.
This summer Lauren has, as
press assistant, his eldest son
Bruce. And, like most proud fa-
thers, it is his desire that Bruce
will continue in dad's footsteps.
Just whether this will happen is
something that only time and an
ample supply of alarm clocks will
tell. Bruce's only comment on the
subject to date has been simply,
"Working nights is for the birds."
The sign on the Daily pressroom
may or may not, therefore, even-
tually become "Kinsley & Son."
But, as one Daily editor so aptly
phrased it, "Lauren came here
with the furniture, and the mem-
ory of him will remain long after
the furniture is gone."

Herman Raju, Grad., not only
believes there is more than one
way to get an education, he is
also busy demonstrating it.
Though enrolled in the business
administration school, he says,
"My real field is public relations,
but there is no curriculum by that
He takes courses in psychology,
political science, history and soci-
ology to help accomplish his pur-
But his chief method is the ac-
tual practice of public relations.
As former Administrative Assist-
ant for the University's Interna-
tional Center, now Night Supervi-
sor, Raju was in charge of a speak-.
ers service program which sends
foreign students throughout- the
state to speak before Kiwanis, Ro-
tary, Chamber of Commerce and
other groups.
The program was already there
when Raju joined the Interna-
tional Center staff in 1953, but it
was inactive. Raju was sending an
average of three foreign students
a week to speak before groups that
request it.
Main purpose of the program is
to provide information on foreign
countries to Americans. "People

have such exotic and fantastic
ideas about foreign countries," he
"They are often surprised to find
that other countries are in many
ways like America."
But that's only one side of it.
The program also gives foreign
students a chance to see more of
America than one of its campuses.
"A student from a foreign country
gets a very limited picture of
American life if he is confined to
a campus."
He came upon this observation
through his own determination to
get to Ann Arbor. Coming to the
University from his native India in
October, 1951, he landed in Brit-
ish Columbia and crossed the bor-
der into Washington.
His energy is still putting new
life into the International Center.
He would like to see the speakers
service program expand, but
speakers are sent only on request.
Host groups pay travel expenses,
once as far as Alpena.
Raju is convinced that more
"groups would be interested in
hearing foreign students tell about
their native countries if only they
knew of the program.




Student Devises Speed Curb;

9AI2 - -

Arrested for Ex


Ligore G. Fenerli, Grad., who
st week suggested a plan for
urbing speeding on American
ghways, yesterday paid "a fine in
unicipal court for (you guessed
A c i v i 1 engineer for Turkey,
ecializing in highway traffic,
arge and paid $27 in fine and
enerli pleaded g u i 1 t y to the
sts. He was accused of driving
miles an hour in a 25-mile
peed zone.
Fenerli System
Fenerli has devised an automatic
ystem for warning individual
peeders or for recording their li-
nse numbers. According to his
an, two photoelectric relays could
installed a few feet apart at
he side of a highway, set to detect
ehicles passing at illegal speeds.

ceedng Limit
The relays would trigger flashing
sign further down the road. They
could read "You are driving over
60" and "Slow down," according to
Unlike fixed signs that are often
ignored, the, blinking signs would
personalize the warning, Fenerli
had emphasized. They would flash
only when the driver exceeding the
speed limit, "like a big eye watch-
ing and warning him whenever he
violates the law."
Fenerli further suggested that a
camera be installed in place of the
signs, positioned to photograph the
license plates of violators at the
moment of the offense.
Police detected Fenerli's speed-
ing without using his suggested

See the
out Thursday, July 7

-Daily-Sam Ching
HOUSE MOVING--Destruction of brick fireplace in the head-
quarters of the Congregational-Disciples Guildyhousebegan yes-
terday. The house, along with three others on. Maynard St. south
of the Student Publication Building, was purchased by the Uni-
versity and sold to a private owner. All three houses will be mov-
ed to make space for construction of the Students Activities
Building, a three-story building that will house meeting rooms,
workshops and office space for student organizations.



A course entitled "Philosophy be
in Literature" will be offered in th
the fall semester by visiting philo- ve
sopher Prof. Hans Meyerhoff.
Prof. Meyerhoff, a regular mem-
ber of the philosophy department
staff at the University of Califor-
nia in Los Angeles, has announced
that the course will present a study
of philosophical ideas expressed in
19th and 20th century literature.
Analysis of the works of major
writers including Stendahl, Tols-
toy, Dostoievsky, Melville, Ibsen
Mann, Proust, Joyce, Hemingway,
Kafka and others will be made.
Topics to be studied in the works
of these authors include the idea
of time, the idea of evil, the idea
of God, attitudes and beliefs, vai-
ues and institutions.
Prof. Meyerhoff recently auth-
ored a book entitled "Time in Lit-
crature" where major elements
of time in literature and experi-
ence are analyzed. He has been a;
frequent contributor of the Par-
tisan Review and other periodi-
Senate OKs Bill
On Flood Control,
Navgaton Plan a ls

. :ti. .......................................................................... ,.




/' . :





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