TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1955 1* Sixty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH.,- Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. WO COMMENTARIES: The Draft and the Reserve "Molotov To Kremlin - Am I Still Defrosting?" The Democratic Congress And Pres. Eisenhower BY CAL SAMRA RUMBLINGS from Washington seem to in- dicate that the long-suffering National Reserve Plan, sponsored by the Administration, will receive Its Congressional test very shortly. With the added stimulus of the President's intense support for the plan, the bill will probably pass without a close appraisal of its various facets. President Eisenhower last week signed into law a bill extending the draft for another four years. The National Reserve Plan, a separate bill, would not alter the two-year draft. As presently conceived, it would con- tinue Selective Service. Additionally, however, the plan would create a large force- of active reservists by placing a six-year Reserve. obli- gation on"all veterans. This is the controver- sial "back-door universal military training" feature that would require most veterans to train with a reserve unit and attend an an- hual two-week summer training camp. The rationale for this plan is basically sound. It would enable the Department of Defense to cut down on the regular armed forces, particularly the Army, since it could always rely on a large back-stop of trained "civilian-soldiers" that couldbe called up in the event of a national emergency. It is also realistically compatible with the notion that the Air Force, and not the Army, is now the cynosure of the nation's defense. There are, however, certain glaring weak- nesses in NRP that merit closer scrutiny. For one, the Reserve plan throws upon the x houlders of veterans continued responsibility for, the nation's defense. These veterans will be required to bear this load for six years after the completion of their regular tour of duty. It is a long time to be faced with the spectre of recall to active duty, and it's certainly dif- ficult to plan for the future under such . circumstances. The fact so often ignored is that only a half of the nation's young men are eligible for duty. The remainder of the eligible population is disqualified for both active and reserve duty by physical or mental inadequacies. It would seem more equitable, then, if the reserve obligation for veterans were sliced down to three years, instead of six. The re- mainder of the reserve forces could conceiv- ably be reinforced by those 4-Fs who have minor disqualifying difficulties. These men could be placed in non-combat or administra- E ive positions that, if war came, would not be hazardous. The administrative occupations of the armed forces are vast and extensive, and nost of them do not require perfect health, .specially in peacetime. T HE SECOND FLAW in the proposed reserve plan is its failure to recognize the dual : ature of the present National Guard-Reserve program. In each of the 48 states, there is a para-military National Guard organization, .nder the wing of the state government but also responsible to the federal government in ;he event of emergency. There is also in each >f the 48 states a voluntary' reserve system ;hat is directly responsible to the Department >f Defense. There are then, two para-military 3rganizations in each state, with similar mis- ions but with two entirely different chains >f command. Both are supposedly reserve forces but are perpetually at odds with each other in countless ways. The integration and streamlining of the Rational Guard and the Reserve program within each state should therefore be a pri- :nary objective of any new reserve plan. One expanded para-military organization, with one mhain of command, is sufficient for each state. This newly-amalgamated organization should, .owever, be maintained under the control of the state adjutant general, with close liaison with the federal government. The important point is that any new para- nilitary organization should be decentralized. The military in our society has at times tend- 3d to overextend its influence into civilian affairs. Decentralization will insure control of , para-military organization by the civilian authorities in each state. In any democracy- )n either the state or national level-subordi- iation of the military to the civilian is an indispensable principle. THE DAY of world peace, when military problems will be poorly understood topics in history books, has not yet arrived. Neither has the day of completely push-button war- fare with its limited manpower needs. The United States, therefore, has the choice of two methods of establishing and maintain- ing a reserve pool of trained man power necessary to preserve national security. The first choice, a large standing army, is con- trary to American tradition and is impossible to support in an economy geared to peace- time needs. The only other alternative is to establish a strong reserve force that can be called upon in an emergency. Recently, there .has been an attempt in Congress to clarify the badly-muddled re- serve situation, though with little success. The members of Congress have allowed political. considerations to come before the security of the country. By having to insert an amend- ment that would have made segregation ille- gal in the National Guard, certain members of Congress succeeded in pigeon-holing the bill. Many congressmen seem to be afraid to vote on a bill that might be opposed by the short sighted "mothers" of America. The isolationist element showed that they still are capable of gaining their ends. By inserting an amendment that would have made it illegal to station our troops in na-, tions where military personnel can be tried. by local courts, they would. have completely crippled the reserve bill. Only by adroit man- euvering were the leaders in Congress able to remove this amendment without having to vote against the entire bill. The first fact that Congress must recognize is that the reserve program is going to hurt a lot of people. The failure of the voluntary re- serve program in recent years proves that it needs some- form of compulsion. However, dis- agreeable as the idea of attending a reserve meeting once a week may be, it is much more desirable than having a small bomb dropped on the family hearth. In order that the load of the reserve pro- gram may fall on everyone, not just a few, it must be a part of a system of universal mili- tary training, whether it goes under that name or some other name, that doesn't carry the same semantic stigma. A year of active duty, preferably at the age of 18, devoted to basic training and introduc- tory training in military specialty, followed by six years of further training and practice inj the reserves is the minimum requirement for maintaining a strong reserve force. Though the reserve program must be re- garded as a stop-gap measure until world ten- sions ease, it must be well-planned to present the best reserve force in the world until that time arrives. -Ken Johnson By WALTER LIPPMANN UNTIL VERY recently Mr. Eis- enhower has acted like a man who, knowing his duty, is deter- mined to grin and bear it. But in the past weeks he has been talk- ing and acting with a kind of ease and good humor which no one can put on if he does not feel them. I would not suppose that this is due to his having reached a decision, say about 1956, which takes a load off his mind. For the position of being able to take i or leave it in 1956, with so many begging him to take it, is a pleas- ant one for any man to be in. It is also a position of maximum political strength. It compels all the Republicans, except the Mc- Carthy splinter, to toe the line, and it keeps the Democrats off balance for the Presidential con- test. The most probable explanation of why he is enjoying his office is that, like the rest of us, he likes his work when things go well. He liked his work least, so it appeared to me, just before he extricated himself from the dilemma into which he had been maneuvered over those wretched off-shore is- lands. And ever since the Austrian treaty, there has been no mistak- ing his feeling that while Mr. Dull- es, with his sterner conscience, still won't let him hope for much, he does not now have to fear the worst. ASSUMING THAT he allows himself to be drafted, the most interesting question about 1956 is whether the people will vote to keep the present combination of Eisenhower and a Democratic Congress. I do not think it is any exagger- ation to say that Mr. Eisenhower's success as President began when Republicans lost control of Con- gress and of the standing com- mitees. In his first two years he suffered an almost unbroken re- cord of frustration and of domi- nation by the senior Republicans, and particularly the Republican committee chairmen, in the Sen- ate. They invaded, knocked about, infiltrated, smeared and terroriz- ed the Administration's personnel to the verge of paralysis and de- moralization. Worse than that, they terrorized some of the high- est officials of the Eisenhower Cabinet into countenancing, and indeed participating in, acts of injustice-as in the Oppenheimer, Davies, Ladejinsky cases-which will not soon be forgotten. Most dangerously of all, they held the President and Secr'etary Dulles captive and on so short a string that the effective control of foreign policy was in the hands of a few Senators. The reaction of these dark do- ings set in before the Congress- ional election of 1954. But the de- feat of the Republican chairmen, and the demotion of Senator Knowland from the post of leader of the Senate, have been decisive in making it possible for Mr. Eis- enhower to be a successful Presi- dent. The President has recovered the control, or at least the right and power to control, the integrity and the security of the executive de- partment. The injustices that have been done have not yet been right- ed. But there is a disposition to think twice before heading into any more big witch hunts. Since the new Congress came to .Washington, the President has slowly but surely recovered con- trol of the conduct of foreign policy. With all the Democrats and about half the Republicans behind him, there has been no chance for Senator Knowland, or for the China war party, not to speak of Senator McCarthy, to dominate the President - no chance, that is to say, unless Pei- ping did something sufficiently provocative to give Chiang the op- portunity to entangle gus. This did not happen. An im- portant reason why it did not happen was that the Administra- tion had recovered control of for- eign policy and was able to use diplomacy in Peiping and in For- mosa. I do not think they could have used diplomacy of this kind in 1953 and 1954. If Mr. Eisenhower decides to run again, one of his big head- aches will come from the fact that as party leader he must work for a Republican Congress and frown upon the Democrats. Yet as Pre- sident he needs a Democratic Con- gress. For in his second term there would be a long and hard Repub- lican struggle for the succession in 1960, there being no obvious candidate to follow Eisenhower. The senior Republicans in the Congress, who are the great pow- ers in the Republican party organ- ization, are opposed to the general tendency of the program of the Eisenhower wing of the Party. (Copyright, 1955, N.Y. Her. Trib., Inc.) A p t 4ef95rTow w6 'sUtA6TO P*4r 'coo I WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: A Young Fellow from Philly CURRENT MOVIES A t the Michigan ... FOXFIRE, with Jane Russell and Jeff Chan- dler. THIS picture is all about the troubles which crop up when Apaches marry rich girls like Jane Russell, and about digging around under Arizona looking for gold. For a long, long time nothing ,happens, and then everything is straightened out. Jane Russell's mother owns a New York newspaper, and spoils Jane. When the girl hap- pens across Jeff Chandler (who is slowly mak- ing his way out of Indian-hood-a half-breed this time) she decides to marry him, and does. After that she has to change his quaint Indian ways and make him dependent upon her. This she accomplishes by skillfully maneuvering her way through a miscarriage and a mine disaster. Since the story is by Anya Seton, there are a raft of pathetic feminine touches, such as Jeff Chandler's aging Apache mother who is a tour- guide on an Indian reservation, and has a love- ly Viennese accent. The Arizona scenery is oc- casionally impressive, but there are those of us who would rather see Jane underwater. At the State... CHIEF CRAZY HORSE, with Victor Mature and Suzan Ball. HERE AT LEAST are Indians with guts. Vic- tor Mature, in pigtails, is a chieftain with Messianic tendencies who does away with Cus- ter at the Little Big Horn. He has a lovely wife and many Nordic-looking relatives, but his best friend is John Lund, who portrays a white doc- +^ mf, tirT~ 1-imyfn ~aaanan9n~iaman By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-A young fellow from Philadelphia came to Washington the other day and held a press conference. His name is Robert Rosamond and it was easy to see that he wasn't used to holding press conferences. He had no sensational news to give out,. no exciting story to tell, and he wasn't well-known enough or im- portant enough to command an audience. You could see that he felt very deeply about his story, but he didn't know how to tell it, and being quite young and relatively insignificant, he laid an egg in the newspapers. So I'm afraid Robert Rosamond went back to Philadelphia a crushed and disappointed young man. Actually he had the greatest story in the world to tell-peace. But the story of peace never seems to arouse any excitement in times of peace. It's only a big story in time of war or the threat of war. So in blase, busy Washington, Robert Rosamond got nowhere. However, I would like to report on his idea, because I think it has merit, especially on this day when here at home we celebrate our In- dependence, and when abroad the ,cold war clouds seem to be break- ing up a bit and when we need to encourage the break-up further. Mr. Rosamond proposes that since the United States was founded by a Declaration of In- dependence, we now go one step further and- adopt a "Declara- tion of Interdependence," a state- ment recognizing the fact that we have grown while the world has shrunk and in these days of inter- continental missiles which may be shooting from Moscow to New York in two hours, there just isn't any independence anymore. The isolationists may scoff at this, but unfortunately it's true. The United States has to be inter- dependent with the rest of the world. And the richer we are the more interdependent we are. So maybe an inspiring Declara- tion of Interdependence couched in the ringing style used by Tho- mas Jefferson when he spent 18 days in Philadelphia writing the stirring words of July 4, 17 t. mighi help to inspire us, and unite the world as it creeps aloag the difficult road to peace. Maybe some&.y the worid will realize that onely Robert R,)ss- mond, who held a press '!onfer'- encedin a blasedbusy city to pro- mote peace, had the germ of a real idea after all. PIONEERING PUBLISHERS A GOOD MANY years ago when newspaper editors could still set up a hand press and a news- naner on a shoestring in frontier The other day in Fort Worth, Amon Carter died. Silliman Evans went to his funeral. There Evans suffered a heart attack and went to join his old friend and boss. Thus passed on a pair unique in American journalism. Amon Carter was best-known for giving five-gallon hats to distinguished visitors. He was "Mr. Ft. Worth." He built up that city, gave it the finest airport in the U.S., made the rivalry between Dallas and Fort Worth a very personal mat- ter. But not all that Amon Carter did got into the newspapers. When we organized the friendship train, he quietly gave 14 carloads of flour-which is a lot. I remember delivering it to Premier Alcide De Gasperi of Italy in Rome in person. Ironically, Internal Reve- nue tried to tax him for it on the ground that this was a gift to satisfy his ego. It was just the opposite and Internal Revenue eventually backed down. METHODIST CRUSADER SILLIMAN EVANS was proud of the fact that his father, a Methodist minister, was once run out of a Texas town because he crusaded for the clean-up of the red-light district. Silliman was al- so a crusader. He led the crusade against the poll tax and abolished it in Tennessee. He picked a young Davy Crockett type of Congress- man named Kefauver and beat Crusty, Crochety Kenneth Mc- Kellar. Later he almost nominated Kefauver for President. He battled Boss Crump of Mem- phis and when Crump wrote him scurrilous, libelous letters, Evans published the letters in paid ads, wiring other newspapers that he absolved them from libel. When one of the biggest de- partment - store advertisers in Nashville told Evans to take my column out of the paper and run Pegler more often, Silliman re- plied: "I've been thinking for some time that I ought to raise your lineage rate. I'll do it tomorrow." And he did. When he came to Washington, Silliman Evans would hire a car and chaffeur and take the Ke- fauver children out to the zoo. Sometimes he went himself. Some- times when he was too busy he sent the chauffeur. And when word that this sometimes hard- boiled, sometimes kindly crusad- ing newsman had died, the Ke- fauver children cried and cried. "We won't see Uncle Silliman any- more," they said, "he'll never +ake us to the zoo anymore." WASHINGTON PIPELINE lIRECTOR Allen Dulles, of the CIA, is furious at Herbert Hoover for his report blasting the intelligence agencies. Dulles says privately the survey is a distorted, biased account of his operations, arc; is urging the President to ig- nore its recommendations-es- pecially the one setting up a joint Congressional committee to keep closer tabs on all intelligence ac- tivivies. Congress, however, is like- ly to accept Hoover's suggestions, regardless of White House oppo- sition, and will set up a committee to check eIA spending and opera- tions . (Copywright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate) "_ Ignorance of East Dangerous to West DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University o\ Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1955 VOL. LXVI, NO. S9 Notices Applications for Fulbright Awards for graduate study or research abroad dur- ing the 1956-57 academic year are now available. Countries in which study grants are offered are Australia, Austria, Belgium & Luxembourg, Burma, Ceylon, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Ger- many, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Neth- erlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philip- pines, United Kingdom. The grants are made for one academic year and in- clude round-trip transportation, tuition, a living allowance and a small stip- end for books and equipment. All grants are made in foreign currencies. Interested students who hold an A.B. degree or who will receive such a degree by June 1956, and who are presently en- rolled in the University of Michigan, should request application forms for a Fulbright award at the office of the Graduate School. The closing date for receipt of applications is Oct. 31, 1955. Persons not enrolled in a college or university in the spring or fall of 1955 should direct inquiries and -equests for applications to the Institute of In- ternational Education, U.S. Student Pro- gram,gram, 1 East 67th Street, New York 21, New, York. The last' date on which applications will be issued by the Institute is Oct. 15, 1955. Applications for Buenos Aires Con- vention Awards for graduate study or research in Latin America during the 1956-57 academic year are now available. Countries in which study grants are of- fered are Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Ve- nezuela. Grantees are chosen by the host government of each country from a pan- el presented by the United States Gov- ernment. The United States Government pays travel costs and host governments pay maintenance allowance and tuition fees. Grants generally are for one aca- demic year, but some may extend for twelve months. Interested students who hold an A.B. Degree or who will receive such a de- gree by June, 1956, and who are present- ly enrolled in the University of Fichi- and the University of Chicago will speak on "The Shell 'Model of the.Nuc- leus" Tues., Wed., and Thurs. of each week during the month of July. Room 2038 Randall Lab., 11:00 a.m. Academic Notices Preliminary Examinations in Englisht Applicants for the Ph.D. in English who expect to take the perliminary examina- tions this spring are requested to leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 1634 Haven Hall. The examinations will be given as follows: English Literature from the Beginnings to 1550, July 15; English Lit- erature, 1550-1750, Tues. July 19; Eng- lish Literature, 1750-1950, Fri., July 22; and American Literature, Tues., July 26. The examinations will be given in Mason Hall, Room 2407, from 2:00-5:00 p.m. Schools of Business Administration, Education, Natural Resources and Pub- lic Health, and Music. Students who re- ceived marks of I, X, or 'no reports' at the end of their last semester or sum- mer session of attendance will receive a grade of "E" in the course or courses, unless this work is made up by July 20. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition, address- ed to the appropriate official of their school, with Room 1513 Administration Building, where it will be transmitted. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics will meet Tues., July 5, at 1:00 p.m. in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. C. C. Craig will speak on "Estimation of Popula- tion of Flying Insects."r Concerts Facutly Concert: Emil Raab violinist, and Benning Dexter, pianist, will pre- sent the first School of Music recital of the summer session at 8:30 p.m. Tues., July 5, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Schubert's Duo in A, Op. 162, Sonatina (1942) by Charles Jones, Sonata (1917) by Debussy, and Sonata in D, Op. 11, No. 2 by Paul Hindemith. Open to the general public without charge. Student Recital. Harold Ericson, pian- ist, compositions by Bach, Beethoven, - and Hindemith, at 8:30 p.m. Wed., July 6, in Rackham Assembly Hall, in' partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of 'Music. Mr. Ericson is a pupil of Benning Dexter. Events Today Hillel Foundation, Tues., July 5, at 8:00 p.m. Social Hour with dancing, ping pong, bridge, refreshments. Aptaneben, Michigan Indian Midsum- mer Festival, Tues., July 5, 7:30 p.m., in front of Clements Library, (Aud. A, i I EVEN in otherwise highly edu- cated circles there is a serious shortage of working knowledge about the East. Except for a hand- ful of colleges and universities, higher education in America has never gone beyond what are large- ly empty generalizations about the majority of the world's peoples. There is no real depth in the comprehension of the diversity of Eastern cultures. We venerate what we call the 100 greatest books, but the titles that have the greatest meaning for more than 1,000,000,000 people are almost to- tally ignored. If a nation's language is the key to its culture, history, and outlook what do we expect to use' instead of a key? Ninety-eight percent of our foreign-language education has nothing to do with 70 per cent of the world's peoples. the sources of long-range educa- tion in the vitals of foreign cul- tures. Thus, big decisions made on top Government levels about Asia and Africa are primarily con- cerned with strategy rather than history. Almost every day mem- bers of Congress have to pass upon measures concerned with people and places they have nev- er seen and about which they have little real information. The headlines and stories in our newspapers can stress the impor- tance of what is happening in the East, but there is almost noth- ing in the way of historical back- groun dthat can put the news in focus. Meanwhile we are up to our hips in the affairs of the As- ian peoples, as is apparent from our involvement in the civil war in South Vietnam. We have com- mitted ourselves to a certain re- sult that will affect the lives of The Daily Staff Editorial Board Jim Dygert Pat Roelofs Cal samra NIGHT EDITORS Mary Lee Dingler, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin Dave Rorabacher....................Sports Editor