THURSDAY. UNIR 211. 19914
THE MICh~i~i~ AILYasFuIVrolAr v iI h.T~' 241OiE
Oh4 £fr4igazn Baitij
Sixty-Fifth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Demise of a Demagogue
THERE IS, perhaps, nothing so intriguing as
the rise and decline of a demagogue. The
demise of Senator McCarthy's influence was
certainly a political phenomena that merits
serious examination.
Two years ago, the Wisconsin Senator was
in top form, popular, a man of immense in-
fluence throughout the country. His sonorous
monotones blanketed the nation with desultory
accusations, defamations, villifications, attacks
on individuals high and low. Ranking bureau-
crats trembled before his thrusts. Day in and
out, his bombastic investigations were splashed
on the front pages. Around him he assembled a
loyal, devoted-if not significantly large- clan
of supporters, and "McCarthyism" took on the
appearance of a political religion. Swinging de-
liberately, recklessly, with no regard for pro-
tocol, McCarthy had ammassed power, and in
1953, at least, it was questionable whether he
could be stopped.
Today, McCarthy is hardly a croak in the
District. After successively tangling with the
President, the Army, his Republican colleagues,
and the Senate, his political influence has
sharply declined. He has lost his supporters in
the Senate, including Senators Knowland and
Last week, the Senate defeated 77 to 4 a Mc-
Carthy resolution that would have dictated the
agenda of the "conference at the summit," ty-
ing President Eisenhower's hands. In defeat-
ing the resolution, both Republican and Demo-
cratic Senators roundly rebuked their fellow
Congressman. Only Senators Jenner, Langer
and Malone went along with him.
What happened to McCarthy? Why the turn-
about? The more obvious reason is that the
Senator overextended his tongue and after
scalding the liberals, turned his attack on the
conservatives. In his own dogmatic, radical
way he succeeded famously well in alienat-
ing those he depended upon for support.
N THE END, it was not the liberals, but the
conservatives who destroyed McCarthy. The
liberals perhaps initially awakened the nation
to his bigotry, but the fact that they heatedly
denied his every charge and soft-pedaled-
while McCarthy himself was magnifying-the
internal Communist situation contributed to
his popularity.
It was men like Eisenhower, Welch and Wat-
kins who dealt McCarthy his greatest defeats.
It was the solidly conservative element in Con-
gress who, nurtured in the long tradition of
classical liberalism,,-effectively turned on Mc-
Carthy for flouting the orderly processes of
democratic institutions. These conservatives
could no more tolerate McCarthy's brand of
radicalism than the radicalism of leftists.
Though the liberal illuminati shook McCar-
thy with their irrepressivle attacks, it remain-
ed for the conservatives to push him into ob-
livity. Where once an anti-McCarthyite was a
suspect, it is now fashionable to be anti-Mc-
McCarthyism, of course, has left behind it
a small, vociferous band of disciples. But po-
litically, these disciples are harmless, unless
some sort of national disaster-perhaps a de-
pression or a war-falls upon the country, pre-
cipitating a situation that breeds extremists.
Perhaps someone owes an apology to that
large, independent, conservative segment of our
society that will be pushed neither to the left
or the right, that doesn't want things as they
were or as they ought to be, but only as they
are. Though they may often be pig-headed
and stubborn, they really can't be called re-
actionary. And, after all, they usually manage
to save more than one liberal neck.
"There Feel More Comfortable Now?"
.?:awlz .D;r . t- '2 ..
ti t
European Balance
of Power
Associated Press News Analyst
thrown cold water on the
widely prevalent idea that, if a
balance of military power could
be established in Europe, the Uni-
ted States would follow through
by entering a new nonaggression
This is a position of long-stand-
ing for the United States-that
members of the UN already are
firmly committed against aggres-
sion, and all they need to do is
live up to it.
Dulles says there is a possibility
that some disarmament and bal-
ance of power could be arrived
at through the Big Four negotia-
tions which will begin next
But everything, he seems to
say, depends upon a sincere Rus-
sian desire to do something about
the reunification of Germany, a
Germany which would be truly
free to set up its own relationship
toward the contesting blocs of Eu-
This is merely an acceptance of
the axiom that, until the position
of Germany is established, no sta-
ble agreements can be reached on
European problems.
There is, however, something
disheartening about the current
Allied emphasis on establishment
of a balance of power. Not so
much because they feel forced in-
to it for safety's sake, but because
it means they have been unable
to find a -newer and better ap-
Balance of power has alwaW
peen the only thing the nations
have been able to think of, and it
has never worked.
A Few Puzzling Items
Molotov and Hobby Goofed
NEW YORK-()-Some things
an average man finds hard to
Why pretty girls wear sunglass-
es to work on cloudy days? (Do
they really think anybody will
mistake them for visiting movie
People who stud their boring
conversations with the expression,
"You know what I mean?" It keeps
waking you up.
Women who can't stand a dog in
the house-then get themselves a
pet monkey.
Short stout ladies who wear big
floppy summer hats on crowded
Sports fans by hearsay--guys
who know all the statistics in the
baseball record books, but never
never take the trouble to go and
watch a live game.
Men who root for the Brooklyn
Dodgers merely because they think
it is a quaint sign of intellectual
Bermuda shorts. (Yes, even in1
Wives who keep telling a fat
husband he looks slimmer in a
single-breasted suit, when he
knows better.
Girls who wear no stockings in
the summer, and girls who wear
stocking so thin you can't tell for
sure-even after looking twice--
whether they are bare-legged.
Girls who paint their toenails a
pearl color.
How anyone with a sense of fit-
ness and proportion can eat a hot
dog without mustard?
Whatever happened to the won-
derful game of marbles? They still
have a national tournament, but
you rarely see city kids lugging a
sack of marbles-now that most
playgrounds are paved.
People who think television is a
waste of time-but don't mind
spending three evenings a week
playing gin rummy.
Folks whose ancestors went in
covered wagons but now thing life
isn't worth living without air-con-
How poison ivy and the common
cold manage to survive in a world
in which everyone you meet knows
10 sure ways to cure them?
Why, since parking spaces have
become so valuable in this civili-
zation they aren't made heredi-
tary so someone could leave you
one in his will?
Where can a father sell a see-
ond-hand, Davy Crockett hat?
(The cat has taken to sleeping in
the one in our house),
Cashiers who, when you hand
them a. $5 bill, count out change
for $1 then pause-hoping youl
walk away and forget the other $4.
Why many movie houses still go
on showing double feature pro-
grams after all these yearas? Has-
n't science found a better way to
solve the problem of insomnia?
How airplane stewardesses man-
age to stay looking so cool and
neat during a long flight, when
the passengers always reach their
destination feeling weary and
Why there are so many charm
schools for women and so few for
men? Is the male sex just natur-
ally more charming?
Whether a fortune couldn't be
made if someone found a method
of making catsup in different col-
lors? At present all it goes with is
a red necktie.
On the Indian Memorial
FOR YEARS the American Indian was char-
acterized in books, movies and radio pro-
grams as a very bad kind of creature. The gen-
eral assumption was that all Indians are bad,
but there may be a few good ones, the most
notable of which was the Lone Ranger's pal,
Some sort of transitory movement has been
underfoot in recent years to dispel this former
impression and awaken Americans to the fact
that Indians are human beings and not oddi-
ties, It is no doubt this notion which underlies
the thinking behind proposed projects of the
Memorial to the American Indian Foundation.
Most likely people connected with the busi-
ness of memorializing the American Indian
feel that the best manner to prove that these
once-abundant people are not really all "bad" is
through some sort of permanent structure that
will recall the period of Indian glory.
In such a spirit the foundation is planning
to erect ,the world's largest statues.(of an Am-
erican Indian) and an amphitheatre of native
stone in the Valley of the Memorial, a square
mile segment of the Western plains.
This all seems very lovely at first glance.
But when one recalls the recent reports of In-
dian illiteracy, of deaths caused by tuberculo-
sis, and of the generally impoverished condi-
tions under which these proud people live, it
appears that memorials and recreations of the
past are of little consequence while people are
suffering in the present.
Surely, the hundreds of thousands of dollars
being put into an amphitheatre and statue
could better be used to raise the Indian's stan-
dard of living, to provide more schooling, or to
facilitate increased medical supervision.
An even more exasperating proposition, how-
ever, is the plan to use Indians to help finance
the memorial, by exhibiting regular daily In-
dian dances and crafts. Under such conditions,
the Indian becomes a kind of circus freak, or
a cheap side-show entertainer whose main
function is to amuse travellers with his quaint
cultural customs.
The buffalo and the lush green forests are
disappearing, and the Indian can no longer
return to the life his ancestors once lived. He
needs above all to adjust to the complexities of
modern life and to find his place in a world
previously completely hostile to his very exis-
It seems somewhat unethical to build statues
and landscape seven hills to depict in life-size
diarama the life and times of the seven great
Indian nations, when the Indians themselves
are in need of financial, educational, and medi-
cal help. The United States government has
only begun to aid the Indian, and historical
projects are not the kind of aid the Indian de-
The present memorial foundation, housed in
Ann Arbor, had best use its resources to bring
real assistance to the Indian, and not to pro-
vide American vacationers with another round
of entertaining amusements. Memorials can
come later.
-Ernest Theodossin
WASHINGTON-Soviet Foreign
Minister V. M. Molotov stir-
red up national indignation when
he refused to submit to free ques-
tioning on a TV program last
week. But unknown to the public,
America's own Secretary of Health,
Oveta Culp Hobby, pulled the
same trick and almost got away
with it.
In fact,. Mrs. Hobby even out-
did Molotov, who was willing to
appear on CBS's "Face the Na-
tion" program if all questions were
submitted in advance. Mrs. Hob-
by went so far as to hand report-
ers a prepared script, telling them
what questions to ask.
The lady cabinet member agreed
to be interviewed on the MBS ra-
dio program, "Reporters' Round-
up," by veteran newsmen Jim Lu-
cas of Scripps-Howard and Clark
Mollenhoff of the Des Moines Reg-
ister and Tribune. At the last min-
ute, however, she sent over a pre-
pared script and an ultimatum.
She would not appear on the
program, she sent word, unless the
reporters stuck to the script. They
were to ask her the questions she
wanted to be asked, then waiting
for her prepared answers. In oth-
er words, the reporters would ap-
pear as straight men, giving her
the cues for her lines.
Of course, Lucas and Mollen-
hoff flatly rejected her ultimatum.
They sent back an ultimatum of
their own. If she refused to sub-
mit to free questioning, they said,
they would announce it on the
program and interview, they said,
they would announce it on the pro-
gram and interview her severest
critic, Oregon's Senator Wayne
Morse, in her place.
Mrs. Hobby thought this over
for 15 minutes, tore up the pre-
pared script and meekly showed
up for a no-holds-barred inter-
view. She may have regretted it
afterward, for it was on this pro-
gram she made her famous state-
ment that the Salk vaccine pro-
gram had not been mishandled
but that, in any case, it was all
Surgeon-General Leonard
Scheele's fault.
Note: When Molotov refused to
face free questioning, CBS Vice-
President Sig Mickelson announ-
ced: "The right of free question-
ing by the press and free and open
discussion is the cornerstone of
international understanding."
W a s h ing t o n correspondents
would say the same is true of do-
mestic understanding, though too
many administration officials, like
Mrs. Hobby, have adopted the
philosophy that the government
knows best what the public should
be told.
REAL VICTOR when the Justice
Department decided to drop
the case against Owen Lattimore
was former Judge Thurman Ar-
nold and his two associates, Abe
Fortas and Paul Porter. They form
the law firm that took the Dr. Pe-
ters case up to the Supreme Court,
battled the Dorothy Bailey case,
defended Lattimore and have done
more than any other three lawyers
to fight for civil liberties. With
them in the Lattimore case was
Senator Joe O'Mahoney of Wyo-
n none of these cases did they
take a fee, and in the Lattimore
case they even had to pay the ex-
pense of the appeals.
The Lattimore case, incidentally,
was brought not by Brownell but
in the final month of the Truman
Administration by retiring Attor-
ney General James McGranery as
the result of a pledge he gave the
late Senator Pat McCarran of Ne-
vada, that if confirmed by the Sen-
ate he would prosecute Lattimore.
McCarran, then chairman of the
Judiciary Committee, had held
protracted closed-door hearings in
which Lattimore was cross-exam-
ined for days at a time. It was on
the basis of a memory test as
much as anything that Lattimore
was indicted, namely, whether he
perjured himself when he testi-
fied regarding the use of Laugh-
lin Currie's office and the answer-
ing of certain mail some ten years
IT MAY be denied, but outgoing
Undersecretary of Defense Ro-
bert Anderson will return to Tex-
as to run for governor. He has
been sounded out by some of Gov-
ernor AllanShivers' most power-
ful supporters, who are tired of
Shivers and would like to see An-
derson in the Texas executive
This is the real reason Ander-
son is quitting the Pentagon be-
fore becoming too closely identi-
fied with the Republican Admin-
istration. Though Texans vbted for
President Eisenhower, they are
traditionally D:nmocratic and their
sensibilities might be offended by
a gubernatorial can,-"' te wearing
a GOP Sabel.
Anderson did sv ch a capable job,
first as Secretary of the Navy, then
as Undersecretary of Defense, that
he was considered in line for Char-
lie Wilson's job as Secretary of
Defense. However, the soft-spoken
Texan, who has a heart of gold,
prefers to go home to Texas poli-
(Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
ir rir.rr rr rr r i r. r a i a
Rng Round The Moon'
At the Michigan
DESTRY, with Audie Murphy
HERE SEEMS to be very little reason why
anyone at all should want to see this pic-
ture. It is neither good enough to be enter-
taining nor bad enough to deserve ridicule. It is
mediocre, and there is no distinction whatever
in this sort of mediocrity.
Mr. Murphy, a noted war hero of a decade
past, has been unable to distinguish himself
in the films throughout his career, and "Des-
try" provides no unexpected changes. He is
mild-mannered during every one of the ninety
minutes it takes to tell the story, and he reads
The Daily Staff,
his lines badly. He cannot act, and ought to
consider hunting up another war to insure his
reputation; as matters stand now, he is liable
to be remembered, if at all, for his parts in
movies like "Destry."
The situation in which Mr. Murphy appears
here is one which he has known before. Briefly,
a meek young man (in this case, the son of the
real Destry) is called upon to clean up a wild
west town. As a stanch law-observers he wins
the love of the honest little people and incurs
the fury of the bad guys; his meekness is
wrenched off by the insidious murder of a close
friend, and he sets his jaw and fumigates the
local saloon. And wins the hand of a good
rancher's niece.
There are several minor characters of mild
interest. Mari ("Son of Sinbad") Blanchard
appears as a hardened dance-hall queen with a
heart of gold and a bare back designed to re-
ceive the fatal bullet with Destry's name on it.
Lyle ("The Sea Chase") Bettger is the crime
boss who cheats at cards, has land-grab
schemes, and laughs once too often at the soft-
spoken deputy sheriff.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
The General Library and all the Di-
visional Libraries will close at 6:00 p.m.
Fri., July 2.and reopen at 8:00 a.m.
Tues., July 5. Books needed for study
over the long week-end may be charg-
ed out on Fri. under the usual over-
night regulations.
Representatives from the folowing will
be at the Engineering School.
Wed., July 6
U.S. Govt., Army Ordnance Corp., De-
troit Arsenal, Center Line, Mich.-B.S.
& M.S. in Mech., Elect. & Metal. E. for
Research, Design, & Development.)
Thurs., July 7
Dorr-Oliver Inc.-Engineers, Stamford,
Connecticut-B.S. & M.S. in Metal., Civ-
11 (Sanitary Option), and Chem. E. for
Testing, Development & Sales.
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg., Ext.
Mich. State Civil Service announces
exams for Building Trades Itinerant
Teacher 1V, Mobile X-Ray Unit Opera-
tor I, and Mechanical Engineer, III.
ALLISON CO. (a division of American
Chain and Cable Co.), Bridgeport, Conn.,
is looking for a Sales Engr. Should have
training in Mech. E. or some mechani-
cal aptitude, and some sales experience.
Service experience is helpful. Between
25-35 yrs. of age and preferably married.
This company manufactures abrasive
cut-off wheels and is the largest com-
pany in the country in that field.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Recorder of the Graduate School by
Fri., July 1. A student will not be recom-
mended for a degree unless he has filed
formal application in the office of the
Graduate School.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., June 30, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 247 West Engineering. Gilbert Be-
guine will speak on "The Plane Strain
Problem for the Infinite Sector."
Carillon Recital. Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carrillonneur, will continue his
series of summer recitals at 7:15 p.m.,
Thurs., June 30, with a program of folk
songs of. Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia,
Poland, Syria, Israel, Italy, and the
United States.
Museum of Art. "Michigan Art
Through Fifty Years" (through July 31).
Alumni Memorial Hall. Open to pub.
Events Today
Ring Round the Moon, by JeanAnou-
ilh, with an English adaptation by
Christopher Fry, will be presented at
8:00 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre. All seats are reserved at $1.50-
$1.10-75c. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Box Office is open from 10:00 a.m.-8:00
Hillel Foundation presents "Music
Under the Stars." Concerto in F by
Gershwin and Appalachian Spring by
Copland, recorded, at 8:00 p.m. Thurs.,
June 30, at the Hillel Foundation.
The International Center Teas will be
held at Madelon Pound House at 1024
Hill Street on Thursday from 4:30=5:30
Film Forum on International Educa-
tion, second program. Evening on Educ-
cation in Mexico, including the UNESCO
documentary film "World Without End"
and "Mexico Builds a Democracy."
Thurs., June 30. 8:00 p.m., Aud. A, An-
gell Hall. Open to public.
French Club, Thurs., June 30 at 7:30
pm. in the Michigan League. Discussion
of French education by Elizabeth Jan-
vier, Alfred Du Bruck and Jean Cardu,
Sailing Club meeting Thurs. in the
At Lydia Iendelssohn
Ring Round the Moon, by Jean
Anouilh, adapted by Christopher
THE SPEECH Department
opened their summer season
last night with light fare con-
trived by Jean Anouilh and gar-
nished by Christopher Fry. For
those of us who had supposed that
Fry's hand in the proceedings en-
sured at least effervescence and
style, the evening was somewhat
of a disappointment.
Ring Round the Moon is a poly-
glot play, opening as a comedy of
errors, passing through various
stages of unreasonable and only
sometimes amusing intrigue and
ending up in a burst of socially
"conscious" drama. Fry, on his
own, has handled similar shifts
in tone with great delicacy and
amusement, he imports a little
French ballerina to impersonate
a lady of quality and steal the rich
girl's thunder at the ball.
THE LITTLE ballerina is lovely
and sensitive out of all propor-
tion to her need for such qualities
in this situation. When her finer
feelings spill over, Hugo has to
keep reassuring her that the fun
is worthwhile.
Played by Norm Hartweg, Hugo
is able to do this with grace and
verve, so much so that his own
personal contribution constitutes
what is best in the play. He ex-
hibited a winning ease of move-
ment in a role which demanded
clarity and style, and the fact
that he also played the meek twin
Frederic convincingly and dis-
tinctly increase my respect for
an unflaggingly vigorous per-
actors play together. One really
wishes they'd had more to work
with than Ring Round the Moon.
-Ruth Miisheloff
Red Critic
Likes 'Marty'
IT APPEARS that "Marty," the
movie made from Paddy Chay-
evsky's TV love story of a Bronx
butcher and highly praised by The
New York Times, The Herald Tri-
bune, Variety and almost every-
one else at home, has now receiv-
ed a rave notice in the Commu-
nist Party organ, Pravda.
"It truly depicts the life of sim-
ple folk in America pronounced
Pravda's chief critic on May 31
without attempting to show that
it depicts that life as being down-
Editorial Board
Pat Roelofs
Jim Dygert
Cal Samra
Mary Lee Dingier, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin
Dave Rorabacher..........................Sports Editor