THE MGSIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1955 Sixty-FifthYear EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. Red Gunners Learning Principles of Sticking to Theory "Mind If I Do A Little Ground-Breaking Too?" --A WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Johnson Held GOP Feet To Fire McCarthy Debate I 4 By JIM DYGERT EVERY DAY IT gets a little harder to decide exactly what this world is coming too. When, for the thirteenth time since 1950. So- viet aircraft sharpened its aim on a helpless United States patrol plane last week, we ex- pected a few sensitive gentlemen in Washing- ton to begin shaking the national fist. Instead, we asked the Russians, with an air of paternal disgust, what was the meaning of this, as if we were hurt, not angered, by their doing such a dastardly deed on the eve of the Big Four' Conference. Even more bewildering was the Russian cringing under the pointing finger of the Uni- ted States. At first, Molotov, having found him- self under the third degree by our resourceful Secretary of State, maintained a typical and composed ignorance. After consulting with the powers that really be, Molotov expressed "re- gret" about the incident and offered to pay fifty per cent of the damages. The United States, overwhelmed by the sudden repentence and generosity, almost didn't recover in time to demand the other fifty. per cent. It is uncommonly difficult to understand the American reaction to the attack, unless the government has finally found the policy and wisdom of allowing Russian folly to mold Uni- ted States propaganda regardless of the fine planes lost in the process. BUT THE REDS' behavior seems significant. We assumed, naturally, that the plane was shot down on orders from Kremlin wheels who may have had a personal grudge against the patrol plane's pilot. If such were the case, the official answer should have, by Soviet standard practice, denied it emphatically. Because the Kremlin did not even mention that aspect, one guesses that some MIG gunners are now receiving some persuasive instruction on how to keep their Communism theoretical and not let it go to their trigger fingers. The Kremlin was probably quite embarrassed over the irresponsibility of its MIG gunners who did pick a rather poor time to shoot down defenseless planes. Peace is now the official Communist line, and this kind of incident weak- ens the Red position at the upcoming Big Four Conference. The only action left open by the circumstances was a polite apology in the hope that everyone would soon forget it. The United States certainly has gained pres- tige by not becoming its usual hysterical un- forgiving self. / 4'F7UI f + t ? ti a N. ,,q ' _,,,, r,,,,,,,, - :a o . ,, , E . . :. .a - . ; 'L i v 5 36 Nf. b a By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - A running news story must of necessity be hurried. For that reason the public didn't get the full signi- ficance and human detail of last week's debate which annihilated Senator McCarthy when he tried to force President Eisenhower to discuss liberation of Poland-Czech- oslovakia-Hungary, at the Big Four Conference. It was one of the most signifi- cant debates in a decade. What it did was demolish the isolationist wing of the Republican party. It also drove a bulldozer over certain parts of the Republican platform, leaving it as flat tornado-struck Udall, Kansas. It was featured as a victory for Eisenhower. It was really a vic- tory for the shrewd Texan who pilots Democratic forces in the Senate, Lyndon Johnson. The last thing the Republicans wanted was a vote on the McCar- thy resolution. The last thing many of them wanted was to vote against their own friend from Wisconsin. Senator Johnson knew this, knew he had a chance to make them repudiate their own Republican platform, knew they would have to give up calling De- mocrats Communists. And he for- ced the vote. ONE DAY before the vote, John- son even forced Herbert Hoov- er, Jr., acting Secretary of State, to testify against the McCarthy resolution requiring Eisenhower to demand the liberation of satellite countries. Young Hoover didn't want to testify, sent word he had another engagement. "Put him on the phone," said Lyndon. "You haven't got an engage- ment that important," he told Hoover. Hoover hadn't. He testified. He went on record against McCarthy and his resolution, against tying the hands of the President re the satellite countries. Then began the debate. Joe Mc- Carthy, who hadn't had so much publicity since he was censured, read the Republican Party plat- form to his colleagues. Clearly and vigorously it called for the liber- ation of satellite pegples behind the iron curtain. . "We shall again make liberty in- to a beacon-light of hope that will penetrate the dark places," Joe read the Republican platform. "It will mark the end of the negative, futile, and immoral policy of con- finement which abandons count- less human beings to a despotism and godless terrorism. "Today," continued McCarthy, "I am giving the Republican sen- ators a chance to live up to that campaign pledge. "The Democratic senators can vote against the resolution." Mc- Carthy goaded, "because they had no such campaign platform. But the Republican senators made that campaign pledge and it was a sol- emn compact with the American people." P ROSE Senator Bourke Hick- enlooper of Iowa. Three years before, vThen Governor Tom Dew- cy had persuaded Eisenhower to meet the McCarthy issue early and make a speech at Milwaukee taking issue with McCarthy, Hick- enlooper had joined two other Re- pablicans in hiring a special plane, catching up with Ike's campaign train and persuading him no; to censure McCarthy at Milwaukee. Republicans, they argued, had to stick together, also McCarthy was a great campaigner against the Democrats. As a result, Eisenhower took the McCarthy criticism out of his 'Mi- waukee speech. But last week on the Senate floor Hickenlooper rebuffed his old friend. "I do not agree with the junior Senator from Wisconsin," he said, "that by and large the Democratic members of this body are in favor of appeasement in respect to com- munism. "I wish to say that I have the greatest confidence in and respect for thy Democratic colleagues and I would be the last to say that any is an appeaser as far as commun. ism is concerned." There was more debate. McCar- thy re-read the Republican plat- form "looking forward to the gen- uine independence of these cap- tive peoples." "In my book," he goaded, "a campaign promise is a solemn contract with the American peo- ple. I campaigned from the At- lantic to the Pacific, from New Orleans to St. Paul and I quoted this campaign pledge. I promised that the days of appeasement were ended, that there was a new day really dawning." At this point Johnson of Texas, the man who had forced the Re- publicans to face the issue, inter- vened to ask that the Senate get back to a vote on the resolution. The vote that followed-77 to; 4 --was not merely a vote against McCarthy and for Eisenhower. It was also Johnson's device for de- bunking the Republican charge of communism against the Demo- crats. (copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Subscription TV OK-- But Not At Home ~,93' -"W ~XA41M46rtO, J'',T C. B0K REVIEW NOW THAT the so-called "television sea- son" is over, a perusal of entertainment de- signed for Americans too lazy to leave their living room chairs reveals much that was poor, antI a little that was passable. Not that television did not have its moments, but these moments were few and far between: this is to be expected when performers are required to amuse a lethargical public for something like sixteen or more hours per day. Performers have come and gone, and as their material has. been used up, the Lucille Balls, Imogene Cocas, Sid Caesars, and Red Buttons go down on the popularity polls and retain only a limited personal audience. This season television has tried everything, including resurrected, old-time musical come- dies (e.g., "Lady in the Dark," "The Desert Song," "The Merry Widow") and Broadway plays from the thirties and forties. Either the musicals have proven horribly outdated, or the plays have convinced viewers that a three-act work cut to 52 minutes and Interspersed with tasty commercials on cooking and cooking utensils is not a very artistic offering., The most often suggested manner in which to get high-standard entertainment before the public is through subscription TV, where the viewer pays for each show or sporting event. This, of course, is very deplorable for the individual who has put his money into a set and must still incur added expenses. T ERE IS, however, one aspect of subscrip- tion TV--not at all related to the home expense variety-which has some very favor- able aspects: theater television. Here, large sporting events or Broadway shows can be televised in motion picture theaters for pay- ing audiences. In this field there are unlimited possibilities, where concerts and operas, other- wise available only to a few thousand, can be viewed by millions. To attempt to improve the level of average television viewing seems a bit impossible, and it is likely that such memorable moms nt as last year's "Peter Pan" and the previous "Ford 50th Anniversary Show" are the kinds of theatrical business that come only spas- modically. The one fact which seems most impressive about televisiot, is that it destroys material more quickly than any other artistic medium. There is only that brief passing moment and any repetition proves to lack popularity and to achieve a kind of "that-thing-again" Existence. To use subscription TV in the home is not a very wise m.move, since it is unlikely to make much of an improvement: there-is only a lim- ited amount of outstanding wor'k done in any artistic medium, and there will always have to be the cheap variety shows and detective programs to fill up allotted time. Private subscription television is unlikely to get rid of commercials, and it is unlikely to offer very much that is better. To expect any entertainer to be entertaining for forty weeks a year is asking too much. And to expect some- think superior just because one pays extra for it is also asking' too much. Yet, theater tele- vision does offer the chance to see what would ordinarily be available only to a few, and un- like private subscription television, it would give the paying customer an opportunity to choose plays and musical shows after they had proven their worth in the theatrical world. -Ernest Theodosisin A GOOD MAN IS HARD TO FIND: And Other Stories. By Flannery O'Connor. Harcourt, Brace. O NE MIGHT suspect that the lass, sailingas she does under the name of Flannery O'Connor, is straight from Dublin. But she ain't. This gal is from Georgia, and don't you all forget it. And she writes in the tradition of those who have exploited the clay hills, peckernecks and cornpone into what might be termed - in its higher moments, at least -- a lit- erature of sorts. The writing in this volume of ten stories derives pain from an already overworked literary clime. Miss O'Connor flourishes a talent- ed, deadly,. pencil. And both the talent and the pencil are ably as- sisted by an observant eye, an at- tuned ear, and an apparent know- ledge of things we thought college girls learned about only in books. Her talent, if not her worldly wis- dom, gained polish in a college writing class. One has the feeling that Miss O'Connor writes from the inside out with all the aloof detachment of a smug, female penguin peep- ing through the knothole of a high board fence while standing on thick ice. Still, it is downright un- nerving to read her book and re- main equally detached. The too few femme fatales in this would- be reviewer's past have been most- ly of the barmaid, "B" girl and taxi dancer variety. And in look- ing back upon an apparently wast- ed life, he can only conclude that -taken as a group-they were a pretty naive lot. MISS O'CONNOR has some of William Faulkner's preoccu- pation with evil. And, always - like Mr. Faulkner-she remains cloistered in the role of writer, never taking it upon herself to either praise or condemn. She is that rarest of woman scribes- one who has control both of a pen- cil and her tongue. We don't know why the pub- lisher made "A Good Man Is Hard To Find" her title story; except, maybe, because it is just that-a good title. It might have been best to leave the story out altogether, and let Miss O'Connor rewrite it. From a look at some of her other stories the reader is well con- vinced that she is certainly cap- able of the task. One of the stories contained in this volume, entitled "Good Coun- try People," is a piece of writing of which Miss O'Connor might well be proud. The story deals with Mrs. Hopewell and her crippled daughter, Joy. The mother is a woman with an affinity for aphor- isms, and she has a deep and abid- ing faith in what people say. Mrs. Hopewell places the same confi- dence in gossip and the Bible that the more conventional middle class displays toward the Bible and the Reader's Digest. Her mind is a reflection of that peculiar paradox in American reasoning: the intelligence that- while knowing an army of a mil- lion soldiers could be wrong - would never doubt a jury of twelve men of being true. T HE CRIPPLED daughter, Joy, on the other' hand, is not ex- actly all things that her name im- plies. What little wisdom she has was gleaned, one suspects, in spite of-and not because of-the Ph. D. degree she holds. Joy is one of those misfits who learned through suffering, and will forever doubt that the lessons so learned were worth the painful price of their attainment. Despite being nagged by her mo- .ther to be gay and the constant reminder that "A smile never hurt anyone;" the reader feels that Joy, too, sees the symbolism in her mo- ther's name. It is all right for the Mrs. Hopewell's of this world to hope, but only so long as there is a valid expectancy of their hopes coming true. BUT JOY has also gained a pain- ful perception for which her mother's mind would be incapable of comprehending: the knowledge that she who lives and is not lov- ed is really a phantom in the hinterland of a darkened, lonely world. Aphorisms may add glitter to the path of the aged, and they may tend to soothe the passing hunger of the hopeless, but they will not allay the passions of the young. Joy, unlike her, mother, would never try to feed the heart with bread. On the offchance that fiction may sometimes be stranger than truth we would say 'that this is a book well worth the time required for reading. It has the occasional earthly eloquence of Erskine Cald- well, plus art; together with some of the perception of Faulkner, plus vision. That, indeed, is one of the most obvious facets of this young lady's talent. One feels "Tobacco Road" has disappeared, and that the Yok- napatawha legend is always some- thing of the past. O'Connor's char- acters might have been here yes- terday, but the reader cannot avoid the sneaking suspicion that, somehow, he might meet them on a twisting Georgia road tomorrow. Miss O'Connor has the brilliant knack of proselytizing a woman's intuition and perspective into a man's words, and jotting them down on paper. And we predict that someday Dixie will be proud .of this young and gifted-though highly caustic-daughter. The O'- Connor lass is a tangy persimmon. But it won't be the first time Dixie has starred in the role of proud mother with a puckered mouth. -Roy Akers DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i r i i w s CURRENT MOVIES Illlpl l ll y 11 1 At the Michigan.. . IT CAME FROM BENEATH THE SEA, with Kenneth Tobey and Faith Domergue; and CREATURE WITH THE ATOM BRAIN, with Richard Denning. THE UNFORTUNATE coupling of these films on one program makes a few things ob- vious: that there is plenty of room for im- provement in the science-fiction genre, and that the budgets for these two in particular were exceedingly scant. It may be forgiven if a few of the minor characters in both films are acted by the same men, but what about the use of the same mob scenes? "It Came from Beneath the Sea" is a melo- dramatic little number with hardly,a virtue to its name. "It" is only an overgrown octopus, a thing which indicates the lack of imagina- tion in the screen writers; Martians, at least, are usually more original. The plot is simple hunt-it-down-and-kill-it motif with a highly unlikely love story thrown in. Kenneth Tobey T he.Daily Staff commands an atomic-powered submarine, and Faith Domergue is the nation's top marine bio- logist, a professor from the Southeastern In- stitute of Oceanography. When Mr. Tobey's submarine is given a good shake by "It," Miss Domergue and a Harvard colleague (the in- ventor of "analytical biology") identify the beast and disclose its vulnerabilities. Then, with only a few distractions, such as the des- truction of the Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco Ferry Building, it is a simple matter for Mr. Tobey to annihilate the mons- ter with an atomic jet-propelled torpedo which Miss Domergue has taken the trouble to de- vise. "Creature with the Atom Brain" is a cops- and-robbers with science fiction as its gim- mick. A deported mobster, having vowed to "get even," returns to the States towing a mad scientist who has discovered a way to make corpses murder his foes. The method, put sim- ply for the sake of the non-scientific, in- volves pumping the corpses full of a radioactive blood substitute, and installing some machin- ery that looks, in x-ray, like a broken alarm clock in their skulls. R ICHARD DENNING, the hero, is a police M.D. who discovers the clues and finds the fiends' den. He has an incredible wife and an unattractive child, and these two figure in the domestic scenes are designed to add humait interest. On the whole the movie is very, very bad when the creatures aren't attacking, but ART REVIEW The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1955 VOL. LXVI, NO. 5 Notices PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Kickapoo Council of Girl Scout, Inc., Peoria, 11w.-opening for a woman with a B.S. or B.A. with major in Soc., Psych., Educ., Phys. Ed., Recreation or any oth- er field transferrable to Girl Scouting. Should have approximately 5 years ex- perience in a responsible professional capacity in the field of educ., adult educ., recreation, social work or other comparable area. U.S. Civil Service announces exam for Cartographic Survey Aid GS-1 through GS-7. NORTHERN OAKLAND GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL, Pontiac, Michigan, has open- ings for a Field Director with a Mas- ter's degree in group work and for an Executive Director. U.S. Govt., Hdq. Fourth Army, has openings for young women between 23- 35 and unmarried for the following po- sitions: Recreational Assistant - GS-5, Program Director -GS-6, and Service Club Director-GS-7. Requirements de- gree in Recreation, Physical Educa- tion, Music, Drama, Sociology, Home Ec., Radio & Television, or other re- lated subjects. Titanium Corp., Grass Lake, Mich., is looking for a woman to work in, the experimental research lab. She should have done work in chemistry to the level of being able to do quantitative analysis, but it is not necessary that she have a degree. Wyoming County Community Hospi- tal, Warsaw, N.Y., has a vacancy for A.D.A. Dietitian. Rossford Ordance Depot, Toledo, Ohio, is in need of a Mech. Engr. with from 11 to 21 years exp. in professional en- grg. work. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. PERSONNEL INTERVIEW: can Indian Linguistics: A General Re- view," will speak instead Thurs., June 30, 7:30 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheater. Prof. Gordon E. Peterson will lecture June 28, 7:30 p.m., on "An Oral Commu- nications Model," instead of at his or- iginally scheduled time, June 30. Academic Notices Seminar in Mathematical Statistics; First meeting Tues., June 28, at 1:00 p.m., in Room 3201 A.H. Prof. P. S. Dwy- er will speak on the "Solution of the Hitchock Transportation Problem with the Method of Reduced Matrices." Preliminary Examinations in English: Applicants for the Ph.D. in English who expect to take the preliminary exami- nations this spring are requested to leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 1634 Haven Hall. The examinations will be given as follows: English Literature from the Beginnings to 1550, July 15; English Literature, 1550-1750, Tues. July 19; English Literature, 1750-1950, Fri, July 22; and American Literature, Tues., July 26. The examinations will be given in Mason Hall, Room 2407, from 2:00- 5:00 p.m. Graduate Students expecting to re- ceive the master's degree in Aug., 1955, must file a diploma application with the Record of the Garduate School by Fri., July 1. A student will not be recom- mended for a degree unless he has filed formal application in the office of the Graduate School. Events Today Lutheran Student Center and Chapel (National Lutheran Council) Hill St. and S. Forest Ave., Tues., at 7:30 p.m. Pastor Yoder will begin 4 series of sem- inars on "The Course of the Lutheran Church in America." Congregational-Disciples Guild: 4:30 5:45 p.m., Tea at the Guild House, 438 Maynard St. Hillel is holding the first get-togeth- er mixer from 8:00-10:00 p.m. today. Re- freshments and dancing. Hillel Founda- tion. square Dancing tonight and every Tues. Instruction for every dance, and special help for beginners early in the evening. Grey Austin, caller. Lane Hall, 7:30-10:30 p.m. Coming Events A< .1 FROM THE Detroit Institute of Art and several Ann Arbor sources, Prof. Jean Paul Slusser has gathered a reasonably good representation of Michigan art during the past half-century. Not merely an indication of art trends and education in this state alone, it is an interesting and valid sur- vey, in miniature, of American art in general for the corresponding period. Divided in two groups, the col- lection in the south gallery fea- tures the predominantly realistic painting popular in the early dec- ades of the twentieth century. Here, there is little of the violent imagination we are so used to seeing today. Beginning with E. Irving Crouses's figure of a squat- ting Indian in "San Juan Pot- tery" and continuing around the walls with such works as Myron is "Harlequin Musician" by Ben- jamin Glicker. More than just cre- ating pleasant harmonies of color, pattern and mood, the artist has given this pensive youth a haunt- ing expression that is infinitely more provocative than the grin- ning, gendre-type boy in Roy Gam- ble's "Freckles." OF MORE recent vintage are works displayed in the north gallery. A multitude of sprawling shapes and dazzling colirs attests to the fact there is no single, iden- tifiable trend in American or 14i- chigan art today. The paintings here show a spon- tenaity that is thoroughly delight- ful. Among them is Charles Cul- ver's rendition of "Three Deer Resting on Straw," that with a minimum of lines and but a few washes achieves a remarkable comes a distinctive "Illuminated Landscape" by Chet LaMore done in grays with fantastic accents of rose, green and blue that make it a lovely thing to contemplate on, while Edith Dines has contributed one of her jewel-like color compo- sition of mixed technique in "Fi- gure 1953" and not to be missed is Carlos Lopez' "Musician by the Sea." Sculpture plays a rather minor role in this exhibit that will re- main in Alumni Memorial Hall through July 31. It, too. exempli- fies the changing trends of the last two generations. ranging from the staid portrait busts by Beaver Edwards and Avard T. Fairbanks to a very modern bronze-brass- steel construction by Lindsey Decker called "Auto de Fe III." -Etta Lubke 4' Editorial Board Pat Roelofs Jim Dygert Cal Samra NIGHT EDITORS Mary Lee Dingier, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin Dave Rorabacher........................Sports Editor