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June 28, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-06-28

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Latest Deadline in the State






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Circuit Court Injunction Halts Willow Run









Judge Gives
Order Issued
To Bar Damage
A temporary restraining order
curbing picketing of wildcat strik-
ers at the General Motors' Willow
Run plant was issued last night by
Circuit Judge James R. Breakey,
The order was issued "to prevent
irreparable damage" to the trans-
mission plant and prevent tres-
passing and to "prevent what ap-
pear to be threatened breaches of
the peace," according to Judge
He said the defendants in the
case were restrained from prohib-
iting the entrance or exit of any-
one from the plant which has been
under an unauthorized strike for
six days.
Named in Injunction
Seven officers and 22 strikers of
the international union, United
Auto Worker-CIO and Local 735
were specifically named in the in-
UAW attorney Harold Crane-
field told the court that he was
not prepared to file answering
affidavits, because he had receiv-
ed Judge Breakey's notice only
last night.
He reported, however, that the
union would offer to show that
there had been no breach of con-
tract on the part of the interna-
tional. Cranefield also said the
union would show the strike was
not authorized, and that the pick-
'ets had. ignored union discipline.
"Don't Represent Pickets"
Cranefield said, "We do not rep-
resent the people in their picket-
ing . . . They are on a frolic of
their own."
Local 735's attorney, Dean Robb,
said he would take a position sim-
ilar to Cranefield's.
Judge Breakey established that
"the international union is sole
bargaining agent for those who are
purported to have struck."
Affidavits signed by 13 employes
who said they had been restricted
from entering the plant were offer-
ed by GM attorneys.
Fifteen Days
The local, the international, and
other named defendants have 15
days in which to answer the com-
Included in the affidavits, were
charges by employes that pickets
threatened to harm their automo-
biles if they crossed picket lines.
According to Cranefield, unles
the action is disposed of before the
15 day deadline, the Union would
present arguments on its behalf
The restraining order is in effec
"until further order of the court.'
GM testimony was made b3
Harold S. McFarland, Director o:
Industrial Relations.
Another One
FLINT (A') - General Motors
Ternstedt Plant here was 4closec
late yesterday when second-shif
employes refused to cross picke
lines set up by striking skille
About 3,500 second shift work
ers were idled. The plant employ
7,100 on three shifts.



ry~ Faces

Ike Sets
U.S. Goal
By The Associated Press
SKOWHEGAN, Maine -- Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower said
yesterday America's goal is the
winning of a "permanent peace
and not merely an uneasy cessa-
tion of the guns."
Addressing a police-estimated
crowd of about 10,000 persons at
the Fairgrounds here, the Presi-
dent said that kind of peace nev-
er can be attained without sacri-
* * *

Wage Policy
-pP I ommittee

Security Study
Democrats, Republicans Support
Bill for Bi-Partisan Commissidn
WASHINGTON (P)-The Senate yesterday passed a bill to set up
a bi-partisan commission to make a thorough study of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's federal employe security program before the
presidential elections next year.
In a brief debate before approving the plan on a voice vote, both
Democrats and Republicans voiced hopes that the study could be
made in a "dispassionate," non-political atmosphere.
The whole question of personnel security In the government was
a lively issue in last year's congressional campaign. And the fight
has continued here after the elections.
Until recently both President Eisenhower and Atty. Gen. Herbert
Brownell have said they felt there

OKs Strike
Washington Takes
IPessimistic View


There were no signs of violence.
Cars driving up to the plant en-}
trance were stopped by the pickets,
who asked why entrance was nec-
essary. Strikers coming to receive
paychecks were allowed to cross
lines by pickets.
The strike was called by Local
735 members who want "better
working conditions." Strike cap-
tain Guy Lucas, a GM employee for
13 years, said the wildcat walkout
was called to register complaint1

TAIPEI, Formosa - Communist
MIG jet fighters shot down a Na-
tionalist jet trainer yesterday and
attacked an unarmed amphibious
commercial plane in an abrupt
flareup of warfare over the For-
mosa Strait.
Chinese Nationalist air force
headquarters said intercepted in-
tercom conversations between the
MIGs indicated the pilots were
AEC Bill Passed
passed without opposition and sent
to the Senate yesterday a $267,-
709,000 construction program for
the Atomic Energy Commission.
It did not give President Eisen-
hower authority to build the 21
million dollar nuclear-powered ex-
hibit ship he has asked to demon-
strate peaceful uses of atomic en-
ergy to other nations of the world.
Instead, the bill authorizes
spending 25 willion dollars for a
power reactor for a surface ship
adaptable either for military or
commercial uses.
NATO Meeting Set
PARIS - Foreign ministers of
the 15 North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization members will meet here
July 16, on the eve of the Big Four
Geneva conference, it was officially
announced yesterday.
The top-level meeting between
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
French Premier Edgar Faure, Brit-
ish Prime Minister Anthony Eden
and Soviet Premier Nikolai Bul-
ganin opens in Geneva two days
Debt Bill Passed
voted 226-56 yesterday to continue
for another year the "temporary"
281 billion dollar limit on the na-
tional debt.
The Senate is expected to act by
Thursday; without congressional
action, the limit would fall back
then to 275 billion.

... honored by 8,000

Ti to Acceptst
'To Moscow z
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia 3) -
President Tito has accepted an in-
vitation to visit Moscow, return-
ing the recent Khrushchev-Bul-t
ganin visit to Yugoslavia.
This announcement was made
yesterday by the semi-official Yu-
gopress, immediately after Yugo-
slavia and the Western Big Three
had pledged their "continued co-
operation." Ambassadors of the
United States, Britain and France
have been meeting with Yugo-
slavia's acting foreign minister, '
Srdjan Prica.
The invitation to Tito was ex-
tended June 2 at the conclusion
of the visit here by Soviet Pre-
mier Nikolai Bulganin and Soviet
Communist party boss Nikita S.
It will be Tito's first visit to
Moscow since the Russian-domi-
nated Cominform ousted his Com-
munist party in 1948 for "nation-
alist tendencies."
There was no hint that the
Western Powers were informed in
advance of the invitation to the:
Moscow trip, but it was not re-
ceived in semiofficial Yugoslav
quarters as a complete surprise.
Bridge Lessons
Bridge lessons for beginners or
those wishing to improve their
game will be offered at 8:00 p.m.
today at the League.
Mrs. Walter McLean will in-
struct the second in a series of sik
lessons. The price of the six classes
is $3.

was no need for a commission toj
study the security program. Over
the weekend, however, it was re-
ported the Administration decided
to go along with the Democratic
proposal for the inquiry.
Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-
Minn.) told the Senate yesterdayJ
"security is not a partisan issue."
Sen. Humphrey and Sen. Stennis
(D-Miss.) sponsored'the proposal
for the commission.
The proposal now goes to the
House, where the Judiciary Com-
mittee already has approved a
similar commission plan. Rep..
Walter (D-Pa), its sponsor, pre-
dicted House approval without
major opposition.
The Humphrey-Stennis propos-
al would create a 12-member com-
mission with four members to be
selected by the President, four by
the vice president as presiding of-
ficer of the Senate, and four by the
speaker of the House. Six mem-
bers would be Democrats, six Re-
Potter heads
Talks on Aging
No one thinks the federal gov-
ernment can solve the problem of
the aged alone, Senator Charles E..
Potter (R-Mich.) said last night.
Speaking as moderator of the
first panel in the University's
eighth annual Conference on Aging
in the Union Ballroom, Sen. Potter
said, however, "The federal gov-
ernment is the best agency to
gather the necessary information."
The following discussion center-
ed on the results of surveys taken
by different government bureaus
and what they have accomplishedj
so far.
Discussion topic for the panel
was "Resources of the Federal
Government for the Aging."

against too many machines being
used, work speed ups, and irregular
Many of the picketing men com-
plained about disregarded trade
lines-maintenance men were re-
quested to do the jobs of electri-
cians, skilled tool grinders were
asked to do the tasks of unskilled

tool sharpeners. "We want trade
lines respected," was the frequent
cry of pickets who had been car-
rying strike signs and guarding
plant gates for 20-hour periods.
Wages Not Important
Lucas reported that wages were
not involved for most men in the
See PICKETS, Page 4

By The Associated Press
The CIO United Steel Workers
Wage Policy Committee yesterday
authorized a nation-wide strike,
but union President David J. Mc-
Donald said, "Don't get the idea we
are strike-happy."
The 170-member committee vot-
ed unanimously to give McDonald
authority to strike the basic steel
industry at midnight Thursday It
an agreement is not reached on
union demands for a substantial
wage increase.
In Washington, government of-
ficials in a complete change of
mind now feel the chances are dim
for averting an industrywide steel
strike this week.
Expected Peaceful Settlement
This is a switch from their view
of a few days ago that steel would
follow the auto industry's pattern
of peaceful labor contract settle-
One official with inside informa-
tion on the steel wage talks told a
"We are pessimistic about a
strike being prevented."
Steel industry sources were
ported still hopeful, however, that
an agreement could be reached
without a walkout. There was some
speculation here that the steel in-
dustiy may offer some form of
guaranteed layoff pay such as ne-
gotiated with major auto produc-
Watchful Already
Government officials were advis-
ed to watch for some early steel-
worker layoffs beginning last night,
The earliest a strike could begin
is midnight Thursday.
Steel mills usually like to start
banking their furnaces 72 hours
ahead of any known walkout. They
can rush the shutdown process it
48 hours or less. So rather wide:
spread layoffs are expected begin
ning tonight and Wednesday, iI
there is no improvement in the
The key to the steel talks is the
20-cent hourly price tag put on la-
bor benefits recently won in th
auto industry settlement witi
General Motors and Ford. Tha
was the value put on the auto dea
by Walter Reuther, president o:
the CIO and the CIO United Aut
Will Refuse Less Than 20 Cents
McDonald, president of the stee
workers, sometimes a rival of Reu
ther, has told steel producers flat
ly he will refuse any proposa
smaller than the 20 cents Reuthe
The wage policy members als
approved rejection of Big Steel'
offer to increase wages an averag
of 10 cents an hour and an offe
by Inland Steel Co. to increas
wages about 10/2 cents an hour.
Shortly after the committee ac,
tion, U.S. Steel Corp., the worldsi
biggest steel producer, announce
that its top negotiator, Vice Presi
dent John Stephens, would meet
with McDonald at 11 a.m. today.
Delinquency Rises
With Prosperity,
r Professor Says
In times of prosperity; or wa
i juvenile delinquency goes up -
though crime drops-and in
depression it goes down, accor
ing to Prof. Lowell J. Carr of t
sociology department.
An authority in the fields o
criminality and juvenile deli
quency, Prof. Carr said there h
been an upswing of delinquen
Ssince 1948, with three e


'Four poster' Opens Summer
Plays at Saline Mil Theater
"The Fourposter," a domestic comedy by Jan de Hartog, will
open the Saline Mill Theater's third season of summer play pro-
duction at 8:30 p.m. today.
Starring Ted Heusel and Nancy Born, the two-performer play
will begin a two-week run, directed by Heusel, permanent director
of the Ann Arbor Civic Theater.
Heusel, who has appeared with the Arts Theater, Arbor Players
I and the University Drama Sea-
son, will co-star with Miss Born.

-Daily-Hal Leeds
... strike Captain

English Expert'
Clear Writing

The husband-and-wife team,
both on stage and off, will appear
in a story of a married couple who
successfully overcome every crisis
from the wedding day in 1890 un-
til death separates them 35 years

Unusual Comedy Opens Tomorrow


Teaching Crises
To Be Discussed
By Olson, Panel
"The Crises in Teaching-The
Michigan Solutions" will be the
topic of a panel discussion at 8
p.m. today in Auditorium A, An-
gell Hall, chaired by Dean Willard
C. Olson of the School of Educa-
The panel will consider the
teaching shortage facing Michi-
gan, that "each year of the next
ten years we need twice as many
teachers as we can turn out each
year," Dean Olson said.
Traditional and possible sources
of teachers and their abilities to
meet the new needs will be con-
sidered. The panel will also dis-

"The essential thing in a high Located at the western end of By MARY LEE DINGLER
school English class is not to learn Saline on US-112, the theater is
wheno seg ho's no whom. but more than 100 years old and was A pair of temperamental twins and a tango performed deadpan
when to use who' or whom butrebuilt by Henry Ford in 1935 style are two of the more unusual ingredients to be featured in
rather to learn how to construct when it was used for an experi- "Ring Round the Moon," the first presentation on the University's
sentences in a clear, straightsfor- mental project in soybean plastic speech department summer playbill.
ward manner," according to products. A comedy in three acts, "Ring Round the Moon," is a Christo-
James B. McMillan, professor of Admission is $1.65 Tuesday pher Fry adaptation of a work by French playwright Anoulith .It
Linguistics at the University of through Thursday and Sunday, was first performed in this country in 1950.
Alabama. with Friday and Saturday en- The audience assembled for the play's opening at 8 p.m. to-
In the second of a series of lee-!trance fees priced at $2.20. Re- morrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater will soon notice that
tures for high school English duced rate summer memberships the drama contains some old standards mixed in a novel fashion.
teachers, Prof. McMillan said yes- are available for families, con- For example, the plot includes such familiar characters as a fairy{
terday that correctness in lan- tributing members and students. godmother, and a Cinderella.I
guage is relative and not abso- Featured in the cast are Beverly Canning, Grad., who portrays
lute. Glee Club invited a beautiful, but haughty heiress known as Diana, and Norman Hart-
"Language varies in three es- Tiweg, '56, who enacts the dual role of twin brothers named Hugo and
sential ways," Prof. McMillan ex- -Sing in Rome Frederick.
plained. "These are regional, so- The central action in the play revolves around the twins. Al-
cio-economic, and personal and The University's Men's Glee though the brothers are alike in dress and features, and although


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