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June 21, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-06-21

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Lit 43aU
Latest Deadline in the State



No. 1s









re Committees
Senate Report
ommendations on Pay, Tenure,
es and Responsibilities Made
Ictober, the University's Faculty Senate resolved that five
be set up by the Senate 'Advisory Committee to study
hey felt had been involved in the dismissal cases of Prof.
erson and H. Chandler Davis.
Nckerson and Davis were,, dismissed last August by the
flowing their refusal to cooperate with the House Sub-
Investigating Un-American Activities.
ye committees made their reports to the Senate in late
of the groups, the Senate Committee on the Responsibili-
Faculty to Society made its report, but the question of
of the report was delayed pending a mail ballot.
are to be in the hands of the Secretary of the Senate,
ge McEwen of the College of Engineering English depart-
ment, by July 1. Result 'of that
ballot and the committee's report,
na Plcwill be released soon after that.
Committee Members
Members of the committee
tg, 2Q studying responsibilities of the
Faculty to Society were Prof.:
Amos Hawley of the sociology de-
TH e e partment, chairman; Prof. Irving
Bal rAnderson of' the education school;
Prof. Marston Bates, of the zoolo-
story of forgeryand gy department; Prof. Richard
inc Ar off took a Deno, of the pharmacology de-
rn yesterday as city po- partment; Prof. William Franke-
thattie detectortestsna of the philosophy department;
SthaPildchtar as lying. Prof. Richard Schneidewind of
Icatl had confessed the engineering college and Prof.
3,489 in checks of the Gordolno A Sutherland of the
anitatio Foundation in School of Music.
ay a mysterious 'Tom" Other study groups making re-
cret a 13-year-old in- ports to the Senate late in May

Tuition Rise
Is Scheduled
$100 and $235
Semester Fees
Students returning to the Uni-
versity in'the fall will find that
their tuition fee has been raised-
$10 per semester for Michiganresi-
dents and $20 for non-residents.
The Board of Regents approved
the increase at.its June meeting.
Tuition for a Michigan resident is
now $100 per semester and $235
for a non-resident student.-
Last increase in fees was in 1953
when tuition was raised to $90 for
residents and $215 for non-resi-
Expect 1,250 More Students
Combined with an expected fall
enrollment of 19,750, the increase
in fees is expected to bring an ad-
ditional $400,000 to the University.
Income from student fees and oth-
er sources will be increased from
$5;824,000 in 1954-55 to $6,488,-
400 for 1955-56.
Along with a state appropriation
of $23,725,000, the increase made
possible a General Funds Budget
for University Operations of $30;-
213,400 which the Regents ap-
proved at their June meeting.
The new budget is $3,336,404
larger than the 1954-55 budget.
The state appropriation is $2,672,-
000 larger than that received from
the Legislature in 1954-55.
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher reported that 89 new fac-
ulty members will be added to the
staff next year, bringing the total
to 1,449.
President Hatcher said fees at
the University have changed from
time to time but haven't kept pace
with changes in the economy. The
University has never been the top
one in'fees, he said, but has kept
near the top in fees at state sup-
ported universities.
Condenmation Proceedings
Also at the June meeting, the
Regents gave authority to Univer-
sity Vice-President Wilbur K. Pier-
pont to proceed with legal conden-
nation proceedings against prop-
erty owners who have refused to
sell at the appraisal price proper-
ty needed for construction of the
new Student Activities Building.
Pierpont reported that nine of
the 12 'lots needed had been Pur-
chased. Total appraised value of
the property was approximately
$300,000. The property is located
directly south of the Student Pub-
lications Building.
Funds Bill
passed unanimously late yester-
day a $31,882,000,000 military
funds bill.
It rejected President Eisenhow-
er's plans for a 22,000-man slash
in the Marine Corps, and added
46 million dollars to maintain the
corps at 215,000 men.

Pickets Halt
In County
Workers Reject
Nine-Cent Offer

... Labor Head . . . Lt. Gov. of Michigan

. , . To Speak Today ... Secretary of Defense

Sum merLectures Listed

lice searched fbr the
handwriting "experts
her story that the
forged Investigators,
failed to discoverany
Mrs. Pllchtaor her
)bst, could have spent

Fall To Break Story
Police said their investigation
4 revealed "nothing to discount
r blackmail story.
Working as a secretary for the
undation, she revealed her for-
ries in a three page letter to
r employer. Two weeks of in-
stigation were conducted before
r confession was given, to P0-
e June 9.
She told a story of a party inc
12 she had attended after
king up two hitchhikers. In
19, a stranger approached her
d showed 1'er a picture of her-
f wit' her hair wildly arrased
d' sitting en a strang'ers lap,
e said.
$100 Not Enough
rhe stranger known only as
om" off. ,ed to sell her the pic-
'e for $106 but later wa ted
re, accoroing to her .onfes-
1n. Finally, she told police shrt
orted to forging the Founda-
n's checks to meet the black-
iler's c ensnds.
n her lie detector tests, she
adly flunked" the first, and fail-
to pass the second, police said.
ey did not say on what details
e had faltered, but it was as-
ned to be on the. blackmail an-
or the identity of the black-.
M(rs. Plicta is scheduled for mu-
ipal court examination Thurs-

were the Committee on the Role
of the Faculty in Tenure Matters,
the Committee on Severance Pay,
the Committee on Senate Rules
and the Committee on Appoint-
ment Procedures and Personnel
Records. The reports of each of
these groups: were approved by
the Senate, and are subject now
to Regeital approval.
Tenure Matters
According to its report, the
committee studying the role of
the faculty in tenure mat-
ters hopes that incidents where
administrative decisions and acL
tion in a tenure case do not con-
form to the considered Judgment
of the faculty of the institution
will be reduced.
See SEVERAL, Page 10
House Votes Hike
'I Workers' Pay
WASHINGTON ()--The House
voted overwhelmingly yesterday to
raise the pay of more than a mil-
lion classified government workers
72 per cent.
The Senate has passed a 10 per
cent boost.
The bill now goes to a Senate-
House conference committee to
compromise the difference.

Courses, lectures, exhibits, con-
ferences and special events are the
pieces that will fit -together' to
make the University's 1955 Sum-
mer Session one of the most inter-
esting in its 98 year history.
Feature attraction of the Ses-
sion will be the series of lectures
and exhibits keyed to the theme
of "Michigan".
Notables Here .
Among the speakers will be such
notables as Charles E. Wilson, Sec-
retary' of Defense; Governor G.
Mennen Williams; Lt. Governor
Philip Hart; Walter P. Reuther,
president of the UAW-CIO; Gen.
A. G. L. McNaughton, chairman of
the Canadian Section of the In-
ternational Joint Commission; and
University President Harlan Hat-
Gov. Williams will open the ser-
ies today with a lecture entitled
"Michigan". He will appear in Hill
Auditorium at 4:15 pan.
Topics under discussion in the
series will range from atomic pow-
er through the Great Lakes, Cal
nadian-American relations, labor,
the Upper Peninsula, Michigan
folklore and "Michigan-2000 A.
D." Exhibits on art, history, law,
evolution and Michigan Indians
will supplement the lecture pro-
Off-Campus Programs
Courses in all of the University's
President Peron
May Join Junta
By The Associated Press
Buenos Aires yesterday had an
outward air of normalcy-under
strict control of the armed forces.
The military were instructed by
their supreme commander, Army
Minister Maj. Gen. Franklin Lu-
cero, to maintain order and sup-
press rumor-mongering.
Reports indicated that a three-
man military junta would replace
Peron as dictator, but that Peron
would be a member of the junta.

schools and colleges will be offered
on campus and. additional pro-
grams will be in progress at var-
ious University camps. The Bio-
logical Station near Cheboygan
will be in- operation as will Camp
Cusino, the geography camp near
Shingleton in the Upper Penin-
sula. Other camps open will be
Camp Filibert Roth, Camp of the
Regernt's A

New Parking Plan



Charges for parking in University parking lots were approved by
the Board of Regents at its June meeting.
A flexible program designed to meet divergent needs was adopt-
ed. Eligible persons may either obtain a year'$ permit for $25 or
make use of meters that will be installed on all University lots in
the campus area not requiring a permit. Rates of five cents for
each two hours or 25 cents for all day have been set.
University Vice-President Wilbur K. Pierpont was granted au-
thority to work out additional details in the program and make minor
adjustments as conditions change.
Regulations on the use of the metered lots will be developed,
this summer. They will be open to non-permit holders, visitors, stu-
dents and others.
Faculty Vote Split
A vote of the faculty taken at the May 23 F.acuity Senate meet-
ing showed 155 voting for a charge for a parking permit, 146 in favor
of meters and five who voted for neither.
Pierpont said at the Regents' meeting that some who work at
the University drive regularly while others drive but one or twice a
week. The ,parking plan recommended to the Regents and adopted.
was designed to accommodate drivers in both groups.'
Adoption of the plan was the first step in a program for improv-
ing parking facilities in the main campus area, long a perplexing
problem here and on other campuses.
'U' Plans Structure
A second step, to get under way soon, is the planning of a park*
ing structure, with construction tentatively scheduled for 1956. Rev-
enue from the permits and the meters will be sufficient, it. is believed,
to permit a start of construction during 1956.
The action followed a long study on the parking problem. A con-
tinuation of the program is hoped to allow a gradual enlargement of
parking facilities on the campus.
The charge for parking permits and the use or parking meters
will be limited to areas of the main campus. No study has been given.
See REGENTS, Page 12


School of Natural Resources on
Golden Lake in Iron County; the
Fresh Air Camp near Ann Arbor,
a unit of the Institute for Human
Adjustment; The Geology Camp
with headquarters at Boulder,
Col;; The National Music Camp
at Interlochen; and, the Speech
Improvement Camp near North-
port on Grand Traverse Bay.

Extension courses also will be
given in Detroit, Grand Rapids and
Flint, while teachers and students
from all over the country will come
to Ann Arbor for special confer-
ences on speech, the biological sci-
ences, Law, band conducting and
a program in Russian Studies,
among other attractions.
University faculty members and
visiting faculty;from colleges and
universities throughout the U. S.
will staff the Summer Session
which will close August 13.
F igure Hits
6200 Point'
Summer Session classes com-
menced yesterday, with 6,228stu
dents enrolled in local campus
courses and nearly 1,800 attend-
ing classes at eight summer
The figure marks an increase of
469 over last summer.
A large number of the Summer
Session students are teachers ful-
filling requirements of their
teaching certificates, according to
Prof. Willard C. Olson, Dean of
the School of Education.
Under Michigan law, students
graduating *th bachelors degrees
receive "provisional" teaching-cer-
tificates. In order to get a perma-
nent certificate, the teacher must
return to school for ten hours of
additional work.
Of ti. e two thousand or more
teachers here in the summer,
many return to school because
"four years is insufficient time
to prepare a professional person,"
Dean Olson explained. {
Complete breakdown of enroll-
ment by schools and colleges will
not be compiled until next week
when latecomers are rregistered,
according to Prof, N. Edd. Miller,
assistant director of the Summer

Construction workers of Laborf
ers Local 959, AFL, voted lasts
night to reject a nine-cent pAy
raise and resume their week-old
strike that has halted all construc-
tion in Washtenaw County.
Pickets were planned for con-
struction sites this morning. Pick-
ets had been withdrawn yesterday
after a tentative agreement be-
tween union officials and tha
Washtenaw Contractors Associa-
tion over the week-end.
A difference of three cents saep
arted contractors and workers
since the walkout last Tuesday
The contractors offered an eight-
cent raise retroactive to MayI
with another two-cent hike ef-
fective Nov. 1. But the union de-
manded 11 cents.
Vote 119 to 87 for Strike
Last night's vote, taken in an
atmosphere of heated tempers and
hot, humid air at the Labo all
at 208 W. Liberty St., showed work-
ers in favor of holding out for the
11-cent boost by 119 to 87 wih
seven ballots void.
Union officials and the contra-
tors group had come to a tenta-
tive agreement on a nine-cent raise
retroactive to May 1 and a one-
year contract in a 17hour sessie
in Circuit Court.
Circuit Judge James R. Breakey,
Jr.,, rdered'the session Saturda
morning when union officials ap-
peared to protest the contractors
petition for an injuntio agaIgt.
the strike.
Judge Breakey refused to d
cuss the contractors' contenti
that the strike was illegal and Or
dered both sides Into negatio's
until an agreement Was reache
"Waiting Our Time
But union member last i
refused to accept the agreemnt
One worker said, "We'd have been
wasting our time all week f e
accepted this offer. They're no
giving us anything."
All construction in' the county
was halted last week when other
workers refused to cross picket
Among the construction proJets
affected are the University's' North
Campus, the Union addition, the
new county courthouse, Ann A
bor High School, a hospital and
several student housing building.
Pay Raise Only Obstacle
Lone remaining disagreement
between the workers and the con-
tractors concerns the pay raise.
The contractors agreed to unin
demands for three cents in health
and welfare and a one-year con
tract. The contractors also offered
another ten-cent pay increase in
May, 1956.
Laborers currently draw $2.29 an.
hour. They are asking for $2.40.
An internal dispute ocurred n.
the union last week after a union
official had tentatively approved
the contractors' offer. Reports'
that the strike was to be settled
were dispelled by the union's bui-
ness agent, Lloyd Clickner, who
said "the workers find the, offer
Vaccine Program'
Will Be Continued
Michigan will proceed with its
polio immunization program as
soon as the vaccine becomes avail-
able again, Dr. Albert E. Heustis,
State health commissioner, said
When the Salk vaccine becomes
available in 30 days or more, Dr
Heustis said, the State will spend
the two million dollars appropria-
ted by the Legislature for its pur-
First to receive it will be chil-
dren aged five to nine.
Alumni Awards



Invites New Staffers

The money lost on the forged
checks represents donations to the
Foundation, a national organiza- -
tion founded jointly in 1944 by .
industry :and the- United States " .}r,; <:;:?;.,.iY.:' ::< , : :
Public Health Service for research x.""""
in sanitation and health.
Its headquarters are located in:
the University's School of Public.
Health buildting t.YK . ,:, ..." <<K: . ,Y.:
Real Estate Certificates
S' Eighty-two persons from.; '"
throughout the state received cer-
iificates In real estate from the
University Thursday.
Recipients completed a total of
6 hours work in eight phases of
the subject, some of the persons
havnig studies for four years, tak-
ing one course a semester.
A record number 'of about 1,700
signed up for 27 classes in 16 cit-
ies during the semester that be-
gan in Februarv.

Want to have an exciting sum-
When Ann Arbor goes to sleep
at 9 p.m. nightly, want to continue.
having fun?
Want to meet such notables as
Walter Reuther, Gov. G. Mennen
Williams, Secretary, of Defense
Charles E. Wilson? Want to know
what goes on behind the scenes?
Only Major Activity
All of these adventures are in
store for the member of The Mich-
igan Daily staff. The only major
extra-curricular activity on the
campus operating during the sum-
mer, The Daily welcomes fresh-
men through graduate level stu-
dents in all schools of the Univer-
sity to join its ranks for the sum-
Students interested in reporting
local and regional political events
are wanted. Womensinterested in
Ireporting campus society life are
Ineeded. Sports enthusiasts can join

men and women interested in ad-
vertising to service local advertis-
ing accounts.
Male and Female photographers
Penn Teachers
Will Talk Here
Three University professors will
take part in summer conferences
at Pennsylvania State University
within the next week.
Prof. Thomas. A. Boyle, Jr., of the
engineering college, will discuss
"Projective Testing in an Engi-
neering Class" during American
Society of Engineering Education
conference tomorrow.
Also tomorrow, Prof. Lawrence
C. Maugh of the engineering col-
lege will preside over a session on
"New Ideas for the Structural Pro-
gram in Civil Engineering."
Next Tuesday, Prof. Richard G.

are wanted by the staff to use the
brand new Speed Graphic camera
the Daily purchased recently.
Famous Daily Alums
Now famous journalists -who got
their, start in the "fourth estate"
on The Daily include Stan
ton, now head of the Associated
Press bureau in Rome; Brewster
Campbell, now editor of the
Detroit Free Press; George W.
Sallade, Michigan Congressman;
Chesser Campbell, editor of the
Chicago. Tribune; and Thomas E.
Dewey, former g-vernor of New
The Daily is having a meeting
at 4 p.m. today in its offices locat-
ed at 420 Maynard St. right behind
the Administration Bldg. Past ex-
perience is not a requirement for
membership on The Daily staff.
Five issues of The Daily appear
each week during The Summer
Session. The paper boasts the "lat-
est deadline in the state", going to

Five former University of Mich
igan students received Distinguish
ed Alumni Service Awards her
during an annual Alumni Lun
cheon recently for their services
the University and the Alumni As






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