o SomeoneCried 'Wolf': See Page 2 C, , r Set 43au Latest Deadline in the Stage A6F :43 a t t COOL, PARTLY CLOUDY LXV, No. 3S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1955 FOUR PA aternational yaw rConfab pens Today )ean Stason Set For First Talk ore than 100 American and adian lawyers will convene today for the Eighth Annual amer Institute of Internation- aw. o commemorate the 10th an- rsary of the United Nations, lawyers will center their dis- ions around the main theme ernational Law and the Unit- Nations." pening the six day confer- this morning will be Dean E. he Stason of the University School who will preside over first sessions. "New VistasIn rnational Law" will be dis- ed by Prof. Philip C. Jessup of imbia University and Prof. on Katz of Harvard Law Peaceful Move lIade by Molotov Russian Minister Pledges Support To UN Anti-Aggression Policies SAN FRANCISCO (P)-V. M. Molotov yesterday put before the United Nations a far-reaching Russian bid for "peaceful coexistence" to end the cold war. He left the next move to the United States and the other Western Powers. The Soviet foreign minister told the 10th anniversary meeting of the UN that "We should pass from words to deeds and embark upon such steps as would lead to theestablishment of the necessary trust among nations." "What is obviously needed," he said, "is something more than just verbal recognition of the principle of coexistence and peaceful co- operation between countries with different social structures. . What we are all interested in today - Italian Premier Scelba Force( To Resign in Government Crisi Both men are former United States ambassadors. Commercial Treaties Prof. Robert R. Wilson of Duke University, former consultant for the State Department, and Prof. X. A Bayitch of the University of Miami Law School will discuss commercial treaties . during the morning meeting also. , The afternoon session will open with a talk on "The Policy Sci- enqe Approach" by Prof. Myres S. McDougal of the Yale Law School. Prof. Oliver J. Lissitzyn of Columbia University will com- ment on the speech. A panel presentation by Prof. Herbert W. Briggs, Cornell Uni- versity; Prof. Quincy Wright, Uni- versity of Chicago; Prof. Stefan A. Riesenfeld, University of Cali- fornia, and Louis B. Wehle, New York lawyer will cover the topic "Neeeded and Projected Research in International Legal Studies." International Law The first day of the Institute will end with the evening session where "The Law of International Trade and Investment" will be the topic. Prof. John P. Dawson of the University Law School will preside at the meeting. Members of the evening pro- gram are Prof. Roland J. Stanger, Ohio State University, Prof. Katz, and Prof. Kingman Brewster, Harvard Law School. ' The conference will continue until next Tuesday. a Additional Meetings Noted speakers who will take part in additional meetings in- clude the Honorable Ernest A. Gross, former legal adviser of the State Department, Assistant Secretary of State and Deputy Representative of the U.S. to the Security Council.. "The First Decade of the Unit- ed Nations" and "Limitations on What the United Nations Can Do Successfully" will be the topics of discussion that will close the conference next week. Attorneys Ask Condemnation Of Buildings University attorneys have filed a circuit court petition asking con- demnation of two parcels of priv- ate property needed for construc- tion of the new $1,700,000 Student Activities Building. Nine lots in the area immediate- ly'south of the Student Publica- tions Building have already been purchased by the University. To- tal cost of all the property is ex- pected to be approximately $300,- 000.: Refusals by Mary J. Taft and I. Chester Taft, sister and brother, and Guernsey P. Collins to sell to the Universtiy at the appraisal prices has held up progress on the building for some time. Unger Michigan law, unless the University and the property own- ers come to terms out of court, tne court will determine pubie necessity and fair value. Circuit Judge James R. Breakey, Jr. wi 'either appoit a three. wan commn'ssion or yutmino11 a 12- man 'ury tC decide the ca The Bc "d of Regeats approved condemnation proceedings at its June meeting. Regent Kenneth M. Stevens suggested at the meeting that the is not merely that certain princi- ples be recognized or proclaimed but that concrete action be taken to serve the cause of maintaining and cementing international peace and security." Applauded by Delegates To the applause of delegates of 59 other countries and hundreds of San Franciscans, Molotov pledg- ed the support of the Soviet Union to the UN in its continuing ef- forts to cement peace and restore international trust. As to step on that road, he urged the UN to consider calling a world economic conference to facilitate the development of international trade. Molotov's program e m b r a c e d many of the major points Moscow has fought for in vain in the last 10 years. Here are some of the moves he said should be made: Major Moves 1. Red China must be seated in the UN without "further procras- tination" and the island of Formo- sa must be a"returned" to the Chi- nese authorities on the mainland, that is, the Communists. 2. Settlement of the problem of atomic weapons, renunciation of the use of atomic and hydrogen weapons, and outlawing of these weapons completely. 3. Inclusion of representatives of Red China in future discussions on the problem of reduction of arma- ments, the prohibition of atomic weapons and the "removal of the threat of a new war." 4. Implementation of the Gener- al Assembly's resolution on the termination of war propaganda in all countries.. U.S Might Have New Atom Iomb CHICAGO (W) - Chicago area atomic scientists speculated yes- terday that the United States has a new, more powerful and cheaper atomic bomb. Members of the Atomic Scien- tists of Chicago released a state- ment to that effect at a luncheon on the University of Chicago campus. "Scientists -have suggested," the statement said, "that the hydro- gen bomb detonated in the Paci- fic in March of 1954 was actually a new device-a hydrogen-ranium bomb yielding thousands of times the radioactivity produced by the atomic bombs tested in Nevada, or by a simple hydrogen bomb." The statement added that a speech made at the University of Chicago June 3 by Dr. Willard F. Libby, member of the Atomic Energy Commission, was "the first major speech to give suffi- cient information supporting this hypothesis." The scientists said Libby's speech indicated that "ordinary, cheap uranium"' was the major explosive content of the Pacific bomb." , Stevens Quits Post; Brucker Appointed 'U' Alumnus, Former Governor To Be Next Secretary of Defense WASHINGTON (?)-Robert T. Stevens quit as secretary of the Army yesterday a year after his celebrated row with Sen. Joseph Mc- Carthy (R-Wis.) President Dwight D. Eisenhower named Pentagon general coun- sel Wilber M. Brucker, University graduate and one time Republican governor of Michigan, to succeed him. Stevens, who had said repeatedly he would stay in office as long as the President wanted him, gave unspecified "compelling personal considerations" as his reasons for resigning, effective toward the end of next month. No Reference to Vow President Eisenhower, in a letter accepting the resignation "with deep regret," praised him for "devotion" and told him he had "con- tributed extensively to the vitals task of reshaping our military forces to conform to the conditions of our time." Neither man made any reference to the McCarthy-Army row which roared to a climax just about this time last year. Since then four other figures in the controversy have left the gov- ernment - McCarthy aides Roy M. Cohn and Francis P. Carr; Ar- my counsel John G. Adams and Asst. Secretary of Defense H. Struve Hensel. In addition Sen. McCarthy was rebuked by the Senate-though not on charges growing directly out of his feud with Stevens and other Pentagon officials. Sen. McCarthy declined comment Wednesday on Stevens' resignation. Clash With McCarthy Bruckner, who will be 61 Thurs- day, has been the Defense Depart- ment's general counsel-and head of its security system-since April 1954. He had something of a clash. with McCarthy during a Senate investigation of the "Who Pro- moted Peress?" case earlier this year. The White House announced the Stevens-Bucker shift just before Eisenhower took off for a swing through New England. Only Tues- day presidential press secretary James C. Hagerty denied any knowledge that the long-rumored Stevens resignation was imminent. Stevens-Brucker. shift just before of Defense Wilson rode with the President from the White House to the airport. Appoint ment Called Shock ByBrucker WASHINGTON (M) - Former Michigan Governor Wilber M.. Brucker said yesterday his ap- pointment as Secretary of the Army "came as a tremendous sur- prise" to him, "I didn't know about it until two hours ago when I was called to the White House and invited to take the post," Brucker said as his se- lection was announced. Varied Comment "It may soundstrange, coming from the Army's legal counsel, but I didn't even know Secretary Ste- vens was resigning." Elsewhere around Washington, comment on the appointment var- ied as between Republicans and Democrats. Brucker's f e 11 o w Republicans heartily endorsed it. But Patrick V. McNamada, Democratic Sena- tor, remarked: "I think it is obviously a politi- cal appointment and will be rec- ognized as such, particularly in Michigan. As such, it won't do the Army any good but it will do the Democrats a lot of good, particu- larly in 1956." Great Praise David W. Kendall of Jackson, Michigan Republican N a t i o n a 1 Committeeman and recently ap- pointed General Counsel to the Treasury Department, called the move "splendid." He added: PRESIDENT HARLAN HATCHER GENERAL A.G.L. McNAUGHTON ... to open conference ... to speak tonight Great Lakes Conference To Convene Here Today A two day conference on the Great Lakes will open here at 4:15 p.m. today. University President'Harlan H. Hatcher will begin the event in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater with a talk entitled "Michigan and the Great Lakes" at 4:15 p.m. today. At 8 p.m. in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, General A. G. L. McNaugh- ton, Chairman of the Canadian Section of the International Joint Commission will lecture on "The Significance of the St. Lawrence Sea- way to the Lakes States and Provinces." General McNaughton heads the Commission which has under its REPUBLICANS FAVORED: Political Survey of Campus Taken' C.- By CAROLE MOSKOWITZ Under the supervision of John P. White and Prof. Joseph E. Kal- lenbach of the political science .department, course 116 conducted 375 student interviews last semes- ter in connection with its course of study, "Public Opinion and Propaganda." Each of the sixty-five class members completed seven inter- views during the semester. The in- terviewees were selected randomly from the Student Directory with the aid of a table of random num- bers. Although the questionnaire that was used was based on one used by the Survey Research Center in 1952,.there were several original questions. By not having to com- pose their own questionnaire, the class was able to begin work of interviewing as quickly as pos- sible. Since the course is only given one semester, the time ele- ment was of vital importance. Eisenhower Preferred In response to the question of preferred presidential candidate in 1952, 69% named Dwight D. Ei- senhower and 28% Adlai Ste- venson. When asked who they would like to see nominated by each party in 1956, the students over- whelmingly chose Stevenson and Eisenhower. Nearest rival in the Democratic column only polled 6% and was Governor G. Mennen Williams, while Stevenson polled 66%. Es-. tes Kefauver and Averall Harri- man were named and received 3% and 1% respectively. On the Republican list, Eisen- hower polled 74% being followed by Richard Nixon and Earl War- ren with 1% and Joseph McCar- thy with 2%. Best Choice In another part of the ques- tionnaire the students were re- quested to classify themselves as strong, weak, or independent Re- sharply from the results gath- ered by the Survey Research Center in 1952. The'1952 survey was a national one while the Po- litical Science 116 survey was representative only of the stu- dents at the University, White ex- plained. He commented further by saying that the two different results were consistent and not too surprising when you under- stood what each represented. Republican Stronghold The University is located in a state which is considered a nor- mal Republican stronghold. Be- sides, college students as a group usually come from a higher social- economic status which tends to produce more Republicans. The survey also snowed that parents' party affiliation had a strong influence upon the stu- dent's identification. Literary col- lege and graduate students in the social sciences were predominant- ly Denocratic, while literary col- lege and graduate students in nat- ural sciences and humanities were decidedly Republican. Likewise the professional schools were over- whelmingly Republican. Another question asked the stu- dent to suppose there was an, election where his party was run- ning a candidate that he did not like and he didn't agree' with. What. would he do? Seventy-six per cent said they would probably vote for the other candidate; 15% thought they would vote for him anyway, while 7% believed. they would not vote for either candi- date. World News Roundup By The Associated Press HONOLULU - The Star-Bulle- tin said yesterday the Army has ordered its area commanders to take into custody three former American soldiers the Communists say now have permission to leave Red China. The three, dishonorably dis- charged when as prisoners of war, chose to remain in Red China aft- er the Korean War. They are Cpl. Lewis W. Griggs, Jacksonville, Tex.; Cpl. Otho G. Bell, Olympia, Wash., and Cpl. William Cowart, Dalton, Ga. * * * DETROIT - The Ford-General Motors version of a modified guar- anteed wage was extended yester- day to 6,000 tool -and die men in 75 Detroit shops. The other auto labor develop- ments, both the Ford and General Motors contracts were given votes of approval by major units of the CIO United Auto Workers..' * * * MOSCOW - P r i m e Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India and So- viet Premier Nicolai Bulganin to- day published a joint declaration calling for peaceful surrender of Formosa to the Chinese Commu- nists. jurisdiction the projected St. Law- rence power development. Tomorrow panel discussion on "Michigan and the Great Lakes" will be held. Discussion leader Mil- ton P. Adams of the Michigan Wa- ter Resources Commission will lead talks on "Water Quality and Water Usage of the Great Lakes." Prof. Stanley G. Fontana, dean of the School of Natural Resources will discuss "Conservation" tomor- row. In addition talks on public water supply sources, industrial us- age of water, navigation and cur- rents and water masses will be considered by the panels. World's First Transoceanic Cable Begun CLARENVILLE, Newfoundland ---P)-The laying of the world's first trans-oceanic telephone cable started yesterday. It is to stretch from this rugged fishing village across the Atlan- tic's floor to Oban, Scotland. The Clarenville end of the cable, which will span 2,250 statute miles, was christened with sea water from Heart's Content Bay, site of the first successful Atlantic tele- phone cable landing near here in 1866. The 8,050-ton British ship Mon- arch, spinning the cable slowly out of her huge tanks, will reach Oban by the end of the summer, Own Party Instrument In Ouster, Reshuffling Try Proves Failure ROME (P)-A Rightist minori- ty in his own Christian Democrat party forced pro-Western Premier Mario Scelba to resign yesterday and plunged Italy into a govern- mental crisis. The resignation came just two months after Scelba made a tr- umphal tour of the United States in which he was received by President Dwight D. Eisen- hower and hailed by thousands of Italian-Americans as a stout1 friend of the United States. It was a bitter day for the little Sicilian who has become known as Italy's leading postwar foe of communism. Bloc Reshuffled After long and futile efforts to avert the crisis by reshuffling his Center bloc - coalition Cabinet, Scelba gave up trying to close rifts in his own Christian Demo. crat party ranks. He was obliged to notify Presi- dent Giovanni Gronchi, member of the Leftist branch of the Christian Democrats, that his Cabinet could not continue in of- fice. Scelba had opposed the Com-i munist-supported Gronchi's elec. tion last April. Following the usual routine of Italian government crises, Gron- chi asked Scelba and his minis- ters to remain at their posts while a solution Is sought. Seeks Conferences The President then scheduled a series of conferences with Italian political leaders preparatory to asking one of them to try to form a new government. Scelba's p osi t i on suddenly weakened Tuesday night when the Christian Democrat party direc- torate declared in an official oiji- munique that it did not consider his Cabinet reshuffle an adequate means of reconstituting the Dem- ocratic coalition. In a final Cabinet meeting yes- terday that lasted three hours, Scelba and his ministers made their decision. Rightists Accused His vice premier, Social Demo- crat Giuseppe Saragat, came out of the long session to make a heated statement. He accused Rightist groups of the Christian Democrats of having made a deal with Monarchist-Fascists to open the crisis. "The difficulty within the Christian Democrat party," said Saragat, "is more personal than political, Checkmate Attempted "Small minority groups within the Christian Democrats, in an at- tempt to checkmate their own party, are making use of the to- talitarian forces of both the Right and left." Since the end of the war there have been about a dozen Italian government crises. Dir- ing these, administrative func- tions continue but no Importan* new decision is taken. SGC To Use Absentee Vote Like other University students, a majority of Student Government Council members are enjoying a vacation during the Summer Ses- sion. However, in the event that any issue requiring immediate action does occur, absentee SGC mem- bers will be notified and a vote by mail will be taken. While no "official" SGC meet- ings will be held during the sum- mer, the Council will function in- formally through the Office of Student Affaris. Another activity of SGC during the next two months is the prepar- FROM TELEVISION TO OEDIPUS: Davy Crockett Becomes Idol of Younger Set By ERNEST THEODOSSIN "I don't think there has ever been anybody who has done quite what Davy's done," is the way H o w a r d Baumgartel describes1 America's latest native hero, Davy Crockett. Baumgartel, Study Director at the Survey Research Center, mused on the popularity of the' Crockett legend, w h i c h has reached an unprecedented high only several months after its ini- tial television viewing on the Walt Disney program. He has had somewhat close con- tact with the Indian fighter, watching his own sons, aged three and seven, and the neighborhood boys idealize Davy. Very Traditional the child wants to love and be loved. In addition, the child has very deep hatreds and desires to de- stroy certain persons in the household. Crockett Is 'Out' "Davy Crockett gives him an out," Baumgartel feels. "For ex- ample, in the Indian tale he can kill in a very violent and spec- tacular way, and at the same time is able to become friends with the Indians. "In the language of a child, he is able to destroy and love and accept his enemy. This is the ex- act relationship he has with his father." Davy is now capturing young hearts on the nation's screens in again after having idealized and created the myth in their own minds of a god-like personality. "When they see him a second time, a little more realistically, they - have a consequent feeling of being deprived of something. Absolutistic Phase "The child goes through a very absolutistic phase and learns only to be able to deal with the rela- tive things as he grows older," he said. He speculated that the child had projected into the per- sonality of Davy Crockett more than was even on the original television show." "Adults encourage and sustain their own children's interest in Davy. It is the parents reacting of their own childhood imnulses ~uu