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June 22, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-06-22

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_THE MICHI..-AN flATLY 1V1Th.TI ...' Q>ah A a. y cv ae,a,&rHi

r, JL/.lE:

Indian Memorial To Be Constructed

perating in spanking new of-
s of the latest architectural
gn at 309 S. State St. in Ann
or is the Memorial to the Amer-
Indian Foundation.
ew executive secretary for the
ndation is Ann Arborite Steph-
3. Filipiak, former manager for
Lo station WHRV.
Western Plains
he national headquarters shows
ures in bright colors of the
arts of the West, the home of
American Indian, where the
mnorial will be constructed. In
Valley of the Memorial, cover-
nearly a square mile, a huge
ue of an American Indian will
uilt, as well as an amphithe-
of native-stone.
n Indian Hall of Fame and a
I of Exhibits will complete the
up of memorial buildings.

Seven Hills
danscaping of the memorial
unds will feature seven hills,
h~ depicting in life-size diara-
s> the life and times of each of
seven great Indian nations.
'he Indian .statue will be con-
cted first, according to officers
the Foundation. It will be the
ld's largeststatue and will take
ear to construct.e
unds for the Memorial will be
ed by revenue from bookletsl
licizing the Memorial andx
tributions of the American In-
n to our nation's heritage. Inc

Asks Street
The University has petitioned
the City Council, asking that S.
Thayer St. between Huron and
Washington Sts., N. University
Ave. between Washtenaw and For-
est Aves., and Tappan Ave. be-
tween S. University Ave. and Mon-
roe St. be vacated and closed.
The University asxs that Thay-
er be closed so that Ann Arbor
High School, now the property of
the University, can be enlarged to
accommodate several departments
housed in crowded quarters on
condemned property.
More Parking
Other land listed in the petition
bounds property owned by the Uni-
versity, and would be used to alle-
viate the crowded parking situa-
tion during the regular school
Mayor William E. 'Brown, Jr.,
referring to the petition, urged the
City Council and the University to
go easy in plans for development of
the main campus area.
Mayor Brown suggested that ex-
pansion of the University in the
State St. area would "be unwise,
and very, very difficult for the
city of Ann Arbor to handle."
Weigh Future
"Before any streets are closed
(or) any other contracts entered
into, we should carefully weigh
what the future effect will be upon
our fine city," he said. He noted
that "we will not neglect the wel-
fare of our citizens for the benefit
of "others" in his communication
to the Council.
Development of the new North
Campus would. be more agreeable
to the city, according to Mayor
Brown's statement.,
Council action was not taken on
the University petition. Several
Council committees are studying
the petition and will report on it
In return 'or the requested street
closings, the University has said it
will pay a share of improvement
costs in another section of the
Also, curbs and gutters and some
sidewalks will be constructed at
University expense, according to
the petition.

Social Behavior


MUSEUM - Architect's drawing of the museum and exhibit
halls looking west toward the research center in Memorial Val-


ley in the Western plains.
addition, tourist revenue is expect-
ed to maintain the Foundation.
The financial reservoir will also
be kept in opreation through reve-
nue from Indian concessions and
a variety of admission fees, in-
cluding a fee to climb to the top of

ratford Practice Session
eaches Half-Way Mark

the huge Indian statue, and admis-
sion cost of witnessing regular dai-
ly Indian dances.
Purpose of te Memhorial is to
serve as a tribute, to the American
Indian. In addition, Foundation
members feel it will contribute to
the culture of the age.
Officers of the Memorial feel
that a professional anthropologist
should function as curator for the
memorial halls and director of the
research center to be concstructed.
Prof. Volney H. Jones, Curator
of Ethnology and member of the
University anthropology depart-
ment was on the original executive
committee of the Foundation, and
serves as its president.
Russian 'Scientists
MOSCOW (P)-Soviet scientists
are embarked on one of their
biggest archaeological years -
nearly 1,000 archaeologists in 25
expeditions are digging all over
the country.

PLANNING: Homer Cooper, Angus Campbell, and Gerald Gerrin
plan out the initial stages of a political behavior study, a typical
procedure at the Survey Research Center.

Questionnaires, statistics, interpretations and an abundance of
scientific curiosity-all can be found within the walls of the Institute
for Social Research.
Activities of the Institute center around its primary aim to in-
crease understanding of social behavior through scientific methods.
Directed by Rensis Likert, a broad program of research and pro-
fessional training operates in two units, the Research Center for
Group Dynamics and the Survey Research Center.
Studies of economic behavior, human relations and social or-
ganization and attitudes and behavior in public affairs are carried
on at the Survey Research Center.
National Staff in 60 Counties
With a national staff in 60 counties throughout the United States,
the Survey Research Center interviews on such problems as con-
sumer spending and saving, on attitudes toward civil defense and on
human relations problems in factories or institutions.
Some of the studies recently conducted have concerned teen-age
boys with regard to their problems, experiences and attitudes to or-
ganized group activities.
Researchers study problems of individual family finance, how they
spend and what forms of saving they choose. Results of such studies
help to understand and predict trends in the national economy. They
are also concerned with social and psychological factors which deter-
niine how people use their money.
In the labor field, an extensive study of member participation in
labor unions was made. It concerned the problem of why some union
members are active in union affairs while others do not participate.
Another area examined was how could union organizations effectively
encourage more group participation.
Interviews Involve the Nation
While some of the surveys are taken from specific cities and or-
ganizations, most of the interviewing involves the national popula-
tion. At any one time 20 to 30 projects can be going on; some last two
and three years, others only a few weeks.
Headed by Angus Campbell, the Survey Research Center em-
ploys approximately 50 graduate
students of psychology, economics
and sociology along with its staff
of professional research workers,
a coders, field interviewers and sam-
ple statisticians.
Studies in five areas of group
functioning comprise the work of
the Research Center for Group
Dynamics. Here, scientists exam-
ine such problems as group pro-
ductivity, communication a n d
spread of influence, intergroup re-
lations, social perception and m-
provement of group functioning
and member adjustment.
"Projects are undertaken by the
center only when they have prom-
ise of contributing to the develop-
ment of a systematic theoretical
understanding of group fun
fnto-ing," says Ian C. Ross, assistant
Conducts Industrial Research
The center conducts research in
x.industrial situations, military units
and through laboratory experi-
ments. Some investigations have
been concerned with differences in
the responsibility an individual
has for the success of group tasks,
uses a highly developed method Another study involved differences
tees every individual in the n0- in the status of groups performing
aff members are drawing the a joint task.
In additional projects, research-
ers sought to find out what char-
e acteristics make some people ex-
°° . f.. ercise influence in groups while
others can not, and how different
types of personalities behave dif-
> v ferently in group settings.
Work with industry has includ-
ed experiments on the introduction
of changed methods and developed
procedures by which resistance to
{ change could be reduced.


'erformers are at the half-



way mark in rehearsals for the
Stratford Festival productions to
be held in Ontario, Canada, ibis
Principals have been working'
since May 16th. And the gener-
al company, composed of thirty
students from local college drama
courses, have begun rehearsals
this week.
With the season set to open
Nonday, the local Chamber of
Commerce and Industrial Com-
mission have prepared civic bro-
chures on Stratford.
- Swans Lay Eggs
A hundred metal shields case
in the festival motif to hang en
lamp and telrphone posts and sil.
ver match folders bearing the
festival title have beern ordered.
Free Sports
To Be Feature,
Of Program
Opportunities for instruction in
rarious sports will be offered free
)f charge this summer to women
tudents by the physical education
Classes in swimming, golf, ten-
nis, modern dance, diving and pos-
;ure, figure and carriage will be
Equipment such as tennis rack-
Ats and golf clubs are provided by
he department free of charge.
"We have excellent facilities
md equipment available for the
enefit of students interested in
he sports being offered," instruc-
or Joan Farrell commented.
Elementary and intermediate
lasses are offered in swimming
nd golf. Synchronized swimming
s also included.
Women students can still register
or classes in Barbour Gym from 9
.m. to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m. this
The Women's Pool will be open
or recreational swimming from 5
o 6 p.m. Monday through Friday,
:15 to 9:15 p.m. Monday through
'hursday, and 2:30 to 4:30 on Sat-
Co-recreational swimming will
e held 7:15 to 9:15 Sat, and 3 to
Sunday. There may be additions
: this schedule.


Stratford's eighteen swans are
laying as never before, a total of
twenty-four eggs and seven
nests. If present plans bear fruit,
the eighteen swans on the On-
tario Avon will be joined by a.
flotilla of cygnets by the end of
the month. ,
The two Shakespearean plays to
be offered are . "Julius Caesar"
and "The Merchant of Venice.
Sophocles' "Oedipus Rex," in the
William Butler Yeats version, is
also scheduled for presentation.
Musical Concerts
Directed by Tyrone Guthrie
and Michael Langham, the plays
will be given alternating perform-
ances. The cast includes Frederick
Valk, Frances Hyland and Lorne
Concomitant with the drama
season, is a series of .musical con-
certs to be highlighted by a nar-
rated, danced and played version
of Stravinsky's "A Soldier's Tale."
The drama season will run for
two months, through August 27,
with the inaugural season of mu-
sic scheduled for July 9 through
August 6.
Canadian, American and Mex-
ican television networks will car-
ry a seventeen minute combina-
tion of "live" coverage of open-
ing night of the festival and a
filmed portion of rehearsal of
"Julius Caesar," the opening
Carl Car mer,
To Talk Here
Carl Carmer, noted writer and
regionalist, will speak at the Mi-'
chigan Writers' Conference, Wed-
nesday, June, 29.
Carmer, whose vocations include
work as a novelist, poet, editor,
lecturer, teacher, sociologist and
regional expert, will discuss "The
A m e r i c a n spirit - Maeh.igan
Thursday June 30, he will con-
duct an informal discussun for
writers at the conference. Carmer
has edited the "Rivers of America"
series and magazines Vanity Fair
and cheatre Arts Month y.
Among his published books a- e
"Too Mn Cherries." "Eagle in
the Wind," "Dark Spr:2e," "To tr e
the Wifnd,' "Hurricane Luck,"
"Windfall Fiddle."

Serving a Super Hamburger with full
1/4 Pound Ground Beef from U.S. Choice
1 225 soth University Ae

SAMPLING: In the second phase of a research project, the Centert
of selecting respondents known as probability sampling. It guarant
julation an equal chance of being chosen for an interview. Here, st

/ r kp
ke' f
z# ,

IN SIZES 10-18


For 2 days away or a whole summer
of play these news making sun-shapes
planned to go together and to
make more outfits for precious little.
Sailor Collar
Sleveless Blouse......3.95
Bicycle Pants ......... 5.95
Fitted Halter .........2.50v
Flared Skirt ........6.95

EDITING: A staff member is
covering the name of the coun-
ty and town on the question-
naire so that the respondent's
answers remain entirely anony-
mous. In this process, each ques-
tionnaire is checked over for
Pictures by
Story by


INTERVIEW: Specializing in the so-called "free-answer" inter-
view, Survey Research Center studies differ from most other sam.
ple surveys in the methods of interviewing. Respondents are not
asked to choose among specific answers, but are encouraged to
answer the questions in a conversational way.

Bargains in

Campbell holds a copy of the
finished product - findings in
the 1952 election study. In every
survey, responses are analyzed,
interpreted and organized in
terms of their importance to so-
cial scientific theory.


For al l

Summer School Courses


Morning, noon and night you call the
tune . . . this infinitely versatile
dress always adopts the moods of your
accessories, always looks immaculate,
always -tands ready to go. Sacony
does it of julep-cool, leisure-care wash
and wear Ciella acetate jersey in a
spate of mint-fresh muted colors,
nips its little waist with the famous
instant fit elasticized waistband,
scales it to fit every figure. lt's a
wonderful buy. 10.95
Sizes 10-20 reg. & petite 1212 to 221/2



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