HAT PRICE PRIVACY1 See Page 2 Yl r e Latest Deadline in the State 74Iad1 op0 ".e WARMER L. LXV, No. 37S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1955 FOUR PAGES South Korea Says, Reds. Plan Attack Foreign Minister Cho Warns U.S. Of Further Demonstrations; 22 Hurt SEOUL (P)-South Korea declared yesterday a new Communist atta'ck was near, again warned Red Truce teams to get out and hint- ed more demonstrations were to come. Four days of rioting already have injured 22 United States soldiers. Even as Cho Chung Hwan, acting foreign minister, issued his warning, 700 U.S. soldiers faced 1,500 Koreans demonstrating against the truce teams at the nearby port of Inchon. Workers Join Demonstrators About 1,200 railway workers reinforced demonstrators who yes- - terday were repulsed by tear gas ALERTS SOUNDED: HURRICI E PERILS C * ROLI * * * * * * * * NieSgebyLecture Series. Harriman ,Still Backs tevenson CHICAG () - Gov. Averill Harriman of New York said yes- terday "I haven't changed my mind -- I'm for Adlai Stevenson" for the Democratic presidential nomination next .year. Harriman also predicted that "the Democrats are going to win in 1956." The New York Democrat spoke s up at a news conference upon his arrival for the 47th annual Gov- ernors' Conference, where some of hi s 'gubernatorial colleagues of both pares have been saying they regard him as a potential Demo- cratic candidate next year. Reporter Asks Question "You are not a candidate?" a reporter asked. "I'm for Adlai Stevenson," Har- riman repeated. His remarks preceded a dinner to which Stevenson had invited Harriman and others, at Steven- son's suburban Libertyville home. Harriman said he had no intention of raising the question of Steven- son's own political intentions. Republicans, too, were getting in on the political haymaking that is the major sideline of the gover- nor's meeting. Republican Plans Changeover One GOP governor, J. Bracken Lee of Utah, declared he would bolt to the Democratic party next year if it puts up the right kind of candidate. Otherwise, Republican governors appearto be solidly behind Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower. Stevenson has been holding sort of open house for Democratic gov- ernors. Several have visited him already and come away with no definite word that he expects to try for renomination in 1956. But they "say, too, that he certainly hasn't slammed the door to an- other attempt. As to why he says the Demo- crats can come back next year, Harriman declared: "Because I doubt if ever in his- tory there has been such a reac- tion against a party as there has been against the Republican party in the past two and a half years." Ike Signs Bill For Military Reserve Plan WASHINGTON (P) --President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday signed legislation giving the Pen- tagon limited authority to use persuasion and compulsion to build up the nation's military re- serves. He issued a statement saying that the bill "falls short" of the program he recommended, but he is approving it because of provi- sions that will "definitely strength- en the reserve structure." The bill is designed to expand the 700,000-man trained reserve fore to 2,900,000 men by getting more youths into the reserves and requiring them to keep up train- ing. The deadline for presidential ac- tion on the measure was midnight yesterday. The President signed it at his Gettysburg, Pa., farm. The announcement that he had done so was issued by the White House. More Salk Polio Vaccine Released WASHINGTON ({P-The Public when they tried to storm the truce team's compound on Wolmi Is- land in the harbor. Seven U.S. soldiers were injured by flying rocks and sticks, none seriously. Nine Koreans were re- ported injured. Urges U.S. To Fight Cho's warning was one of a ser- ies of official statements which, urged the United States to resume the fighting, called again for re- covery of Red-occupied territory northwest of Seoul, and accused high Russian officers of infiltrat- ing the truce inspection setup. 'Cho said South Korea could "wait no longer" because "the danger is too great. The day of renewed Communist attack too close." "We cannot be i-esponsible for any incident involving members of the commission who fail to with- draw," he said. A joint statement by two of South Korea's top military leaders urged the United States "to recog- nize that the truce has ended and to resume the fighting for our unification before we are left alone." THREE BITE THE DUST: Sen. Morse,. Sen. Wiley, To Appear Norman Peale To Vincent Speak SEN. WAYNE MORSE ...to debate foreign policy Elmn Disease Destroys Campus Treesl Three of the stately old elm trees in the middle of the campus have been found to have Dutch Elm disease and are being remov- ed by the order of the state con- servation department. According to a Plant Depart- nent spokesman, there may be other trees on campus that have become infected with the disease, but as of the present, haven't shown the fact. The only treatmentdpossible aft- er the tree becomes diseased is to cut it down, in hopes of prevent- ing the infection from spreading to nearby trees. The Plant Department will soon start spraying the trees on cam- pus t otry to kill the small beet- les that carry the disease. The Plant Department said that there are no present plans for re- placing the trees that are being removed, but that many trees are replaced each year, to conform to the overall landscape pattern of ;he University. The campus area is not the only part of Ann Arbor which has be- come infected. There are 260 oth- er trees scattered throughout the city which must be removed in the next 15 days under the penalty of the law. Farmers Say ' Tour of Soviet Bogging Down STALINGRAD, U.S.S.R., (P) -- American farmers touring the So- viet Union complained yesterday their trip is bogging down. They are anxious to get to the Central Asian virgin farmlands. The party split into two groups yesterday to visit the big hydro- electric projects on the Volga and to inspect farms in the area. The Americans still feel they are spending too much time at vodka banquets and too little in the fields. Thr say they should have reached the virgin farmlands days' ago, but these areas--opened un- der a program sponsored by Com- munist party boss Nikita S. Khru- shchev-are still far, away. The visitors consider this new land pro- gram vital to Soviet agriculture.. The visitors are growing increas-. ingly critical of Soviet agriculture, especially its vast use of man- power and womanpower and short- age of piechanization. The official newspaper of the Soviet Agriculture Ministry said Asa V. Clark of Pullman, Wash., asked a collective farm chief how many persons are needed to oper- ate Russia's self-propelled grain combines. Told two are required, Clark said: "Such machines in the United States are operated by one per- cn ° Nine noted personalities have been signed for the 101st annual University Lecture Course. Beginning its second century of existence, the nation's oldest platform series will feature Unit- ed States Senators Alexander Wi- ley (R-Wis) and Wayne Morse (D-Ore), Norman Vincent Peale, Clifton Fadiman, Henry Hull, General Carlos P. Romulo, Rudolf Bing,Edith Atwater and Albert Dekker. Opening on Oct. 12 will be General Carlos P. Romulo, famous Philippine statesman and distin- guished orator, who will speak on "America's Stake in Asia." Opera Manager Rudolph Bing, manager of the Metropolitan Opera Association will deliver an address on "The Arts -- America vs. Europe" to local audiences on Oct. 18. Leading members of the Sen- ate ForeignRelations Committee, Senators Alexander Wiley and Wayne Morse, will debate "Our Foreign Policy-Right or Wrong?" on Nov. 15. Character actor Henry Hull will present "An Evening with Mark Twain" Nov. 21. Costumed and made-up as the great American writer and humor- ist, Hull will read from and com- ment extensively upon ever-popu- lar selections from Twain's works. TV Personality Essayist, critic and TV person- ality Clifton Fadiman will discuss' and present selections f r o m "Reading I've Liked" Jan. 10. Norman Vincent Peale, one of the nation's most influential in- spirational leaders, will elaborate on his book, "The Power of Posi- tive Thinking" Feb. 20. The most widely-read work of non-fiction in America during the past two years, the book is expected to pass its third year on the best-seller lists in mid-fall. On March 6, a dramatic pro- gram starring Edith Atwater and Albert Dekker, "Two is a Com- pany," will conclude the series. Drama Season Star Miss Atwater is the star of sev- eral previous University Drama Season offerings and has appeared on Broadway in "Time Out for Ginger" and "The Man Who Came to Dinner," among many other plays. Dekker was most recently seen in a supporting role in Elia Ka- zan's "East of Eden." All programs are to be present- ed at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditor- ium. The box office will open for sea- son-ticket sales Sept. 19. Mail or- ders are now being accepted. SEN. ALEXANDER WILEY In lecture series Employment Reaches New High for U.S. WASHINGTON (A')-Almost 65 million Americans had jobs in July - a new high for the nation -the government said yesterday in another report on national pros- perity. Some 2,471,000, or 3.7 per cent of the civilian labor force, were out of work. The unemployment total thus dropped nearly a mil- lion below July a year ago and about 200,000 from the preceding month. Secretary Sinclair Weeks of Commerce and Secretary James Mitchell of Labor gave 'the "un- precedented" employment figures in a report which said with satis- faction: "The rate of employment in- crease the past five months has not been matched since the post- war reconversion period of 1946." The number of employed rose to 64,995,000, close to a million above the previous record established in June and nearly 2,850,000 higher than July a year ago. About five million persons have been added to the jobholding total since last February. The average spring and summer increase be- tween 1947 and 1954 was three million. Elementary GENEVA (P)-Are you having trouble understanding the atom? Does it bother you when people talk about fissionable material0 and nuclear power reactors? Some idea of what atom_ scientists grapple with came last night in a speech by Nobel- winning physicist Niels Bohr of Denmark before the Interna- tional Atoms-for-Peace Confer- ence here. Dr. Bohr said at one point: "In the mathematical form- alism of quantum mechanics which contains the classical physical theories as a limiting case, the kinematical and dyna- matical variables are replaced by symbolic operators subject to a noncommutative algorithm involving Planck's constant." Soviet Considers Lifting Censorship MOSCOW (R)-A Soviet spokes- man said last night the govern- ment is studying whether to lift censorship on all dispatches sent from the Soviet Union. Leonid Ilyichev, press chief of the foreign ministry, gave this re- sponse to an inquiry. Coast Cities Endangered By Storm Winds Moving Slowly to North HATTERAS, N.C. (A)b- Hurri- cane Connie, churning destructive 135-mile an hour winds, walloweda slowly toward the North Carolina coast last night, bringing the en- tire Eastern seaboard under hurri- cane alert. The latest Weather Bureau ad- visory indicated the storm had shifted its course slightly to the westward, thus exposing the more densely populated areas of the North Carolina coast to its fury. At 8 p.m., EST, 7 p.m. CST, the Weather Bureau said she was 300 miles southeast of Wilmington and moving northwest at 6to 7 miles an hour. Expected Slow, Erratic Her future movement, the bu reau said; "is expected to be slow and erratic but most likely in a northwestwardly direction." Earl- ier Connie had been moving at 10 to 11 miles an hour toward this Atlantic outpost.. The slowed movement of the hurricane raised the possibility of considerable delay before its final course is definite. Earlier it had appeared that Connie would reach the mainland this morning. At the 8 p.m for- ward rate, it would take abot two days for the eye to reach land. Waves. Pound Beaches But high waves already pounded the Carolina beaches as reaIdlnts up and down the coast rushed pre- parations. The ominous hurricane flage flapped in steadily mounting winds from Cape Lookout, south of here, to Norfolk, Va., at midafternoon, The weather Bureau warned that full-scale hurricane warnings might replace the alert northward to New York within the next 24 hours. The coastal sections of Massa- chusetts, Rhode Island and Con- necticut were placed under hurri- cane alerts. Warnings Issued The alert, issued by the East Boston, Mass. Weather Bureau, warned residents of the three states to prepare for "possible issue of hurricane warnings in the next 24 to 36 hours." Gales up to 75 miles an hour whipped out "300 miles to the north and east of the eye. Heavy seas pounded dangerous- ly near beach cottages and arti- ficial sand dunes thrown up at' several North Carolina resort areas after last year's disastrous Hurricane Hazel. North Carolina highway patrol.- men, Red Cross disaster special- ists, Civil Air Patrol personnel and coast guardsmen stood by for rescue work. Order Planes To Evacuate WASHINGTON MA) - The Air Force ordered evacuation of all planes from fields along the At- lantic coast from Charleston, S.C., to Newcastle, Del., yesterday as hurricane Connie threatened the mainland. Other military services took similar precaustions, although the Pentagon had no specific sched- ule of their movements. Air Force spokesmen said that by nightfall all aircraft that can fly would be well beyond the path of possible danger from the hurri- cane. Military planes from Andrews Air Force Base, Md., were flying to Wright-Patterson Field, D'y- ton, Ohio, and Baer Field, Fort Wayne, Ind. Morale of Revenue +t nrr'TU K A -3 *a c, T mA CAMPUS TREES COME DOWN SHOES, VERANDAS AND KNEES: Some .Survive Summer, Size Sizzling Session By MARY LEE DINGLER The University's summer enrollment reached a new peak this season along with Ann Arbor's temperature. As over 6,000 students converged in the city for the six, eight and eleven week sessions offered in the University's various schools and colleges, the campus took on a more informal air. Professors were easily mistaken for their students as they rolled up their shirtsleeves, mopped their pedagogical brows and seated themselves against assorted tree trunks- to conduct their classes on the ant-populated lawns in front of Mason Hall. Everyone Thirsty Long lines circled about the drinking fountains and even an occasional tall dog joined his 'best friend' in a long lap from campus aqua stations. Temperatures soar- GENEVA CONFERENCE q Predict Compettive Atomic Energy GENEVA (P)-Leading Russian and American Scientists agreed yesterday the world is entering an era in which atomic power plants will be able to match costs of the conventional coal and water pow- er plants. They expressed their views be- fore atomic experts of 72 nations at the International Atoms-for- Peace Conference, who also heard predictions of a world-wide boom which would see billions of dollars spent in a gigantic . atomic con- struction program. Just how long it will take for a,,,mrrmmi. +rn hnbme cnmnMi- James A. Lane of the Oak Ridge, Tenn., National Laboratory, said there is a good possibility that atomic power will become compe- titive with conventional power "within the next 15 to 20 years' in the United States. The apparent slowness in the United States program is main- ly a question of meeting the un- usually low production costs of conventional power production. U.S. Average Lower The national average cost of electricity in the United States ranges from four to seven mills per 1l-m ++.t Annrv, ili ernnhn w . far Despite the relatively small size' of the plan, Zinn reported it was turning out electricity at 30 to 34 me a kilowatt. Costs Estimated Meanwhile, two experts--J. M. Hill of Britain and W. K. Davis of the United States-gave the delegates estimates on the cost of constructing nuclear power sta- tions. The costs vary according to the size of the installation, but the British estimates were con- siderably higher than the Ameri- can. Hill estimated an atomic pow- P. nant w aith a.nonansi, orf 1 51 - ed, and students foamed at the mouth as the beer depot's eco- nomic status rose rapidly. Arbor is sadly lacking in veran- dahs," she lamented. Moonlight vs. Books Gerry Laube. '56. who attended