ETWO THE MICHIGAN DATIM OAPrTTOTA,7 Airrr4y'ram d tA*w ii iS U1* ii S i.S t S ,l mna.. -eie^ SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1955 Sixty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ° ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. LANDY CASE: Navy Carries Guilt By-Association to Extreme Big League Ball WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Harold Talbott Played Politics with Air Force 14 By JIM DYGERT JUST WHEN we were thinking that perhaps the nation was on. the.. road back to its senses, what with the decline of Senator Mc- Carthy et al, the Merchant Marine Academy throws us into a relapse by denying a reserve commission to one of its top cadets on the ground that his mother was once a Commu- nist. Much has already been written and said about 'guilt by association' or 'security risk by association' in cases where the only ill effect, on the victim, when the fireworks were over, was a ruined reputation. In this latest case, however, more concrete damage was done. Cadet Eugene Landy graduated with second highest honors in his class from the United States Marine Academy. He received his schol- astic honors, his degree and his license as a merchant marine officer, but not his reserve commission. He stood with his hand not raised with the rest of his class in dress white uniform while -the ensign's oath was adminis- tered at Kings Point, New York. Although Landy was the second highest in his class and termed "one of the brightest students we have ever had" by an academy spokesman, he was notified almost on the eve of his graduation that he would not be com- missioned. His career in admiralty law may well suffer as a result, and without the com- mission that merchant marine graduates nor- mally receive, he will be subject to the draft, though he plans to attend the Yale Law School. on a scholarship. The only reason given by the Navy Depart- ment was that Landy was "extremely close to his mother and she has been a Communist." INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Russia Still To Make Su By J. M. ROBERTS ° Associated Press News Analyst SOVIET RUSSIA wants a period of coexist- ence for her own purposes without .giving up one of her big political weapons - her ability to make a surprise attack. Rejection by Premier Bulganin of President Eis'enhower's proposal for an exchange of mili- tary blueprints and aerial inspection to elimi- nate the possibilities of surprise attack was expected: The Russians made it clear at Geneva that their sweetness and light campaign represented no change of basic policy, and that they would do the things the world demands to achieve peace only when it furthers their own inter- ests. Bulganin keeps referring to the Russian plan for disarmament as though it, too, contained a specific inspection clause. The trouble with that is it would be set up under the Security Council of the United Nations, where Russia could veto every move which interfered with her activities or interests. The rejection of the blueprint plans is made in the friendly tone recently adopted by the The Department neither questioned Landy's own loyalty nor added to this explanation, ex- cept to say that the denial of his commission was "a considered action by the navy." DENYING A MAN a position of trust-a po- sition necessary surrounded by security precautions-on a basis of association with a person or persons of highly questionable loy- alty has been so roundly criticized in recent years that officials applying security regula- tions seemed to be going about their job with more sanity of late. But the Navy is an ex- ception. Denying a commission to Landy certainly was not justified. In the first place, a reserve commission would not have put him in a posi- tion in which he could have been a threat to the nation's security even if he wanted to be. Secondly, supposing it were an important position, there was no proof at' all that Landy was a security risk. In fact, all the evidence clearly showed he. was not. According to his mother, who had been a member of the Com- munist Party for ten years, Landy talked her into quitting the Party in 1947. "He sort of gave me an ultimatum that I quit or he would leave home," she said. Landy called his politi- cal views "pretty conservative." But the Navy Department had nothing against Landy or his views. They only sus- pected that because his mother had been a Communist-ignoring that she quit because of her son-he was too great a risk. Guilt by association or risk by association has always been illogical and unfair thinking, but the Navy Department is carrying it to absurd extremes. Has Ability prise A ttack Russian leaders, with praise for Eisenhower's attempt even while disagreeing with him. Bulganin attempts to make the point that the Eisenhower plan does not cover American military bases around the world, without men- tioning Russia's own in the satellites. He skips the uses made of Red China in the Korean War which Russia sponsored. To meet the world demand for deeds rather than words to prove her peaceful intent, Russia has produced two things. She went through, 10 years; late, with an Austrian treaty designed to start the ball rolling toward the period of relaxed tensions she now enjoys. She agreed to the Eisenhower atoms-for-peace plan from which she will get important technological benefits. On the points in which the world is primarily interested, such as reunification of Germany and an end to the international Communist subversion campaign, she is unyielding and even defiant. The primary result of the sweetness and light campaign to date, then, is a stalemate on major issues - a stalemate in an atmosphere which seems to be just what the Russians wanted. s F to. ..; .t < > ' ..'' . , " .' ' S --° ..;"'..X.. ' ''w__ . '..."" :\«°'sty ?am all ._, y.." .i " .M .. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR r Arp! Arp! " .*" To The Editor: The most fascinating item of the week from a newspaper which never lacks for fascinating items is Mr. Arp's opinion of Fidelio. That it is a "pompous, bombastic opera, a ponderously Mozartian drama of courage and freedom." If Fidelio is like a ponderous Mozart- ian drama, "it gains by so being, I should say. But the question is complicated by what "ponderous drama" means, and better, by what it means when connected with the name of Mozart. Surely the reviewer is touched by some auricular disturbance? Or does it go deeper? And is it outrof order to suggest that The Daily retire its aging veterans periodically and discover fresher, more fascinat- ing talent? --L. L Orlin * * * 'Windy Pomposities' .". To the Editor: We all knew what we were in for when we heard that the inim- itable Mr. Arp had suddenly don- ned the purple mantle of musical criticism, and none of us were the least bit disappointed. The whole review of "Fidelio" went exactly as expected, with its usual quota of improvements on New Yorker prose that we have grown used to for many, many years at this institution of higher learning. Again we were vastly entertained by his unusual artistic sympathies, and staggered in admiration of his being able to put such an over- blown nineteenth century roman- tic as that idiot Beethoven in his place. Now I understand Mr. Arp has become sort of a campus legend for quite a space of time. For some years he has been an indelible influence on the lives of every loyal resident of the Univer- sity of Michigan and of Ann Ar- bor. His sage authority on motion pictures has singlehandedly revo- lutionized the whole cinema in- dustry, for after all, when Mr. Arp writes an unfavorable review, nat- urally no one in his right mind would ever think of patronizing such a movie. Now he has turned his rare talents to that most diffi- cult of the arts, music, and it is with a feeling of joyful suspense that I contemplate the great possi- bilities of such a venture. Just think, we poor ignorant music lov- ers will no longer have to endure the windy pomposities of Beeth- oven, Brahms, Berlioz, Tchaikov- sky, Wagner and those other in- effectual creatures who dared to write not in accordance with the dictum from Mr. Arp's Parnassus! At any rate, since Mr. Arp has been in Ann Arbor so long, it really would be a pity if he should ever leave us for greener literary pas- tures. I am inclined to think, however, that he will remain here for quite some time - perhaps forever. I don't quite believe, un- fortunately, that the rest of Am- who actually like such worthless trash and are unable to reach Mr. Arp's peerless intellectual strata! --William Zakariasen Reuther's Speech .,. To the Editor: THE OTHER day this campus had the privilege of hearing Walter P. Reuther deliver one of ais fine orations. The anti-man- agement insinuations and distor- tions were to be expected. The au- lience was visibly impressed when Mr. Reuther claimed that General Motors' after tax profit of $350,- )00,000 for the second quarter of 1955 represented a return on in- vestment of 42 per cent. Taking the generally accepted definition of investment, this statement is an extreme falsehood; one that is alarming in view of the large num- ber of grade school and high school teachers who were present. If General Motors earned this same amount in each of the four quarters of this year, they would earn after taxes about $1,406,220,- 320. (4 x $351,555,080.). General Motors investment is as follows: $5.00 preferred stock $ 183,564,400 $3.75 preferred stock 100,000,000 Debentures .........300,000,000 Common stock-par 464,472,500 Capital stock, paid in surplus.. ................. 354,971,733 Retained earnings.. 3,035,644,236 $4,438,652,869 Dividing this out, we find that Eor the whole year, G.M. would earn only 31.7%. Mr. Reuther clearly gave the impression that earnings for the second quarter were equal to 42%. In addition to this falsehood, one should remem- ber that auto companys always do significantly better in the sec- ond and 'third quarters than they do during the rest of the year. Mr. Reuther stressed the prin- cipals of negotiating on the basis of economic fact, and of main- taining a single set of moral stan- dards. I seriously wonder if Mr. Reuther practices what he preach- es. -Willard F. Beard Thayer Street . . To the Editor: IN THE editorial yesterday by Jim Dygert there appears an error which has been reappearing time after time in articles on the present controversy with the city over the Thayer Street closing. In November 1954 the Ann Arbor News, in an article on the pur- chase of the school, clearly stated that the University had indicat- ed to the School Board that the purchase of the High School was dependent upon the closing of the school board. The public was again reminded of this by an editorial in the Ann Arbor News on July 8, 1955. It seems clear that the Univer- sity did not spring this on the city. [t also seems clear that someone, has conveniently forgotten this previous announcement, either in- advertently or deliberately. --John M. Hale Director, West Quadrangle By DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON-The full story of how Harold Talbott played politics with the nation's Air Force for the benefit of politi- cal friends is a long way from being told. It penetrates deep into the American political system and illustrates how those who contrib- ute in presidential campaigns Maim-and sometimes get - de- fense contracts at the expense of American defense. And since the Air Force is now the most important arm of Aiher- ican offense-defense, and because there is no place where politics is more dangerous than the irmed services, this column in- tends to tell more of the Talbott story. It will take several install- ments. The first installment pertains to the manner in which Talbott canceled two contracts with the American Hydrotherm Co., in fa- vor of a company newly organ- ized by the brother of Governor :aleb Boggs of Delaware. The new company had prac- tically no personnel, little experi- ence and was incorporated only on May 18 to begin a job on June 30. Yet Talbott took unusual steps to let it get the' job-after re- .eiving letters from Senators John Williams of Delaware and John Butler of Maryland, Repub- Licans. The breaking of the American Hydrotherm contract was some- what similar to Talbott's attempt- ed breaking of the Kaiser Com- pany's contract for an aluminum extrusion press near Baltimore. Harvey Aluminum officials had contributed to the Eisenhower campaign, and Talbott, a big cam-. paign-money raiser, wanted to help them. FIVE-YEAR CONTRACT HERE IS THE amazing story of how politics, not merit, gover- led the Air Force award of an mportant contract: American Hydrotherm first got 'he Air Force contract to heat the IdATS base at Mountai Home, Idaho. It was a negotiated con- ;r'act based on the bids of three or four qualified heating experts, and while being negotiated, Am- erican Hydrotherm offered to fur- rash the experts for Heating Dov- er, Del., and McGuire Field at Fort Dix for 10 per cent less. The Air Force agreed and a five- rear contract, subject to cancella- tion at the end of every year, was tentatively arranged. Time, however, dragged on. And when it came to final signing, the Air Force demanded that the con- tract be not for five years but sub- ject to cancellation every 30 days. POLITICALLY MINDED TALBOTT WHAT HAD happened was that the politically minded Secre- tary of the Air Force, anxious to please Senators, had written a letter to Senator John Marshall Butler of Maryland stating that a mistake had been made and that he would see that the heating con- tracts were canceled and re-adver- tised. T h e American Hydrotherm Company immediately protested. "You've already made public our bid," Oliver Johnson, the Hydro- therm representative told air Ma- terial procurement, "Now you give the price of our manpower to our competitors and our competitors can come in and underbid us." Politics is politics, however, in Talbott's Air Force, American Hydrotherm's con- tract was to expire June 30. On June 29 its .representatives went to Wright Field, were told the Air Force couldn't talk, to come back at noon. At noon, the word was "we can tell you nothing, come back at 2 p.m." At 2 p.m., the word was "come back at 4 p.m."-then 4:30. At 4:50, they were told: "We ire under instructions to say noth- ing to you." "But we are under contract," Johnson protested. "That contract expires at midnight June 30. We have a force of men on the job. In fairness we have to give them no- tice. You can't fire 60 men with- out notice." Despite this, it was only at 4:30 p.m. on June 30 that American Hydrotherm's installation engineer at Dover and McGuire Field were told by total strangers that some- one else was taking over. The de- lay in notification obviously was for the purpose of letting the new company hire the oil technicians away from American Hydrotherm. The new company turned out to oe Plant Management Corp., or- ,.anized a few weeks before by Cal- vin Boggs. brother of the Repub- ti c a n Governor of Delaware friendly to both Secretary Talbott and Senator Williams of Dela- ware. 'Governor Boggs was put in tactics, however, it managed to hire all the 22 men American Hy- drotherm had at McGuire Field. At over, the Boggs group also managed to hire Clyde Thompson, who had quit American Hydro-, therm a few weeks earlier for al- leged "medical reasons." Despite his alleged bad health, Thompson turned up later working with the Boggs firm. He had access to the cost figures andknow-how of the ,ompany which had plenty of tech- nical know-how but not political know-how. At Dover the Boggs group is now operating with three men, instead of the 23 men used by American Hydrotherm. Only one of them has ever 'ad any experience running a high temperature plat. It is paid $186,845.36 at Dover and $190,859 at McGuire Field. Note-Here is how the Du Ponts Af Delaware contributed to the Republican Party when Harold ralbott was chief money-raiser for Dewey in 1948; Lammot Du Pont, $2,000; Irenee Du Pont Jr., $2,000; Irenee Du Pont Sr., $2,000; I. Bo- phie Du Pont May, $2,000; Octavia M. Du Pont Bredin, $1,000; Marle ma M. Dui Pont Silliman, $2,000; Lucile Du Pont Flint, $2,000; R. R. R. Carpenter (a Du Pont in-law) $2,000; Pierre S. Dii Pont, 3rd. $2,000-all in May and June to the Republican senatorial commit- tee. Simultaneously, Irenee Jr., Irenee Sr., and I. Sophie Du Pont Aay contributed $2,000 each to the Republican National. Commit- tee plus $1,000 each to the GOP Congressional Committee. And on July 30, Octavia Du Pont Bredin, Mariana Du Pont Silliam, and Lu- cille Du Pont Flint each gave $1,- 000 to the GOP Congressional Committee, while on Aug. 2, Pierre S. Du Pont, 3rd, gave $1,000 to the same committee. Again, on Aug- ist 18, Pierre, 3rd, gave $2,000 to the GOP National Committee. COTTON BOTHERS BENSON THE DIFFICULT question of what-to do with the Southern warehouses now bulging with cot- ton was debated back and forth at I White House meeting last week -in the end with no solution. Pre- sident Eisenhower, who listened attentively but said. little, finally decreed: "I will have to take this up In the Cabinet." The meeting, attended by ,Con- gressional leaders of the cotton bloc, was precipitated by Secre- tary Benson's plan to dump Com nodity Credit cotton owned by the government on the foreign market at a lower price than do- mestic cotton. "This is no time for the go. ernment to dump cotton," remon- strated Senator Olin Johnston of South Carolina. "It will be just the time when cotton is being picked and when the small farmer has to sell his crop immediately to buy meat and bread. He's already borrowed on his crop and he has to sell immediately. Any govern- ment sales now will just depress the market." Congresman Harold Cooley of North Carolina agreed. Secretary Benson told the legis- lators that he and his aides were doing everything possible to find outlets for the cotton surplus. He reminded them that we are no longer on a wartime economy and there is less demand for cotton. Also he said that any export dis- posal on a large scale must be done with the approval of the State De- Partment so as not to harm the conomy of friendly nations. Benson's arguments were chal- lenged by Congressman Jamie Whitten of Mississippi, who claim- ed the Agriculture Department was not doing all it could to relieve the :otton surplus, 'Atonone point Iisenhower re marked: "Rather than throw cot- ton on the world market and win the enmity of other nations, it might be better to subsidize it." In the end he said he would take the matter up in cabinet-where incidentally, Secretary of the Trea- sury Humphrey usually expresses the deciding voice on these eco- comic matters. INVITATION TO PUERTO RICANS?? CONGRESSMAN PETE RODINO of New Jersey is a good public servant, but he ought to be more careful about the lives of fellow Congressmen. Ever since a band of Puerto Ri- ians opened up on the House of Representatives in March, 1954, strict control has been ordered of visitors to the House gallery. Con- gressmen may issue visitors' pass- es, but these must be numbered. A complete record is also supposed to be kept of the name and com- plete address of each visitor. Un- der the new security regulations, these visitors' green passes must be handed out directly by the Con- cressmn'c nfficeanr ca.nnnt even / a~ J 3 CURRENT MOVIES I r l l I At the State THE MAN FROM LARAMIE, with James Stewart HERE SEEMS to be an attempt in the high- budget westerns, intentional or not, to imitate the close family conflicts of Greek drama. This film, like "Broken Lance," is concerned for the most part with a powerful patriarch who has carved his monolithic cattle ranch from Indian land and who is not pre- pared to let anything take is away from him. This forms the scene into which James Stewart rides with his mission. Stewart's brother has been killed in an Apache massacre, and Stewart is ben upon annihilating any man who would sell rifles to Apaches. Upon his arrival in Coronado, New Mexico, from Laramie, he is besieged by the son and foreman of Donald Crisp, who owns three days' ride in all directions from the town. Crisp loves his son (Alex Nicol) almost as much - not quite -- as he loves his land, and his son is one of the more despictable charac- ters to turn up in a while. It's not that he The Daily Staff Managing Editors.................. Cal Samra Jim Dygert NIGHT EDITORS Mary Lee Dingier, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin Dave Rorabacher .. ... _ Snr ts Editor dissipates in any of the approved ways; he just sells guns to Apaches. His doting father has pampered him since the death of his mother, but has charged his foreman (Arthur Kennedy) with keeping a restraining eye on him. The foreman behaves as a real son should, and the father relizes it. But blood is thick, and the foreman has to double as a whipping boy. Consequently he has problems too, and is drawn into the gun-selling plot. This leaves only the father and The Man from Laramie in the dark; each would like the sales to end, but each has his own reasons. With the four-way conflict which results there are a number of incidents and discoveries possible, and most of them are realized. Further potentialities exist in the father's niece, who is engaged to the foreman but in love with The Man, and in an elderly woman who owns the only rival ranch and is in love with the father. The women behave as might be expected, and there are love-duty conflicts too. It's easy to imagine how many issues of the Saturday Evening Post were involved in telling this tale. T HE PERFORMANCES are not much to speak of. James Stewart must not have worked too hard, probably because he didn't have to. It is enough for him to amble around with a cryptic "I've got a mission" look and fend off the concerted attacks of the other characters. Donald Crisp and Alex Nicol are intense, and Arthur Kennedy manages to be good in the beginning and bad at the end. Cathy O'Donnell DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication init is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1955 VOL. LXVI, NO. 33 Notices Law School Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law School Admission Test on Aug. 6 are requested to report to Room 100, Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m. Sat. Late permission for women students who attended the Speech Department production "Fidelio" at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater on Aug. 4 will be no later than 11:00 p.m. Lectures Dr. Jacob C. Hurewitz of Columbia University will speak on "The Geneva Conference and the Near East" Mon., Aug. 8 at 4:15 p.m.. Aud. A. Anall of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health, School of Business Administration: Students are advised not to request, grades of I or X in August. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make-up grade not later than 11:00 a.m., Aug. 18. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative August gradu- ates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for departmental honors (or high honors in the College of L.S.&A.) should recommend such stu- dents in a letter delivered to the Office of Registration and Records, Room 1513 Administration Building, be- fore Aug. 18. Doctoral Examination for Paul Robey Bryan, Jr., Music; thesis: "The Sym- phonies of Johann Vanhal," Sat., Aug. 6, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman J. H. Lowell. Doctoral Examination for Gilbert Henri Beguin, Engineering Mechanics; thesis: "On Certain Plane Strain Prob- lems for Some Partially Infinite Do- mains," Mon., Aug. 8, 218 West Engi- <'* _.r