TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY VlOrnA'V THE MIAllGAN II H RIDAY, vAUGUST 5, 195 Sixty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "But First A Few Words From Our Sponsors" NSA President Calls Warsaw Festival Red' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. 'U' TV Station Would Present A Variety of Programs .-.+NW rw rww1 , ~A'3 6 'S MQ' 79 - i\, (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of tw articles dealing with prospects for a University television station.) By CAL SAMRA T HROUGHOUT the nation as of today 12 universities are operating their own edu- cation teevee stations, financed primarily by appropriations from state legislatures and pri- vate grants. In the Midwest, Wisconsin has a UHF sta- tion in Madison, the University of Illinois just went on the air over a VHF station, while Iowa State operates a station that accepts commercial advertising. Indiana University is cooperating with local stations in presenting educational programs. Ohio State has an FCC license and is planning a station. Pur- due is still studying the matter. Sixty miles west of Ann Arbor, Michigan State University has been feeding the Lansing area 30 hours a week of programs over WKAR- TV for over a year. The MSU station, which has a single-insti- tution UHF license, is supported mostly by tax-money,- partially by private grants. Here' is a run-down of some typical pro- grams offered by the MSU station on a nor- mal day: "Learn to Type"; "Ladies Time"; "Methods of Teaching"; "Toy Shop"; "Veterans Should Know"; "Sports Whirl"; "Campus Capers"; "Humanities"; "You Wanted To Know"; "Great Plains Trilogy"; "Books and Views"; "Magic of the Atom"; "Keyboard Music." Most of these programs are, obviously, quite harmless but others are valuable educationally. Now, however, Michigan State is making plans to abandon its UHF station in favor of joining with a Lansing VHF station to pre- sent both educational and commercial pro- grams. If this materializes, MSU will be com- pelled to accept commercial advertising. Assuming that the University somehow gets the capital to establish its own TV station, what kind of programs would the station offer? Prof. Garnet Garrison, Director of Univer- sity Television, has presented The Daily with several broad categories of programs designed to meet specialized interests: 1.) General adult education and information. "A hunger to know is quite universal. The dif- ferent interests and needs of housewives, busi- ness men and women, laborers, clerks and sec- retaries, farmers and city folk and many others can be served effectively and easily via tele- courses on a variety of subjects from wood- working to literature. A better informed adult citizenry is a "must" for an effective democra- tic society. A non-commercial station permits discussion of important public issues on the local, state and national level in prime eve- ning time Specialists would be available as guests on news programs for first hand au- thoritative comments, Interests of the general audience also embrace sports and special ex- hibits. Such activities at the University may be presented via film and on-the-spot pick-ups." 2. Out-of-school viewing for children of school age and daytime viewing by pre-school children. "Here is an area which in commercial television programming is a subject of great criticism. Parents and children would have more choice of programs with a non-commer- cial University station. Series would be de- signed to answer the criticism directed against some current program practices. Athletic in- struction by University coaches and top cam- pus athletes would have high interest value for teen age boys and girls, for example, in addition to being imaginative and interesting, sholud attract sizeable audiences." 3.) General Programming. "Many programs would be designed to enrich the lives of the people, such as various series in fine arts, mu- sic, literature and drama. Programs which are of the entertainment type will be utilized also as an outlet for students engaged in taking tele- vision or allied courses, such as music and speech. Experimentation in programming tech- niques will be encouraged." 4.) Programs designed for classroom recep- tion. "This parallels roughly the current wide- spread use of radio programs in the classroom. As supplemental aids, the resources of a great University will be made available to the teach- er in a classroom. Imagine the stimulation for a class in general science in a rural school when a telecast from the Naval Tank deals with scientific work in ship design or when the working of the cyclotron in nuclear physics research is explained by one of the nation's leading physicists. How the teacher in such a school would welcome a visit via television into Michigan's historic Clements Library with its rich storehouse of Americana, or the Uni- versity's many museums. Students in civics would eavesdrop on important discussions by world figures as they visit the campus. Spe- cialized series in art, music, language, voca- tional guidance, etc., could be planned for in- tegration into the curricula of the schools." 5.) Post-professional or in-service informa- tion and instruction. "This type of program ser- ies would bring to graduates of professional schools information on the latest developments in the respective fields. The schools of Business Administration and Pharmacy, for example, could offer television counterparts of their in- teresting community service programs. The School of Dentistry and the Engineering Col- lege, and others, could have a continuing ser- ies on recent developments in those profes- sions. Papers on medical research might be presented to a number of county medical so- ciety meetings at the same time. These are only illustrative of this important area." 6.) Direct adult education. "This area could be an ettension of the Extension Service's ex- cellent correspondence work. Students wlo are not able to attend Extension Center classes be- cause of distance or work schedules, might be permitted to enroll in regular University Ex- tension courses by television and receive credit when successfully passing supervised exami- nations. The specific details would need to be carefully worked out in order to insure that such courses are in accordance with regular University academic procedures. This step has not been approved by University administrators to date, but it is a possibility." 7.) Continuing Public Relations. "Educators have an excellent opportunity to schedule pro- grams to aid the taxpayers and parents in un- derstanding the varied aspects of instruction, research and service. Television permits per- sonal tours to classes and laboratories in oper- ation and first hand reports on aims and pur- poses of the educational system. The TV spot- light may stimulate interest, provoke discus- sion, and permit applause or constructive cri- ticism for particular philosophies and methods utilized. The public has an opportunity to judge for itself." Prof. Garrison emphasizes that there is no substitute for high quality and stimulating per- forman.ce. "The quickest way to kill educa- tional television," he says, "is to have amateur- ish direction and amateurish talent." With a nappropriate subsidy, the University has the resources and the talent to maintain a high quality of performance in television broad- casting. But whatever the University decides upon in the end, it is evident that the supporters of a University television station have some very convincing arguments, not the least of which is the fact that the influence of the Univer- sity would reach into thousands of homes. With a television station, the opportunities for public service are obviously unlimited and the sky's the limit. - a Fiei'- etoe'Opr Fie io --',Bethoven's Oera (EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily re- ceived the following communication from a former editor, Harry Lunn, who is now president of the National Student Association. Mr. Lunn re- cently returned from the Internation- al Student Conference held in Eu- rope.) WHILE IN Europe at the Inter- ?national Student Conference, a grouping of some 52 national student organization of the free world, I was very interested in receiving clippings from The Michigan Daily describing the Fifth World Festival of Youth and Students which is to be held in Warsaw in a few days. The article was accompanied by an editorial written by Pat Roelofs, expressing great disdain at the State Depart- ment policy which does not allow American students to participate in this particular meeting. Without particularly getting into the State Department policy on exchange, and -such laws as the McCarran-Walter Immigration Act, I do think that there are several points in Miss Roelofs' story and editorial that could bear some explanation. For one thing, the World Festi- val is nothing more than a mass Communist demonstration similar to the Communist student meet- ings that have been held in East- ern Europe ever since the end of the war. For this particular meet- ing the Communists have been spending a great deal of money and have been sending publica- tions on the Festival throughout the United States. It might be interesting to note that they have made unauthorized use of the Directory of the Seventh National Congress of the United States Na- tional Student Association in spreading this propaganda through the United States. While I do not object at all to discussion of this particular meet- ing, I am a bit dismayed by some of the writing in the articles in- viting implication that this is somehow a very democratic stu- dent meeting. Sentences like "Political beliefs ranging from the extreme left to the reactionary right will be represented at the Conference" seem to me to express an extremely naive opinion that is not backed up at all by any factual data. When Miss Roelofs cites delegates to the Festival such as the Young Presbyterians of Scotland, the Electrical Trades Union of London, a classical danc- ing school in Belgium, she has no way of knowing whether or not these groups are in fact Com- munist fronts. Without comment- ing on these particular cases I would say that it has been the experience of the National Stu- dent Association that many of these groups cited in Communist propaganda are nothing more than Communist fronts in the countries concerned, often set up expressly for the purpose of sending a dele- gation to a youth meeting such as the Fifth World Festival. Secondly, from the description of the Festival included in The Daily, it would seem that the Festival it- self is an innocent little grouping of students who will sing and dance together and discuss intel- lectual ideas late into the night. Again I am afraid that the im- pression is a bit inaccurate. Any description of the Fifth World Festival or other festivals of this type that gives .this impression is completely inaccurate and com- pletely inconsistent with what really goes on at a mass Com- munist youth meeting. There is music, there is dancing; it is all secondary to the mass psychology that is used to bring about student solidarity behind the various Com- munist political recommendations that come out of these meetings. This leads to my third point con- cerning participation of American students in such meetings. For American students to go to such a meeting may appear quite inno- cent on the surface and may seem the best thing to do in order to promote world stability and peace. But to take this position neglects a very important purpose, from the Communist standpoint, to which the presence of American students would contribute. And that purpose is a propaganda pur- pose essentially. For American students at this meeting would be used extensively for propaganda purposes to support not only the work of the Festival but to sup- port the work of such organiza- tins as the Communist dominated World Federation of Democratic Youth and International Union of Students, This work would directly un- dermine the activities of such organizations as the United States National Student Association, who have tried for some time to alert the students in the United States to the very real dangers posed by the Communist dominated IUS and WFDY. Finally, I think it " would be very helpful if The Daily would devote some attention to the work of other international or- ganizations in the student field, such as the International Student Conference that has recently- met in Birmingham, as I have men- tioned, and brought together rep- resentatives from 52 national stu- dent organizations throughout the world. This is the largest and most representative student meeting ever held, and I think that it has a greatddeal of importance for students in this country and throughout the world, since it con- centrates not on political propa- ganda but on practical programs of assistance to students every- where The attention of the Conference to these matters it not the atten- tion of a partisan political group interested in making capital - of unpleasant situations in the stu- dent world, but rather the atten- tion of a group that is sincerely concerned with student problems throughout the world and is anx- ious to assist in their solution, I would only say that as a or- mer editor of The Daily I am- somewhat disappointed in the re- porting on the World Festival and in the interpretations on the Fes- tival that appeared in the article and in the editorial. While I agree perfectly that these matters should be iscussed and that there are many possibly conflicting opinions on these questions of exchange, I still think it is important for the factual material to be -accurate unless very importan misunder- standings are to arise among stu- dents and educators in this coun- try about the nature of interna-. tional student organizations. -Harry H. Lunn, Jr. President United States National Student Association 6 AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN .. . Beethoven's FIDELI, present- ed by the Department of Speech and the School of Music. FIDELIO is a pompous, bombas- tic opera, a ponderously Mo- zartian drama of courage and freedom. Because it is by Beetho- ven it gets performed, but it might better be filed with Hugo Wolf's Der Corregider or Beethoven's own "Wellington" symphony among the interesting mistakes of musi- cal literature. The story of the opera concerns a political prisoner in eighteenth- century Spain, a minor nobleman named Florestan; his wife, Le- onora, who disguises herself as the boy Fidelio to work in the prison so that she can free her husband; and Don Pizzaro, the prison gov- ernor who has thrown Florestan into a dungeon to die. There is a sub-plot involving the chief jail- er, his daughter, and an assistant jailer, who has a crush on the daughter Marcellina. Marcellina, to tiethe plots together, is ena- mored of Fidelio, little aware that he is not only married, but a woman. At the moment when Pizzare is about to do away with Florestan by his own hand, Leonora re- veals herself and the Prime Min- ister arrives with a pardon for all of the prisoners of wicked Don Pizzarro. It makes a dramatic moment, complete with an off- stage trumpet, but a single mo- ment hardly justifies two and a half hours of rough going. Given such to work. with, the production by the Speech depart- ment and Music school is amaz- ing for its vigor and its precision. Nothing can keep- the opera from being loud and clumsy, and this production is all of that. But there are enough good musical perform- ances to maintain a maximum of interest if not pleasure. THE ROLE of Leonora is sung by Joan Rossi, a young woman with a warm voice and moderate acting ability. Miss Rossi's range restricts her at times, and she' seems to have a little difficultyg y taking her rightful share of en- semble numbers, but for her ac- complished first-act aria we may certainly forgive a few weak mo- ments. She holds the attention throughout, and in such flamboy- ant surroundings this is a matter of some importance. William Zakariasen appears as Florestan. The role is relatively small and offers Mr. Zakariasen little opportunity to reveal great vocal prowess. He is a trifle bois- terous for a man who has been on a bread-and-water diet for two years, and has a tendency to rely on traditional operatic gestures when something less would do as well. As is. customary, Don Pizzaro (Thomas Tipton) comes very close to stealing the show; there seems to be nothing as admirable as a good operatic villain. Mr. Tip- ton is aware of his advantage, and sneers and strides with great as- surance. His voice, too, is the most professional one in the cast, pow- erful and clean, with the control which clever bombastic singing de- mands. Ara Berberian (who will alter- nate performances with William DeMaria) has the role of Rocco, the jailer. Mr. Berberian sings well and possesses a practiced stage presence. If he is hampered at all it is by his impeccable enun- ciation, for with this gift he re- veals all of the ludicrous aspects of a. libretto with too many re- peated phrases and a grimly for- mal vocabulary. MARCELLINA is played by Stella Baumann (and, alternately, by Mary Ann Tinkham), and her suitor Jacquine is Irving Ennis. They are a pleasantly matched couple, but suffer mostly because they are not Masetto and Zerlina; their voices are ' good, and are well-used, but they don't really have a chance to be much more than excessively sweet. The vocal performances are generally competent, and the or- chestra, under the direction of Dr. Josef Blatt, is as subtle and pre- cise as its size will allow. Perhaps the most exciting moments of the production occur during the play- ing of the third Leonore overture between the scenes of the second act; but might it not have been arranged so that the stage crew's louder activities would coincide with the forte passages of the ov- erture? And unquestionably the funiest incident, in a theater whose tem- perature rivals Utah's salt flats, is Leonora's line as she descends into Florestan's dungeon: "How cold it is in these subterranean vaults." -Tom Arp r DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: xIco Texas InuaceC.Boaz America's widest Boso By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (A) - America's widest bosom doesn't belong to either Jane Russell or Marilyn Monroe. Leonard Warren, acknowledged by a number of critics to be the world's present best drama- tic baritone, says he is six feet tall, keeps his weight around 200 pounds-and has a 52-inch chest. Well, ladies, may we go on from there? In the fine art of operatic singing top dra- matic sopranos, baritones, and the gents who can dig a deep bass share a small but endlessly competitive world. The voice . . . the voice . . . it is everything. It is a power in itself, a power above the temp- tations of self-indulgence, even above the wist- ful wish for money. The Daily Staff Managing Editors ......................... Cal Samra Jim Dygert NIGHT EDITORS Mary Lee Dingier, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin At least so says Warren, who says gimmicks are helpful, but he has no gimmicks as a singer. "No one gives a voice but God," he said. "All that can be done then is to assist it. "You must have the humility and intelligence to use it. After all, why didn't my sister or brother have this same gift? There had never been, another singer in the family." Egotism Justified If this talking about his talent seems mildly egotistical, on Warren's part it is justified. Confidence in himself as well as his vocal cords is a key part of his makeup, as it is with all great singers. They must feel a power over the audience to control it. Warren, a Bronx-born boy without Italian blood who has been accepted and saluted by the tough audiences of La Scala in Milan as the top man in his field, is also conforted by the recognition he has. achieved as the leading baritone of the New York Metropolitan Opera. "This is where I was born-this is where I live," he said, "even to step upon the boards of the Metropolitan Opera . . . It is a tradition By DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON - The period during a congressional session when the public is most likely to get rooked the most is during the mad rush to close, when the so- Ions are anxious to get home. The newspapers and public-minded Senators don't always have time to watch these sneak bills, and some lobbyists deliberately wait until the last days of Congress to shove them through. Therefore, credit should go to Senators Olin Johnston of South Carolina and Tom Hennings of Missouri, together with represen- tatives Jack Brooks of Texas and E. L. Forrester of Georgia, for blocking a big insurance company raid on the Treasury in regard to the Texas City, Texas, explosion. Senator Price Daniel of Texas had sponsored a Senate bill which would have reimbursed $41,200,000 to the insurance companies which "nr a rn OC ivy ._ n _ rn - _0;+ between the House- and Senate, Senators Johnston and Hennings backed him up. They knocked out the windfalls to the insurance companies and Monsanto Chemi- cal but left in payments up to $25,- 000 to those who suffered from the explosion and had not receiv- ed insurance. Senator Daniel, who has been the faithful champion of big busi- ness in Texas, refused to sign the conference report. IKE STRADDLED NOTE--The Eisenhower admin- .istration put itself on both sides in the Texas City disaster. It sided vigorously against Senator Daniel and against payments to the insurance companies. On the other hand, Eisenhower appointed to the 5th Circuit Court of Ap- peals John Brown, the Houston. attorney who tried the Texas City claims case and was rebuked by the same 5th Circuit Court of Ap- ed the defeated lawyer, John Brown, to the Court of Appeals which had rebuked him. WHITE HOUSE REVERSES DURING THE closing days of Congress the name of ex- Congressman John S. Woods of Georgia was quietly withdrawn for appointment to the Subversives Activities Control Board. Woods had been OK'd by the White House, had been cleared by the FBI after an investigation, and had been approved by a sub- committee of the Judiciary Com- mittee. However, when it was revealed in the press that the ex-Congress- man from Georgia had introduced a bill to compensate a boy hit by an Army truck for which his ad- ministrative assistant had taken a fee of $1,000, Senate opposition developed. Neither a Congressman nor his staff is supposed to bene- fit in any wav from the intrnod... The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of lectures, concertsand organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1955 VOL. LXVI, NO. 32 Notices Summer Hopwood. Contest: Manu- scripts must be in the Hopwood Room, 1006 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m., Fri., Aug. 5. Law school Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law School Admission Test on Aug. 6 are requested to report to Room 100, Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m. Sat. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Farmers Insurance Group, Detroit, Mich., is looking for men, 27-37 years of age, for Sales and Management. State of Illinois announces exams for the following positions: Child Guid- ance Counselor , Child Guid. Couns. II, Child Welfare Worker I & II, Psy- chiatric Social Worker I & II, Psycholo- gist I & II, Fish Biologist I, Forester I, Game Biologist I, Industrial Thera- pist, Institution Business Mgr. I, Li- brarain I, Occupational Therapist I, Personnel Assist., Recreation Worker, Research Worker, Research Analyst I, Research Analyst I, Sociologist I, State Library Assist. I & II, Statistician I, University will speak on "The Geneva Conference and the Near East" Mon., Aug. 8 at 4:15 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall, auspices of the Department of Near Eastern Studies. Open to the public. Summer Session on Digital Computers and Data Processors. "Digital Com- puters in Great Britain and Overseas," John Allen-Ovenstone, Commonwealth of Australia, Melbourne; "The IBM- 650 and IBM-704 Computers at'Lockheed Missile Division," R. W. Bemer Fri, Aug. 5, 7:30 p.m., Aud. C, Mason Hall. Academic Notices Attention August Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health, School of Business Administration: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in August. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your Instructor to report the make-up grade not later than 11:00 a.m., Aug. 18. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. " Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative August gradu- ates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for departmental honors (or high honors.- in the College of L.S.&A.) should recommend such stu- dents in a letter delivered to the Office of Registration and Records, Room 1513 Administration Building, be- fore Aug. 18. Doctoral Examination for Philip Pi- kus. English Language and Literature: .4 a i