'AGE FOUR AIE MI CI . GAN D Ali. ,L THURSDAY, AUGUST 4.1965 &GE FOUR 'IIiIJRSIJAY. Ali~4IJMT 4. Th&& .w.RR VR U /ai aaV VI V Vi 7 IOVM FW CAMPUS CALENDAR AT CHEMISTRY LIBRARY: Hi Fi Exhibit Assembled by Library Record Club Near East Talk . . . JAIL BREAK-The cast rehearses a scene from "Fidelio," Beethoven's opera, which will open at 8:00 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater and play tomorrow, Saturday and Monday. Joan Rossi, as Fidelio, points a gun at Don Pizzaro, played by Thomas Tipton, governor of the prison where her husband Florestan is being held. Florestan, in chains, is played by William Zakariasen. Ara Berberian, holding the lantern in the background, takes the part of Rocco, the chief jailer. "Fidelio" is being sponsored by the speech department and the School of Music. RE-EVALUATES CLICHES: Dr. Rabinovitch Discusses Adolescents When does an idealistic adoles- cent become a cynical, uncaring or disgruntled adult? This question suggests an in- teresting research project to Dr. Ralph D. Rabinovitch, chief of the Children's Service in the Univer- sity Neuropyschiatric Institute. Far from being crazy, mixed-up kids, adolescents find themselves in a crazy mixed-up world. Ac- cording to Dr. Rabinovitch, "With all his problems, the adolescent has priceless assets which given proper nurture far outweigh the negatives." "In recent years," he comment- ed, "I have been much impressed ly the lostness of so many of our pupils." It is a lostness which borders on phychic automation, U. S. Citizens Find Hostility In Viet Nam SAIGON, South Viet Nam (3)-- Americans living in South Viet Nam have become the victims of a new and stealthy war of nerves. American Embassy officials have received threats against their lives. Private automobiles of U.S. diplomats' have been burned or blown up. Grenades have been tossed against an apartment build- ing which houses embassy fami- lies. No one is quite sure who is be- hind the campaign of terrorism. The Americans apparently are being attacked because they repre- sent a government which supports anti-Communist nationalist Pre- mier Ngo Dinh Diem. Fighting Stopped Though street fighting in this capital of two million has stopped, the bitterness lingers on. A num- ber of groups hate Diem and the Americans who back him. The Binh Xuyen society, a band of onetime river pirates who con- trolled Saigon's vice industry, brought the country close to civil war in April. After 48 hours of bloody battling they were driven ;ut of the city. They still control a small section of the meandering Saigon River. Another implacable Diem enemy is Gen. Le quang Vinh, better known as Bacut, head of the re- bellious Hoa Hoa Religious army which has spread terror in Viet Nam's Far West for years. His strength has been broken but he still is a source of trouble. Underground The forces opposing the Premier are swelled too by the under- ground of the Communist Viet- minh. Officially the Reds have been quiet since'the Geneva armis- tice gave them North Viet Nam last year, but they still have a well-organized and efficient clan- destine network throughout South Viet Nam. Many Frenchmen also are not friendly to Diem. Workshop Sends Center Delegates Seventeen members of a Uni- versity education workshop are breeds in the cold, impersonal corridors of modern life, and at the sound of a bell, ,shuttles from room to room with no apparent purpose. Relationship Weakened "We mustn't blame the teach- ers, "Dr. Rabinovitch said, "but something is wrong When we de- sign schools which weaken rather than strengthens the teacher- student relationship." In an article entitled, "Our Ado- lescents and their World," pub- Journal of the University of lished recently in the English Journal of the University of Chi- cago press, Dr. Rabinovitch cites cases, discussing a few child psychology cliches in the light of common sense. 1. "Give the boy his head." Parents tend to take the adoles- cents striving for independence so seriously that they pull the family rug of security out from under their children. "In some families." the child psychiatrist remarked, "It is as though parents no longer dare to direct a child after he has reached the magic age of 16." He added Counties Hold Recall .debate CADILLAC, Mich (MP-A Wex- ford County move to fore recall of Rep. Ruth Thompson (R-Mich.) continued today respite a chal- lenge from a Manistee County group. Manistee is part of Miss Thompson's Ninth Congressional District. The move was started earlier this week by Douglas Fairbanks, Wexford C o u n t y Democratic Chairman, and Cadillac City Clerk Emil Meyer. Fairbanks charges Rep. Thomp- son placed her personal feelings above the nation's safety in pro-. longing a decision on a proposed 17 million dollar jet air base for Northern Michigan. The base, after a months-long controversy involving Michigan civic groups, Air Force officials and political leaders, last week was ap- proved for construction in Kal- kaska County, near Traverse City. Fairbanks said he "Will have something definite to report on a recall petition tomorrow," follow- ing a conference with drafters of the petition. that while it is cerainly nice toI grow up with one's children, it is also wise to be more mature than one's children. 2. "Make the amenities fun." It is perhaps quite appropriate to want your child to become a graceful ballroom dancer at 16, but teachers should stand firm against growing pressure that such social graces be forced on 11 or even ten-year olds. "The children themselves are often ready, in fact anxious, to be reasonable in these matters, and where the parent's social stand- ards foster superficilaity and phoniness, it is all the more the school's job to stand firmly for real enduring values." Life More Gruesome 3. "Comic books are the evil of the times." Actually life itself is more gruesome than the comic books, Dr. Rabinovitch remarked. It turns out that the really grue- some ones are more read by adults than children. He added that he did not doubt some horror comics are disturbing to children, but that modern bogies such as housing scandals, tax frauds and professional liars in government are far worse be- cause the children have no escape from them. "At least in Superman and Mighty Mouse the child knows that good. triumphs over evil." Sex Education 4. "Give adolescents solid cours- es in sex education." Like most panaceas, this one represents a gross over-simplification. It is helpful to teach the anatomy and physiology of sexual functions, but only of secondary importance. "The primary elements of sex education are found in family re- lationships, in feeling tones be- tween parents and between parent and child." 5. "It's all became of momism." Today, Dr. Rabinovitch comment- ed, the tendency is to equate mas- culinity with toughness or lack of feeling. "Well," he speculated, "if our aim is to raise gangsters, then, of course, we 'ust avoid senti- ment at all cost." Sentiment Important If, however, we want to product "thinking, feeling young citizens capable of spotting potential des- pots," then sentiments, far from being a sign of weakness, has an important place in the school ex- perience. Prof. Charles Issawi will speak on "Economic Trends in the Mod- emn Near East" at 4:15 today in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Issawi is currently a member of the faculty at Columbia Univer- sity. His talk will be sponsored by the near eastern studies depart- ment. Rhetoric Paper ... "English Structure as an Aid in Rhetoric" will be the topic of a paper to be presented at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Rackham Amphitheater, by Prof. MacCurdy Burnet. Prof. Burnet is a member of the English Department at Mary- land State Teachers College. The paper will be given before the Linguistic Forum which is spon- sored by the Linguistic Institute. The program is open to the general public. Carillon Concert . . . Prof. Percival Price. University Carillonneur, will play a recital at 7:15 p.m. today of his own compositions on the Baird Carillon. The concert will include Prof. 'Price's Prelude 5, Fantaisie 4. An- dantes 3 and 7, Sonata for 43 Bells, Air and Ballet. It is spon- sored by the School of Music. Wilson Cancels . . Due to "pressing matters in Washington," Secretary of De- fense Charles E. Wilson has can- celed his speaking appeararlce here Monday ,it was announced yester- day. Wilson's talk, part of the Sum- mer Session's "Michigan" program, was scheduled for 8:00 Monday, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Four Points . . . A total of 112 students at the University earned all "A"s for the spring semester, 1954-55, the Of- fice of Registration and Records has announced. All "A" records were made in eight of the University's 15 schools and colleges. The College of Ar- chitecture and Design lists two all "A" students; the School of Edu- cation, seven; the College of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts, 80; the School of Music, five; the School of Natural Resources, seven, the School of Public Health, seven; and the College of Engi- neering, 28. Students included in this list elected no less than 12 hours of work. Human Relations... Experience in how to meet prob- lems of intergroup tension and conflict as these arise in school and community is being provided by the Workshop in Human Rela- tion now in full swing here. The workshop is being offered by the School of Education in co- operation with the Commission on Educational Organizations Nation- al Conference of Christians andf Jews. In attendance are school super-} intendents, principals and cirricu- lum coordinators as well as school board members, leaders in civic organizations, professional social workers, ministers and teachers. Wood Industry ... FINAL ADJUSTMENT-A member of the Library Staff Record Club completes the club's hi-fi display in the first floor hall of the Chemistry Building. RULE BREAKER TV Search for New Writing Talent Turns to Shakespeare K;- For those who are interested in Hi-Fi but don't quite know where to start, the Library Staff Record Club has assembled an exhibit which is now on view in the first floor hall of the Chemistry Build- ing. A book list on the subject also has been compiled by Robert E. Burton, a member of the club, and is available to anyone who is interested in the Chemistry Li- brary, Rm. 251 of the Chemistry Building. This book list includes some of the most recent books on four phases of the subject, high fidelity sound equipment, periodicals, acoustics of music and record guides and catalogs. Also available in the Chemistry Library are copies of catalogs and brouchers from the manufacturers of Hi-Fi equipment. Edward Weber, the apresident of the club, says that this display is set up to help the beginner in hi-fi find the basic sources that are available in the library for more complete understanding of the field. Weber added that there is a good possibility that the exhibit will be shown on a larger scale during the regular school year. Governor Reburial Attempt Blocked DETROIT (A') - The body of Michigan's first governor, Stevens T. Mason, will remain buried in Capitol Park. Detroit councilmen voted 8-0 last night against a proposal of the State Legislature to move the governor's remains to Lansing. Mason has been buried since 1905 in Capitol Park, the site of' the first Capitol Building wher he held office as Governor of the Territory of Michigan and First Governor of the State of Michi- gan. The council termed the legis- lative attmpt to rebury Mason in Lansing a "Hot Weather Boon- doggle" aimed at gaining pub- 3 licity. Read Daily Classified, ME%%'x: NEW YORK (P) - Television, hunting omnivorously for new writers, might well take a closer look at a talented English drama- tist who's scored some tremendous hits with London theatergoers. His name is William Shakes- peare. A few of his works have been televised from time to time. He presents technical difficulties be- mause he breaks so many theatri- cal rules. He crowds a state with charac- ters and action. He seldom bothers to motivate a character's entrance or exit. Basically a poet, he writes in an infectious pentameter, a practice frowned on by our most successful producers. Long Speeches Noel Coward says no character's speech should be more than two lines, but young Shakespeare's characters sometimes speak a hun- dred lines. Shunning the modern situation, this Englishman reach- es far back into history for his themes, Studio One CBS-TV presented one of his plays last Monday I 1101 ir't-i iAC r evening-"Julius Caesar." It's a study of political power and the ironic corruption of men who tiy to make any means justify their goals. Subtlety Sacrificed This department was fortunate in being able to read the original London script before seeing the American televesion version. The original contained great subtleties of thought and characterization. In cutting a three-hour play to a one-hour television drama, Leo Penn sacrificed subtlety. But in losing subtlety, he did gain pace. To this viewer it seem- ed that pace and clarity of mean- ing were what director on Petrie was trying to achieve. To one who has read the play or seen it in the longer stage version, the result was flat and broad. The acting too was shaped for pace and clarity of meaning. It's difficult to believe that any- one who saw the Studio One pro- duction can now have any ques- tion concerning what "Julius Caesar" is about. Cxceposa Lue! save autumn fashion dollars on these COWHIDE, BELTS $188 3 BELTS FOR 5.50 ' S ( {," nkA D I ari I A CCII k'UKtHA )t I-KU/\A NUKtI-U°A5t SEE THE NEW GRAPHIC@ 35 WITI PUSH-BUTTON FOCUSIN N G FOR COLOR SLIDES AND BLACK AND WHITE i "Trouble Shooting in the Wood Industry" will be the topic for a University Monday through Satur- short course to be new at tne day, for executives, plant person-{ nel and quality control men of the' industry, as well as equipment and material manufacturers andsup- pliers. The course is offered by the Department of Wood Technology of the School of Natural Resources, the Snmmer Session and Extension Service. t, YOURS FOR ONLY $8950 Purchaset amera Shop 1116 South University 'Auto Insurance Rates Reduced LANSING (AP)--A reduction in auto insurance rates approved by the State Insurance Commission will save autoists some nearly five million dollars a year, Com- missioner Joseph A. Navarre re- ported today. New rates for automobile ma- terial damage effective on a state wide basis have been approved to save policy-holders about $4,181,-' 000 a year. New rates for auto liability insurance, varying accord- ing to territory, will save about $250,000, Navarre said. The comprehensive private pas- senger premium revenue for automobile material damage has been reduced over 20 per cent,' Navarre said. The reduction varies duced approximately 15 per cent. Commercial intermediate and long distance hauling, fire theft and comprehensive rate and premium revenue has been reduced an aver-. age of 32 per cent. Collision prem- iums for these commercial classes have been increased an estimated 25 per cent.# Liability insurance reductions have been approved for companies affiliated wit the National Bureau of Casualty Underwriters in three, sections of the state. Reduction Range Reductions ranging from $3 to $6 apply to all private 'passenger car classifications in Pontiac andI Vicinity. Reductions of $2 to $4! have been approved for the Battle Creek, Jacskson, Kalamazoo, Lans- ing and Muskegon and their terri- tories and for North Muskegon and Parma. Rate reductions ranging from $6 to $8 apply to the remainder of the state, comprising 48 coun- ties and parts of nine other coun- ties. Cars owned or principally open- ated by persons unmarried and un-I der 25 years of age will not come t"INISURED" Pleelset skirts and blouses GUAIRANTEED MACHINE WASHABLE Greets Brown now at the UNESCO Fundamental Education Center . at Patzcuaro, Mexico. They are taking part in a work- shop in international education lasting two weeks, under the direc- tion of Ronald S. Anderson, in- structor in education. They left here Sunday. The workshop enables the class, to study at first hand the training of Latin American teachers at the Center. By following teams in territories from about 8 per cent to as much as 26 per cent. Revenue Reduced Private passenger $50 decuctible revenue has been reduced approx- imately 11 per cent, varying from territories from 4 per cent to 19 per cent. The $100 deductible private pas- senger collision premium revenue has been reduced approximately 9 per cent, varying from 4 per cent to 18 ner cent in varcue i t : 1 S } 4 f G BY KOIET OF CALIFORMI Permanently pleated cotton skirts and blouses with a difference that means better fit, better style and less work for you. A new, exclusive Koret of California process makes the pleats in these gar- ments so permanent they are INSURED . . . guar- anteed to be machine washable and no ironing needed . . . just drip dry. The skirts are available in a variety of exciting prints . . . the blouses in matching prints and harmonizing plain shades. See these and all of the new ex- ci nane wKoret iumnor arI 4 Black Navy Natural Luggage Orange Coffee Frost Henna Turf A vocado Cherry Red Grey Red A Made to sell for much more! . . . genuine top grain cowhide belts with handsome custom-look styling and detail. Collect a whole wardrobe of them for your career or back-to-campus cos- ._ 'n f . "t'r. . .r l pi-.- 4rq aq 1I tilouse 4)S.Y" t I Y:.;i - a;