TAE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1955' TIlE MiChIGAN flAIL1~ WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 2.1955 . , ...y. .. ......... ... y ... v .. , .... .. ,., ......'.. R Sixty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. - Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by mem*ers of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. "I Think FIl Try for Double" WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Tom Dewey Firm Does Neat Bit of Lobbying mr. mccarthy again "" . f , k y . ?,i tl.S," f %~{~k position on the questions of germany, formosa, Indochina, korea, disarmament, or international control of nuclear weapons. these issues may perhaps await resolution at a later conference. if anything, the west came away triumphant in several respects, while the communists cer- tainly effected no diplomatic coup. for one, eisenhowers challenge to the communists to exchange military blueprints put bulganin and company in a hole they never quite wiggled out of. in another way, the geneva conference anticipated the releasing of the 11 pilots held captive by the chinese communists for two years. (for some teason, though he had pre- viously ranted about the administrations fail- ure to act, on behalf of the pilots, mocarthy did not seem overly delighted when announce- ment of their release was made, a fact that casts grave doubts as to his sincerity.) the fact that eisenhower conducted himself brilli- antly at the conference is doubtlessly too in- tolerable a thought for one who aspires to the presidency. apparently, mccarthy still fancies himself something of a messiah, when in fact he . is nothing but a bore. happily, the vast majority of republicans now recognize this fact and no longer regard him -an asset to 'the party, or to the country for that matter. occasionally, political sanity does peek through the clouds in the district of confusion. r r C1 ' hl~ . s lw _ Mr. Talbott's Boo-Boo 3Y JIM DYGERT part of Congressional investigating committees who, having tired of Communists; are now or otherwise, on an item in the studying capitalists. Talbott, of course, denies eris na te t impropriety, but does not deny indiscretion. paper is generally expected He said he realized now that he was mistaken an item in the news which in writing letter and making telephone calls the area of its circulation. But from his Pentagon office on behalf of his firm, ews of late has been each day's the Paul B. Mulligan and Co. of New York. umber of days with more than What he is doing is admitting all the acts perature so far this summer, that could not be denied, and denying motives n the weather is such an old that cannot be proved. do so in the editorial columns Perhaps it's just the weather, but one is e, but unnecessary, inclined to toss the Talbott case into the : of local news may also be a basket of so-so, not-too-senational scandals, e weather, since it is a trying many more of which never reached the news- neself when one can sweat just papers in a headline fashion in cooler weather ut moving. Another effect of when there was some news to print. Perhaps, a reluctance to comment on any too, Talbott's resignation was the result of be, because that would involve the heat. It's hard to accept his explanation etic task of digging up some to President Eisenhower that he "would not in of comment. any circumstances wish to be a source of the Talbott case has been a embarrassment to you or your splendid admin- I scandal in the last week or so, istration." candals of that sort do not Another example is the release of 11 Amer!- much any more. To comment can airmen by the Red Chinese. Hot weather cial using his office for private makes one want to forget about analyzing the to reiterate what has been so motives behind and the implications of every nany 'times before about the bit of Red propaganda - always a complex >olitics. Everyone knows that a chore. The release of the fliers is just a ther Republican or Democrat, propaganda move designed either to create ly uses his office to advance positive opinion of Red China's intentions or ing in some way. to remove negative impressions created by not r picked the wrong way, was releasing the fliers earlier. It was not out of methods, or was a victim of a sympathy for the airmen's families, unless it is ped greater alertness on the also very hot in China. TING THE NEWS: Piloted Flight Anticipated 44 W-Oc AtK wow 13ulgyanin, BY JAMES MARLOW WASHINGTON (I)-How much does a big smile cost? Geneva is getting as cozy as Christmas Eve. The Russians were jolly. when they met the West there. If Russian Premier Bul- ganin, with his chin whiskers, had put on a red flannel suit he would have made a pretty good Santa Claus. Now the Red Chinese, meeting the United States in the same place, make an opening gesture of goodwill by freeing 11 Ameri- can airmen. What isn't clear, of course, and may not be for months or years, is the purpose of the Communists in this sudden switch. Is it to relax tensions, as the diplomats say? Or do they hope to gain more with grins than guns? One thing is sure: There's a price tag on the grins. What isn't sure is the price. The bill will be delivered later. For the Russians and the Red Chinese Geneva is just the first card in an all-night poker game. At the moment there seems to be general relief and approval in this country over the slight thaw in relations between East and West. Except for Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis.) there has been practi- cally no criticism in Washington for President Eisenhower's dealing with the Communists so far. But if the Russians and Red Chinese follow up their opener by making concessions, they will de- mand concessions in return. That's when the present mild Washington weather should give way to storms, with thunder. McCarthy has been pecking away unsuccessfully at Eisenhower 'A Good Santa Claus' ever since the Senate last year condemned the Wisconsin Repub- lican for some of his conduct. He opened up yesterday on the whole idea of being "friendly" with the Communists. He blasted Eisenhower for sitting down with "tyrants and murder- ers." He said he's going to make an issue of the President's efforts to get along with the Communists. (This is about the first issue he seems to have fuond since the Senate slapped him down. That resulted from his tactics in hunt- ing Communists at home. Now he apparently will go after them abroad.) . But McCarthy's attack of yes- terday put the finger on the dilemma of both Eisenhower and the United States. What should the United States do: stay armed to the teeth indefinitely, with a chance of war at any moment, or try to reach a middle ground with the Communists if they show an inclination in that direction? McCarthy didn't offer any an- swer. If Eisenhower doesn't try to reach a middle ground then war is made more possible. Yet if he yields ground on vital points the western alliances against the.Com- munists may collapse and they win anyway. At the moment McCarthy is just about alone in berating Eisen- hower for dealing with the Reds. Sen. Knowland of California, Sen- ate Republican leader, leaped to Eisenhower's defense against Mc- Carthy yesterday. So did other Republican senators. But if the United States eventu- ally makes concessions to the Red Chinese at the expense of Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists on For- mosa, Knowland will almost cer- tainly start tearing after Eisen- hower and wind up on McCarthy's side. At this moment, except for Mc- Carthy, those who have strong feelings about yielding to the Reds on specific issues and in specific places haven't found any ground for denouncing talks with the Rus- sians. Talk is all Eisenhower has done so far. WE WERE chatting this morn- ing a little about security - how it is to be achieved. I do not know the answer, but I will make you a suggestion as to how you might achieve a degree of se- curity. I have- seen other people achieve it. Don't write anything, don't talk about basic issues, don't associ- ate, don't believe that you have any responsibility, except to do what you can to make sure that no one subsequently will say to you-"you were wrong," confuse dissent with disloyalty, confuse accusation w i t h conviction - through these methods it would be possible, I suppose, to secure a de- gree of temporary, personal secur- ity at the cost of creating an in- tellectual and moral desert - which in due course would be taken over by designing men, who are to be found in all countries, at all periods. The right to be wronghis quite as important as the right to be admired, and I trust you will ex- ercise it. -Edward R. Murrow Commencement address Hamilton College, N.Y. June 6, 1954 By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - Few people noticed it, but a neat little appropriation of $2,200,000 was sneaked through Congress at the last minute, thanks to ex-Governor Tom Dewey of New York. It was the first bit of lobbying Dewey has done since he left the governor's office to take up private law. His lobbying, incidentally, was done for a Democrat-the Harvey Machine Company of Los Angeles, of which partner Lawrence Har- vey has been active in Democratic circles and was once considered as Democratic committeeman from California. It all goes to show that if you hire the right lawyer, you can get things done in Washington re- gardless of politics. What happened was that the Harvey Company has been lobby- ing frantically to put up an alum- inum plant at the Dalles, Ore., on the Columbia River, not far from Bonneville Dam. To do this they wanted: 1. a contract from the government guaranteeing to buy part of their production for five years; 2. a certificate of tax amortization permitting them to write off cap- ital expenses over five years; and 3. they wanted the government to build an electric power line from Bonneville to the Dalles. The lat- ter was to cost $2,200,000 and would give the Harvey Company cheap government power. To get this done, the Harveys employed Governor Dewey's law Firm, and Dewey sent to Washing- ton James F. Nickerson, once with Roosevelt's NRA and now a Dewey law partner. "FREE ENTERPRISE" N ICKERSON camped on the doorstep 'of Secretary of In- terior McKay, hounded Underse- cretary of Interior Clarence Davis, worked with Senators to get quick action for the Harveys. These are days when business is supposed to be imbued with the spirit of free enterprise. But both Reynolds Metals and the Kaiser Aluminum Company have had gilt-edged contracts from the gov- ernment and did not expand their aluminum factories until the gov- ernment practically guaranteed a profit. Harvey felt it was only fair that he should get the same. Secretary McKay, however, ar- gued that Harvey should first build his plant at the Dalles, after which he would get the electric power line built from Bonneville Dam. Secretary McKay thought the horse should go before the cart, and that the plant should be built before the transmission lines were authorized. Governor Dewey's law firm, however, argued that ' the cart should come before the horse. Fi- nally Dewey got action. At the last minute the Senate okayed a special rider giving the Harveys $2,200,000. The money, however, finally got stopped in the house. There eagle- eyed Congressman Clarence Can- non of Missouri, chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, spotted the Senate's sneak bill and started to kill it. Equally suspicious was Cannon's associate, Joe Evins of Tennessee. However, they con- sulted with Congressman Wright Patman's Small Business Commit- tee, which advised that it was im- portant to get more competition in the aluminum industry, regard- less of Dewey's lobbying. But in the end the appropria- tion was killed in conference com- mittee. While Dewey was on the right side, Democrats couldn't swallow the fact that for two years straight the Republican Director of the Budget had recommended against the $2,200,000 and only re- versed himself after Dewey got in- to the 'picture. BATTLE OVER HEALTH IT MISSED the headlines dur- the mad rush to adjourn Con- gress, but a backstage conference of senators and representatives quietly knifed part of the money to be spent on cancer, heart di- sease, arthritis and other diseases. Chief knife-wielder was a Demo- crat-Congressman John Fogarty of Rhode Island, though he could- n't have functioned without al- most 100 per cent support from Republicans. What happened was that the Senate, under the leadership of Alabama's Lister Hill, had appro- priated $23,000,000 more for health than Mrs. Hobby, retiring head of Health, Education, and Welfare, asked for. The House, however, ap- propriated $22,000,000 less than the Senate. And when the conferees between the two bodies locked horns in secret session to iron out the dif- ference, a battle royal ensued. On one side were Chairman Hill. Cha- vez of New Mexico, Stennis of Mis- sissippi, Magnuson of Washington, all Democrats, fighting for more conferees argued.'The House corn mitteemen had not heard the tes- timoney, as did the Senate, of such expert witnesses as Dr. Paul White of Boston, the heatr specialist; of Dr. Sidney Farber, the cancer spe- cialist, or Dr. Cornelius Rhoads of the New York Memorial Hospital. Without hearing all. the testimony, they Just stood pat. Fi nall the Senators managed to get about $8,000,000 extra out of the Congressmen-$2,500,000 for cancer $1,500,000 for heart; $2,- 000,000 for arthritis; $1,000,000 for neurological diseases; $985,000 for contagious diseases; and $500,000 for basic research. But they failed to get $15,000,000 for hospitals, $4,000,000 for crip- pled children, and $3,000,000, for vocational education. TALBOTT RESIGNATION PRESIDENT Eisenhower was planning to fire Harold Tal- bott as Secretary of the Ari Rorce at his press conference last Wed- nesday when Talbott called on him at 7:3 a.m. and put up such an ar- gument that Ike finally agreed to delay action until he had scruti- nized the record further. Here, Mr. President, is some of the amazing record which you will find only partially in the files of the Air Force itself. One letter, already made public but not the story behind it, was written by Talbott on Air Force stationery May 20, 1953, to his partner, Paul Mulligan. The let- ter reads: "Dear Paul: I haven't forgotten the Ford matter, but I am a little worried about the best approach in there. Therefore, I haven't come to any decision. "Ienclose herewith a note from Clinton Davidson who is a friend of mine. You might drop him a note and ask him at some conven.. lent time, when he is in New York, to drop by and se eyou in our of- fices. I think if you explain to him in detail the line of work that you are doing that he might really be of assistance to you. Sincerely, H." This reference to Clinton David- son led to a brief cross-examina- tion at the July 21 Senate bearing, as follows: Talbott: That man is in the in- vestment counseling work of some kind, and I don't know ... Sen. Mundt: You mean Mr. Da- vidson is an investment counselor? Talbott: I think that is the busi- ness he is in. I don't know what else he has. And I ran into him in a very peculiar way. In other words, Talbott shrugged off his acquaintance with Davidq son and eve nswore under oath: "I don't know what else he has." The true facts, however, make this statement look like a lie. MORE TALBOTT LETTERS THE FIRST incriminating fact is the note Talbott included in his letter to Mulligan. Dated May 14, 1953, it reads: "Dear Harold: I just came across a memorandum in my file to the effect that about six or seven months ago you introduced me to a Mr. Paul Mulligan. I said that I thought I could be of some as- sistance to Mr. Mulligan, and you told me that he would get in touch with me by telephone. I have heard nothing from him since then, but I still believe that I might be able to assist him. With all best wishes. I am (signed) Clinton." Release Of Fliers Strategic By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst HE RUSSIANS came to the re cent Geneva conference with a con--,- concession and the Chi- ne is have done the same th 'I pie announcement of the re- lease of 11 American 'fliers from Red imprisonment indicates that they have been held all along, as was suspected, until they could be used to bargain with. It also means that the Chinese have joined negotiations with a definite purpose extending far be- yond the matter of release of all of the 51 Americans who have been held. It does not mean that they are ready to seriously and sincerely negotiate the broad issues affect- ing relations with the United States, any more than Russian en- try into the atoms-for-peace pool meant they were ready for broad European issues at this time. The pattern in the Far Eastern negotiations, however, appears to be very similar, with the Reds aiming at future conferences and perhaps ready to freeze the ball of international byplay as has been done in Europe. It seems likely now that the I 'I a 'C MAN IS about to break the bonds which, through all the eons, have imprisoned him within the earth's atmosphere.k There ,can be no doubt that, within the pre- dictable future, the small instrument-bearing satellites which the United States is preparing to launch into outer space will be followed by piloted flight. The announcement has been expected for ten years, ever since the world learned of Nazi Germany's plan for a war-making satellite. Recently it became known that the necessary new metals were available, that the scientific information was abailable, and that only word from the government was needed to start construction. The thrill, now that the word has been given, is similar to that of witnessing the dis- covery of a new continent, or even a new world. There will be great excitement next week at the International Aeronautical Federation's meeting in Copenhagen. Scientists from all over the world who have been working on the problem will renew their digging with increased zest. And then, during the join worldwide studies to be made during the 1957-58 Inter- national Geophysical Year, the instruments will start seeking out, and relaying back to man, the secrets of outer space. This already has been done after a fashion by high-flying rockets, but their lives are too Thie Daily Staff Managing Editors................ .-..Cal Samra Jim Dygert NIGHT EDITORS Mary Lee Dingler, Marge Piercy. Ernest Theodossin brief. The satellites, in the beginning, are expected to last at least a day, perhaps several days, circling the earth at 18,000 miles per hour. These will not be the great space platforms envisioned by the Germans, but 12-to-18 inch balls, and there is no connection between them and the German idea of using the plat- form for war purposes. Everything the United States learns will go to the advancement of man's knowledge everywhere. But there can be no doubt that the little balls will be followed by carriers; that vehicles with boosters to prevent their slipping back into the atmosphere will stay up indefinitely: that man is rapidly approaching the attainment of his ancient dream, a trip to the moon. It is only to be hoped that he will not mess up his new domain as he has the earth. DURING RECENT YEARS, a hurricane of investigations and persecutions has lashed those parts of the earth where men in politi- cal authority have conceived themselves to be compelled to maintain one set of values and to attack all others. Throughout these opera- tions, nothing has been more dreadful than the common assumption that every man must at all times be "right." Surely this intolerance of variation is hubris --the insolent vainglory of self-assurance that the Greeks denominated the basic, the sui- cidal, sin. In our time this sin may take the form of worshipping the power over nature or over human nature, or the deification of a man, an economic entity, a political party or a nation state. We academic persons know better than this indeed, true scholars are by nature humble DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1955 VOL. LXVI, NO. 30 Notices Summer Hopwood Contest: Manu- scripts must be in the Hopwood Room, 1006 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m., Fri., Aug. 5 Use of MIDAC Computer. To support faculty use of the MIDAC for research, a fund of $10,000 has been set up in the Graduate School. Initial alloca- tions will be made immediately and applications for funds should be made to Prof. C. C. Craig, Room 106, Rackham Building, telephone 2128. DPF..TTW.T. RROTF~ -r Ann Arbor on Wednesday, Aug. 3, for interviews with men and women, Math. majors any level for computer labora- tory. For information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. PERSONNEL INTERVIEW: A representative from the following will be at the Bureau: Thurs., Aug. 4. Mich. Bell Telephone - Women for Accounting, Math., Writing, Service Representatives. For appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin., Ext. 371. Lectures Linguistic Luncheon. Prof. Daniel N. Cardenas of the University of Okla- homa will speak on "Assibilated r: Its Geographical Distribution in American Spanish," Wed., Aug. 3, 12:15 p.m. In the Michigan League. Dr. Charles Issawi of Columbia Uni- versity will speak on 'Economic Trends in the Modern Near East' Thurs., Aug. 4 at 4:15 p.m., Aud. A, Ankell Hall, auspices of the Department of Near Eastern Studies. Open to the public. Lounge, 5th floor, Haven Hall. Bring own food. Doctoral Examination for Robert Firestone Emery, Economics; thesis: "Governmental Accounts for Econom- ic Planning in Burma," Thurs., Aug. 4, 105 EconomicssBldg.,at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, R. A. Musgrave. Concerts Student Recital by Janet LaFram- boise Slavin, pianist, 8:30 Wednesday evening, August 3, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. The program will include compositions by Bach, Beet- hoven, Paray ,and Schumann, and will be open to the public. Mrs. Slavin is a pupil of Joseph Brinkman. Student Recital. Marilyn Joyce Rop- er, pianist, and pupil of Ava Comin Case, 8:30 Thurs., Aug. 4, in Rackham Assembly Hall, works by Kuhnau, Poulenc, Hindemith, and Mendel, in partial fulfilmen of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. (Music Literature). Open to the public. Events Today Meeeting of the Near East Research