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August 02, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-08-02

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Brown Changes Ships

Francis Defends Polio
Vaccine in 'U' Bulletin

OSLO, Norway -- Dean George
C.Brown of the engineering
olege crosses by high-line from
he heavy cruiser USS ALBANY
CA-123) to the destroyer USS
SUMNER (DD-692) during the
IROTC Midshipmen Cruise to
!lorthern Europe.

As a guest of the Secretary of
the Navy aboard the USS Albany,
Dean Brown observed the training
procedures used in teaching the
future officers various phases of
shipboard routine.
Dean Brown will return to the
University upon the completion of
the cruise Sept. 2.

Nearly eight million children in
the United States, Canada, and
Denmark have received the polio-
myelitis vaccine without harmful
"This," Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr.,
University director of the Polio-
myelitis Vaccine Evaluation Cen-
ter says, "provides additional as-
surances that accidents are the
exception, not the rule."
Editorializing in a special issue
of the University's Medical Bulle-
tin devoted exclusively to polio-
myelitis, Dr. Francis also express-
es the opinion that as a disease
problem, poliomyelitis has not
been over-emphasized.
Because the case load has jump-
ed to between 35,000 and 50,000 a
year, he said he does not believe
that the battle against the disease
has been exaggerated.
Other Diseases Need Research
"The fact that other diseases
are more prevalent or more severe
only indicatesgthat they too need
adequate investigation looking to-
ward control,"' the doctor says.
He states further that despite
the outbreak of poliomyelitis
among vaccinated children the
mass innoculations were not pre-
"Too fast? Too soon?" Dr.
Francis asks. He answers ques-
tions many health officials have
been asking by replying that a
delay in the vaccination program
might have caused a loss of "sig-
nificant advantages in the wait-
Historically, Dr. Francis de-
clares, great medical advances
rarely end the way they started.
Improvements, refinements, and
wisdom are gained along the way.
'Beacon of Assurance'
Dr. Francis writes, "A proved
product, although not perfected,
serves as a beacon of assurance
that the objective of protection

[louse-Senate Negotiatorsf
Reach Housing Bill Accord

against poliomyelitis by vaccina-
tion can be attained."
In reiterating his judgment that
the vaccine used in the 1954 field
trials was safe, effective and po-
tent, he adds that subsequent and
continuing follow-ups have not
altered his findings in any signifi-
cant manner.
He comments on the vaccine's
apparent ability to provide better
protection against Types II and
III polio than against Type I.
"This appears to have been caused
by an unexpected damaging ef-
fect of merthiolate used as a
preservative in the vaccine," he
"Despite these irregularities,"
he adds, "the conclusion that vac-
cine was effective in preventing
paralytic poliomyelitis, generally,
is firmly grounded."
The Medical Bulletin has been
sent to nearly ten thousand medi-
cal and public health alumni of
the University as a review of in-
vestigations done in the field of
poliomyelitis by University scien-
Talbott Quits
As Secretary
Of Air Force
(Continued from Page 1)
"I know full well and appreciate
deeply," Priesdtn Eisenhower saic,
deeply," President Eisenhower said,
"the tireless energy and effort you
have given to the Air Force. Under
your leadership, it has become
even stronger in the defense of
our nation. Your diligence in the
"On behalf of our people and
their government, I commend you
for your fine accomplishments as
"As a result of public inquiry
into your personal business activi-
ties, I realize that you have been
subjecting yourself and your posi-
tion to a most severe and search-
ing scrutiny. I, like all others
who know you, have been sure
that your ultimate decision would
ignore any personal desire or in-
clination and would demonstrate
your devotion to the Air Force
and your concern for the security
of our country.
"Your decision to resign, of
course, has been a difficult one
for you because there has been
no Intimation that your official
duties have not been effectively
and loyally performed. Neverthe-
less, I feelfthat, under the circum-
stances, your decision was the
right one, and I accept your

MOSCOW FARM-A Russian guide points out crop exhibits to touring American farmers during
their visit to Moscow's permanent agricultural exhibition before leaving for the Soviet farm coun-
try. The American farmers, guests of Russia while a similar Soviet group studies U.S. farming meth-
ods in the midwest, have been enthusiastically questioned during their tour on American agricul-
tural and animal raising methods.
Two TV Sets Found in Many Detroit Homes

Expert Set
For Lecture
George L. Hossfield, ten times
winner of the world's professional
typewriting championship, will
discuss the trend to electric type-
writers in modern business edu-
cation at 10 a.m. today in Rm.
2019, University High School.
His topic will be "Modern
Training and Teaching Methods
to Develop Typing Skill."
Hossfield, who predicts that
within the next ten years 85 per
cent of all typewriters used in
business will be electric models,
will emphasize the ease of transi-
tion from manual typewriters to
electrics when proper teaching
techniques are used.
An author, lecturer and con-
sultant on typing methods, Ross-
field is director of Underwood
Corporation's Teachers Advisory
He has lectured in schools, col-
leges, universities and at business
teachers conventions throughout
the United States and Canada.
His appearance here will be part
of a lecture-demonstration tour.
He established a record of 143
net words a minute for one hour
to win his first World's Profes-
sional Championship.

A surprisingly high proportion About three-fourths of families
of Detroit area families have two who earned less than $2,000 in
or more television sets in their 1954 have TV, while 96 per cent
homes, according to a recent Uni- 15 hae TV, mhie 96 per
of those making more than $6,000
versity survey. have a set. The same general
The University's annual Detroit situation is present when educa-
Area Study conducted last April sn h -
found that one in everyh12 Greater
Detroit families now has tw~o or
more sets. The ratio rises to one
in every four among families with
$10,000 or more income.

tional and occupational stptus of
the family heads are considered.
The study also found that there
is a noticable tendency for fami-
lies with minor children to be
more likely to have TV than are
those without children.




(Continued from Page 1)
its for the Senate alone, it adopt-
d and hustled to the senators by
inanimous voice vote a resolution
o finance Congress this year on
he same basis as last year.
House members could have got
imilar benefits for themselves
.nd their employes merely by put-
ing them in the original bill.
'hey didn't.
Under the rules, senators con-
ended they couldn't be inserted
t this juncture. Irate House
nembers said the Senate was rais-
ig technicalities which have been
snored on occasion in the past.


(Continued from Page 2),
Correction: Third of a Series of
Stanley Quartet Concerts will be given
Tues., Aug. 9 instead of Aug. 2, as
erroneously stated in The WeeklyCal
Student Recital. Floy Johnson,
pianist, 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 2,
in Rackham Assembly Hall, works by
Bach, Beethoven, Ravel, and Chopin,
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music. Mrs. Johnson is a pupil of Ava
Comin Case, and her recital will be
open to the public.
Student Recital by Janet LaFram-
boise Slavin, pianist, 8:30 Wednesday
evening, August 3, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall, in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Master
of Music degree. The program will
include compositions by Bach, Beet-
hoven, Paray, and Schumann, and
will be open to the public. Mrs.
Slavin is a pupil of Joseph Brinkman.
Events Today
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Tues.
Aug. 2, 4:30-5:45 p.m., Tea at the
Guild House, 524 Thompson Street.
Coming Events
-eeeting of the Near East Research
Club, Wed., Aug. 3 at 8:00 p.m., East
Conference Room, Rackham. Robert
Hamilton, M.A., will speak on 'Seljuq
bronze work'."

On other issues, Congress did
make some progress through the
pile of legislation still on the
Rival Senate and House meas-
ures to provide some degree of
free polio shots for children wentj
to a Senate-House Conference
Committee for drafting of a com-
Another set of conferees okayed
a bill to extend the defense pro-
duction law. It forbids dollars-a-
year men borrowed from industry
and business to hold policy-mak-
ing jobs in the defense mobiliza-
tion program.
The decision to keep Congress
working at least another day
breathed new life into fading
hopes for some legislation.
Sen. Fulbright (D-Ark.) had
blocked immediate consideration
of legislation to extend the sugar
quota law, with major changes,
for four years. Now it may get
another chance.
MSU .Plans
LANSING W)A - Plans for a
Michigan State University high-
way traffic school were disclosed
yesterday by Secretary of State
James M. Hare.
University officials said no an-
nouncement of the school's estab-
lishment has yet been made.
ButHare issued a formal state-
ment at the capitol which said,
"This program, as visualized by
Michigan State University, would
offer credit courses in traffic
problems, in-service training for
persons in traffic work and would
be able to offer counseling to
towns and counties needing spe-
cial help and to do basic research.
"It would seem obvious that the
center of the automotive industry
should also be the center of uni-
versity training as it affects high-
way safety," Hare said. "This plan
was initiated.in 1953 and its ful-
fillment becomes more urgent
daily as our accident rates rise.

Prof. Hammett
To Give Talk
To Architects
Prof. Ralph W. Hammett of the
architecture college will present a
surve'y of the architectural
achievements of European coun-
tries since World War II to the
Twelfth Annual Midsummer Con-
ference of the Michigan; Society
of Architects Saturday on Macki-
nac Island.
Prof. Hammet will base his
address on material resulting from
a sabbatical year spent in Europe.
His research covered new con-
struction in Spain, Italy, France
and Scandinavian countries.
Other features of the confer-
ence are an open meeting of the
Society's Board of Directors Fri-
day, a display of twelve paintings
entitled "Adventures in Times"
which recently completed an exhi-
bition at the Detroit Historical
Museum, and the awarding of a
trophy to the "Architect of the
'UT' Student Wins
Math Exam Prize
Gary N. See, '57, has been
awarded a $100 prize in the 1955
.general mathematics examination
sponsored by the Society of Actu-
See was one of nine winners
throughout the United States and
The Society annually gives a
series of prizes to the top-ranking
candidates on its general mathe-
matics examination.
First prize of $200 was won by
David Adler of Rensselaer Poly-
technic Inustitute. Seven others
besides See received $100 awards.

The study report suggests that
this is a natural situation as one-
set ownership appears to have
reached the saturation point. It
was found that what was true in
1954 still holds sway - 87 per
cent, or about nine in every ten,
of all the area's families have
Inevitable Proportion
While the one-set total may in-
crease slightly it is reasonable to
expect, the report continues, that
in a large and varied urban popu-
lation about a tenth of the fami-
lies, for personal or economic rea-
sons, will never have TV.
The 87 per cent ownership is a
tremendous increase over 1950
when the United States Census
found that only one in every
four families had TV. In fact the
report states that this is probably
one of the most rapid rates of
adoption of a major invention
ever experienced in the modern
By age agroups, 90 per cent of
persons from 25 to 59 have TV,
with this percentage declining
somewhat for persons 60 and over.
Only 70 per cent of persons under
age 25 have television, however.

1I A'


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Bottom: Black Watch or
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I l l I "



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