TWO THE MCIMIGAN DAILY TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUr £igip# ia. Sixty-Fifth Year EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. DIFFERENCE IN REWARDS: Communism and Democracy: Distinct from Totalitarianism "Take A Letter" WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Money-Raising Got Talbott His Position By JIM DYGERT IN THE FINAL analysis, the basic difference between democracy as this country under- stands it and the dialectical communism pre- dicted by Karl Marx lies in their opposite views of the individual's relation to society and the systems of rewards that proceed from them. First, a distinction must be made concerning totalitarianism. Both authoritarian totalitar- ianism and that with which the Communist Party is attempting to dominate the world are based not on a philosophy of the individual's relationship to society, but on the power of a few individuals to control society. Power is primary and ideology is useful only as it might justify the power to those over whom it is exercised. Today's Communist Party is a per- tinent example of this. The communism envisoned by Karl Marx was to be void of power relationships. His mis- take was to think that it could come about through a temporary totalitarianism of con- centrated power which in some mysterious way would abolish itself. He was naive enough to believe that, given two wrongs, if one should disappear, the other would also disappear, leav- ing only right and virtue. But at least he looked to something without conflict and strife, but with cooperation. His underlying theme of cooperation is the catch. When cooperation must be forced on a society, it is totalitarianism. Marx' cooperation was to. be a voluntary one, actually the same kind that has been preached for centuries by most of the religions of the world. But com- plete, voluntary cooperation' within a society has never been possible. Whether it ever will be possible is a matter really only of conjec- ture, though a look at history always forces a skepticism that denies it ever will. In any case, it could never be brought by a totalitar- ianism and revolution such as Marx postulated. His goal was magnificent, but his method was utterly destructive of it. Marx' cooperation also involved a submit- ting of the individual will to society's well be.' ing, voluntarily of course. This raises the cur- ious paradox of caring for a societal welfare without caring primarily for its components -individuals. One finds it difficult to define, let alone advance, the welfare of a society; yet he can define the welfare of an individual as that which the individual thinks will make himself happy and which therefore will make The Poet Even If Fra I[N THURSDAY'S Daily was reprinted, in an attitude of ironic amusement, a nonsense poem strung together by Miriam Frazier at Ohio State University and commented upon by various faculty members and graduate stu- dents - as literature. The source of the amusement is the pedantic approach of the would-be analyzers. This is rather unwarranted. The critics are placed in the position of the psychoanalysist at the cock- tail party: one of the company approaches him to tell him a dream that he has invented, pre- vailing upon him for analysis. Unless he has better sense and self-control, (and the analogy is not perfect because the psychoanalyist must consider his effect upon the patient, while the critic must consider the poem divorced from personailty) he will approach it by the conven- tional means of his profession. Similarly, the nonsense is set up in a regular metric pattern as a poem. No matter how Miss Frazier strained, there will be some connection between the images she strings together. By very grammatical structure, almost any sen- tence with a noun and a verb will mean some- thing. Being set up as a poem, the work is expected to observe the normal principles of the medium. The critics were asked to judge it as poetry, and they have done so. PART OF THE amusement seems to rise from the treatment of the images in the poem (willow, two blades of grass, eyes of heaven) Israeli Airli Points Up Sol BY J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THERE ARE= few horrors comparable with a crowded airplane cabin swept by flame. Few incidents have occurred in the cold war The Datily Staff Managing Editors .......................... Cal Samra Jim Dygert NIGHT EDITORS Mary Lee Dingier. Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin Dave Rorabacher.... .................Sports Editor him happy. Perhaps societal welfare means or- der-complete harmony between individuals on a voluntary basis either for the unselfish purpose of societal welfare (order), or under the unselfish realization that such is better for the individual in the long run. If this is so, then that is what most of the world's religions have been unable to accomplish in centuries. THIS IDEAL SET-UP would also involve a system of rewards opposite of that inher- ent in capitalistic practice. Communistic co- operation would mean that a man would be rewarded on the basis of his effort, with the results important only as an indication of whether or not he had done his best. Unless man became suddenly very virtuous, or very intelligent, this would mean individual lazi- ness and no progress at all for the society. In a capitalistic society, on the other hand, a man is rewarded on the basis of the results he can effect, regardless of the effort involved as long gas it does not include methods deemed illegal or immoral by the society. Yet, because the results are of primary importance, the methods are often very easily illegal or im moral. The long-run effect of the system, as history has shown, is progress. The democratic ideology involved is the pri. macy of the individual, with society and its order being used only to keep one individual from destroying the life, liberty, property and pursuit of happiness of any other. Such an idology cannot be confined only to the area of politics, ,or of economics, or of social living. It must underly every aspect of life in the society. Then each individual's welfare can be advanced by himself, and society's welfare can be advanced by his conforming to rules while advancing himself. An increase of virtue and intelligence is necessary to make either communism or capit- alism work for the benefit of all. The difference is that capitalism can benefit many by em- phasizing freedom, while communism canno, benefit any until men become completely vir- tuous or very intelligent, because it will need totalitarianism until then. Because it is highly unlikely that communism will ever have the ideal'conditions it needs for success, capitalism and individual freedom (freedom even to ad- vocate communism) are vital to retain, for they put individual selfishness and incentive to some societal good. - S_ _11 4.t N - ~ ,'.~mp..4 ,. ~ , -5 By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-The real story of Harold Talbott goes deeper than his own difficulties with a Senate committee over using his official position to get business for his company. It goes deep down to the roots of the American political system whereby a few wealthy men are called upon to raise money for the mounting cost of electing a President. Talbott was one of Ike's big money-raisers. He was also one of Tom Dewey's. He raised so much money for Dewey that he was all set to become U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James. The Tal- bott daughters had even picked their gowns to appear in court- when the news came on that gray November dawn in .1948 that Dew- ey wasn't president after all. happens to be a likeable, dynamic, rough-and-tumble spark plug who has made a crusade of building up the Air Force and es- pecially the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs. But he also happens to belong to a little group who helped found the General Motors empire and who made a fortune outif air- planes that never flew in World War I He was not a man Ike should ever have appointed to a defense Cabinet-position. But because the Roosevelt Administration had fir- ed him from the War Production Board Aircraft Division in World War II, Talbott wanted to stage a comeback. So, with the party ow- ing him a big debt as GOP money- raiser, Talbott was made Secretary of the Air Force., There was some argument amongeEisenhower advisers as to the advisability of* his appoint- ment, as I reported in a column Dec. 15, 1952. Warned of Talbott's Record IT HAPPENS thatI followed the Talbott appointment rather closely and called the attention of certain highly placed individuals to the report on him prepared by Charles Evans Hughes at the re- quest of President Woodrow Wil- son. Among those I talked with were Senator Russell of Georgia, ranking minority member of the Armed Services Committee, and Senator Kefauver of Tennessee, also a member of that committee. Both studied the Hughes report and ,asked Talbott penetrating questions that should have put the Eisenhower Administration furth- er on notice.f Hughes at that time had been governor of New York and a Su- preme Coudt Justice, having re- signed to run against Wilson in 1916. Because of the seriousness of the airplane scandals, Wilson appointed his own opponent, the top Republican of that period, to investigate them. Hughes spent weeks digging into the reasons why airplanes were not produced in World War I, and, among other things, made some scathing refer- ences to Talbott, then president of a war profiteer company form- ed to make liberty motors. With Talbott in the company were his father; Charles Kettering, later vice-president of General Motors, and Edward A. Deeds, head of Delco Battery which be- came a General Motors subsidiary. Hughes in his report charged them with "conduct of a repre- hensible character," but said they could not be prosecuted under ex- isting law. But he went on to re- commend a court-martial for E A. Deeds, their former partner. Deeds had been made a colonel in the Army in charge of aircraft procurement, from which inside position he proceeded, according to Hughes, to "convey information to Mr. Talbott in an improper manner with respect to the trans- action of business between that company and the division of the Signal Corps of which Col. Deeds was the head." Talbott's Pattern IN OTHER WORDS, Talbott helped set a pattern even that early in life for inside profiting on war contracts. Senator Russell bluntly asked Talbott about this during the Sen- ate confirmation hearing on his appointment to be Secretary of the Air Force. "This company," said Russell, quoting the Hughes report, "'was launched about the same time of our entry into the war manifestly with the expectation of obtaining government contracts.' "It was charged that Colonel Deeds, who had been associated with your father or Mr. Kettering, went into the War Department to aid the company in obtaining con- tracts." "That is not correct, Senator," replied Talbott. Beyond that fiat denial, howev- er, he had no explanation of the harsh findings of the Republican who later became Chief Justice of the United States. When the vote came on Tal- bott's nomination, R e p u bli - can Senators were so anxious to confirm Ike's new Cabinet regard- less of the record, that only one vote in committee was cast against, him-Kefauver of Ten- nessee. Later, Kefauver asked Chair- man Saltonstall of Massachusetts to call Talbott back for further committee questioning regarding the Hughes report, at which time Kefauver inserted in the record some amazing telegrams sent by Colonel Deeds to Talbott regard- ing airplane contracts. (Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I 44 f arSR,13 A ..?A WK BITTERNESS HIDDEN IN LAUGHTER: 'Marty of Summer's Movies ar [as Intent izier Doesn't N OW THAT the Summer Session is fast approaching its close, one can easily realize that Ann Arbor has had little in the way of worthwhile :film material within the past few months, the most singular exception being Paddy Chayefsky's "Marty," a little, low- budget film that has achieved an importance seldom bestowed on its more expensive brothers. What distinguishes "Marty" most is that it focuses its atten- tion upon a group of unglamorous, highly commonplace people and that , it smoothly and skillfully grasps a complex inter-personal ordering of its characters. Like another work local residents have had an opportunity to view within recent weeks, Tennessee William's "You Touched Me!," "Marty is principally concerned with the problem of an individual growing old in a lonely and solely self- inhabited world. Williams has presented this problem rather consistently in such dramas as "The Glass Men- agerie" and "Streetcar Named De- sire." But the answers he pro- vides for his characters, such as the frustrated aunt in "You Touched Me!" are quite opposed to the romantic spirit of "Marty," where resolut4on is achieved through marriage between two individuals whose basic needs are very similar. Marty is a butcher, thirty-four years old, afraid of women, lonely, insecure: he finds his feminine counterpart in a plain, honest schoolteacher who gives his life some meaning. One may disagree with the solution that Writer Chayef sky presents, but, it is nonetheless, one solution, and a solution which the scripter has refrained from making all too obvious. Moreover, "Marty" is also a social document, in its presen- tation of the difficulties encoun- tered by a small, minority na- tional group living in a large, cosmopolitan atmosphere. Here, the requirements are those of retaining the spirit and color of life in the old-country, while ad- justing to a new environment. Again, too, the problem of loneli- ness is mirrored in the life of Marty's mother and aunt, the lat- ter having lost her husband through death, her family through marriage, and the former at- tempting to adjust to the reali- zation that she will soon encoun- ter the same life. OPENING on so many levels at once-as a social document, a presentation of important emo- tional problems, a picturization of young, married life - "Marty" comes to the inevitable point of what to do with all of these fac- ets: resolving all of them is almost impossible, resolving any of them in a believable manner is even more so. Only its central character is given the promise of a more satisfactory life, but its other characters never achieve any kind of crystallization, they are left, for the most part, entirely alone by the writer. That it does not resolve all of of the problems it presents is not a fault in "Marty": that it is able to present any of them so real- istically is indeed a virtue. If "Marty" falters anywhere, it is in its editing and its abrupt end- ing. The latter portion of the' picture seems unnecessary, since the outcome has already been established. And the ending is al- most too quick a one to fit in with the early scenes where detail is closely documented. Like many another outstanding picture, "Marty" mixes irony with tragedy, and in so doing it makes its point more powerfully, for its indirectness is its greatness, an indirectness that never allows the character's difficulties to over- whelm the audience in waves of pity. They are real difficulties and their naturalism makes them embarassing for the audience (as in the early scene between Marty and his mother, where he explains his horror of his own fat physical nature . "Marty" has overtones of warm glowing sentiment, of good, clean American humor; beneath, it is a depressing tale, one that bitterly pinpoints much of the loneliness and frustration encountered in life by so many. In many ways it is even cynical, but writer Chay- efsky has dressed his piercing pic- turization in a clock of laughs: in this way he can say almost any- thing he wishes. -Ernest Theodossin THE RUSSIAN Government does not depend on votes and the good feelings brought about by Russians visiting America could have little effect on Russian lead- ers. -Harold E. Stassen in Detroit Free Press :; as presenting something. In -any poetic struc- ture, images are used with relation to a whole and in further relation to the. essential sym- bolism of the culture. Being placed in such a position, the images are "loaded." It is hard to see exactly what Miss Frazier was trying to prove. It's similar to a joker submitting to an exhibit of modern art a canvas painted by a donkey's tail. It wins a prize: ergo, modern art is a fraud. One wonders how many people submit abstracts by their dog which do not win prizes. The case of nature's conforming to the principles of art does not destroy these principles. In this case, the poem can hardly be said to have won a prize. This version of art as a colossal fraud is Pn intoxicating two-in-the-morning type of thought, essentially attractive to those who feel rejected or deposed by the education given them in a university English department. Pedantry is amusing - and the professor is a stock character in comedy - but the conclu- sions can be dangerous. This is one emperor who normally wears clothes. The attack here is on method: the rational analysis of imaginative literature by any other than a he-who-runs-may-read basis. It is an attack on the whole idea of art as intentional ad ordered. This attitude, and not the critic's overreaching of themselves, are what would make poetry a Jaberwocky of pleasant sounds and absolute irrelevance. -Marge Piercy LETTERS TO THE, EDITOR DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ner Incident viet Savagery The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1955 VOL. LXVI, NO.328 Notices Late permission for women students who attended the Speech Department production "The Happy Time" at the Lydia Mendenssohn Theater on July 27 and 28 will be no later than 10:50 p.m. PERSONNEL. INTERVIEW: A representative from the following will be at the Engineer School: Tues., Aug. 2. Westinghouse Airbrake Co., Union Switch & signal Div., Pittsburgh, Penn. -B.S. or M.S. in Elect. E., other programs alseo considered. Some engi. neeringtexperience required, as well as ability to speak Turkish, Turkish Nat'l Gypsum Co., Detroit, Mich., of- fers a position to Salemen to work in the Muskegon district. Wright Air Development Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is looking for Research Historians. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures Department of Chemistry Lecture, Prof. Harry Irving of*,Oxford University, England will speak on "Complexones andl their Application in Analysis." 4:10 p.m., Mon., Aug. 1, in Room 1300 Chemistry Building. Special Summer Session on Digital Computers and Data Processors. "Three Years of Operation of the MIDAC (Michigan Digital Automatic Comn- puter)," Dr. John W. Carr, associate research mathematician, Willow Run Research Center; Boyd T. Larrowe, research associate, Willow Run Re- search Center; and Ralph W. Johnston, research assistant, Willow Run Re- search Center. 7:30 p.m., Tues., Aug. 2, Aud. C, Mason Hall. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Russell Ber- graduate student in the School of Music, a program of compositions for percussion instruments at 8:30 p.m. Sun., July 31, in Aud..A, Angeli Hall., He will be assisted by Benjamin Gray, piano, Frank Baird, Jack Snavely, clari- net, and Burton Jackson, Alfred Marco and James Salmon, percussion. Gard studies percussion with Mr. Salmon, and presents the recital in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music (Music Edu- catiop Instrumental). Open to the public. Student Recital. Patricia Ricks, vio- linist, 4:15 p.m. Sun., July 31, in Aud. A, Angell, compositions by Corelli, Mozart, Bartok, and Beethoven, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. Mrs. Ricks is a pupil of Gilbert Ross, and her recital will be open to the public, Student Recital. Lucille Stansberry, student of piano with Helen Titus, re- cital in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Master of Music (Music Education) at 8:30 p.m. Mon., Aug. 1, in Rackham Assembly Hall. Works by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, and Beryl Rubinstein. Open to the public. Student Recital. Floy Johnson. Obscurantism .. . To The Editor: Y THANKS for Thursday's editorial slaying of that mod- ern poetical dragon: obscurantism. That so much slush is written these days isbad enough; that so many people swallow it is worse. Miss Frazier's hoax as exposed should tell so much, yet I fear that many will remain uncon- vinced of their folly. As a defense they will arroganty cite the inter- national fallacy, the idea that it is fallacious to assume that we must perceive the author's "meaning" in order to appreciate the poem. These same high priests of modern' art will also scoff at the belief. that painting and sculpture should be representational and that mu- sic should "sound good." Perhaps I was born a century too late. I am a graduate student in English and quite frankly I sometimes feel lonely in my re- actionary little world. When I admit I do not know what a poem means the response is always onej of smug commiseration - not because I don't understand but because I expect a poem to "mean" anything at all. Too many, I think, have taken MacLeish's dic- tum literally that "A poem should not mean But be," a statement which happens to be very mean- ingful in the context of his poem but which, taken by itself, is not a contradiction in terms but a manifest verbal impossibility - excepting always, of course, as applied to the so-called "modern poetry." vote, in which Senator Langer was the only man to vote "no," July 14, Senator Neuberger (Ore.) has revealed: "Before the return to the Sen- ate of the conference report .,. I have concluded I voted wrong when I voted for H.R. 7000 . . . I have reached my conclusion after much study and thought during the week since .u. The normal time for such study and thought is before a vote. But . . . the printed (393 page) hearings and (33 page) committee report on the Reserve bill were not available to Members of the Senate until noon of the very day when the vote took place "At the time of the vote, I tried to exercise my best judgment in the light of the discussion . . Subsequent study of these docu- ments, and thoughtful considera- tion ... impel me to state to the Senate that if theconference re- port contains a provision for en- forcing compulsory Active Reserve duty on future draftees who have completed 2 years of active serv- ice, I wish to be recorded in opposition to final passage of the Reserve Forces bill . . . It has been adopted with inadequate publicity, without real public dis- cussion and understanding, and without that kind of protracted debate in the Senate that the im- portance of the issue warrants only a few hours afte' the committee reported on the bill." * Will free Americans opposed to military regimentation now write the President to veto this bill - no because he, not satisfied with it, but because we don't want it! Otherwise, if he signs, other na- tions may raise their military manpower goals. Non-signatures will be a continuation of the friendly "at the summit" negotia- tions and constitute the deed, not nations that the USA doesn't } 'f .4 which point up so starkly the type of world in which we live as the shooting down of the Israeli airliner by Bulgarians. Few incidents have so emphasized the im- portance of the peace negotiations now under way. The free world and the Communist bloc stand head to head like great struggling stags, with antlers apparently hopelesly entangled. Somebody is certain to get hurt from time to time as such a situation continues. The shooting down of an airliner far from any war area-as differentuated from things -R. * * * R. Rogers Military Law .-. To The Editor: TODAY'S VOTE in the Senate,