y~dN1ESDAY, JULY 7, 1955 THE MfcimIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE I Gries Talks On Michigan p CLASSIFIEDS I "There are great things in the future for Michigan's Northern Peninsula" Walter F. Gries said in a speech here yesterday. Gries who is Superintendent of the Welfare Department of Cleve- land Cliffs Iron Company in Ish- peming, emphasized the great in- crease in iron production because of the new methods of extracting low grade ores as one of the fac- tors in the expanding economy of the northern peninsula. He also brought out the importance that the new St. Lawrence Seaway will have in opening the way from Lake Superior to the ports of the world, In scanning the history of the northern peninsula, Gries ex- plained the difference in the eco- nomic development of the north- land. 'I i 3,000 LONG PLAYING RECORDS MOSTLY HI-Ft 30%-40%-50% OFF PERSONAL AMERICA'S ONLY SPORTS WEEKLY - Sports Illustrated. 17 weeks $2, 35 weeks $4. Special offer good only through August. Call NO 3-8146. )1F DON'T MISS OUT on special student rates. Great savings on Time, Life, Newsweek, many others. Call Student Periodical Agency, NO 2-3061. )7F BOARD TIRED OF eating out? Tired of your own cooking? Good, home-cooked food at 1319 Hill. Reasonable rates by the week. Phone NO 2-6422, Mr. Wentz. )IS FOR SALE SIAMESE-Seal pointe kittens with pa- pers. Stud service. Call Peterson's NO 2-9020. )4B SHORT SLEEVE Skip-Dents sport shirts. $1.39, 2 for $2.50. Sanforized, assorted colors. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )15B 1954 VM Tri-O-Matic hi-fidelity phono- graph machine in A-1 condition with brass legs and 45 rpm adapter, three fspeakers. Total value $149. Will sell for $95 cash. Call NO 3-1531 ext. 106 after 5:30. )B PIANO-unfinished pine furniture in- cluding two dressers, desk, book case. Also console sewing machine (White), dining table. Call NO 3-1511 ext. 2921 before 5. NO 5-3186 evenings. )19B 25 FOOT 1950 New Moon house trailer including shower. Contact Jay in So- cial Science Library, 444 Mason. )17B WANTED TO RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE or apartment wanted by faculty couple for first se- mester or year. Phone NO 8-8277. )2L U.S, FOREIGN SERVICE officer and family attending University 1955-56 year desires unfurnished two or pref- erably three bedroom house beginning Sept. 1. Contact R. Schott, 2120 North Pierce St., Arlington, Virginia. )3L FOR RENT AVAILABLE to group of six responsible adults-clean, comfortable, 6 room, 3 bedroom furnished house on pleasant east side street for fall and spring se- mesters. Sept. 15, 1955, through June1 16, 1956. $10.00 per week per person payable 5 weeks in advance. Pay own utilities. Must be good housekeepers- sign lease - damage deposit - refer- ences. On bus line, 2 car garage, wash- ing facilities, etc. NO 2-7395. )7Cj ROOMS FOR RENT GRADUATE STUDENTS or foreign stu- dents-a double room and one single. If interested call NO 3-5746. )19D BUSINESS SERVICES HI-F1 Components and Service Audiophone, net prices TELEFUNKEN Hi-Fi, AM-FM shortwave radios Service on all makes of radios and phonographs Ann Arbor Radio & TV 1217 S. University Phone NO 8-7942 11 blocks east of East Eng. )6J WASHINGS -- and ironings separately. Specializing in cotton dresses. Free pick-up and delivery. Phone NO 2- 9020. )2J BABY SITTER, day or evening. 50c per hour. NO 2-9020. )8J HAND KNITS by Lucie Marie-suits, dresses, sweaters, stoles, sport sweat- ers for men or women. Let me com- plete your skirt or sweater in time for foll wearing. Call NO 2-2745 for ap- pointment. )12J USED CARS 1955 CHEVROLET Station Wagon--Ra- dio, heater, 7000 actual miles. Save $600. The big lot across from the downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )20N 1947 CHEVROLET-excellent condition- fully equipped. Must sell. NO 2-5472, 8-12 or 5-6:3$ P.M. )21N 1954 FORD 4-door-Black, radio, heater, 12000 miles. Sharp. The big lot across from the downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )19N 1953 CHEVROLET 2 Door Bel-Aire-Ra- dio, heater, 9000 actual miles. The big lot across from the downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washing- ton, NO 2-4588. )18N '48 CADILLAC SEDAN-fully equipped. $795. You get a better deal at Fitzger- ald-Jordan, Inc., 607 Detroit St. NO 8-8141. )17N 1949 DE SOTO-4 door, new battery, new valves, rebuilt motor in 1953, 4 tube- less tires (1954). Call Mr. Yarman at 3- 8506 )22N REAL ESTATE HOTEL - 35 rooms, centrally located, furnished, reasonable, terms. Ross Real Estate, NO 2-7736 or NO 2-8137 evenings, )1R TRANSPORTATION LEAVING FOR DALLAS July 30-31. Take .pAssengers. Phone Beattie NO 8-7230. ) 6G I I Hundreds of Popular Singles - - -Both 45 and 78 I A JAZZ- Popular-Classical -Semi-Classical International -and Mood Music. SPECIAL Closeout Prices on Hi-Fi Record Players. Save up to $50.00 on this Sale The #(u4c Center 300 S. THAYER PHONE 2-2500 JUST WEST OF HILL AUDITORIUM Read Daily Classifieds 4 -4 .4 4 I 2 TONIGHT AT 8 Department of Speech Presents SAMUEL TAYLOR'S Ending Wednesday 1 THE HAPPY TIM "A real happy time" Howard Barnes $1.50 -$1.10-75c r LYbDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE S ROM WARNER BROS. IN CINEMAScOPE WARNERCOLOR, 4 Wednesday * Spectauarly . Also filmed in Egypt TOM&. With a cast JERRY " of thousands! [ ****" II 'A .. . i NECKWEAR 2 for $1.55 Formerly $1.50 to $2.50 Color & White MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS 2 for $4.95 Formerly to $6.95 .1'aae!l Et /yuh BETTY SHEREE BOB GRABLE. NORTH. -CUMMINGS REAL BARGAIN DAY SPECIALS 1tERY i PU GAR CINEMAScoPE* In the wonder of STEREOPHONIC SOUND I L _- - -' { x '/2 OFF (SPECIAL GROUPS) House Slippers Sport Shirts Napper Sox Wool & Cotton Slacks Sweaters Elastic Belts Fancy Vests COTTON ARGYLES 2 pair $1.29 Formerly $1 .00. each Nunn Bush EDGERTON SHOES 137 pair . . . $7.95 125 pair . . . $13.95 Some Formerly sold to $21.95 Entire stock Men's Robes 1/3 OFF r77-777n 7 modern e0aing DIAL 2-2513 Playing Through Friday BOB HOPE is pleasing 90', of our patrons and truly - - - that's exceptional! Read and Use Daily Classifieds I (SPECIAL GROUP) Men's Suits, ] Group $29.95 All Summer Suits 25% OFF All Summer Sportcoats $11.95 IinI1 v eA_"_I ._~ Even 11 h/% of the die- hards admit there are some good things about this picture .+. NO WONDER WE'RE SHOUING! I I VICTivIctng °:Ifbil . I 11 11 I1 I ii