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July 27, 1955 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State

:43 a t t

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Vol. LXV, No. 27S



o..ww ww

Bill Rejected
Highway Showdown
Scheduled for Today
late yesterday rejected a proposed
sibstitute for the sharply different
highway construction bills being
pushed by Democrats and Repub-
It then put off until today the
schowdown between the Demo-
cratic plan, involving new taxes,
and President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's proposal to raise money
through long term financing.
.A standing vote of 178-89 knock-
ed out the substitute proposal,
offered by Rep. T. A. Thompson
(p-La.). It called for a billion-
dbllars-a-year rate of federal gov
dolla s-a-year rate of federal
spending over the next 10 years
fbr interstate super highways-far
less than the rates proposed by the
Democratic and Republican plans.
New Arrangements
Thompson's plan also left out
any new financing arrangements.
Backers of some sort of big pro-
gram won a preliminary victory
when the House voted earlier 274-
"148 to take up the legislation
ipder procedures laid down by its
Rules Committee.
But it remained to be seen
whether the Democratic version,
with new taxes to pay the cost, or
resident Eisenhower's plan, to
raise the money with long-term
bonds, would win out in the show-
down voting.
May Be Killed
,There was also the chance
enough opponents might join to-
gether to kill the whole program
for this session of Congress.
Chairman Howard W. Smith (D-
Va.) of the rules group said that's
just what the House should do,
this close to adjournment. He
spid voting for either the Demo-
c1'atic or Republican versions
would be "buying a pig in a poke."
But a parade of Democrats ar-
gsped for the bill offered by Rep.
G. H. Fallon (D-Md.) and ap-
proved by the House Public Works
(ommittee. It would impose $12,-
423,000,000 in added automotive
axes over the next 16 years to help
y the road building costs.
ke Sent New
Reserve Bill
WASHINGTON (VP) - Congress
sent President Dwight D. Eisen-
-bower a new military reserve bill
yesterday, far less compulsory
thand he and the Pentagon had
a ked.
A -A voice vote in the Senate com-
pleted action on the bill. The
Tlouse approved it, Monday on a
roll call of 315-78.
A major new feature provides
for a special active duty course of
up to six months for young volun-
teers, who would thereafter serve
in the active reserves for seven
and a half years.
. Present or former servicemen
could not be required to go into
the active reserve, but the bill
holds out some inducements to
present service men enabling them
ti cut down the length of their ac-
tive duty by volunteering for the


Brownell Help
O.K.: Talboti
Air Force Secretary Makes Return
Appearances Before Subcommittee
WASHINGTON ()--Secretary of the Air Force Harold K. Talbott
contended yesterday it was perfectly proper for him to seek an opinion
from Atty. Gen. Herbert J. Brownell on the legality of a proposed
contract between his private firm and Radio Corporation of America.
Sec. Talbott made a return appearance before the Senate Investi-
gations subcommittee which is studying the propriety of his maintain-
ing a partnership in a' firm whose clients included defense contractors.
Previous testimony has developed'that the firm-Paul B. Mulligan
& Co. of New York-wanted RCA to go into a contract for its services
as a management engineering
pany. RCA'wanted assurance from
Brownell that this would be legal,
S M in view of Sec. Talbott's position.
Not Personal Attorney
Sec. Talbott said that'when he
Proves Hard sent John A. Johnson, the Air
Force's general counsel, to talk to
" Brownell about the case last Jan.
To R ussians 6, Johnson was not acting as his
personal attorney-"He was repre-
senting the Secretary of the Air
LAURENS, Iowa (A>) - Soviet Force on a matter of propriety."
farm leaders yesterday had diffi- ro told newsmen yester-
cultyueday he turned down Johnson's re-
quest for a ruling because it was
system of government price sup- "against our policy to give an
port for agricultural commodities. opinion to an outside firm like
"That's nothing," said an Iowa RCA."
farmer who stood nearby. "You Meanwhile; Democrats hammer-
farmr wo sood eary. Youed away ate the situation. Sen.
can't rightly blame the Russians Wayne Morse (D-Ore) told the
for not understanding the govern- Senate that Sec. Talbott had mis-
ment price support system. A lot used his office. Democratic Chair-
of American farmers don't under- man Paul M. Butler said in a state-
stand t eiter."t that "If Mr. Eisenhower is,
stand it either.going to keep his campaign prom-
The Russians-seven of them- ises, he will have to act promptly
visited Tuesday the farm of Taf- in the case of Secretary of the Air.
ford J. Tinius of Laurens. They Force Harold Talbott."
were greeted by Tinius, his wife, Quotes Statement
and their daughter, Sandra, 14. Butler quoted two 1952 state-
Inspect Corn Plant ments by President Dwight D. Ei-
Three of the Russian group in- senhower. One was that "If I
cluding delegation head, V. V. should ever find a rotten apple in
Matskevich, stayed behind in any barrel given to my care, it
Humboldt to inspect the Dekalb won't take me three and a half
Hybrid Seed Corn plant. Two of years to get rid of it," The other
the Russians are in Peoria, Ill., at was that President Eisenhower's
the Caterpiller Tractor Plant. administration "will not tolerate
There were, perhaps, as m any deviation from an uncompro-
Ther wer, pehaps as anymising code of honesty and ethics
as 300 neighbors, relatives, and
onlokersassebledat ,e Tndusin. government service."
onlookers assembled at the Tinius Sec. Talbott's appearance yester-
farm to take a look at the men day was brief. He: came to the
from Moscow. committee room with a prepared
On the Tinius farm, the Rus- statement which he asked that he
sians came to a corn crib contain- be permitted to holp up until all
ing 1500 bushels of corn sealed the testimony is in. Chairman J. L.
under government loan. The farm- McClelan (D-Ark.) agreed and in-
er, and the American coordinator structed Sec. Talbott to return this
of the Russian tour, all attempted iorning.
to explain why this corn was The committee took some testi-
sealed.- mony late yesterday, in Sec. Tal-
Words Fly Fast bott's presence, from George B.
Words in Russian and English Gelly, manager of the Washington
wereflinrthiekrn F d tinaIOI1 ?office of the Douglas Aircraft Co.

Tasty Hats
PAIS (A-A Frenchman as
found a new wayt,serve up
spaghetti and dried orange peel.
He makes hats out of them.
Really! The spaghetti, cooked
and curled on a tulle base, looks
like heavy lace. And the orange
peel, glued on like shingles,
might be a rough straw.
So why not use bace and
straw? Well, there isn't any
novelty in them, so - Ahile,
who like to be called the Mad
Hatter of Paris, has gt the
new season's hat shows off to a
screwball start with the spa
ghetti bonnet. The orange peel
number, besides smelling like a
fruitcake, drips raisin-sized di-
amonds over one eye.
Vandals Mar.
Evita Peron
on the national day of mourning
for Eva Person, vandals yesterday
defaced posters and monuments
erected to her memory in towns of
Buenos Aires Province.
The dynamic blond wife of Pres-
ident Juan D. Peron died of cancer
just-three years ago.
The incidents occurred as Peron-
ista legislators ended a week-long
squabble and accepted President
Peron's directive to change officers
of the National House of Deputies.
The move was a, defeat for the
party's labor wing.
Attack Reported
Poilce said the vandalism occur-
red in three towns near the eapital
and a newspaper reported an at-
tack in another town.
In addition, police said, a bomb
exploded at the local branch of
the General Confederation of La-
bor in the town of Olavarria. The
building front was damaged and
windows were blown out but there
was no reports of any injuries.
On this third anniversary of her
death all public activities except
transport and essential services
halted for 24 hours.
Radio stations broadcast only
subdued music and memorial pro-'
Clock Hands Twisted
In Balcarce, the hands of a
clock erected by workers' contribu-
tions in her memory were twisted.
The clock's hands had been stop-
ped at 8:25 p.m., the minute of her
death on July 26, 1952.
In San Antonio de - Areco, two1
tar bombs were tossed on the Eva
Peron Monument in the town
On the troubled political front7
here, the Peronista deputies bowed
to the President's orders by ac-
cepting the resignations of their
leaders and designating replace-+
Reds Hear Speech
MOSCOW (A')-In an unprece-
dented move, Moscow radio yes-
terday broadcast the text of Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhowe's
Monday night TV-radio report to
the American people on the Ge-
neva summit meeting.
The full text also was carried by+
the official Soviet news agency
Tass for newspaper publication.





-Daily-arding Williams
PANELISTS-Discussing "The Future of Michiggan's Northland" are (left to right) Prentiss M.
Brown, J. Joseph Herbert and Walter F. Gries. The program was presented as part 'of the special
summer series on 'Michigan.'


Panel Talks' _
About State By The A
O~f lte Frouk Ch
A four-member panel agreed PARIS - Fe
yesterday that the future of Mich- called a news c
igan's Upper Peninsula appeared on the third i
"far from dismal." he f romE
the present Eg
The discussion entitled, "The imprisoned 60,
Future' of Michigan's Northland ents.
was chaired by University regent The plumpe
J. Joseph Herbert. Ito answer pers
Panelist Prentiss M. Brown ex- when asked if1
pressed the belief that the com- should be rest
pletition of the Mackinac bridge replied:
would greatly aid the development "In some f
of Northern Michigan.-
The Chairman of the Bridge
Authority, Brown noted that at the B rano
present time a trip across the
Mackinac Straits takes about two Reach(
hours, but that the bridge will en-
able travellers to cross in about
ten minutes. The illegal
The bridge," he added} "will University fo
help to draw the sections of the Branoff, '56, ha
state closer together by breaking municipal cour
down some of the physical and Prosecutor Edr
psychological barriers that have with the perm
existed in the past." plainant.
Also participating in the panel The woman
was Walter F. Gries, Superintend- complaint agai
ent of the Welfare Department of in ghim with
the Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company of another wit
in Ishpeming. after being for
"'The St. Lawrence Seaway will the warrantt
present even greater opportunity cording to city
for economic advancement all Branoff, acco
along Michigan's shoreway," Gries an, had pushe
commented. He expressed regret apartment aft
"That I won't be around in fifty an acquaintan
years to see the changes." off was not th

Srld News Roundup

Associated Press

harges . .
ormer King Farouk
onference yesterday
anniversaryof his
Egypt and charged
gyptian regime has
000 political oppon-
ex-monarch refused
sonal questions, but
he felt a meoharchy
tored to Egypt, ie


I thinly that

the Soviet visitors apparently be-
gan to get a glimmer of what it
was about.
American farm journalist John
Shrohm, coordinator of the Rus-
sian trip, explained the merits of
the price support system.
He said: "If, for example, the
price of corn should rise above.
the support figure, say from a
support figure of $1.60 a bushel
up to $1.75, then the farmer can
simply re-pay the government the
loan and sell the corn at the high-
er price."
But Soviet farm planning chief,
Boris Savelev, is no fool. "But that
never happens does it?" he asked
Strohm, amidst laughter from
the onlooking farmers, was forced
to admit that Saveley was quite
right. It rarely happens.

A-1 1

ifoyal Glance

New Weapons
Aid Soviets
BONN, Germany (-) - Western
intelligence sources said yesterday
new deliveries of modern conven-
tional weapons have strengthened
the firepower and increased the
mobility of Soviet army division
in Eastern Germany.
These Western informants said
1955 deliveries included 1,000 T54
tanks to replace the outmoded
World War II T34's, 1,500 new
guns, 600 armed personnel carriers,
150 amphibious vehicles and over
100 new towing vehicles for heavy
The shipments were accompan-
ied by 25,000 new troops from.
Russia, presumably specialists in
the new weapons, intelligence
sources said. They assumed the
newcomers would replace time-ex-
pired conscripts returning home.
The armament shipments were
described here as the largest sent
b ythe Russians to Germany since
1945. West military observers re-
gard them as probably long-plan-
ned modernization similar to that
being carried out by NATO forces
in West Germany.
The United States 7th Army has
received guided missiles and addi-
tional atomic cannon in the, last
year. The British Rhine army is
trying out a new tank and has
begun experiments with a new or-
ganization of division suitable for
atomic warfare.
Pentagon Reports
Fate of Soldiers
gon reported to Congress yesterday
it has learned the fate of 474
American servicemen missing' at

ff Case
es End
entry case against
otball star Tony
as been dismissed in
t at the request of
mond F. DeVine and
aission of the com-
who had signed a
nst Branoff, charg-
"entry on premises
hout authority and
bidden," asked that
be withdrawn, ac-
ording to the worn-
d his way into her
er being told that
ce sought by Bran-

would be correct. That should be
left to the Egyptian people."
Russia agrees . . .
LONDON-Russia agreed yester-
day to repatriate 16 Japanese citi-
zens held in Soviet prison camps
since World War II on charges of
being war criminals.
Russia's Ambassador Jacob Mal-
ik said the 16 Japanese - so far
unidentified - had completed
prison sentences on charges of be-
ing war criminals and would be
released immediately.
Heresy . .
George Christ, Jr., of Rurham,
Wis., will go on trial before seven
of his fellow Lutheran pastors in
Milwaukee today on heresy
It will be the first such trial in
the 65-year-old-history of the
United Lutheran Church in Amer-
ica. Dr. Paul E. Bishop, president
of the Northwest Synod of the
church, announced the action yes-
Large Fire . .
TORONTO - Four bush fires
linked up today and blazed up in
a mightly 100,000-acre holocaust
north of Blind River, 90 miles
east of Sault Ste. Marie.
Earlier reports said two fires in
that area had joined after being
whipped by winds up to 25 miles
an hour.

Youthful Actor Follows Mother

'Says Danger
Of War Not
Very Great
Nationalist Help
Seen As Pledge
WASHINGTON (A) - Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles said
yesterday the United States will
sound out the Red Chinese on the
possibility of a cease-fire in the
Formosa Straits when ambassadors
of the two nations meet in Geneva
He also told an audience of
newsmen that "the war danger has
reduced" as a result of the Big
Four conference in Geneva last
A major goal of the new meeting
in neutral Switzerland, the secre-
tary announced, will be "to find
out . . , whether the Chinese
Communists acceptrthe concept of
a cease-fire" around Formosa. In
the past there have been inter-
mittent clashes between National-
ist Chinese who hold the island
and Red Chinese.
Cease-Fire Principle
Secretary Dulles said the United
States is already on record as ac-
cepting the cease-fire principle in
other divided countries like Korea,
Germany and Viet Nam.
While this country is supplying
military equipment to the Nation-
alist Chinese, he went on, it is on
the basis of a Nationalist, pledge
that no force will be used in their
dispute with the Peiping regime
except through joint agreement
with the United States or in case
of an emergency.
Conciliatory Gesture
Secretary Dulles told his news
conference another aim of the up-
coming Geneva meeting will be
"getting back the Americans,..
still detained in China."
In a conciliatory gesture toward
Peiping, Sec. Dulles tied only two
strings to the United States-Red
China conference announced Mon-
day: No implied diplomatic recog-
nition of the Peiping regime, no
prejudicing of the rights of Na-
tionalist China, America's ally.
CIO Ends
DETROIT (P) -- Chrysler Corp.
and the CIO United Auto Workers
ended a negotiating session yester-
day with a joint announcement
branding reports of agreement be-
tween the two as premature.
Sources close to the secret ses-
sions had said the company and
union appeared agreed on a broad
area of a new wage contract to
replace one expiring Aug. 31.
But after yesterday's four-hour
session the two parties issued the
following announcement:
"Newspaper reports that Chrys-
ler and the UAW-CIO are near an
agreement are premature. The
parties are continuing negotiations
in an effort to reach a satisfactory
agreement. The parties will meet
again at 1:30 p.m. (EST) tomor-
Robert W. Condor, Vice Presi-
dent for Industrial Relations, and
John Leary, Labor Relations Direc-
tor, headed the Chrysler negotiat-
ing team. Top spokesmen for the
union were Emil Mazey, Interna-
tional Secretary-Treasurer, and
Norrman Matthews, Chrysler De-
partment director.
News Blackout

Bargaining is going on under a
news blackout agreement.
The union, however, is know to
have replied Monday to a Chrysler
offer submitted a week ago. The
fact that no rejection was announ-
ced indicated partial agreement,
and union spokesmen said as
much, in effect.
A company source indicated
Chrysler's offer contained a layoff
pay plan similar to that negotiated

Michael Staebler is having a "happy time" this summer portraying
the lead in the new speech department offering.
Michael is called Bibi by his co-workers, after the character he
portrays in the Samuel Taylor comedy, "The Happy Time" opening
at 8 p.m, today at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre and continuing
through Saturday evening.
Michael finds it difficult to explain just why he is acting at all,
but he knows definitely that he "ilkes it a lot." There is some
speculation among the cast's members that the twelve-year-old may
have inherited some talent from his mother, actress Berdette Staebler,
who appeared last season in two Dramatic Arts Centre productions,
"Moon in the Yellow River" and "The Cocktail Party.".
Like her son, Mrs. Staebler performed in play production while
enrolled as an undergraduate at the University, although her campus
career did not begin quite so early.
The young actor had to learn how to-pedal a player piano for
his role as the so nof a 1920's Ottawa, French-Canadian family. At
first the going was tough, but the player piano has since been fixed
and pedaling has been easier.
The piano, complete with old-time rolls, with which Michael opens
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