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July 26, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-07-26

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'Julius Caesar' at Stratford
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Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXV. No. 26S

















Red China Conference Set at Geneva

n ---

Meeting To Center
FAbout Settlements
Johnson To Represent U.S. Next
Week at Ambassadorial Sessions
WASHINGTON (M)-The United States, in a move to reduce
Far East tension, agreed yesterday to a special conference with
Red China.
It will begin Monday in Geneva, Switzerland.
The meeting, announced simultaneously in Washington and
Peiping, will bring together special ambassadors of the two coun-
tries, for the first time, to discuss outstanding problems..
The State Department said the special conference does not "in-
volve diplomatic recognition" of Red China..
Face-to-Face Talks
The -formal announcement said the ambassadors would discuss
- "repatriation of civilians" and
Show to "facilitate further discus-
sions and settlements of certain
T oll R oad other practical matters now at is-
sue between both sides."
This wording appeared broad
enough to permit face-to-face
talks with the Chinese Commu-
nists for the first time on- a pos-
o n Congress sible cease-fire in the Formosa
LANSING (-Members of th Fifteen previous talks between
f the American and Chinese Red diplo-
State Turnpike Authoritytenta- mats in Geneva have been on a
* tively agreed yesterday that the co slrbeeeit n en n a
fat ofth prposd ridepot-consular level with an agenda
fate of the proposed Bridgeport- limited strictly to repatriation of
SFlatr'ock Toll Road depends on each others' citizens.
Congress. A State Department spokesman
At a conference with State acknowledged, to questioning re-
q Highway Commr. Charles M. Zieg-acole , t qestmonsngdre
ler, the Authority learned that if porters, that the ambassadorial
Congress enacts a federal aid high- conference would have a. far
wa mg ingtese broader scope than previous talks
way program giving th state more limited to return of civiliana and
than a 75-25 allocation of federal Aimericanorrocison s an
funds, the state will have enough American war prisoners.
money to build a free expressway Special Talks
paralleling the proposed toll road Sen. W. F. George (D-Ga,
route. chairman of the Senate Foreign
George N. Higgins, Authority Relations Committee, proposed
Chairman, said that he would call Sunday that Secretary of State
a special meeting of the group as John Foster Dulles and the Red
soon as Congress adjourns "to see China foreign minister get to-
if we will have a turnpike or not." gether for talks within the next
Imminence of Program six months.
Carl H. Smith of Bay City, In a separate, second announce-
another member, asked Ziegler ment yesterday, the State Depart-
whether it was wise to go ahead ment said U. Alexis Johnson,
with the freeway in view of the American ambassador to Commu-
imminence of the toll road pro- nist Czechoslovakia, would repre-
gram, sent the United States at next
Ziegler replied that he had made week's Geneva talks. Johnson, who
commitments to the Oakland and is also one of the department's
Genesee boards of supervisors to top Far East experts, will fly to
build the freeway and could not Washington for quick consulta-
back out now. tions with Secretary Dulles before
"If you build it right away," going to Geneva.
-~Smith said, "We might as well_________
pitch the toll road out the win-
Approves Proposed Route
Ziegler told Smith the proposedBiu
freeway, paralleling U. S. 25 and
U. S. 10 west of Flint, had top
priorityina new arterial highway ByvChancellor
system just getting underway.
The Authority approved the pro-
posed toll road route for 62 miles LONDON (A')-Chancellor of the
from Bridgeport to the outskirts of Exchequer Richard A. Butler
Pontiac, but later Higgins said slammed the brakes yesterday on
t that this action may have been Britain's buying spree by tighten-
premature in view of Ziegler's ing up installment buying.
splans. He boosted the down payment
The approval was subject to on such items as automobiles and
what Higgins called "minor engi- household appliances from 15 to
neering changes," but other sources 33/3 per cent but did not change
said these could mean substantial the payment period, which ranges
changes in the routes at various fr 2 to 4 years.
, places to avoid disruption of com- om
munity life. Sharp Cutback
Higgins said the Authority plans Butler called also for a sharp
to review the proposed route for cutback in capital expenditures by
the remainder of the 113-mile pro- public and private bodies to halt
ject with governmental officials, the creeping inflation threatening
legislators and civic groups in the the pound sterling's position in
Detroit area which have protested the world money markets.
against the route. He asked for a tightening of
bank loans but announced no
Grandval Cancels change in the bank rate-the rate
at which money is borrowed. Last
Fact-Finding Tour February Butler boosted the rate
from 3% to 4% per cent. There
MEKNES, French Morocco ()- was speculation in financial cir-
France's top administrator abrupt- cles the rate would go as high as

ly canceled a fact-finding swing 6 per cent if Butler does not
around riot-torn Morocco yester- achieve what he wants in halting
day. inflation.
His stop here touched off bloody Living It Up Too Much
clashes between police and Moroc- Butler told the House, in ef-
cans shouting for the return of fect, that Britain was living it up
exiled Sultan Sidi Mohammed Ben Bt, rta nwas ling. t l

A mericana
NEW YORK 0) - There's
just no pleasing everybody.
The president of the Nation-
al Association of Doll Manu-
facturers yesterday wired an
"official protest" to President
Dwight D. Eisenhower for his
purchase in Geneva of some
dolls for his grandchildren.
Dollman David Rosenstein
told the President the entire
American toy indultry was
"shocked" by this "spotlighting
of foreign dolls."
Rosenstein said he is sending
the President some 100 per
cent American dolls "as gifts
and constant reminders."
Ar-my Plans
To Arrest
officials said yesterday that the
Army will arrest-and later court-
martial - three turncoat former
American prisoners of war as soon
as their ship docks in San Fran-
cisco Friday.
The Army's decision, endirt
weeks of legal uncertainty about
what could be done about the trio,
was taken after intensive consul-
tations with the State and Jus-
tice Department, the officials
Therthree Americans who were
captured in the Korean fighting,
turned their backs on their coun-
try and then changed their minds,
are William C. Cowart, 22 years
old, Dalton, Ga.; Lewis W. Griggs,
22 years old, Jacksonville, Tex.,
and Otho G. Bell, 24 years old,
Hillsboro, ' Miss., and Olympia,
They refused repatriation after
the Korean armistice and went to
Red China instead.
The three former soldiers are
now aboard the President Cleve-
land sailing homeward on the last
leg of their journey.
An official announcement set-
ting forth the Army's plans for
the three is expected sone time
this week. Meanwhile Pentagon
officials told a reporter how the
Army's decision will be carried'
Army officers will board the
liner at San Francisco with cus-
toms and immigration officials.
The men will be summoned, in-
formed that they are under mili-
tary arrest and told that they will
be held on various charges, in-
cluding aiding the enemy and mis-
conduct as prisoners.

Geneva Sharpens
World Feelings
Chief Executive Says Nation Will
Work Cooperatively With U.S.S.R.
WASHINGTON (R) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower said last
night that as a result of the Geneva Big Four, talks "there is a sharp-
ened realization by the world that the United States will go to any
lengh to achieve peace."
He said that to do that, we will work with the Soviets coopera-
Repeating to the nation at large what he already had told con-
gressional leaders earlier in the day, President Eisenhower said "there
were no secret agreements made," at the Geneva meeting.
He added that this applied to unwritten as well as written agree-

TV Broadcast
In a nationwide radio-TV broadcast, the President spoke of
proposal to trade military blueprints with the Russians.
He said the main purpose ink



PRESIDENT RETURNS - President and Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower are greeted by Vice President
and Mrs. Richard Nixon upon their arrival at national airport in Washington from Geneva, Switzer-
land. The president is seen shaking hands with Nixon a moment after leaving the presidential
Columbine plane.
Ewing Testifies About Sec. Talbott


WASHINGTON (A:) -- Secretary
of the Air Force Harold E. Talbott
was quoted yesterday as saying he
had the top. lawyer in the Air
Force "representing me" in a pri-
vate business transaction last Jan-
The testimony, to the Senate In-
vestigations' subcommittee which
is looking into Sec. Talbott's out-
Tennis Partner
Becomes 'Shock'j
WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. Stuart
Symington (D-Mo.) heard to his
apparent surprise yesterday he was
once a tennis partner of a witness
before the Senate Investigations
Sam Ewing, a Radio Corporation'
of America lawyer, was testifying
in the committee inquiry into the
business associations of Secretary
of the Air Force Talbott when Sen.
George H. Bender (R-Ohio) start-
ed asking Ewing if he'd previously
known any of the investigating
Ewing said no after each name
listed until Bender came to Sym-

side business activities, came from
Sam Ewing, an attorney for the
Radio Corporation of America.
Ewing said Sec. Talbott seemed
annoyed at RCA's hesitance in ex-
pending a contract with Paul B.
Mullgan & Co., a New York man-
ufacturing firm in which the sec-
retary is a special partner.
In other developments at an
afternoon-long public hearing, the
1. Received evidence that Sec.
Talbott telephoned the president
of the Union Oil Co., at a time the
Mulligan firm was trying to land
a contract with Union Oil.
2. Heard from Mulligan that the
management engineering firm has
paid Sec. Talbott $132,032 in prof-
its on his partnership in the two
years following Sec. Talbott's en-
trance into his Air Force position
in February 1953.
Mulligan insisted he never used
Sec. Talbott's name in trying to get
business; Sec. Talbott himself tes-
tified last week that he had tried
to help Mulligan on a personal
basis, but had never used the pres-
tige of his government office to
drum up business.

Ewing told of a. telephone call
he received about Jan. 4, 1955,
when Mulligan was trying to ex-
tend a contract from RCA.
Ewing said the call came from
John A. Johnson, the Air Force
general counsel, and that Johnson
said he understood RCA was
"troubled" about the legal ques-
tion of a contract with a firm
which had Sec. Talbott as a part-
Party Leaders
Reseek Peron
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (A)-
Argentina's Peronista party lead-
ers appealed to President Juan
Peron yesterday to change his
mind and remain as chief of the
movement he has bossed since
Peron was reported by high
party sources, however, to have
remained firm in his decision of
July 15. At that time he declared
in a broadcast that the Peronista
revolution was over and he was
becoming "president of all Argen-
tines, friends and foes."

bringing this forward was to con-
vince everyone of this country's
sincerity in promoting peace.
In proposing aerial inspection of
arms establishments on a recipro-
cal basis with Russia President
Eisenhower said he had in mind
that this might lead to a broaden-
ed system of inspection.
The acid test should come next
October when the foreign minis-
ters of the Big Four get down to
the business of translating gener-
alities into action, he said.
The President said he believed
he and Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles "made crystal clear"
this country's attitude toward
such things as the plight of the
Soviet satelites.
But the subject that took most
of the delegates' attention, he said
was a full exchange of visitors be-
tween East and West.
'Greatest Possible Agreement'
And here, he said, there was
iThe greatest possible agreement."
Each side assured the other oft-
en, he said, of its desire for concil-
iation through such contacts with
one another.
"I do know that the people of
the world want peace," President
Eisenhower said.
He added there was great pres-
sure from the people to bring that
Everyone at Geneva, President
Eisenhower said, felt the "great
longing of mankind' for peace.
"I believe that only with prayer-
ful patience, courage and toler-
ance, with eternal vigilance, can
we keep alive the spark kindled at
Geneva," he said.
Lasting Peace
But if that is done, he declared,
the lamp of lasting peace at last
may be ignited.
Occasionally during his 15-min-
ute talk, the President glanced
down at notes on his desk. From
time to time he donned his glasses.
PresidentEisenhower said at the
outset that Secretary of State
Dulles and he went to Geneva to
"represent the aspirations of the
American people for peace" and
the principles on which it should
be based.
What he described as almost
unanimous bipartisan support of
Congress was a big help, he said
Too, there had been thousands
of telegrams of support from ordi-
nary people as well as business,
church, labor and other organiza-
"Peace and the result of peace."
he said, "involves perplexing prob-
Army Moving
To Seoul Base
TOKYO ()-The U. S. Army
announced yesterday it is moving
its major ground force headquar-
ters in the Orient from Japan to
South Korea.
The move appears to be a con-
cession to both the major allies in
the north Pacific, Japan and South
An announcement said Gen.
Isaac D. White, who assumed com-
mand only Sunday of Army forces


Gives Report
To Congress
WASHINGTON (M)- President
Dwight D. Eisenhower told leaders
of Congress yesterday it looks like
the Russians are ready to negoti-
ate for world peace in a new "at-
mosphere of friendliness."
In a generally optimistic report
on the Big Four conference, the
President also was quoted as hav-
ing told the legislators that no
secret agreements of any kind
were made at Geneva last week.
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles followed this up by telling
newsmen: "There's nothing to
conceal about this conference."
Hope and Caution
Vice President Richard Nixon
and 24 members of the House and
Senate gathered at the White
House for the briefing. President
Eisenhower and Sec. Dulles talked
to them for nearly an hour and a
Their report was described as a
mixture of hope and caution. Both
Republicans and Democrats
praised it for its frankness, and
Sen. W. E. Knowland of Califor-
nia, the Senate's GOP leader,
gave this summary:
Situation Hopeful
"The situation growing out of
the conference is hopeful but the
problems ahead are not discount-
Hagerty issued this statement
after the briefing:
"The President expressed the
belief that the outstanding fea-
ture of the meeting was the ap-
parently sincere desire expressed
by the Soviet delegation to discuss
world problems in the future in an
atmosphere of friendliness and a
willingness to sit down together to
work out differences.
Jet Air Base
Not. Settled-
WASHINGTON (P)-Today may
be the day of decision on the Air
Force proposal to build a jet fight-
er base near Cadillac, Mich.
The House Defense Appropria-
tions Subcommittee has scheduled
a closed session on the matter.
Congressional sources have re-
ported the appropriations group
has ruled out Cadillac as the site
because construction there would
cost 10 per cent more than at
other proposed lactions in Kalkas-
ka and Manistee counties,
These sources say the subcom-
mittee made that decision last
week and plans to so advise Secre-
tary of the Air Force Harold E.
Talbott in a letter,
Committee aides are said to have
completed a draft of the letter.
Presumably, the session today is
to take final action on the letter.
When signed by Chairman Can-
non (D-Mo.) of the full appropria-
tions committee the letter is ex-

'Happy Time,

ro Be Perf ormed
Samuel Taylor's comedy, "The Happy Time," will be presented
by the speech department at 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Based on a book by Robert Fontaine, the "happy time" of the
title is the growing up of twelve-year-old Bibi Bonnard (played by
Michael Staebler), the youngest member of a French family living in
Bibi's father, a good-natured, whimsical musician, leader of a
vaudeville orchestra, wants his son to grow up to understand the
warmth and humor of life, to understand that "to be truly a man
one must know two things: one must know love, one must know truth."
The comedy has been directed by Prof. Hugh Z. Norton, of the
speech department, and scenery for the French-Canadian play, which
takes place in Ottawa in the early 1920's, has been designed by Prof.,
Jack E. Bender and built under the supervision of Robert Armstrong
and students in stage craft courses.
All of the 1920 costumes have been designed by Phyllis Pletcher
and assembled by Marjorie Smith, Beverly Canning and costume
course students.

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