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July 23, 1955 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1955-07-23

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Nash Says Professors
Should Give Own Truth

"I'm glad to see members of a{
college faculty taking an interest
in the problem of their responsi-
bilities to the people of the state,
such as the interest now apparent
here at Michigan," Prof. Arnold
Nash said.
Prof. Nash of the University of
North Carolina explained in an
interview yesterday for The Daily
that, "My personal opinion in this;
case is that the college professor
has the same responsibilities as aI
journalist, a member of the min-
istry, an actor or an author-that
is not only to tell the populace
what they want to know but also
to present their own idea of the
truth, whether it is 'socially ac-
ceptable' or not.

Lectures and Demonstrations
"Not only must our colleges
and universities turn out the doc-
tors, lawyers, schoolteachers and
other members of similar profes-
sions to fill the needs of the com-
munity, but they must also be the
place where thinkers for think-
ing's sake may be found."
Prof. Nash has been giving a,
series of lectures and discussions
here on campus during the last
week. He spoke on "Contemporary
Protestant Thought" and "The
University and The Modern
World." He also spoke at Michi-
gan State Wednesday.
While discussing contemporary
protestant thought, Prof. Nash
pointed out the similarity between
Billy 'Graham and Norman Vin-
cent Peale. "While Graham and'
Peale are not the leaders of prot-
estant thought in the seminaries
and colleges, they represent mod-
ern protestant thought to the man
on the street. They both present

-Daily-Sam Ching
. . . visiting lecturer

the use of Christianity to gain
other ends, Graham holding it up
as the answer to communism and
Peale holding it up as the answer
*to man's personal problems."
Educated in England
Prof. Nash, who holds graduate
degrees in chemistry, philosophy,
and sociology, was born and edu-
cated in England. Before he ac-
cepted his present position as pro-
fessor of history of religion at the
University of North Carolina, he
lectured extensively throughout
the United States.
He has also authored several
books. Two of these, "Protestant
Thought of the 20th Century"
and "The University and the Mod-
ern World" have been selections
of the Religious Book Club.

Morse Asks
Sec. Talbott
WASHINGTON (') '- Senator
Wayne Morse (D-Ore.) demanded
last night that Secretary of the
Air Force Harold E. Talbott "be
cleaned out of the government" to
reove a "bad odor" from the Wash-
ington scene.
Sen. Morse spoke out shortly
after it was announced the Senate
Investigation subcommittee would
meet today on its probe of Tal-
bott's profitable outside business
The senators have received evi-
dence that Talbott, from his head-
quarters in the Pentagon, promot-
ed business for an industrial engi-
neering firm, in which he is a
partner, and that he has been
drawing $50,000 to $60,000 a year
from the firm. Among the firms
clients have been defense contract-
Committee Explodes
i'albott, asking a hearing before
the subcommittee Thursday, de-
nied doing anything wrong but
offered to give it up if the senators
saw fit.
Yesterday the investigating sub-
committee exploded in a row over
the investigation. Republicans
contended questions raised about
Talbott threatened to "embarrass'
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
now at the Geneva Big Four talks.
They demanded that the investi-
gation be speeded up and the mat-
ter "disposed of" quickly.
But Chairman J. L. McClellan
(D-Ark.) chairman of the subcom-
mittee, declared, "I will not be
needled into hasty action."
Opposed to Nomination
Morse, addressing the Senate,
recalled he had opposed the secre-
tary's nomination when it was
before the Senate in 1953 and was
one of six senators who voted
against him.
Morse said he stated in the de-
bate at that time that the nomi-
nation "stinks" and added he
thinks the same today.
Sen. McClellan told reporters
later the next step in the Talbott
probe might include a summons
to the secretary to return for
further questioning at a public
hearing, or the questioning of
some of the clients of Paul B.
Mulligan & Co., the New York
efficiency engineering firm in
which Talbott is a Dartner.
Bit Breezy
NEW LONDON, Conn. (P)-
Antoinette M. Foster, 24-years
old, of Waterford, is scheduled
to appear today in police court
on a speeding charge.
Police said Miss Foster ex-
plained after her arrest the
heat made her feel faint and
she thought the wind would re-
vive her.

Eisenhower Likes Informal
Big-Four Buffet Gatherings

--Courtesy University News Service
STUDENT ACTIVITIES BUILDING-The architects' model of the new $1,700,000 Student Activi-
ties Building was accepted by the Board of Regents yesterday. With a total floor space of 56,000
feet, the new building will house offices for student activities, the Dean of Men's and Dean of
Women's offices and a workshop. To be located immediately south of the Student Publicationis
Building, the construction will be started in September.
Leaves of Absence Granted by Regents

GENEVA (M)-President Dwight
D. Eisenhower confided to a friend
yesterday that he prefers the in-
formal atmosphere of the Big
Four's buffet to the formal sessions
in the council chamber.
"We make long speeches-some
of them dull-in the big sessions,"
he told a friend, "but in the re-
freshment room we really think.
Ycu get to know a man a little in
The buffet conversations among
the Big Four have become a real
part of this conference. They are
relaxed, friendly and usually con-
fined to two or three principals
and sometimes an interpreter.
President Eisenhower, his friend
said, has done some "very straight
talking" to the leaders of the
Kremlin at these little half-hour
gatherings that follow the after-
noon sessions of the Big Four.
"Laughter and smiles," said a
delegation member who has fre-
quented the buffet with the Big
Four after every session, "are the
order. There are no growls and
The buffet serves sandwiches,
canapes, snmall Swiss cakes and
the fish and ham dainties the Rus-
sians call zakuskie. The bar offers
just about every drink that you
can buy at a European bar-plus
tea, milk, fruit juice, soft drinks
and coffee.
A delegation member who has
been in constant attendance in the
buffet was asked about the drink-
ing habits of Nikita Khrushchev,

first secretary of the Communist
Party, Premier Nikolai Bulganin,
Marshal Georgi Zhukov and For-
eign Minister V. M. Molotov.
"Nothing but fruit Juice on the
first day," he said, "but of late
they've even been sipping whiskey
and soda."
The most popular drink?
"Martinis, without question, dry
and strong."
AMA Lab Reports
On Caffeine Tests
CHICAGO P) -- The clinical
laboratory of the American Medi-
cal association reported yesterday
that "it has not yet been possible
to extract all of the caffeine in
commercially prepared coffee."
Tests on the caffeine content of
regular coffee, instant coffee, de-
caffeinated coffee and black and
green teas were made by Robert
G. Martinek and Walter Wilman
in response to requests from doc-
Their report, published in the
AMA Journal, said:
A cup of regular decaffeinated
coffee still contains about one-
third the amount of caffeine
found in a cup of regular ground
A cup of instant decaffeinated
coffee has from one-fourth to one-
eighth as much caffeine as a cup
of regular ground coffee.




Regents Accept Gifts, Grants,
From Ford Foundation Others

(Continued from Page 1)
Under the project, a program of
American studies is being given in
Kyoto, Japan, and Japanese stud-
ies are being given in Ann Arbor
under the sponsorship of Kyoto
University, Doshisha University
and the University of Michigan.
The second grant from the
Rockefeller Foundation was one
of $10,000 to permit Prof. William
B. Harvey of the Law School to
continue studies in the field of
jurisprudence in England and
Germany from May 15, 1955, to
Oct. 30, 1956.
Law Scholarships
The Regents accepted the offer
of Edward Hohfeld, trustee of the
May T. Morrison Trust Estate, to
establish foursseparate scholar-
ships in the Law School, each in
the sum of $15,000.
Income from the scholarship
funds is to be used for annual
scholarships to, second or third
year law students who are of good
moral character and who exhibit
superior scholarship while at the
same time contributing to his own
Two grants amounting to $43,-
000 were accepted from the Na-
tional Science Foundation. One is
$29,000 for further support of pre-
liminary studies of the National
Astronomical Observatory Com-
mittee under the direction of Prof.
Robert R. McMath of the astron-
omy department.
The other is $14,000 for support
of research on the behavior of
reef fishes under the direction of
Prof. John E. Bardach of the nat-
ural resources school.
Aid for Medical Students
From L. J. Montgomery of Bat-
tle Creek, the Regents accepted
$25,000 for the Lawrence J. Mont-
gomery Research Fund. The fund
is used to aid deserving young
medical students to further their
education at the University.
The National Research Council
made a grant of $16,200 for the
N.R.C. Narcotics Research Fund
for studies in the monkey, Maca-
ca Mulatta, to determine its value
CIO President
Plans Lecture

for predicting addiction to the
ney/er synthetic analgesics.
From the estate of Eleazer Dar-
row of Hamilton County, Ohio, the
Regents accepted $16,086.85 to set
up the E. Darrow and Madlyn C.
Darrow Fund, the income from
which is to be used for the bene-
fit of students who need financial
The Dow Chemical Company of,
Midland, Mich., has given $12,500
for the company's pharmacology
research. This is the continuation
of a grant to the Medical School's
pharmacology department.
The International Nickel Com-
pany, Inc., of New York, has do-
nated $8,220.83 to again establish
the company's fellowship fund for
1955-56. The fellowship, is de-
signed to stimulate workin the
fields of nickel, copper and the
platinum metals.

(Continued from Page 1)
L. Lilgour was appointed acting
chairman of the library science de-
partment for the first semester of
1955-56. Prof. Annette Sinclair,
from Southern Illinois University,
was named visiting assistant pro-
fessor of mathematics for 1955-56.
In the engineering college, five
appointments were approved by
the Regents. Gabriel Isakson was
named an associate professor of
aeronautical engineering for a per-
ior of three years, 1955-58.
Ward K. Parr was appointed
associate professor of highway en-
gineering for the period from July
1, 1955 to June 30, 1956. Harvey L.
Garner, was appointed an instruc-
tor in electrical engineering on a
half-time basis for the year 1955-
Edward E. Hucke was appointed
assistant professor of metallurgical
engineering for a period of three
years beginning with the 1955-56
year. George A. Colligan was
named instructor, half-time, for
the 1955-56 year in the chemical
and metallurgical engineering de-
In the business administration
school, Robert D. Haun was ap-
pointed visiting professor of
accounting in the Internal Reve-
nue Program for the year 1955-56.
Walter J. McNerney was appointed
associate professor of hospital ad-
ministration and director of the
program of hospital administra-
tion for a three-year term begin-
ning Aug. 1.
Dils Appointed
Robert E. Dils was appointed
associate professor of forestry in
the natural resources school be-
ginning with the 1955-56 year.
Wilbur J. Cohen was appointed
professor of public welfare ad-
ministration in the School of
Social Work beginning Jan. 15,
Major Paul L. Middlebrook of
the United States Air Force was
appointed assistant professor of
air science effective July 9.
The Board of Regents granted
thirteen leaves of absence, changed
one sabbatical leave of absence and3
assigned five members of the'
Museums staff to off-campus duty.
Leave Changed
The sabbatical leave granted
Prof. Richard A. Musgrave of
the economics department for the
first semester of 1955-56 was
changed to the second semester.
Prof. James N. Morgan of the,
economics department was granted
a leave without salary from Sept.
10, 1955, to Aug. 31, 1955 to accept1
a Ford Foundation fellowship for
study at Stanford University. ,
Prof. Edward M. Anthony, Jr.,
of the English Language Institute,I
was granted a leave without salary
for the year 1955-56 to serve asI
consultant to the Ministry of Edu-
cation of Thailand.1
Alston Given Leave c
Prof. William P. Alston of the1

philosophy department was given
leave without salary for the 1955-
56 year to teach at Harvard Uni-
versity one-third time and carry
on research under i grant from
the Philosophical Association.
Prof. Joaquin M. Luttinger of
the physics department was given
leave without pay for the second
semester of the 1955-56 year for
teaching and research at the Uni-
versity of California.
Prof. John R. P. French of the
psychology department was given
leave without salary from Sept. 17,
1955 to Sept. 15, 1956, to accept a
Fulbright Fellowship to Norway.
Lawrence B. Slobodkin, instruc-
tor in the zoology department,
was granted leave without salary
for the 1955-56 year to enter mili-
tary service.
Leave for Internship
Clifford R. Noll, Jr., instructor
in the biological chemistry depart-
ment was given leave without pay
from Sept. 1, 1955 to Aug. 31, 1956,
to accept a Carnegie Foundation
Internship in General Education
at Brown University.
Prof. Francesco Della Sala of
the architectural college was given
a leave without salary for the
1955-56 year to design a residential
part at Point Caruso on the island
of Ischia in the Gulf of Naples,
Prof. William J. Schlatter of the
business administration school has
been invited to teach controller-
ship and finance at the Institute
Post-Universitario Per Lo Studio
Dell' Organizzaziene Aziendale at
Torinto, Italy, and the Regents
granted him leave without salary
for the 1955-56 year.
Griffin Gets Sabbatical
A sabbatical leave for the firdst
semester of 1956-57 was given to
Prof. Claire E. Griffin of the
business administration school.
Prof. Samuel A. Graham of the
zoology department was granted
~leave from Sept. 19 to Oct. 21 to
make up the unused portion of a
sabbatical leave granted him dur-
ing the first semester of the 1950-
51 year.
Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., of the
epidemiology department was
granted leave without pay from
July 1 to Aug. 31 to complete the
study of the evaluation of the Salk
polio vaccine.
A leave without pay from Sept.
10 to Oct. 30 was granted Prof.
Henry van der Schalie of the
zoology department.
Five Reassigned
The five members of the Mu-
seums staff assigned to field duty
C. A. Arnold of the Museum of
Paleontology for three weeks be-
ginning June 12 for studies in
Wyoming and Colorado.
C. W. Hibbard of the Museum of
Paleontology for three months
starting June 18 for studies in
Kansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska.
A. H. Smith of the University
Herbarium for a month at the end
of the Summer Session at the
Biological Station to Oct. 15.



to Church


A. C. Spaulding of the Museum
of Anthropology for the month of
Jul yto conduct archaeological in-
vestigations in the Uppen Penin-
J. B. Griffen of the Museum of
Anthropology from July 15 to early
September to inspect archaeologi-
cal sites in Illinois, Arkansas, Tex-
as and Mexico.



Fries To Talk on High School
Teaching of New Grammar'

"The New Grammar and What
It Means to the 'High School
Teacher," will be the topic of a
talk by Prof. Charles C. Fries at
4:00 p.m. Monday in Auditorium
D, Angell Hall.
Prof. Fries' talk will be ther
sixth and final meeting of the*
Conference Series for English{
Teachers, which has been spon-
sored this summer by the Uni-
Prof. Fries is the author of sev-
eral books on the teaching of Eng-
lish, including "Teaching and
Learning English as a Foreign
Language" and "The Structure of
English." He is the Director of
the English Language Institute
and a member of the faculty of
the English department.
During the past year, Prof.
Fries has served as a Fulbright
Lecturer, speaking on English as
a foreign language and the struc-I
ture of English, at several Ger-
man universities.

120 South State Street
Merrill R. Abbey, Erland 1. Wangdahl,
Eugene A. Ransom, Ministers
9:00 and 10:45 A.M. Worship. "Does the Spirit
Really Triumph?" Dr. Merrill R. Abbey,
9:30-10:30 A.M. Discussion group. "Encounter
With Revolution."
2:30 P.M. Meet at Wesley Foundation for infor-
mal picnic outing. Swimming, volleyball, picnic
supper and Vespers.
Minister-Rev. Leonard A. Parr
Morning worship, 10:45 A.M. Dr. Parr's subject
will be "The Great American Heritage," the
story of the five Eisenhower brothers by Bela
Korn itzer.
Student Guild will meet at 8:00 p.m. at the Me-
morial Christian Church to hear Dr. Arnold
Nash, Professor ofCReligion at the U. of North
Carolina speak on "The University of the
Modern World."
(Disciples of Christ),
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. George Barger, Minister
10:45 Morning Worship. Sermon: BOTH . . . AND.
9:45 A.M. Church School.
The Student Guild will meet at the Memorial
Christian Church at 8:00 P.M., to hear Dr.
Arnold Nash, Professor of Religion at the
University of North Carolina. Dr. Nash will
speak on The University of the Modern World.
The Young Married Group of the Memorial
Christian Church will be the guest of the Stu-
dent Guild Sunday evening.
(National Lutheran Council)
Hill Street and S. Forest Avenue
Dr. H. 0. Yoder, Pastor -
Sunday-9:30 A.M. Bible Study.
10:30 A.M. Worship Service & Holy Com-
6:00 P.M. Supper-program following at
7:00. Speaker: Miss Doris Reed, Protestant
Counselor to International Students.
1917 Washtenow Avenue
Edward H. Redman, Minister
Sundays at 8:30 P.M. Theme: "Creativity in the
July 24-Marston Bates, Department of Zoology,
University of Michigan: "The Creative Role
o fthe Scientist."

(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed Churches
of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director
Res. Ph. NO 5-4205; Office Ph, NO 8-7421
10:00 A.M. Morning Service
7:00 P.M. Evening Service.
414 North Main
Rev. Father Eusebius A. Stephanou
9:30-Matins Service.
10:30-Divine Liturgy.
11:00-Greek Sermon
12:00-English Sermon.
Corner State and Huron Streets
William C. Bennett, Pastor
Sunday-10:00 A.M.-Sunday School.
11:00 A..--Worship Service: Guest Minister,
Mr. Arthur Saunders.
7:00 P.M. Evening Service. Reverend Morton H.
Wednesday-7:30-Prayer Meeting.
We extend a cordial welcome to each of you.
502 East Huron, Phone NO 8-7332
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister
Beth Mahone, Student Advisor
9:45-Student Class Studies.
11:00-Worship Service.
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
Henry Kuizenga and George Laurent, Ministers
William- S. Baker, University Pastor
Worship Services-9:15 and 11:00. The Sacra-
ment of the Lord's Supper. Dr. Kuizenga will
deliver the Communion meditation.
2:00 P.M. Summer Students and Geneva Fellow-
ship meet for outing at the church.
530 West Stadium
(Formerly at Y.M.C.AJ
Sundays-10:15 A.M. - 1100 A.M. - 7:30 P.M.
Wednesdays-7:30 P.M. Bible Study, G. Wheeler
Utley, Minister.
Hear "The Herald of Truth" WXYZ ABC Net.
work Sundays-1:00-1:30 P.M.
306 North Division St.
Sunday services at 8, 9, and 11 A.M. and 8 P.M.
Wednesday 7:00 A.M., Friday 12:10.
There will be no official programs for Canterbury
during the summer.



... "The New Grammar"

*~(* r*

CIO President Walter P. Reu-
ther will speak on "Labor and
Michigan" at 4:15 August 3 in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Reuther's speech will be part of
the Summer Session series of lec-
tures, exhibits and programs de-
voted to Michigan.
Reuther will take part in a pan-
el discussion on "The Impact of
Unionism on Michigan's Indus-
trial Economy" later in the eve-
ning. The panel will be chaired by
Prof. William Haber of the eco-
nomics department.
Frank Rising, general manager

You can avoid Summer heat and
congestion by utilizing our "Bank and
Mail" system. It's completely safe and
so easy to use.
Come in and inquire about the
many advantages at

Steak, Chicken, and Seafood Dinners

William and Thompson Sts. *
Sunday Masses-8:00 - 10:00 - 11:30
Daily-7:00 - 8:00.
Novena Devotions - Wednesday evenings 7:30



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