Paton Replies To Critics
Latest Deadline in the State
1 a
See Page 2
Professors Add
New Statements
Paton, Sutherland Supply Answer
To Faculty Senate Report Protest
Two new statements were added yesterday to the campus disagree-
ment over the responsibilities and rights of the faculty.
Prof. William A. Paton of the business administration school
contributed an answer to the criticism of the statement he and four
other faculty members made protesting the Report of the Senate
Committee on the Responsibilities of the Faculty to Society.
Prof. Gordon A. Sutherland of the music school, a member of
the Committee, sent The Daily a seven-point reply to the statement
by Prof. Paton, Prof. Edwin N. Goddard, Dr. Frederick A. Coller, Prof.
Earnest Boyce and Prof. Earl C. O'Roke.
Both Prof. Paton's and Prof. Sutherland's statements appear on
The Daily's editorial page today.
'Temperance and Intolerance'
In answer to criticism of the stand taken by the five professors
" that a faculty member has certain
Eisenhower P
U.S. Reveals
"WASHINGTON (A')-The State
Department lifted the secrecy lid
yesterday on a long-simmering ar-
gument with Yugoslavia over the
right of American military inspec-
tors there to check on the use of
military aid shipments.
This backstage dispute, accom-
panied by hints from Belgrade
that Yugoslavia might want to
manuf acture R u s si a n-designed
MIG fighters to bolster its air
force, has caused a review of the
Eisenhower Administration's com-
bined military-economic aid pro-
gram to Marshal Tito's govern-
The State Department, in dis-
closing the controversy, maintain-
ed it has not yet reached a point
where the United States is con-
sidering a 'halt in all aid to Yugo-
Nearly A BillionsDollars
Nearly a billion dollars worth of
such aid has been expended since
President Tito broke with the
Communist bloc in June 1948.
More than half of this was in jet
airplanes, tanks, artillery, guns,
ammunition,transport andccom-
munications equipment.
A State Department spokesman
told a news conference, "There are
at present certain questions about
the interpretation of our agree-
ment with Yugoslavia which we
are endeavoring to work out to
our mutual satisfaction."
The spokesman, press officer
.Joseph Reap, said there was "every
confidence a satisfactory arrange-
ment will be reached."
Refusal To Allow Checks
The nub of the controversy is
the refusal of Yugoslavia to permit
a United States military aid mis-
sion to make the normalchecks on
the use of American equipment
which all countries receiving
United States aid have pledged to
Adding to the concern of Amein-
cankofficials, it was learned, is
pressure from Yugoslavia for new
aid to permit the Yugoslavs to
build modern jet fighters in their
own factories.
Yugoslav officials have indicat-
ed, obviously in a move to spur
American officials into providing
such help, that Russia would be
willing to permit manufacture of
its MIG fighter in Yugoslavia if
responsibilities of "candor," Prof.
Paton complains of "the intem-
perance and intolerance that is so
frequently encountered by anyone
who can't see eye to eye - 100
per cent - with the campus liber-
als.' "
The initial report, rejected by
the Faculty Senate in a mail vote,
attempted to set down standards
for faculty members and a univer-
sity, maintaining that the univer-
sity "must assume innocence until
guilt is proven" when a surrender-
ing of rights is involved.
The Goddard statement, origin-
ally presented at the May 23 Sen-
ate meeting and printed in The
Daily July f4, objected to the Haw-
ley report, saying, "It seems to us
intolerable that any man, under
the delusions of academic freedom
or otherwise, should put his per-
sonal rights above the welfare of
the University."
Many-Sided Issue
Further statements followed
with the issue apparently many-
sided. Prof. Paton says, "From
such data as are available the two
groups appear to be of about equal
strength, numerically, but even a
split of this character is not nec-
essarily something to be deplored."
Prof. Sutherland picked seven
specific points of disagreement
with the Goddard statement. A-
mong them was its criticism of the
Hawley report for not discussing
issues he feels it should have dis-
CBncerning this, Prof. Suther-
land says, "The report deals not
with the issues Messrs. Boyce, Col-
ler, Goddard, O'Roke and Paton
concluded in May it should have
dealth with, but with the issues
that it was instructed the previous
October to deal with."
Talbott Set
To Sacrifice
.his Firm
Will Leave Business
If Senators Demand
WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary
of the Air Force Harold Talbott
offered yesterday to give up his
outside business interests, if in-
vestigating senators think that
would help the Air Force.
Talbott testified in a hearing,
public at his request, after reports
appeared that he sent out letters
from the Pentagon drumming up
business for his industrial engi-
neering firm.
He vigorously defended the pro-
priety of his actions as a partner
in Paul B. Mulligan & Co., of New
York, but said he would get out of
the firm Aug. 1 "if you believe it
to the advantage of our United
States Air Force."
Talbott appeared before the
Senate Investigations subcom-
mittee in ahearing calledafter
the New York Times had printed
photographs of texts of letters
from Talbott to businessmen.
Analyzes Clerical Costs
The Mulligan firm does analysis
of clerical costs, for a fee. The
Times said that among the firms
which granted Mulligan a contract
was Avco Manufacturing Co., of
New York, which is a big defense
Other firms the paper listed as
having hired Mulligan since Tal-
bott became secretary included
Baldwin-L i m a-Hamilton Corp.,
Olin Industries, the Greyhound
Corp. and Libbey-Owens-Ford
Glass Co., Toledo. In every in-
stance, the Times said, the files
showed that Talbott wrote the
company with a request for an
appointment for Mulligan or his
Sen. McClellan (D-Ark.), chair-
man of the Senate subcommittee,
denied the publication had any-
thing to do with calling yesterday
afternoon's hearing, though there
had been no sign of any such quick
public session until the Times dis-
closures came out.
Asked for Hearing
Talbott yesterday morning asked
for a public hearing "as soon as
possible, so that the public may
have a complete understanding
and the accurate information
about this matter."
Talbott told the senators, when
he took the stand, that it is "a
shocking thing to point a finger
of suspicion at a man who doesn't
deserve it. I don't think I deserve
Talbott said that since going to
the Pentagon he has had contacts
with and has written to, officials
of some of Mulligan's big clients,
but that there was nothing im-
proper about it.
With reference to the Times,
Talbott said:
"It was ourageous to have that
type of publicity."
The secretary told the subcom-
mittee that even before he went
before the Senate Armed Services
Committee in January, 1953, for
hearings on his nomination to the
Pentagon post, he had arranged
"as a precaution" for a "special
or limited partnership" in the Mul-
ligan company.
He said he broke off all his other
business ties, and arranged in an
agreement signed by himseI and
his partner that he should receive
no share of profits from any of
its contracts with firms whose
operations were "predominantly"
in the area of defense work.
More Salk Polio
Vaccine Released
By Government
WASHINGTON (P) - The gov-
ernment yesterday released 970,000
more shots of polio vaccine for the
nation's inoculation program -
President Makes Proposal in
Session To Demonstrate U.S.
-Daily-Harding Williams
OUTDOOR CONCERT-The University Summer Session Band, conducted by Prof. William D. Revilli,
director of University Bands, presented an open air concert last night on the grass in front of the
General Library. This concert was one of many scheduled this week as part of the Seventh Annual'
National Band Conductors' Conference. More than 400 band directors from all over the United States
have gathered for the conference, which will conclude at 8:30 p.m. today.
Offers To Pinpoint U.S.
Bases If Soviets Do Same
By The Associated Press
Testimony Refused
Adams, the President's right hand
man, refused yesterday to testify
in the Dixon-Yates probe and a
Senate subcommittee promptly
blasted his attitude as "tanta-
mount to suppression of evidence
of possible crime and corruption."
One reason given by Adams for
steering clear of the inquiry was
'my official and confidential re-
lationship" to President Dwight
D. Eisenhower.
Case Closed . .
Aeronautics Board (CAB) yester-
day closed the record in its big
and complicated "New York-Chi-
cago case."
The board's decision is the next
step. a
The extremely detailed case in-
volves rival and overlapping route
proposals by 10 airlines, affecting
mainly Philadelphia, Pittsburgh,
Detroit, Cleveland, Minneapolis-
St. Paul, Buffalo, Rochester and
* a.*
Brucker Takes Office..
Brucker, former governor of Mich-
igan, took office yesterday as the
Army's 61st civilian chief in a cer-
emony at the Pentagon.
Ike's Proposal Approved
By-, Democratic .Leaders
WASHINGTON (P)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower's dramatic
proposal for an exchange of military blueprints with Russia was made
at the Geneva Big Four meeting yesterday with the advance knowledge
and approval of Democratic leaders in the United States Senate.
This became obvious from the alacrity with which they publicly
endorsed the plan and it was confirmed when Sen. Walter George
(D-Ga.), chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, said he
had been informed earlier yesterday that the President would make
such an offer.
"We certainly have nothing
to lose from the military viewpoint,I
In Expenses
tagon underestimated its spending
by the wide margin of about $1,-
472,000,000 in six months, an
analysis of the fiscal 1955 budget
figures disclosed yesterday.
In his January budget message
to Congress, President Dwight D.
Eisenhower transmitted the esti-
mate that the miltary establish-
ment would have spent $34,375,-
000,000 on military functions by
the fiscal year-end on June 30.
The Treasury and the Budget
Bureau reported in their joint
year-end accounting Wednesday
that the Defense Department ac-
tually spent $35,847,457,489.
Russian Asks
Who Conttols
Iowa College
AMES, Iowa (A') - "Who con-
trols this college from Washing-
ton?" asked Soviet farm chieftain
Valdimir Matskevich yesterday.
He was putting the question to
Dr. Floyd Andre, dean of agri-
culture of Iowa State College, who
had been giving a lecture to the
visiting Soviet farm group on the
college's organization and work.
"Nobody!" was Andre's answer.
Andre went on, of course, to ex-
plain that, insofar as United States
federal government funds were
spent at Iowa State College, Wash-
ington would inspect to be sure
they were used for the purposes
and in the way intended.
GENEVA (P)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower offered yesterday
to pin-point American military establishments and let them come un-
der the eyes of Russian aerial inspection teams-if the Russians will
do the same for the United States.
This proposal that the world's two greatest powers exchange "a
complete blueprint of military establishments" and ease the fear of
war was made in a dramatic afternoon session of the summit con-
The President said he suggested the plan in order to convince
everyone "of the great sincerity of the United States in approaching
this problem of disarmament." His "
statement was directed straight at
Russia. President Eisenhower ak-
ed that this step of restoring mu-
tual confidence between the two
great nuclear weapon powers be
tae meitl.Conflicting accounts came out
of the conference room on the So-
et action. White House press P
spokesman James Hagerty said the
Russians listened, but made no
comment. A French spokesman, GROTON, Conn. (A') -- The
however, quoted Soviet Premier United States put its second atom-
Bulganin as saying: powered submarine afloat yester-
"DeeplsyngMoved"day, started building a third and
promised the rapid production of
"We have all been deeply moved "many" more.
by the very sincere declaration The 3,000-ton Seawolf was sent
just made by President Eisenhow- down the ways to join - some
er on what is probably the most months hence when her atomic
important question before the con- power plant is installed and all the
ference." other intricate gear in place -
President Eisenhower's offer, in the famous Nautilus.
his own words, is: Mrs. Sterling Cole, wife of the
"To give each other a complete New York representative who is
blueprint of our military estab- ranking Republican of the Atomic
lishments, from beginning to end, Energy Committee of Congress,
from one end of our countries to christened the Seawolf. But she
the other: lay out the establish- failed to crack the bottle of cham-
ments and provide blueprints to pagne on the ship's prow.
each other. The bottle broke after hitting
"Next, to provide within our the launching gear.
countries facilities for aerial pho- Second Battle
tography to the other country- Superstitious sailors would have
we to provide you the facilities shuddered at this - if the Navy
within our country, ample facili- hadn't made ready a second bottle
ties for aerial reconnaissance, carried on the deck and cracked
where you can make all the pic- ceremoniously before the Seawolf
tures you choose and take them to hit the waves. Failure to christen
your own country to study; you to a ship with champagne is almost
provide exactly the same facilities akin to an ill-omened launching
for us and we to make these exam- of a ship on Friday.
inations, and by this step to con- In an address, Navy Secretary
vince the world that we are pro- Charles Thomas summed up the
viding as between ourselves against swift progress being made in pro-
the possibility of great surprise at- ducing a fleet of nuclear-powered
tack, thus lessening danger and re= under-sea fighters.
laxing tension. Likewise we will He noted the Nautilus has been
make more easily attainable a operating six months and her
comprehensive and effective sys- "performance exceeded our expec-
tem of inspection and disarma- tations." He listed the Seawolf,
ment, because what I propose, I then officially announced the lay-
assure you, would be but a begin- ing of the keel for the third boat,
ning." He said:
tV011rau f W u ld Ti &M l £iiS bl .V1VCA
because we live in a fishbowl,"
George commented. "This is man-
ifestlyso because matters in a free
country cannot be kept secret,
whatever their nature or character
may be."
Ike Promised Information
Eisenhower, who had promised
to keep Congress leaders closely
advised of developments at Gene-
va, proposed that Russia and the
United States follow up their ex-
change of (military blueprints with
ample facilities for aerial recon-
naissance of each other's territory.
While generally applauding the
idea, most Congress leaders were
none too optimistic about its ac-
ceptance by the Russians.
Several members stressed the
point, implied by George's "fish-
bowl" allusion, that the Soviets
already know much more about
this country's military installa-
tions, both at home and abroad,
than we know about theirs.
See Few Bargaining Opportunities
For that reason, some felt Eisen-
hower's proposal offered few bar-
gaining possibilities. But its poten-
tial impact on world opinion was
viewed as profound.
Among the first to hail the pro-
posal was Democratic Senate Lead-
er Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas,
who has been recovering in Beth-
esda Naval Hospital from a heart
attack suffered on July 2.
Sen. William Knowland of Cali-
fornia, the Republican leader, read
the Eisenhower proposal with ob-
vious interest but reserved com-
ment until after the President has
returned and reported to the coun-
try on the Geneva talks.
The, Democratic leader of the
House, Rep. McCormack of Mas-
sachusetts, called the proposal
"spectacular" and said its rejection
by the Soviets would amount to an
exposure of "insincerity" on their
House Speaker Rayburn of Tex-
as commented: "This is a great ex-
periment if it will or can work."
Senate Committee
Mercury Tops Nineties
As Heat Wave Emerges
Another heat wave established itself in the Ann Arbor area
yesterday, with temperatures expected to reach a high of 90 to 96
degrees this afternoon.
Ann Arborites took to the beaches and recreational areas in an
effort to escape from yesterday's mid-nineties temperatures. Residents
who owned air-conditioning units often found that these were of
little effect.
One University secretary complained that "the air conditioning
made me cool on one side and the heat made me warm on the other.
All I did was sweat."e
Even Beetles Were Hot forecasters said the high 9^six-
Another annoying problem for day marked the sixth strMt, d; y
local residents was the large num- in which reading, have rxzistered
ber of insects which seemed to be in the hich 80's (r 90's.
Swing Your Partners
Talkedto wori
While the President addressed
Russia, it was clearly evident that
he directed this statement to the
whole world to convince doubting
peoples of the United States' de-
sire to avoid war.
First, he allowed the text of his
declaration to be used openly by
correspondents. Second,. newsreel
and television cameramen had
been alerted in advance to be on
hand where the core of the Pre-
sident's statement was to be read
by Hagerty in the glare of lights
at a news conference.
It was the major move of the
day, and perhaps the most grip-
ping move of the conference,
which is drawing rapidly toward
a close. President Eisenhower in-
sists he must be home Sunday.
That leaves at most only two
more days for the leaders of the
Big Four nations to adopt mutual-
ly, if they can, some program
leading toward a relaxation of
world tensions.
Farm Boy, Paint
Brush Praised
By Soviet Press
MOSCOW (A) - The Iowa farm
boy who painted "Hello Comrade"
in Russian on his barn got a big
splash in the Soviet press yester-
The Tass correspondent travel-
Eight Nuciear aums
"This means that this fiscal
year the Navy will have eight
nuclear powered submarines in be-
ing or under construction and, in
rapid succession thereafter, many
Unofficial estimates place the
cost of the Nautilus, including the
power plant, at about 57 million
dollars. The cost of the hull
alone was about 28 million. If the
Nautilus figures are taken as a
yardstick, the Seawolf may cost
Regents Meet
For Today
The University Board of Regents
will hold its monthly meeting at 2
p.m. today in the Regents' Room
of the Administration Building.
Included on the agenda is a
plant extension report which will
present information on the pro-
gress of the new Student Activities
Also on the agenda is a report
on the Employes' Retirement
Fund, a detailed report on the re-
vised University fees and a pro-
posal to change the degree re-
quirements in the College of
Pharmacy from four years to five,
y . .... ...