PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DATIM 'TMTi3griav. xTTTV 0.1 14911 PAGE TWaTaE ThIrfl~tltE. A1 A11fLLi 1TTg~7 TTO1lf 1.[unzkJt .x id L .41., J1,435 UTir Sir4iia u13 Sixty-Fifth Year EDTTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Loong, Long Trail LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. Geneva Ignoring Asia? W ITH WORLD-WIDE attention currently fo- The English, too, have a calloused spot in cused on Geneva, Americans would be well the Orient. They have consistently disagreed advised to keep one eye on Asia at this time. with us over the handling of the Formosan - The hope and publicity -of the meeting at the question, and it is not clearly understood what summit now taking place must not allow us to her immediate actions would be should we have ignore what may well prove to be the area of to carry out our obligations in defense of Na- conflict in the next few years-a conflict in' t t which the United States may have to stand When one considers this dangerous uncer- alone if the Big Four meeting is successful. tainty of allied support along with the "fire in the ashes" in Asia during this spell of covered If Europe emerges from this conference tensions, he realizes we must engage in the soothed and reassured by Russia of a peaceful conferences at Geneca, not simply on the basis continent, she will think twice before risking of a European peace as England and France a third world war for an Asia she has long may be tempted to do, but with an over-all fought over and is steadily loosing. France, for view of the relationships of Allied strength to one, has tired of the drain of Indo-China on points of Soviet stress, directly or indirectly, all her economy and has practically written it off over the globe. Then we will have a secure as a loss. She gave up a lot for peace there, bargaining position for negotiations with Rus- and she doubtlessly intends to avoid armed sia on lessening world-wide tensions. conflict in that area. -Howard Walker Shaw's H eartbreak House' 4 I" -rp - J~ S.. I _ t u OREAU IAEC _I : 3~~ OF Ti 'E'} " + ." __" r ,M !7 tap . }j. 'CI ~tN pot~ a r- w~sena-c' II i~ i 4 ' mmmm/ = -Y i i: ;; .r HEARTBREAK HOUSE, by George Bernard Shaw, presented by the Department of Speech. According to Louis Kronenberger, writing in "The Thread of Laughter," the play cur- rently appearing at Lydia Mendelssohn is "an overly symbolic or at least symptomatic play, in which Shaw, with all England for his stage, depicts the states of mind, styles of living, social and political programs, or want of them, that preceded, and no doubt helped produce the first World War. Shaw in a sense is con- cerned as Checkhov more narrowly was in "The Cherry Orchard," with the outward life of a people and the inward death of a society." This is a big order for warm weather. Fortunately, however, the Speech Department has proceeded as if they did not take the above dead seriously, and as a result they have man- aged a rather fluid production that is probably better for doing a once-over-lightly treatment of a play that is both dated and somewhat unpleasant. The unpleasantness they manage to conceal with the bold happiness of their characterizations. The datedness they take care of by remarking on the program that they have reset the play in 1940 whereas Shaw originally wrote it for the first World War. Beyond that, they seemed to understand that it had something to do with -reasonably good people being cynical about the state of affairs the world was in. They presented this cynicism with enthusiasm, and as I said, this was better than any false respect for Shaw's muddled ironies. At the end, for instance, when the bombers are overhead, the characters are shown welcoming them with all the excitement of a school picnic. In 1940, this would have been absurd. In 1914, it is still only a paradox that makes for a "good" final curtain. "Heartbreak House" has been called a fan- tasia in the Russian manner on English themes. What this seems to mean is that Shaw has made a great effort to imitate Chekhov by bringing all his characters to a secluded villa and sending them about sighing over the night while the crash of the outside world resounds about their windows. The reason Shaw fails in "Heartbreak House" where Chekhov suc- ceeds is that he is using borrowed symbols., There is nothing particularly appropriate about pretending that English countryfolk stood for INTERPRETING THE NEWS:- the same thing that the upper class did in Russia. The landed gentry never wore blinders in England. The last thing they were was in- capable of action, as two World Wars since have demonstrated. Working with Chekhov's "Nar- rower" symbols, Shaw consequently is forced to be a charming liar most of the time. Because the framework is not suitable, he grafts on to it brave generalities and glittering domestic epigrams, none of which have anything to do with his larger message. The manor in Sussex where the action takes place might be a ship, might be heaven, might even be Noah's Ark. Captain. Shotover might be God. Shaw, I suspect, does not care very much, unlike Chek- hov who probably cared a great deal that you knew what the cherry orchard meant. At least he never tried to mislead you. In this production, the performances were generally.good. Rose Marie Cassidy was acid- tongued enough to be altogether right for the typical "lady" role that she played. James Young, as Shotover, had good lines that he delivered comfortably after the first act. Marian Mercer maintained fine control of a part that offered her much greater opportunity than usual, and Michael Gregoric, as the capitalist, gave what seemed to me his best performance to date in a role that may have been the most difficult in the play. The smoothest scene was that which ended the second act, involving Miss Cassidy, Roland Jones, and William Hawes. Naturally enough, it was an entirely brutal, brilliantly satiric interlude that displayed Shaw's pre-eminent stagecraft to best advantage. The minor roles played by Jones and Hawes were discharged admirably throughout. Carol Loveless was ef- ficient as the "poor girl," Donald Gilger, too halting as her father; and Beverly Markewitz played a predictable servant.- The sitting room set of the first two acts looked pleasant and proved manageable. The terrace set of Act Three seemed flat and a little hard to figure out. The play moved through them all without any trouble, and if one could have only pretended it had any relation to reality, the evening might have been a good one. -William Wiegand WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Germ-any Vital Issue at Geneva :: Disarmament Wrangles By DREW PEARSON GENEVA-Modern diplomacy, it's said, is sometimes a system of controverting history. At any rate, the "summit" conference here is busily engaged in undoing some of the thibgs these same statesmen did just ten years ago. And here are some flashbacks into history which illustrate how history is being rewritten at the secret huddles of Geneva. FLASHBACK NO. 1-Took place at General Eisenhower's headquar- ters outside London exactly 10 years ago when, with Germany in full retreat, he lunched with one Harry Dexter White, now branded by Attorney General Brownell a traitor, and listened sympatheti- cally to plans for dividing Ger- many into two parts. FLASHBACK NO. 2-Took place in Berlin a little later when Eisen- hower sat with Marshal Zhukov in a Berlin night club, watched Ger- man dancing girls, and drank a toast to total, perpetual dismem- berment of Germany. FLASHBACK NO. 3-Took place in Stuttgart nine years ago when Jimmie Byrnes, then Secretary of State, made a speech which echo- ed round the world proposing Ger- man ybe neutralized and demili- tarized for 40 years. FLASHBACK NO. 4-Took place about the same time, when Eisen- hower agreed to and started car- rying out famous order No. 1096 specifying that German industry must not be destroyed and that Germany become an agricultural state never to rise to military pow- er again, PARADOX N CONTRAST, the chief prob- lem Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles are now discussing at the summit is Germany-how it can be rearmed, how it can be united, how it can become a power in the world again. While Indo- China is rapidly falling to Com- munism, while the Korean peace is threatened by theCommunist arms buildup in North Korea which makes it no permanent peace, while Quemoy and Matsu are the objects of probable early attack, the Americans at the summit are still wrapped up almost exclusive- ly in Germany. Eisenhower can' say that, in 1945-46, he was a soldier and just taking orders. Today his friends can say that, as President, he's just taking the advice of his Secre- tary of State. But the Secretary of State who is advising Eisenhower today happens to be the same John Foster Dulles whose advice on Germany in the 1920's was just as bad or worse than critics of Henry Morgenthau say his advice was in the 1940's. For Dulles was an attorney for the New York bankers who in the 1920's came back from Europe repeatedly to announce "Germany is a sound in- vestment; it's future is assured." After each Dulles statement, the German bond market soared only to end in one of the world's worst UNMILITARISTIC MILITARY FOR, WHILE headlines in the papers acclaimed the new vol- unteer military bill being passed by the West German parliament dur- ing the Geneva talks, the real fact is that all the debates in the Ger- man parliament showed the Ger- man people no more anxious for militarism than the average Am- erican youngster is anxious to be drafted. The German military bill is one of the most unusual ever passed by any supposedly militaristic na- tion. It provides a committee of 38 anti-Hitler civilians to screen every general and colonel to make sure he's not a former Hitlerite. It provides tight controls by par- liament over the army. It provides only 6,000 recruits by March, 1956, which certainly isn't going to wor- ry the Russians, and it provides only 12 divisions in six years which again, contrasted with Russia's 175 divisions, isn't worth sneezing at from the Kremlin's viewpoint. Simultaneous with this unmili- taristic military start in West Ger- many, the German press, through strongly anti-Communist, has been full of the futility of building up land divisions as a defense against atomic warfare. Five anti-Com- munist German editors touring Russia have written friendly, fav- orable reports about the possibil- ity of cooperating with Russia. Adelbert Weinstein, military edi- tor of the influential Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, after a friend- ly visit to the United States, has returned as a potent opponent of German rearmament. His six- weeks inspection of U.S. military installations backfired and he's now telling the German people there's no sense in recruiting a land army for defense against the atom. This is the weak and wavering German backdrop against which Dulles and Eisenhower are weav- ing their chief strategy in Europe and their chief talks here in Ge- neva. Their chief friend is the val- i a n telcourageous, 79-year-old Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, re- lated by marriage to former High- Commissioner Jack McCloy, now head of the Chase Bank. Adenauer will stand with us through thick and thin, but the Russians know he cannot last forever. No wonder sophisticated diplo- mats from neutral powers are amazed that we continue to worry about a few German land divisions and don't get on with the main problem of what we are going to do about a China where land divi- sions are without end and about how we shall prevent a catastro- phic hydrogen war of the future. (Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Our Apilergies. To the Editor: THERE WERE no less than nine (9) printing errors in a letter of mine which appeared in Tues- day's Daily. I suggest that in an age when one's every public word is likely to become part of an inquisitor's dos- sier, somewhat more rigorous proof-reading standards are re- quired of a college newspaper. -Jack Danielson (EDITOR'S NOTE: Unfortxnetlex, The Dailex/ sumx3r stapf has a shprtowg of proofbreeders. We ex- temb Mr. Danielson our apilergies and hope it wint hapin agun. * * * Objection.. .. To the Editor: IT SEEMS to us that The Daily could make better use of its somewhat limited facilities than to publicize the activities of mem- bers of the so-called publications clique and their families. We refer most particularly to the piece on page four the other day about a Maria Winn who is not even enrolled at the Univer- sity. This article was obviously largely ficticious and bore little re- semblance to real people or actual places. Why can't you better use your space to reprint droll sayings from the Reporter or the Ensian. Leave humor to us who 'know how to use it, -Dave Kessel, Gargoyle Protest . To the Editor: MY ARTICLE concerning Cedric Belfrage, my concern with the Rosenbergs, is precisely to get peo- ple to look into these cases for themselves. I do not believe any- one will long hold to a truth he has not hammered out for himself. I believe that if people will check the text of the McCarran and Mc- Carran-Walter laws, as I did, they will see that Belfrage's deportation is unjust. I did not give page refer- ences to the McCarran Act for nothing. I invited people to write the "National Guardian" and the Justice Dept. and told them of my experiencq. And I feel certain also that one who checks the Rosen- berg-Sobell trial record, as I am doing, will see their innocence. It has momentous consequences. Editor Samra nowhere disputes my facts. How was my article on Belfrage in the Daily (7-8-55) un- true or misleading? Has editor Samra read the "National Guar- dian?" How was its presentation untrue? I believe the staff of the National Guardian are intelligent principled people, like Belfrage, and I invite the readers to inquire for themselves. The Guardians ad- dress is 17 Murray St. N.Y. 7. Few papers today speak up for the liberties of the left. Must we turn a deaf ear to its statement of its own case because it is widely ignored in the press? Had editor Samra spoken up about Belfrage, (a fellow newspaperman), I could have quoted him. But he didn't. To get the press to comment is a main task. If Editor Samra is mov- ed to study these cases it is a step in the right direction. If your home town editor is moved by a letter from you to consider them, even better. -Bill Livant Flaccid Taste.. To the Editoro: IF THE article in the July 20 is- sue of The Daily about Miss Marie Winn has any justification for its existence, that justification remians an enigma. Miss Winn is obviously a charming girl, and in- formation about her would be ap- preciated; but to offer such a tur- gid mass of half-truths and plain lies in a newspaper is foolish. The article is not about Miss Winn. It is about its author, whose identity is quite apparent, and whose ori- ginality is questionable. We may be permitted to ask the size of the clique for which the story was written, because it most certainly has little to offer the gen- eral reader, who has no means at his disposal to set the boundary between fiction and fact. To tell a joke on one's friends is an ad- mirable activity, but to do it in The Daily reveals only the flaccid taste both of the author and of the edi- tor. And we may also ask whether the inordinate interest in names and places of Eastern Europe shown in Daily features has not become just a bit squalid. -William R. McIntyre The Red Issue To the Editor: TN RECENT editorials Cal Samra Communist leaders guilty of overt criminal acts. However, a study of the Smith Act indictments, and the evidence presented in the trials, will show that the defend- ants were not charged with overt criminal acts; nor with conspiring to commit specific crines; nor with actually having taught and advocated the doctrines forbidden by the Smith Act (advocacy of overthrow of government by force and violence.) The Government's case against the Communists is based on the word of professional informers that Marxist theory entails that at some time in the indefinite future, the Communist Party will advocate force and violence. From this is derived the charge of "con- spiring to teach and advocate." It is a highly dubious interpretation of Marxism, to say the least, and one which the Communists them- selves deny. There is a very good reason why the Government's case against the Communist leaders must rest on such a tenuous basis. There can be no evidence that the Commun- ist Party promotes criminal acti- vities, or conspires to promote same, because in fact it does no such thing. The record of the Communist Prty reveals activities such as struggle agains racial dis- crimination, criticism of foreign policy, defense of civil liberties, promotion of trade unionism, teaching Marxist theory, advocat- ing socialism-nothing more "sub- versive" than that. Of course, to certain members of Congress we could name, such ac- tivities are "subversive." Presum- ably Mr. Samra would not go along with that. But is he maintaining that when pursued by Commun-e ists, those activities become sub- versive? Mr. Samra believes that it is not a crime to believe in Marxism. What, then, is wrong with Marx- ists getting together to organize a political party? -David R. Luce Co-existence ... To the Editor: BOTH LENIN and Stalin have said in effect, that the van- guard alone cannot achieve world revolution, but that the party must make use of what they call "re- serves." ("reserves" being broad- ly, specific groups of people that the Communists can use to do their work for them. For example dur- ing the period of the Hitler-Stalin pact, the "reserves"-or at least onegroup ofrthem-were the pro- Hitler sympathizers in the United States, which the Stalinists quickly mass led in the program to keep the United States out of the Euro- pean conflict at all costs. Later, after Hitler launched his Russian invasion, and the Communist line changed to one of anti-Fascism instead of the previous pro-Fas- cism, one group of the "reserves" become those people in the United States who had all along bitterly hated Hitler, which people the. Stalinists quickly mass led in the program to get the United States involved in the European conflict at all costs.) Who are the "reserves" today? Those people who desire "peace," and who are mass led among the Communist line .that "peace," will be achieved by-such measures as (1) disarmament of the United States, or (2) certain territorial concessions (i.e. Formosa, Indo- China) to the Communists which they blandly call their "legitimate aspirations"-To the Communists the whole world is their "legiti- mate aspiration" - and nothing less dw 1 f tt and e wil orge tis aour peril. These concessions it is said will "relieve the tension," and then we will have "peace." Let us look at the current Com- munist line on "peace." May 1955 issue of 'Political Affairs' page 4 last para--"In the struggle against Right-opportunism, of such trans- cendent importance in the history of the American labor and social- ist movements, no one, of cour4, has played so outstanding a role as has Comrade Foster. His later volume is notably right in its ex- posure and refutation of this Right Opportunism in all its major forms and manifestations throughout the last century" (The "right oppor- tunism" alluded to, of course being 'revisionism'-or the party sin- of no longer seeing the necessity of violent overthrow of capitalist governments). June issue of "Political Affairs" page 12 second para entitled "role of the Left" (in the UAW)-"For this purpose also a strengthened functioning Communist Party or- ganization is needed that can avoid Right-opportunist as well as "Left" sectarian errors" (Translation to English - "Right opportunist" - n- nhnr- .'T -f+1,, on ..uin a is p, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN r . By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst 1 HE UNITED STATES had two reasons for being shocked when the French suggested at Geneva that international control of mili- tary production might be obtained through checks on national budgets. 1. The general idea already has been put forward by the Russians in UN disarmament discussions and turned down by the West. 2. There is no way of comparing dollar, pound and franc expenditures with rubles. Western experts who study the Russian bud- get carefully every year find that many ex- penditures are expressed in terms of percent- ages of former figures, the original figures not being given. The value of the ruble itself is variable and virtually undiscoverable. The government-fixed if usual rules of evaluation were applied, it value is 25 cents. New York bankers guess that would be more like 8 or 10 cents. For Russia, the only way to tell what she 'is The Daily Staff Managing Editors ., .., ................... Cal Samra Jim Dygert NIGHT EDITORS Mary Lee Dingier, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin Dave Rorabacher.........................Sports Editor Busines Saf doing would be to put controls on a quantita- tive basis, and this would require a system of international inspection. r a t The whole thing, though irritating to United States delegation at Geneva, does appear to bee too serious. Monday was a of broad general statements and putting feelers. Men in, Shadow the not day out Labour hopes that it has found a new recipe -Bevan without Bevanism. Mr. Bevan hav- ing lifted his boycott of the Shadow Cabinet, Labour MPs have voted him back on to it, but in the company of two of the Right Wing's toughest strong arm men, Mr. George Brown and Mr. Stokes. Out of the full Shadow Cabinet of eighteen, Mr. Bevan can count on the active support of only Mr. Wilson and Mr. Greenwood, and probably the benevolent neutrality of Mr. Atlee; the Right Wing's new bulldogs will be watching Mr. Attlee as closely as Mr. Bevan, even if they do not snap quite so loudly at his throat. When the crucial issues arise, the new Shadow Cabinet therefore seems destined to be faced with a choice between procrastination and discord. One of the chief virtues of the changes is that the new committee is more likely than the old one to risk a row rather than to fall back on fatuous compromise. To Mr. Brown, in particular, rows are the spice of political life. In all, six of the eighteen Shadow Cabinet places have changed hands. Gone are Mr. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1955 VOL. LXVI, NO. 21 Notices Faculty Night - Women's Swimming Pool. Due to the crowded conditions at the swimming pool, it will be necessary to make some minor changes in the Fri. evening hours. The cooperationof the faculty is asked in keeping to the following schedule: Families with small children (under 8 years of age) - 6:30-8:30 p.m. Other faculty families - 8:00-9:30 p.m.4 This will insure a safe and pleasant swim for everyone and will permit the Department of Physical Education for Women to continue this program. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: -° Arizona Society for Crippled Children & Adults, Inc., announces opening for Speech Therapist with B.S. in Speech with emphasis on Correction. City of Alpena, Michigan, offers posi- tion to a Civil Engineer in the City Engineer's Office and to a man with apppropriate training to supervise the operation of the Water Filtration Plant and Sewage Disposal Plant. COMING INTERVIEW: Gen'l Telephone Co., Muskegon, Mich., is looking for two young men for trainee positions.. Immediate applica- tions are requested and interviews will be arranged In either Muskegon or Ann Arbor. The General Telephone Company services a large part, of west- ern and northern Michigan. For appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures Linguistic Forum. Francis J. Whit- field, University of California, will speak on "A Glossematic Approach to Language" Thurs., July 21, at 7:30 p.m. in Aud. C. Angell Hall. French Club lecture by Mr. Politzer, visiting professor from Harvard Uni- versity. Thurs., July 21, at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan League. "J. J. Rousseau and - Language Education." Prof. Polit- zer will speak in English. Academic Notices Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., July 21, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 247 West Engineering. John S. Klein will speak on "Hankel Trans- forms." Doctoral Examination for Herman Hollis Bozeman, Education; thesis: "At- titudes of Selected Racial Leadership Organizations toward Educational Pol- icies and Practices for Negroes During the Twentieth Century," Thurs., July 21, 4024 University High School, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, C. A. Eggertsen. Department of Classical Studies: All membes of t+e den.tmen .tn -- A 1