1954 I 1'?' T AGE OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. JULY 15. 195~ Idea Conflict 3Bookmobile Lures Youth Dimensions Union Addition Construction Specimens Have Feet Discussed By Bloomer By CYNTHIA HEPBURN In his speech yesterday at the Rackham Amphitheater, the Rt. Rev. Thomas Bloomer discussed how ideas are determining the course of mankind. The Rev. Bloomer, who is Lord Bishop of Carlisle, England, spoke under the auspices of the speech department on the topic "Fact and Fancy." The bishop discussed two ideas of international importance, mater- ialism and Christianity. Material- ism, he said, is the basis for all forms of totalitarianism. Man has no value, except as a tool of the state. Hegel's materialistic philosophy was the idea behind Naziism and is now the impetus of Communism, he continued. This ideological the- ory is "the basis of world tension today," the bishop went on to say. Bishop Bloomer maintained that Christianity which teaches the sa- credness of human personality is the only way to combat Commun- sim, and ultimately materialism. The value of man, according to the doctrines of Christianity, stems from God. This is individualism in irect oppoisition to man as an instrument of the state. The bishop said the Christianity must be stronger and nobler than materialism. He said there will be a fight, not only of armaments, but of concepts. Summer Speech 'Conference Slated Freedom of speech, oral inter- pretation and speech education will come in for analysis tomorrow and Saturday during the annual Uni- versity Summer Speech Confer- ence. Sponsored by the University De- partment of Speech, the two-day public conference will have the Rackham Building as its head- quarters. Navy Commission. Phillip E. Van Winkle, '54E, re- cently received his commission as a navy reserve ensign at Newport, R.I. More than 400 new officers re- ceived their commissions upon completion of a sixteen week in- doctrination course in naval sub- jects. -Daily-Duane Poole HIGHER EDUCATION-Kenneth Smith and Jim Baily of Burns Park School lok over the seven-year-old department of the State- owned bookmobile which was here yesterday. The bookmobile tours the State to show the advantages of acquiring such an en- terprise. JULY 21 TO 24: Prof. Baird, Local Children To Star in 'Mrs. MeThing' Prof. Claribel Baird, of the De-, i r)1, -1 are by Jack E.B ender and Phyl- partment of Speech, and two Ann lis Pletcher, Arbor children will play the lead- ing roles in the speech department production of Mary Chase's comic- fantasy, "Mrs. McThing," to be presented at 8 p.m. July 21-24 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Michigan League. Marianna Hoad, daughter o f Prof. and Mrs. Willima M. Hoad, will play the role of Mrs. McThing's daughter, Mimi. Christopher Stasheff, son of Prof. and Mrs. Edward Stasheff, will play the role of the young boy, Howay, about whom the plot cen- ters. Woman in World "Mrs. McThing," the second play in the speech department summer sessions playbill, is being presented in conjunction with the Universi- ty's lecture series, "Woman in the World of Man." The production is under the co- direction of Claibel Baird and Hugh Z. Norton. Scenery and costumes In Art Talk To Be Given "Women and Dimensions in Art" will be discussed at the Uni- versity Wednesday by Irene Rice Pereira, New York abstractionist. Miss Pereira will appear at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall as one of the lecturers on the current Summer Session program "Wo- man in the World of Man." At 7:45 that evening, in the same room, she will take part in a panel discussion on "The Ar- tist's Values and Perspectives." Joining her will be Aline B. Saar- inen, New York Times art critic; and Henry D. Aiken, Harvard Uni- versity philosophy professor and visiting professor of philosophy. Other participants will be fa- culty members: James B. Wallace, assistant professor of music lit- erature; Prof. Leo Goldberg, chairman of the astronomy de- partment; and Prof. Richard Wilt of the architecture school. Non-Objective Painter A non-objective painter, Miss Pereira frequently lectures on the relation of abstract art to the new concepts of modern physics and mathematics. Her novel techni- ques of glass and parchment paint- ing have sprung from a search for an ever purer light. Miss Pereira's paintings are ge- ometrical and severely straight lined, using no fluid or shapeless forms except in the background of some of her late works. She uses a small number of shapes: square with its variants; lines or bands in maze-like patterns; and often thin lines radiating from a single point and ending in a trans- verse bar. She uses various textural treat- ments such as spatter work, sur- faces modeled in relief, net marks made in wet paint or incisions and smoothings from palette knife. Miss Pereira painted her first abstractions in 1937, after a trip through Europe where she was im- pressed with the desert's mystery of space. She also was interested in italy's primitives' panels with clear bright colors and glowing lights. Educational TV Program Ideas Told Seven types of programs which educational television stations could provide were outlined yes- terday by Garnet Garrison, di- rector of television at the Univer- sity of Michigan. Speaking before the 25th annual Summer Education Conference, he described television as education's electronic weapon. Here are the types of educational programs he believes would be possible: 1. General adult education and information. He cited this as im- portant since a hunger to know is quite universal and a better in- formed adult citizenry is a "must" for an effective democratic so- ciety. i On Ground SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich.()- A group of "biological specimens" remained earthbound Wednesday instead of soaring up to 115,000 feet where they were to give their lives to science in the study of primary cosmic rays. Faulty oxygen equipment kept the huge helium-filled balloons, and their special cages, on the ground, said Otto C. Winzen, pres- ident of the research firm handling the project. The Winzen Research Inc., of St. Paul, Minn., with assistance from Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard personnel and equipment is conducting the study in various parts of the nation. An earlier pro- ject was conducted during last January and February in Texas. Mice, monkeys and fruit flies comprise the crews which ride the special radio-transmitting, oxygen breathing cages. The balloons are tracked by electronics and air- planes aloft and at ruck on the ground. 1 Tickets for "Mrs. McThing," which are priced at $1.50, $1.10 and 75 cents, may be purchased rom business manager from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily at the LydiaMen- delssohn Theatre box office in the League. Other plays by Mary Chase in recent years include: "Now You've Done It," 1937; "Harvey," 1944; "The Next Half Hour," 1945 and "Bernadine" and "Mrs. McThing" in 1952. Heat Wave New record heat brought death, drought and destruction to large sections of the nation Wednesday. However, a cool front out of the Rockies was tailing the heat eastward and brought hope for relief to states which listed 32 deaths attributed to the heat. Temperature into the 100s stretched across the country from Iowa to the Atlantic Coast and in the 906s across thef northern tier of states to the East Coast as far north as Bos- ton. Isotopes, Atoms To Be Featured Radio isotopes in medical treat- ment and atomic energy and the law are topics to be featured onE Michigan Report at 5:45 p.m. Sat- urday over WWJ-TV, Channel 4. The program is the last in a series of three highlighting speakers at- tending the Internatioational Con- -Daily-Marj Crozier DESPITE HOT WEATHER, WORK GOES ALONG .+. I DON'T MISS THESE SENSATIONAL SAVINGS July Clearance r ,._., .....r-LC" V M ' 1t1 ' s f .....1 " ,,, s e " e ' r s. Q// r fs tr., <. +," >}'4 o . '. re . .? J !': , ! ' CM1,, 0 0 . . 1 'y' ' v s +'" s : z 0 r 0 e [ ' D O d d 0 1 :;: , s " e i ' a a ' 4..--%' Sale!... ...... DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Doctoral Examination for Albert Ar- l nearby, and all persons interested in cher Grover, Bacteriology; thesis: "The Exhibitions talking and hearing French are cor- versity of Illinois. 4:15 p.m., Auditor- Multiplication of Mycobacterium Tuber- Clements Library. Women and Woman dially invited to come. ium C, Angell Hall. culosis within Mononuclear Phagocytes in Early America. of Experimental Animals," Friday, July The Sociedad Hispanic. of the De Woman in the World of Man Lecture 16, 1566 East Medical Bldg., at 2:30 p.m. General Library. Women as Authors. partment of Romance Languages of Series. "The Dancer's Heritage." Lec- Chairman, W. J. Nungester, _a. msI_ the University will hold a meeting at 8 ture and dance demonstration. Walter Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp- p.m.. in the Kalamazoo Room of the Terry, Dance Critic, New York Herald Doctoral Examination for Robert tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from Michigan League. The speaker of the Tribune; Myra Kinch, dancer, New York Charles Birney, Psychology; thesis: the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New evening will be Professor Lawrence B. Tribune MyraKiddilofath UnivesityfhoAwilspea City; Manuel Galea, composer-accom- "Studies on the Role of Picture Cues in York City. Kiddle of the University who will speak panist, New York City. 4:15 p.m., Lydia Projective Measurement of Achieve- In Spanish on the subject, "Aspects de Mendelssohn Theater. ment Motivation," Friday, July 16, 7611 Michigan Historical Collections. The la vida latinoamericana." Professor Kid- Panel discussion. "Modern Dance - Haven Hall, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, E. University in 1904. die, who is a iey A Synthesis." Irving M. Copi, Associate L. Walker. Museum of Art. Three Women Paint- traveled extensively in Latin America Professor of Philosophy, moderator; Oli- - ers. and is intimately acquainted with a ver A. Edel, Profesor of Violincello and ve,1 number of South American nations. Chamber Music; Marvin Felheim, Asso- Concerts EaThere will be a discussion period after ciate Professor of Music; Manual Galea, the lecture. The meeting is open to all composer-accompanist, New York City; Carillon Recital by Percival Price. Uni- Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Of- those interested in the Spanish language Myra Kinch, dancer, New York City; versity Carillonneur, 7:15 Thursday eve- fice is open continuously today from and culture. Esther E. Pease, Associate Supervisor ning, July 15. The program will consist 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. for the sale of in Physical Education for Women; Wal- of compositions for carillon by Ferdi- tickets for the Department of Speech The N.A.A.C.P. present a lively dis- ter Terry, Dance Critic, New York Herald nand Timmermans, Municipal Carillon- plays. Remaining on the summer series cussion by a White southern and Negro Tribune. 7:45 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell neur, Rotterdam, Netherlands: Prelude, are Mrs. MeThing, July 21-24; The southern teacher "How the Supreme Danes'Sitsread .rit, Jly 8-3; n d Thely MarriagTeatheMcinUioat8pm Hall, Impromptu, Conata, Four Peasant Critic, July 2-31; and The Marriage Court Decision Will Affect Our Lives" I ~Dances, Suites 1 and 2 of Figaro, August 5, 6, 7 and 9. at the Michigan Union at 8 p.m. 1 Linguistic Institute Lecture. "A Study in Language and Cognition." Roger W. Student Recital Postponed: Jack The Film Festival in Comparative Lunch Discussion-12 noon, Lane Hail, Brown, Assistant Professor of Psycho- a Bishop Frank Woods of the Church of logyHarvrd U~versty. :30King, tenor, whose recital has been an- Education presents a program on theEnldwilseko "Bcgud logy, Harvard University. 7:30 p.m., flounced for Friday evening, July 16, in UNESCO Fundamental Education Cen- England will speak on "Background Rackham Amphitheater. Auditorium A, Angell Hall, has post- ter at Patzcuaro, Mexico, this evening to Evanston: The Assembly of the World AuditoriumckAnAngeitorallBhas post- Council of Churches." Students, facul- Professor Kenneth Mildenberger of poned the program until Sunday eve- at 8 o'clock in Auditorium B of Haven sPoesrKnehMlebreof1ning, July 25. Hall, Comments on the films will be by ty, and directors of religious groups wel- the Modern Language Association will nJy_.the members of the Workshop in Inter- come. Call NO 3-1511, extension 2851 for be on the campus July 15 as a special national Education who are making a reservation. consultant in the Program for Teachers Student Recital: Boyd Halstead, study-touructinM of French and Spanish. He will give dent of piano with Benning Dexter, will studyatourainDMexicoeAugustf1etoo14 an address on: "The ' Renaissance in1 be heard at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, July The film program is open to all, but A C lasi D heaEmt Cofeenou an adres on "Te, Rnaisanc iny ywill be especially interesting to st- FillL be held in the East Conference Language Learning" at 3:30 p.m. in 18, in Auditorium A in Angell Hall. His dentsbwansing to learnRsbouttthe ttuy Room of the Rackham Building at 4:15 Room 439 Mason Hall. All interested are program will Include works by Bach, tourp.m. and on each successive Thursday invited to come. Beethoven, Bartok, Brahms, and Cho- during Summer Session except August pin, and will be open to the public. The Internation Tea, sponsored by 12th. All students interested in the + N * ~~~~The Internationl eate spnrd byeIn Classics are cordially invited, C cadem ic Notices Student Recital: Dolores Lowry, so- ternational Student Association will be M. A. Language Examination In His- prano, will present a recital in partial held at the Madelon Pound House, 1024 Sailing Club meets at 7 p.m. in the tory. Thursday, July 15, 4:15-5:15 P.M., fulfillment of the requirements for the Hill Street, at 4:30 until 6 o'clock. Union. Everyone welcomed 429 Mason Hall. Sign list in History Master of Music degree at 8:30 Sunday Office. Can bring a dictionary. evening, July 18, in Auditorium A, An- La Petite Causette: An informal C 1 n Events gell Hall. A pupil of Chase Baromeo, French conversation group will meet Cnt Seminar in Applied Mathematics will Miss Lowry wil sing compositions by weekly through July in the Round-Up Intercultural Outing to Saline Valley meet Thursday, July 15, at 4:00 in Rm. Stradella, Matteis, Paisiello, Brahms, Room of the League at 3:30. A faculty Farms Youth Ifostel Saturday, July 17. 247 West Engineering. Mr. John Klein Dof, Duparc, Debussy, Honegger, and member and a native French assistant Leave Lane Hall at 9:30 a.m.; return by will continue: "Simple Waves in Steady Tchaikovsky. The program will be open will be present but there is no formal 8 p.m. Sall NO 3-1511, ext. 2851 for de- Supersonic Gas Flow." to the general public. program. Refreshments are available tails and reservation. I& ey, fe as . . we've copied your BOY SHIRT right down to the baref cuffs On or off-campus, the girls I prefer the oxford cloth boy shirt... authentic from button-down collar to man-tailored perfection3 definitely the shirt for skirts everywhere. Pink, /7/7 white, yellow or blue. Sizes 10 to 18./4.! S4 .9 5 ry . 'YF~ y A/ -' ° } °' °, t w s , :> 0'" h t 4. .1 Dresses Coats Suits Skirts Blouses Sweaters Handbags Jewelry at Reductions to '/2 0off { gress on Nuclear Engineering re- 2. Out-of-school viewing for cently held on the.University cam- children of school age and daytime pus. viewing by pre-school children. Opening the quarter-hour feature This is an area, he said, where will be Dr. Shield Warren discus- commercial television program- sing radio isotopes and their new- ming has been subject to great found value in medical treatment criticism. and diagnosis. He will also survey 3. General programming design- the health and safety record of ed to enrich the lives of the people workers in atomic energy plants. in such areas as fine arts, music, Dr. Warren is Director of the literature and drama. Cancer Research Institute in Bos- 4. Programs designed for recep- ton and professor of pathology at tion in the classroom as supple- Harvard University. mental aids for the teacher. Rounding out the program will Post-professional or in-service be comments by Dean E. Blyth information and instruction which Stason of the Law School who will would give graduates of profes- point out the need for a change sional schools the latest develop- atoic legal processes in this ments in their respective fields. 6. Direct adult education which Mosquito attacks sometimes could be an addition to regular have killed cattle and they often Extension Service courses and cause weight loss and lower milk correspondence study. production. 7. Continuing public relations -__ _type programs such as tours to classes and laboratories and first hand reports on the aims and pur- poses of education. - i 'I Above is pure silk, full-skirted scoop neck dress 25.00, now 12.50. originally Leave it to us to concoct a glorious Clearance right now - when you're on the lookout for wardrobe sparklers. We've travel wear, sports fare, cool dresses for everywhere . . . reduced to a mite in care and price. Hurry in while our selection is big and bubbling with just-right 'ems for now and next year! At right-is the silk print dress with matching jacket, originally 29.95, now 14.98. Sq J ))) ff'L(f{' i .T T f . f a/ s: . riy/ \ i. ' ' t f b ..- c; i %:, t J. L . ^. \R ,i J / :.f(. i\/ii '1 S ,Y /t t jt+/. 8 f . FOUNTAIN PENS Authorized Fountain Pen Sales and Service for PARKER FOUNTAIN PENS SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN PENS MORRILL'S 314 S. State St. I , Nye Motor Sales, INC. 210 W. Washington Phones NO 3-4156, NO 3-4858, NO 8-9757 Since 1908 Phone N08-7177 Ir I IF ___________ I I 1