I PAGE TWO ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 15,1954 Winston -Churchill: The Mature Look in World Diplomacy "It's a New Hybrid" 11 lI ALTHOUGH HE HAD already given us ample evi- dence of his superior statesmanship, Sir Wins- ton Churchill has again shown us how to resolve a dispute between nations by closing the impending split between Great Britain and the United States. To do so, however, he was forced to compromise more than half-way his country's position on the Red China issue. That he possessed the courage to give in for the sake of free world unity is a first- class indication of his understanding of internation- al politics. And another blotch on the record of American diplomacy. Senators like Wiley of Wisconsin, Ferguson-of Mi- chigan, and Knowland of California may take pride in successfully compelling Britain to back down un- der a thinly veiled surrender of "This is not the moment to reconsider UN membership for Red China." But theirs is the same childish attitude the United States has displayed in world politics for quite some time. While singing the praises of compromise, this country steadfastly refuses to move back a single millimeter. It just has to have its own way all the time, even when it is not sure what it wants. Instead, the other nation is expected to see things our way. Churchill compromised because he understood this attitude, and knew the United States would not. His decision to save free world unity for the while by compromising further than he would have in less troublesome times illuminates the American brand of diplomacy by contrast. True, there was another reason why he compro- mised. Britain is not a powerful nation like the gi- ants of the East and West. To become separated from the United States would be distinctly danger- ous, which the United States knew as well as Chur- chill. It was this knowledge that allowed us the con- fidence to wait for Britain's submission. Dealing with an immediate or potential enemy in this way usually ruins chances for any peaceful re- sults. Great Britain has been a friend, but it's hard to see it in the way we deal with her. It seems that her friendship remains only out of considerations of survival. But she has, no doubt, lost what little respect she may have had for America, both because of the manner in which we handled this disagree- ment and because of our approach to the Red China problem in general. Eventually, and this Britain must know, Red Chi- na will be admitted to the United Nations. The long- er we put it off, the harder it will be for us to accept it when we are forced to face reality. A nation with the obvious power and influence of Red China can- not be kept out of the UN. It has enough annoyance ability to needle us into membership in order to stop her, yet with no real assurance that she will stop at anything. But, by that time, our backs will be against the proverbial wall. Meanwhile, the United States proceeds merrily with ringing denunciations of Britain for thinking naughty thoughts and of the UN, probably for be- ing around where Red China can envy membership in it. America's position on the matter is not just idealistic; it is completely juvenile. Like the five- year-old who refuses to go to school because Johnny sits next to him. If we could have but a moment to step back and view ourselves from the outside, we would be dis- mayed. We would be dismayed exactly like those who now have the displeasure of witnessing our folly from the outside. And this is an important point. For, in order that the free world triumph, the battle must be won peacefully. Russia can conquer the world with A-bombs, but America must spread a way of life. That we can never do as long as we display our manners the way we have on the Red China issue and on the disagreement with Britain. In short, the United States must grow up to recognize reality. One last word: I hate to say this, but this atti- tude has been most prevalent since the Republicans took over the White House. Blaming it on one party is not the best approach, but that is what the Re- publicans have been doing ever since they found they weren't doing so well. It's about time they stop- ped pouting and began something realistically con- structive, like recognizing Red China. -Jim Dygert ,s 'Tel ya+UsE o sF 'Rr s MlSE FARM 6uc Ir' .,. .. = R y " + , ..4Y' .. 4 9fX, r. :.'y;, . aay DRAMA Molnar's THE GUARDSMAN, presented by The jected proscenim stage, set at an angle to capture Saline Mill Theatre. something of the theater-in-the-round atmosphere. The set is of the sort that might squeeze by if there UNFORTNATELY Saline Mill has not been were a sufficiently large orchestra pit to keep the able to follow up its rewarding production of audience away from it; waving it at us had the "Private Lives" with anything half so amusing or dangerous effect of destroying all illusions, as if half so well done. "The Guardsman," in this cur- we were shown the unpainted back of something. rent presentation, emerges as a dull, predictable The whole design, I am afraid, shows little imag- play with little to sustain its three acts but the ination and absolutely no exploitation of arena effort the actors are so obviously making. There is theater advantages. almost no life in the production, and though sur- Little of the blame for the failure of "The prises are not an essential in sophisticated comedy, Guardsman" can be laid to the direction of Ted still sophistication is. Heusel. He has done his best with limited re- The plot concerns an actor who fears that his sources and, except that we may hold him gen- actress wife is emotionally ready for an extra- erally responsible for the production as a whole, marital affair, and who dons the costume of a Rus- the fault lies closer to the surface than his guid- sian guardsman and courts her just to find out ing hand. He is hampered, terribly, by the play, how faithful she is. Nobody is fooled. by the actors, and by the set. But certainly he could see what was happening, and could have The leads are played by Florence and Gene applied pressure in strategic areas. Rupert, who do their best (which is no small The Saline Mill is not an unpromising financial amount) to keep the play above water. On pa- venture. It is not too far from either Detroit or per they make a hilarious combination-Gene Ann Arbor to let distance scare away potential working on a Barrymore kick, Florence giving audiences. It takes only a few productions like this out with a Bankhead twist. But somehow they one, however, to make it as desirable to its cus- don't even clash when they get on the boards. tomers as bad television. Neither one is better than the other; Gene's pos- -Tom Arp turings are as funny as Florence's vocal gym- nastics. It just all seems to fill a very small cor- ner in a very large room. Interpretng the News Nancy Born, playing "Mama," does some extra-B ordinary things. Remembering her in "Private (AP Foreign News Anaylst) Lives" or a few of the other shows she has done locally they become even more extraordinary. Oc- Secretary of State Dulles apparently has offic- casionally her characterization is excellent, and ially removed the United States to the sidelines in the sneezing, scratching and whining do their bit the Indochina War. to make it so. I just wonder exactly what she is If that is so, the result of his Paris conference driving at. with British Foreign Secretary Eden and French Premier Mendes-France may be to stiffen the Com- The other major role is played by Earl Mat- munists' all-or-nothing demands in tottering Viet thews, who appears as Dr. Bernard, the critic. Nam. He takes everything in his stride, and all of it In the words of the communique issued by the is pretty flat. It is unfortunate that some of the three Western statesmen in Paris Wednesday a wittiest lines in the show lack any sort of pres- "clear understanding" of the three Western Pow- entation that would make them seem so. He ers' respectiveapdins wa reed. scarcely steps out of the class of the scene-swell- "The United States secretary of state," said ing maid and usher, played rather poorly by two the communique, "explained fully the attitude of of the group's "apprentices." his government toward the Indochinese phase of If the play fares badly at the hands of the Saline the Geneva Conference and that his government Mill, several of its larger bruises are delivered by desires to observe as not itself having a primary the set and costumes. We are shown only a pro- responsibility in the Indochina War." *rCuRRE t mOVE WASHINGTON - Few people have ever seen the budget of the United States. Some people think it's merely an ethereal set of fig- ures that Congress debates about every year. Actually, however, it's about the size of a New York phone book and just about as dull. The last few pages, however, are extremely significant and ought to be paraded on the Senate floor during the debate on so-called farm subsidies. For t h e s e figures show the amount of subsidies paid to far- mers, veterans, businessmen, and others. Highest subsidy, of course, is listed as paid to veterans in the form of bonuses and hospitaliza- tion, totaling $4,214,000,000 in 1953. What may surprise some people, however, is that the subsidy paid to businessmen is about twice as much as that paid to farmers. Farmers got $523,000,000 for soil conservation, price supports, and other government help in 1953; whereas businessmen got $1,216,- 000,000. This aid to business, incidental- ly, was not to small businessmen. It was to upper-bracket business which has yelled so loud about "creeping socialism" yet spent so much money lobbying Congress in- to voting more money for "gallop- ing favoritism." They i n c 1 u d e "helpless little groups" like the U n i t e d States Steel Corporation, the big utility companies, and some of the big shipping companies. Humphrey Got Tax Write-Off Here, for instance, are some of the subsidies big business has been able to obtain-in contrast to far- mers' price supports. The M. A. Hanna company, one of the biggest iron and steel hold- ing companies in the USA,largely owned and operated by George Humphrey before he became Sec- retary of the Treasury, got more than $22,000,000 in tax subsidies just a few weeks before he en- tered the Cabinet. The Hanna Coal and Ore Co., one of his sub- sidiaries, got a 75 per cent depre- ciation on an $11,345,000 iron-ore investment in Minnesota and an- other 70 per cent tax write-off on a $22,000,000 nickle plant in Oregon. The two plants were permitted to depreciate 70 and 75 per cent of their value in five years instead of about 25 years. These tax write-offs were rushed through during the last few weeks of the Truman administration so Humphrey's company would not be embarrassed by asking for them when he became Secretary of the Treasury later. Today the new tax bill gives the same kind of quick depreciation tax write-offs to other types of big business, and Randolph Paul, for- mer general counsel of the Treas- ury and author of "Taxation in the United States," has told congress- men this tax subsidy will cost the public $40,000,000,000 in the next 17 years. In contrast, when a far- mer builds a barn he gets no tax write-off, but must spread his de- preciation over a period of about 30 years. Utility Subsidies The big utility companies spend an average of half a million dol- lars a year on their lobby to in- fluence Congress. At least that's the amount they register officially with Congress. Today this appears to be reaping dividends. One util- ity combine, Dixon-Yates, has just put across by special order of President Eisenhower a 25-year contract with the Atomic Energy on _m ._ inn _nni th nn neiin Atomic Energy, calls this not "creeping socialism" but "gallop- ing federal favoritism." In contrast the farmer is guar- anteed no 9 per cent return on his investment. He has been guaran- teed 90 per cent of the price paid during a cross-section average of previous years. More Gravy Here are some of the other sub- sidies to business to which the U.S. budget refers when it shows that business annually gets about twice the subsidy given to farmers: Certain airlines get between $70,- 000,000 and $95,000,000 annually for carrying the mail. On top of this the taxpayers have paid for radar, lighting beacons and other safety aids for the airlines totaling $21,- 361,040 in 1951, $13,007,035 in 1952, and $7,000,000 in 1953. Taxpayers also paid $73,931,733 for personnel to operate these safety aids in 1951, plus $80,484,761 in 1952, plus about $105,000,000 in 1953. In addi- tion, another $37,000,000 and $16,- 000,000 went for runways and con- struction work at airports in 1951- 52 and another $19,821,00 in 1953. The shipping companies also get an average of around $30,000,000 a year in subsidies to operate their vessels; the United States Lines got a construction subsidy of $18,- 225,000, plus a National Defense subsidy of $24,061,000 for building the SS United States; while the Grace Lines and Moore - McCor- mick are being voted subsidies for our new vessels by the current Congress. These vessels will be turned over to the United States in time of war and this subsidy policy may be a wise one. Also, it is important to keep U.S. airlines operating around the world. Jut likewise, the Amer- ican farmer has to feed a good part of the world in case of war and he, like the shipping and air- plane companies, can't contract and expand his economy for peace or wars without facing economic chaos. High on Totem Pole Indirect subsidies given to Amer- ican business, though not listed by the U.S. budget, also include such things as giving war factories to big business for a song-such as per the gift of the government steel plant at Geneva, Utah, to U.S. Steel for only $47,175,000 though the government paid $191,326,000 when private industry flatly refused to build, And last year the Eisenhower administration decided to sell the government-owned rubber factor- ies to private industry, though the taxpayers shelled out millions for them, andt hough they made profit for the government one year ago of $73,000,000. These are some of the reasons why the farm belt has turned sour on Washington and why farmers feel unhappy when Jack Davis, former right-hand man of Secre- tary of Agriculture Benson, de- scribes the farmer as "high man on the totem pole." Washington Pipeline Walter Winchell is helping ped- dle the yarn that every anti-Mc- Carthy newspaper in the U.S.A. has someone on the editorial staff placed there by Communists .... When Winston Churchill was en- tertained by the National Press Club, the only distinguished speak- er who got no applause when in- troduced was Adm. Lewis Strauss, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission .... Senator Schoep- pel of the great farming state of U'.gnc c. C nr a nmhrof tha a_ + BOOKS +] St. Vincent Millay, Harper and Attacked that Temple is which Brothers, New York. must not fall- "MINE THE HARVEST" is a Under whose ancient shade collection of poems Edna St. Calliope, Vincent Millay was preparing for Thalia, Euterpe, the n i n e publication when she died in 1950. Muses all Those who have delighted in her Went once about their happy poems before will find more joy, business free: but with a sadness, since this work Could I but write the Writing is the last. on the Wall!- The poems will be, as most of What matter, if one poet cease Miss Millay's work has been, to be." haughtily ignored by the academic Miss Millay has served tradition critics. There are several reasons well in an age when many have her work goes unconsidered, but forgotten it existed. the central one is that she does There is no doubt, I think, that not offer most critics now writing at times in he rlife Miss Millay writing opportunity to display their took her role too seriously; she erudition. The little magazines are made her craftsmanship and talent filled, these days, by this professor serve matters more properly han- or that instructor, and the squib dled in newspaper editorials or accorded on on the contributor's at political rallies than in poetry. page is familiar: "Mr. Blank teach- But Miss Millay's blind spots should es at Heavenly College. He is not blind the reader; there are translating the works of Idioticus, moments of pure lyrical beauty in 6th century B.C. poet who lived her works which any one who cares in the Upper Himalayas." Rare about poetry should not miss. ozone, that. Further, a poet-pro- Poem 13 from Section Five is fessor (or professor-poet) writes an example: only about another of his ilk to insure reciprocity when his own Sometimes, Oh, often, Indeed, next book is published. in the midst of ugly adversity, Miss Millay was not an academi- beautiful cian; her poetry is not "difficult" Memories return. in the meaning the word has when You awake in wonder, you applied to contemporary poetry. awake at half-past four, She assumed poetry need not be Wondering what wonder is In read amidst facilities equal to the store. New York public library's refer- You reach for your clothes ence room. She would, no doubt, in the dark and pull them on, have considered herself fortunate you have no time had sh'e known she was to be read Even to wash your face, you by conscientious readers. have to climb Megunticook. There is no other contemporary poet with whom Miss Millay can Yin run through the se be compared easily, but she can be ing town; you do not arouse contrasted with nearly all. She was Even a dog, you are so young not an intellectual poet, but an in- and so light on your feet. tuitive one. Her poems with social What'a way to live, what or political themes are maudlin or a way... worse, perhaps because she was No breakfast, not even hun- aways too much in rebellion a- gthey Aapple, though, gainst any system or philosophy n the ocet. which would have required giving And the only people you meet up a personal freedom she held are store-windows. precious. The path up the mountain is Being a poet was discipline and stony and in places steep, sacrifice enough And here it is really dark- She might have been a fem- wonderful, wonderful, mine Byron had she been born Wonderful-the smell of bark in such times as his. As it is And rotten leaves and dew! Miss Millay is all the Byron And nobody awake this century has seen. In all the world but you!- Her talent was not large; her Who lie on a high cliff until poetry at its best has the light- your elbows ache, ness and purity of 'a flute solo, To see the sun come up over and concomitant limitations. Her Penobscot Bay." temperament, her views on poetry, and of the poet's responsibility to That one poem makes the book the tradition extant before his ar- worth owning. There are more rival provide parallels with Byron. quite as fine. Byron admired Pope when it was The book ends with a sonnet extremely unfashionable to do so. which tells of a rider from "the There is a sense of form and order, darkening east"; it closes with and of responsibility on Byron's these six lines, critical summary part to the English poetic tradi- and epitaph: tion, absent in the work of the "Did someone catch the ob- other great romantics, great poetssethahefug though they were. A conservative jHe helhso object on his is required to give the liberal his saddle-bow sense of direction. The conserva- And flu g it towards us as tive is usually neglected and re- he passed; among viled on unreasonable grounds, The children then it fell most but his compulsion makes him con- likely; no, tinue for he can do nothing else: 'Tis here: a little bell with- "The deeply-loved, the la- out a tongue. boured, polished line Listen; it has a faint voice Eschew for ever?-this to be even so. my part? -Russell C. Gregory.. The Genera Conference; Paralysis & Propaganda tettepi TO THEEDITOR The Daly welcomes communica- tions from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the wri- ter and in good taste. Letters ex- ceeding 300 words in length, defama- tory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not In good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. That's in a Name? .. . To the Editor: ALTHOUGH I HATE to contra- dict the illustrious Bard of Avon, his famous line "What's in a name ..." does not apply to political candidates. The erroneous "Blu- bow" with which you christened me was due to my inscrutable pen- manship so I hasten to correct the inaccuracy-the name is "Benbow" -Terence H. Benbow to be exact. Should anyone wish to contact me as I suggested in my recent letter to you published Friday, July 9, may I again include my present address: 339 Walnut Street Wyandotte, Michigan Once again, my offer is open to anyone who wants to help me in my one-man campaign for better congressional representation here in the 16th District. Thanks for publishing my letter. -Terry Benbow DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is a official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is constru- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication. THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 18S Notices Students, College of Engineering: The final day for DROPPING COURS- ES WITHOUT RECORD will be Friday, July 16. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the Classifier after conference with the Instructor. University Terrace. A zero-bedroom unit is available now to any person who is: married and has an academic ap- pointment at the University. Contact G. L. Hansen, 1060 Administration Build- ing, or phone NO 3-1511, Ext. 2662, School of Education, Music, Natural Resources and Public Health. Studentswho received marks of I, X, or "no reports" at the end of their last semester or summer session of at- tendance, will receive a grade of "E" in the course or courses, unless this work is made up by July 21 in the Schools of Education, Music and Public Health. In the School of Natural Resources the date is July 16. Students, wishing an ex- tension of time beyond this date In or- der to make up this work, should file a petition, addressed to the appropri- ate official of their school, with Room 1513 Administration Building, where it will be transmitted. Students may still Board at Co-op Houses for the remainder of the summer session. Houses which are open are: Os- terweil House at 338 E. Jefferson for wo- men, Nakamura House at 807 S. State for men, and Owen House at 1017 Oak- land which has co-ed eating. Three meals a day are only $8 a week, or ar- rangements can be made for only one or two meals a day. For further infor mation phone Luther Buchele at NO 8- 6872 or inquire at any one of the above houses. Superintendent Clayton of North Branch, Michigan, has teaching vacan- cies in the following fields: art, vocal music,men's physical education, kin- dergarten, and early elementary. The starting salary is $3400 for inexperience. For further information, please call the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin- istration Building, telephone NO 3-1511, ext. 489. Roaring Brook Inn, Harbor Springs Michigan, has immediate openings for 6 to 10 waitresses for the remainder of the summer. High School or College wo- men interested in applying may contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Bldg., Ex. 371. PERSONNEL REQUESTS The Y.W.C.A., New York City, has an- nounced its vacancies in group work and in health and physical education throughout the country. These positions will be open in September 1954. Alum- nae, summer school students, and grad- uating seniors are invited to apply. The Equitable Life Insurance Co. has a representative here on the campus this summer who will be glad at any time to interview men interested in any phase of the life insurance business in the Chicago area. For additional information concern- ing these and other employment oppor- tunities, contact the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures Physics symposium Lectures, auspices of the Department of Physics, "High Energy Physics." C. N. Yang, Professor >f Physics, Institute for Advanced Study. 9:00 a.m., 2038 Randall Laboratory. Summer Education Conference, aus- pices of the School of Education. Gen- eral session. "Moral values in Education in Our World." Joseph Lauerwys, Uni- versity of London Institute of Educa- tion. 10:00 a.m., Schorling Auditorium. 1 , -'1 .7 MR. MOLOTOV and Chou En- lai have, between them, suc- ceeded in turning the clock back nearly to the point at which the Geneva conference started. They insisted last week, on dragging the Indo-China discussion out of the relative calm of restricted sessions, and used the plenary sessions of Tuesday and Wednesday simply as a forum for propagandist diatribes. They have, in fact, reverted to their original and wholly unprom- ising practice of speaking, not to their fellow delegates, but over their heads. Inevitably, they drew tart retorts from Mr. Bedell Smith, M. Bidault, and even Mr. Eden; but this clouding of the atmosphere of debate was not ny any means the most depressing feature of the week. If symptoms of mortal para- lysis are now rapidly appearing because the Communist negotiators have deliberately stiffened the pres- entation of their terms. The Soviet and Chinese govern- ments now appear to be explicitly and finally committed to what, in the language of an older imperial- ism, would have been called a "forward policy" in Indo-China. Not content with the opportunity for the Vietminh to consolidate its gains that would be provided by a cease-fire and a military re- grouping, they call for broader po- litical negotiations that would open doors for the extension of Ho Chi- minh's influence in southern Viet- nam. Not content with that, they insist that the footholds the Viet- minh has gained in Laos and Cam- bodia must be respected, and that the shadowy "resistance govern- ments" in those two states - must he L j'jpt.pp At df interna- If these positions are to be main- tained, there is no hope of reaching an agreed and satisfactory settle- ment in Indo-China, however long Mr. Eden extends his efforts, and whatever new formula Mr. Casey may bring from Australia, via Delhi. The Communist terms are not new; but while the re- stricted sessions and private meet- ings at Geneva continued, there was at least a slender chance that they might be modified. After this week's speeches, that chance has dwindled to vanishing point. Wha't, short of a deus ex machina, can now save the conference from be- coming another, and a more in- tolerable, Panmunjom? --The Economist Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. ~i A t the Michigan. PRISONER OF WAR, with Ronald Regan F THIS PICTURE were about any subject less unpleasant than war atrocities, its "document- ary" pretentiousness and general third-rateness might be good for a few laughs. As it is, however, there is nothing very funny about mass sadism, especially as it was executed in Korea, and the perverse relish that the makers of this film have found in the subject make "Prisoner of War" uni- quely offensive among movies in this genre. They make not only the error of fancying that reality is art; they simulate the "reality" with how the colonel establishes that this particular dog means anything to the hero is left in doubt. It was also to be expected that there would be some attempt to show alleged Communist "brain- washing" techniques. No such effort is made, all indoctrination here being accomplished by the gau- diest kinds of physical torture. It is therefore not surprising to find, in terms of the picture, that the Communist score for obtaining converts is an ab- solute zero. They suppose naively enough that they have brought Ronald Reagan into the fold but we know right from the beginning he is a special agent merely carrying out a dangerous assignment. The only other American who seems to weaken 'is a juvenile-type farm boy who seems to have em- braced their blandishments, but he turns out at +1 . r~.7 + L~ ..Y, n~nv 1 rcnn+ wc~nconrnf rc_. Editorial Staff Dianne AuWerter.....Managing Becky Conrad.... ,... ....NightI Rona Friedman..........Nighti Wally Eberhard......,......Night Russ AuWerter............Night Sue Garfield.........Women's Hanley Gurwin ......... Sports Jack Horwitz...Assoc. Sports E. J. Smith......Assoc. Sports Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Business Staff Dick Alstrom.......Business Manager Lois Pollak......Circulation Manager Bob Kovaks......Advertising Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 x' .i -1